THE CAUCASIAN. THINK ! nrmciors a&rarmtxu CUKATI5 mxAiry t Uh, KEYIVE mt.T A feu Ummmm. UESCVES feu? Wt fcwiw, AVtM mar afUi UwUt ,, IH13E1I VXSI mr a Urt Wnk, MXrilR mkw to aiT Uwmi, UCAS i J- - PUBLISHED EVERY TIIUBHDAY, By XaBIOX BUTLEB, Editor and Proprietor. 1 J- NO SUBSCRIBE. Show tins Paper to yourneigh bor and advise hlra to sub scribe. There kn s-hrtUM b a papular pp. LisTr sno subscriber la ; 1,647 to-day. VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THUBSDAY, MARCH 6, 1890. No. 21. Subscription Price $lJSO per Year, In Advance. CA TAN 1 1 PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. W. it. ALLEN, ATTOKNKV-AT-LAW. (ioldsboro, N. C. Will practice In Kampson county. M. LEE, M. I). I'lIYHICIANVSimOKOM AND DENTIST, Office in Iee'a Drugstore. Je 7-lyr I A. STEVENS, M. I). tJ PHYSICIAN AND SuitGEON, (Office over Post Office.) ttdrMay be found at night at the residence of J. H. Stevens on College Htreot. Je 7-lyr rj E. FAISON, L1 Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice in courts ofHampsonand adjoining counties. AIho in Supreme Court. All business in trim ted to lii care will receive prompt and careful attention. jo 7-lyr VI 7 S. THOMSON. H Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad joinlne counties. Ever attentive and faithful to tht interests of all clients. je 7-lyr -1, VV. KElCli. Attorney and Counsell or AT LAW. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, render, Harnett and Duplin couro ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal business, je 7-lyr T 71 HANK BOYETTE, D.B.S. I Dentistry THE EDITOR'S CHAIR HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Caucasian and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. Our people ran remember, not many years ago, when a case would stay in court from flv to twenty year3 waiting for a hear- New York politicians and bu siness men say that Republican congressmen defeated New York for the World's Fair and that the State will never again cast Its electoral vote for that party. If this is an, then New York la to b congratulated upon her loss. Yes, the whole country is to be congratulated ii tn vote of that State will save the country from the reckless man agement of so corrupt a party. We are pleased to learn that the South Carolina Farmers' As sociation, which has created in, so crowded was the docket. Buch a ripple in the Political The spring term of court for the uearmg oi civil cases in mif county was a two weeks term, covering last week and this Court was at work only about two days. Wo met a citizen, he called our attention to the fact circles receutly by calling a con vention of farmers to nominate a Stite ticket, is not connected with tli3 Farmers' Alliauce. A CHAMPION STARTLING EXPENDITURES. I Qur Fanners ColUiniL THKGATTIXHuTFLY. THE ALLIANCE HAS FOUND IN SENATOR VANCE. The Government estimates for i current expenses, aa shown by Mr. Peters, a Representative I from Kansas, in a recent speech In the Housa, foot up $U 2.000.- 000. That itself is somewhat He Introduces a Bill Identical With startling. But, in addition, there the Demands are schemes noon schemes. The following measures for squandering are being pressed ; by Republicans in Congress: Prison Pension Bill, 11,500,000 SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOIL. MADE BY THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE AT ST. LOUIS. Government "Warehouses Farm Products. Washington. March4th. Last week Senator Vance introduced a bill covering identically one ol the demands made by the National Alii nee at St. Louis last uecemoer. it is to es- Cu.ytox, N. C, March 1, 90. Dariur the past few week the writer has heard so much complaint of the ravage of that prevalent rest or cattle, the TtM-re 1. no mmirbl irnrr. thl U wrSl .WWII IV, I VUAfc ITOr bMd ud pvrmutfQt without ajp-kuitunU I by the popular ad meaningless name ox -won l ana ha.