THE CAUCASIAN". Entered according to I'oMnl Lawn at I'nton, N. C. as ecou'l class mail in tit!. -LINTON, X. (:., MAY 1, IhW). Col. A. C. Davis will move his Military school from La Orange to Winston. I re i dout Harrison is an optical delusion, the larer one lool;s at him the nnaller he et. Fayattcville is to have a public Rnilding;. Congress has approprated $"5,000 for that purpose. The Raleigh and Gaston R.R. Co., compromised the suit against it for back taxes by paying $1",000. It is said that a factory fcr the manufacture of Spool Cot ton is to bo erected by Duke & Hons of Durham. This is a move in the right direction. The Congressional timber seems to be standing thick. Six Richmond.- in the field. $0000 a year will create a desire with us to distribute card en seed. The Wilmington Messenger was 2- yea's old on April 22d. The editor did the clever thing by his employers, giving them a banquet at The Orton. The McKinley Hill is being punctured by all hands. liy the time it gets back t first hands it father will not own it. Then its bastardy will be acknowl edged. We acknowledge receipt of an invitation to attend the annual meeting and banquet of the Kileigh Chamber of Commerce and industry, which was held last lucsuay. Sorry that could not be present. we The affliction by lobt of lifo and property that has befallen th people of the lower Missis sippi Valley by the unprece dented floods sweeping away the levees, is simply terrible. ( YmgresH has appropriated 150, !0 to relieve the sufferers. What will the Republicans do for lire-wood when the bloody shirt disappears? There is not enough of the old gar ment left to mike a "hippin" for Tom I teed. They say he weighs COO lbs, but graud mammy Harrison's hat will about fit him, he thinks. The recent articles in the Sur and world are specimens of the many violations of decency and truth that these two cos- ini'wiii,uii tiuuruais innve in. The damage they do only recoils on their own heads. "Thrice is he armsd who hath his quar rel just." The Seventh Annual Session of "The North Carolina's Tea chers Assembly" will be held in their Ruildings at Morehead City, from June 17th to July 1st. These, meetings are pro ductive of great irood to all con cerned. We return thanks for a ticket to attend, and shall be on hand if nothing prevents. The Trustees of the Baptist Female College have selected a site for the new institution, It is the Adams and Pullen pro perty, on East Edenton street, with portions of the McKee and Grissom property, on the same square, near the Capitol. The It Ms Vk A n n ? i-mtuwe price agreed on is 34.500. Mr. . B. Broughton ia chairman of the building com mittee. The Pan-America delegates who were to pass down the V. . zvuuroaa last weeK on their southern tour were order ed bacK from Richmond. The number, only 4 or 5 of the whole delegation, who started was too small for the expense Such is the influence of Kaaxal administrator towards the South. Would they not al have come under a Democratic administration? Edmonds editor of tho Baltimore Manufacturers Record, has. written a valuable pamplet entitled "The Souths Redemption from Poverty t Prosperity," and the subjec is treated in a masterly and in sttuctive way. It can hut do much good, and should be universally read. The Manu iaciwes necora is doing a wonderful work for the South W3 ar indebted to the A. C. L. for a copy of the Fame bound in neat phamplet form. Czar Reed in his speech at Pittsburg, Pa., has joined Fcra-k-r and in the bloody sbirt brigade, and like them all, will soon enter "some vast conti guity of shade" in d'sgrace. Methods fcuch as indulged in by politicians of that stripe only intensifies the disgrace when it does come, nd come it will. Reed "will be shaken by munv winds," and the music that is so harmonious to tne South haters, will be so discordant that no intelligent and fair mind will be entertained by it Like gad flies, that play around a lighted candle, they at last enter the llame and are consumed. We have just received State Auditor, G. W. Sanderlin's Re port for 1880. It comes hand somely bound and is the neatest State Auditors's report we have ever seen. It contains much valuable information, showing in minute detail the receipts and