3 I i) I ii THE CAUCASIAN. t"lint ii, ' fuattcr. .nliii'.' lo i'o-tj.'i 1.&-.V- tt OLirtTOX, N. r,. AUG. 1 V.0. OFPOCRATIC NOMINEES. for ( Vugi !--"Jr.! Di-trlc J'K.N'.'AM I N' F. (JliADV. For Judirt;- -;th District, EDWIN 1. I'OYK IN. Tim Railroad Coiiunfasioii of; Georgia is dearer and inorej valuatd Ui the people than any otl-er department of our Slate Covenitneht J. S. Can-dU-r, Solicitor frntr:;'I ' irruit ' hrt, (n. Alliance LK-jniiiint'iit. hem from the depth of dtU and dipair to the plane of in dividual independence While, therti have Len formed more? f,tiwrfiil financial combinational t " .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i N KW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADYEltTOEMENT , , j , . ALLIANCE NOTES, DISCUS- ...a'L. I N- 1 TIM.' HI 11 M.V VARIOUS i fur me purpor-e to m-i..i f '.-?al wuaith in tne nanus . ?. few, U'.bfn never ha ben f.r- t,ip1 before a combination 3e Sure or THE LODGES. il :h thn dutv of luent t'i furnish t'n til S''lVfMlt l uiuii Viiianrf Mftlli;. Kie Ai Jinnee of Taylor'; IX j. - !sjt m4e ur yur rmnd to luy fiot map1 do r-srt 1- iuovd to ta r, rev-!?;: v. by virtue t-t at j.rul:?.r o. prworron. aiwl j rtparation. o;r sLi'.-rior to any oilier article. SPECIAL N'JiVgTiSKM EN T. "CHAMPION FOOD luni w - - - , which did o reat ;i vrk in .so - I attu idy kiCw ha Le utea. poopl e !,nrt a t nip. nr wlju'ii una so, r . il!ifii;t amount of For Solicitor th Dihtrict, OLIVER il. ALLEN. CONVENTIONS, 1990. STATIC foNVKVriO.X Js held at 1,'aleigh, tn Wednes day, August lth. Senator Vance has declared in favor of a Railroad commis- sion. Ke'ninler, the New York murderer dies today by electro cution, the first execution un der the novel method of capital punishment. Re njainin Franklin (irady, of Duplin, is his name, and a noble old Human he is, with a rrand and glorious old county to boast of as Lis b:rth)laco.--Fayette-ville ( )))server. c.,,..n,T ,1 t(tr tlm Tiiir-'. On irrwitHst work of thi as a medium of ex- . . . ..,, ...a: n: i.o- i.i. it- i.M.rtii . tnmi or ai-icussiiifr me iiauroau i .uitc - ,t 5, ti,i otwl nf lessons in economy ami business- Coinio At he en methodll. It has lately plac the discussion a vote was taken busIneHS of farrniii;: ou a whirh resulted unanimously . ..lS!ncss basis. It lias taught with ;t iiiey, charges to facilitate business and prevent one class from piofctintf by the manufactured wants of the other. This money should be fur nished directly to the people and not sent to thetn through the ten per rent toll gates of national banks. The w-hole plan is oppressive and corrujt and the people will vote for no man who is opposed to their demands on this point. meeting at Hed Hill on last i ;div!dua!s. Senator Aycock of Wayne who was a member ol tho Rail way investigating committee is out in a card condemning the ! proposition of the Wilmington 1 1J II. : I .1 I -. . aim ttemou luiuroau company j Mic l t ()I the (ljSCUSt ion. J hey propose 10 pay in for a commission. meetings a: e held every three months to discuss topics of the day. This is to carry i ut the institute idea for discussious on farming and topics of public interest. A program is pre pared at one meeting for the next. The next meeting will ; be Friday before the 1st Sunday j in Nov. The secret part of the meeting is from 10 to 1 1 o'clock. At 11 o'clock the doors are thrown open lor the public. Every body is invited to come at 11 o'clock and jiin in the t Thtise union the farmers the importance of j keeping books and striking a; balance at the end of the year,' and if it had accomplished ' nothing more its work would j have been worth millions of; dollars to Georgia. The effect of the work of the Alliance is not alone felt upon the farm, but. it has permeated every business interest, and its work is seen in our growing! cities in the thousands of new I enterprises that have tpruugi into existence, in the new life! To Get haxiiiJaJTUli iLe ilt-rli tried iwinJce me buy trttl.