THE CAUCASIAN. .rUsrKI KVKllV THUK.HOAV, llj MAUIO.N 11UTLER, K Un.r od Proprietor. SU KSOKIBK. tins Paper to your neigh ,,r and advie him to sub- CAU C ASI A N THINK I iinUIOlS 1JIRT1H!M. KX I. ttftTtamo t cl . UKV1 Vl many a Jul I t"4i"i si . ItlX'l'KStUAQT li.:icM. S.WiN nuar f;!bj L;i-, lUKOtVES mini a larr !i.nrv.. l'lt"Itli Hr In li;u''. Puro Somooraoy rnxxck wlilto Suprom VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1890. subscription lriee Jjtl.oO per Year, in Advance. No. 35. I y H PIH Jl-LSSIONAL COLUMN. l FALLEN, I ATToKNEY-AT-LAW, Ooldsboro, X. C. W ill practice in Sampson county. i-. i.-'t tr A M. LEE, M. I). I'HVSK'IANjSlIItGKON AND DkXTIST, mi'wv in Lee's Drugstore. jo7-lyr I A . STEVENS, M. D. tf I'JIYSICIAN AND SUKOEOX, (Office over Post Office.) tor-May be found at night at the rt-M'lcnci! of J. II. Stevens on College St net. jo 7-lyr I r H. FA 1 SOX, I. JL AmilNEY and Couksei.Ij ou at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice in courts ofSanipson and unjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his rare will receive. prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr w J S. THOMSON. TTOKXKY AND UOUNSKLL- on at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson niul ad ioinintr counties. Ever attentive iiinl faith to tin interests of all je 7-1 yr AND COUNHEIJ.- i lii nts. J ,1 w ERIl. J. A "".) UN EY ok at Law. Olfice on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Peiider, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be Hivcn to all legal business, ie 7-lyr i 7UIANK BOYETTE, D.B.S. J. Dentistky Oflice on Main Street. OilVrs his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. l-aTMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. 1 low is "This? We oiler One Hundred Dollars He ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1(5 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tion made bv theirfirni. Wkst & Tkcax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo, O. W.w.mxo, Kinxan & Mahvix, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure K taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price 7,V. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Census Enumerator "I've hit on a plan that will help us to overcome opposition to the cen -us." Superintendent "What is it?" Census Enumerator "When an enumerator goes to Brown's house, let him ask Mrs. Drown to tell all she knows about Smith's family, and when he goes to Smith's he can get Mr-. Smith to tell all she knows about the Browns. New York Sun. llemarkable ltescue. Mi. Michael Curtain, Plaiutleld. 111., makes tl o statement that she caught eolil. which Settled on her lungs; she was t.eated for a month by her family phy sician, but grew voe. lie told htr she was a hopeless victim of consumption aud that no medicine could cure her. lb r druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a l utle and to tier delight found hers If benefited from first dose. She continued it? us. and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her ow h housework and is as well as she ever wa . Free trial bottles of this (ireat Discovery at Dr. 1J. II. IIoi.i.ikay's Drugstore; hugn. bottles 50 tents and oi- dollar. First New York Alderman What's the matter with your face? Itlooks like a house on fire Second New York Aldeiman I was out in the bay fishing for bass, and the reflection of the sun on the water has made me a little sunburt. Well, if I were in your place I'd K home and sleep it off. Happy Hoosiers. Wm.Timmons, Postmaster of Ida ville, Ind., writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for thu bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liv er trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. Oardner, hardware merchant, sinie town, says; Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a ew lease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle, at It. II. Holliday's Drug store. Teacher "How many States are there?" Bright Boy "Please, ma'am, haven't seen the morning papers." . - . But Lien's Aruica Salve. The best Salve in the world lor Cuts finises, bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fe ver jsorts. