f t M THK CAUCASIAN. i-riiI.I.-irKI KVKKV THUIWDAY, ISr MAUIOX IIUTLEK, I-;.Vitr axid Proprietor. SUHS0K1BK, - I.hw tln.s I'apcr to j'uurnciKh !r ;m(l ml vise him to nub- THINK .' JlblUOl AiniUTIMM ClSK.TI iItVIVJ caJ. lu.l vi.uti, H.KSC rimyt a l't Sui;)c, A,VKS nun) afail.r, !ou;c. lHKM:itVl raary !I!?Iwwm, il,4'l'KK u r tn av Th t u t r t ? a( j-;u'r pl, ouc the j-oj.:- a.-v anx vu ti. I f i i 4 -nlis.ription J'rico $.) )(;r ;VOL. VIII. War, in Advance. I CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1890. No. 44, THE CAUCASIAN. , Ivtro Dornoornoy nd "XTCTixito Bupromnor. ! i :( ) FK88K )XA L COLUM X . T U. ALLEN, T V ATT'HtXKV-AT-LAW, (Jolclsboro, N. J. Will pnietice in Sampson county. A. M. J. KM, M. f). I'll YS1 ;IA N,S U KG KO N A M I ) KNTLST, uiii. c in Ij (;'h Drug Store. jo7-lyr J. A. STKVKNS, M. D. I'nvsicrAN and Surgeon, (Of lice over Post Oflice.) ley -May be found at night at the jvMilcniM- of J. II. Stevens on College Street, je 7-lyr HH. FAISON, Attounky and Counsell or at Law. Oilice on Main Street, will practice In courts of Sampson nnd adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his rare will receive prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr WS. THOMSON. Attorney and Counsell or at Law. OlHce over Post OHice. Will practice in Sampson and sul- -.iiiug count ii-.s. river attentive ,n I faithful to tlu. interests of all cli. nt. 7-lyr y.y W.rCFJIK. A -TMRNEY AND COUNSELL OR at Law. Otlice on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be r-iv.'ii to all le;cal busines-s. je 7-lyr 71 HANK LOYETTK, D.D.S. Dentistry OIIk-o on Main Street. Oilers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the Ik A style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Crtf My terms an? strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. Sta'ik oe Ohio. :ity ok Toi.kho bl'CAS COITNTY i'muk ,1. Cheney inures oath that he is the hi.; iur pastiier of the thin of F. J. ClfbNl'Y & CO., doing busine'is in the city of Toledo, county and State afire said, and that said linn will pay the sum of ON K IIUNDUKD DOLLARS for each and every case of Cu.rurh that can not he cured by IlAW,' C ATA Kit U I l;K. FltAN'K J. (JllENKY. S'Vdva lu before mo and subscribed in i,iv presence, this Oth day of December, A I)., l V. Clkason, Motary Public. Hall's CATAr.iiU Ckkk is taken m trin illy and acts directly on the Mood tmd mucus frtirfneea of the system. Send for t.'.-tinionial-. free. F. ,1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. N.ld hy Druggists, sU 75 cent?. How much belter we would all he if our complaining was all postpon ed indefinitely. Is Consumption Incurable I Head the following Mr. C. H. Mor- ns, iSewaiK, .vr Kansas, says: "us down with Abscess of Iungs, and friends and physicians pronounced ntivo. Bo- gan taking Dr. King's New Discov- ...... IV... Cnnuitmlifinll O IYI nrtW All I 111V. lll JULUmOl' vv"'"'l' - - - I LJLLf I 1U1 wuilumi'iiuii) " v. ........ - o . ... k. nm r tn nvnriA IIV I 1 1 1 I L U"l I IV ...... .'.v w . , . . . n ll. v- nwiiv J .v.... - - ' I u.nrr . v t'lrill It lUTIIO till. est medicine ever made." ti,..n Mi.i.iinu-nrt. ivdnr. Ohio, . . . .x . . i x -ix.. Kind's New Discovery for Consump- "-J " ' " I tion 1 would have died ot ljung rrou- ril I hies. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health. " lry bam nle bottler free, at Dr. B. II. IIoixM- Ii.w's Drugstore. Clinton. N. C. ; J. II. Smith, Druggist, Mt. Olive, N.C. - -4rar A little religion in politics would do some, trood : and wouldn't hurt others. Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine docs not exist and it i guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases ot the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Hoils, Bait lthcum and other affee tioiw caused b impure blood. Will .1rlv TMnlrfi frnm thf tvstfim and prevent as well as cure all Malarial feveis. For cureot Jieaaacne, con stitation and Indigestion try Elec tric Hitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price f0 cents, and 11.00 per bottle Dr. K. II. llolliday's Drugstore, Clinton, X. C: J. 11. Smith, Drug git, Mt. Olive, N. C. '( Sod .-hull i ie awav tears from off all faces." lint-kirn's Arnica Salve. Th.: hist Salv in the world tor Cuts, Rr, iscs, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Kheum Fc- ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped llauds, Chil- hlains. Corns, and all Sk:n Eruptions, and positively cures rues, or no pay require.!, it is guarantees to jjivc per - feet satisfaction, or money rclunded. tT7 V' nmSuf ninf S Y Di . K. ii. IIolliuay, Clinton, and J. t i a r a f 1 1 t . mith, "rufKiai, aiouni wnve, . u. Tobe joyous in sorrow we must rewards awaiting the faithful in glory. " The declining Towers of old asre mny be wonderfully recuperated and sustained hy the daily use of Hood's barsapaniuK and churitv is the S I thTGospel has If benevolence snirit of the flosnel a verv little nlaee In some peonlo's hearts. TUB EDITOR'S CHAIR HOW THINGS LOOK FKOM OUU STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. THE STATE CANVASS. We regret to