THE CAUCASIAN. t'L'KMSHKIl KVKRY THURSDAY, Kr MARION BUTLER, Kiliior and Proprietor. SUBSCRIBE. Show tljis Paper to your neigh bor and advise him to subscribe. Subscription Price $1.50 per Year, in Advance. H GAU C ASIAN, THINK ! Pur Domoornoy and Wlxlt Oupremikoy. t 5 - VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. O., THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1890. No. 29. JUDKIOI S AnTTRTlSlM; CU EAT KS many a twrw lMwncv. E$LA !( K roan v mi U1 huiur, KEY! YES many a dull busing. UESCl'ESftuny Kt Umiu M. SAVES many a foiling Ikjvi . l'HESEItVES many a larjo !uiurM, SECURES urt-e iu any huiurf, Tbrrrlorr a.Ui ttUc in a j-ju'r jjvr. ouo Ue xoh are auiuw ut read. I --" i-'vpr HIV auiHiui i rrau. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. VVT li. ALLEN, VV ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Golds boro, N. C Will practice in Sampson county. eb27--tf M. J, EE, M. D. A. I'll YSHJiANySlJROEON AND DENTIST, OH'u e in Lee's Drug Store, jo 7-lyr lid EON, THE EDITOR'S CHAIR HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. SAMPSON'S HILLAIU A Farmer's Trials. These New Fancied Iays. I A. STEVENS, M. D. J PHYSICIAN AND SlJ (Office over Post Offlce.) taSrMay be found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College Street. je 7-lyr HE. FAISON, Attorney and Counsej.l ohatLaw. Office on Main Street, will practice in courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to hi.s (iir! will receive prompt and careful uttiMition. je 7-lyr r S. THOMSON. IT AtTO UN K Y A N r Ci ) UNHKI.L- O U AT Lav. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad joining counties. Ever attentive and faithful to tht, interests of all climb. Ju7lyJL EV. KERR. Attorney axi Couxsell- Di: at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, llladen, IVmler. Harnett and Dunlin Coun ties. Also In Supreme Court. Promnt nersomil attention w ill be giv5i to all legal business, je 7-lyr THANK ROYETTE, D.D.S. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. Hon - C. W. MacuneV and Col. L. L. Polk's speeches before the Senate Agricultural Committee, at Washington, a few davs ago, were able and effective and will attract wide spread attention. Sony that we havn't the room to comment at greater length and make quotations from them this week. Many thanks to Hon. Z. B. Vance for his speech on the Montana election case. He never does anything by halves and is ever on the right path. A fearless, honest statesman. You had just as well undertake to re m ore the Andes Mountains as to oust him from his position in iho United States Senate. SjK-cial C'orrcsiMjndenfe to The Caucasian.! I like to plow right well, but when you go to planting cotton in a new ground where the roots are not all picked up, ana a plenty of clods and they keep the planter knocked off about every ten steps, and your sus penders work down off of your shoulders and you feel lik3 your pants were on a strike for a rest spell, and your shoes are full of dirt and got your toes cramped up so you cau't walk goon-, and got an old mule that has had all the fine hair cut out of his ears to make him look younger and they then have filled up with dust so bad he can't hear good aDd looks like Le had a good cae of dispepsia and don't feel good no how. Your planter runs off and you hallow woe and the mule don't stop ; you set back on the lines, the mule throws up his head, you fall flat of youi back, the mule runs back with the vim of an ox when he is thirsty and starts to the head of a branch on a hot day, knocks the planter over, punch the handles in your side, the traces come unhitched and the mule goes over to the corn patch, nibbles at the corn that drel than a vulgar devil. In ac quiring knowledge to become a gentlemanly villian you may strike somethiug to turn him in the right direction and make a good man. That chance is to run. If they would substitute the Bible in the schools in the place of hygeue, I would not be surprised ir they didnot see a change in morality. With Yo' Plow. THE MONEY QUESTION. Many Souud Views on the Great and Important Question. A Forum of Public Opinion. Christian Echoes. THE OPINION OF OUR RE A D ERS ON THE VARIOUS TOPICS OF THE DAY. to relieve every ease of during the wh-le year? ' The laws of our citv shonhl Religious Miscellany Sermon Re- embody the moral sentiment of ports General Church News and Notes. want Children's Corner We offer tlua column to our readers iu which to discuss topics of interest and profit lo litem "Let your light so shine 1 fore men that they mar see your rood works and glorify your Father which U in Heaven." THE MONETIZATIOX OF LAND. BY F. R. COOPER. No. 3. Every man has a natural right to the- products of his own labor and skill, but if one could tnjoy only the work of his own hands he would be cut off from many of tne comforts and luxuries of existence, and au? high degree of skill in any pursuit would be unattainable ! the people. The law, today, is miles behind the moral enti raent. What can you do? You can talk, you can howl, you can write, you can growl, ou can vote, you can fight, and you can help every other man who !.