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- uiains, corns, and all !k:n trupuonp, and positively cures Piles, or no nav required. It is guaranteed to give per- ec i sausiacutu. or money reluntlen Price 2o cents per box. For sale by ur. it. ii. uolliday. Clinton, and J K. S..MITM, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. C Evangeline How pale the moon is, Louis? "Yes, love; it has been up until late for several nights." "Love is loveliest when embalm k! in tear?." Scott. THE EDITORS CHAIR. HOW THINGS LOOK FKOM OUU STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. A reporter of the New York Star, in conversation with Sec retary, reports him as say ing that he saw no reason why Mr. Harrison should not be re nominated in 1892. When this tariff bill is passed and the sil ver bill is out ni the way, says the Secretary, I think that the people will unite in saying that Mr. Harrison's administration has been highly successful and ready as I think they are now to renominate him. This is the the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, and we hope of the entire Republican party also, but the Southern brethren and negro can't sea it that way. They may not be responsible for their opinions, lor distance sometimes fails to lend enchant ment to the view. Oates, of Alabama, and Car isle, of Kentucky, are both out n long articles on the S.ib- Treasury plan. Each admit that the farmer is greatly depressed, and oppressed by unjust laws, yet they say that the sub-Treasury plan will not do. They claim o be statesmen and as such it would have been more becom- ii g in them to have used the same time and energy they have expended in criticizing the bill, n amending it or framing a bet er one with the same objects. If they as statesmen in the halls of Congress had done their duty protecting the farmers' in erests, or rather in seeing that hey got simple justice, then the sub-Treasury bill would never have been necessary. What are they going to do about it ? Are hey going to sit idle and not only do nothing for the farmer's relief, but even criticize the mea sures we are forced 'o offer for ourselves? "We see in a recent issue of the Raleigh Chronicle that sev eral of the trustees of the Uni versity are advocating higher and better educational advanta ges for the women of the State, and to that end proposed the opening of the doors of the Uni versity to both sexes. That Texas, Mississippi, and perhaps other Southern States admit women to their Universities is very true, and even at the Uni versity of North Carolina one lad3 received her diploma, tak ing the regular four years course and winning high honors in her classes The plan, we think, is hardly a good one. The course of study is wide and very tho rough, but we think would need modifyiug and readjusting to be suitably adopted for women. For women, to be educated, re quires a course of study differ ent from "Mien." e mean by that thit women educated with men, taking the same course of study, would not rneetth re quirements of her sex and hence not he educated. Taking into consideration the necessary changes that would have to be made in the present curriculum to be suitably adapted for wo men and also the great disad vantages derived from the nec essary association of the sexes thrown so closely in contact would justify us and all liberal friends to higher education of women to advocate instead a separate institution or universi ty for them. The State Consti tution makes provisions for the establishment and maintainance of one or more Universities and makes no discrimination in re gard to sex. "We think it the duty of the State to take hold of such measures and provisions and make use of them ; more especially since the interests of those are at stake who have no power of legislation within themselves and too modest to advocate their rights. ltn i vines it v com m i :nx i:-mi:xt. (SiK-cial Correspondent.) To recuperate from the work and conGnemeiit of the school room wo decided list week to ake a few days recreation at Chapel Hill. The exercises had airly begun before we arrived, jut arrived just in time to meet he Alumni and boys in the lighestpitch of enthusiasm over he loyalty of the Alumni and students demonstrated bv the iberal donations to the Univer sity for the establishment of a much needed Chair of History. lhe attendance of this yar, owing to the Richmond display of the week before, and the general depression in crops so prevalent throughout the East ern part ot the State, was in number somewhat below the ex pectation, general interest, he w- ever, did not lag in the least, the enthusiasm, general harmony and loyalty more than met the expectations of the University and counterbalance for anv de ficiency in number. Wednesday was Alumni Dav, of these the most distinguished and influential were on hand to end their influence to the occa sion. Col. Steele, the president of he Association, announced that he first order of the day was he presentation of a tablet by the trustees in memory of the ate Dr. Charles Phillips and an address fur the occasion bv Mr. K. II. Battle, of Kaleitrh. Mr. Battle's address was a sketch of Dr. Phillips' life, beautifully portray iog his high scholarly at- ainments as a professor