ri-IE CAUCASIAN. l'i:i!MSlKI) KVEHY TIIUK.SDAV, liy MAUIOX HITLER, Klitor and Proprietor. CA C ASIAN THINK -inuriors AnTEirnsmi ( 'i KATIES many a nw loinr. II S I. A tV i lvS many ti nkl r. UK VI VKs many a UuU Uim.M. UKMTKSraatJV Vt Ji;iit . SAVKnny aftuliii; tuiiiv, riiIi:nVI naur a .arjv UuUm, Kt t"Kl uvc iu any Uiinr. ThtTflort a!vit;4 In n jMjm'ar jr, ono the jH.Mj! art anxiou. ti rvaJ. SU BSC 111 BE. Show tins Paper to your neigh bor and advise him to sub scribe. I?uro Domooraoy and wb.ito Supremacy. VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1890. No. 30. Subscription lric; $l.CO per Year, in Advance. PROFESSION A L COLUM N . W. II. ALLEN, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, (ioldsboro, X. C. Will practice in Sampson county, tub 27 tf A."- LKK, M. I). Pn ysician,Siugeot and Dknxist, OMice in Lee's Drugstore, je 7-lyr I A. STEVENS, M. I), tj . Physician and Suiioeox, (Office over Post Office.) ley-May be found at night at the nVidcnco of J. If. Stevens on College Street. 7-1 yr HK. FAISOX, Attokney and Counseli. on at Law. Office oti Main Street, will practice In courts ofHampsonand adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his can; will receive prompt and careful attention. je7-lyr ITT S. THOMSON. V Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad joining counties. Ever attentive and faithful to the interests of all cliint5. je7-lyr rrm lmmtad'u mini t. HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUIt STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. ,1 V. KLUIi. and Counskll- I Him Attorney ok at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be riven to all lesral business, ie 7-lyr 1 71 RANK BOYETTK, D.B.S. J1 Dentistry Office on Main Street.7 Offers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. ttaTMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. je 7-lyr HOW HAIUUSON'S ADMINIS TRATION IS UUN. The next Congressional Con vention, as announced last week, will be held in Clinton on Wed nesday, July 23rd. There ate nine counties in this -Congressional District. Sampson had the Convention four years ago, and it is quite a victory for the county and a comjdiment to Clinton for us to secure it again this year. We hope that it will reflect the voice of the wishes and interests of the people, and- tho way to make it do it. is for the good people of the district to attend the primaries and send staunch, solid delegates (not lobbying and trading delegates) who know our needs and know who is the proper man to battle in the halls of Congress for the supplying of those needs a man with incorruptable lntegri ty, backed by undoubted large ability, information and energy Through Congress is the farm ers' only hope of relief. Their ability to protect themselves by successfully demanding just leg islation, will in a great measure be determined by their action in the coming nominations and and elections. "Wanny runs a Sunday-school, Levi runs the bar; Baby runs the White House, And, damn it, here wo are." . .... . -a -a - $100 Reward. $100. The readers of The .Caucasian will he pleased to learn that there is at least ane dreaded disease that sci ence has been able to euro in all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly on the blood and mucus sui faces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength, by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they of fer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. aif"Sold by druggists at 75 cents. Henry Hilton has the World for libel against indicted the late A. T. Stewart, and, from ap pearances, that journal ifs not "eating dirt." In a recent issue it says: "The thieves who stole A. T. Stewart's body were not half so contemptible as Hilton, the robber of Stewart's widow, who seeks to crowd into the empty coffin to hide his own in famy. We mean you, Henry Hilton." Strong language