- Learu so mauy inmiiritur for a mnedy iMtusinu lmmi.iu.v against their damages that, with At the Farmers Institute your permission, Mr. Mitor. he Arrears of pension?, 471,0O0,0O( ht tn vin8tAn n h. ve briefly Mie imrort rr Service pension bill. 144,000,000 . . .. ' . . ant facts relative to the petl- Dependent pension . . . T" lent insect for the benefit of the bill, 35,678,500 we iern inuu res fanners and others lntemtdd Dolph's fortification brought out. Prof. Chamberlain in rattle who real The Cauca bill, 50,000,000 said. He hen rd a cotton manu- wan. And right now Is a most Blair bill. 87,000,000 facturer say if he used the same opportune time for su.'geting River and Harbor bill 20,000.000 kind of machinery now that he an effective remedy. Now the used J0 years ago tt would pest can be easily exterminated, Total, 1,251,000.000 bankrupt him in six months, for on account of its htbit it Now the estimated revenue We have to keep up with the can be easily reached and ef err that the morals, or rather the our comments upon the move- any State, the average value of will not be so reckless as to pass to succeed. sense of justice in our county nt several weeks since in nSto thatwo 8 years next SiV' the? SeMEe8Ut?S.11 K00 " 1,ta mn a county ior ine t-wo years next W1n probably be adopted to The soea Office on Main Street. Offers his services to the' people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the lino of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. HaJrMy terms aro strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. je 7-lyr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. a Cmivov InowViw hi 3 Read the following testimonials, which are a sample of the hu ndreds we have received : February 1st, 1899, Mr. J. C. Harbs, Hobton, N- C. Dear Sir: I notice that my father, James Britt, Sr., is using your non friction Iting for plow lines ; Ilia lines are gocdnot fretted at all, while mine are frazzeled nearly in two. You will please send me two jpair of your patent Rein Rings. Very truly, James Britt, Jr., Business Agent, of Bluff Alliance. Clinton, N. Cm May 21st, 88. J. C. Ilonns, Hobton, N. C. Dear Sir I have thoroughly test ed your patented attachment for holding Plow lines. I am well pleas ed with it. It adds ease to man and horse, and to last of lines. It affords me pleasure to recommend them fa vorably. Yours respectfully, R. Paue. 25 cents per pair. 30 cents if sent by mail. For sale by Messrs. A. i?. Johnson & Co., Messrs. A. Hobbs & foon, Clinton, N. C; or Jt "u"3" system oi government for the year is 545,000,000. or on- imp oved metnodn and itnple- one of the race destroyed. The niji rHii iiii m- 1 1 ir nuririi in m i . a. t j & i n n r w mv ii i .c ... 1 1 i t a . 1 V va . - IVIi . V W M 1 IV U 11(111 I M TI O I r MT W a a tAITA I Illfll I 1 111 MIIIIIIIL' HIS A Mil MWITlfl U W Vila IfT 1' II I W W AM a is a different organization en- product8. The bI11 provides res;. "" do manufaeturerT have to keep ings which ther.nakV on the llrely that whenever one hundred or rrtnixr n r.r ti.i Our read rs will remember more citizens of any county mUriii r.nt. m t. n n p and machines in their business. h amIIv wt i,v nain. hand over the hkin. The grubs raising and manure. may ue removea oy squeezing . . 1 T 3 a a 1 I vn A m a a a HH v vw wv j avAvi u.' ill tim ititi ill vr riu ii i I171I on s i i rtA o a a v a orA ira n r i AnT m i in iiiihm iv iiuii i nan nv ia wwurauemy un uie increase. - " preceointf snail nave amouniea bankmnt thA Trnncmrv Thft nn or .in. ,.f foKM out. in1 than h ... . - IJ 1 L . L II : I . n ... . . I : v - - J I Jl m.m tuv uv f w .u.o I 1 w... wv uouvv. w e met a lawyer, ho called our 1"uei,e,,uei11 movement it io $ouu,uuu at tne current prices, rplua will go where the wood ine stock. He said large stock If the opening in the skin is too attention to the fact that our verv unwise ana mucn 10 De re- uau roquet ine location oi one bine twineth, and the country raisin is the means bv which email it may be en Wed with county was in a bad war he jetted. There are as good, r more ove mmeui Bwreuouses saddled with the charge of so the lands of England have been the sharp point of a knife to R!i!ri wtior, r,Ar,ia true, lionest. unritrht neonle in I " . . - ... . : "uy uuuecessary ejunuunurcs reaeemea in a iew years irom ue removal oi vue . ri,.0 . . - - - lot sucn county snail Decertmed wm ibor under an intolerablfl r tn th rlrt Un in th rrub. If this is not dnn 4 1. A. I. a I -Tt 1 " TllUUimi flC on AT nOF Qlin a a I - www i - - - wus uiiii luere was mucn con- u,,v v-1""" u"WKi unner oatn nv tma enimtv riprtr n . .. lil. -1 1 J.I - . y. . . . . . . nici ot interest and much Jitiga- slluVBm" WUiUU ,uusl Pr snerm 10 tne Agricultural people will be heard throughout by the cows are worth more grubs will come out and drop tion, and that people were then Pe respeciea. rroiession array- aniaem, n Piiau x ue me- the lan 1. -News and Observer, than the milk. A horse makes to th ground, where they wil able to defend their rights e against profession is one of " ,7 UA . pecreiry ui Agn- about nine tons of fertilizers remain until July, when they K.,M,i. U.,.U9 w.." J the saddest snectacle that ever ruifcuro .w . immeuiateiy cause eacb .ear ' ' : i,mm,t. .. vn . 