of the University and his character as a great and illustrious man. Mr. Battle's address was fol lowed by Mr. Win. J. Peele in behalf of the former pupils of Prof. 11. H. Graves, presented a memorial tablet in his honor, and in the tender memory in which he is so much esteemed y all who knew him. Mr. Peele's address was a trood in sight into his life as a man and perfect portrait of his professor- hip In the institution. Repeat ed applause greeted his address, which often rose to genuine ora tory. Col. Steele then presented Col. W. II. S. Burgwyn, who was cho sen to deliver tne address on the establishing of a Chair of History. His address was prin cipally a resume of thft cardinal poiuts in North Carolina Histo ry. It was in main a great his torical review, showing much historical research. The effort was not without effect and was worthy of the man and the oc casion. The exercises of the day was then concluded. The Alumni then repaired to the Gerrard Hall where the tables had been prepared for the grand banquet. When the clash of the bayonet ?.nd dagger had ceased to be heard the establishment of the Chair of History came up en thusiasm soon became general, ardent and eloquent addresses with liberal donations followed each other in rapid succession until 30,000 was pledged, en thusiasm reached its high est possible pitch. Such true love and genuine patriotism so freely demonstrated was indeed inspir ing, the indifferent and most re ticent became enthused until every latent feeling of love and loyalty was revived anew and showed itself in the trlorifica tion. Thursday, Commencement Day, the crowd was much larger, the great Memorial Hall was crowd ed to overflow. The youn graduates, twenty one in num ber, arrayed themselves upon the rostrum, distinguished mem bers of the Alumni and trustees afforded a beautiful back ground. All the graduates were from this State and trained hon or for them which will fore shadow strength and brilliancy iu North Carolina history. The Wiley P. Mangum medal, given for the best oration from the graduating class, was won by Henry Johnston, of Tarboro. The contest was very close. Mr.V. S. Bryant, formerly a teacher of Salem High School, was second in the contest. The Societies representative contest, which came off on the night preceding was exceptionally good. Robert W. Bingham, of Mebaneville, received ths medal. The re mainder of the day, Thursday, was spent in awarding prizes, medais,. certificates, diplomas, followed by the closing dox olngy and benediction. The annual commencement reception at Smith Hall at night was largely attended and great iy enjoyed. The annual com mencement ball followed the reception. It was the most bril liant on record. The . decora tions were sublime. Music for the commencement exercises was made by Kesnich Richirond Band, which greitly adds to the enjoyment of the occa&ion. We forgot to mention in the former part of this article in speaking of the action of the trnstees t3 state that they filled the vacan cy made by th-. death of Dr. Mangum by placing Horace H. Williams, by a unanimous vote, in the chair of Moral Science. Mr. Williams is a youug man and native North Carolinian, the selection seems to be a good one, and so far hap given entire sat isfaction, At the opening of the uext year of the University two new departments will have been add ed to the institution and we an ticipate for it a revival of pub lic sentiment and mor healthy support, which true State pride s justly demands. G. E. B. "WAYNE COUNTY CONVEN TION. The Sub-Treasury Bill and Other Alliance Demands Incorpora ted in the Platform. s The first gun of the campaign of 1890 was fired in Wayne county on last Saturday. The influence of the fanner through the Alliance and the Alliance through the Democratic party was closely indicated in the plat- form adopted by the convention of that comity. The following, as given by the Argus, are some of the planks of the platform that was unanimously adopted: 2. That we deplore the continuance in power of the sectional Republican party, with its train of evil conse quences which have ever marked its sway, with its partisan legislation, its ruinous financial policy and its unjust and iniquitous tariff laws, and pledge our united efforts to drive it from power 3. That we favor equal and exact justice to all men, and we deplore the fact that the Republican party has been, during its entire course, i x t i - n o unuer xne couiroi mm influence oi and always responsive to their de- tnftn.U. nnrl n.rainsl tho intortc nf the erreat body of the people main- taming its influence by the most barofacAfl fraud and brihory. 