'J THE CAUCASIAN. ,tHI.ISlKI KVERY TIIURSDA V, Kr MAKIOX. UUTLEK, K tii or and Proprietor. V THINK J Jimtiors aptkktisi CliKATKS many a new buvocM, KX IAi 1 taaor u oU ltM ne. UKVtVEf many a dull Wine, KlMLTKStauT 5t buim. SAVES many a fAd'nj btt4ue l'UESEItVES neftv .lUr$but.Urs SKcntKS ucoe m ay buwne. Therefore ad virtue ia.a Hjilar paper, one the peplt nrv anxkm to rrad. SUBSCRIBE. Show tin a Paper to yourneigh bor and advise him to sub scribe. ooroy lupremnoy. 1 ; VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. O., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1890. No. 31. Subscription Price $1.50 per Year, in Advance. t s CAUCASIAN PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. vvr ii;allen; T V ATTORNEY-AT-L.AW, Goldsboro, N. C. Will practice in Sampson county. iel27 tf M. LEE, M. D. " 'IIYSICIANVSUROEON AND DENTIST, OHicc in Leo's Drug Store. Jo 7-lyr I A. STEVENS, M. D. j Physician and Surgeon, (Office over Post Office.) lajrMay be found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College Street. Je 7-lyr HE. FAISON, Attikxey and Counsei.l ok at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice in courts ofSampson and .idioining counties. Also in Supreme Court. Ail bus in en intrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful attention. J7;.1!... VT S. THOMSON. VV .ATTORNEY AND CoUNSEI.L on at Law. Office over Post Office. Will nrsietiee in Sampson and ad .. ... - joining counties, and faithful to tlit clilrllt.1. Ever attentive interests of all je 7-lyr E ,1 W. KERR. Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, render, llarneti ana uupun uuu Mf. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be ivcn to an icj-cai ousinuts. ie 71UANK P.OYETTE, D.D.S. 1 Dentistry THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. On last Monday the Rev. Dr. A. W. Mansrum. of Chapel Hill, who for some time has been in econi to her family, and third to society to I routine. Fayettevi lie Observer. appear neat, attractive and to an advantage in every way possible. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion or others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of. the Day. tiii: income tax. One of the best and most needed arrangements to restore something of prosperity and lift at least a part of the burdens of taxation from the shoulders of the oppressed people is to tax the incomes of the rich and prosperous. England taxes the wealth of the conntrv. The United States tax the poverty of thft land, and the men of colossal incomes go comparati vely scot-free. Shall this go on? Who says so? No true friend of the toilers and farmrs will say so. We are satisfied that incomes over $2,000 or 3.000 should be taxed. It is but fair that wealth should shoulder its proper share of burden. A thoughtful Pre by teri&n clergy man favoring an incame tax, writes us of a recent date: "lie lutein, ot the income its outcome if Office on Main Street. OtfV-rs his services to the people of tax bill is, and Clinton and vicinity. Everything passed W0Uld be, to furnish the in inoiinu in jcuiiiiy uui. in tne West style. Satisfaction guaranteed. ieyMy terms are strictly casn. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. jc 7-lyr $100 Reward. $100. The readeis of The Caucasian u ill he ideased to learn that there is at least ane dreaded disease that sci- posed is so ence has been able to cure m all its i-tages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fra ternitv. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitu Government with the tax to ran, if economically administered, not so much as now from the poor farmer and others but from the richer classes who are most able to pay it. No bill yet pro- little Utopian and offers so great advantages to the fanners-" North Carolina taxes now all incomes over 81,000. It has tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh been doing this for a long time. It ought to be lR. 3IANGU3I DEAD, W0MAFS SPHERE. DItESS. amusement and it is difficult to folly understand how welcome to them an occasional divers-ion from an rksome a monotonous PARIS EASHIOXS. The edict has gone forth NORTH CAUOIilNAXS IN GO THAM. Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., of A COKttECTION. 11 health, died, lie was one of he greatest preachers of the North Carolina Conference, and since 1875 he has occupied the The edict has gone forth Jr- chair of" Moral Philosophy and revocablf against to arnures,buf. ' J Fni. i, T,faMfI1M of ; aiQta ties ana steels. Gowns, this " "lutus w English Literature at the State! - . - , . rhmnMo o. University, lor four years we extreme perfection of fit and There are thousands of South sat at his feet for instruction elegance of cut nothing else, era people in New York city. and know him to be one of the r renenwomen attach great im -1 There is no city in the north in hiyhpst tvnp of christian mn.n- portance to, grace, and often I which there are so many South- sacrifice convenience and coin-1 erners-There ar pei haps nearly UUVU. I m m 11 1 m 1 I 1 '!. -m r iort 10 iuh uope oi loo&iu: eie-jmree nun area mousana oouu- gante et eouple. This is the I era people in New York city. real reason why an ugly and-j North Carolina hus her share. r: l j useless uiuuc a wcphik xu i i call OUIV u euuuu m wis ici- ' airain that, nf nsLVintr tn stirt. I fa. thvoa ry fnii? tiimoj i-AUArv lor i,imiiy fce(iH usiueuuow- . onffenouehtotouchtheKroundJim? others for a future letter. i n x i ii ji I -. . . . . .... I juK loiiiiuciiuiiiuote, ihiuuhiuu- it is to De tearea tnat soon tue He then goes vra for two col ed for publication, but under unpleasing spectacle of every I i;.,ft ,,t 0,p00a the circumstances we have de- lady holding up her dress with w-,f tt vaM a x m.,--u ..x -u,.,,, oue hand, while sne endeavors Ul " . .6, emeu to puuiisu it, wiuiuoiuiug , . , , a . , . a n,. r tt p-.tp. j. W. Ohore. in the other, will be a familiar Dr. W. B. Pritchaid and other Philadelphia, Pa. sight on the aft moon stroll. xr- noiinon in finthnm dear friend: i tmnK your The leading couturier es are - account of the as&assination of introducing a ereat deal of real 1 uriner-ou UB sa' Mr. liuueroi your town says: lace trimmine in their best n ueeuw smueuow un,aay "The missile oassed through the LtMQCoa ATt fh havv. rih for a man to leave home, in . - VUV " J 1 -w . riht descending colon (one of inf fhnf ia nnlv anifjLhlA oraer to oecome ine uignest oi the large intestines)' When for middle-aged matrons, but which he is capable. Henry M. von remember that there is re- .rnaam moiinoa Rnceoi Stanley: the man whose name ml fcXlO KUgCttilllGl UWAUbt, JJiUxiViU I B - - . . -3 ally only one intestine, and that Lnint. r-hniiilv and noint d'es- w on the lips of the world, tne large portion (tne coionjpas prit. es up on therignt side and down Above all it is necessary for on the left, don't you think you each lady to study her figure, are liable to De criticised? anu although bustles are not in jiopmg you win receive tins fashion, tne draDenes on Our Farmers' Column. SOMETHING f NTEilESTINC i TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOIL. "There is no material iirojfros that is well bxed and pormauent without agricultural progTeti.a." his name. in the same spirit in which it is straight, plain skirts that are offered, I a ji truly, Your Friend, kings,pi inces, and common peo ple, alike doing him honor, when he was in America some years aero, was sometimes greet w -m ed with an audience as small as seven. Dr. Deems reflects great honer i n fon r ar lrf oli ofrtnf nrnmAn M ah'Bft TO -nrt upon his native state and church that the effect of a slight bubtle He is a broad gauged man, built . ,i , on a broad pattern, tnmks Dig 1H , " r". . thoughts and lives them in his oieeves uivo auuuireu suu- ... ... s4. enough physiology not to have " J . ; 'T that is no career for such a man made the above mistake. Wbt"SL ut. '"TJa 7Z T, or there has not been, as yet, a intTwWi tft ,v , ; ruV" t .u,,ttUU .V-:' least, iii North Carolina. One j ..... w mutton nas come oaca. again ntt, a "i. . 