Of I niH CAUCASIAN. ITKMslO.I KVKIIY TIIL'KSDA V, Kj MAlilON lll'TLKKt K.litor and Proprietor. THE CAD CAS niiXK II HIUOl x UMtUTlMW IX i.A V K fttAfit mn o'm) til&ea, 111 M Ir ma8T ft tw Itit i rtt, Vi rr.te fdir 1 .: r'UVKS taant Ur Imim, t. I II I kir In We. SUBSCRIBE. I Iuro ooroy c W Ixi to Supremnoy. how this Taper to your neigh bor .'i nd advise him to sub--cribe. P.. . t :"v tU h-! j$-f. n V Aft- l !. VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1890. No. 18. i 4.sn;s hi) !ub-ritjr In ! l,CTt U Jay. subscription Price LJO per Vfiir, in Advance. IAN 6 s iWKKSMO.VW.roI.UM.V. I) U. A. I). MOORE, I'll VnlC.'AN AM SL'KOKO.V. ,ting located in Clinton will give ., i i.il attention to the diseases of . ,ni' 'ii and children. u.'Ihcoii .Methodist Street. oppo- -ii- Cil't C. Part rick's oct.n-tr m. lee, m D. I'll Ysl I ANSi;U(iKON AM DkNTIsT, f iii Lee's Drugstore, je 7-lyr I A.sr J. P"v STEVENS, M. I). 'MCI AN AM) Sukokox, (OHice over Post Oniee.) lay May be found at night at the r,-H n f of J. 1 1. Stevens on College stmt. je 7-lyr i ; FA I SON, A mUNKY AND CoL'NSKLI.- oi: at Law. OHice on Main iSt r;t , uiil ra tice in courts of Sampson and ii'li' lining couu'ie?. Also in Supreme ( ,,i;it. All business intrusted to his i.uf will receive prompt ami careful , it trillion. je 7-lyr UJ S. THOMSON. A nOKNKY AM) CoUNSKLL- OK AT Law. Office over Post Oniee. Will practice in Sampson and ad joining counties. Kver attentive and faithful to tin interests of all ,1'nnt. je 7-lyr kerr. Ml. A n TOKNKY AMi Co IN SKI. L- AT L.W. Oitice on Wall Strict. Will practice in Sampson, Kladcn, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. I'rompt personal attention will le iven to all li-isal busings, je 7-lyr I riUANK 1 ;o Y ETTE, 1 ). D.S. I Di-:nti.sti:y Office on Main Street, ffll Oil", rs his services t( the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the hest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. feairMy terms are strictly cash. Iion't a-k me to vary from this rule. jo 7- lyr N EW A DVEUT I3EMENTS. I O.H0SBS Head the following testimonials, which are a sample of the hundreds we have received : February 1st, lsi. Mr. J. C. llunns, Hobton, X. C. Dear Sir: I notice that my lather, James liritt, Sr., is using yur non triction King for plow lines. His lines are good not fretted at all, while mine are fra.zeled nearly in two. You will please ?end me two pair of your patent Rein Rings. Very truly. Jam ks Rkitt, Ju., lUisinor-s Agent, of lilulT Alliance. Ci.imox, X. C, May 21st, 'SS. C. Honiis, Hobton, X. C. J Dear Sir I have thoroughly test ed your patented atachment for holding Plow lines. I am well pleas ed with it. It adds ease to man and hore, and to last of lines. It affords nic pleasure to recommend them fa vorably. Yours r( spectfullv, R. PACiE. J.'i cents er pair. ;H cents if sent by mail. For sale by Messrs. A. F. :ohnson A: Co., Messrs A. llobbs & Son, Clinton, X. C; or J. C. HOURS, dee; tf Hobton, X. C. Formerly of (loldsboro, . C Is now iome locattnl in one of the band- New Iriolc Stores Erected by J. E. Royal. He offers to the people of -on a line of amp- CLOTIIINU, SHOES, 1 1 ATS, OENTS' FFRXISHIXO AY EAR, C.1K CER1F-S,C INFECTIONS, etc., on wh'ch he does not inter d to he undersold. You will shotv Avisdoni by calling in before buying. jay23 ly For Truck Funnel's! TRUCK FARMERS SPECIAL GUANO! TICK 15KST KEKTIMZKU KOH POTA TOES AXIj OTIIEIl Tlll'CK CHOPS EVKU SOLI. Introduced seven years ago and extensively used since by leading Truckers along the coast, from Nor folk, Va., to Tampa, Fla. North Carolina Truckers will con sult their interest by giving it a trial, at least. Address A..r Catalogue, giving pri ces, certificates, Ac, THE W1LLC0X i BI883 6UAM) CO.. janlG-lm CHARLESTON, S. C. LADIES Needing a tonic, or children that want building up. should take BROWX'S IRON' BITTERS. It it pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indiges tion, and Biliousness. Ail de&kn keep it. . . II H T,.; .;,TORS CHAIR. H')V THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion or The Caucasian and the Opinion or others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. The world wuh surprised last week by the newa that North Dakota had paused a law legal izing a lottery, with the under stand iriir that a part o