seeseveral of the pa- Iers expressing themselves in the manner of the following: We are confronted by a problem of no little difliculty How shall we couduct this canvass? The difficul- ty arises from the presence of a so- crct organization whose plans and purposes are hidden irom the public tnu u in impossihic to tell whether I the decisive battle of the camnain is to be fought between Democrnt and llcpublicaus, or between Democracy and the Alliance. the We see but one way out of this, muddle, and that is to nail the Dem- oeratje colors to our mast and regard all as political enemies who do not sail under Journal. our Hag. New Berne It would be much better for a num ber of editors and other people to say ls unless they knew more than they seem to about tin? Alliance and the present situation. Whenever the so-called "Democratic colors" do not represent and include the principles of the Alliance, than the party is in a bad condition and needs purging Iho work ot Punhcation uuiiig on ani win ( onunuc mevi- tably, notwithstanding a part of the party is kickin-'. The onco halo. vio-. On.lN an.l gnnn.l U,,1,1!nv 7. t x ' ' r. J irtmih oocome a uuio diseased aim is noi aoie to light successlully the battles that lie was wont to do, the physician is applying tho remedy and healing him, though against hb will. Tho Alliance is the exponent of pure Democracy in North Caroli na ana oi good government every where. Wo challenge any one to ! show a single one of the principles of the Alliance that is not just Then if any part or faction of the party is not in accord with the Alli ance it is best for us to say to them, as Haunible did to the dissatisfied portion of his army on tho Alps, 'Depart ! we will be stronger Avith- outyou!" The Alliance is purging and purifying tho party, it will join the great Northwest and the South into solid phalanx, which solid nha- i -ii i t i i laux will deliver this country from the crushing oppression of the mon rp, ey power ot Wall Street. who kick against this move know not what they do. ROBBING THE FARMER. The gross robbery of the Ameri can farmer in the name of protection is shown by the difference in the price ui utu.-uiiunu iiiijiiviui'uis suii'- by American manufacturers and sold in South and Central America and the price which the larmer at home & I is compelled to pay. Senator Vest SOT1 t tn Biionos Avms and cot a list I ii linens. in nraii Drug's l wiiilii i g f I ii . ai a? ..-1.1X1 I II R U Tl U'l C!S II MM 1 1 1 ClllfUl KOIU LIltMU. I . T ! . . . the presumption being tliat the whole sale prices arc considorablv less. In u: , r,u ik t,. a r.- I I presented the result of his inquiry II I as uuows : v orcitrn Homo Prices. Prices. Auvamo Plow. f ! SIS H:iy teddlor, 3n 45 Mow it, 40 h) Horse Jluko, 17 2. Cuiainings' feed cuttor.Xo. 3, CO !0 aViiii Arhor euttcr, .No. I, 2S ( Cultivator, 'ii 30 The American farmer might per tinently ask if tho protected manu facturer can atlord to sell a plow to the houth or Central American far mer for S9, why can't he afford to sell the same kind of a plow at home for Ions than $1SV If he can sell a mower down there for ?10, why charge tor the same kind ot a mower here? And so on through the list; and the manufacturer could n't give him a truthful, satisfactory answer to save his life. There is but one answer and that is that protec tion gives the manufacturer a mo nopoly of the homo market and en- ab,lc to change what he pleases AVilmington Star. If we knew just how much more protection makes us pay on every ar tide we buy lhar it is worth, set ,Wn tho omnnnt ,m.i at. ..,i .. ...V- .... V ...... c.v H.'O V. i , -a , , , j v. ,.unviUUl,jM lociiy astonishea to see o how much momy we had been robbed to make thc manufacturer rich, we could then account for the millions they make in a year. Mr. McKinlev's heart is swol- len and sore, and Lis epiglottis cir.va Hnmn .irin , ? , mK8 aown Willi a pop, lien, lie cb jil. xjiuanc? uiumg. me 1 nanu-wnuiig ii on me wan in Kansas, in letters six vards liii?h. not M&her thnn they are . , , ."? . , i i 1 1 lt t iix ii. i t imuuii f iiiuuririifi ' by Senator Plumb after the peo- I pi a of that State took him by the nose and turned I113 eyes in the direction of the awful in scription. The Railroad Commission of Georgia is dearer and more yal uable to the people than any otller department of our State Government. J. S. Candler, 80- I lici tor-General vyjicuib VUiiri, ' Georgia. TAX ON COITON I MX The 3IeKinlvy Bill Puts a Tax of !:$ IVrCcnt oitTIiciu. In tiie Senate on last Friday Sena tor Butler took Senator Aldrieh and Ilepublican party to task for this high-handed piece of roblery direct ed against the Southern farmer. We clip the following iYom the Con gressional Record : The tariff bill Vils then taken up. the iending paragraph being hoop hand, scroll or other iron or steel, to which Mr. Butler liad nnVroil vftrr. day an amendment (in placeof cakes) providing that such hoops used for balintf cotton hall not be taxed at tne rilte of 2, Ier ent ad valorem ttho P1"3" rate.) Mr. Butler ppoke 10 ni amendment and inquired or Mr Al(lr,ch as