4- r. I - . . i c iciuuu. ui uuuiac, ia mov I 1 1 ; I . ; i r I . an I iih I rn in ir on immni 1 11 iwh 111111 i e no not proiess to be 'up on anatomy, but we ao Know t in FOR CLEVELAND. Time for the Farmer to kt I'p and Doia. (Sp.cial Correspondent.) The paitizan republicans in Congress are as aggressive and cjrrupt as was the North Caro ina legislature from 'G3 to '70, and if they continue in the same course assumed bjT re vol u- tion'st lleed, in ten years the last vestige of a republican form of government will have assumed a form , worse than an oligarchy, aid all will be chaos and coufusion. Reed has made a despicable record for himself and his coadjutors thai should forever bo a political decapitation for all such tricks ters. Such diabolical doings are enough to make Washing ton turn in his grave and uroan for the downfall of the republic loud enough to heard through out the Union. It is the eame old black radidal 'nigger' party which is so prone to do evil to the American democratic con servative people. Down with such ii detestable party that has no tiesund no aims but to iu'e and ruin! There is no relief but to elect a statesman like Cleveland to fill the presiden tial office, and send men to re preseut the yovereign people who have their interests at hearc, at least the backbone portion of them. Then it is high time for 2orth Carolinians to begin to look about them and select meu for the State legisla ture who will legislate in in terest to the farmer as well as other professions. The Jeffer sonian democratic style is to begin early and work "hard and late," and never desert the old snip of state after she is irre- trievably lost. .None but a his Till: CAPITA U What ITrniipiriii;r nttlio Head of the Nation. SILVER (XUXAUK MINNESOTA WILL 1SE DEMOCRATIC IF THE KADI" CAL TAMFF KILL PARSES. SOMETHING INTEUESTINU TO OUR YOUNG READERS. I IT Itej. Cor. Ca vi'Asi an. I Washington'. D. C, May 8'h. The Republicans of the House held a caucus Tuesday in which they experienced how vexatious Speaker's Reed's arbitrary rul ings are when applied at home. The caucus met to decid upon the order of business.- The River and Harbor manager? tried hard lo have that appropriation bill disposed of the first thing, but Mr. Row! had determined that the Tariff should have prece deuce, Then the wanted sec ond consideration, but were de nied, or any time defiuite and wero i xtremely exasperated The time to be taken up by tar iff talk was discussed. tpecker Reed suggested that general do bate be omitted and the bill taken up in detail at once. He knew the bill would pas and there wasn't any us of much talking. Mr, McKinley jumped to his feet and protested vehc menUy against the iminuation that no debate was necessary He declared that the par t. need not fear to dizcuss the bill be fore the country; that to cut off general debate would be an out rage upon both minority an majority," ,r- Ruraows created amusement by saying some peo pie having made a tariff speed thought the subject exhausted for all time to coma and were uaturally impatient at hearing other peop.c Ulk. (I his was a drive at Mr. Reed's tariff speech two years ago.) The Speaker then laid down his ultimatum. There would be fifty more work ing days this session and the majority could give whole time to the tariff if it would, but It must-be understood that other legislation suffered as 'twas very ; necessary to adjourn early. He probably meant public build- irgs and other little jobs so nn- ChiUlrens Corner. A !!)' "fiaita f t alis. (Contribute.) The Iatin language was tLe language of the Roman people. It is a dead language by dead langtugo we mean not ppoken b any nation. Rut 1 think if yjti were to go to school with its for just one Uy,and one day only, you would think it had ris u from the dead, r or of all the Casarj Orgetorlxes, Cata- lines, Fillbuses, Calus.,Catiest