-3-va instead i Hood':: fce UAZ mc tiiclr's on:a !ot loagcr; that I mistt UKe u co ten Uts' rU; that ( I did not UXfl It I teeJ not pay r-nythlnp, etc. Kut be -uu!d rot I rerail rue i ctarigf. I u-id him I knew -what Hot.'? &ars3riri!la a. T bad tiXen it. va jaat i f d with it, w.3 d'd m i want any other. Hood's Whfi 1 U'gaii tax.lnK Ilcyvd's Sarsapartua I v -s feeling reu! jwiseraM'', UTviririi a fT.Tit dcil wit! riyi-rfPa. and so wak tbu": it tinm I couM hardly stand. I looked, ard I .-1 for some timo, like a jktsoii in cou-su-Ti' tU n. Hood's 8rbaiarilla did o fnodthat I wond-r at tcyst-U sometimes, x .'. iv 'fiends freitientljr jiwhIc o! It." Mrs. "ii.-. a Ooff, l Ti'irat Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla 11 IT iii Void ty nH drngi5i3t!. ?! : s!t for JS. PrTrd oolr !by C I UOOI CO , Aitlieciic, Low. 1!, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar V5 icknowlbdce receipt of an invitation to attend the Lumber h'ivor Industrial and Live Stock Association, which will oion at Red Springs, X. C, August l-lth, and eiose August llJth, 18D0. Mr. R. T. Coiugton, editor of the Farmer and Scottish cheif is Secretary. or arguments saKe let us admit that Congress has not! the power to appropriate money j to be advanced to farmers upon their products as provided in the Sub-Treasury bill, but has Congress not the power to re turn to the States a part of the excessive taxes collected and let the States use the money for the relief and benefit of ihe farmer on the same plan? Will solium one answer. taxes if the people will grant them a half a million dollars worth of priviliges. If their proposition were jiccepted, would be licensed to turn them selves, in conduction with other corporations, into the most gigantic trust transportation company that this wourd lias ever ssen. The proposition is an insult lo a people already groaning under the oppressions of corporate power. We trust that the next Legislature will turn a deaf ear to the proposi tion and those who advocate it. Giro tiie H a Slowii. F1C A N Klil N OTKH. The Institute Feature. A Lecturer for the Farmers' Alliance we have for some ti me been urging that the various Alliances to establish an Insti tute feature for the discussion of topics pertaining to farming as well as matters of public in terest. The Alliance lias a dual idea, 1st make the needed im press upon legislation, 2nd to better the condition of farmers at home by discussing the !cince of farming and giving each other the benefit of their ex perience and opinions. The machinen' of the order is now I in fine working condition to "ac complish a great deal in the first direction, and it is to accom plish the latter purpose that we have advocated that every lodge established, as one of the reatures of each meeting, a mi nature farmers institute. that has been infused into classes of our people. It is not surprising that, viewing the wonderful work which this organization has areomrdished. ambitious men " M f should see in it a means to ad-; See what thyinanunictinvrsof the vance their personal interests j Georgia Shoe (for which l am Sole and should seek to use it f or that purpose the only wonder is that it has been kept so fre from such abuse and the orga nization should not be held ac countable for all the utterances of itaJnembers.-rSoutlsern Cultivator. 