to the rate of duty at wllK'n cotton ties were taxed under J1V vn?s iinuniimi uiu raiu was 1 cents per pound o:i hoop with 2-P) cents additional when cu cut lnto lengtlis lor baling purposes, maKiug tne rate on cotton tieftl 3-1U mits Pr Yound or 10.3 per cent ad valorem. He aked Mr. Aklrich whether an increase ot the duty had lcen demanded by anybody. Mr. Aldrieh replied that the in crease had been demanded ever since the unjust decision of the Treasury Department that cotton ties were subject to a tax of :ir per cent ad valorem. Mr. Butler Then 1 understand that the increased duty has been put on by the committee at the instance of a few persons enratrod in the manufacture of the ties in this coun try. Mr. Aldrieh This rato is suggest- Lho f()Jnmittoe believed it to bo the d proper rate and because it equalizes the rates on ties used for one pur- pose with those on ties used for an ther PrpoSe. Mr. Butler Then this high tax has been put on cotton ties by the Furnace Company of its own motion without suggestion from a human being Mr. Aldrieh As the Senator evi dently desires to have it that way, I will not contradict him. Mr. Butler declared that the pro- jK)sed duty on cotton ties was noth ing more nor less than a deliberate, U'illltni) mnrn rti" rnhherc iinrl La nrrv- dieted that if it were carried out, enabling combinations and trusts to put a corner on cotton ties, the farm- crs of the South would return to tho use of rope to bale their cotton. lurther on in the discussion Mr. Butler said that what he complained of was that the proposed tax on cot ton ties would be prohibitory, and that acombination would be termed to put up the price. That was the iniquity, encrmif y, outrage of the bill. He declared that there was nothing farther Irom his purpose than to injure any manufacturing m (Wrv ;, , Jt)lo TT;to,i stw w i dustry in the United States, but he could not support a proposed increase ui uuiy uu ues. J.i was nub uiuiiu statesmanship, nor honest, to select one class and bleed it to death m or der to enrich another class. LISTTEU FKOM LAM). CUMBER- Editorial Correspondoncc Cedah Creek, N. C, Aug. G, '90 Mk. .Editor: As l have seea nothing from Cedar Creek of late in , . . . . . hie Caucasian, 1 write a sew lines. Crops are fair in this section. ml ... j . . . . --"t,y m vi nmv, ii""''v . . ... . hn nhiinitinf lnt narlv lArn Cll TTi roll -'!.. r. a i .ii l xl. iiuuiniiuu, uu v-viw ok..v.i,i. some irom me ury weauier, auu ui continuous snowers seems xo oe m- i fin nor pnttmi iiavv hiir wo hfiTW tor 1 A I" . . pretty iair tiops 'l'.l 1AA I IT w Talking politics seems to be the order of the dav at present. The nomination of Mr. B. F. Grady for Congress seems to tnve universal satisfaction. Our conuty conven tion conies off next Saturday, the 9th inst., aud there is much interest manifested as who shall be the ?an didates for the various offices, and we ao not lacK lor aspirants, it seems there is no trouble to find plenty of men the-e days wanting office. I hope the men who will compose that convention will be do liberate and nominate men who are capable, good and true to the people. 1 must express my appreciation of the sermon of Dr. 13. F. Marable, which I read in Tiie Caucasian of 31st ult. Never miss a chance ot giving us such sermons as that to read in your Jpaper, they will do much good and you dserve much credit for reporting them. I would here were more such sermons preached and reported. That ser mon was able and sound to the core. Dittle Ella Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus William son, of Aicuaniei's townsnip, your count , is visiting friends and rela . , , lives at mis iiiact', auu you are uware th samoson countv is noted for sweet cirls. and I assure you she is not an exception to the rule. Miss Minnie-Jjawnom, ot Hamp son county, has recently spent two weeks at this place, visiting Miss Ida X . Itich. All were delighted with Miss Alinme, Dut most especi- ally ome of the young gentlemen of.f1he neighborhood, who, I think, will soon be visiting in your county, Well 3 can,t biauie them, for she is indeed a charming young lady Kev. J . u. Fisher win commence a protracted meeting at Cedar Creek Church on the fourth Sunday nio-ht in thLs month. Pflrhfli Pnousrh for this timft. af. - . ter saying success to The Cauca siax mid threo cheers for TIr. liutler for the Senate. (Wish our people up hero were in the county so we could vote lor him.) Yours truly, Mc. It is said that the Star-eyed aao iuoks seveuieeu yarS younger than she did before Sec Goddess look3 seventeen years reutry niamp wruio ma reuiuru ' 1 - city letter. NEWS OF THE WEEK THE WORLD'S EVENTS GATHERED IN SMALL COMPASS. The rtest Happenings at Home and Abroad Collected and Presented in Terse and Readable Form. lloutMitle SnmiDiry. JnlinrtoylcO'ReillyditMlntlluU.Ma, from an oerlose of chloral The wheat crop ot Minnesota nnl iho Pakotas is ?Htimalfcd at 01,000,000 LuJieU. The Arnold Block in Chicago wus burin-d on Saturday night Los, $133,- ooo. . n explosion in a Btonc quany at tlicensl-urg, liuL, last week, killed seven liu-n. llichnrd Stile3, cot fined in jail at Cam- don. N. J., committed suicide bycuttinff hi-; throat. Mrs. llt'ltocca Cabk), ntolhcr of Georgo "V. Cahl:', dil t her home in North ampton on Thursday last. AliriiniS. lIoiitand ex-Secretary of W'hi K idicott returned to America in tho Etrur.a Sunday morning. ?f. JliHU'rigo Vallintier, a resident of C:,l;:.d: i;rd:iy, , i leportoil to lmvo died on Sat-iifti-r :x compulsory fast of 43 d.tvf. The United States warship Bnltimnro ariived oil Nantucket bar early Sunday morning with President Harrison on bo;ii'd. Sarah Althea Hill, hy a decision of the court, will have to pa 2,207 costs in h h; tost unit to recover a portion of tho S enl:lt". .'