I " . , . THE CAUCASIAN. C AU C ASIAN THINK riMsiri:i) kvkkv thuiwdav, 11 j MARION HITLER, Kdilor and Proprietor. SUHSORIKE. luw tfiif I'aper toyoiirneitfli-l !r :inrt adviso him to hu- MMVl'iV ADTMtTlMMJ t'UKATK" ittsr.y a nvw f-msne-w UNLAKG VTSroao i'.d trh;r. UK VI V IN many . dj!l lh,., RKSCrKSroanr !" AVI many rJ:f Uimuc, rUUSKtlVUS tswuiy a lre a1ucm Tbcrrfwc advtrtW in a j.j'ar pjvr. X va.ro Soinooracy Axt,ct XXlaito Supromaoy, VOL. VIII. Subscription Irioe JjSl.oO pr War, in Advance. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1890. No. 43. one the pHpl art- anns to n!. ' ' - o ! 1'IiOFRSSIONAL COLUMN. V T ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW, (ioldnboro, S. U. Will i neticf in Sampson t.ounty. iciii7 tr V M. USE, M. D. I'll Yrfi:rA,Swu;j;o. and Pkxtist, OtVu-f in Lei:' Drugstore, jo 7-lyr 1 A. STHVENH, M. J). tl . I'jIYHICiA.V AND SuiiUEON, (Office over Post Office.) ioe'-Miiy l found at night at the resilience f J. H. Stevens on College Street. j(L71yr HE. FAISON, Attouxey asd Counseli, on at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice in courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his can' will receive prompt and careful attention. jc 7-lyr WS. THOMSON. ATTORNEY AXI CoUNriKLL mi at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad Kiininir counties. Ever attentive nun liiiiiuui io im, ('I il'llt. . a i' 1 k . i. I interests ot all Jo 7-lyr y V. . KEItll. A ' 'OKNKY AND COUXHKIX- oit at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, liladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supremo Court. Prompt personal attention will be Kivm to all leal business, jo 7-lyr I 71 HANK HOYETTE, D.D.S. I DEXTIrfTHY ggag? Office on Main Street. OII.m his services to the jicople of Clinton and vicinity. Everything hi the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. loirMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. The weight of an argument doesn't depend upon the size of the man. Statu or Ohio, City of Tolkoo, ; Lucas County. ' ' Flunk .1. Cheney makes oath that he U ihe ot ir pnstner of the thui of F. J. (jHKNPTi' & CO., (loin-; business in the fit v of Toledo, county and State afrc said. nml that said firm will pay the .sum of OMR HUNDKKD DOLLARS tor carl, and i very case of Catarrh that can in. I he cured by IIam.'s Catakkii ;u;i;. Thank J. Cheney. Sworn to before nic and subscribed iu my presence. IbisGth dav of December, '.!.. I""- , . W.CJI.KASON, S I Motarv Public. IfAuAs Catakkii Citke is taken in tcniaily and acts directly on the blood mid unices surfaces of the system. Send fur testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggist", at 75 cents. If the boys don't kisss the misses, then the girls will miss the kisses. Eiipepsy. This is what you ought to have, in 1; ct, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are search in;; tor it daily, and mourning be cause they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. Wo guar antee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon dys pepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommeil Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c mid 1.00 per bottle by It. II. Holli day. Druggist. Every dog has his day and Sun day belongs to the growler. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time; sho weighed less mail seventy pound? on a piece of wrapping paper sho read of Dr, King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helied her more, bought another and grew bet ter fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing i4u pounds. or tuner particu lars send stamp to W. II. Cole, Drug gist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery free at It. w. Holliday's Drug Store. Age 1 rings us wisdom, but doesn't give us much time to use it. liucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world lor Cuts, "luses, rcs, u leers, bait Kheum, Fe. Vcr Soros. Tetter, dimmed ITnnfW ;hil blains, Corns, and all Sk:n Emotions. and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to s;ive par ted eatisfacticu, or money refunded. 1 1 ice 2o cents per box. For sale by Dr. It. II. IIoLLIDAY. din ton. find .T K. Smith, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. C. The Chair of llistorv at the North Carolina University was established none too soon. No effort should be spared to teach the youth of the rsoutn the truth and the whole truth aDout the history of the South. It i.9 easy for the meaning and signifi cance ot an event to be distortet through Ignorance, superficial infor mation, prejudice or wilful misrep rcsontation. Against all these the South must protect itself. Charlotte Chronicle. THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. HOW THINGS LOOK FHOM OUJi STAND i'OINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. DANCER IN IT. Senator Ay cock, of Wayne, agrees with The Caucasian in condemn ing the proposition of the Wilming ton & Weldon Kailroad Company, that was accepted by the ltailway Investigating Committee. What is the proposition? In sulstance it is about as follows: That for a consideration of about 520,000 taxes, ti be paid by the Wil mington & Weldon Railroad Com pany, that the State enter into a con tract with said company that it shall never be taxed more than above amount and that certain rights and privileges be granted the compauy, viz: That the capital stock of said company be increased toi?10.000.000. in all resiects like the stock before issued, that thtt company have the right to eonsolidate with or buy any oiner railway or stock of other com panies or to enter into any traffic agreement it may desire without I urther permission or consent from the State. In the first issue of our paper, af ter the proiosition was accepted by the committee to be recommended to the next General Assembly, we said that it would not do. We give warning that there . was aj Trojan horse in it. No people can aflbrd to grant such extraordinary and per petual privileges for such a pittance of taxation, and any Legislature that would swallow the bait would bo untrue to the people. We are op posed to accepting a cent of taxation that comes loaded with such a bur den. Senator Avcock. who was a member of tho committee, voted against accepting the proposition and we are glad to see him out in a card giving his reasons. His card is as follows : After maturely considering the proposition of the Wilmington & Weldon Itailroad Company in the draft of a bill submitted to this com mittee, I am "compelled to dissent from tho action of the committee recommending the acceptance of tho proposition for the following rea sons: 1. The powers given to make con nection, and "the general privileges bestowed by the bill on the company are too general and far reaching, the grant of unlimited powers ot consol idations being, in my opinion, capa ble of being so used as to prove in jurious to the interest of the people of the State. 2. The valuation of the railroad bed of tho main track is fixed at not more than ?S,000 per mile, and that of the branches at not more than $1,000 per mile, and the State bound by contract not to exceed these val uations for purposes of taxation, thereby putting the property of the corporation upon a different footing from that of the private tax-payer. I think the valuation ought to be made under the general law, and not restricted, as is proposed. If the State should be bound by such a con tract as is proposed, the value of the road-bed might double and treble, but the tax value would remain al ways the same. 3. Under the proposed hill the property of the company, the value of which has not yet been ascertain ed, other than the road-bed, locomo tives, engines, cars ana other rolling stock, would escape taxation. 4. The bill limits perpetually the rate of taxation, fixes the valuation of the road-bed for all time, and recognizes and approves the princi ple that one law ot taxation ma-' ex ist for the property of a corporation and another for the taxation of that of the individual. I thin'. the surrender of exemp tion should be made with fewer con ditions, and I believe if it were so made the company could safely rely upon obtaining from tho Legislature such privileges as it might reasona ably ask, and such as may be neces sary to it in the conduct of it busi ness. The railroads of the State have been trusted hy the Legislature with unequalled power, and they have no reason to fear any unreasonable re fusal of legislation in their behalf. G. The alleged contract, whereby the company has always claimed its exemption from taxation, has been and still is a source of irritation to the people of the State, and a con stant source of annoyance to the tax ing powers, and I am not in favor of the State entering into any new con tract with this company or any other which shall have for its effect the suggestion of any claim of exemp tion from taxation or the curtailing of the right of the State to derive revenue rom any and every species of property within its territory. In arriving at these conclusions, I am not insensible of the great bene fit which will be derived to the peo ple of this State by the contribution of so large a sum to the Treasury as the company has pioposed, which would yield to the State and coun ties about $20,000 yer annum, but seeing the dai ger of such legislation has led me to the conclusion. thf t that the proposed legislation would be unwise. I regret that I am unoble to con cur with the majority of the com- muiee. B.F.AYCOCK. iet us strive for a reduction of taxation on the necessaries of life for a reduction of tho expenditures of the government for an increase of the currency and the price of farm products by the free coinage of sil ver and the restoration of its full legal tender character for the ro lal of the tax upon State banks for the regulation of transportation rate's by railroad commissions, and Ja.