the pro ceeds was to no to pay the State deM. It now turns out that the Stale is bought up by the Lou isiana State Lottery. In other words the Louisian State Lot tery furnished money to the Republicans to buy up enough votes to put them in power on the condition that the party would legalize a similar Lot tery in that State. The charter of the Louisiana lottery expires in HU'2, and theie is no hope that it can ever get another in that Slate, so in 1892 the Lou isiana Stale Lottery will move to North Dakota and proceed with operations there. This corrupt bargain not only brand.? an already tattooed and dis graced partj with additional shame, but also a disgrace to the State that its treasury should be a beneficiary of such legalized robbery. There would be no difference in principle, if the State had licensed a lot of high way robbers on the condition that a part of their thefts should go to the State's coffers. The Seventn Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly will mpet at More- head June 17th to 30th. A call has been issued for a meeting of Southern teachers and school officers to meet at Morehead July 1st to Gth, immediately after the adjournment of the Assembly. Dr. T. W. Harris, the United Stales Commission er of Education, has agreed to be present. It is a good idea, and we hope the association will be organized and prosper. We need something besides the Na tional Teachers' Association, for northern pronunciation, north ern methods and northern his tory do not suit the South. Were grand old Dr. "Rugby'" Arnold (so reverently eulog'zed by the author of "Tom Brown at Rugby," alive, his mind, on scanning the English literary field, would doubtless revert to the time-honored maxim "blood will tell." His son, Matthew, has left an exalted and enduring reputation, and in "Robert Els mere" his grand-daughter, Mrs Humphry Ward, has shown an earnestness of literary purpose which has thrilled thoughtful men and women throughout Christendom. And now comes another grand-danghter of the good old Doctor, Miss Ethel M. Arnold, who appears in the New York Ledger of February loth with a cultured letter on "The London Social World." In this letter Miss Arnold gives the readers of the Ledger valuable and picturesque information re garding the latest evolutions of the literary and artistic circles of the metropolis of the world, and chats pleasantly and with refined animation regarding the celebrities who adorn its social circles. Here is the very richest joke of this summer season. The innocent Philadelphia Inquirer, Rad., says, without laughing peaker Reed is making splendid fight against the des potism of the minority." "Des potism of the minority" is good. Next. Post. Constitutions, rules, etc., are made to protect a minority tc protect a majority against itself to protect a whole country when reason and justice does not hold sway with the major ity. The golden rod lias received O e largest vote as the National flower, but the braceu Reed still has Lis way in the Government. St. Louis Post-dispatch. SAMCMUVK 1111,1 AKI. (SiLi to The (Vnjus.j The other day I went over to see the boys, what they were do ing the way of work. I had to buy a mule for ore of them and furrish the corn to feed it. I was a little afraid to do it, for fear he would run off to Georgia and leave the crop unfinish ed and the mule unpaid for. I surveyed the situation. His wife had so many children and so fast (thirteen I think) I con cluded I would risk it. There were so many I thought I could grab some of them and make them pick out the cotton and 1 would watch them and haul it to the gin myself, but I'll bet ten to oue I'll get swamped, for I never shot at a whole drove of blackbuds and hit oue vet. You can always count on a ne gro until after watermelon time, then he gets like a Mustang pony or a tight, you don't know what is going to come uext. You have not got to have any mercy when you goto break one of these ponies or git in a fight, it you do you are done whipped already and the adversary looks newT fields to conquer. I looked all around the fence to sf e the prospects. I saw the wheat was coming up pretty, and it bid fair to make a trood crop. I felt good, for I knowed when corn jvas scarce and mon ey too, long in June, I could have a ntce time eating dabs out