that, tit i ii "lie who lives by the sword must die by the sword." Retri bution only. Though the World should not drag before the pub lic Stewart's private life, sin he is in his gave, only so far as is necessary to expose Hilton if lie is guilty of the alleged crime. "And that beautiful idea is Shakt- speare's 'Yes." "Well, I'm sure have thought it." GUILTY WAS THE VERDICT OF THE JURY IN THE TRIAL OF AVERY BUTLER AC CUSED OF MUR DERING HIS FATHER si;nti:nci:i to hang .iuly 11T1I. The Compound Lard Bill. ITS INCONSISTENCY AND SECTIONAL OBJECT. It Would Hum One or the South Great Industries to the Profit of the Northern and "Wtt ern Pork Packer, t The Little Murderer Hears His loom Like a Hardened Criminal. A QUESTION OF VITAL IMPORTANCE NOT ONLY TO SOUTHERN FINANCE AND PROSPERITY, BUT TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND THE NATION'S STOMACH. WILL THE GOVERNOR COMMUTE IT? In the case of Avery Butler, the law with its measure of jus- tice is following speedily on the heels of crime. The murdur was committed April 12th, on April 19th the son was arrested charged with the crime, on April 29 tli he is put on trial for Lis life, on May 1st the jury return a verdict of guilty, and on May the 2nd he is condemned to hang for the terrible crime. There is a, diversity of public opinion as to whether the boy should hang; some thinK that the salety or the pub'ic and the vindication of the law demand that he hang, others that the Governor should commute the sentence to life imprisonment, but there is no diversity of opinion as to the boy's guilt, the evidence, though circumstantial, is yet conclusive. We intended to give the evi dence in full, for ws expected new developments during the trial, but nothing material was brought out beyond what was known before the trial. The evidence was substantially as follows : The deceased, soon after the shooting, said to Dr. Stevens that it was a small white boy with a cap on, about the, size of his son Avery. It was upon the suggestion of Dr. S., referring to a difficulty with John Simmons in which a woman was concern ed, that the deceased thought that Simmons was his murderer Avery Butler went to Mr. Bea man's, where his brother was working, on Wednesday before the shooting and got his moth er's gun. He cut the slug of iron, that was found in the de ceased, from a rod ot iron at Williamson's blacksmith shop - - i i i on Thursday ana asuea now much powder it would take to throw it through a man. On Friday, the day before the shoot does not know the elation of spirit, the sweet charity which fill a woman's heart when she feels that she is well dressed? When dejected, an infallible cure may be found in a becom v .. . . v iii inir cnst.nmft and nroinfnao If . -. rnh rm in- muok u aaicui, vuai , - 1"' ul i ftffP.t (nnf nhipel. nf t.hU a" eilt,u iCllct lu ooiuie, linilAs, f- nustry or ciass oi people, tor no lnw ?q tn fnrevpr detrov tilft ii a nice iaia pian goes awry. ptying the pails ous committees asking for spe- em t (Section 7, lines 14-20.) cial legislation for some private In view of tUe fact tllat lard enterprise, in short they have compound are now sold for had the cheek and audacity to domestic use almost entirely in ask Congress to mss a law or sma11 lln PaiAs (orginiai pack aws to damage and if a nice laid if digestion on your best clothes and take a walki The fresh air and the admiring eyes of the oy-passers will restore your serenity, Sidney Smith says that it is sell it without let or hindranco f011? try ? teach a girl that of Agriculture to-dav. for a larere packages.) majority of such measures have W ow, suppose tnat a aea noPTi niroprpn aimnet tlio tflpinor - - . ., .... .. . " wholesale and retail,; still it is auu uavc uicu uiw wuiiuui mci- nn fl.wtnl tor nim to rr! an For a long time the patient, original package, . c, one of the I never wo Id Jmes Anthony Foude, a