-f, but not least, let us earnestly contend against the spirit of central ization, which is constantly threat ening to absorb the local, wdl-gov-ernment of the people of the States. Zeb. B. Vance. OUli CONGRESSIONAL N03II NKE. It was eminently fitting that tho Democrats of the 3rd Con gressional District should the other day at Clinton invest with the highest honors in their gift one whose life, though hitherto comparatively remov ed from public view, has been replete with valued services to his fellow-men. A graduate of the University of his 'native State, which lie honors by his ripe scholarship and varied at tainments, li. F. Grady, after four years of service to his country in the field given with tho self-abnegation and devo tion to principle characteristic of thtj man has consecrated his intellectual vigor and prime to the great work of a field where the laurels are unfading; the promotion of tho interests of both higher and common school education. As Superin tendent of Public Instruction in his county, in the class-room, iu the lecture-hall, in the columns of the press, he has been always an educator in the test sense of the word, a soul ful laborer in the task of free ing the youthful mind from the trammels of ignorance, and elevating it to the broader and brighter domain of intelligence. A member of the Farmers' Al liance, Mr. Grady is a consistent friend of tho agricultural in terests, while his liberal and advanced views ou all imDor- tant subjects render him a well chosen representative of every class of the people. It is especially seemlv. too. that the convention by its nomi nation made recognition of the past services of Mr. Grady's na tive county, DuDlin. and cast about its splendid Democratic recoil the wreath of victorv. The "banner" countv of tho district goes into this fight with its own gallant standard-bearer. Fayetteville Observer. ltlGIITKIM) OF TALK. To my friends of the Third Congressional District: It is no time for regret. The success of the Democratic party and the domination of the white people in North Carolina is paramount to all other considerations. You made a valiant and determined fight to secure my renomina tion, from the 1st to the 179th ballot, you proved tc me your devotion,loyalty auo" confidence. I thank you for it I deeply, profoundly and sincerely ap preciate it. You are Democrats. Your first and last considera tion is Democratic supremacy in North Carolina. Wit t out the asking you, I know, will support my successor, B. F. Grady, of the noble, true, tried and patriotic county of Duplin. As you have supported me, I ask you to follow me in the coming campaign. C. W. McCj.ammy. Commissioner of Agriculture liobinson writes that after hav ing travelled over the greater portion of the cotton producing section of the State, he has nev er seen a 1etter prospect for a good crop, and the same is true also of tobacco, another "mon ey" crop. la consequence of this cheerful outlook the far mers are hopeful and in good spirits. In addition to this he says that the crops, as fair aa they promise, have cost less to produce than any previous vear attributable not alone to the favorable seasons, but also to the unusual economy practiced by the farmer?. With no mis baps between nor and harvest time he is of opinion that our farmers will have more money at the close ot the present vear than at any time in the past ten years. wi I. Star. THIS FOURTH CONGRESSION AL DISTRICT IN GEORGIA. Atlanta, Ga.f July 30. The convention in the fourth con gressional-district was held at LaGrange today, and Congress man Grimes was added to the ranks of the congressional corpses. Alliance leader Mose3 did it, and after a battle which exten dedover sixty-five ballots Moses was declared the nominee. Of course his election is assured. NEWS OF THE WEEK. THE WORLD'S EVENTS GATHERED IN SMALL COMPASS. Th? L?lt rteppe-iinp at Heme and Abroad Coibcled and Prwented in Terse ar.d Readable Form. Ioiueti; Summary. S.lvcr took a sharp rise during the pas wm-k. 'I ". hu4ns8 portion of Crcihton, N l , w;is destroyed by fire. Losa, Sir. CirnoKif, the Amoricfiniron king, Ii.k 'jivon $50,00 to Um town of Ayr, in S- oJail.l. -Mrs. Tiiom.-is A. Hendricks ami ber 6:s!cr ;ml mow have gone to the White Mo.mtalii.-i. Tin- oir'tcf of ehief of the foreign mail ci-v ha I pen vacant for over a year The s .lary is $3,000. K'V. lliram Gee, of Ithaca, N. Y., has givrii SyiMcu-aj University $10,000 to cn rfo an art fellowship. '. he Illinois legin'aturo parsed tho Wnrl. Ps Fair constitutional amendment ly :n r.ltiiost unanimous vote. 1'ri si Umi t Harrison lia not been regis t I mid -r .he election law of Indiana, a. i ! Hi. h can not vote this year. Alter a s! niggle of 14 weeks tho strike of the i'hUadel 'iia cloakinakers en.l.- l in a ietory for the laboring men. A g. n -ral strike was ordered in New York of all workmen employed iu pub lie school buildings, and 1.200 men went out. Mrs. A. ll. Palmer, of Philadelphia, was rescued from drowning at Atlantic City by Life Guards Lindsay and Wil liams. It is said that President Palmer, of tho World'. fait committee, isaroused to the necessity of no further delay in setting work iu motion. The H(U.adron of evolutionunder Ad miral Walker, arrived at New York last week, and is now anchored off the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The new revenue marine steamer Winona was launch d by the Pusey Jones Company, of Wi nington, Del., on Tuesday of last wek. Tin1 United St s revenue steamer Rush hoarded th Canadian schooner Ari-'l in Dehring S -a and warned her to keep off th scaling ground a. The lirst patent .'