.my Melzdorf confeKS-yl to putting arsenic i i the coirceof n Pulti more fam ily, two mcmhciri of which have died from the iv)isfi', lien an R. Baldwin, vice consul for lvnny years for the governineuts of iSrazil, S; ain, Portugal, and Uruguay, died in Richmond. j Ton acres of lumlwr were consumed, together wiili 40 freight cars, in the fire of Fit.-:! .iiM.n.s & Council, Chicago, last week. Los J0,C00. Andrew l-esen cut the throat aud horribly mangled tlw body of Emma Andeis'Mi. at Ixorthville, Conn., leeuuse ehe refiiM-! lo marry hiih. Three women s.i.uggler.-?, passengers en the Al;us':a, were arretted i:i New York. A large quantity of silk was found concealed in their hustles. Reynold:, the nt t'-Saulsbury candi date fi.r the De.nocratic guhernaiojial HOinination in Delaware, carried Kent county at Saitir lay's primary tlections. The census returns' gl: ? Arizona pop ulation, i ot inc'u iing Indians, of 57, 000; tho ;Jnvo largest towns being Tucson, 0,183; l luenix. 3.115, and PieSL-ott, l,tl;l. In a riot at Shui ter, Tex., State Il;iuger J. F. Caves wiw instantly killed by Mexican outlaws. Deputy Sherill Leo returned I he fire, killing one of the Mexicans. The Ioldrey family, of Sunman, Ind., of whom there are five, have fallen heirs to 4,000,0 K) apiece, after years of litiga tion over property left hy their great grandmother. A wharf at Portsmouth, N. II., on winch O. F. Phil brick & Co. 's coal pock ets were located, gave way, carrying the bui'dings and over 7."),000 tons of coal into the river. The Boston police have arrested Fred. O. Simonds, aged 14, son of officer Si monds, of Chelsea, on the charge of hav ing attempted to derail thc Flying Yan kee i rain last Wednesday. George L. Schuyler, of New York, a guest of Commodore Gerry, on the flag phip Electra, of the New York Yacht Squadron, off tho Pequot House, New London, was found dead in his cabin. Cap: ain II. T. Coffee, a Chicago cap italist, sent a challenge to II. G. Allis, a prominent railroad man of Little Rock, Ark. The latter declined to fight a duel. The affair grew out of a railroad deal. A circular was recently sent by Gov ernor Abbott, of New Jersey, to Grand Army post offering State ail in prov ing veterans' pensions under the recent law, ithout expense to the applicants. During a severe tempest at North Ab ington. Mass., lightning struck the dwell ing of Thomas Sheridan, and Mary Quig ley was instantly killed and Sheridan, his wife, ami young son were badly in jured. A small riot occurred in New York cilv on S .nday between striking cloak- makers and some unsympathetic stable men enga ge. I in business near their meet- i . - 1 . Jl ing hall, rwerai men were uauiy in jur, d The strike at the rolling mill of tho Catasauqua Manufacturing Company, begun five weeks ago, has ended, the men accenting the company's proposi tion to pay the Philadelphia scale of wages. Governor Campbell has challenged tho editor of the Philadelphia Press to give his authority for saying that he proposed to dLpcrse Federal officers with militia if there was any attempt to inforce tho force bill He denies the report AVhili- workmen were digging a trench ct 50 I".l"zilth street, New York, they came aero-a two human skulls and a lot of human bones. The place where they were found is just back of a notorious lie which was once kept by Billy Mc- 3 lory. There has l?en filed at the State De Turtment, in Washington, a copy of the uen-.Htid made bv the Pacific Mail Steam- : hip Cmpanv n Guatemala for an in demuii v of $500,000 for the seizure of munitions of war from the steamship C.)iima. Genera! Morritt, commanding the De partment of Missouri, has been in structed t prepare for a probable out break ;.mcng thc Indians of the Chick asaw Nation, in the Indian Territory. He has accordingly ordered two compa' nit s fotn Little Rock to Fort Gibson, and two troop of cavalry and two of infan try are held at Fort Leavenworth await ing orders to move. One thousand ho.s cattle are said to bav j dixl in Butler and Elk counties. Kui sas, from Texas fever, and the dis-oa-:-' i; a;readi'g. It is claimed that 30.000 cattle recently itnpbttad an.l rep resent 1 to be from Arizona really came from Texa--. Tho first bale of Alabama cotton of thi season was received in Montgomery. It v .-aa clashed strict middling and sold for pi cents ier pound. The first bale of nw Georgia cotton wap received in urdifiuiy ' w 1 1 for 12 cent. p.;: p und. J d;u. Ihirhnrr. Acting in 1 31 w ter . Cm- In U-j.