disbursements of the public funds. The Auditor's report for 1888 showed that there was 372,000 in the Ti easury, this re port shows only $1G,000, and if the Treasurer had not sold a large amount of state 4 per cent bonds there would have been a con siderable deficit. This falling off of the public funds was caused by the action of the Legislature reducing the tax on the 3100 worth of property from 30 to 20 cents, and also by the lost of the drummers' license tax. Thus one Legislature pre pars trouble for the next. Our Farmers' Column. SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOIL. "There is no material progress that is well based and permanent without agricultural progress."' We are sorry to have to disap point our readers again this week by not continuing an ac count of the discussions at the Sampson County farmers' Insti tute, but we are forced to do so for want of space. We can't add another column to the pa per conveniently nor stretch those that we have. However, we are glad to see that our far mer readers are anxioas to see and read the remainder of the discussions. It is a good sign. We will be Mire to give it all in full before we quit. Crops Reports. The Weekly Weatl er Crop Bulletin for the week ending Friday, April 25 tb, 1890, says: The uninterrupted mildness of the winter months of this sea son developed fruit and vegeta bles to an unusual degree, and enabled farmers to accomplish good work in preparation for the coming season by putting land in first-class condition for plant ing. At tho eud of the winter everything looked green and the buds of fruit trees were in an advanced state, promising an abundant crop. During March, however, the tempera ture fell rapidly to the normal r slightly below and the heavy rosts damaged fruit especially, i and wheat, oats, etc , to some extent. favorable weather during April greatly improved wheat and oats, and orobablv he damage to fruit, excepting peaches and plums, may not be so great as was anticipated. On he whole, on the commence ment of the issue of Cron Bul- etin it may be said that the prospects for the coming season are very fair. The reports of correspondents or the week ending Fridav. April 25th, are generally favora ble, though the temyerature during the early part of tho week was below the average. and frosts occurred on the tnorn- ngs of the 19th and 20th, kill ing tender vegetables, melon vines, nipping young corn and injuring tobacco plants. Most correspondents remark, how ever, that the inlurv is not nearly so great as was appre hended. REMARKS OF SPECIAL CORRESPON DENTS. Eastern District. Clinton. Sampson county "On Saturday, Vi r inv. 4i,t i! fcxio iiu lusii., mis weciion nao a severe frost, but not so serious as was thought at first. Cotton planting has commenced this week." Weldon, Halifax county. 'Frosts on the 20tr, lighter on the 21st and slight on the 22d. Somo vegetables nipped a little, but nothing like so badly as was apprehended. Taken altogether, things are doing well." Wil mington, New Hanover county. "The melon crop in this vicinity was seriously damaged by the frosts of th 19th and 20th, and in most instances the entire crop will be replanted." Nash ville, Nash county. "The last few days the weather has been moderate and warm. Early in the week frost killed some vegetables In gardens, and to bacco plants where not protect ed." Clarkton, Bladen county. "The week entered very cold for the spason, with frost which killed pome corn and cotton and injured all more or le.s " Richardson, Bladen county. i "Temperature varied from 36 to 87 degrees. Xo rain fell during J Hi: weeK. Un the whole we have a good season." ir. n battle, ih. i., i. rector. Alliance Department. ALLIANCE NOTES, DISCUS- SfONS AND THE DOINGS OF THE VARIOUS LODGES. A HOOD SHOWING. V number of parties have ob jected to using the fertilizer adopted as the official guano of the Farmers' Alliance, claiming that it did not come up to the guaranteed standard, and we un derstand that there are those who hold high positions m the Order who have used other brand", not recommended by the Alliance, in preference to it. Mr. Worth, the State Business Agent, has a guarantee from the company manufacturing this guano, that tho ingredients that go into each ton shall be worth not les? than 17.50 before any of the cost of manipulating, etc., is expended. To settle this mat ter, Mr. John R. Cooper, the Business Agent of Salem Alii, ance had a sample.of this guano sent to the Agricultural Experi ment Station at Raleigh for an alysis by Dr. Battle, the Direc tor. We have his analysis' be fore us. which is as follows : Soluble Phosphoric Acid, 6.3G pr ct., Revested " " 2.15 " or Available 14 " 8.51 Insoluble " 44 1.08 Ammonia. 