0.F?nto De maae to abigbailroadmove. percent, of the manure from and repeat the round of exis w.u,cr ami luuis. i seai Dy " verny me representation or UtV a W hv ur..n..r Thor tence of their un. Th fir t -i .. . I .,,,1 i. I . . i . i . i . I Ti-i a it it, v mi I - I J juuge-uraves. we asked for i luim ui 6uvermuui. gucn citizens, ana ii ine ex- wcumouu, va., rea zo-ine i, . insB in W4itJni, fftr manure attacks its victims in the late his opinion. He said it was due 11 is 'one of the evils that our aminaton proves satisfactory House c immittee on roads have to rot mXnxXoi of its strength be- summer by stinging them on form of government was intend- inen l"e oecreiary snan at once Deiore inera a dhi to aiiow me in loat by ieachw in the the back and depositing an egg 1 rtvtnnn rs-t nntrA at..aIa1 s A I a nHf anH bA Ami mWYmim 1 .... I a a edto prevent. When one uro-l 1 a " ruo "4 , M r " , uu,8, ground. lie wanted the ques- m tne piace stung, me egs tion or rotted or iresu manure vuus aepo.suea Decome sinau discussed here today. white grubs, which form an ab The time has come for the schgR under the skin, causing tne I 11 i A . 1 f a - use oi less commercial and eecreuon oi puws oy me lmva more home-made fertilizers, tion produced, and living upon which must come from stock. A this as their food, ihey grow ton of clover hay worth 89, if rapidly to a large size and fed to cattle will produce breathe through a hole in the manure worth $8: a ton of cot- skin, which always remains ton seed meal worth 828, when open. There they stay during fed to cattle will produce the winter a source of constant manure worth $25.25; bran irritation to their victims, and worth 817. fed to cattle will thereby preventing their full produce manure worth 811,17. growt. and greatly reducing the NEW A D V ERTI SEME NTH. A CHANGE I N Business ! PLEA8EJEAD ! We hve dck!cd to withdraw from the tlmo trade, ami wilt en dmvor to roitdutt our tulnrw hrn fler apon a Cash Basis. Our motto will be, an hntMctr. homt dtadins ami Miudl profit. lMwpwiruiijr, HTEWAUT A MINIM. fvb27-3t CAROLINA PIE 3EE0 to a narrowing of the field of litigation by the Legislature and the deci sions of the Supreme Court. For instance tbo Supreme Court has decided that when a man com mits tort, a wrong for which he can fonn of government of tar is amendable in damages, that ation without representation dec5 tf J. C. HOBBS, Hobton, N. C. he can "take water" under the homestead act. This decision is clearly wrong, it was not for the protection of wrong doers that the homestead law was passed. The Judge, we believe, is right, for there would be equally as much justice in giv ing the man who commits a wrong against the State the ben efit of the exemption as the man who commits a wrong against his neighbor. Under this de cision at least nine-tenths of the citizens of this county can be lawless in their acts toward their fellow-man and still not be amenable before the courts There are at least twenty such grievances in this county that would have been before the last term of this court had it not been for this decision. By it twenty aggrieved persons must bear their unrequited wrongs and two wrong doers go unpun ished. Let the constitutionality of the decision be tested. The Farmers' Alliance committees more finvprrimftnt atrtrplimiaee Richmond. FrpfferlclrBhiircr nr! iesbiou ruies to me exclusion ot But as a necessary preliminary' Potomac, Richmond and Peters- the others then we will have it must he certified under oath burcr. Farmville and PowhatanJ tte anomaly under a Republi- to th- Secretary that a site or the Petersburg, Meherriu Valley sites for the storehouse or ana Wilmington and Weldon! storehouses have been designat- Railroad Companies to consoli- fd he n mn.lnritv of th lftfn.ll v I date into on mm nn nv tr h There may be grievous wrongs, qualified voters' of the county known as the Atlantic Coast but such a remedy is worse than at an election held for that Railway Company. One of the purpose; also that at such features of the act is that any election, by a majority vote, road exempted from State the legal voters selected suita-1 taxation will forfeit that privi- ble managers for the proposed lege upon the acceptance of the storehouse. It is also required I consolidation term. It is said From cotton that received flrnt premium at Sampson County Fair, and sold in Wilmington at 12 cents per pound. 