.anted by the United States Government was i-sue l on July 31. 179). Tiie eve f. was commemorated at the P.. tent O.'Hce List week. The Patrons of Industry, Prohibi'ion ists, and United Lalmr Party of Michi gan have united t form a party that will put a S.tnte tick t in the field. Hfoi U ;! y n" popii tion, according to the new census, is 04,377. In 180 it was r6',Gi3. making t' e increase during the p.tt decade of 237,714, or 41.95 per cent. Rob its. Davis, representing the Read ing Riilroad, says the company has dis posed of its Massac usetts avenue and ocean front options it Atlantic City to a syndicate which w id erect a large hotel. Mrs. Anna S-'iiron, of the city of Chi cago, a German, ng d 30, was killed by lightning Sunday hile sitting at the window of her house. An examination of the body disclosed a blue mark under the heart The bus. of Sidney Lanier, given by Mr. Charles Lanier, of New York, to the city of Macon. Ga., will be unveiled on October 3. Judge Bleckley, of the Geor gia supreme court, will make the dedi catory address Preside:: t Fitzgerald of the Irish Nation d League of America has issued an urgent appeal to all sympathizers with the c uise to i:. mediately transmit all available funds io tho home ofnea of the league in Dublin. George Francis Train has made ar rangement with the Tacoma Ledger to make an attempt to beat the record for a trip around the world. He will leave Tacoma Augint 7 on the steamship China, and calculates that he can make the cir cuit of the globe in 57 days. It is admitted that all the corn crop of central Kansas is ruined. No matter how much rain falls hot winds have blown for .lavs and stalks are shriveled. Only local rains have fallen for over a mouth, a-.d the prairies are so dry that fires bre.i oat daily. The hay crop is an entire failure, as well as the fruit crop. The cause of the collision on the Monon Railroad Suuday lies in the fact that the schedule had been changed, and while the Chicago l.-ound train was running by the new card, the Lmisville bound train was running on the old schedule and was six hours 1 .t , having been laid out by a freight wreck. A Worltl special from "Ottawa, Out., says: Latest advices from England in reference to the Behring Sea dispute state that several important modifica tions have leen made iu the claim set up by the United States within the past fev days which w ill meet the views of the British and Canadian authorities and hasten a settlement of the dispute. While the town marshal of Ruther fordton, N. C,"was attempting to arrest a negro named McDowell, Saturday, ho was set ujxn by a mob of over 20 negroes armed with stones, pistols, and clubs. Tho officer was pretty badly used up, and his prisoner escaped. He fired into the crowd and wounded several of the negroes. There is a good deal of excite ment over the affair, and more trouble is feared. Peter Letter was found sitting upright in the rear room of his store in Kansas City Sunday sfterr.on, with a bullet through his head and his face almost en tirely eaten by maggots. - In a letter to Herman Schmid, he notified him of his intention to commit suicide' and ap pointed bin his executor. Seven thou sand dollars iu United States 4 per cent, bonds and $752 in gold was found in a jar in Ii!er cellar. He liad no rela tives in this country and his money is all willed to persons of las name in Ger many. Foraifn. An epidemic of suicide is raging in the British army. There is a general manifestation of dis content throughout the British army.. Having defeated Gautemala, Salvador is now willing to arbitrate the difficulty. The Archduchess Valerie, daughther of Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, was married last week to the Archduke Francis Salvator. There is a new outbreak of trouble in oiitiioa. Mini ilbir Ids in tiu iii,.. point to the failure the j n. v.t gov ernment to gie satisfaction. Portugese liutentuitn-:..-d t.. lirit n African Cornjrnv' laktto:imer, the James Stephenson, at Chiroita. and nt the crew to Quilimane for trial The Russian government ha., ordered the application of ti e edict . f 1S2 against the Jews. Ihi-c edict.- have hitherto Uvn held iu aU-j ant e, i he en forcement of the edicts will ie..i.lt iuthe expulsion of over l.GOO.nno Jews from the country. Gas was struck Iat week at Knoxville, Ontario, at a depth of 9K feet, and the flw is now estimated at 2f000,000 cubic feet a day. The roar is deafening, and when the ein was stun k drills were thrown high i.i air, and for 10 minutes rocks and dirt came out There is great rejoicing at Kingsville. Thousands are flocking to the welL BATTLING W1TD A STALLION. Ilarvcy Smith Kill the lirule Willi One IJlow of a Sled Stake Harvey A. Smith had a desperate bat tle at Presipie Island, Me., with a stal lion. The stallion is dead and Smith still Jives, but is iu a sadly crippled con dition. Dining last winter lie drove a team in the lumlier wtnxls, of which one animal was a stallion that no one but Smith could handle. This summer ho has worked the stallion and his mate on the farm. Yesterday the stallion Ie came vicious and frantically attained his mate wit