. - . - . - , 1 y s . 4 HIE CAUCASIAN. i rr.:.i.in i i.vkuv tii 'i:-i. v, It . 'i A li ION i:iTLKIi, '. " i awl ii( i sriJsrRiDK. - In v ! Iii.- I';i .i- (i y mr nei'li- r ; L 1 1 v i -1 ; him to . - liL - . t' i ! -. ti-- ipt i..n IVico ,I.,o i Yoo.r, in Ad Mine. ITOFK-slo.Y.U. .!, !'MX. ; !:. ai.i.kn. a i-.i::;i:v.-i v.-. j' l!( l' l K !( i, . . ( '. ;i i-i . ,., J7- t!' I ! 1 1 . -' ill 1 1. 1 :;!V . m. !.!:;; m . i. ! . ANI AN!) Pl.VJ!,!', 'i.-f ii: Lr. ' Druic Store. j'7-lyr t i k .'!:; s, m. i). . I'll i :s .n; i'U(;r.i)., I 1 ' . ! 1 1 oyer l'o-t ( Mli.-e.) ,i,iy !. I'liiiuii :tt iiilil ;it the r . - -i 1 -1 1 i I Si i- ih on ' l N '-i- ; t jc 7 I yr ; ;; fa i son, L A 1 1' h;ni;v a.i CurNKi.i,- ;: .a' Lww ( Mice on Main Street, will I'l ii' tiri' in con; t ofSatnp.-ou and i I j 1 1 1 1 n connS iiv-. .-I-i in Supremo (.'iii-;. A I! Iiii-hiess iulrutcd to his ' mc will re.-i ivr prompt :nnl oai'iTul i 1 1 1 mi I 'e )ii . ji V. 1 v i V WlOUNKY A M ( '"1 NS! ni;.i Law. ( )l'n i n 'el' l'o t I Klin'. W ii; 1 1 r: t t ? i - in S;t!i!p-o:i nin! :i! (iiiu ;iiv,' f Mi;i!i"-. I'.ver uttee.live .mil 1 . i i i 1 1 ! ii t in i n ler'.'.tN ot" ail li.-Hi' . j- T-lyr t V' . ' '' ' ' i ' ..J. . oKNKY AM C'-ii:NKt.L-(!I AT LW . ( Mil e o:i Willi Street . Will pntrli' i' in S:tmpson, iil eiei!, l'einl.T, llavnett anil Duplin Fu;;n- tie-. Al-o ill Supreme Court. IVompt . roual attention will c . :ven to all leual bn-itier-s. i" 7-lyi 1 lliANK P.OYKTTK, D.i'.S, J. Dkswvuy ficZ Ollico on Main Strout. 'rt?) Oilers his sorvioos to tho penjile of Clinton aial vicinity. livery tiling in the line of Dentistry done in the In-.. I style. Satisfaction guaranteed. i-c"-.y terms are r-trk'tiy ca. Ii. Iion't ask me to vary from this rule. When tiiou art uLlinl to spealc, lie lire to -peak the truth; for ( ip:iivo catioii is half a' to ivinjr, aral lyiii'4 is the uliolo way to eternal destruc tion. William I'enn. l.V.il'iH'xs C.iii't la ( iiic:! hy loca.I application, a- they cannot leach the disea-ed pdltioll of tho ear. 'I In re is uly one way to curi 1 let! in.-.-, and that is hy constitution al ivhH ilhs. ieai'ne.-s is caused hy an inUamnl condition of tlte mucus i i 1 1 i i ; ei tlii- Futachian Tuhe. V.'la ii tlii- tuhe ,;ets inHamed you have a rumbling -ound or imperfect hearing, and wlien it i-entirely clos ed !enfness i tlie result, and uniess liie ;i;llammatio!i van he taken out and thi- tuhe i'"sto!ed to its normal ceil lition, hearing will ho destroyed forever; nine ca.-e-, out of ten aio iai!-ed hy Catarrh, w hich is i.otIiinr hiil at: ii stla mod cond it Ion ot the imi 'iis surfaces. We will ji'i vi- ne 1 fund rod I)oI i;;i - fur :tny oa.-oof J )ea t"n(.s (caused hy Catarrh) that wo can not cure hy taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send l''r circulars, free. Look not mournfully into tho pa-t. Ii (onus not hack aaiu. Wisely improve the pro.-ont. It is thine. !o forth to moot tho f-hadovy future, w itheiit fear ai:d w ith a manly heart. Longfellow. .Mi-ril Wins. . tl.'sirc n s.iy to our citiaiu. that t H' v i ; u c i:;vc hecn si iilntr I r. Kind's -v lh rnVl'l'V tor ' ell.-Ulll l it ie;i. )!'. Kia New lalo l'ii's. lluc kl. 'a'-Am". ca n'vo ami KUvtric I'.itd i. ami have m ei han. heil ivmcuh" that soli a wi i!. 'r dial have uiven Mich univuial satis faction. We ih) net hesitate to c.uarau t r t hem every lime, and we stave' reaov to p'i'ain! the i:rcha.e price, if satisfac tory loulis do not follow llu-ir use. Tie M- reinetiies have won their ivat popularity purely on their merit.-. For llc hy Dl;. K.1L Hoia.IliAY. Pniu'-i.-t. ii'atoa. aa.i Dr. .1. L. sm:th. Mount Olive. N. C. Whatovor anyone does or says, I must ho good; just as if the gold, or tho emerald, or the purple wove al ways saying this, "Whatever anyone oFo does, I must ho emerald and Loop my color." Marcus Aurelius. A Sale Investment Is one which is guaranteed to hriug you satisfactory rcsiiit?. or in ease of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy fiom our ad vertised Druggist a hot tic of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in evi-rvca.se. win n used for any alloc t ion of Throat. Lungs or chest. ueh as Consumption. Inllainniation of Lungs, bronchitis, Asthma. Whooping Cough. Croup, etc.. etc. It is pleasant and agreeable, to t.isie. peifectlv safe, and can always he depended upon. Trial bottles tree at Dk. 1L IL Hum. ida y'.s Drugstore. Clin ton, and