2.21 it 41 Potash, 2.70 44 Now estimating the phospho ric acid at 5 cents per pound; tho ammonia 13 cents per pound, and potash 5 cents per pound, the ingredients alont of a ton of this guano are worth $18.18, or G8 cents more than the guaran teed value, while we understand that the average analysis from samples taken from all over the Statp, show even a higher value than this. This is an excellent showing and we wish to congratulate Business Agent Worth, aud the manufacturers of this guano upon it. Also we wish to con gratulate the farmers upon the fact that if they must use the stuff, that they are getting more valuable ingredients for the same money through the agency of the Alliance, than evar be fore. BLUFF ALLIANCE, NO. 577. Mr. Editor: Please state in your excellent paper that the regular meetings of Bluff Al liance No. 577, have been chan ged to Saturday before the 4th Sunday in cacli month at i p. m. .sharp; only one meeting per month. Wo have also establish ed a farmers' Institute in con nection writh our Alliance busi ness, as suggested by the County Lecturer before onr lodge, nnd the subject for discussivai at our May meeting in, "Is guano really a benefit to the farmer." Can't you furnish a plan to con duct an instiute and publish it in your paper? the most expedi tions method is what I want; have one of my own, but want yours as you are more conver sant with institutes of the kind, I having never attended one. Yours Fratenally, W. J. C. Sec'y. P. S. Please state also that 1 forwarded April 21st t j the Secretary N. F. A. & I. U. the 5c per capita due on the Oct. returns to Secretary S. Co. F. A. I forwarded it to the Nat. Sec'y. so a there would bo no further delay. It would have been sent sooner, but we used all the Treasury money to assist an un fortunate brother, and raised the per capita by subscription. W.J.C. We are very much pleased, gratified that you have establi shed the Institute feature in connection with your Alliance business at each meeting of your lodge. We would suggest that vou manage it something like the County Farmers' In stitute are conducted. That you appoint some member to prepare a paper, or talk it off hand, giving his experience and observation with reference to the use of goano and his opinion ad to its value and the general effect produced by its use upon the farmer and the fertility of the soil. Have a question box, and while this discussion is going on let every one who wishes to ask a question or point out any error or mistake. write such questions on a slip of paper anrt drop it into the box Wben your speaker has finished. have your secretary to take out the question and read them, after each ior general discussions. Your lodge should secure literature. facts aud sUtis ties iu advance on the su iUDieCIS to be dea and far to tha appointed, to lead off in the discussions. But some plan that you would devise yourselves, might work better than this. Ed. PUBLIC ADDRESS. In response to an invitation, ' Mr. J.D.Ezzell delivered a public i lecture at the lodge of Hall's Alliance on he 12th of April.! It was inteiesting and to the; (po'nt and hud a good efi?ct.The I following is an outline of his ! speech: J The cause of the present condition jof the people beKan in IStil and has t . A L 1 i. - - I The government lost the power jof controlling tne finances of the ! country. This created the most corrupt banking system ' since the beecining or the Republic. Unlike the decade preceding 1800, when money was more equally distributed among the people, our legislative bodies were not made up then as now with millionaires, whose sole interest is in monopolistic bunking and combines. Tho high rate of intend and scarcity of money growing out of this transfer of