-... 111. I m DR. B. F. If ARABLE. . 8 "ew,Je CVery Dr. Marable's sermon in the 7!;Ha"m.4n e messenger Clinton Presbyterian church f lLhe vllvln ('ort this lat Sabbath was directed against or' let uP, until law the evils, sin and crime that 8na11 nibo(ly the truo moral sentiment of the communitv. SOM E nil NO I NTERESTI N . TO OIIRYOUNO READER. By Allison (History of Europe.) The evils complained of arose from the unavoidable result of a stationary currency, co-existing with a rapid increase in the numbers and transactions of mankind, and there were only bj reason of the great 'diversity gogirai politian aspiring for snrtn-n.vnt.ed bv everv addition of occupations into which each I".,. . i a ..i... r -J. 4 i . uwiuuua ucvuuu ilia taiouci, the evils, sins aud crimes that so frequently arise from the rusn ana nasie of men now a days to grow rich and gain political promotion. His char acterization, of tne little, con ceited, egoUstical, hairbraind, brassy, self-asserting and doma- Ana tnen press on aud educate Via. 1 A ... mw peopie mriner, until an upeu rareer ana equal oppor tunity shall be the heritage of all." 1 J. Dentistry OfiSce on Main Street. Offers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. JtefirMy terms are strictly cash Don't ask me to vary from this rule je 7-lyr $100 Hen aril. $100. The readeis of The Caucasian will be pleased to loam that there is at least ane dreaded disease that sci ence has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fra- temitv. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di-rei-tly on the blood and mucus sui faces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength, by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The pronrietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they of- ier One Hundred Dollars tor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. SsaTSold by druggists at 75 cents. There are some women who are so afraid even of mice that they would not think of sittinp in a rattan chair. Boston Post. is up and looks like he had done It .seems to us that there nothing. What would you do? ought to be one change made in Would you lay still and grunt, the sub-Treasury Bill. It pro- or lt "P ana flx yur suspend- vides for governmei.t ware- e'lr IT", r , ...... , and knock the dirt out of your houses to be built in such coun- phofig K0 for the doctor catch ties 99 may market 8500.000 the mule, onit ferminy. or ahnse all contributed tfi aggravated by every addition made to the energies and pro ductive powers of society. But if an increase in the numbers and industry of men co-exists with a diminution in the circu lating medium by which their transactions are carried on, the most serious evils await society, and the whole relations of its different classes t each other will be speedily changed; and it is in that state of things that the sayings proves true., "that the rich are every day growing richer, and the poor poorer. (By Faucett.) The increased burden of debt, the increase of traffic (thus re quiring a larger volume of the circulating medium,) and the demonetization of silvei, have WOMAN'S SPHERE. worth of product. This amount is too large, will debar at least two thirds of the counties from the benefi ts sought after through the Bill. There are 3000 coun ties in the United States and according to the statistics there are less than a thousand counties that market prorluce to that amount. increase tne the planter for beiner anew fan- value of gold beyond its equita gled thing and not vorth any- ble value as a measure for values thing uecause you could not of commodities, ine era or hold it to its work. That is goldea debt, like the era of just about the farmer's fix; he gold, has had us culmination, don't know what to do. T tell and the causes at worK are now you wnat lets do. us go preparing me way loraome new back to first principles, get us era in financial anairs wmcn an old wooden jack dagger, burst will, in all probability, be as that rid tre rhrht wide onen. out unique as eitner oi me iwo uov. r owie yesterday receiv ed a letter from Hodgson & Vaugban,Oil Merchants at Phil adelphia, in which they say: ' I h A !niiiipni roArlQ nrHI Ja. A-a V ill vl ivlvli JsJ J j WJ.1I overwhelmingly endorse the acts of your Legislature against trusts. North Carolina has the honor of being the first State to put her foot on the monster."