learned, able and powerful wri ter, in a letter to Mrs. Smedes, the author of "Memorials of a Southern Planter," says : "I am afraid, from what I inc. he told Mrs. Williamson, to , . o j have myselt seen in our own half ruined colonies, that the day is not far off that the en thusiastic emancipationists of your country ana ot ours will be found not to have been the truest friends of the race of whom they believed them selves get even with him, and that tho liberators, freedom is a he ever whipped him again tha could liveoniv a few weeks, i took noubtiui gin it it aoes not bring he would Kill him. Avery was live bottles ot Dr. Kinii's New Discovery with it those Qualities of mind seen with a erun near the Dlace t - i 11 Oil I I o anuam now sound aim ven, sbimu anfi rlin.rn.ctpr wlnVli n aha enn f tho ohnntincm lmlf linnr h. nouiKls in weig.iK r make a wholesome use nf freo- fnro if . nr.r.nrrofl. Snnn n.flr it. Arthur liove, aianager Jioves ruimi-- ,r Folks omhmati(m. writes: "Alter a upiu. OCCUnea lie came up TO iur. The Pulpit and Hie Stage. Uev. F. M. SI i oat. Pastor I'nitetl llretliren Chureli, blue Mound, Kan., fays: "I feel it my duty to tell the what wonders Dr. Kind's New Discovery has done lor me. My lunjjs were badly dis- eiised. and niv nansluonors thought 1 whom he was hired to work that his father had always treat ed him bad and hud often se verely whipped him, especially when he had helped his sister to elopu and he intended to whip his father some day and (section 7, lines 12-14.) The bill is o peculiarly worded that a wholesale dealei cannot even sell an original stamped pack age of less than f0 pounds, although it is a well-known fact that the trade is almost entirely supplied by original packages ranging from 50 pounds down. (3) Every retailer of com pound lard shall pay a special tax of $2 per annum. Any. per son selling in less quantities than 50 pounds at ono time shall be regarded as a retail WOMAN'S Sl'HERK. Alliance Dqm-imeut. THE INFLUENCE OP DUESS. Who ran Etinutt It? Stur llilrinl Iistaarts. Dost thou thiuk I have a doublet and host in my disposi tion?' asked the merry Itosa- lind when she was "caparisoned like a man" in the Forest of Arden. She vowed to Celia that her "swashing and martHl outside" had no effect on her ALUAXCF XOTKS, DISCUS SIONS AND THE DOINC.S OF THE VA1UOFS LODGES. County LerUrf r' Netlrp. 1 have a half a dozen or more invitations now on file to visit lodges and deliver public lec tures but my time issa engaged flpnlar SAP.tinn A lino 1 fi ' RfniUra ,r. vortnirp. - feminine curiosity nor her and my business is such that I naek all rnmnnunrl lard thev womanish trait of speaking her will be unable to answer any of sell, and put the name into thought. these calls till .the 1st of June. T WILli KOIJ THE SOUTH OF $15,000,000 ANNVALTiY. Every week, we might say True, the way one i dressed I During that month I hoie to bo does not alter one's nature, says able to give one or two days in Kate Kauffman in the Jenness each week to the work. I would Miller Magazine, but it may suggest that who re several lodges utterly transform one'a manner, are near each othr that they As Rosalind's costume enabled combine in a joint invitation original package, being bound her tu act tue Pelt boF so her and have the lecturer at some Wrtn Iottt frt i.nl.fr tio. m.,U urusa luiiv tiiuso any wouiiuj iu ceniiiu ihmiu, us jl win uti nn- other than origin U packages. This provifion practically pro hibifs the manufacturer from making any package of less man ou pounas; lor. as tne re tailer could not utilize the every day for the last quarter of not buy a barge qantity of 3 5 appear gay, gracious, graceful, possible for me to visit all the a century, somebody has been and 10 pound pails of the manu- sad, self-assertive or awkward, lodges. Very re.pcctf nil y, haunting the lobby of Congress facturer for the sake of