Dr. J. II. Smith. Druggist. Mt. Oiive, N. c. Ihickh'n'.s Arnica Salvo. The best Salve in the world tor Cuts, r.ri is. s. Serfs. tTccrs, Salt Khcuni. Fel ver Soros. Totter, Chapped Hands, chil biaiiH. Corn, am! all Sk:n Eruption?, and positively cures Files, or no pay renamed. It U guaranteed to g:ve per tci t sat:sfuetien, or money refunded. I r;ec 2a vents pi r hox. For sale by Dr. 1L II. IIolli day. Clinton, and J. smith. Druggist, Mount Olive, X. Laws cannot prevent extrava"-anee-and perhaps it is not always an evil to the public. A shilling sq.ent idly by a tool may Ik-picked up hy a wise person, who knows better what to do with it; it is, therefore, not lost. Franklin. . Ot you ire all worn out, really good for nothing - it is penera! dobiiitv. Try nitotrx'it iitojr liiTTisns. u will cure yoi. ami rive a pap I appetite Sold ly ail deaWrs la imxlicuio. ; i ! i -- "V O L. VIII Till-: i;i)IT()US (JIIAIIt. lloV, im.;.s LOOK F?;o.j )L'i; S'J'AX) ''OiX'I . Tliu Gpiii.on ol Dl tdjtor and the Opii-ion oi Others which we Can LiuJorse on the Various Topics of tho Day. Ahou; two weeks since .i !eldr from Seiiatoi v'.itice apjeai( d .-tat i.ntf that lie con!d not Mippot t tho Suh-'i'rea-ury I'.ill in its present -haie. The politicians ,,nd ia w'spapors nn frie;;dly 1m the Alii. nice i-.u ivement all floated V"r it with an air of "I told you .)." Tho Progressive Kar n.er of July sth in a Fading editorial criticis(d Senator Vance. Si-ice thvn a. perfect furor ha. hi en oin on amon iiie new . pa per.-. politK-iai.s and pooplo oi;er:diy. Somod clarod that the Allianc; would try to heat Vane-, otle-r., ti:i,t the Alliance was t ryiii-to set up a new party, etc. ; and w hat will i! ail amount to ? Sim ply a "much a do ahout nothin.r.'" The lia: ICO 1 w illi Vance and ho 1 To rray- in his letter is with them. that lie is in favor ol" th; ohiec dects v.nd pui'iio-'es ot the hill and that is all the Alliance is -pveially concerned about. What are those obiocts and i aims? To procure more money for circailatiou, a tlexihle volume, at a low rate of interest and in tho most diiict manner, to the people, and to devise some moans which, will assist the produci r in holding his product until -ome time during the year as will enable, him to realize tho great est amount for such products. Xow somo other better bill that will so cure the same re.-ults is what wo de mand of those who oppose this bill. Tho Alliance will stand square by the Sub-Treasury bill, till Senator Vance or some other friend of justice oilers n bettor one. 1 1 is true Sena tor Vance ;n his letter calls up the unconstitutional ghost and then sug gests a change that he himself has already denounced as unconstitution al. Dut if Vance's head gets , rong tho people will swear by him for tin y know that his In art is right. No man could be elected to ihoLogisla- 1 i V 411- . ,! uue oy i no iiianee vote ot tills sec tion who was not solid for Vance's re-election. Jle is ono of the great est men in America and we would go further to vote for him than any man to-d.iy before tin; public, for we believe that ho will conscientiously do what is best in his judgment. But tho demands of the Alliance are just and should have come sooner, and is right when it refuse to support any man who will not u-e his Inlluenoe to bring the much needed relief. This wo believe Senator Vance will do and the Alliance will see that he is re-elected, but at tho same time will take the liberty to say plainly what they wi-h him to do. TJie English tjovoinment has been tor a long time past enga ged in making an exhaustive emptily into the schedules of maximum rates and charges of the railroads of the country. The investigation has just been concluded, and the published result h axactly what any one acquainted with the workings of our competitive system could have foreseen from the outset. As the London journal, Indus tries, puts it: "One of the most, remarkable circumstances that has been brought to light in the eourreof tliis enquiry is the fact that no common basis of raihvav rates and charges at present exists, after nearlj seventy years' experience of railway transport, that has any claim to be regarded as exact and scientific. Railway rates are levied in the most haphazard and unsatisfactory." The re markable circumstance would he if it werv otherwise, for rail road owners, like other people under our present system, con scientiously do their duty to themselves and their families by charging all the traffic will bear. Rut does anyone suppose that, if the railroads were in the hands of the people whose only anxiety would be to get the maximum of result with the minimum of effort we should let a twelve-month pass over our heads without arriving at an exact knowledge of the cot of transportation? The Nationalist. If I can got the nomination i can't see, in all creation, How. I can be worsted, liut to get the nomination ! I'm afraid my combination May he busted. Ci. J!. Brown, in Little Kk Press. r-wKw If -i H Tm: K,NS, cnvi:viiov. K'lNsn ... . C.,July, !, uJO. )'. i '!! i .! I .,! Ti .llil. ll, .