the power of money into the hands of the national bank, has been grinding and sapping the very life of the country. The toiling masses have risen in their might and power and ask to be recognized by the great law-making power of the country. What do we see as the out growth of this positive demand? The corrupt power that has been concealed behind the throve, is be gining to shake, and the Sub-Treasury Plan, by which the people will be relieved is receiving a warm support. The people are becoming more informed, nt t as to technicalities s, much, but working up as to their true condition. The producers of 7,000,000 bales of cotton with a proportional amount of grain, are learning that their best interest is not connected with the political clique or ring-caucus. Sec'y of Hall's Alliance. a- Look After the Little Ones. S. S. S. is the remedy for children because it is a simple vegetable com pound, prepared from the roots gath ered Irom the forests, and contains ro mineral at all nor any poison of any kind. It cures by eliminating the impurities of the blood, thus as sisting nature. If there is or has been any con sumption in your family, you should give your children S. S. S. It will gently stimulate the action of the 1 ngs, and enable nature to properly develop the child. If there is scrof ula, you should not fail to give S. S. S. It is the onlv remedy which has ever cured this disease. For boilsd pimples, blotches, etc., on children S. S. S. is superior to all other medi cines. It acts gently, it forces out the impurities and builds up the child from the first dose. We will mail a treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases to all who will send their address to us. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlautti, Georgia. "Every Spring," Says one of the best housewives in Xew England, ''We feel the necessity of tak ing a good medicine to purify the bloud, and we all take llood'a Sarsapurilla. It keeps the children free from humor?, my husband saj s it gives him a good appe tite, pud for myself I am sure I could never do all my wors if it was not for this splendid medicine. It makes me feel strong and cheerful, and I am never trou bled with heada -he or that tired feeling, as 1 used to be." N EW A DVE RT 1 3 E MENTS. SALE OF LAM). BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the Superior Court of Sampson county, we will, on Satur day the 7th day of June, 1890, at the Courthouse in Clinton, expose to public sale the land of the late Owen II. Crumpler on the west side of Coharie and bounded by the lands of J. S. Cruniplar andG. W, Crump ler, containing about !500 acres, more or less, Terms of Sale Ten per cent, cah. Note with approved security. Title reserved until purchase money is paid. G. W. RUMPLEPv, J S. CRUMPLER, myl-4t Administrators. PUBLIC LAND SALES! July 26, 1800, at 2 p. in., on the premises. The Fowler Land, 250 acres, on the C. F. & Y. V.. J mile from Rose- boro, 20 from Faetteville, N. C. I will have the land surveyed July 18th. On the 19th and 2Gth, at 8 a, in., will show lines to persons desir- ng to purchase. The land will be offered in lots aud as a whole, and sold to the highest bidder or bidders at anything over 1,500. Terms: cash, , 5 months; 1, 17 months; balance 29 months. Inter est at 8 per cent., or 2i discount for all cash. Title reserved until final payment. C. W. CORRIIIER, China Grove, N. C. If I do not sell, I will be on the place a few days to lease, in lo3 or as a whole, ftr 3 or 5 years. apl7 tds-eow. CtTMts, and Trads-Marki obtained, and all Palest boaineea conducted for Moderate Fee. Our Office is Op posite V. S. Patent Of fice. We have no aab.agentiea. all bnalneaa direct, hence can transact patent baainraa ia teat time and at leas cost ulm tikoat remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or pboto., with descrip tion. Ws advise if patentable or not, free il . Chare. Our tea not cup till patent to secured. A book, " Bow to Obtaio Patents,' with refso nee to actual clients ia jow State, connty, ct towij, sent free. Address, C.AsSNOW&Cn alU ratoat OatoiWaatliftea. A S- MARVELOUS nrm OlUIU DISCOVERY. Oaly Geaalae Syatews arMeaiary TrmJaiac. Fear Baeka Learaew ia eaa readia. Mlad waBrfertaa; eared. KTfry