- News and Observer. tne seea aown oy nana, way down in the moist earth, where the drouth won't touch them and get a roller and roll the earth on and see if we don't make a crop. These new fan gled things are all right if we have got the first principles, but somebody has got to get out these roots and clods. We can't quit the farm, so we might as well prepare for it. Our fath ers prepared for us and we had better look sharp, for all the which have preceded it- (ByProf. A. L. Terry.) Price is indeed only a case under the class values, but practically tt becomes a very important thing in Political Economy, because the value of almost all exchangeable things is determined through price So far as commodities, personal services and claims are ex changed against each other directly, without the interven tion of money or the use of the wants. Each would .be a jack of aU trades and therefore good at none. Ir a pure savage state this is largely the case but the first beams of civilization bring the interchange cf products and the division of labor. The man who has learned to make shoes well would be in sorry plight if he could not exchange his surplus shoes for such other things as he needs. When the shoemaker wants a hat he takes a pair ot his sh es and makes a trade with the barefooted hat- maker much to the advantage of both. Th's is barter and in the ir o?t ancient times was the only commerce. Many difficul ties attended this system. The shoemaker and the hatter 2ould not readily meet each other and hence the necessity for each to deposit his product with a third party,to await the conven ience of the other. Thus merch andising began. But the pro ducts of one man differed largely in value from those of another and some measure of value became necessary a3 a medium of exchange, and this capacity and fitness was especia lly rich and forcible. The pul pit of North Carolina is not graced by a better judge of hu man nature one who has a keener insight into the notions of men, than Dr, B. F. Marable, and this is one cf the keys to his great fame, popularity and effect uess as a public character guide, deacon educator. DItKSS. It is every woman dutv, lirnt l lirniflf, second to her family, ami third to not-let v to appear neut, attrartive aud to an advantage in every way poituc. im FATE. A child, a fine little fellow of 8 years, eaidsomethimror whirl- his mother disapproved, and she proceeded to reason with him "I do not like to bear you ypeak In that manner. You mean to bn funny, but vou are simply rude." Th littlo fellow burst into tears, and said, amid hU fobs: "There, mother, you have the secret of my life. I am alwavs meaning to be funny, and I turn out rude." Poor boy! He was not alone in his affliction. This true story Ia told of a little relative of Mr. T. A. Trollope, who had learned in childhood, says Examiner, what some people are half a lifetime in Gliding out. Artistic simplicity is the pro per term to characterize the dainty toilets that fashiou has decreed for the summer paign. A NATl'RAL TIIOrOllT. ' Oh, what pretty chickens!'' exclaimed Mabel, looking at cam- some whoto Huffy feathers had been dyed differeut colors. "The pullback" is the most "Ys," explained exclusive ana select or r,ngnsii luauge. " iney were desicrns for n. urnllriniy enatnmo I out nf Ksttr o u..., tjj, i tir v - . : : " ' " 1 -..f,.- av.4vnv.Ajisuuy jh,ou pi cauu- jjut tills style in only suitable BISHOP A. A. WATSON. -year old hatched ed two well prepared and thoughtful sermons at the Eposciple church of Clinton on last Sabbath. Tbe great central point tho focus of his morning srmon amounted to this: That we were adults and rational beaing and that each of us could and should read, search and study the scripture for ourselves. That each and every Christian man should and would keep his own spiritual fire burning. The man whose religion, to be kept glowing, needed to be f und each wek by Ids merits, had but little or no religion. Judge Graves was was the origin of money. To pleased with the discourse aud Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Timmons, Postmaster of