-. 1'Jio deloi,-;iti.s to the Judicial Convention of the JtIi District met in the court-house here this aJteniovm at 2:.'F p in. II. W. Kerr, Iq., being cliair- an of tin; i'.eciitive committee called the convention to order. There was- a lull attendance, every county in the district be ing well represented, Carteret, Lenoir, Jones', Onslow, Duplin, Sampson, Now Hanover, and IVnder. .Samp.son paid a fitting compliment to Judge ISoykin by .sending a line deleg' itioiii of 2o strong. The following commit tees v.'ore constituted by eleeet ing one in ui from each county: l'DUMA X I'M iiki i ANIMATION : YV. L. Arendell, V. J. Harrett, L. A. llaywoor. Col. S. U. Tay lor, L. L Mallard, V. K. 1M"- ford, (Joo. Loftin. liountiee, J. C. r. On Rules- V. V. liowland, X. J. Rouse, L. Dillahunt, J. I. JJrown, Dr. Matt. Moore, Marion Butler, hedell Meares, R. W. Riven bark. On Credentials: C. 15. Folton, J. (Jrainger, Dr. S. ). Whittled-, F. 1). Shaw, A. D. Ward, J. S. liizzell, Iredell Meares, and J. T. Uland. While tho committees were preparing their reports, Mr. Keiv addressed the convention in a luppy, timely and ringing speech. The committee on permanent organization reoorted. For chairman: P. M. Rearsall, of Jones for secretaries: Marion Rutler. editor Clinton Cauca sia:;; W. S. Herbert, editor Kinston Free Press; C. 1. Fel- tou, editor Reautort Seaside. Report adopted. Mr. P. M. Pearsall in a few appropriate words t hanked the convention for the honor be stowed on him. Tim report of the committee on credentials as follows was adopted: Carteret 23, Lemur oi Jones 15, Onslow 24, Duplin 4 1, Sampson 47, New Hanover ."is, Pender 14. The report of thu committee on rules as follows was adopted: That the rules of the General Assembly of North Carolina at the session of 1889 be adopted by this convention. That a majority of the votes cast be required to nominate. The chair announced nomi nations for Judge in order. Mr. W. L. Arendell, of Carte ret, nominated Judge K. T. Roykiu. The nomination was heartily applauded. Mr. Iredell Meares, of New Hanover, stated that until re cently Xew Hanover intended to present the name of one of her sons, but upon the latter's withdrawal she took pleasure in casting her vote solidly for Judge Roykin. Our readers will remember that there was a contest in Xew Hanover between the friends of Col. R. R. Moore and Mr. TJ os. Strange as to whom the county should endorse, and that in the interest of harmony that Col. Moore withdrew his name be cause the county was not a unit. Mr. Jno. F. Wooten, of LenoL, in eloquent language paid a glowing tribute to Judge Roykin and moved that he be renomi nated by acclamation. Mr. D. R. Nicholson, of Samp son, in beautiful words, thanked the counties of the district for honoring one of Sampson's sons. Mr. X. J. Rouse, of Lenoir, seconded the motion to renomi nate Judge Roykin by acclama tion. The motion was carried, and Judge Roykin declared the unanimous nominee of the con vention. The chair announced nomina tions in order for Solicitor. Mr. J. T. Rland, of Pender, nominated SolicitorO.il. Allen The nomination was loudly ap plauded. Mr. John Kerr, of Sampson, seconded the nomination and expressed the hope that Solici tor Allen would also be renomi nated by acclamation. Mr. W. L. Arendell, of, Car teret, also seconded the nomi nation and spoke of Solicitor Allen's painstaking care in lookiDg alter the criminal docket and saving the counties loss from fririlous and malici our prosecutions. Col. S. R. Taylor, of Onslow, placed in nomination Mr. Rod olph Duffy, of Onslow, but Mr. Duffy withdrew his name. Sheriff Kenan, of Duplin, secouded the motion to nomina te by acclamation, and said the people of Duplin loved Solici tor Allen, who was a native of that county, and loved to do him honor. The