wasting , The Plimry influence of Mauion P.i-ti.kk, his time eai Other reason than that tfcey snl nf lard eomnnnnd. Tber would profit by the proceeding, tailer would be compelled to We could mention hundreds of uv and sell only the hog cure inat m o, o, aim iu pouna nails ("original packages.) and i i - . no smau aegree are tney respon Sub-Treasury Hill I!?fore Causres!. The Senate Committee of the U.S. Congress on Agriculture and Forestry had under consid eration last week Vance's bill to system of ware farm itroduee through the country to be opera- dressed. Her whole destiny .1 .1 4 is to i.suo notes upon deposits of grain therein. Col. Polk, president of the National Farmers' AUiauce.read a long argument in favor of the measure, which, he wild, was formulated by a committee) ap pointed for that purpose by the patriotic and hard laboring far- ordinary pails or tubs of lard A A 1, 1 1 1 may uepeuu u.. convention of the National r- Doiiuet, a xact wuiuu, il bub k mers' Alliance and tho Indiistrial keen, she will very soon dis- Anianco iieIa ia St. Louis, Dec. ovet. 9 iquq ija ub-ofi,i n,. .ii. Not the least tragic part of ci:.:e in airriculturai valuer in i a n ii. Ii i I w tne tragic uie or me uronie Hia fae nf t.lm mnrvoiinna i,. : -1. : nrtt, rr ji SlSierS IS Uiat IUBV IHJVei UaU I l ,1nvnl.., ,.4 1 mer has borne these impositions W ""n u , , p, .uim' ' nrettv clothes Think of it' f iT i 'V "V . I hur!inao t ho whnloQalpp'a lifAns Pivij i-iuuicB. xiixuiv uj. it. industries and intorptiU dnrinv and robberies, not knowing what doe3 not permit him to sell a Poor liU?e gls! Their aunt the arit two rlecades and insist- Was tlie matter, ana believing nnantitv less than 50 nnnnds aresaeu tueiu in muc-y cai-uiu efl that SOmeth 11L' should he that tli irnvprnmptif was rlmnir nndflr anv p.irp.nmsf anr.pa anrl fashions trom 1 enzailCe . Lnar- done for the farmer. Ifftrharfr its dutv md protecting his in- the retailer's license requires with her passionate, artis- ed the fault upoa the Hnmcial t0rftQf int i,ft T,aa liimtorepacKan sale ot any rrT" L v ' 8ysiem Jl 1116 goverumeiii.wineii - nnonHhr !. Hmn Kn nnnnild grace auu ucttuiy ; iieu at re.snlte.fl in hitrli-nrifAri 1 -3 i II a M'"..-.v. w ....v.. , TI -U - .1 . awaH-eueu iu ine au reaiiiy auu Tf the re rftS,nv mtenrl. scaooi in iwrusseis 3ne ineu 10 and W-Driced oroduets. The is shocked and righteously in-Ld onlv to eomnel the honest cnanSe her comely growns ac- remedv Col .olk t i j; t- is -l. c - v. : . - - i dinant that his irovernment has branding of a counterfeit article. VL"ruM utu iuiuu. f uur threefold: CliiWivns CoriuT SOM E Til I .NT. I NTEUESTIN'C to onii vouxr. kkadeus. Nil AT MCTUU WRIITK. riiBini; i ru !. iii(i., I'm mrr i tTt kn h. lut U Ut ly mrv d.in? i(. I cn, IMI tr; TU y U ll a Rlrl lh.V ihinV h, r !,- L . Vro iH tiir r.v., r.,; "VMir ! arv liki ifc Tti.if U.it .. Mio llui tlu-n. w ho h.tll I u n.l mm, u, Th. rfU lot. of srirt. I ln... Hut nut a ltUrv unc IM w jiit i.t w rite t Ah. now IM-ihou-lil ..f ...tu. Im.., And not al iitirt. Will po to iiiik ho i half a lii.v A l who will jr-t mlnf. (Victor writes ntetuiily t'u'r kiiu moments, then ro;iN ulotul) : "Vourhair U ai l.rowii imil. our -r rr tin- W ' oh ii Liu,-, I'll 1m , in th' inM, th-rt no oik- 'llo half ;i in-ty a )u Aii1 though, tlrar, I don't h.w It. 1 love you h ith all my h-art: I think it would )ut atoiit kill me. If oii and 1 H id to i t. I't l h:ip win II 1 ffow Up to Ul.tiihood, I II Have lo wander afar. Hut I'll imi r forii l mv lirt w tih, arl. My I'M It), l.ri's'M, Jolly iiijiiiiiu." Yuiitho' iiiuiii,in. AT S4'Km)L. Teacher Somebody ha. been throwing paper behind my bank. .Mewes, can you tell me who It was: Mewe.i (who was the culprit himsely) I kimw who it wa, but I hardly like to tell. Teacher A trifle too ortipu- lous, perhaps, but it shows honorable feelinir on vour nart. You may hit dawn. UZZLES. HKIIKADI.Vti.