-:id -nt Ord -r Fnv S , n of !-r;i.'l, ;it a i'vlri' iiMtiii in Tro . X. Y.. a h Usl Hussiau IIctrcws lli jr t Aii. rica o:i atvouiUof Uu-isLin trranuy to a "id ttio t4.iclii:igs of Aliirchi-t ilful :.ni::ilt; with the it!o of tle Unilcl St.'.t.. . Ill-- jj;r:at Muun lirottiers Jfc Wilkj rarich :: I cattl-. in Texao were .1 1 at public uiK tin t HiitLsfy a nu:nl r of jHd;ju-!iti against t!u firm. The wind ? outfit was pjirchas'd by J. IT. Hill, of R-icksale. V. N. Mayfield, nn I A S. V.,iti er. of HLirton. isad J It .. f Colorud i. Tex., for '$100,000 Tin? s.ile tratwt,'rred 12.001 )n-al of c-sittl-. .00 horses, and 5j,U.K) ncrw of land, mostly in llockeley county. Foreign. Diphtheria is raging at U.Vi Bay, a flh:ng settlement on the L-il.rador coast. '1 lie Pope will build anew palace in the Vatican gardens for a summer resi dent -e. The Empress of Gernwmy has given a reception to tiie memliem o the Inter national Medical Congress Forty thousand people t'k irt in r. Socialistic deiuoustra-ion in Brussels in favor of universal suffrage. The apple trnde of Nova Scotia h;is in creased in the last year from .1.000 bar rels to 4.030 IkutoIs exported. II. M. S. Tamar, c irrying the disgraced Second Battaiion of the En.rlish Grena dier Gu.-udr, ha. arrived at Bermuda. Five thousand dollars sjientfor !l rs nline at a London party is said to ch ir-ncterb-e tlw general prodigality of the season. Ilw KreivcJi wnate. votcl lK,itM0 frainv for the ivtablishment of frontier pots chofera into to prevervt the entrv of I'iince. Colonel Moialei IV-iuiu l z m h.en )U'tH'laimol profiident i.f the republic of lVm, vice Geneial ( Yiceres. u h:t' tei in has expir.ni. The cholera is spreading tluoughout Egyj t. and 155 tleaths are rojoitol in one day. Tliere are grave fears that the Booui'go wiH ,airied into EurojK- by fleeing pil;i inw. A w;i;;ori con'ainitig 1 loa.s!ire seek ers was thrown dovn an embanVmont by a riuiiiway t ( h unowul 1, (..rma:iy. Five iorsons weie inst..ntly killed and fioveiid others fatally wounded. Ail iJliri's Uain rolie 1 dovn an em bankmen' a; Biel's Station. Austria, throwing thro.' ems into i stream. The los of life is unknown, owing to olUeial reticence, but it is roughly estimated at 100. The te-vith International Medical Con gress ojene 1 in Berlin Two thousand five ah id rod Gorman aid the same num ler of foivig.i iUK;tors are present, in clu Ung 5 Anioricaiis. Femaie slavcH are stili givei t thc P'l.tan m oi.l ttm- j-xmijt. An rxq'lis-it-lv l'aiUilu'i j'iil of 10. a Georgian, t.iiit his aunt -e.'it 1 him, wa.i taken to the Yidiz Kiosk in a gilt coach escorted by a troop of gigantic eunucim. monuiiiout to t!i? steiiograplior (5a- belslx-rger unveiled at Munich on Sunday. Ad lres.es were delivered by the hie goMiiister and del.gtes f-om shortluiiid societieti of Europe and Amer ica, ail eulogizing Gabelsliergor and his system. In the house of commons Sir James Ferguson, under foreign secretary, said in reference to the order to enforce the Russian edict i of 1S32 against tho Jews, that the British government could not interfere with tle czar's treatment of tho Jews. Thomas Wickers, a tradesman at East bourne, England, recently attempted suicide by driving four long nails into his head, enotrating his brain. To the amazement of the dot-tors. Wickers has completely recovered. The case is ith out parallel in medical annals. Tiie National Association of British and Irish Millers report a decide I in crease in heat productions in Russia, Roumania, Austria, and Hungary. Tlny think that America is approaching tlu time when she must ooasalerably in crease her wheat acreage or cease to lie a wheat exporting country, sucti will be tho home demand. A luirty of Aral met and defeated tho Morocco army at Aitensi with cou-ndor ai-le loss. One hundred and twenty cap tures taken by the rebels were put to deatli. The son of the governor, who was also captured by thc rebels, was compelled to eat toasted portions of his own flesh. A Gliaetlj- Find at Memphis. A series of murders have recently taken place in Memphis, Tewu. and ift causing considoraMe agitation. During the j ast weeks the Ixxlies of eight mur dered infants Lave been found, and the discoveriea have lcen of a most ghastly nature. So far tho authorities have taken no steps to capture the murderers. The newspapers are demanding an inv s- tigation.and calling upon the officials to either take some action toward bringing the villains lo justice or resis'i. A inasa meeting of citizens to raise funds to proseeute the investigation is called for. A Meellns of Mr. Jonen's I'arly. A meeting of the National Greenback ers and otliers who are iu favor of tho Govern: i. eat isMiinjr full legal tender notes (greenbacks) in payment of its cur rent expenses until the.r volume is at least $50 per capita of population, will be held at the Grind Central Hotel, C07 Broadwuy, Kew York city, at 8 p. in. on Friday. August 15, to appoint delegates to the National Greenback conference, to te held at Indianapolis, Ind. , on Wed nesday, August 27, 1890. Dr. Sheldon's