01 T FAIL TO READ THIS ! agents for 9 counties) say about their manufactory and goud-. They claim to operate the I.AKUKST MIO.L FA(T KY SOUTH, i THJ. I.AU ; ' S! TA.VNF.ltY SOUTH. j thk'onm.y . cm'.inki) i ANNEi'.Y and i f-Vi TOlO o, the t:VITKO STATUS. I T! m;- tl:t Iht-ir j P f ' K K v A ': T A -V N KI) J.KATIf IJlJ is '.rjH'Voi ii-. .r.iy wv ill ia-tern c.r I Niiiety vr cent of the peojde of Georgia ar in ssympathy with the commission, its objects and aims, and any man who would, sek to injure it would get but one Legislative oppor tunity, Instead of bringing or tending to bring ou the evils of social negro equality, it has effectu ally erected barriers to it in railroad travel that can never be broken down or "burnod away. ' lue negroes riae m separate cars furnished for them by order of the railroad commission. J. S. Candler, Soli ci tor-General Circuit Court, Ga. (By The Caucasian Representative.) The farmers say "we couldn't ask the Good Lord for better crops." Revs. Wodten and Edwards are doing good work for the cause of religion in this section. A Pender mi n retorts an ap ple SI inches in diameter. The i lhat a programme of subjects puzzleing part of the story is j and discussions be arranged at how it could grow in Pender j one lnPOtini: for the next and without Hanging on., over in Sampson. Xowher t so on. The five POLITICS. There is not a farmer or labor organization that does not in its declaration of principles dernond certain reforms which can only be obtained by legisla tion, yet in these organizations j HONEST YVOitK THROUGHOUT, Western i toniioc.; I nam-.! i,eai!r-r. T;ijy make 1 1 I J- MA 1) i : SHO j-: K WITH llOM K-M A DEI iEATI 1 1 :Jt. Money made by calling at WILLIAM A. JOHNSON'S STORE and in the State i the Farmers' Alliance better organi zed, or Tun Caucasian more popular than in this township. Nearly every man we approach ed would say, "yes, I have been wanting to take the paper." It. is reported on troorl ntitliorlt v discussion X - - - J arwres of Taylor's Bridge town ship have adoped this idea and improved upon it, and we lake pleasure In icommenrlln this plan to all other Alliances. In stead of having the Institute in the separate there are men who- hold up; their hands in holy horror! whenever the word "politics'' is mentioned, and who have generally succeeded in prevent ing unified political actions on the part of these organizations in favor of needed reforms by raising the cry of "politics" whenever this matter was broached. Nothing could be more deplorable than forming the organizations into political j clubs labeled either "Demo-! s.w critic'- or "Republican," but : jlt ' .. i(;Uiur. "We Farmers Alii- uo thing is more silly t han the Mho of these rood-, ar.d spectacle ot demanding certain seen at om' legislation, and then going out ! aiKl ib.'tmi. of their meeting halls to the! polls and voting not according! to the interest of the organiza-' tion of which they are members, j but according to prejudice that they may have inherited from ; their fathers. They should use IX ? U A ft AN T KK I T UK Ii EST HI I O K Til K WOHI.T). 1 i have hee haiidiiug tiuse good, rrhousands of Dollars worth of Goods with them enables me to voucli for their superiority over anv other Shoe. If a JUDGE OF SHOES i will -M.imne the Georgia Shoe, he j will buy at least oae pair, A'vl after test in tr t -'.ei i will is,-, or -ther. Trv ! it. ii v;ii ; YOT MANY I;CLLAK-! ' how a full j ii:ey ran be j -to;e, at Wholesale! that the colored votes in this lodges each meeting, they have I mao-nitwt iiriio nf th township have already indicated joint meetings ouarterlv tor i baJlnt. in vntrn.Td friond .7,d these discussions. We think this plan will be productive of "Maggie" thonewboat for Black j much'good. Let us all try it. river made a trial trip up to Wheelers Landing last week. that they propose to vote this fall with their best friends the white farmers The Wilmington Messenger of last Sunday says: "The Clin ton Caucasian's renrirk about the Messenger and prophecy is ill-timed. The prophecy was correct. "If it is our prophecy, that the somebody else would split from the Democratic party before the Alliance did that is reforred lo, then it is correct. We consider our remarks very timely, for the people wish to know whether The Messenger is for or against the just de mands that they