2-'i bushels for sale by E. C. HERRING, Garland, N.G, Or WM. A. JOHNSON, feb27-lm Clinton, N. C AUCTION SALE Saturday, Slardi 15th, 1800, AT CLINTON, N. C. the wrongs. The Forum, one of the ablest magazines of the day, has sev eral valuable articles in its that th nftCfsss.rv irrnnn1 fnrlt.hat thn Richmond Tormina.! la I.. . Lt.u : 1 1- tu. a t March nmtihoF Prnf Warf of , " V T . , , " 5)01X10 allowance IOr Waste must m Ui. umn. Alio is uiuuu Harvard, has an article on civil the Government by the citizens, and it is thought best to con- service, pointing out why there These requirements having solidate, which will make such has been no nonnlar dpinand been complied with, the Secre- la scheme more difficult. for it. Prof.JameWilli8GleeaJ7u1ff8eu uuaVr Afx!e f Y in IU1S con: ,T . .A ' and regulations governing the nection: "It has been rumored or me university or Kansas, oroctirm nf nnhiiv hmiin tn hn fl,.o,..ioi . 1 ..L . ,1 1 1 i . -i . F ' I- .-..x i -? I Uied.1. wiw pcuicvpj, uau iaige nave ereciea sucn siorenouse ior some time mat me K-icn- an experience as any man in the or storehouses as have been mond and West Point Terminal handling of Western mortyases requested. Or the Secretary in which control the Kichmoud ' .1 : . i I j t- j x uia uisurcuuu may purcuasH or mm xjauvme ttnu ovum greai lease suitable warehouses or lines, was trying to get control buildings for the purpose. Far- of the Coast Line system. It is ineis may store in such govern- understood that such an ambi ment storehouse the products tious attempt as that would be of their farms as are not perisha- difficult to accomplish, but to ble; no perishable or imported make it still more difficult the products can be stored. It shall Coast Line people propose to be the duty of the manager to consolidate their roads into one be made, but it is safe to cal- like a bee in appearance and Is culate manure worth 87,20 larger man me norse-ooi ny, from $9 worth of clover; $10,55 which lays its eggs on the hair worth of mannre from 817 worth oi the animal. of bran; $22.08 worth of manure Its attacks upon cattle may be frin 828 worth o' cot'on seed prevented by smearing ineir Aftpr this will vou oacKs with with wnicn contfniift to him commercial a small quantity oi cruae car onauo? Done acia lias been mixed. t I r w w m . f One inch of rainfall gives 100 i . . J-eb, uruggiav. writes an explanation of their nature, and of what they have accomplished for borrowers and leuders in the development of the West, not forgetting to point out certain dargers of the sys tem. This article is a lull re view of the subject of lending and borrowing money on West ern real estate, and of the rise and operations of investment i r rr ttji- cuiiipauiea. Air. u. iv. rjs&e with all the reverence of an or WHY Til KICK AUK SO FEW U 11 HAT PltUACllUUH. tons of water per acre. Every ton of water passed through a ton of manure carries away about 60 cents worth oi plant Men of intellect and educa food. Can you afford to leach tion. who are capable of enthu- the manure before carrying it si asm and ardor in the service to the field? $3 worth of horse Df mankind, are deterred from stable manure was exposea to peeklncr to do that service thro the Weather and In six months the christian ministry. They issue to the larmer a warehouse company. At least the pro- lrtaf Ao or rpnt of u- value, o i We will offer to der, for CASH, tho hUrhud hid- Four Mules, Warranted ierfectly ftound. IIKIUIINCI A PKTERHON, feb27 tf Ingold, N. C. LIFE or The Hon. Jcflcrson Davis, BY MR. JEFFERSON DAVIS. TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. receipt setting forth the quanti-l posed scheme will be construed ty, quality and value of the in the railroad world partly as products stored, the valne to be a checkmate move." based upon the current market that it was only woTth $1,74. (Continued next week.) prices, ine manager snan in this receipt also st forth the TJ. N. C. NOTES. THE NEW BEHNE TIOS. EXII1111- Inherited Blood Poison. How many people there are whose dis tress from sores, aches, pains and erup tive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child, and it therefore is the duty of a a . - y nusoanaam wile to keep their blood pure. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, for book of most convincing proof. James Hill, Atlanta,Ga., writes: "M r two sons were afflicted with blood poi - on, wnicn doctors said was hereditary r. They both broke out in sores and eru . tions which B. B. B. promptly contrc d- leu and hnully cured completely." Mrs. S. M. Williams, Sand v. Tex is. writes: "My three poor aftlicud chi ld- ren, who inherited blood poison, h: itxj miproTed rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J. It. Wilson, Glen Alnine Station. C, Feb. 13. 1885. writes : uRnp. iind blood poison forced me to hav my leg Amputated, and on the stump '.bere came a 1 .i ..l .-I. uicer, wmcu grew w,orse every on the good of the order have done much to lessen the num ber of cases, but the fact is still as we have stated it. thodox believer writes a protest I amount of insurance, of weigh ing, classing and charges against the all other farm pro-. against dogma in the Protestant Churches, and an appeal for a church organization based not on creed but on conduct. An other religious essay is by Arch In every day's paptir we can deacon Farrar, who writes of the tlle wareIl0US0 wceipt, but he eleven months from date of The course University to offered at the the teachers of ducts stored. This warehouse ?he State lmg h. ne.v.r receipt shall be negotiable. The products ma 7 bo demand ed at any time by the holder of been equaled before. It is wide, thorough, comprehending all that is needed to teach in higher schools of the State. No We congratulale the New Bernlans on the fine success of their Third Exhibition, ot which all bear such decided testimony. This display is eaid ! to be all that could have been trinal requ rement aud will not submit to its mental restric tions. Hence they are exclud ed from a calling in which they are fitted to accomplish great good for the human race. The young generation, absorbing as it grows to maturity the know ledge and the thought of the living time, the results of In vestigation and criticism that filter from the studies of schol- The pros poet u and complete out fit for canvassing will be ready im mediately. AGENTS VISHINODESIR1BLE TERRITORY on this great work will plea ad dress, as poon hh possible, the pub lisher, UKLFOIID COMPANY, 18-22 Kat 18th Street, N. Y. feb!3 tf RAILROAD HOUSE, NEAR THE DEPOT. Sample Booms and Special Coartniea- es for Trarellaf Mb. The Fare in thd bett the market affords, which l alwaya M-rved in good wholesome style. Board, per day, only 5 1 &u " week. A 00 month. 12 00 count several boiler explosions, good aud the evil done by mo- a a. ana m nine-tenths ot the cases it is caused by the ignorance of the engineer. In such cases the engineers are men with no edu cation, (in the South mostly ne groes), who have been showu how to start and how to stop the engine, bnt men who know lit tie or nothing of the structur3 of engines and boilers, and who nasticism-an essay apropos of 8lorage Xhe Secretary ihe discussion of establishing Agriculture is authorized brotherhoods in the Episcopal Church. Frederick Harrison, the distinguished English critic, who writes now, we believe, for the first time in an American day until doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B., and 12 botilesim leas ed my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I nerer knew what good health was before." Deafness Can't Ra for.,! yi?caiap?.1.ication thpy can not el? mu "lseas,ert portion of tl ear. i n a rvri. . -- 10 vuij une way to c re aiuess.anu mat is by constituti on -icmemes. ueainess is caused by . tuiiumon 01 tne mu cus Wh. Z lhl Eustachian Tu .be. kI..!"1-1113 Mbe inflamed; ?ou holHnV"1 80n.d or impen :ect oatZZt 1 " ,s entirely c los iLlh.the reslt, andL less and VmoT k "OIl can be takn out Lturest0d to its nr mal neanno: win hodei rn rwi nine cases out often are otbiug mu- forever; caused hv rau .... . . . but an