Ida- ville, Ind., writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liv er trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Oardner, hardware merchant, sme town, says; Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle, at It. II. IIolliday's Drug store. King of Cannibal Inlands (to his Minister of Interior) How do you account ror the decrease In popula tion of my Island? Minister of In terior I krow not, sire, unless it be that one man's meat is another man's poison. -Life. The position af the wisest leaders of the Alliance, as we understand it, is that they be lieve in the Democratic theory of government: that the best government in the world is that in Avhich the people are govern ed least, and in-whieh men do not look to the government for anything which they can do for themselves. That is the ideal government. But, while hold ing this as the ideal in govern ment, the farmers assert and assert truly that other classes have appealed to the govern ment for protection and aid, and it has been granted at the expense ot tne farmers, many mechanics, and business and professional men, and that while the grown grown poorer year by year work they nave done lias grown denominations of money, price up in brier patches and old field plays no part, though value does; pines, and if we don't begin to but these cases are few and in hustle we wont leave our child- significant as compared with ren any more of a start than we the whole. It is hardly neces had when we first discovered sary to add, that price, though America. Not as good, because relative, ij specific and not we have used all the timber and general, and consequently that wore out tne son. rnese new there may be a general rise or fadgled ways and things we fall of prices. If the money of have been using have jnst about a country becomes relatively ruined the country. We have more abundant than before, got new fangled everything now general prices will rise in that a days. There is new f augled country for reasons already machinery. Why the steam made apparent; and when money understand any question it is of the utmost importance to fix clearly in the mind a correct definition of the subject. For instance a plow is an instrument with which a farmer cultivates his crops, and money is nothing more or less than an instrument with which people effect their exchanges. And as it is a great advantage to farmers for plows to be cheap, so it is a great gain to all people for money to be cheap, Tracing the history of trade we shall find that man immedia tely after emerging from a savage state Degan io aaopi various measures of value to circulate as currency, and do the work in a rud way that is now peiformed bj money. There is reason to believe that cattle constituted the earliest medium of exchange, we read in Homer that the armor of Dio med cost twelve oxen, while mills have run all the water mills out of existence, and I ain't had no good bread in ten years. Then I ain't got no where to fish when I go to mill, unless its around the valves and cocks of the engine, and then the fire man hallows at me to quit be fore I blow the thing up. New fangled politics, you can't tell a Democrat from a Republican; this swivel service allows him to stay io office as long as he said that the above statement was a good sermon within itself. His sermon at night on com munion was pronounced by Di . Marable to be a fine logical and catholic orthodox presenta tion of the theme. QUARTERLY MEETING SAMPSON CIRCniT. (Special Correspondence.) Our second Quarterly Meet ing has just passed, but has left many pleasant impressions. The weather was good. Nearly all the official members present, and in good spirit. Bro. Swin dell our much beloved presiding elder was on time, and in fine preaching order. We ail en joyed " the services, above the average, because the Lord was with his people The business was attended to with a vim, characteristic of Sampson Methodism, and would have convinced the most incredulous that business was meant. Con- a 1 a m ror neavy material sucu as brocade cloth, serge or velvet lined satin. Then, too, there is the necessity for learning how to walk. The regular heel and toe will not do. The glide only is indorsed. This movement consists in advancing on the tees, with a rigid knee, but a free hip. To bend the knee i to break the gore in the pull back. Rubber corsets, high collars and a swaggering outfit is the latest fad with the girls for spring su tings. Printed silks, in all their floral beauty, show exceedingly clever reproductions from mother nature. The