4, That we tavor the free and un limited coinage of silver. o, That we favor the removing ot the federal tax on State bonds. (j; That we faver a change in the principle and amount of taxation; a change that will lower taxes not only to a revenue basis, but even lower, and make up any dificiency in revenue by a graduated income tax; in other words we demand a system of taxation that will not bear more heavily upon the poor than the ? ,. 1 1 1 Ml 1 A . Ill rich, but which will be just to all our citizens 7, That we favor the abolition of the National banking system and the substitution of a better system that will take the control of the money of the country out of the hands of the tew; a system that will give us an elastic aud flexible currency, one that will contract and expand exact ly with the annual products of the country, thereby furnishing: a just and fixed measure of their value, and that the sub-Treasury bill lately introduced in both Houses of Con gress comes more nearly effecting this than any other measure yet offered, and that we apt-rove of and endorse saic bill. They were unanimously adop ted am id much enthusiasm. On call of the convention, Mr. C. B. Aycock came forward to speak to the resolutions. He never appeared to better advantage. He made one of those logical, forceful and ringing speeches, which a great many people of this s-ection seem to think he only can make. Wayne have always been proud of Mr. Aycock, but we believe they were, at the conclusion of his speech, prouder than ever of him. After his speech the follow ing resolution was unanimously adopted : "The Democratic County Conveu tion of "Wayne county, proud of the abilities and character of Charles B. Aycock, Esq., of Wayae county, and recognizing him as eminently quali fied to represent this district in Con gress, do herebv endorse and rccom mend him for nomination for Con gress from the SrJDistrict." Not only potatoes and nf Tioi fnrm TirofiTir.rt trmr tf,. ran raisA dn vr hnv fmm tha Vorth- prn farmers, even our trrass and garden seeds which can be as Pnrnlinii nnvirpro v t,W1 j - . .. a seed farm in our State to suj- ply our home farmers with their seeds. Here is an enter prise that would prove remuuer ative if properly conducted with snfficent capital. The day will come when such farms will be established in the Southern States. Why not now? Sending abroad for articles that can be raised on your fajm, is but a repetition of the crime of robbing yonr soil every year without returning anything it. Tlio Sub-Treasurv Bill. TfU 2 McCLAMMY BILL SUBSTITUTE FOR IT. NO Dr. Macune Says the Farmers are Determined to Have Their Bill or One Like It Col. Polk In terviewed. Atlanta Constitution. Washington, May 30. (Special) C. W. Macune, chairman of the Farmers' Alliance legislative iorrmitte, upon being asked thiVovening about the status of th& sub-treasury bill aud if the Alliance would adopt the McClammy bill as a substitute, wrote out the following in reply: C. W. Macune, chairman legislative committee of the National Farmers' Alliance, says: "The sub -treasury bill is really more popular every day. It is being discussed and approved by the great conservative ele ment of the country; not farm ers alone, but lawyers, doctors, merchants, and even bankers are often in iavor of it. It U the only measure that has ever been offered that encourages the growth of the country, town and rural city, and will stimu late home enterprise and induce manufacturing in the country. Hence the real "upport of the measure is increasing every day, and it makes no difference what the present congress mav do with the bills before it. the principle seeking recognition in the sub-treasury bill is based on ultimate truth, meets the approbation of nearly all who take the trouble to understand it, and must in time prevail. Xhft princil)ie contended for in 4ii; r.rt , v tui3 measure -an never change, and its advocates will never yield to any substitute for it. The details are immaterial, but those who admit the principle x anrt object on account of detail a? SOm,e of he meinbera of con greSS QO plaCO tiiemSelVeS 111 an awkward position, because we have challenged those who oiject to tins detail for carry ing out the principles, to offer a Detter system, and it would get our support." THE PAIiTY BOSSES AT WORK. "The facts are they love Wall street tetter than they do the iarmers, :or ine simple reason 0 A . V that Wall street donates the boodle money for cut rolling the elections where votes are purchasable and the party bosses - . neitner fear nor respect the far mers because they have always of late years been able to keep them about equally divided by sectional prejudice. It remains, however, to be seen low long that will continue. Should the present Congress see fit to re spond to the