i teet'i and hoofs. Mr. Smith uncoupled the horses, when tho stallion attacked him. He is a jiowerful and very resolute man, and after a fierce struggle, in which he was severely wounded in the hip by the animal's feet, he succeeded in sulKluing the horse and leading him to the bam. He hitched him on the luirn floor, removed the har ness and was proceeding to take him to a stall when the vicious animal again attacked him. The wind, blew the barn door shut and Mr. Smith found himself imprisoned with the frantic bruU. For nearly half an hour he fought him with no weajion but his fists, but being often knocked down and fearfully bruised he found bus stieugth failing and was just making up his mind that it was all up with hiin, when the horso disengaged a sled take from the side of the mow and Smith saw it rolling to ward him. Seizing the slake he swung it with all the strength of desperation, and, striking the stallion behind the ear, ho laid him dead at his feet. DKATI I ON TIIE KAIL. lilffht Fatally Hurt In a Collision at Ited- for.l, I ml. There was a terrific wreck on tho Louisville, New Albanv and Chicago Railroad Suuday morning. About seven miles north of Bedford, Ind., the out bound pavsseuger train from Chicago time into collision with the north bound passenger train from Louisville on a sharp curve, killing the engineer and fireman of train No. 3, and fatally in jured the engineer and fireman on the other train, James Tilford, postal clerk, and Frank Black w ell, express messen ger. Not a single passenger was injured. The two engines are totally destroyed. Two mail cars, the express cars, and two parlor cars were telescoped. Conductor John Burns was in charge of the train going north and was on time leaving here, but when the train struck lie was two minutes late, while the southbound train was six hours late. Conductor McDonald says that he and his engineer agreed to run on the side track at Guth rie three miles north of the wreck, and wait there for the north bound train. He went to sleep and did not wake up until they struck. All the injured were taken to Louisville, and all that were able to stand travel were taken on to New Albany on a special train. MINISTER SIIZNEtt 1IKA11D FROM. After a Lout; Silence He In Again In Com munication With the Vnlteil States. The State Department has received a dispatch from Lansing B. Mizner, United States minister resident in Central America, stating that he was at a place called Meutou, in Gautemala, and tliat he was in communication with the com manders of the United States vessels Thetis and Ranger. Mr. Mizner says nothing about the bloody conflicts sup posed to be in progress between Gaute mala and Salvador, or the reported out breaks against the administration of General Barillas, which are said to be starting up in several provinces in Gau temala. He also failed to refer in any way to the recent seizure of arms on the Pacific mail steamer Coliina by the Gau temalan authorities, as to the facts of which he lias been instructed by the State Department to report Mr. Miz ner's silence as to all important particu lars is thought to signify cither that he has not received the dispatches sent him during the last fortnight, or that the Gautemalan government will not allow him to give out the particulars of any of the internal affairs of the country. The telegram came through Minister Ryan at Mexico. Stole $20,000 Worth or Jewelry. Thomas McAvirey was arrested iu New York Saturday night for robbing the jewelry- store of A. D. Norton at Glovers ville, N. Y., on the night of April 11. He and his pals, who have not yet been capt ured, secured about 20,000 worth of jewelry. Fell from s Window. C A. Elliot, a guest of the Morgan House, at Des Moines, Jowa, was found dead under his window early Sunday morning. It is supposed he sat in the window to get the fresh air, fell asleep, and dropped to the ground. WAR IX SOCTll AMERICA. Gaateinalaa Army Defeated la a Battle at Salvador. South American advices, by way of Mexico, report the breaking out of hos tilities between Gautemala and Salvador. The forces of the former republic were defeated with heavy loss. Private telegrams from San Salvadoi say that the San Salvadorians captured the Guatemalan artillery tn a battle which took place on Thursday last. Il is rumored that President Barillos, of Guatemala, will resign. A Venerable Boston Elm. A Boston telegram mentions that the monster elm in front of the old Baxtei mansion in Medfield was taken down by means of jack screws, it requiring four days to uproot the tree. The age of the elm is not correctly known, but it is es timated to be at least 200 years, old. Il measured 80 feet in circumference, AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Latest 0o;r.gs in the fteid of fedVaJ LepsUtron and Poitbcs. The Vrk 1m Cnacrfib TilK SENATE. Uiiib-r the !. w- ordvr for tho dipatch of Uu-ines the Senate meees now at 10 A. M. There are, however, s. hKan more than 1 Senators present during the prayer, and it i almost 11 o'clock before a ipiorum n wTured. Amendments were made to the tariff bilL Tito con sideration of the tarill bill w as continued all the week. Amendments