are making. In oae issue the weather cot'k of that paper stems to point on 8 way, while in the next it will have ends revered. In plain English th3 Farmers' Al liance would like to knowT whether the M-ssenger is a friend or a foe. She brought neither freight nor passengers but had two flats in tow. The boat we learu is own ed by Mr. McDade of Wilming ton. At Mr. Lov Jones' we saw a turkey hen that is worthy of mention in that she has in her wee family a brood of partrid ges, chickens and turkeys. She dispenses an equal share of maternal love and care to all the happy family. J. M. AT II03IK. (Special Correspondence.) There is one individualized being enjoying a lealthful home after the return from a good visit West. Indeed, some are more susceptible of vital changes, of the materialistic i make certain A Cirre't View of It. One of the most distinguish ed gentlemen in the State wiites as follows: "I have no fears that the farmers will harm the country. They seem only determined to hurry throu gh the measures they deem essential to their welfare,' and who should blame them for this? They need encourage ment rather than hostile criti cism, and if some of their measures are open to criticism, they are willing to be instruct ed and have these measures perfected You and others have said over and over again that you are not wedded to any one plan, provided a better one can be suggested. I have an abiding confidence in the Ameri can farmer, and when thev de ; FRANK TEORSTOH, SOLE AGENT FOR THE GEORGIA SHOE, . FOR NINE C'OU.Vi T KS, j Fy1hinh , y. V. ' jy;n--:,t. ! IT punish enemies regardless of partv. If the politians once got that in their heads there would be no need of a labor! in unda party, because then all parties j the vlghtf AE YOU AN HEIR? Avo than half a billion of dollars i imed estates iw awaiting j "t fal heirs In Eaigl.uui, Scot- . would be labor parties. Day -'laud, Wales and Ireland. Most of ; ton Workman. ! ece heirs are in the United States, ; I ana have leen advertised :or m ! THOI OHTsnv IMt vi l v t ' Eu" " h 11. Thousands of heirs HtQHitiOA 1KA l,U o. . . h.iVl never sot,n these advertise- ,m . , , . ! tf'.outs. It yoiu ancestors on your I Ihe effectual fervent pryer , mother's Hide, came from j of a righteous man aval lethi any of the above named countries! much. Then to make i; raver ; to not fail to write to :. Res, Eu-i available it must be effectual: it must effect him who offers it: to do this he must live his prayer. The Father who prays with his family in the morning, as all christian lathers should do, and then as soon as he goes outi will be sold at prices that will astonish you. Next week we will give prices. )on't Forget This ! Very Respectfullyt VVM- A. JOHNSON D. M. Part rick, SUCCESSOR TO T. II. PARTIUCK & MIO. Cures Hog holera FATT NS HOiiMX And curt- lw-a- rmlii : m IndiMe-n aid verrV, Incrv.iM--the yield tt milk !t m Con and impnivc thiu.hty. Vluivi luiuMed .: crUn,-.u ftni rtliAlle rsins all v. t tin (xmntry, t prve aUve. It is Si r.i- ! It I- In i.xi'K.nc! v ! IT 1 No lit vntu ! It ihinvai twni i to aukKakm i;! It" you lirtU a i U a t S ii k noiuul niul try it. We hav-' thi'f titoii.is.i K and tv i J' oi is:. an; i lid r : aj I t ti K. . n. oi.-- ot ;ln- . ivii. . s.iuiu, . f- Auiiut 3.:. .-v !! i. J. Stwi .V Ttlr. i ton, N. '. Pkak Sirm r--c he Uvnn.'iit.' ,- : jii n l-'txMl" tor tw lv- month .-inJ i n 1 u.i It iihh11 U.at i-claiiiud for tf . It t-. t -tin- Knl nilitlon t tcW and i . m- lli l bsit-r.. r ii-'-ii a io our i larlv ami v i .i-i Jov jtho'i! '. , M. A I l.MU;ov Lai kim.i kw. X.. S t. lTtU. Invi. M-'. J. Stt-v nm V l ayloi , w iliiiin. !in. X. '.: 1:ak Sins. AUi r uig lht h!f laii.l t liaiupion 'ot" jiiir. huMil i( you vc aii naililv xny that It h.i fv:l!illtI -rry rfn-i-iiUtlioti nwit ' f"i- it . far if we li.iv !ti. .1 it. In no in-tjuu i- li'ii" it f.U-l t Umta lo. lw ti ll m it. rati jktriiriilurly rv . iii- Uirixl it tor l!:".l' h row, i .tlvi' ami r.h wtf ri'jrartl 5 t!ir lirt t.n t.l n th iti.