pressure bing brought to bear on them by the corrupt party bosses, whose dictain is to ostracise every member of the party who will not join in to give a unanimous vote against the bill from both parties, which now seems pro: bable, it will not hurt the true interests of the measure any, because people know the incis ure has some friends there, as many members have so said and endorsed the priuciple. We will, under such circumstances, know that the bosses whipped them into line to protect others who were compelled to vote against it. "Should this happen another The people otu ' "V" " s fc"c Irdo will fnllnw n.s snrwi nnosSi- le; The princiole that seeks to eton the nresent diserimina- tion against the farmer must he recognized or present tenden i i -a J 1 i cies will carry us on to aesi ruc tion." IT IS XO SUBSTITUTE. "Mr. McCIammy's bill is in no sense of the word an AUiance nor will it ever be a substitute for the sub- trueasury bill. He had no right or authority to say that it was endorsed by every Alliance in the land. It fills an entirely different field, and if it shonld become a law, there would still be just as trreat a necessity for the sub-treasury bill as now It seeks simply to increase the volume of money on land. Thft Alliance has not discussed or acted uoon that Question. We have announced in a general i wav, in iavor oi an increase in the volume of money, and have discussed aud adopted the sub treasury olan. Th; reason for this is that the fanner is be hind in the race to day. There is an actual discrimination a gainst him by a fixed volninn money, the control of which the government entrusts to a class Their bill seeks to remove this discrimination and place them on an equal footing with the rest of the procession. They to say give us this and we" wil I make this country blossom like a rose and will loin you ill in any safe and conservative meth od for increasing the stable volume of the circulating me dium. What we want now is a flexibility that will enable us to assert our freedom from the 'power of money to oppress." WHAT COr,. l-OI.K KAYS. Colonel L-L. Polk, president of the Farmers' Alliance, said to night that ho was not the author of the McClammy bill, introduced yesterday, which provides for the government to lend money on land at one per cent. It was. ho says, drawn up by hw private secretary, 1 II. Psitteuhouse, and he knew nothing about it. "Indeed," said he to night, "I have not considered the bill critically, and am not willing to express an opinion upon it yet." "Then you have not aban doned the sub -treasury?" "No; we shall not abandon it until it has been squarely de feated, or until some better measurw has been proposed. Wo considered land measures be fore the sub-treasury bill was prepared, and decided that such measures would not give to the currency sufficient flexi bility. However, I have not made a careful enough examina tion of the McClammy bill to give you an opinion. If, how ever, after examination, we find this bill better than the sub treasury, I should be perfectly willing to abandon the latter." "Do you know the ways and means committee have decided against the sub-treasury bill?" "Yes, I hav3 heard it, but if this Congress adjourns without doing anything to relieve the farmer, you will hear & howl which will tell on the men who failed to aid thv m by legisla tion." A SAMPSON HOY In the Mountains of Western North Carolina. The Commencement at Ruth erford College, May 20th and 21st, was thought the grandest occasion in the history of the institution (46 years). This be ing a re-union of the old stu dents it called together (of the ten thousand students sent out from here) many distinguished men who are scattered all over the entire Union. The Presi dent of this institution must in deed feel gratified, knowing that he has done so much good for the cause ot education in this institution. The past term clos ed with an enrollment one hun dred and thirteen. One of the prettiest and most striking fea tures of the occasion Mas a dis play of the students marching in a solid phalanx over the col lege grounds, saluting the Presi dent o the in3titutiou witl- kind words of approval. The annual address was delivered by Gen. 11 B. Vance of Washiuglon City. The crowd was unusually large, more than three thousaud were present to applaud the occasion Commencement over four of -i . i -i . us secured a. team anu unver, with all the necessary equip ments for camp life, and started on a trip to the mountains, to be gone two weeks. To be continued next week. THE "WEATHER AN1 THE FARMER. It cannot be denied that the stite of the weather is a most mportant factor in farming. The success or failure of a crop t X 1 A 1 A. . i neany always