EoormoiM F What is believed to be tie largest fee ever paM to a physician in a single case was paid by J. II. Flagler, one of the Standard Oil kings, to Dr. G. G Sheldon. A dearly beloved daughter of Mr. Flag ler, who afterward died while cmising on a yacht in Southern waters about a year ago, was lingering between Mo and death. There were not more than two or three chances out of a hundred that sha would ever be able to leave her bed alive. The devoted father announced that if Dr. Sheldon could relieve tSe suffering ip his child and aid her in recovering ba would give him the largest fee that w&s ever paid a physician. - Miss Fiagle rallied and finally was able to leave her bed, and in the course of time was suffi ciently strong to drive out The young heiress to several millions lived to enjoy her great wealth for a long time after this, and Dr. Sheldon was presented with $250,000 worth of stock tn the Standard Oil ComoanT. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Latest Doing in the fn-11 of fedef.il Leziilation Mid Pul'.tiCi the sfiN.vit:. Tfie tariff 1 ill " jus li- id an-1 some progress wa.4 made on tiie tet of the bill. No 1; than twci.ty of jvar.v graplis were Jiicnssed ml Jxtf..il. Practically no prognvs wa mude on tiie tariff hill during the latter jmrt of the week. The conference report on the fortification bid was agreed Uj. Tl conference repot t on the sundry civil bill was dLicusetf at nrnch h-ngiti. and tiie bill was or-lrd to a further conference. IIOCSK OF HEPKESENTATTVKA. Tiie general deticiwicy approfirLitUm bill w;n preentl Monday. Mwra, Rogers, of Arkcns.is, and Breckinridge, of Kentucky, attacked the Sjiealier, who wim defend.Hl by Mcusri Henderson, of Iowa; iViiiMln, f Maine, aivl others. It -present Hive Taylor introilipK in Kie Hou' a iH pr.n idnr for the estab lishu:4tt of a ltieo mail sTeamships be twieii Tema, FJa., ntr AhinwU, Cen tral Aineiku. "nomlay Iiepretetita- tive Morrow, of ( i.iiforni l, frnn the committer in foreign affairs, reported to the IlLxwr." his bill ti ahoo!uU-ly prohihit th ? (vuiiiiy 4 ChiiKVie p'rwii into the UnitM S'.afo . Chairman Jlitt pn'MiUsl a di isr-nting rnirvait v rep,iit The ie- oiuti'-ii f an inv. v. ig::t.-i of tin? in crnis i f fi f in.- nt th.- Kiftery Navy Yard. s!i"itly ! I nc a Sc.-iti ehx tioii, wa. ah-4 'l. Th majoiitv leiioi t of tiie imiiKUs. . le'tiofv, in tiie Chiv- ton Bk 'ckinridgo conti-jU, ;kS4ii)Mnitt-l. -In committ' U the u holit t-lto gen ial ik fiei?!icy b:Ji w;is li (mstvl. Tivefiday tho ?i.'i,'il d.-fk?iencv bill wai peiSMetl. NtUioitiil ' iiltil NoUn. Tl' Piev-i k'lit Jk-isnjijiroved tho ori;;l- Hfll p!u k;kge" bill. Thy Divottnr of tiie Mint has Iwii in formal tiat $2.-i0,O0 in gold Uir wore jxiid exit nt t'.M a;!, oflico in New York for shipiiHtit to Em i". Tiie Treasury Th nu tineat has aw;-rdeI tie contract for tte construction r.il midnteiKme for ok year of a lL:ht Ikhi? at Oi? r D am.m l Shoal, oil Oqe Hat- ti4iis, t Aiider.-m At Burr, of Jersey ity, N. J., u; -i:j,.'xk). Tle Navy IX-pfirtaieiit Ium received a telegram ii.'itn Chief Engin ht Wilson, nt San Frain ico(is folio a s: "Smu Fr ux-k-eo ran 5 hours iaturd:ly, 7 ho.ns Su..l.iy; steam uj. to P! ) pounds; revohitio s. W; maximum v.n n.im. 27 ami 2i; two liil- ers lortvd dia i ;fit, hiilf-iiu h prestms engine woi-kiiLg s:iKhly a"l well." Tiie .'Secret n y of Win, in nnjXKise lo a rosovutioji, lki.i sent ti the kte a ro port UKilo by Colonel Poo, tlie eiiKir.er ofU'cr in clwir. re of the lock iU. Siinit Ste. Mario. G)i . i"l Po rep n ts to t e S'o- vAnrT titnt tU net ( ?:it. oxxmexl n 4 p. a. July 01, ;n! tlsit i ir or live Imiuts l:pl !'liiv h l:ivr dd rovch tho iro'.ieii valvt The lv k u clicu ami punipol out. aikl t!i" va!v- t.ikeixit nnd repitt-ed. Ve.-:sels ate n-" pissing. joiin isovi.r: om;kii.i,y ik,d. MuI1ofi ritwliii; Away I tho JrKU I'oct aul Iltlltor. .hJin Bovle O'Reilly, the imkI and li- tor o the Boston I'Hot, died twnH-nly of limrt ftiihive nt his &um.ner rceidieo in Hull. Ilnm., atxH'.t 1 o'clr-? SuiMhiy morning, ftj.tnr.hky lie wap his h-sk in tho rilct ofiicc tipparcnflv in the U-st of haltli. Saturday evening Ids !rot!ier rn law, John R Murpliy, wa M Mr. C?Roilhr'P lwxiK; iu Hull, mwl at 10.30 o'clock, ho returiHtl to tU- Hotel Pemlnton, whev lie U sto( ping, Mr. O'Reilly acoon jkvov1 him. Dur Mr. O Rxlly s ah-nnoe his wife. who is Mi iiivoJid, retirol. SU Mvoke botweoii 2 and 8 o'clock, and, noticing tliat Ik hnsljand lad ikj retinal, sU-p-pexl into tlw sittin ; rxmi. w.nrc slie found him, nppar- y asksi, in an ony cluiir, with one h.ual resting i a U1I1V9 near vi ojion liookaud in tiie oilier hand a lwrtlv siivokovl cigar. Slie wiit u 1 to bio to firoiii him, and nu'diuil H tuumvxical. but aJl e- fo-tis ti it.i,u.;cltrite him w"-re ki voin. Mr. 0'Rm1!v h;vs be4si a sullerer from tn iffroUl ot ti' ti?ort Ir netMd yeirs ... . im! for whim? ti'iie pat lin Umi afihclod vitu nMiMiKi. l m? r. p nt fc tlmt nn ovordaw of chloral t'ikoti to 1 kVueo shsni was tlM? imnvofi;kto anw o hki oath. Mrs. O'Reilly has l n an inva Sid t t years, aiwl is Cfsi:peteJy pio. iiitiil l.v tier u r -rivemiii. in- i-o-iv of Mr. O'R' ill was eo nored his lafo winter in Chaihtiwn. K)llit Alt,- IVMttvHl. Li I tie Fn-tuMi, h; 10 yoors, Vmgh- ter of lH r ri'Mna4i, win tiirown from a onrriiKje t Ciatiil Pa,, Sat urday night mv )md 5'r n.