motion was carried, and Solicitor Allen declared to be Continued on Second. Page. GAD C ASI 2?uro CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY Iiailroail Commission BilL A Hill, to he Provide for I'ntitled An Art to the ltcgul.'itioii of Railroad FroigMand Pas se n go r Turin's State. in tho Tin (ii'iHt-iil AwmMtf of Xoi'th Cilf oliiitl iht Knui : Section 1. There shall be three commissioners elected b te General Assembly to carry ov't the provisions of this act, one of whem shall be of experience in law, and one shall be a prac tical farmer; and one shall be of experience in mercantile and manufacturing or machanical pursuits or in the railway busi ness. The terms of office of said commissioners shall begin on the 1st day of April next after their election, and shall contin ue for six years, but the term of office of the commissioners lirst stated -which shall be by this General Assembly shall be as follows : One for two years, one for four years, and one for six years. In case of vacancy the Governor shall appoint to such vacancy, and his appointee shall hold until the qualifica tion of his successor, who shall be elected by tho next General Assembly that shall con von f next after the vacancy has taken piace, ana tne person then cho sen shall hold the office for tho unexpired term. The said commissioner in addition to the oath to support the Constitution and tho laws of the State of XTorth Carolina shall take, to be administered by one of the Justices of tho. Supreme Court, tho following oath of office : "I do solemnly swear (or af firm) that I am not the owner of any steamboat or of auy stock or bond of any railroad or other transportation company, or the agent or the attornev or em ployee of any such company, that I have no interest in any way in any such company, and that I will well and faithfully execute the duties of my office of Railroad Commission to the best of my knowledge and ahfl- ity without fear, favor or mil ice, or reward, or the hoDt of reward. So heln me God " Said commissioners shall not. jointly or severally, or in any way be holders of any railroad stock or bond or be the agent or employee or attorney of any rai iroaa company, or have any interest in any way in any rail road and shall so continue dur ing the term of his office, and in case aiiy commissioner or distri butee or legatee or in any other way have or become entitled to any stock or bonds or interest therein of any railroad comr.fi- ny he shall at once dispose of th same, and in case any com missioner shall fail in this, or m care any of them shall be come disqualified to act, then it shall be the duty of the Gov ernor to suspend him from office, and to report the fact to the next General Assembly; and the question of his removal from office shall be determined bv a majority of the General Assem bly, in joint session. In any case of suspension the Governor shall fill the vacancy, and if the General Assembly shall deter mine that the commissioner sus pended shall be temoved, then the appointee of the Governor shall hold u r til his successor is elected and qualified, as here in before provided; but if the General Assembly shall deter mine that the suspended com missioner shall not be removed from his office then the effect shall be to reinstate him in his said office. The person dij charging the duty of the office shall be entitled to the salary for the time he is so engaged ; but a commissioner who is sus pended shall not be allowed the salary during his suspension, though he may not be removed by-thb General Assembly and may be reinstated in his office. Sv.c. 2. The salary of the com missioners shall be twenty-five hundred dollars per annum, pay able quarterly by the public Treasurer on the warrant of the Auditor, and they may employ a clerk whose salary shall be twelve hundred dollars, which shall be paid quarterly on the warrant of the Auditor. The office of said commissioners shall be kept in Raleigh, and they shall be furnished with an office, necessary stationary and furniture, which shall be" paid for by the public Treasurer on the warrant cf the Auditor: Pro vided, that the sum expended on said account shall not in any one year exceed the sum of five hun dred dollars. Any one of said commissioners shall have power to administer an oath in any and all matters relating to their official duties. The said com missioner shall annually elect cl "WTlxito Suprom one of their number as chiir tnon 4 .... 