of what is called "seconds." af ter pouring over them borne of that sorghum syrup I made last year and a little butter, if the old cow has a calf early this spring. If she don't I am going to turn out the yearling, shut the cow up and keep her to milk any Jiow. A? I came along back I struck in with my old friend "Clayte." bays he, hellow. Says I, how are you? Says I, what's all the fun? Well, I hain't much, I been making preparation for hauling some ditch banks, taint mighty good, but it helps to change the earth about anyway. Well, says he, come over tonight, I have got a good o'possum dog hnd we will go hunting. I'll get the light wood by the time you get DacK. lie told me where to meet him, and when 1 got there he was there waiting He had his toich lit, so I lit mine. I told him to go ahead I would follow, as he knew the w oods. So he set the dog out I went along close behind, just right to get a lick in the face by every limb he turned loose. I began to philosophize. That's just tne way wun some young men in life. They take some model to follow and they get knocked down every step. So I concluded to watch his light and take my own road. Far in the dark and gloomy woods we wandered, lie re marked the dop did not hunt well. I think there must be some bad spirits around. I told him I expect there was. T had a pint of "bug juice," says he ; lets wet our whistle and we will be able to hollow to the dog better. Around it goes; clear? his throat and he said seek 'em pup. On we went 'till way most day, and my torcu ourued low and tne tar began to drip on my hands And 1 felt like I did not belong to the Sunday school. We stop ped to rest and fix our lights down beside the swamp. 1 con cluded to sit down and let the dog trail around while I snuffed my torch. And as I did, Holy Mo?e., such a snap in the leaves Thunder and lightning! Alliga tor, snakes, tarrepins, hollow, i rain, whistl3! Help! I made a desperate spri ng. It was no go. I had sit down in a trapper steel trap. It did not have me, but my pants. I told him to step on the springs but he could not get to them, so the only altern ative was for me to divest my self of the boiom of my pants. By the time I was extricated from the trap we heard the voice of the dog ring out clear upon the nights' still and crispy air. He nad come to a bay. Not a sound was to be heard except the clear shrill bow-wow. Oh, my pants ! I am glad its uot day. After much wandering through the branch we reached where the dog was standing in the edge of the field, in an old grave yard and a gloomy place it was. Yes, the 'possum was in an old grave, and as my friend got a stick to puU him out, it growled heavy, and it sounded like the wails from a silent tomb. But, says he, he growls heavy. It sounds like a he 'possum; but I'll bet its an old sow; and sure enough it was. She had a lot of young ones all clinging to her. I said how are we going to carry her. Jsever mind, I I cut down a saplin and split it and put her tail in it. I felt sorry for tht 'possum, a3 1 had had mine in a steel trap. came on home with my game delighted until my mind would revert to my pants and that was quite often, for it was cold. . I put my 'possums in a barrel, and when my mother waked me in the morning she asked me what on earth that was I had boxed up. I told her it was an antidote for the hog cholera. I could not raise hogs, and I had concluded to try 'possums. I have saddled my mule, and Withvo' Puw. HKPIt KM KXT AT IVK 1IY X V 31 . He Severely tteiiuitnce Speaker lu-eu and Ills I 'arty. Republican Cynum, of Indi ana, in denouncing me aespoue ruliugs of Speaker Reed in Con gress, said : "I propose to stand here in bohalf of the rights of my con stituents. I represent on this floor a constituency equal in in telligence, equal in patriot ism" A Republican "They are not here." (Laughter." Mr. liynum "They are here A 1 . m my person, ana geniiemen may stand here and sustain the arhitrary, the outrageous, the damnable ruling of the Speaker (applause on the Democratic side), but so far as l am concern ed, so far as the people I repre sent are concerned, we shall not be silenced or gagged on this floor. You, sir, (pointing to the Speaker), have violated more than any man on this floor par liamentary rules and parliamen tary practice. You maj consu- mate