-l. 1. Iiehead "beyond thebouudH of a eoun'ry" and havo "wide;" again, and h ive "an open way or puj)lic passage." 2. Ilehead "a small shoot or branch," and have "to petition:" again, and havo "a line of light;" again, and have "yea," "ye." lie head "worthless matter," and havo "precipitate:" nirain. and have the name ot a genus of trees common in our latitude. There is a mountain species. been a party to, has winked at every tacility would, be pro- - 1 j ii. j. ., 1 1 nn,i in,i;,9 4i,0,n.,.i,wiII viueusc mat a reiaiier couiu ' I (-.--wll I n ml - . . . i -i x"l .v. t li Hft is watemno tlift nninoanf . r 0 , urinal nacKaare. When a manu Congress with an eagle's eye and faoturer puts up a package and the wrong doers, will soon hear brands it in big letters accord of his wrath through the ballot mg to the law it is in tne in terest ot honest dealing that One of the most infamous Charlotte, with a heart of fire and the exterior of a "plain, provincial, sickly-looking old maid." How much more agreeable to read ot llannah Mote wearing at eighty a "pea-green . silk," which, although it contrasted 1. Restore silver to its dignity and place as a money metal, with all the rights of coinage and all the qualities of lecal tender which gold possesses. 2. Issue sufficient amounts of currency direct to tho people at a low rate ot interest to meet requested to publish this bill, but instead (on account of . its length) we -give below the gist of the minority report of the committee on Agriculture, by Hon. box. bills of this kind recently at n? X nnntsn" with nl, with the youth of her step and tempted by Congress, is the Com - I t Ti r rTr nr! Tin l ,nflrir ni hran her cleargirlish voice." pound Lard Bill. We have beeu and stamps up. m it. If a manu- One's exterior has awouderful facturer Duts ud a 3 Dound tin. UKUU t" .J1AC' " 11U - - I l . l- . ... . . lln . . -t n n w I. 1 1 i t , mt pound tub, all covered and 1M s U1U as B"5 iUL,a 4 cuu nlrorol nTTftr xxrith infornpl SClOUSneSS Of a beautiful ap revenue stamps and brands, and pearance endues a woman with th,, rnnsnmfir is allowed tn l.n v seu-cuuuucuuc, im wnu duuau . w 1 " J I . i ii. . JIJ. A. r T M,.nnmm r I tbr annflj in such mY-bnirps lift M-J " kw " iUI;V;iaiUUIJ, Ul Wl" I f-w., L -O i I J1 ,1 1- - J I . .. . n ' . m -a I III 'J r U I ll lfllllfll 1IIU WIIIIII1.II V ITIAr XI. . ft 1 I 1 1 t tv r. cannot possibly be ueceived ' ' , usiauon oi uw .uiiiace, wuo an- iuvu- . . . . , , , i iritiiionpc rT nrfiss :rs Arrpr. nn j . ir i. "" - - urttoeu uiiueii iiiorei)arucuiar- at the inconnistencv. reouirina-! Uie UHIlumer- . . ly to the merits and details oi expiams uiemiauiuus uaiure oi a retailer to break ooen such a " ucc" o llie Sysem ot wa-ehouses as the package should go into the witji her face, was "in harmony the legitimate demands of the business ot the country, and which shall be iegal tender for all debts, public and private. 3. Secure to such issue equa or a 20 pound pail, or a 40 uyi wmau dignity with the money metals by basins it on real, tangible substantial values. Colonel Polk was followed by Dr. C. W. Maune, chairman ol the national Committee on leg- this bill and shows how it is do signed to further rob the South ern farmer. Read it and see a fair sample of the hellish a package and dip the lard out to win for ler people the favor outlined in the bill. He asserted with a laden, or a knife, or pre- 1,1 ue UU3U,luu' " "f, i that Uie inerciiandwi thus Mor haps a stick, and take it out of "Put on her ryal apparel and ed W0UM not deteriorate below this stamped package and pnt mauB w i"'i5 u nyicMiyu Uie market standard and that it into some other tacka?e in a lUiU' "e i,luu,wu w"a1' the system had proved feasible schemes of the monopolist, L,imC5V wnv as hftst h nan. might asK, even uuio me nan in California .where the Granir- which he has been, and ia trying These restrictions will destroy ot ms Kiugaom. erH Ba;, k in j 889 loaned 3,000,- t.n earrv into execution through the cotton-seed oil business ueimis was Ai uuuy a iiieswu-myo on certificates issued to the w - - 0 . ... . I ,r..i Lnn t t.