popularity of the blouse continues unabated. Even the most dressy fabrics, for evening wear are fashioned after this model. lilacK and white en eels are considered unique. A stylish costume of black French lace is fairly showered with white ribbons The dictum has gone forth that hats are to remain small, Black lace embroidered with white is one of tbe popular novelties. All oyer embroidered bodices and sleeves am worn with cloth skirts. A beautiful irodel is a mouse-grey, the bodice being embroidered with gold, silver, and steel. the earliest Roman coins bore becomes less abundant. DricesUh, will fall for corresponding dou-.jtless intended to represent tion on Sunday was large fretting reasons. n. shnart in value. Manv of taken together these coins THE COMMITTEE AOJOURA- WOuld represent a flock of sheep, ED, Tbe Railroad Committee Com pletes Its Work and Adjourns Till June. and as a nocK or herd was in the Roman tongue called 'pecus" so naturally an accu mulation of these coins was railed "pecunia" or wealth. Here then we may note the and attentive, Love fejt, preaching, dinner and commu nion service was the order. It was an enjoyable season, a time of refreshing", from the presence of the Lord. $4,80 raised to de fray the expenses of delegates WORRY AND FRET. Men worry and women fret. A fretting man is unuual, and a woman who wear. herself out with worry unaccompanied with not co'r.inoii. Both are manifestations of a common failing, however, and fretting is only wor.-e so fa- as it compels others to share the victim's nnhappinesy. It is a trite saying that fret and worry kill more people than hard work, and very to G. Conference next quarterly many men and women realizing PUZZLES. AN KMGMA. An article which a drummer must use is formed by adding nothing to a treasury of know ledge. It is a source of prolit to publishers, indispensable to bankers, contains officers of courts and legislative assem blies, and brings to mind forests in summer. CROSS WORD. My first is in snow peeu, hut never in rain, While lake, but not pond, doth my second contain. My third is In pitcher; in bowl it is not; My fourth is iu kettle, though absent from pot; My fifth is in strait, but ir) no part of sound. In all of there places my whole may be found. AXKWKRSTO I'UZZI.KH. The following aro the correct answers Bent in to the puzzles iu last week's isue: Pied Quotations: 1. "Words without thoughts never to heaven go." 2. "Knowledge and wisdom, far from being one, have ofttimes no connection.'' Numerical Enigma: Telegraph. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. North Carolina Building md Loan Association Authorized Capital $5,000,000. CLINTON IIICANCII. DIrrHaril U. A. I 11.HRKTH, l. B. M HOlJMiN. W. A. JONNf'lX, H. K. KAIHOX, J. A. FKRKKIX, T M. JEKBKI.I.. MARION lIlTl.Hi, V. K. oorm. UK. K. H. 1IOL1.UUT, l:KV. J. . H H H. I. A. CULHRETll, I'ni.l. nt. If. E. FAISON, ViiT-t'nuid.iil, T. M. FERBEI.L. Kwrftsry, COOPER & NICHOLSON, Attorney. The Awrl;ition uuikex loan on country a well an tow n projx-rty. A rlianrr for ail to get money at iow rata. J. A. FK It It ELL, Local Annt a paIf conference for the meet at Hall's. charge J. E. will B. The railroad investigation committer having concluded all trerm of two ideas which have the work that it can accomDlish ev-r since been irraduallv de- keeps his mouth shut and pays at nresent. adiourned vesterdav vftlnninir. that monev is the CHARITY VS THE CITY POLITICIAN. l rich the others iiavP both sides campaign funds. New morniug till June 17, having representative of value, and that iaugicu Kl vu,vu giveu msirucuous mat ueruuu ine measure oi ine vame wuicu so much love until some mem- information which could not be Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, PlainfielJ. Ill makes ti e statement that the caught cold, which settled on her Ir.ecs she was t.eated for a month by her liuiuly phy sician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her Hrr druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a benefited from first dose. She continued its i?sp and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her ow n housework and is as well as fche ever !