rbila sus4 edal really weweatte. Otmat iaHiumnnta fa "pTl'hmfim , Promeetoa, with Opinions af Ir. Was. A. Haas. Jaead, the worioVtamed Specialist ia atiad Pins una, ie' I .irecalcaf Theataaaa, the eras Parohot Advoati,!!. r, Klcaararracter, the Scientist. at?, A. . Klchar rrrter, the Scientist: ORY itlS3BSSiffiHH55 XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AN IMMENSE STOCK Of Xew Gk)j1s tor Spring; ami Summer! i Bargains all Through the House! The latest de.i rns in Black Silk Lace and Netting for dres ses. Cishuiera, Henrietta?, Nun's Veiling. AlbatnMrt, Se ge, Bril lianteeu and CJballief. Sateen Outiu Cloth. Gingham. at 0 cents and 8 bents per yard. Figured Lawns at 5 cents per yard. Full line of D.'es Trimmings, plain and fancy Surah Silk, China Silks, Moire Silks. Vel vets and Gimp in all shades to match dress good-?. Special attention in called to our White Goods. Hamburg Embroideries 25 per cent lowr than elsewhere. These goods were bought at a Bargaiu and we areiting our cus tomers the benefit of it. Entirely new line of Parasols and Umbrellas, in Gold an Oxi dized Silver handles, at .1.00, $1.25, 1.50 and 1.75. Cassimers and Cottonades, f or men and toys. You know we are headquart ers for New York Mills Cotton ades. The latest Styles in Men' Hats. Boys, you should see oxx; New Sbape Straw H t. U is tho very latest out. Our Gent's Furnishing Goods Department is more complete than ever, aud wTe can fit you out from head to foot. Fancy Flannel Shirts will be worn more than ever this sea son, aud we have a beautilul liue of them at prices to suit everybody 45 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, 1.00, $1.35, 1 50, 1.75 and 2.00. Boys dont miss seeing our 25 cent Scarfs. They are the handsomest you ever saw. shoes! shoes!! Ladies' Misses' and Children's ltussett and Tan Oxford Ties at 75 cent, 90 cents, 1.00. These are the Fashionable Slippers of the season, and as every young lady will wear a pairwre suggest that our. store is the place to get them. Tae Bijou is still the raire ! Our sales on this shoe is simply wonderful, and we believe that it is the best 2.00 Shoe ever sold in Clinton. Our stock of other shoes is large and varied, and you can always find what you want here. Crockery, Glassware. Stmd Lamps, Library and Wall Lamps. Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Trunks. Valises, Grip Bags and Straps. Carpets.Oil Cloths, Straw Mat ting, lings, Ac. Window Curtains, Shades, Cor nice poles and Window fixtures of all kinds. Large and complete stock of Hardware, Sah Door and Blinds. - Paints, Oil-, Varnishes, Brush es, Glass and. Putty. GROCERIES. Ojr stock of Groceries is at all times full and complete fresh goods and prices cs low a the loiceat. Try out Blended Tea for lot Tea. It is excellent goods aad we know you will like it. Pack ages J io J pound and J pound Come in, grt our prices and save money! An insriectian of goods and prions dos not incur any obWyENGTA'ES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, Ration io buy. P BESSES. GIJVS. WTTEa T 4 n snr Respectfully, A. F. JOHNSON & Ca iEW DOUBLE COLUMN ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring Opening ! a CJu New :o:- Come in LARGE. 1W X FRESH ST Now being daily received aud placed upon the shelves of my mammoth store. My new purchases include (rl Y Frl III The latest styles and patterns of CALICOES LAWNS, GING HAMS, SATINETS. SATEENS. HENRIETTAS, CASH I ME RES, ETC. SHOES, SLIPPERS, FUR AND STRAW HATS! Prices and styles to suit every one. Wm nnm J For Cottage or Mansion cheap durable goods up to fine Walnut Sets. -:o: A fine C(X)k Stoves, Poutliy, Of all For Plow?, Castings, Cox's Cotton you need come fikBSIiB'g m -:o:- My line of GUOCKRIES has never been larger or better. I have just received a car load of Falls Mills Flour ! The befet and cheapest in the Market. Every barrel warranted. A Large mum mm Of first-class quality. :o: A Ko several barrels of J) (UD WXa As bright and 10,000 lbs. Dry Salted Sides. 