- hnnir I Aimirni t 1 i i .-i n :.. o"uv w "-"o liirineirt on wneab uoponiteu in When he saw her neauty ana address he felt sure that she Deserted farms of New Eng land are an argument in a nut- thorough trial ami convincins; evidence, I am eonlident Dr. K'uigNs New Discov ery for Consumption, heats vem all, ami cures when everything else fails. Tho greatest kindness I can do my many thousand tnends is to ur.ru them V try it' Free trial bottles at It. 11. llolli- publican rule dav's Drug btore. Kegular size 5U els and 1.(0. - T - I I . 1 1 lime when the Williamson's house from to wards the lot, barefooted, while he had on shoes in the morning. TTn fnlrl Afrc Will l a crn Va shell agamst the beneficientRe- lwi 1lt.nr, linlinwinj Art flt r,ia father's, that he would cro down the Radical members of Con- absolutely if the bin is passed I ! - M. i- J? greSS : 1,1 lla pitsotJUii iu:ui. The bill reported by the (o) in manuiacturer snail majority of the committee is, a pack all compound lard in vts described and classified accord- sels not before used for the pur- ing to its features: pose, each containing not less r n A h i to increasft th than 3 Dounas. oection lines 1, "-., r. I 1 . J 1 Ho ah!) mnrlr pach jcvciiuca ui tile vj w v cumicii i. uv I Av w.... ) , . .. ,, .,.. i,i aonara tft vftsflftl nr TinPlrncrp wririi i natuiu.ii.o - i x ' an additional revenue tax. 1 J a ( cnaugings seem to point to a North will be 1 1 1 o It nit "Is there anything that will bring "uiy new, wnen iun oi tne vig- youth to a woman?" asks a writer. Well, ft leading smile from her might brin r him to her feel. New York Journal. Epoch The transition from long, lingering aad miuful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the lite of the individ ual. Such a remarkable event is trea? ured in the niemorv aim the acrencv whereby thn good health has been at tamed is cratefullv blesred. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Elec tric Hitters. So many leel they owe or oi a convert sue will nom hards with the South in bury ing in a graye, from whence there is no resurreciion, a party which has used her for its pri vate parsonal ends, and then discarded her in her distress.- N. Y. Times. It is said that Little Benny Harrison's wet-nurse, Senator their restoration to health to the use of Matthew Stanley Quay, handles the infant in such a way as to the Great Alterative and Tonic. If j ou are troubled with any disease rf Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short stand ing, you will surely tind relief by use of Electric Uitters. isvld at 50c and $1 per bottle at IC. II, Holidays Drug Store. and see what was the matter, and if hn called her to come. He went and soon called her, af ter doing eo he ran down the street for a doctor. He told some one a day or two be tore the shooting that he had dream ed that his father was shot, on Sunday after he said that he dreamed the night before that his father was shot with apiece of iron. On the same morning he was seen cleaning mud trom his shoes. The gun that he borrowed from his brother was found in the branch not far from the shooting a few days after his father was buried. After o a v,sil fi.V,. th ronrrt "(Vnnnniifin ,t1" in w veiv V o 7 1... . . . . .. I f . of.. r,a I rrta rrkiiirf u a - a . j m I InttnM nf acq than thpaa.liinl'tha I1 I Lim AWUiJt.. anaDy m imposition oi an -" "T 3 L;fl? ' ...ri tniw utcuKW-icvcuuo ' ic5uia,i,iu5 I omo fQ.H7,ii 7. linP SI -2 Nn cino nffAn,1,(l ..r.tifs Shft he manufacture sale, importa- com ld lard shall at re. snortivelv - disclose.- her ion, ana exportation oi -com- tail or otherwise except in packages ..i , ' f Q fanA. r I lA ; T I . . i i ..