-. Free trial bottles of this Great Their complaint now is, not hers of the congregation fill ' i a o i LUAUAQuvu vjr "v&ug ui tnat they get no protection nom Jove witn eacn omer and com- the government. Not all. but mit more sin than if you were io preacn a mue neu-nre at it represents, depends upon the tbe rail- fiat of law. As civilization ad- prod ucea vanned the cattle currency was found too cumbersome and A 1 1 t mey ao compiam uecause pro tection is given to others to their hurt. State Chronicle. THE AIM OF THE TWO PARTIES. Ex-Speaker Carlisle in the May Forum, replying to Dawes' b ttle and to her delUht found hers if review of the administrtotfsays It is tiue, as stated by Sena tor Dawes, that the issue be- 1 A " A . J a iween ine iwo parties was clearly and sharply defined in Holiday's the last campaign; but it is not true that 4he Democratic policy Discovery Drugstore one dollar, at Dr. li. II. ; laig bottles 50 cents and a them. Better make them afraid of the devil if they neither love God norreipect the laws or mor ality. New fangled education. I saw a little child the other day take up a boot and read right along, and I did not think he had time to learn his letters. I covered up the picture at the too of the page and he could not read a word, and he could not spell out the word because he did not know his letters. I thought there would be a glo rious day for artists drawing roads at this term be at the next meeting. Before adjourning yesterday various metals began to be used nolitician and his corrupt deal- a I - 1 The New York Post leports a powerful sermon delivered by Rev. Thos. Dixon before the Y. M. C. A-of New York last Sabbath. He dealt the clly morning Mr. M. E. Carter arose as money, principally gold and and said that a pubbcaticn hadKilyer, thoueh the Spartans user1 been made in a morning daily published in this city which reflected upon Senator E. W. Kerr, a member of the com mittee. He wished to testify ings in Municipal government severe blows with ungloved hands. In closing ne say: "We must establish the fact thit the city trove nmeiit Is here to save the people, and not j the truth oi this, have gone successfully to work to conquer the miserable, habit. It is harder to do this where the tendency is inherited, but it can be done, ami where it in an acquired habit the is ea.y for a determined spirit. The way to stop is to stop (Jood Housekeeping. SILVKU COIN AUK. iron. This metalic currency was for a long time purely a matter of weight. Traders carried their balances with them and paid for such things biuself to his knowleder of as thev bought bv weiirhimr out the politician. How wild this Senator Kerr's fidelity in his the agreed weight of metal. The would seem to a city politician connection with th commit'ee trouble required to do this of to day. His idea is that the and to his competency in aiding would naturally suggest the ex- city government exists to pro- ln that work and proposed that pediency of marking the weight vide soitplaces for the .innmies the committee take official tc- of eaeh neice in moments of the John men. the Mikes, the tion expressive of their sense as leisure and then gradually as to the valuable services of Sena- civilization advanced money Jack Toosoon "I'd like you to be my wife, Ethel. Is it a go?" Ethel Unready "Well, it's a hall go. You go." Fuck. Ilucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world lor Cuts, liaises, sores, Ulcers, bait Kueum, Fe ver Sot cs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blains, Corns, and all Sk:n Eruptions, nuu positively cures Files, or no pay icuiicu. xi is guaranteed u give per- icci, BiiiisiaL-ucn, or money refunded. Fnce cents per box. For sale bv ur. ii. u. iioixiDAY, Clinton, and J. K. Smith, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. C. She (at the piano) "Listen how do you enjoy this refrain?" He "Very much! The more you refrain the better I like it." Musical Cou rier. went down "before the current pictures for the comiug genera- tor Kerr, the able and conscien- was coined, thut is, its value of popular disapproval." The tion to read by. We will have tious Senator from Sampson, determined and stamped upon Republican party was contend- a literature of pictures. There The others expressed themselves it bv authority of law. The Gillhoolies, the CCroogens, and the OToolies. 