inflan ed iondi f cus surfaces. We will gyve On Muna ed Dol lars for any ca.of Beaflnes feared by Catarrh) thate oamiurt cureby wiag Hall's ChtivJh. (Ti a lzZ lnr n V " jimm iiumrss of lo make all necessary regulations f oir governing these storehouses. Senator Vance pars his bill will relieve farmers. His plan is that the manager of the government storehouse shall periodical, makes comparisons issue to the farmer between he condition of the storing products, United French pesantry of to-day and ptaieB iTeasury notes for eighty conception of the great of one hundred years ago; from J J- exp&aye force of steam. In which he draws the conclusion ceintsr that tii nmrino-pr nf th that the ability to possess land storehouse fhall be a Treasury has changed the French Peasant; agent, and issue these notes, from one bf the most miserable "ng tne warenouse receipt as security, 1... . 1. . 11 . tuition is required. Board can pleasure 01 seeing iu muuu be obtained at verj reasonable i out own u.sauuuiuou Tiiia a rtf mnaflwera not ot we numDer. e 'PliA ttn 4 PAnAvn ff 4VaA 4 aA Inn expocieu auu xa,io ars mnugn me punting pies., public Is repectfUIIy HolK-Ited. . J "vervCJiaa of an smlnMon mnch jwoperty is destroyed, and in ineadlF every case many lives aro "blown into eternity. Last to one of the happiest and most week the Lannier dis-UUery at substantial tvoes of men in mod- . i 1 x a I . ... . oansDury was oiowu 10 awins era Jiurcpe. W e need such : a and for.r people killed and a change in America. . We have number so mangled that death would bea blessing. Ihe Urensboro Patriot says: "The w ater in the boiler was low and Beaver, who was a nov ice at en&ine running, sud denly tu rued on the cold water My great -grand-father met death in the sa me way. Hewas cap tain of a vessel, and an ignorant engineer blew it to atoms by DumDiiir cold water into a hot boiler. I Engineer? should be ed ucated an( 1 cau tious 1 u en. Tney should, stand an examination, be licensed, and it siiouia be an inditable offence for any other to tafeechjirge of an. engine. the Irish system of rack -rent, which helps to keep the farms that within eleven months the farmer must redeem this receipt, and his stored pro ducts, with Treasury note, and to prevent inflation of the currency, these notes must be cancelled. The farmer must poor and make the laboring Pa addition to insurance class discontented and restless. CONSUMPTION STJRELY CUBED. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remeay ior the above named ditease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles o ray remedy free to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and . post office address, llespcctfuly. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl St., New York. and warehouse charges one per cent per annum for the loan ad vanced him by the govern ment. If he fails to redeem, his products will be sold and the proceeds paid to the Na tional Treasury. Senator Vance believes this plan will , afford great relief to Southern farmers by enabliug them to hold their crops of tobacco, cotton, etc for higher prices, and at the same sime the government will be absolutely secure. FOB LAME BACK, side or chest. use Sliiloii's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale bv It. H. Hoixiday, Druggist, Clinton, and W. P. Kennedy, Warsaw, X. C. " Hood's Sarsaparilla is on the flood tide of popularity, which position It has reacbed by its own intrinsic, tin doubted merit. rates. liberal offers ever made, and shonld be profited by every teacher in the State. The Shakespeare Club and the Elisha Scientific Mitchell So ciety are doing some very valua ble work. Especial credit should be Viven to Drs. Hume an Alexander and Mr. Hester for the success of the former, and to Prof. V enable Holmes and Gore for that- of the latter. They are always largely atten ded by the students who never fail to realize great benefit from them. Wil. Messenger. A WORD WITH NORTH CARO LINA MANUFACTURERS. The News and Observer, r in order to let our people - see where they can obtain North Carolina made goods, will print a directory of North Carolina factories, showing the articles manufactured. To this end manufacturers are asked to send us on a postal card, the name of their factory, town or post office, and a list of goods made. Our State exchanges can aid in this business, if they will; by bringing the above proposition to the attention of the manu facturers in their respective counties. News and Observer. : W: HATS OFF. v She came Jnto the theatre ' . And down she proudly sat! : Then tooted forth the orchestra: -i "Where did you get that hat"? had very much at heart that Northern gentlemen who are recognized authority In fish and came should at'Piid, and are the public library and the read ing room, and permeates the subtile medium id communica tion in which all society moves nd lives, is repelled fiom relig ... a . 