offered by the finance committee were adopted. Thore pr sed b the Democrats were reject-d. Toward the clone Senator Piii'iib and Paddock U'gan voting with the Democrats. Senator Plumb made a long Fjieech against the duties asked by the manufacturers, to which Senator Sherman replied. A resolution was offered to direct the committee on rules to report some method "of limiting de bate. It was laidover. The President appointed, and the Senate confirmed, Thaddcu S. Sharretts, of Maryland, to be general appraiser of merchandise to complete the Iioard created by tlie ad ministrative customs bilL The tariff bill will l discussed in the Senate until Friday, when it w ill give M ay to other measures. The conference in the original jackage bill decided to report in favor of the passage of the Senate meas ures. Hol'SK OK HEI'RESENTATIVES. The report of the majority of the com mittee on elections on the murder of Clayton and declaring Breckinridge's seat from the Second district of Arkan sas vacant, i: made public. Repre sentative San fold, of New York, oilered resolutions to leave all legislation affect ing the duties on sugar and molasses alone till next Congress, and requesting the President meanwhile to negotiate with the sugar producing countries for reciprocity. The conference report on the District of Columbia appropriation bill was agreed to. The Senate amend ments to the sundry civil bill wero further discussed. The Sjieaker ap pointed the committee to investigate the charges against Pension Com missioner Raum. Fifteen requests for leave of absence were refused. On Friday no business could be transacted on account of the absence of a quorum. A heated controversy took place between the Speaker and Representative Rogers, of Arkansas, over the former's refusal to recognize the latter as entitled to the floor. The eonferrees on the fortifica tion appropriation bill were unable to agree and so reported to their resjiective houses. The committee ou io.st offices and post roo4s authorize Chairman Bingham to repoit favorably, without amendment. th: Fvyo (tutai ulily bill. National Cnpltnl Nolo. The reduction of t'ie public debt dur ing July amounted 1 1 $'iZ,'iVMl. President Harrison is spending a week with his family at Cape May point The President has approved the joint resolution providing temporarily for tho expenditures of the government. The conferees of the two houses of Congress have finally agreed upon the passage of the Senate "original package" bill. The President has appointed the follow ing cadet to West Point: Clyde E. Haw kins, Twenth-fourth district, Pennsyl vania. The Director of the Mint has been in formed that gold bars to the value of $9,200,000 were shipjied from New York to Europe last week. President Harrison 1ms written Gov ernor Brackett, of Massachusetts, that he will le in Boston on August 12, to at tend the G. A. It, parade. The Lodge elections bill is undergoing considerable changes at the hand i of the Senate committee, and an attempt will undoubtedly be made to pass it at this session. The absent Republican members of tho elections committee liave been tele graphed to return to Washington, in order to make a quorum and secure ac tion ou the Clavtou-Breekenridge con test case from Arkansas. Breckenridge will be unseated. The Postmaster General hn.s awarded the contract for furnishing stamped envelopes and newspaper wrapers for the four years beginning Octolier 1, 1890, to the Plimpton Manufacturing Com pany, and Morgan Envelope Company, of Hartford, Conn. A circular has been issued by Secre tary Tracy designed to carry into effect the provisions of the naval appropria tion bill for a common store for the en tire Navy, instead, as heretofore lias been the case, of a separate store for each bureau. A Steamship With Three Keel. The steamer Watertown. the onlv ves sel of that kindfloat, and the lirst ship ever built at atertowu, Mass., was suc cessfully launched last week. The steamer has three k.els, one center and two side keeb, is 131 feet long, and is designed to carry 500 tons of coaL Su perior advantages in shallow water over other crafts are claimed from lscr pe culiar construction, it being claimed that she will draw only eight feet Murdered by a Policeman. A private watchman named J. I Menyleese, Sunday morning, detected Henry Almond, colored, stealing news papers from doorsteps in Philadelphia, lie pursued the thief quite a distance, and finally drew his revolver and fired, the ball taking effect in the fleeting youth's back, death resulting. Meny leese surrendered himself to the police, and will have a hearing. A lilce Famine in Japan. The British steamship Glenogle ar rived in New York Sunday from Yoko hama and Amoy Ching with the first consignment of Japan tea from this year's crop. Tho captain reports the suffering from the rice famine to be upon the increase. The governnienthas come to the assistance of the people, however, and is importing large cargoes of rice from Siam, Cochin China, and Burmah. A Liberal Preaeber. Ltr. Meredith, who is hardly loss pop ular as a Brooklyn preacher than Tal msge, has estabiisliod a second reading room 'for working men on