4 ... . . 2 u.u. .'".I urn commissioners snaii constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Skc. That from and after the passage of this act, if any railroad corporation, organized or doing business in the State under any act of incorporation or general law of this State now in force, or which may hereaf ter be enacted, or any railroad corporation organized, or which may hereafter be organized, un drfr the laws of any othr State and doing business in this State, shall charge, collect, demand or receive more than a fair and reasonable rate of toll or com pensation for the transportation of passt ngers or freight of any description, or for tho use and transportation of any railroad car upon its track, or any of the branches thereof, or upon any railroad within this State which it has the right, license or per mission to use, operate or con trol, the same shall be deemed guilty of extortion and, upon conviction thereof, shall be dealt with as hereinafter pro vided. Skc. 4. That if any railroad corporation as aforesaid shall make any unjust descri mi nation in its rates or charges of toll or compensation for the transpor tation of passengers or freight of any description, or for the use and transportation of any railroad car upon its said road or upon any of the branches thereof, or upon any railroads connected therewith, which it has the right, license or permis sion to operate, control or use within this State, the sam shall be deemed guilty f havimr vi olated the provisions of this act, and upon conviction thereof shall be dealt with as hereinaf ter provided. Sec. 6. That the commis sioners appointed as hereinbe fore provided, shall, as provided in the next section of this act, make reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs, to be observed by all railroad companies doing business in this State on the railroads there of, and in making said rates they shall consider the actual value of the employed capital of the corporation, the eanpiiL's of the railroad, and the cost of operating the same, and any and all other matters proper to be considered by them; shall make reasonable and iust rules and regulations, to be observed by all railroad companies doing business in this State, as to charges at any and all points for the necessary handling and delivering of freight: shall make such just and reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for preventing unjust descrimination in the transpor tation of freight and passengers on the railroads in the Slate: shall make reasonable and just rates of charges for use of rail road cars carrying any and all kind of freight and passengers on said railroads, no matter by whom owned or carried: and shall make just and reasonable rules and regulations to be ob served by said railroad com panies on said roads, to prevent the giving or paying of any rebate or Bonus, directly or in directly, and from misleading or deceiving the public in any manner as to the real rates charged for freight or passen gers; and said commissioners shall have full power, by rules and regulations, to designate and fix the difference in rates of freight and passenger transpor tation, to be allowed for longer and shorter distances on the same or different railroads, and to ascertain what shall be t he limits of longer and shorter distances: Provided, that noth ing in this act contained shall be taken as in an y manner abridging or controlling the rates for freight charged by any railroad company in this State for conveying freight which corae3 from or goes beyond the boundaries of the State, and on which freights less than local rates on any railroad carrying the same are charged by such railroads, but said railroad com panies shall possess the f&me power and right to charge sach rates for carrying such freight as they possessed before the passage of this act: Piovided Further, Hotcever, that upon the complaint of any person or persons, corporation or corpora tions to said commissioners, of any uojust discriminations in carrying freight which comes from or goes beyond the bounda-1 ries of the State, by any rail road company whether organi zed under the laws of thi3 State or organized under the laws of another State and doing business in this Sta'e, the said commissioners shall investigate the said complaint, and if the same be sustained it shall be the duty of said commissioners AM 17, 1890. - ; V