Lupuses, and goodues knows how many fr 1 don't of thes greatshemales and hemaled they call on in one hour. I ! all these great popule are dead, and have not risen, their nameu have, if they succeeded la dying with thhir bodies. I know home days their ears must burn if there is any truih in the oM saying. ell, dead or alive, it is one of our principal studies. I think every person should know some latin, if not all of it. It is a uiighty gocd thing to have, but a most mighty hardest thing to get, and uearly as hard to keep. A real long and hard latin lesAoii will come as near making you break the third commandment, or nearly so, as a stubborn mule; and just miss three word If jou dare and you will stay in, and talk with the professor, and if you don't '-gee" to suit him, talking wout be all, for you will go to walk, and that, to the hur rah bush, too. Such knowledge is hard to get into my head ; in fact a school boy's life ii a hard one any way, but we will try to think that it will all be for the ?est some day. Cure is taken Internally, acting ui- jt is too low. .v. 41, a. l.lnrwl 1M1 lrlllMW Kill I faces of the svstem, thereby destroy- made 82,000, and less than that ing the tounuation oi me uis.euse, js taxing a man s living. . oome ami giving the patient Btreogth Jv men iie and dodge, but honest building up the constitution and as- . , A sitting nature in doing its work, men pay the tax as in duty Tie proprietors have so mucn laitn bound. Y H. .Messenger. - .a i . f I tnat iney oi- in its curative powers, tV r One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. fcaTSoldby druggists at 75 cents. - -aaB - When the factory shuts down the hands are not likely to shut up. Ingalls in a recent speech said: "The decalogue and the goldeu rule have no place in a political campaign. This mod ern cant about corruption of politics is fatigning in the ex treme. It prodeeds from the tea custard and the syllabub dilettanteism." Rev. ThomasDixon replying puts him to shame, (if such a This is what you ought to have, in f.ct, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are search ing for it daily, and mourning be im fiml It. nnt. Ttioupands upon thousands of dollars aie'spent thing is possible) as follows: annually by our people in tne nope n j havo to say in reply to tnat tney may attain mis uoou. Aim vet it ruav be had by all. We guar antee that Klectric Hitters, if used not believe in purity is impure. according to directions and the use The who doeg nofc believe persisted in, will bring you Good . Digestion and oust the demon dys- in honesty is dishonest. The pepsia and install instead Eupepsy. man who does not believe in , F,v lurmiugau luiuiwwiwuw Pnrnlina U a rural state his no colon that ascends on the right on the shoulder and gradually S1 Aiii- I. . . lOBi Will ClUliUCIUiUl uwv. vanishing to point on the r . 7 ' w . . ,wi k too late, besides several doctors fa"d 5 5?' city. It is useless, for this rea of this place called our atten- amo rh Ani r mark to h for us to grieve over tue ; ,iri I A i i departure of such men. lne fcimi iu Itic cuiu iiauiciiiaiciT mi l O lLiia.lLl3 1 lb IK biiatt a. v ci v i - , , -, ; i - -- , . . "I rTii" development of the modern city cQward will flinch in doin B,"! . r-r-IVr is to stick portant to can iidatcs tor re we did not think it necessary to uuuua.uu "v V. V-" Tt i3 the highest work ot the frt fVP tmA men nt "the conntrv. election. The outcome of it all make a correction in the next ?SSSf civilization of the age, destjied The Alliance want true men, was a compromise that the bill issue. There ia nrobablv not a t to mightier influence in the dved deen in the wcod. to re- the "pschutt" thii Spring. Clear eJS ? V" ,."M Lot ,1nnD r.nt ,.nt.1n wWt PTMf.Ml.lf fftr kwn tfilllfl. lUB Pl.OUCU JllWl Will m , " -.. i ' l hlv find their home in tliese t ' alia vntan wirnor tana i centers. is voted rather fade. There is a decided change in present farmers. Why not speak out now "loud and long" and work till the polls are closed next November? Awak should pass the House and be in the Senate in a fortnight. Importers of all kinds that that put up their money for the high tariff cindidale have dis covered their mistakes and are PUZZLES. A IHAMON1). 