what you have undertaken to do. Y'ou haye the power, backed by a mob on the floor of this House" (cheers on the Dem ocratic side and.his3es from the Republicans). The Speaker "Gentlemen will please refrain from the expres sion of their opinions." Mr. Bynurn "They may as well refrain. The people ?f this country are witnessing these proceedings. They have spoken through the press of the coun try and they have spoken in condemnation of these proceed ings, which will bury you, sir, beyond the hope of resurrection (applause on Democratic side). Men have tried to consumate such proceedings before. At the hour of midnight a Republican Judge made a ruling which per petuated the Republican party in power; but his name is now forgotten. More than that, this proceeding is in keeping with the practices of your party : it is in keeping with your action when you stole tne Presidency (applause on Democratic side). It is in keeping with the pro ceedings of the Republican par ty in the State of Montana. Pro ceed in this matter, sir. Pro ceed in this matter." The Chicago Herald, in com menting on the same rulings, says : "Ever slce the Republicans enfranchised the negroes of the South, and thereby increased the representation of the South in Congress and in the Electoral College without increasing the Republican vote, they have had bad luck with their rascality. Every solitary infamy that they have ever invented to cheat and oppress the Democracy has re turned to plague the inyentors." LiIFK OF HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Circular Letter from Mrs. lavis. Beau yore, Miss., Feb. 1, 1890. I have engaged to prepare a biography of my late husband, which will be published at an early date. In order to make the book as complete as possi ble, I shall be greatly obliged if our friends, whose personal recollections of Mr. Davis would throw light on any event of his life or tend to illustrate his character, will record them and forward them" to me. As I shall endeavor, as far as possible, to tell the story of Mr. Davis's ca ree in his own words, I shall re gard it as a real service o be furnished with copies of any letters from mv husband rela ting to any public topic that his surviving friends may have pre served. My address will con tinue to be Mrs. Jeffebsox Davis, Beauvoir, Harrison Co., Mississippi. This book is to be published by Belford Company, the own ers of the Magazine, in which Mr. Davisa articles have ap peared. See advertisement in another column. "You a your husband is a great whistler ?" 'Yes- indeed; you ought to hear him some time wheu my milliner's bill cornea home!" Statesman. Our Farmers' Column. SOMETHING I NTE RESTING TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOIL. Ttre U n tnatt rLil iirr- th;it i baix-d and iwrmant-tit itli"iit agricultural progrt." We were out driving a few evenings since with Dr. Carr, of Wilmington, who 'n visiting iu Clinton. We passed several farms near town where by eva sion a clay sub-soil was exposed. The Doctor observed that such io.ad should be plowed with a sub-soil plow, thereby enriching the land and making it suitable for clover and timothy. He said he knew many such farmers with a poor sandy surface soil that had been made valuable by such management. Then up wi' my ploughman lad, And hey my merry ploughman! Of a' the trades that I do ken, Commend me to the ploughman. Robert Rums 4 certain tanner in this coun ty, losing a quantity of meat during the hot weather, took it off and buried it. A few days after a neuro told the farmer that he liked spoilt meat, where upon the farmer said that he was welcome to it if he would go and dig it up. The negro did so and was surprised to find that the taint had entirely left the meat, being absorbed wo sup pose by the earth. He inform ed the farmer, who took the meat back to his meat house and is now using the same. The Hot,'. Commissioner Johu Robinson, assisted by Profs. Masssy, Cham berlain and others, held a Farm ers' Institute in Wayne county January 30th and 31st. Toe Argus, in reporting the proceed ings, says : "Thursday morning Professor Chamberlain discussed the sub ject of swine and swine raising. He said: 'Say what you please, but pork is our main depend ence for meat supply, and we cannot get along without it. We must either