bring said complaint befor. i 1 r . , i me inier-.MAte commerce coiu- mission for redress, in accord ance with the provisions of tho act of (V mgress est::bLshin ?aid Inter-Stat commerce coin mission. Sr.:. ;. That the said railroad commissioners are neieby au thorized and required to make for each of tho railroad corpora Hons doing Lusiness in this Slate, as soon as practicable, just and reasonable rates of charges for the transportation of passengers and freights aud cars on each of said railroads. aud said schedule shall, in suits brought against any such rail road corporations wherein is ; l 1 i - invoiveo me cnarges ot any such railroad corporation for the transportation of any pas senger or iroignt or cars, or un just discrimination in relation thereto, be deemed and taken in all courts oi this State as suflicient evidence that the rates a.1. ? a , a - merem nxeu are just and rea sonable rates of charges for the transportation of passengers and freights and cars upon the rail roads, and said commissioners shall from time to time, and as often as circumstances may re quire, change and revise said snhedu'es. When any schedule shall have been made or revised as aforesaid, it shall be the duty . o ii . oi an sucn raiiroaa companies to post at all their respective stations in conspicuous place a copy ot said schedule for the information of H ep.ople. All such schedules, as aforefaid shall be received and held in all such suits us jrima facie tho schedules of said commissioners, without further proof than thJ production of the schedules desired to be used as evidence, with a certificate of tho Rail road Commissioners that the same is a true copy of the schedule prepared by them for the railroad company or corpora tion therein named: Provided, that any corporation may ap peal to the Superior Court and thence to the Supreme Court, from any determination of the Roard fixing the latesof freight or fare; but before such cor poration shall be allowed to exercise this right of appeal it shall, within ten days after notice ot the rates fixed by the commis doners, file with the Roard exceptions to the particu lars that it objects to, aud the grounds thereof, and within ten days after filing such excep tions the commissioners shall hear the same, and if they shall overrule any one of said excep tions then such corporation, if it desires to appeal to the Supe rior Court, shall, within ten days thereafter, give notice of appeal to the Superior Court, and the said coniinissionnrs shall thereupon transmit to the Superior Court of same county through which or into which the. road of the corporation ex tends a record of their deter minations of the rates for said corporation, with the excep tions of the corporation, and their decision thereon. The said cause shall be placed on the civil issue docket of .aid court, and shall have prece dence of ether civil actions, and shall be tried under the same rules and regulations a? are prescribed for the trial of other civil causes, except that the rates fixed by the commissiners shall be prima facie iust and fair: Provided, the appeal may, by the consent of the commissioners and the cor poration be heard and determined in Chambers, before any Judge of a district through or into which the railroad may exteiid, or any judg'e holding courts therein. The cause shall be eutitled State of North Caro lina on the relation of the Rail road Com missioners vs. such cor poration. Either party mavao- peal to the Supreme C mrt from the judgment of the Superior Court under the same rules and regulations as presented by Uw for appeals except tnal the State of North Carolina, if it shall ap peal, shall not be required to give an undertaking or give any deposit to secure the cost of such appeal, and such court may ad vance the cause on their docket so as to give tLe same a speedy hearing; provided that the rates of freight aud of fare fixed by the commission shall be and re main the established rates and shall be observed aud regarded by such corporation until the same shall be changed, reversed or modified by the final judg ment of the court the Superior if there be no appeal, and the Supreme Court if there hall be an. appeal thereto. The solicitor of the district shall nroscntft the action in the court, on be half ol the State, and shall be allowed such fee to be taxed in the bill of cost as the conrt m.v order; and the Attorney-General shall prosecute