-n Vt-t. hI ll .tmth r null li:trri . aiii i rub. Al.i:..l KINSoN A. i o. u I I.Mlst,TX. X. I., Oft. l'4b. l"v'l. Molf. J. Sifriit A Tajlul : (tKNTi.l wt : Th; "tli: inpioii K 'it" ).n Kolii an Ua i n s.ii iu f.tir Irin!, it 1 a iu -i-ck. hikI i ' ''' v il t'i n lil irxtiitioiiy t iti worth, w Ii'-m f il t nr !u ri I'nsl .1 atitlri tli( 1iHI. rM Htln :tll :ti'M tll- .lli't Oir nini:il iii:;Iom -it oiu t-; il i-. i -ti 'it '.n li tioiu r, aii'l :i liil will j'ior Ul.i . havr U il it to our cow ami withtln-m ;tl. It Iu !rovnl n i.rr"tt ihirotiw. lotli tli- il"' and IIh-qi iliiy of the nulk h.n iiacu -I, the I r rculasr ' f incrcur-c cannot J t IMifitiVtly nt;tt . The fooil Uor nil yoll . laini in tin !itn' 1 t -ts h.i- iii:ul", m- h.iM -l tinui-.it nr am! ailvl-i' r.ll the owiu i f nt- k t Kit it tti'l. T. J. SotniIi;ULAS!. W. A. JOHNSON, Agent, Clinton, N. C. J.C. STEVENSON i TAVLOU, oct H-W Agents lor N. Carolina. W. T. WILLIAM SON S BUGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY , IN NEW QUARTERS ON FAYETTEYILLE ST inniid T tlittiV i SO clime than others, coiiieauentlv i the experiment omrht to be! Mauy confers to the Lord such is the case with the writer, made." j they are poor siiuiers, and thou The pure balmy air from off i i claim they ar doing right the mountain peak, to the wearr! iimhim b. i vv. r . - when every body else knows l t a , , . j " o v wraveier was a aegree oi mspira-: rp, (iue9i a , r i ' n . terday 'How will the next Con ropean Claims-Arency, -27 (rand St. New York, and scertuin it' "you are an heir. Your deceased ances tor's rights are yours by British law 'Ve hiv(- imbrirudion oft-very es tate and deceased person who e heirs have been advertised for iu 1-5 years. Send postal note for 50 cents to insure information. If you Mm 11 Vll 11- 1 M'lll lCkdf 1 I i " and finds something wrong he ; tale for you Xo ro,,overv no tVo. gets antrrv frets and scolds, de-i jy2i tf stroys his influence for good! over liis iamily ana the chil dren, see no tioorl m prayer sup-; c, pose ait religion a taree, ana is: of . c t The question was asked yea- ln ni)fl,a ,ni,ot o,0n iio,.. TXT' " va,JC gressional delegation stand." However we will say to those who wish to grow rich in a material sense, go West, but if ; ever return to the "old North V havfi TP! th. A uirnaf 1 State, honest souls will relate t , the story, here is the place of -wu uuici,, glory comparatively speaking a smuueru luaaiuo puoiisneo at Savaunah, Ga., and devoted to literary aud domest only publ Th answer appears to be about as followp: First District, O. Branch, fAlliance;) Second District, J. M. Mewborn, (Alli ance); Third District, , B. F. Crady, (Alliance); Fourth Dis trict, F. Bunu, (lawyer, en- .-. A Vtt A P;iti. rebates ofArk. ifyou wTsh iV , musical, fashion, to feel free and happy just come ndefiianth to 1. ic nutters. It is the Lu ; . 13 "ll! trint. John S. Henderson nar. . x. . v ie soul m this, as with n thei. i T. r V ,v . icationof its charac- lifB - go rewd b !. Dli XX- A- ter in the south, and is filled I efforts for the development, of ict with the choicest original stor- a highecplane and as the divine n??1,? Tmll:'' ies, poems, essays, etc. A gUnce inner nature cries aloud "come" i certain- iTrobablft sfiVMf Trhl at its varied and interesting bUooM rtrWe to yt there"; I . I . l i - .1 . .1 : e ii ..ti is fno ta, aim ii uiiuuu m-i it'll bion . to the fact, they declare them- j selves justifiable, Such prayers and confessions have dotiH more to hinder the Gosple nd shut out its light from the children than oil the native depravity born in them. J. E Bristowe. The interests of the farmers and the merchants are identical, or so nearly so that there should be no strife between them. In stead of opposing the Alliance. men