500 bush, of Corn at 65 cts. per bush. :0: Times are not hard when lar increases exactly as aincn as the volume of money is dimin ishtd. That is the way it has done at my store. Como and see. Respectfully. J. E. ROYAL. D8 On the C F. and This depot, tliis future of Roseboro, is situated in a line section, good farming land, well timbered, one mile from Owen ville, sixty-two miles from Wilmington and twenty miles from bayetteville. A place sure to build up. Lots for sale on teasonable terras. For further particulars address, 3 M- SESSOMS. 3ml6 tf OwenTillo, N. C MECKLENBURG IRON WORKS,! V. Charlotte, H. C. ' REPAIR WORKS, PIPEFITTIJVGS dec.9-3 SIL1FMG, rr MA Brick Store. and see the CK'sG S fffl il ril l ,-V X a :o: line of Guns and Hardware, kinds. -:o:- Planters. Tools, or anything to my store. :o:- lot of molasses. lb clear as Honey. -o:- the purchasing power of a dol 9 Y. Y. Railroad. mm It, rill! f Mil III 1 Jrarniiure hKMB, Manager. wiwr JUlLtLtiS. PULTinsnna BEL7IM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CHAMPION FOOD Cures Hog Cholera fattens iiohmx And euro disvar refulliu t'r..:U indigestion and overwork, lncreiws the yield of milk 1'mm Cows and impioves thenuality. We have hundreds of ci-rtit.i from rehnble persons, all over t'u country, to prove alove. It is Si-ke ! IT 1 iNKXl'KNMVl : It is no IIumiiuj I IT ISINVAMWIW.KTOTIIK I'AlDUl! : If you have a ick lx'Ht buy nound and try it. We have throe testimonial. :m. can furnish any number on to anj one of tho agents. Sam obi). S. I'., Autfut 3ni. Ivi. lt-i-. .1. StevciiMin .V Taylor, wi!m::i,. ton. N. '. 1 n.n Sirs : w have tc n u-inir ' h.u:i. loii Food" fortwrlve month and Jin I iha it docs all that t cl.ilini-d for it. It mil ton r the grnorul condition of utock and n .11 curt IIok I'li'slra. w c trod It to onr MtM-k rrgu larlv ind would not do without it. J. It. Al.l.MlUtMtK. I.AUUMU Ri, X.C.. S-t. lTth. Ki. M's.rn. J.". Stt-venson & Taylor, iluan,. ton. X. ',: Dkar MkS: At-r il.'.g the half l.arn-i "C'hainjdon Food"" urcli:u'd of yon . ll4 readily say that it ha fultillod cery r i ri frntation mado for it o far v havr tri.-il it. In no inxtann 1iH it failed to lum lit stock fed on it. we can lurticularly rrcmii. mend it for miWh cowc, ulvet iid we regard it as the hot ' n food on tli. market. Send us another naif barrel. Your Truly, ALKA'. JHcljJNNt X .V wii.MtUTov. ". V., Oct. loth. Mor. .1. V. Stevenson & Taylor: (Jkmi.kmkn : The .'hainj"ion Food' .m sold u Wan Ix-cn given a fair trial, it i a u--ceo, and we are glad to add tct-tiniony to it worth, w hen fed to our hone we tind it aid digestion, create an apjKtlti- and tin animal iinitroveaat oner; it i a jfreat condi tioner, and a trial will prove it value, r have fed it to our eow and with them it has proved a great digextivc, Iwith the flow and the quality of the milk ha improved, the jH-r rentage of increase wc cannot y i positively tatc. The food doen all you l;iii.i in the line of teid wo have made; we nlmll continue it ue and advise all the owner. f stock to givv it a trial. T.J. SOUTH KUI. AM'. W. A. JOHNSON, Agent, Clinton, N. J. C. STEVENSON & TAYLOR, octiil-tf Agents for N. Carolina. W. T. WILLIAMSON'S BUGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, IN NEW QUARTERS ON FAYETTEYILLE ST t&" Hound Shave?, Hacks and al Edge TooLs made, and Itenalrinjf done on short notice. I will keep on hand a large lot Western Unties (open and t and ltoads Carts. They will ei in quality and are sold as low as a like goods In Goldahoro, Fayettevi or Wilmington. Respectfully mch28-tf W.T. WILLIAMSON. DO YOU WANT A NEW We w-hff lttlngly pronounce the Ivers $c Pond PIANO the finest and moot reliable In the world. Five newljr patented invention used io these pianos only. Call at our store and examine the nf w Soft Stop which save pianos from wear while practising and make tone inaud ible to all out wide of room. A wonder ful invention. H. MILLER & CO. (loldnboro. N. C. 01 DER. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST PEACH AND APPLE CIDER, (Corner of Elm and R. R. Street.) SWEET AND HARD CIDER always on hand. In addition to this pleasant and healthy drink. I keep Tobacco, Snuff, Flour, Potash, Candies, Soda, and Pea-Nuts which are sold at lowest prices for cash. - 600 Pipes, of all styles and sizes. Try one. MM Respectfully, Je 21-1 yr. MARSHAL BULLARD, WITH VLDERMAN, Timber Agent, 108 WATER STREET, Wllmlngrton, X. C. apr3 4t SwS"fi-J""g fcaai aU . , Heuralaic Feronm