or appeal to the No. 40. Supremo Court on Kdialf ot the Siate, aud h:ill allow such fee to !o taxed in thn bill of cost a. that court shall allow. Each railroad corporation sliall with iu thirty days after the organi zation of the Commission, file with said commiMsiiMiers a sche dule of its rates of charges for freight and passenger tariffs. Sic. 7. That It shall le the duty of said commissioners to investigate the books and papers of all the railroad companies doing business in the State: to ascertain if the rules and reuu- lations aforesaid have been com- plied with and to make personal visitations of railroad officers, stations aud other placea of bus iness, for the purpose of exami nation, and to make rules and regulations concerning such ex aminations which rules and rg ulations shall be observed and obeyed as other rules and regu lations aforesaid. Said commis sioners shall have full power and authority to examine all agents and employees of said railroad companies and other persons, under oath or otherwise, in order to procure the necessa ry iufoimationto make just and reasonable rates of freight and passenger tariffs, and to ascer tain it such rules and regula tions are observed or violated. and to make necessary and pro per rules and regulations con cerning such examinations, and whL-h rules and reglations here in provided for shall be obeyed and enforced as all other rules and reglations provided for in this act. Six-, s That all contracts and agreements between railroad companies doing business in his State, as to rates of freight and passenger tariffs shall be sub mitted to said commissioners for inspection and correction, that it may be seen whether or not they are a violation of law or ot the provisions of this act, or of the rules and regulations of said commissioners; and all arrange ments and agreements whatever as to the division of earnings of any kind by competing railroad companies doing business in this State, shall lie submitted to said commissioners for Inspection aud approval in so far as they effect rules and regulations made bv such commissioners, to wornr all persons doing business with said companies, just and reason able rates ot freight and passen ger tanns; said commissioners may make such rules and regu lations as to such contracts and agreements as may thmi bo deemed necessary and proper, and any such agreement not ap proved by such commissioners, or by virtue of which rates shall be charged exceeding the rates fixed for freight and passengers, shall be deemed, held and taken to be violations of this act, and shall bo illegal and void. Sfx. ). That if any railroad company doing business in this State by its agents, or employ ees shall be guilty of a violation of the rules and regulations pro vided and prescribed by said commissioners; and if after due notice of uch violation, given to the principal officer thereof, if residing in the State and if not, to the manager, or superin tendent, or secretary, or treasur er, if residing in the fctate and if not then to any local agent thereor ample and full recom pense for the wrong or injury done thereby to any person or corporation, as may be directed by said commissioners, shall not be made within thirty davs from the time of such notice, such company shall incur a pen alty for each offence, of not Jess than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, to be fixed by the judge of the court in wh;ch such action shall be tried. An action fori he re covery of such penalty shall lie in any county in the State where such violation has occurred, or wrongs have been perpetrated and shall be in the name of North Carolina. The Commissioner shall institute such action thro' the Attorney Geueial, or Solic tor of the judicia district in which such violation has occur red, whose fee shall bo fixed by the judge of the court, in which said action shall be determined, and said fee shall be taxed in the bill of costs. Sec 10. That if any railroad company doing business in this State shall, in violation of any rule or regulation, provided by th3 commissioners aforesaid, in flict any wr ng or injury on any person, such person shall have a right of action and recovery for such wrong or iujury in the couuty,wherethe same was done, aud an court having jurisdiction thereof, and the damages to be recovered shall be the same as in actions between individual?, except that in cases of willful violation of law, sacb railroad companies shall be liable to ex- I Continued on Htscond lge.l THINK iriuiut autiutimm, KKATL n.uiy a uw ftlnr KN I.A IU 1 1 iua.ii ti oU rtr, JIKVIVLS many dull Umne.i. Kl lr lu.rn !it Vin.nrM AVIiiiij afLn !airn. .to-. d.t I II l iu iii "i- U. :.