-ct lokea She ix-i to mi tutei.di'ur a festtvul at S,flsb-n yviik, and was rl timing liome, wlieti tho enrrfcas. m winca sin; wm seated ww run rut 1 bv a runa-wiv team, To save herself she I'ViiikhI froxn tlK? carriage with faOi! i'ilti. (Vti-fMiui wmn II) in. Ctirditwil Newnirui is sriOUsiv ill at lHrmiriilMia ith p;i u nonia. Extreme mctiou hai tHii ad.i iiiLsterel niwl t.M piuyers of t? churciM's for his lecovery IkilllmorA JlHrkr1. 3k.ltiuiur.-. August 11. Hour firia Howard itwvt r.nd Western u;er., .il.tk do. x.-a. a.Wa4,15; . ia fam ily, 4 l'):i.iV ciry culls. Iio brands. extra, o 1 ta.).-; winter wi.jut. iKiV nt, .1 u0ao.&: spring ,o. .! 1.. 3. ws a.4; Xh lx slrauht. 4,5 ) a 4 7). d 1. Jo eytrn, 4f0a4 3) Wheat So-.it'ierr, firnl; Fult.. il hOT: Lf-Uiiy. 9r a I); No. 2, W: AfliiKT No. 2 r--l. tri; 'A'oiirn stronir: No. 2 winter rl, ud Aug ust. 0H: 9eA-.iNr. ftTt": fX.-ber. ft?: Dcctvi 101. O rn-r r.tliorn fina: wbit. ."WaOO: rtliow, .5.io8 Wistx r i. sfro-ie: mixe l. t. 34 1 bid August, 53 a -I; Sp'emuer, Si't bid &iiiii)kv W mil o.i. Oats retixu un graded S'iurlrn and reniwylvanla. 4$a 4G: d-v i-.4ern wiiit-. Haw, ao. aa inix"d. 42a41: crrvW. N . 2 whttft. 44 d-v do. mixed. 44: new white, 41 a 43; da mixed. 4'ia 12. Eye fir .-i. Ihy atotvly nrniie ro choice ti i-ouiv, 11 waliOJ. I'rovLsious fairlv r.ctive. Ot'ier articles u:;o':u'ifj.tL Tobacco a Ilineljr." A nut p-:ck, a pointed ice chipper, and other instruments of tiie sort sometimes inflict ugly wounds. A bit of tol-aoco work3 wonders for small flesh wounds of this sort. Tiioroughly w et and bound on directly it charms away soreness, pre vents all annoyance and saves thumb or finger even f roui needing to be done up in the usual bit of w hite rag longer tlian over night Rwtfin Transcript 1 1 xroKAt-uic imirt. The- Kiu: .- UvLvsd w lu I Ll? con dition. Th ;ia.gow iron ituiiket it Mtn and cxi it.-d. Mr. Hci.ty Her-rt Bvram. ttt in chi.f tf tl Pittstmrc fkromirtr-Ttlf ftvtl'h, dkd Saturday aftrrnoun of tr- I' ll uetmioii i, after an lllrHs.n if alut three week. A of utirnng ixuUU ltweu Ametican aud Kii(;lih amateur athl. Uu is promised in meetings for which r langeincnts nro now in procrt' bv the Manhatt.ui Athletic Club, of NVw Yoik. l i.ith. r mui iiiortf erkius trouble hiM broken out tuuong tU' tni tuN-rs of th army m-rviee cvwpn at Chatham. A numln r of m u of lutroerw wvre hacked a pic. Thiw of tho loiwWr of th mutiny hw UncrteL Ri luge at Liliertad, Salvador, from Gautamela tntiuue to briuir noma of the revoluti'itiary Mate of the capital f t at country. It is aoid that Barilla haM.gon tsi to Vue ateriaig., hU luilhd city, to nstiiime jvrsonal control (Joternor Warren, of Wyoniug. in Ir- injC darijerousIy ill w iih congtion of the braliu IFU sickneAi aerioualy ujet ixilitical calculations on bin part. Ho wan to have b.vn pLie-tl at the head of the ticket to U nominated tln-re Monday. jiirty of BaliuiiM emiM.iyeil in the brick j ard of Mrv,iu Wuihbuni Br., at Ila : w, N. Y. eiigae.l i,i a d.uieo in the ier of a i n1 niii Sundav nlirht. Near midnight a prinel enueil in uhiih khitcs, ttletUii, and pinNils were fretdy us-d. One of the men v as kilhsl mid another fatally ouiidL Four of the Italians engage! in Uie alTray havi male their escaixv Coroner Kemhln will hold an iuiiitt A lawyer from Stillwater, Oklahoma, namoH Nathan Blix k diiaipHiro'l a week ago, after committing sovend forgeries on firms in Guthrie, and detective have since lioen looking for him. S.itiirday he was recognised by un oflhx-r at HI muuds. lb; was dresl im a trnmti. The oi!leer culled upon him toaurrenJer. lock ran away. Tfie officer purud dm and fircl tverul shot, one of which took cfT-s-t in IUiick's foot Atlhi-t junc ture Bl k drew his pistol, the wiHiMin was dhschargeil. and Block fell d-xid in the street. It is not known whether he t himself jnirpvly or accidental. He w.us froi.i Bullulo. N. Y.. aud bt- ;iged to a promiiKiiit f-amily Uiere. Till-: MIW VOI K CENTIUL llTIilKIC Threat 1 hul All the Huu.lt Will lt Tll l.'. The sti ike on the New York Central Railroad, which U-au on PiWlay idght host, ntill cont'.niiiM, and has extended U' whole length of the hue to PulTalo. It luw pixl'.nid a wrioui ntU of alfaim for Kn.s(orii trnvler and abiiitier the wh4e cvnmtry. Sun- hiyH Lv(l .iuiit to th,- tluool utuitii by the Kui.htH.if L:ilnn lender to ti" up cvi-ry raiiKKid running out r-f N.ew Yoik iMyxiu.--' Viix; Pr.ideot Webb refused to Iwii.-i-t or iiriiilr.Ue the in.'ito. AlfriiDi were fjuict in ioik city, l ut at Syra'MW..' a moS held the yiirln in spite f the militia, n:vl were not dislodged until evening. The iitincitgr-r wrvioe r;ui peiwrally leuiii.l, although subj-;t ti long delay. Men hiiVN- lxei mcurel to take tho placon of many of llie Btriliiiig yard and tniiu men, '.Kit with indifferent i"ilt . 