helongiug to other profes--sions should help the farmers secure legislation which will! benefit all. Monroe Register. ' - tx Having recently taken entire charge of the store, I would in form the public that I am still at the Old Staud and always ready and anxious to serve them. I have a larger stock now than ever before, and the goods must be sold. I carry anything you want in the HARDWARE LINE. A laruro lot .if Fulton Axes iust received. I 1 have a large lot of good SHOEB of all grades, winch will bo j so2d very close. ; A full line of GROCERIES always on hand. A Big Drive in HARNESS, cheaper than ever. i I have also a nice line of STOV E every ou warranted to give satisfaction. , j Come in and examine mv stock when in town. i i Respectfally, i D. M. I'ARTRICK. BOpmcTO. OAK RIDGE IHSTITUTE SS Thl school Is situateil iu one of tho most healthful sections of the South. It is the larcert lYirate School in North Cnrollna. 267 stuaeuts during year just closed. Kull Courses for pri paration for College. Teaching, Muxic BookkecpiiiK. Fenman- ship. Shorthand, Telegraphy, Typewriting, bend cat for beautiful Illustrated f alln italogue A ildrtu : SCIIOO L A D VERETISMENT8. r. I UlllWil AUU UAIV UlVUii, ila Us contents will convince one that it is one of tho purest, cleanest and most refined the country. Its object is to en courage the literary tastes of the people of the south, and al ready many of the most bril liant writers of that section are enrolled among its contributes. The Old Homestead has no po litical or secterian affiliations; .but has one object solely in view, aud that is to elevate and refine. It is a publication of . forty pages 11x15, with sub scription price $1 a year. Send for sample copy, free, to Davis Bros , publishers and proprie tors, Savannah, G a Our iiriro II i vn t inti im'-rtir magazines in V, , r. ... zr. . . grandly forward in this State and in the United States. In a few localities not much is be ing done, but they will catch the fever after a while. With in the past ten days forty new Sub-Alliance have been char tered in the State. The latest State organization is that of Il linois. If all our members everywhere will lay aside sel fishness and nonsense and stick to our demands and principles, we could go forward twice as fast. Progressive Farmer. The peculiar enervating effect o f summer weather is driven ofT by Hood 'a Sarsaparilla, which "makes th weak strong." the nomination is triangular, between II. H. Cowles, of Wil kes; Bower, of Caldwell; and Graham, of Lincoln. The latter is the Alliance man and his chances are therefore deemed the best. The contest is yet a lively one. Henderson, in the Seventh District., will iret the Alliance endorsement.--Raleigh Cor. Wii. Messenger. What the Alliauce has done for Putnam county, it has done fr every other county iu Geor gia to a greater or les? degree. It is a work of which any body of men may well feel proud, for it is a patriotic work with an unselfish end iu view that of helping the people out of their difficulties, raining Blood Poison Is very liable to follow contact of the hands or face with wh-it is known as poison ivy, especially iu hot wea ther or if the body is perspiring free ly. The trouble may subside for a ; iiuie, only to appear in aggravated j powers ot Hood's Sarsaparilla tho roughly eradicate every trace of poi son from the blood, as the cares it has accomplished conclusively show. It also cures scrofula, salt rheum and all other affections arising from im pure blood. $pn Favorite Singer Sewing Machine. HIGH ARM $25.00. Sft Each Machine has a droo leaf. U&cy cover, two large drawers, snin nicxei tings, an-i a full set cf AitacLmcats, equal to any Sin ger Machine sold from 240 tc $60 by Canvassers. A trial ia your tome be fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu facturers and save agents' profits besides getting certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for testimonials to Co-ooerattva Sewins Machine I CO., 269 S. I ith St, PhiladeljAia, Pa. - mrnjst rat iar,-w W4 Saleni High School. ESTABLISHED IN 1874. iA Boarding School for Both Sexes ! fen of tie Sessioi of 1890-91 Ofleis Aagost k W Kound fihaves, Hacks and nil EdC Tools made, and K-'paii hit? done on rdiort :uti'o. i will keep ii hand a hiro lot of Western Huu'ies (open su.d tp) aiid 1 toads Carts. They will equal in quality ami an; scld .