-, 1 In t f"!v lvi :t;.t :n A jjiUr pujwf, m; th- jK'.j !o an..Mt ;.i r -ad. C )M M ISSK N M EK( 'HA NTS. G W. JUDD, r'o est ?ti't, NEW YORK. COMMISSION MERCHANT. MuHiienN !' Vftfi taU-s nnd Fruit lirltM. Uri KiiKXi i ? North KUvr It.mk, New York. For MeuriN or t'uith r informa tion npl'ly to J. A. ATl-, Siu, !iiyl.V-;',ii t'Utdon, N. V. SHIPPERS OF TRUCK Will find It to their inh nM to make nil shipment- to U. FUUMAN&CO. MCW Olt 1. Win. A. Johnson will imv Caii for all ohoeks witiioi t exchAugr. Don't te dvlvid hy unknown parth. Stowils Funiiftril on A -iVirioM, tnyl.r 3in W. L. JAISON, XlOIU'OMCUl 1 1 1 K SHE Coimnission Mnvliantx, lfOKtOll, rVIltMK. Shipments of Fruit mid V pota bles Molieitod. Stoned l'urni-.hod on application. !nyl5-3iu ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMIGTON&WELDO'l R.R. tad Branches. ConciouHocl Muliothi 1 u TKA1XS l.Ol.M; Wl'TIL No. 27. No. II. Kant in:iil. Paily. Daily. -. Sim. May pi, mi. Paliy. Lv Wohloii, 12 .'10 p in 4.1 pin C (hi ton Ar ltiK k Mt. 1 li. 7 10 Ar TilH.ro. '1 Tin ' Lv Trnoio, 10 2o " ArVilMiii, 2 2o " Ia Wil.n, .V Ar St lnia, 3 10 Ar 1'ayi tlcvil C LvtoiMslwHO, :i rj ' Lv Waiaw 1 lo " Lv Magnolia, I 21 " 7 no pin 7 s.ou 7 l pin 35niii t ?,l 10 V 4 " Ar ilm.ten'it fin 'J 55 " 11 'jo " Tlt.MNS (.OlXt; OKTlL No. 1 1. N... 7". iK Da.lv. Iiailv. I):"'VX Minili,y. i-vWilinini'i; 12 01 am '.Mm am 1pm Lv Ma-nolia, 1 21 10 :il 5 M Lv Warsaw pi H r, Ar ;olin!.io. 2 2.J 11 15 0 5.5 LvFctt. vilh A I Seluu Ar Wilson Lv Wii-ou 'H 40 11 m 12 10- .1 o:; 12 .i7ptn 7 47).ui 1 id " H h Ar ltH-ky Mt. Ar Tarlmro "2 .io Lv Tarltoro 1 20 am Ar Wi ld.ju 4 :uj " 2 45 pm y ' :tn " "Daily except Njrjday. Train on .eoilan.I Neck Iiraucli 1. awn W!!.iii 3 14 p. m- Halifax ; 37 p m; ariivcM Sotlaud Neck at 4 'St p. in., ;rcn nville 'i 10 p. m. It lui iiiio,' l-rc (;icinyil!e7 2n a. m.. Halifax lo loa. m., WcMou 10 :M a in. daily rxcrpt Sunday. On Monday, Vi-.Iih-h,1.i uii IVi.l.iy, Im !i1 Fa-ilit luavcx Wk'l.lon lo :io a. Hali'ax 11 3o a. iii., otlan 1 Nfi k 2 ( p. m. Ainviinj (Jrci nville 5 lo p, m. Itcturniiii hare ' J ret n villi- Tm-wday, TlmriMl-iy and Saturday 'J 30 a. in.. Scot land Neck 1 00 p. in.. Halifax i 35 p. in. AiriviH Wcldon 4 00 p. ui. Train leaver Tarioro, a. ,'.. via AKx-inarie v Hahi-h railroad, il.tdy except Sunday. 4 05 p. ni.. Sunday '. ( p. hi., arrive Willuiiiwlon, N. , ::u p. in., i 20 p. m.. Pi vin iiidi 7 5 ip. in., 5 20 p. in. K liKijuiL' l:a' ;m !.- iv- Ply mouth, oaiiy except Suinlay, oo a, m Sunday 0 mi a. in. Wili'i.un-t.in 7 Jo a in. 5 a. m.. aime Tailxuo V .jo a. in., I ! 20 u. in.. Train on MiiJIaml, N. ('.. branch 2:ayr f 'ol.LlM.ro. daily cxci-pt Sunday, G IK) a. in. arrive Smithlicld. 7 30 a. m. lictiirnin avcH Smitli'eld, 00 a. in., am- ;.ii.llK.io, y 30 a. in.. i i a in IB liockv Ml. ul 'loO l. in.. fcrriM ii Na-I. villc ' 40 p. in., spriui; II I 15 p IU. U tMtlliu.' l:ai' Spring Hop.- Join a. in., Na-Lvuir lo 35 a. in., K- ky Mount 1 1 Sund iv. I . a. in. !ailj. except Train on Clinton l.ramli li-aw s Warsaw lor Clinton, daily, i-xccpt Sunday, fi no p. in., and at 11 in a mi; -.Uimnj will leave clinton at f a m an t .1 In p m, conuectiiif? at War-aw with No 41 and 40, 23 ui.d 7 Southbound train on Wd-on .x, Fay cttevillc Jlrancli i No, 51, North bound is No, 5n, Daily except Sunday Train No 27, South, will mop only at Wilioi liollloro and Magnolia Train No 7 makes clone counciliou at Wcldou for all pomu North, daily. All rail i iaUu-liinoud. and daily, except Sunday via liay line All trains mu f olid between Wilming ton ad Washington, and have I'uhuan Palace SI j-r attached JOHN F DIVINE, (;eul Supl J 11 KtNLV,Sup't Trans, T M Kmeksox. Geu'l Tans Ayent NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED AS administrator of Havwood lioykin, deeeasttl, notice is hereby given lo all parties owing said es tate to make immediate payment. All parties holding claims against said estate are notified to present them for Davment within twfdx'o months, or this notice will be plead in Mr ot their recovery. ' J. C. WRIGHT, June 19, 90.-6t Admin btralor. STIMPSON & LITTLEFIELD 351 i 1

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