raise or buy it. Which shall wo do ? The hog is valuables asa producer. He turns into a most valuable pro duct all kinds of waste materi al, and because of his independ ence in regard to the quality of his food and his habits, he is the worst treated animal in the world. He requiies reasonable treatment and makes a good re turn for it. He is, however, sub iect to certain sanitary laws which seem often to be forgot ten. Hogs should not be kept in large beards; should be fed cn the cheapest and healthiest food, which is clover or grass. Meat produced frp.in this feed will not be so fat, but will be better than that raised on corn exclusively. Hogs properly managed will improve land faster than any other animal they improve the land upon which they are pastured most rapidly. Clover for ho-s can not be growc successfully upon all land-i stitute and can be grown any- where. The first nine months of a hogs life is the time to make the most of him, and the cheapest and best meat can be made during this period, Up to seventy-five pounds pigs make most returns for food given; af ter this weight is passed the in creased weight is at a gradually increasing cost, therefore, it is a mistake to keep hogs until j they grow old. Did not recom mend ny special breed ; ian' are good, but whatsoever breed is chosen thoroughbred sires should be used. The boar should be close built, active; sows lou - j a t 1 er, roomy, wun at lease iwene good nipples. The skin should be clean, hair soft, ears delicate; feet and legs clean and small ; head small- face short and dish ed. There are many drawbacks, but with care we can raisa our own meat and save the continu al outlav of money we need to baan f Vt r m T tlnntr rvn'lr ! can be raised at present pr.ces at a profit, certainly for home use, by using clover or rye and peas during spring and summer. 'Six acres of clover will keep eight hogs, which will make 200 pounds each, and dres 160 each 1.280 pounds, at G cents STfiSn The lanf, will h im-! proved 10 per acre by the clo ver and pasturage total from 6 acres 137.80. . In Western New York, where I came from, & part of the farm economy is to make the animal work. They work on the clover and mike4 meat and manure the land The (advantages here ire far snjeri jor to those of that secti n. In most or this Mate we can grow ciover wun much greater suc cess than 'here. Here we get a! crop 1st year, while there they ! get n crop lt year, and only a; partial crop the third, whil we get a crop for three years.' Mr. W. F. Kornegay said that he was on of th farmers who! did not even have a pig. llei had thought that lie was so sit uated that it would nt pay him cculd do better raising beef, but he believed that pork could be profitably raised in the way suggested by Prof. C. He re membered how his father used to raise hogs, feeding heavily the year rouud on corn, and he had always been sine that meat raised that way must cost 1 cents per pound. lie believed, however, t has pasturing land by 'isy kink of st ck was injurious to the land. Dr. J. E. Person ?iid that he thought that Mr. Kornegay made a mistake inmt raising his meat, as we ought to make our farms self-supporting. H6 had raised more meat this year than 2ver before, mainly on crab grass and rye. He did not graze the rye but used the grain. Mr. Bryan : I have pastured hogs on green rye for several years and want nothing better. I have some spots that I sow in rye in august or September and use the rye for winter and spring feed. They follow the rye in one loi with field peas, an early kinfl, and in another by ground peas (spanish) and sweet pota toes, and turn the hogs on the peas, then on the potatoes and ground peas, and this helps wonderful in the production of choap pork. To make the most out of this plan th lots should be. neb, and this method Lelps to enrich them. I have never had any cholera among my hogs. I find a big col lard patch a good help in keeping my hogs, also Irish potatoes. Prof. Chamberlain: Hogs can not now be raised in the way spoken of by Mr. Kornegay. There is a big difference in hors. Pork can be raised more profi table than ny other meat, be cause a large percentage of the food consumed by them goes to make flesh, than in nny other animal. Hog cholera cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. 