auriDuieu to the favorable or unfavorable ef fect of the weather. Yet, until recently, it was hardly thought that the study of the subject would yield much of practical ntility. That there has been a rapid development of the science of the weather during the past few years and growing recogni tion of .its importance to the farmer is evident from the fact that 32 Slates now have organ ized weather service. The N. C. State Wea ther Service was established as a division of the Experiment Station in 188G. The important wo k of this division is the'collection of me teorological data from which the climatic conditions of every section of the State may be de- tenni ned. lhe weather service is prac tically useful to the farmer mainly through the distribution of weather forecasts, cold wave and frost warn ink's. A valuable feature is the weather crop bul letin, which gives weekly a brief statement of the effect of the weather on staple crops and en tirely prevents outside ims.'ep resentations of the condition of the farmer's 'crops and enables him to estimate their probable value. It will be tent to al who derire it V. F. von Herr mann, Meteorologist. The Hustling WYst. SOME NO I KS OF MY to sr. LOUIS. TIMP The General Conference, 4c, 4c. j 11V I). It. XUHOIoN. On the 5th ult, I joined at Salisbury, N. C, a party of dele gates and visitor to theGeneml Conference of the M. K. Church South, to convene at SL Ioui- Mo., on the 7ih. There wort? some twenty of n, preachers, lawyers, ladies and children. YY e had every prospect of a pleasant trip, which was to be fully realized. We left Salis bury at 11:2') a. m.. on time sharp .with Capt. Arther 1 razier, aCollege mate of the writer's as conductor. Our journey that afternoon lay through "the land of the sky." The weather was charming and we were all iu a happy frame of wind to enjoj to the full, the grandest and sublimest scenery which this continent affords. The moun tains of Western North Carolina; Who can discribo them? 1 shall not attempt it. They must be seen to be appreciated. On this occasion they were at their prettiest. The foliage of the oaks, chestnut, laurels, spruces, pines and balsoms was just at that stage of growth to present in harmonious contrast every conceivable shade of ver dure. The dog-wood, the moun tain honey-suckle and a thou and wind flowers were in bloom, and "all nature looked gay" indeed. By the kindness of the conductor I went up and down the ridge in baggage car, from the open door of which th finest views could be had. The engineering or the western ISorth Carolina I tail road from Old Forb to Blacks Mountain Is certainly a wonderful achieve ment. One cannot get an ade quate conception of the crooked ness ot the track as it winds around ravines, and through cuts and tunnels, at times al most over lapping itself. In gaining a distance of three miles just before reaching the top of the ridge the cars travel a distance of nine miles, and may be seen by an observer standing at the same point per haps half a dozen times. Beyond Asheville the railroad runs thiougli the far famed French Broad Valley, skirting the river first on one side and then on the other for a distance of some seventy miles. Here the scenery, if not so grand, is more beautiful than in the Blue ltidge. I he valley is nar.ow and is bounded on either side by mountain bluffs whose beauty challenges the ar test's skill and the poet's imagination. Twenty miles beyond Asheville iu this valley lies the little town of MarhalL It is hemmed in on one side by the mountains The level land upon which it 4i. .v j . mm. !..:. :i... III V.I I I I " Vb ill- I IO' IIIOIIlliLIMi: I Bill Nye saw it once and des cribe.d it a "the ribon lown all long and no wide." - That description is so exact that it would be folly to try to Im- piove upon it. We reached Knoxv lie, Tenn., about 8 p.m., and parsed through the Cumberland Mountains which Miss Murphrey has so atelv made famous as the scenes of her charmiu stories, in tLe u:ghi. This wa a matter of regret, but wo feit somewhat compensated for the disappoint ment when inonumr dawned ulou us in the midst of the Blue Grass country of Kentucky Here we saw ' the cattle upon a thousand hiil " vast herds ol fine sheep, an i ho sesaud mulr-s aljiost iiiuuircrable. lhis is the best country o:i our entire route, 1 think. II. aching Ciu cinnati about 8 ;:.iii.,oii the G.h, we changed cir and Marled at oace to ot. ixmis ove. Ine Uhu and Mii-siss'ind llailr- ad. That t art of Ohio thiough wh ch we passed is almost one con'. in u u town devoted to manufacturing nf one kind and another, so that we had no opportunity of judg ing of Ohio as an agricultural State. One experience at Cm cinnati, however, I was about to forget. It w.i.the conspicu ous absence of the negro. The very first distinct impre&ion I received after arriving was that we bad leu the negro behind us, and the first thought to arise in my mind wa ' hov can these ueople ho do not have the uegrr contend with, teach us bow to solve the race problem.