Fulton street, where no restriction is placed on nook ing cigars and pipes. He says he would not object to the church furnishing bil liard tables and bowling alleys. It k not likely that the boys would object tc it. either. . The ( Wuin railway cumpanira iu$ thoroughly examined Um IluntfftrUo loao ysu.iu. have declined to introduce it in Oermany. Ex-Secretary of State. Thotait K Bay. ard, will attend the Delaware Demo cratic Sute convention as a dvletfat from WiUniugton. Mm Patty Galloway die. I Saturday ulght at Baltimore, after having attained the rij age of llG years. All her fac ulties remained intact until few da) a agn. Tho grand jury of lted Fork counly. Arkansas, fund true Ulla againM 24 cirixens who cut the Bogge Bayou lovw to lessen the lamago to property during the late floods. Mrs. Elizabeth Hands died Suaday at Baltimore at the age of 101 years and 5 months. Slie had lived 09 years in that city. Her health was remarkably good until two weeks ago. By explosion of fire damp Mouday in a coal pit at St. Etienne, France, five miuers were seriously injured. One hundred and fifteen of th men iu tho pit escaped uninjured. In accordance with the orders of the Emperor of Germany 1,000 sick children of government employees will bo sent for a holiday to tlie seaside. Tho em peror will ix-rsonally defray tho expense of the trip. Rev. Father Burtsoli, late pastor of the Church of tlie Epiplany in New York city, is said to have received information from Rome within the last fortnight which put his case in such a light as to cause him w send an answer to Rome, and that pending tho arrival of a reply everything will remain in alieyance. It is now lielieved that Father Burtsell will not go to Rondout, but w ill finally bo assigned to another parish in New York. At Reading, Pa., Saturday, the wife of John Fertig. of Rock Str.tion, pre pared a mixture of Kison to kill rats. Later, while preparing dinner, she acci dentally mistook the mixture for brown sugar ami put a tablcspoonfitl of it in some douglu At dinner the whole fam ily ate heartily of it Shortly afterward they were taken violently ill, and suf fered intensely. A doctor wan sum moned and with difficulty relieved Mrs. Fertig and her four cluldr. n, though they are still very ilL Mr. Fertig's con dition is very alarming. The hot weather of the last week has had a bad effect on the crops in Minne sota and both the Dakota In South Dakota wheat is almost all harvested. The hot w iuds of two weeks ago did it much damage, and not as large a pro portion as usual will grade Nob. 1 and 2. The corn crop may be said to be almost completely ruined, and not over 15 to 20 per cent of a crop is now in sight In dications point to a light yield in North Dakota, except in the counties bordering on Rod River. No liarvoting will bo done before the middle of next week. During the last 10 days the outlook has changed greatly for the worse. Tlie neighbor of Mr. Ambrose, a justice of the peace in Johnstown, and Mrs. Jonas ratten, arc greatly excited over the marriage of tlie couple. Mr. Patten is living, but owing to domestic infelicities has not lived with his wifo for several months, though no papers of divorce or separation have leen filed. Mr. Patten says he will bring alxmt a prosecution for bigamy, and Ambrose's neighlxus threaten to tar and feather him. On August 15 rival Irish demonstra tions will be held in Chicago, one under the auspices of the Clan na Gael, and the other conducted by the friends of Dr. Cronin. The anti-trianlers have adopted an address which so res the friends of Cronin's murderers, and says among other things: "This year tho friends and associates of the murderer j the men who stand between the chief murderers and the gallows have de cided to use the proceeds of the Ogden Grove picnic for tlie lenefit of tlieir dupes, so that the tongues tliat would speak the words tliat would bring them within tlie grasp of tho law may be kept silcuE a little longer by delusive hopes. " What the anti-trianglers intend to do with the proceeds of their demonstiation is not given out. K EMM I.Kit TO l)lr At Laiit the Unt Victim of Kleetroca tion Face iJenth. ' There appears to be a good reason that William Kemuiler s electrocution was set to take place between Tuesday night aud Wednesday mornin the 5th and Cth of August Several invitations to be present at the carrying out of tho death sentence were received by vnrioui persons on Monday the 4th. Tlie hold ers of the invitations have been very secretive and state that no time or hour was named in the invitations. A reporter was privileged to exa nine one of these gruesome invitatkms. It was written in typewriter on an Auburn prison letter head and invites its recipient to rcjort at the prison "at 7 p. m. August 5. " to "diaries F. Durston, Warden and Keeper." Whether the execution to k place at night is uncertain. Jut tlie .conjecture is tliat soon after the stroke of mid.iight Tuesday night Kcmmler was to expiate his crime. Mortally Wouorfid UN Rival. Davis Fitzgerald and William Mortley, brakemen on the Norfolk and Western Railway, have len in love with tlie same woman. Sun. lay Fiizg.