1 ious association oy aogmas which its common sense will tep!9 tf W. E. BASH, Proprietor HOLLIDAY'S pleased to see from ihe Journal not accept The p edictiou in that among those present was Victor Hugo's ti'e of the time Mr. Charles Hallock, Associate 0f Louis XI., that the printing editor of the American Angler, preHg w.uld kill the church, who declared 'he display to be was true of the eccleiast cal "wonderful beyond descrip- fabric of that time, whxh is al- w m 11. ii . i 1 I .. tion.". tie says inrmer mat ue rearJr acarpous fossil. Whether had never seen an aregation it jg U8 Gr u.j. univeisal Chris- of so mary . different kinds of Uan "church depend upon! fresh flsb at one time,not even at whether the vitality of that the annual 'opening- display at body w in-the ifitojumeuU of York Fulton market in April, creed and . ctr;n j t!ia htve He mentioned ah o that he ha1 been wrapped abjut it, r in the the assurance or united atates enduring neces-.:t hs 01 the hu Commissioner Blackford that ,aI1 SO(l' v. K. Fisko iu the 'your best shad aro fully equal March Foruui. to our best North River shad (a irreat concession.) and that the natural oysters of North Caro lina are in eveiy respect equal to any in the world Hews and Observer. STITCH IN TIME HAVEH NINE!" A IEA1 SOLDI ISttVi SISTER WANTED. Don't wait to get nick, but when you begin to feel bad come and get a dote of medicine and prevent sick- nex. This In the proper use of med icine. If you will do this you will scarcely ever have a doctor' bill to pay or luxe months or time, and nut your friend and relatives to Kuch a deal of trouble. In addition to my complete line of pure and reliable Drugs, I carry Warner's Log 1 abin Jietneuiew, 11. It. Ii., the S. 8. 8., Quinine In small and large quantities; Simmon's Liv er llegulator, Famous Specific Or ange lilosHom, Cuticura Remedies, Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, the Golden Medical Discovery, Horse and Cattle Powder (1 pound packages prepared by the Herb Co. Archie Hrinkley w is a soldier of W. Va, Quaker brand.) in the North troops, in the died recently Carolina State late war. He in California, The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't heaving a small estate. Briwkley 1, can-i Biwp.iatii v mu.,uiu has a sister living some wjire eat anvthinz to your satisfaction, and y on wonder wnai ans you. xou should-heed the warning, yon are taking the first Btep into Nervous 'Prostration. - You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for re- storiigyour nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris- Prescrlptlons carefully compound ed. Local and office practice upon re quest. Respectfully, aagl tf DK. U. 11. lltlLLlDAY. Goslien High School -. . 1 m a I in isorin Larouna. oni uuieaa ihe can be found, h:s estate will escheat to the State of California. The News can give this sister Information which will enable her to get ner The School wiU be run under brothers property and we hope I game management as before. Will Opea Spriag Term Moadaj, Jama aryCtk, 1889. - the Ine results follow the use of this the State paper will help us to Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your Una her. unariotie iews. BDDetite returns, eood digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys 1 I resume healthy action. Try a bottle. I Price 50 cents, at Dr. R. H. HollL Lday's Drugstore, C'inton, N. C. . ..iniES KMdinK tonic, or children that wmt boOdlaf We feel grateful for past patron age and trust for a continuance of the same. particulars address up, fbpuld take BBOWS'S IROM BITTERS. It 1 vleaMnt to take, cure Malula, Indices ..... . -. 11 . . 1 b pqf,ffn rfiiTtrrtT tut u n For further the principal, dec2Gtf J.D. E22ELL, Hobton, N. C. I -1 ' 1 I - 1 - 1 - I.. . A