-' But thati the way with the world. Everybody knows better how to manage other peoples' affairs than their own. White men jrere drivimr teams, shoveling cool and do- ing all manner of hud vrk. This wa.i only a foret.vt of what I wa to ?e In that In" Southern Indiana wa a crent disapiiintmenl t in. It U : very hilly and a very p wi.-r nm try. Farming in mmy !rti.i- of North Carolina l fir ah-i.l of farming in Southern IndUm. We dined at the city of V incli nes in Indian just aero tii river fiom Illinois. The tald wo waited on by young and protty white girl. ThU oiiijht to have made a hungry man happy; but the dinner wa not to my liking. It mav IuvhImm u gHd, Ixit It wa evidently wea-oned with everything men tioued recently in the Woman's department of Tin: Caivai.w, aud many other thing beside. No doubt my tate w.i bwi uu sophisticated to appreciate to radical a change all at once. It requirb a gradual proce of education to bring one up to so high a standard even in cul- uary matter. Passing into Illinois me notice qaicklr thn change in the topography ard soil. The country I far the most part level, while the noil i bin!; and apparently very fertile. Tho chief evidence of the latter are the perfect jungle of corn stalk where corn grow la.d year,for the wheat and oat crop are poor here 8 well j every where el Here we saw the farmer breaking their laud flush preparatory to plarting corn. The plowing wa done with from two to fcur bourses all hitched abreast. Very few mules are used. I did not see but one single horse hitched to a plow autside of North Caro lina, and that wa iu a truck garden in the suburb of St. Loui. On my return I wisgusprised to see how little progress tho farmer had made. It had been so wet they could not plant. The entire country from lt Tennessee to tho Miiippi river is a paradise for cow and sheep. Grass and clover grow even in the wood. I saw some milch cow by the ride of which the bast in this section would appear insignificant, and I do not care to risk my character for truth by tlliug how hirge tho oxen were which I saw hauling mill log iu Indiana. It wa everywhere noticeable that the towns, tho largo fine especially, are thriving at the expense of tho rural district. How long thi condition will last before serious damage to tho entire people will result remains to be seen. There mtixt be something radically wrong iu tho economics of a civiliza tion that produce feuch a state of thing. Agriculture bo restored to its normal statu iu our economy or tho people will eventially Htiffer for bread. hat shall I sa of the city of O K U X M I Missi- St. Iiui? Well, it ha inhabitants, front the fippi river a distance of i. miles and I J miles wide at the widest point. It is busy, but- Img hustling city. The people are all on the move uud in a hurry, horse, loaded or uu- loaded, kept in a trot. There are nearly 2X) miles of htteet car track, and one can ere I think as many asJ0 etreet car moying at once from any corner on Washington Avenue below 10th street. Some of the car are drawn by horses, some by cobles, and a few by electricity. The cable car ire the mot popular, their motion being much more uniform than that of the hore cars. How they moved was a puzzle to me till I lound out how it was, and then i was aj simple as couH b. The .-treet is tunnelled all the way under the track. In this tunnel a foot or so beneith the surface runs an endless cable propelled by a 500 hors power engine located in a building wh ch yot neyer see without h.oiiing it up. The tuel is cove:cd by parallel iron plate between which is in opening about an inch wide. Through his Opening islet down what is called a grip," which is managed by levers resembling th se of a locomotive. Tho "grip" is mode to seize the cable to move the car and to let it loose to stop it, aud that is all there is of it. The impression one first recei ves on seeing thes cars move with nothing either pushing or pulling them, so far as one can f es, is one of wonder at the ingennity and progress of tho age in which we live. The parks, the zoological garden and Show's Botanical garden are all places of beauty and interest. Forest Park contains 1300 acres and ba 27 miles of splendid turnpike dnves.Shaw's Gar len and Tower Grove Park were bequeathed to the city by the late Henry Shaw, a million aire batchelor. The garden is Continued on Fourth Paso. I

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