-r.iM caught Mortley in comjiany with tl" woman at Crews, and at once sliot hint, the ball entering tlie groin, icflicting a wound that will prove fatal. Fitzgerald fled to the woods, and a jomso of men is in pur suit of him. Mortley is a resident of Peteburg. Va. 'Twaa a Ghastly Find. Charles Thompson, of Great Chebeague, fo ronnrta f h4 firulinT on ftoriKA hbllld. near Chebeague, the remains of children, fin a ror-fc wim four lumdiund four feet. recently cut off. A large fire had been built near by, and among the cliarred pieces of wood were bones, aa if the chil dren's bodies had been burned. Coroner Davis will go down tothescenoof th ghastly find. : It la PoMlble We May Learn All A boat the Cronin Harder. nan. Oouerhlin. one of the Cronin sus pects now serving lib term in Joliet prison, is about ready, it is .statou in a So orrt A inna.trli. to ennf eaa. Ha ia fret ting himself to death, and is but a shadow of hw former self, and the prison warden Im ttiA rHmp an weiorha on his mind that ho is liable at any time to break a m a a m 9 down and niaae a run coniession. s COMMISSION MKKIH A NTS. G W. JUDD, " iNo. l-ir VtHi Strool XKW YORK, COMMISSION MERCKAKT. Shipim-iiN nf Vtirttabh-i and Fruit ."oiicltod. IlEFKitKxor.: North Uiv r Hank, Now York. For Stoncll or further inform.! tion apply to J. A. OA I KS, Si;., iuyl&-3iu ('Union, N.f. SHIPPERS OF TRUCK Will flnl it to their intcrot toumVo all shipment to G. FURMAN & CO. IVISW YOHK. Wm. A. Johnson will pay Cau for all ch( ks WITHOUT 'cli:ingr . Don't lj tltvvivi! by unknown parties. inyl58m w. l. faisonT Xlopromoiitlus STIMPSON & LITTLEFIELD, Commission Merchants, laONtOll, JVI 1IKM Sliipnu nts of Fruit- nml Wgeta bles HoliritfMj. Stencil furnishitl on application. myl5-3in ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMIGTOIU WELDON R. it. and Branches. Oondonaod Bolicclulo Tit A INS ItUiNG M)UT1I. dated N 0.23 No; 27' . . . j 1 May 10, '90. Daliy. niail. Daily. J J Daily, ex. bun. Lv Weldon, 12 30 p in 5 43 pm f 00 am ArKockMt. 1 40 7 10 " Ar TrlHiro, 2 3o 7..7. Lv Trboro, 10 20 " Ar Wilson, 2 3o t pm 7 1tim Lv Wilson, -1 30 " Ar Se.lmn. .1 4(1 Ar Fayctlevil 0 00 " Lv GoldHboro, 3 15 t.v Warsaw. 1 lfl " 7 4o pm H .'jam 9 31 M 4o ' j la " Lv Magnolia, 4 21 Ar Wilminst'n 5 50 " 'J 55 " 11 2i " TRAINS CiOlMt KUKTii. Mo. 14. No. 7k. Daily. Daily. No. 40. Daily x Nun i lay. i-.vWilmhi'itY. 12 01 am '. (m am 4 i.m Lv Magnolia, 1 21 10 31 " 5 30 Lv Warsaw o 4S " 5 5H ArGoldsboro, 2 23 " 11 45 il f. 03 LvFctteville 'x 40 11 00 12 10 Ar Selma Ar Wilson Lv Wilson 03 T2 37 pm 1 Hi . in Ar Rocky Ml. 1 io x IK " Ar Tarboro 2 3o 10 20 niu Lv Tarboro Ar Weldon 4 30 2 45 pm" 9 30 Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck llranch leaves Weldon 3 14 p. in-, Halifax 3 37 1. in: arrives Scotland Neck at 4 25 p. m., Grcrenvillc 0 10 p. in. Jtcturninj; leaves Greenville 7 20 a. m Halifax lo loa. m., Weldon 10 30 a m. daily except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Fridav. Local Freight leaves Weldon 10 30 a. IIalipax 11 3o a.m., Scotland Neck 2 00 p. m. Arriving Greenville ." 10 p, m. Returning leave 'recnvillc Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 9 20 a. in., Scot- 1 1-. t r mm- . . lanuecK i w p. m., llahlax 3 35 p. in. Arriviuz Weldon 4 00 n. in. Train leaves Tarboro. a. " via Albemarle & llalciijh railroad, duly except Sunday, 4 05 p. 111., Sunday 3 00 p. in., arrive Wnliamton, N. (J., G 30 p.m., 4 20 p. m., Plymouth? 5 3 p. in., 5 20 p. m. Itcturuiu lcve leaves Ply mouth, daily except Sunday, G 00 a, in., Sunday 9 00 a. m, Williainslon 7 10 a. m., 9 5 a. in., arrive Tarloro y 30 a. m., 1 1 20 a. m.. Train on Midland, X. C, branch leaves (ioldfcboro, daily except Sunday. G 00 a. m. arrive SmithficM. 7 30 a. n. Itcturnins kave SmiUificld, x 00 a. m.. arrive Goldsboro, 9 30 a. iu.. Tram on Nashville branch leaves llocky Mt, at 3 00 p. m., arrives Nash ville 3 40 p. m., Spring 1Lhj t 15 p. m. Kctnruiug leaves Spring Hope 10 00 m., Nashville 10 ?,t a. in., Uocky Mount 11 15 a. nr, daily, except Sunuay. Train on Clinton branch leaj ex Warsaw for clinton, daily, except Sunday, G 00 p. m., and at 11 10 a m; lleturuin will leave clinton at H 20 a in and 3 10 p ni. connecting at Warsaw with N 11 and 40, 23 ami 78 Southbound train on Wilson & Fay etteville llranch is No, 51, North bound is No, 50. Daily except Sunday Irani No It, South, will sum only at Wilson Goldsboro and Magnolia Tram No 78 makes . clc connection at Weldon for all points North, daily. All rail via Richmond, and ilaily, except Sunday via liay Uue All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have I'ulman Palace Sleeper attached JOHN F DIVINE, Gcn'l Supt J U KENLY,Sup't Trans, ' TM Kmerhon, Gtn'1 Pass Aircnt NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED A3 ' administrator of Haywood Boykin, deceased, notice is hereby given to all parties owing said es tate to make immediate, payment. All parties holding claims against said estate arc notified to present them for payment within twelve months, or this notice will bo plead In bar of their recovery. J. C. WltlQIIT, June 19, '90.-Gt Administrator.

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