1. A letlo.-. '1. A film. .i. De creased. I. One who is steady. 5. A producer. C. Chlded. 7. To retard. 8. A twig. 0. A letter. some errors in eacn issue, ana as for ourselves we never at-Lt Hnnnlnriino- h. savs-. "I am farmers and Alliance men to t.Pirinr.to Ttia.ke corrections, nn- x m t r..i i, 1 1 a i . Anr in vonr nntv and be no r- I mPTiL- 1 IIP. 1.UU1H W.UIKH itrcUCU lieHle 1 ZLLLUUSIi CVCU vaj "t J r ry :u.. r r . ..... a . " . , , ' - . Vitt flic Milv toniriie Aieans MJimniuw ior iavors irr nuiiin iiiij ij a. xjkac. iia xrm iinuiuvi j 1 1 1 i i . ir i iiiiiii m-. i . - n rtf if 1 r 117 1111 1 1 - r- m I o j m 1 kuc j . . I a. A. I misrepresented other than our- no longer reign supreme. w gtranded in this big sity. I 1 . a S-v maIa1 self, and not then unless the ptaoe nu simplv amazing, the number of arft locked UD IMIONCTIO C1IAUAPF- Tinkling softly down the lane, Iirindle's coining home again; Stretched before the firellgljt'i glow, Tabby's hinging soft and low; The post rests, his task is o'er Who can tell the name he bwre " error is a newspapers material one. were to try to jj gant light Greek sandal, a longer daily harrasing the Ways and limit fnmothinif and relief. 1 110 manutactnres is but their own selfish aims which of sugar, made from imported molasses, now insist upon a in their pocket do charming genre become popular with the people. The leading Re- 1 - . . x . t t x i i i. i;i;r.. itnnriTV. 1 ill l tin l ivhsl liii 1 l irnitrs rnat emiyrata nere irum 1 dook. ".ci, a;i m wtc imus j- -;. 0--- xi. i 9 - rxt tiiia w nresent" ana vote ior no man b"j I Hie 1UU1 vi ixtLi ni a wx fcrxB, 1 jr . ... , , u.UciWnc.uouu mere is no wnnw - r friend. And leta an errata maKing corrections ior low-neeieu ami ruuuwu, that will teach a man wisdom : s,i n .,.. 1 w , 3. nointed. or souare-toed. thev in " " . . . .-. , ibvboui,u,u..,..,- errura iu 111c uictccuiug ipjsuc - - . - in Akflr t an tn tramn aronilQ Ifomord and vntH tor no man . OVOrV I'M MM KM.VK LI1H 21. 1 1 IV In BA' 1 " J or instance, in our issue oi . fp these streets for about two unless we are sure Mav 1st we suppose there were j . an 0r1Qn.Urti.a frvinu tn find work, will do something at least fiftv tyeographinal er- which should, of course be of . f wa ilnpn rla.PR everv - - " , . litH lsa than riTF, uoMiica uiuwt riiwo nutu tiio oaiuo 0utw -'r- I QAV aQG meetin Willi tile Same . I rpi, nA vi a la vta at avTM I m the definition oi homicide, I uesa Buuia iininr irr!i r.R nim iiiiliih hi lailure. More at another time as which was the correct deflDi- "'Vi appearance auu, n xuauo i- u that he for ou relief, many have provea to ue traitors, lrust 1 . 1 A. no man unless ue pieiges to legislate for the agricultural tt - interests of the entire country publican paper ip Minnesota, the St. raul l'aul rioueer rress, says, that-if the McKinley tariff bill pisses that Male will go Democratic: that all the farm i er s necesar.e-i are greviousiy taxed and i hat he is given no corresponding relief. The ses sion will be a long one. J he Republicans hav full power to We recommed KlectriC Bitter9 tor DvsneDsia and all diseases of Liver, Stoir ach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c nnd il.00 per bottle by It. II. Ilo'.li day. Druggist. It is said that a man fron the Pine Tree State may be told by the pitch of his voice. A Scran of Paper Saves Her Life. It whs iust an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her llfp. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live onlv a short time; she weighed less truth is a ?iar. This nation was founded on the Decalogue and the Ten Commandments The men who landed at ply- mouth Rock landed on their knees. The foundations of this Republic were cut from the tion ot justifiable homicide, which , are in n0 danger of falling judge uraves meant, in ms off. charge to the jury. Also we re- Gartere hint it not in Gath ported Bishop Watson as preach- have given way to dainty siis- Herald the glad tidings to the - I A ? I . . ... I hen it Buspeuucrp. four corners oi tire civinzea i tttq! auw oprjug lasmiiu n uo i world I fro claim u irom tne "" creed that tne elderly ladies knnca.fnnt that at a. meeting had known nothing of law, w,e ghH wear hats, Itnd young girls I "Rn-inl nf Education of would nave known tnat nomi- HISTOIlIESCOADEMNEl. song, and eloquent harangue L'stento no politician's synm enact ;iny msure they want ing on "communion" wl was "conversion," etc. I- bonnets. After all, when one Cumberland county, in this r.ity voffn3r d corner to think of it a steady, Monday. the following xesolu- ?Vrtat "r2t iots. C Anmf.irtji.hl a Innkinif hat fasten- ji Ma3IJ. IIS pribuue grcaiuo . . v- cide was a generic term ( derived from the latin homo, a man. and comroriaoie loopng nat lasieii- (ion was unanimously passed: lie vigilant and let none deceive you. Read political and alliance papers and educate yourselves iu the present history of the r.onntrv. Be active, brave and humane and make war on no to assist to UI DOLUS. How many insects docs it take to make a l.mdlord? With what to animals do you always goto bed ? Why Is the camel the most irascible animal iu the world? On what toe does a corn never cotter Whv does a man sneeze three times? Why is death like a" man breaking your wiud3ws? Whv is love like a duck's foot?. ANSWEC5) TO rt'ZZI.K. No. L Who Am I? The letter quarry of God's eternal granite. I. . tnM .nMnintr ,imnv ed under the cnin wit., strings, "Ordered that the Superinten- ,i - x ,sa "vtv"' " o rpaiiv suits an oioor nasseeiacei jr unutui Its foundation stones were laid in cement made with the tears and blood of Christian men and women. The man who has out- the his better than a Gol den Rule lias outgrown usefulness in this nation." than seventy pounds On a piece grown the Decalogue and of wrapping paper she read oi ur, King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it heled her more, bought another and grew bet ter tVist. continued its use and Is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to W. II. Cole, Drug iUt. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery free at It. U. llolliday's Drug Store. man-killing. If our readers at tribute all the errors that ap- bonnet, and lends a grace and pear in our paper to ignorance, dignity to a dowager's appear we will have to bear their J5vant ance .. f Ahoiitvnnrl thAfninatinAtliftv oiq ana biiver lureau are v.. uuta. . . . ..j J 1 . . 1 X. do us, for in the iush of news- mnpu usu m uuuuei, -nuiuu.,g. naner work, where one man has .uu OVCiJ' AU1U wu.x r x , - wit. I strings, Pnblic Instruction be small fly-away s af mtoH fn fnrhirl the nsc of Mrs. C P. Spencer's 'First Steps More Manure and Less Land Cultivate less land if your ma nure neap is smau. mere r.lt.ha (I Hetx-kriAS nf the i Biiuw.va.w w United States."' To use a common expression, It has been judicially decided that corn is fuel. The juice of it has long been known as a great heater. Bal timore American. Uneklen's Armea Salre. The best Salve in the world lor Cuts, Bruses, Sores, Ulcer?, Saltltheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corn?, and all fcsk:n - Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per- tect satisfaction, or niony refunderf. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. Ii. II. IIoixidav, Clinton, and J. U. Smith, Druggist, Mount Olire, X. C. inuMwsi- uu"cl iu ytuciww vt fcuv. resolution umvum, The reason ascribed by the opponents of a Railroad Com mission, when that important subject was before the last Leg islature, was that a commission the paper went to press and did used to cover picture hats. Leg-1 about equal merit. Such publi would be unable to accomplish not read the proof sheets. any good for the people. The nvoi'irthincr tn In It ia v . . , j, 1 js vwia. , . a m n i ouiv ans ble to prevent errors appearing siuc" 7 ana puis an enu, mr au u,cw .x , in tvn. thono-h the i?reat nnm- soma. Daisies, forget-me-nots, to the ill-fated and parti-lia9 " . J . ' 0 . . lanoadiroll snd toIW rlnvftf 11V1 I l ' ittnn (.nt Sfona In SpreaQ the per 01 errors in uie issue to 1 k-- . - - wmwu. .x.