- l I Uia.il HI o. itvii-i w m puuiiu iwu, mcu.umg tiicicujr marsea auu ursumeu iuv w u - ?11 lf nn inxr littiA n5nk linn. : i ..r i I ti, v.:i l i,n i nai i i 1 i J - -w r " k nnn a mmnonno iara mere tv. , j shall be assessed and collected a tax fo.-! 1 Lavi tried it as Clei.patra he was arrested he confessed irritate him, and is not so fond that he killed his father, but ' i of him as f rmerly. There's blocks-of-flve Dudley, And Matthew Stanley Quay, Will both go back on Beany, "Because they are built that way." Sam Jones' meeting in Char- Kvery Thirty Days Lonesum "Been married a month to-day. haven't you old fel? Still billing and cooing. I &uDose?" Scruze (dubiously) "I am not cooing as lotte was quite successful in the iiiuuiiBi was ai one lime, uui ine r-w. hilling--ah me!"-N. York Herald. 1U"B1UK UIUUCJ VVOA " thousand dollars fe2,200 went to Sam. His bread is well but this confession was ruled out by Judge Graves and was not al lowed before the court as evi dence. The jury that convicted the bov was as fair a one as could have been gotten any where and the able counsels, Messrs D. B. Nicholson and W. R. Allen for the defendant, did all for him that possibly could have been done. The examination If the whole mnnftv in (iw.ii latlon was doubled. Drices would tered. Most any man can afford of witnesses was skillfully done be doubled: if it was nnixr in. to deal in the lanirnayA he does and their speeches were fine, rreasftd nn a-fourth finnh rftwfi rrl. P.nt few would The iury recommended Execu rise one-fourth. J. S. Mill. be allowed to do so. tWs clemency. need fear no displeasure from his Roman master; however, he1 advised her to go 'in her best raiment." Rachel Felix, the French warehouses owned and control led by them. a i:iiili:. A cavern dark and hmg, Whence issue wail and song; A red bridge moist and strong, Where wliit robed millers throng. WHO AM 1? I am seen iu tho west and felt iu tho eat; You 11 find me wherever theie's pleasure or feast; In the evening I'm present and ready for tea; With dinner or breakfast I aK ways make Iree. I am constant at chess, piipiet, or ecarte, Tho' you never will mCet me at ball or at party. A gentleman cannot be seen without me; Not in Tin: Caucasian but in the Tel win am I be schoolboy will catch me at cricket or race. Not in Clinton, but in Mount Olive I have place. Now, surely by this my name you can tell, Unless that, like truth, I am hid iu a well. A FKIE.VIH.Y HINT. I low doth the little busy bee, I in prove each sh i n i n g in i n n te! And sometimes, too, he has hi fun, Hut, friend, don't jo.i bein it. sprightly comedy off compounded in imitation or semblance of lard which shall be made of any other ingredient other rhan lard, or which shall be composed of any ether ingredient or ingre dients in combination with lard." Digesting the main features of the bill as affecting the of 2 mills per pound, to be paid by tried poisons on her .slaves. I he the manufacturer thereof (becti ou y, effect is certain. When I put lines 3-4;) except that compound -t , t eek ,.r-m a black iara may ue e.poriu iu iw"s ,r...r v V . . I . n n. n w n , T 1 . . . VII ...'11,. ( . . . , under such reffulation, aud the flung njuito emcunu, i cessiUi pxpernreut you iiavo of such bond and other security as ed so ever since. mnAn that . vim .r..th..r rami the Commissioner of Internal Re- The wisdom of dress, as oil I iie: A Rowan countv farmer mak- ing a speech to his Alliance said: Let us, my Alliance breth ren, raise the standard of iiitel ligei ce and bring into our farm work-inorj intelligence and 5kil i and imu3e into every blow we strike more physical energy and soul vigor. To accomplish this great end we should take a home paper, write for it, and commu nicate to each other our home experience ami do a way with ou old slip-shod methods. Adopt this sugge.