'What shall we do, then, by way of practical charity? Shall we take up a hat collection of The coinage of frilvnr is di- cussed in the Miy number of The Forum by Mr. FiedeHck A. Sawyer, fome'ly United States Senator from oitth Caro lina, and Hubsequeully . ssistant Secretary of the Treasury. Hi: argument is to t-now that tne coinaee of siivei with au effort to make it of equjJ value with gold is not only futile but dangerous to the ft ability of p.ires. He show? that the ;eia- Is of tive value of silver to go-d not .affected by the coinage money, but that it fluctuates in ing for the office., and it got is another case of trying to put as fully concurning with Mr. earliest reference to money that pennies to relieve buffe. ing here proportion in ine supply them. The Democratic Party was contending for a great principle which lies at the foundation of every government that recognizes the right of the citizen to the earnings of his own labor, and it received the opproval of a majority of the people. Why it was that the offices were given to one party and the approval to the princi ples of the other, is a quest on that could be easily answered the seed in the ground before we break the clods. You teach the child to read by sight and not to think. They have a new fangled way of making us keep up the pub lic schools. The white children have t' stay home and work the land to pay the taxes on it, so the negro children can go to school, and his mammy takes out of your kitchen enough at night to feed him next day. I by a reference to the maninula- ain't opposed to education. But tion of voters by political mana- you eay education does not stop gers in certain close and doubt- crime. T agree wilh you. It is ful States. . . better to have a polished scoun- Carter in his view of the mat ter. Senator Kerr, however, ex pressed his wish that no notice ! be taken of the occurrence, and the committee deferred to hie request. News and Observer. SHILOII'S CATARRH REilEDY'- a positive core for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth, i or sale by Dr. li H. Holliday, Druggist, Clinton, and W. F. Kennedy, "Warsaw, N. C. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour bon, Indiana, says: "Both myself and wife ewe ourselves to bUILOH'S Con sumption Cure." For sale bv Dr. R. H., Clinton, and W. F. Ken nedy, Warsaw, N. C. we have in history is found in the Bible where Abraham bought the cave of Machphelh for a burrial place from, the sons of Heth for four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant. Secretary Tracy hap declined lo permit the Marine band to participate in the Lee statue services at Richmond, Va., on May the 29th, saying that its services will be needed else where at that time. V or there, or shall we see that the city government fulfils the end of its creation9 Our city officials, now, many of them, have nothing to do except to draw their salaries, some or them find this so onerous a task that it .is necessary to provide partners to assist them. It is estimated that 500 children die a week, in the summer, in New York, for the lack of medical attention. Shall we take up a penny collection, or shall - we, ont of the office of the city chamberlain or sheriff, provide and demand, as the value ot all ot'ter commodities fluctuates. The relative value of the.ce two metals has var.'ed within his toric times from 1 to 6 to 1 to 23. William Kemmler. now in Auburn jail, New York, convict ed of murder, will pay the death penalty this week by Electrocution. He will be the first criminal in the history of the world to met , his end by such an exquisite refinement of a fund that will pe large enough punishment. NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED AS as administrators upon the ettato of Wm. L. Iliuhsniitli, de ceased, the undersigned hervhy give notice to nil person holding tl.iims against the Kaid estate to present thein on or before the IGthday of March, 18IH, or tlii notice will be plead in bar of their recovery ; and all prison indebted to Kaid estate are repMeied to make imiiu-diato payment. 1). T. JOHNSON, W. li. HIUHSMITJI, Administrator. W. H. Thommj.v, Att'y. March 13th, lS'.H). ;t A liiHt-C'hiHK Bauueh Suop. If you wish a flrst-clas H!i.ive, Hair Cut, Wiatiifwon or Mustache Dye, call at my place of bu.siii on Wail S'.reet, three doers from the corner of 31. Jlanxtein'K, lhert you will find me at all hours. RAZORS SIIAKP.MIKAUS kKK.V! If you want a good job don't fail to call on me. J. 11. HIM MONK. aprtO tf Harbor. ESTRAYEb Ou the 20th of April, 1890, from my premises, one Bay Horse Ml'i.e about 9 years old. Also one Bay. Make, white fpot in face alove medium size. Any information concerning their whereabouts will be thankfully received and the In formant Klterally rewarded. Add res JAMES II. DARDEN, Falson Depot, N. C. Thia 21st April, IS90. 24-2t Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizzinets, Loss of AppetfV, .Yellow Skin? SHIbOII'S , VITAL1ZER is a positive cure. For wile by Dr. It. U. Uoixiday, Clinton, and W. P. Kenwedy, Warsaw, N. C. i . 4 i ji V 1- .

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