-.. . - ui! n.A .Afn. ir ino t.. the. replaced poppies. rose, 1 uues, vnrth . Carolina History, ana I etc.. though the latter are stilt Unnther trashv publication of 1 At 1 . acrM Willi llie manure maw should go on one acre hs iii us ing a lump of butter ou ten slices of b ead v her. it will ouly answer for one. Be.-ddes akes more la bo : to pread the manv e on ten acres than on one. Concentre.e your labor, concentrate your crops without lessening the quantity IMPOKTAXT NOTICI-: TO TIIIv UXIVKKSITV ALl'HM. work done by the Ay cock inves tigatiug committee in forcing THE TEACHEKS ASSE9IBX.Y. hon and light Italian straws cations should be as speedily are coming in and f orm a lovely J expunged from our public background to a fresh piquante schcols as possible, and our face. Twisted into every iao.-1 children taught to scorn tnem It is very important to know The Southern Educational tastic shape, lined with a deli- an tfie'1T authors with con- at once whether you will attend two railroad corporations to pay Exposition, to be held at More- cate Pompadour -Ulk chiffon, tempt. For the suppression of j,he Alumni Banquet at -hape! t.v i'o u ctrnniroet nnsih'o hear! fiitv. N. C. in connection I thev reouire little orno irun- on-i, tlm Observer hifl tne 1 Mill. VWrnerlav. Jane 4 h. tn J3 tlJV wus. V I w - V 7 I W I w'' " I At. A.-m. m. m w W 7 ' n.iit n l?nilmni Pnrt. with the Teachers Assembly, mi ng, and always look suitaoie Droad satisfaction of Knowing this summer, premises to do a morning, aiiernoon or eveuiug. that it contnoutea is prupor- Nearly all the or their wearer. tionate shai-e,"and truly hopes nt.H nr. nit likelv to leave un- til the app.oach f the Congres sional elections this fall warns ihein lo g home and cor.ect the ideas the lanners are get ting that the tar'.ff is a heavy tax. . ' ihe bi natc itepublican com mittee have abandoned .til hope of reaching a satisfactory solu tion of the lvr question Thn whole matter therefo:e will biv.; to be dv:iei milled on the llo ir of the Sa. at. An influ fi lial tuemler of the FnaficeCom mittee said that if they desiied it, tlu free c )inaxi p3 )ple c mid pass their mea-ure, as the mt jority of the Senate 11 fa- vo:- of it. But that the iWfi dent had imi mated that he wouldn't app ove a free co'nae bill and the doubt in tii - in d of the extreme 8. Tver men was wheJher they rdioii:d z ahetd in ssrote of tins iiiLihi I'.i mi. or whether they shoii!d ag.ee to .i . i.i sunn couipr.i'insf unit uouiu obtain the rre-idei'-'tg'tur. 2. Beheading: a. A B road. 3 S-P II ay.b.T U-ash. No.3. A Biddle : The mouth, with tongue and teeth. m -W - - SAM .1UXI2K' INFLVKN'CK OX AVIIIST. By the laws of this game you must follow suit if you have any. On Saturday night a sweet lady who had been to hear bam Jones; trumped a club with six iu her hand. She afterwards led a club. Up.u her attention being called U. her faux pas she could hardlybe convinced, but finally exclaimed: "Well, well, I trim p a club with nix In uy hand. I must have been thinking of Sam Jones." Char lotte Xcw.-. A FKU1TFU Is C.VUSI-: OF "l-'t'SS- : " : , r, -x. . ox great success is saaiy neeoea m tuis outte. Bnw ftnallA in fhA Assemhlv Th nwet and most fashion- Lw ir nimtv. from Chero- 1 (son Advance. kn:u:nn !.. An-rw fnr rl. n.aw r A.iint. hair isli . x r ...Jil ornt tiio A-rihita nmminpnt manu-1 iatill ala f!rftnnp. MlTV Andet- tvra Monlnfinn' mi the first It was said that K. B. Hayes f acturers. publishers and schools sou as Galatea and most classi- M.mdav in June. Fayette ville was the smallest man tnat ever The art exhibits from some oi cal heads may be ta&en as mou-1 Observer. Spruce gum costs over a dollar a pound wholesale, to those who chews to buy it. "How to Care all Skin Disease." Simply apply "Swane's Ointment." No internal medicine requ'red. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c., leaving the skin cli ar, white and healthy. Its great heal ing and curt tire powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ak yo-.ir lru giat for Wayne's 'Ointment. sat in the Presidential chair, the seminaries ana colleges oi hnt tu now agreed that his the State will be unusually in vest would make little Benny Cresting. and WHO GETS THE MOST ? Harrison a suit of clothes enough left for a winter over coat. 3f03IINATEI TO SUCCEEU KAXDALI Hon. Richard Vaux has been nominated for Congress by the Third District Democratic Con vention of Pennsylvaiiia to fill els. Small colored ribbons i wound in and out of the hair are much worn by young girlfi. The fringe and bang have be- This is how some one figures come completely things of - the f j out: From a bushel of com a past. distiller gets four gallons of whisky, which retails at $16 a wnmn' r.mpstif. life in a The government gets S3.60, the small town, even under the hap- farmer who raised the-corn gets nint AnnAitiona and the mostl 40 cents. th railroad gels ?1, It is difficult for us to realize the extent and terribhs results of the Mississippi flood. Just think . vaMnnr Mn,, hv t.hh npath favorable rirenmstances. is nar-l the manufacturer gets ?4, tne of it one-third of the State of Lf Samuel J. Randall. Vaux (row and contracted, meagre of retailer $7, and the consumer Tmiuinnji wn nndAr water. I was a compromise candidate. Inovelty and unfrniUule origets aruuF order that suiiable prepa-ation may be made: By spes al -re solutions of the Alumni associa tion any one is regarded as a i 4AlumnU9 who has been a student or a trustee Please address, W.T. Patterson, Bn sar, Chapel Hill, N. O. State papers plea? e cpy. CL.IXTON SUITS. - Faytitteville would have bean well pleased to welcome and entertain the delegate.' to the nominating convention of this Congressional District, which has been called by the executive committee for July 23rd but Clinton snits us very well. Fayetteville Observer. Postmaster General Wanaina- ker h.s defeated theasp ratiou-. of a Republican in Pennsylvania because be 'cusses 1 ue psl iua.-ter general oiiuht to bear in mind that thL national ad minis t ration ha done more for the j cause of "cusshii' than any in our history, and he should be indulgent. Mi. Harrison will be in sore need of the "cussing" members of his parly about two years from now, and would do well to cultivate them a i.tue. North State Rep. It wiU be remembertd that wh n be apologized for declar ing that the Mecklenburg De claration of Independence was ;i myth, Siui Jt nes said that he ha - been impo-ed upon by the Philadelphia people and when lie went there ajain he would jstainp the feather off of them, or some such expression. 1 he people of the Quaker city got mad at thi?, and the Ph.ladel- h:a Times say that If Sam w. 11 bring Fome North drolina Ur along with him they will show him homething not down on the programme. Raleigh Chronicle. CATAKllIi CUIiKIi. heaius auu sweet breath, by Sliiloh' Calanu liem- edy. PnceJ0 ccutr. Saal injector Frte. For sale Uv l. ll. iioiJ-iiav, Drucglst, Clinton, uid W. r. Krxneuy Warsavf, . C. . COXSU3IPTIC!! SUEELY CCEEI. To me Editor l"eae inform vour readers that I Itave a j ositire remeiy for the above named dkeac By iu timely use thousands of hopeless cases ha t tern permanently cured, t fcliall be glad to send two bottha of nsv remedy free to any of vour " read era who have consumption if they will send me their express and post oCtee address. Uespectfuly. T A. KIjOCUM, II. C, 11 Pearl sU, New York. ! 1 f ? 'it ! t 'i 1 1 V 't (' , I, I 'I 1 t i 4 i i t . H i i 1 i '

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