-tio:i, and send lo The C.u caman for pub lication any dMrn very r suc- A NSW Ens TO PUZZLE. An Enigma Blank I'oik. Cross Work Water. NOT II IS TAt'LT. vftnnp. with the aDDroval of the U.no.,-n., al ,a inz-lnort in er may prout ii.eei.. manufacturer, wholesale dealer secretary of the Treasury, may pre- Soi0mon,tf experience He has some one else will show his aj and retail dealer, it provides: scribe. (Section 17, lines 1-6.) . . t c t. 4rt tiiV n,P(.jatioh bv irivin ' -von th (1) The manufacturer of com- Compound lard imported from left us tni a preci spt. Let tnj preciation by kivmn mi th Tv.nnd Inrd immt urncire a foreign countries shall be taxed with garments always be white, and benefit of his experience. . i a. - AA -,-. I 1 t- Ii tf h nn n lopir mtiT ! onT i;.Ana ,,-inVi, .ln u tho au internal revenue lai. ui wuw ichuj ucaumvauu 7im ? fT per pound in addition to any import rate of $100 per annum, but he ST. mnORed 0n the same. (Section shall be entitled to such license n unaa ii i ThA 5 mill tax shall be reDresonted by coupon stamps, trirty-nine years. i - a. ft - a. I . - i 1...,, .f 4- ! The Farmers' Alliance of tbia It is a long tim? to be married couuty had a lare meeting in It is a bless- the Courthouse yesterday, which The b- mem Ttoi ".wr "."' " " . flnwftrs ninon ana tne oiras sin i Ders. wuo are vc y iituvu. iun nio vuiuuiiDamoi ui xuvciiia. BAnaitiPs ot the mil are unusual, ana r ' . . . i.i .r. Revenue. He shall also give a Tn everv resnect out of all propor- their little songs of happiness, eign cor. w u. Merger. bond. (Sections, lines 10-16.) tin to any offense that may be and is sorrow and weep with enmmitted. Thev ranee from 5o0 von when God's nana rests neav i xjchvu 11 uuicaiu uutivii v 1 - ' . i 1 .... . . , , . . . 1 tnt li Via a manu FartnrAr lO M.UW IU amouui, auu luipiiav"- jy UPOn yOU.and ine Iieanar.ie.?, 18 BiriiiJiiK wini uwvii iisto aiuoi a fnm HnH Aliavo fq tli. mnnipil tiAiirlv nil nar. tt MO USCU ill I.IIO lUUIUlbluc auu me CAioiuig " .v.w0 - i o i - - nrA fiAlAtprion to health " stamps tax on tobacco and snuff are ful, loving, wife to rejoice with! Alliance is remarKably slron (section 3 lines 5 9 19 0 23 ) made applicable, as far as may be. you when the heart is happy in Wake, there being thirty su a auestioi for the deckon of "T.nd varietv of the arei" h "'?J Hlt'if'n.e. :3. shaiinaa nAcial tar nf S25 "c"1 . r"'r ani ma ciouas gamer ana iue - vz: Rome instances DOirt lmprisonmem ,- a i n annum aoxti.Mi i 1 nAai-7 7" ... u SUVCr COItl 13 lUOSoU aim x j ry auu 1 1 1 1 1 , nin uiauua,uij and shall sell in quantities not I court. less than 50 pounds, and only in original stamped packages Continued on j. ounh Page. U'rt nan roi 1 1 nn nrMP(lpAt golden bowl is broken. Dr. " v- v,v.. . htm L ir iingsDury in yy limmgioii mes senger. the dangerous lard bill in thei House aimed to destroy tho cot ton seed oil Interest. Let the combat deepenWil. Messea- ger. Ii.ethren and sisters," and the patient old pastor buttoned his threadbare coat closer about hi spare form, "I notice that m k Home ineino'rs oi me congrega tion are shivering liom the cold i siiouio naye replaced the broken pane of glas. in this window bfhintl me weeks ago with rairs if they could have been "-paied Jrotn the family wardrobe. The collection for fertign missions will now b taken up." Fat Tom, the usurper has been speechinaking at Pittsburg, Pa. His "greatest effort" was a bili ous tirade "against the Demo c a'ic party and tho South. He is a tr.eat overgrown epitome of malignity and slander. He ought to be "bottled up." Wil. Messenger. The man who warns the radi cal reformer against ''oing off" half-cocked is usually a flint lock blunderbuss that doesn't "go off" at all until too late. He" What a handsome horse Popley drives." She "Yes; I don't ee how he has managed to remain single' so long." , u ' Pi I

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