-u low as any like goods in Goldshoro, Fay-'ttcvill.'? or Wilmington. Kexpect fully, mch28-tf W.T. WILLIAMSON. DO YOU WANT A NEW Wti inhcritHtiDgIy pronounce Iho Ivers ik Pond PIANO the finest and most reliable iu th world. Fire newly patented invecUon uiwd la these pt&nuB only. Call at our store and examine the new Soft Stop which eavea pianos from wear while practising and make tone inaud ible to all outnide ol room. A wonder ful Invention. H. MILLER & CO. Goldaboro. N. C. C I DE R. HEAIXiUAliTi:ilS FOH 11EST PEACH AND APPLE C;:iElt, (Corner of Elm and U. H. Street.) SWEET AND HARD CIDEIt always on liand. In addition tci tills pleaAnt and liealthy drink. I keep Tobacco, Snuff, ' Flour, Potash, Ouidies, Soda, and Pea-Nuts which are sold at lowest prices for cash. COO sizes. Pipes, of all styles and Ir.frt.lii f lt (Jnde, - - - w . - . I -1 A.....V-..S- f 1ft Grade. 1 2nd Grade, Preiaratory Collagiate, Btiineis Course, Teacher' Course, RATES OF TUITION : ler month, $1 00. nd Grade, Confirmed The favorable impression produc-j ed on the firet appearance of the j agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup I of Figs a few years' ago has been! more than confirmed by the pleasant ! exparience of all wVo have usi it J YEAsfl SsperiortsallSnlistitiite! For rafnias- aal makiatr LUkt. Dlcestible Bin-ait. Iral, T Cake, 1ft, Ka&aa, Waffln, JohB ay Cak a, Cora Bread, Skort Cake. Pot IMc. DawplUrm, aouei im dai an aa uara wheat, k tKiiaa raat ft eeata. Hold br Teaatrr Xerrkaata. vnw .u.nauelanar . HAND SCHOOL, A MILITARY SCHOOL For Young Min and Boys, Offer a fnll aad thorough conrw ot ctnd j- and a healthful morl and pbTal cal tratniiHr. Kxpmim moderate. and the siiccivs of th propriete-s 113 wm tw cataioi-ue. and manutacturcrs ot the California 1 $ ' CAPT. W. H. Fig Syrup Company. 130" ' r.ru, HAND, Fremont, n. c. Primary, per month, $1 SO per month, $2 Ou. per month, $2 25. per month, $2 75. per month, $3 25. per month. $3 50. per month, $3 50. j. Latin, iu addition to the Academic Grade, 25 cents per month. " uhe,Mu-f,c Dcpartraent' whicl has hitherto been taught in the CT,lw''.w,u uv Huspenueu ior ine ensuing term, however wo have added two assistant teachers to the School, hoping thereby to make the depart saf nts taught more thorough. SPECIAL FEATURES. In addition to the wide course of study offered, special -advantages will be derived from the two Literary Societies, connected with the School for the boys ami girls respectively. The neighborhood is high-toned and the general influence good. ttUU - BOA It D. Gootl Board can be obtained at desirable places, convenient to the The School is run on a strict economic basts. We charge no conting ent fees and no extras. " . "u ,r-niID For further intormation address, ' .r---';':v'V- :--'I. G. E. BUTLER, Principal, HUNTLEY, N. C. Try one. Respectfully, je21-lyr; Bauuku Shop. If you wish a lirat-cla-s Shave, Hair Cut, Shatnpoon or Mustache Dye, call at my placj of business on Wall Street, thre doers from the corner of M. llanstein's there you u ill find me ut all hours. ' RAZOR? SUA RI, SHEARS KEEXI If you want a good job don't fail to call on me. J. If. SIMMONS, aprlO tf Barber. SESSOIWS HOTEL, EOSEBOKO, T. C. SiKial accommodations for the traveling public. . Begulur boarders will also e taken MRS. J. M. SE3SOMS, y8-tf r Proprietrra. TJT9 Wan Mr f

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