1st. By keeping hogs in good condition by proper food and at tention. 2nd. By giving them once a a week a small quantity of car bolic acid. Cemmissioner Robinson's way of curing sneat Cbt up imme diately after butchering, and lay on the floor of smoke house, skin down, put as much salt as will lie on the flesh sit'e, and let it lie till morning, then salt and pack away. In two or three weeks resalt and pack again, and let it lie two or three weeks, then wash and hang up. I nev er smoke meat I saciv my hams and dip them, after sack ing, in hot water and ahes and hang the hams back down to prevent dripping." REED'S PICTURE WOULD DO. Mr. ("arl'sle has never be?n known to joke but once a de fect in his character. He got off one a few days since. It was this: "Representative Anos Cum mings remarked in Mr. Carlisle's presence that to-morrow he pro posed to introduce a resolution providing for publishing 10,000 copies of a work on general par liamentary law for the use of the House. "Why wouldn't Reed's photograph do?" asked Mr. Carlisle, to theastonishmenl and enjoyment of those pres- ent.' ' ilmingtori Messenger. KKKdl. The tnvi.-iiiur. from !'.. g, lintru.g and painful sickness to nluit health marks an et o:h ia the iite'of the individ ual, ssuch a remarkable event is tna--j ured ia the memory and iLe agency j whereby tlm good hea'lh as been at tained is grau fully blesred Hence it is that mu-jh i heard in praise of Elec tric Bitter-. S. many led they owe their restoration to healt-i to the use of the tireat Alterative and Tome. If you. are troubled witli any dista i Kiihsiys. Liver or rff . m ith. oi" lone or hort staud- j ing. you will surely iiml relist by u-e of Ekvtne liUter-. : i.I at o:je and i per bottle at It. II. Huiidavs Drj-: Store. Carson Parker was found dead in a saloon in Pueblo, Colorado, on Sunday. At one time he was one of the most eminent preach ers of the Methodist Episcopal church iu New York Stale- He became a drunkard and outcast and wandered to Pueblo. He leaves a family in Indiana. Ex. Love will go where it is sent; At least, so say the scholars. But often love, I fear, is bent On going where 'tis dollars. Host on Transcript. SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. mm ( nnpi c XIr A First-ClaNs IVunlim: SPRING TERM OPENED JANUARY L.TII, Iv.m. n.eS,hKd i livld,s intoSU I. prtm,.r.K U: frimtry, lt.t.re.MNU. Ar,l. n.ic, rrvumtoryt Mrdieai and Mu-ir. Tl-ITION KATES : Kales in Tuition have lx-ett n-ltio-t r.irr, I wJth tlie time. Primary, .... ivr month, fi tm. I liter med laet, Mstlintde, . j I'nd ir.le, . Academic, J M tirade, - . i 2nd nr.tde, . - Preparatory Collegiate i to prepare lo and girl- for college ithoul extra charge. Tho following studies will l lauht uhhout extra t barge: Itin, lliirh Mathematics Rhetoric, Hook-Keeping; Rotntiy, i VmiuierrLd ArilUiiU-llc and I'ouunereial liw. Mrsit- liKi'AKTMKXT in charge of a ilrt v.i teacher "f cp-tlcuv and reputation (Mi Vinie ltizu-1). Tuition r m..i,th, f ..'-. No. -tra charge for in- of instrument. Mr.mcAi. i)i i'ai:t.mknt h in charge cflv.T.f. Ilull.ck, ndUtiuguUh cd practical physician. Tuition i-r term, "..imi . t.trn rhwrgo for of text-hooks in Ih'iA department. RoAUl Hoard can Ik' had in y;ood lam i Hew near the school, everything furninhed, from fl.no to fti.tKi t mouth. Normal Method taught iu the Primary and Aeidemlc 1 Vrtim-nt. This live ami practical institution of learning has grown like magic and is run on a firm, systematic basis ud reeHves the tenchcr' entire atten tion. For particulars in full addro. jam!:b-If (1. 1. SMITH, l'riiu iiul, Ch aient. N. Clinton School FOR 38 CD iS 3& t REV. J. MRS. J. W. W. TURNER. TURN Elf, Spnng Tmn Opens Monday, Dm-mlxr :0lli, This School is divided into Ave grades Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior, ing to the grades. laiiii, Creek and French aro taught without extra charge. No contingent fee is charged. Where expedient, Count ry Pro duce will be received in settlement of bills. For Rates of Tuition and further information address, aug8-tf REV. J. W. TURNER, Clinton, N. C Salem Higli School, : ESTABLISHED IN 1871.: A Boarding School for Both Sexes. Spring Term of the Session of and '!) Opens January tith. RATES OF TUITION. PKIMAltY, ... oermo.ith l no INTKKM KJ HATE, A,l ' nul rad ACADEMIC, 1st tirade, ( 2nd tirade, IMtEPAKATOUY COl.I.KilATi:, The liusines course is especially for young na- is Hook Keeping, l,ommer?ial Arithmetic and nusinos Law, with requisite amount of time tilled up ith studies H-lected. Tuition month fo.T0. Iatin or French, iu addition to the ments, 2" cents extra i-r mouth. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. In this department instructions nre given iu lioth Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. Tuition per month 2.7.r, each. When the Vocal and Instru mental are combined, the pupil gets twice the amount of time for prac tice, with a reduction uf ?l..ru per month on the regular tuition rate, I. e. ?1.00 per month. No extra charge for instrument. A class of girls in ELOCUTION term. Special training iu Heading ler month extra. The Athenian Lit. Club and Philof eehnie Lit. Society, separate orgi d zations for the girls and boys resiectively, are an nttnu ti ve fetitun or the School. H OAIM): (JmmI Hoard, including washing, lights, Ac. can be obtained in good families, convenient to the school, at fcom ?o.no to $7.(0 p- r month. For further particulars uddics.. (I. E. BUTLER, (IT. N. C.) Principal, jy-4 tf Huntley, N. C. Goshen Iliiih Sliml. Will Open Spring: Term Monday. Juiui ary Gth, The School will be run under the same management as before. We feel grateful for jnist patron age and trust for a coutimi ne'e of the same. For further particulars addn-ss the principal, J.l). KZ.ELL, dec20 -tf Hobton, N. C. NOTICE. H AVI.fJ QUALIFIED AS adm'nist ato.- r Enoch Wilson, tleceass.il, the ut'di-rMgned hereby notiCes all c-rson ho ding i claims against the lece-.isd to pre Knt them on or bet ore the li.tli u y of January, lS'Jl, or this notic will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the de ceased are requested to make prompt Iayment. E.G. K. DAUGIITltKY, Adniini-trator. Nicholson & Coopki:, Att'ys. January 10th. 1SW. Ct NOTICE. AVING QUALIFIED H AS the as administrator u on estate of Rebecca Tew, the u:idcr signed hereoy not 1 ties an iiersors not. ties all iiersor holding claims againct the estate of the said Relecu Tew, to present them to him for settlement ou or before the 15th day "January, 1891, or this notice will be? pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in deyted to the said Rebecca Tew are requested to make immediate pay ment. J. L. TYNDALL, Adtu'r. Nicholson & Coopee, Att'ys. This Jan. Cth, 18909-Ct t 1 S8ii, rriucifHiL Miml . t month. M.3.V. . ir month. 11.70. . j,.r munth, t J.oo. . i.t iiumfh. i A. M., Principal. Assistant. Primary, Advanced Tuition rate accord- er month $1 ?l r.o S7J er nonth jM-r month f v IT month f 2 7 .1 !" The coure of si tidy the per studies iu any of the alxve depart will be tiul.-d at tho oi niiiL' of the and in Recitations. Tuition 7'eeut N EW A D V ERTISEM ENTS. 1IOLLID YS i A STITC II IN TIM K NINE !" SAV KS ! Don't wait to get sick, but when you regin to feel bad come and get a doo of iiiedit ine nod prevent siclc- lies-. This is the proper us of med i icine. If you will do thi.-s you will i -crcely ?ver have a doctor's bill to pay or lose months ol time, and put your fiiends and relatives to such a deal of trouble. In i biitionto my complete line of pure and reliable Drugs, I carry W ii trier's L"g Cabin Jtemedie, J. 15. H., the S. S. S., Quinine in tmiall and largfquantitie; Simn.on'a Liv- ur itcguhttor, famous Stocifie Or ;tr;;'c Jilossom, Cuticura Kemedie. Dr. Pircs Favorite-Prescription, the Ciolden Medical Discovery, Horse soid Cattle Powder (1 pound packages prepared by the Herb Co. of W. Va. Quaker brand.) Prescriptions carefully compound ed. Iocal and oftlce practice uon re quest. Respectfully, Hugllf DIt. It. II. HOLM DAY. NOTICE. BY VI 11' cutioi :tue OF AN X&- ution in mv hands in fa vor of J. F. Gore & Uro. vs. Itich- - !ard Hobbs, I will HdJ, by public s t auction, for cash, to the highest bid der, at the Courthouse door in Clin ton, oi. Monday, the 2tth clay of February, 190, the following de scribed tract of lar.U: In Halls to wn sdiip, adjoining the lands of J. A. Fori, D. It. Watson, Nathan liritt and others, containing thirty-four and three-fourth acre. J. 31. HP ELK, Sheriff Sampton Co. January 23rtl, f&90. 1 1 1 1 - I -. 1 1 t ! -1

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