11w regular scIkiIiiK of pnsueng.r trains whs run 0:1 Su.iday, with adelay of from oik) to four limn-, and tin' Western trains were bunch I. O i the Wot Shore tho parner tianov.n run with Hiiglit d v lav from lack of switchmen. NoatUinnf was made by tl railncKl rmipnny to move Pe freight w in Uie yanl in and adjacent to New York, it they gave no- tKx .U1.1t an nUciiint woiild be ma I? to atari tiie freight trafiic 5lmday, an I tho Ilioo will giwwd the new employee. In AUuuy the freight will Ik- movisl on Toetwlay. At Iluffalo the freight wai unmoved, but uiKeiig"r trufne w.n aent Fxkitand Wiv.t General Master Workman PowcU-rly knowH nothing ofll -ially ot the t ike. Ho luks infonne a ifwiortor tlmt tlio wholo thuur "U purely in Uie h;iiU of tike local liMiict tuitil they uk f-r iui pitnec. Tlieu tiie (lenernl EKeciitivu Board mutt itM cmi tho matter. " The General Executive Board meet in I- troit thi week, where ttouitf actim nuiy llO tiikciL Nothing develojieil Monday or Tues day. Mr. Pepew wan not !.'ird from vj to date. The ongiiioeri and firenvn dil not strike a w;a exjit &ed. Tito, engin eers UieKuixhtrtof Lalior weut hick on tliem in tiie Burlington and Q iincy strike and now titer d uot feel diniKiwxl to lieln Ute Kni.rlit. Tae New iork Central frciglt yarls an glntnl wiUi 2.000 freiuht cars. Few Iraina are on time and miwiv are laid off altogether. At Svracuj a mob of strikers inir- vl tlifl freight yards Sumlay and for 4" hour were in jiiriion. although troop were called out to dislodge them, (jroverm-r Hill pronit3.l all State aid po.ut4e to pn tect tle protierty erf tlte nl. llw New York Central otilciaL-4 ko.p their oouraze ur. lut the rood U Imdly crin- Iled. fttoriu mi LtMia- Island Bnt. A nwvtt t- rrific thumler torm swept Iwfcr I.ViiiKl Smnd Sunday afternoon. and cr. havoo alon; tiie -iire. Tiie sU-rm wad jitecjHl 'd by wind and acooni PiiuhmI by rain nnd haiL At TfiiraUe Island treoH wcr uprojted and tim win dows of the cottages blown to. Ilai! sronc ms Lirjro aa walnuts fell for half an hour. The Kteamer Margaret, with iKK) excursionist on loard, wm caught in the storm j'ist off tiie Crawford Deooou, and there w;j a jmnic on board. Whrn tho btorni came ujon her the captain headed tlic liont out into tiie sound. Women clung to men or droipod to the wet dsck nnd praj'ed for deliveranc?. In tiie midst of the storm a catboot contain- in Contain Knowlea, of Sliort Beach, was 1 nn down and stove in. From all the east ahore as far aa New London rv nortaof a terrific storm are received Trees wore prostrated and w indows of dwellings Mown m. Crops. riecially corn himI UibaccJ, in southern and tsoutli- cat-tem Connecticnt are ruined, . Balloa Caasbl Fir. In making an ascent at Columbua, Ohio, Profeeeor Walker Steele, tle para' chuto jumper, dLscovered his balloon t be on fire just as it was act free. lit leaped on tho roof of a tall building ovet which he wan passing at the time, falling 35 feet Aside from being slightly cut and bruied lie wan not Injured T& LeeBmi in a precarioua atate 4 health, and ft la fcarMtA wfll not ionjl siXrvtvo. COMMISSION KIjlNTS. G- W. JUDD, rA W at iti'M?t. NEW YOKK, COMMISSION KERCHAKT. Shipment i.f V taM- and Ktu? s.licltttt. Hckkrkm 1: : North ltiv. r H.mk, New York. For StcnciU or futthi r inf rin -tion apply to J. A. OA TKS, Sil, inylS-Sm Clinton, N. C. SHIPPERS OF TRUCK Will fln.l It to their lntei,t to ntuki all ipmcntx to G.FURMAN&CO. IVlW YOUK, Win. A. John.-x-n will juv Cahji for all chtX'kn withovt exchane . lon't Ih (Unvivoil by i nknouii p4irtlc. StcneiU FkrnUhnl inyI5 8m on AytjJirtiHon, W. L. FAISON, Hoprroutliiit STIMPSON & LITTLEFIELD, Commis-siim Moivlianfs, 1 tostou, Mmhm. Shipment? of Kruitr bles Holicitcil. la- HU-nciln furnished tin npplicutlou. myl&-3m ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WILKIGTON & WELDON R.R. utJ Brioches. OoiiclouNorl aohorlulu ti: 1NS t.UINt; H)L"Tll. Xo.27. No. 41. Kat mail. Daily. Daily, ex. Hun. May 10, "90. Daliy. L? Wcldon, 12 30 p m 5 J.I ptn C (M nn ArHKk.Mt. i 40 " 7 Id Ar Trboro, 2 3o " -V Trboro, lu 2i 4 Ar WilKon, '2. 2o 1 (HI pin 7 iHaiii Lr Wilson, w Ar Selma, 3 40 Ar Faycttcvil 0 Wi " iVtJoldhhoro, 3 Ii v Warsaw, 4 10 . r If I ,11. 7 10 ptn x 35am 0 31 h -10 0 40 y 55 " 11 20 111 . ill.tIllMUl, Jm t ' Ar Wilniin-t'n 5 SO THAI NS (itHNi; NOHTTI. No. ib. Daily cx Sunday. No. H. Daily. So. 7 Daily, .vWilniiii'M'ii 12 01 nm 1MH) nm 1pm 1 21 10 31 5 3G l.v Magnolia, v arhsiw 10 -18 " 11 45 f 5k (i:t Ar (iohlehoro, 2 2i L Fcttcvillc K 4d 11 00 12 10 Ar St:lma Ar WilBon 1: v Wihon T03 TV7T' ptn 7 47p.ui Ar Hockv Mt. 1 10 " M lh Ar Tarliom Lv Tarlioro "1 " 10 20 am Ar Wchl jn 4 30 " 2 45 pm 6 in Daily exceni Sundav. Train on Scotland Nock Branch 1. Weldon 3 14 p. m-, Ilahfax 3 37 p ni; arrives Scotland Neck at 1 25 p. m.. urcrciiviiioo 10 p.m. Jtctnrtijng Icmvcn Grccnyille 7 20 a. in., Halifax lo loa. mM Vcllon 10 X) a m. dailv eicei.t Sunday. On Monday. Wcdncudav and Fridav. IxkiiI Freight lcavca Waldon 10 30 a. Hali"ax II 3o a. in., Scotland Nw k 2 00 . m. Arriving (iroenville G 10 n. m. Hctuming leave 'irccnvillc TucAdar. TharKilay and Saturday 9 30 a. in.. Kcot- liiiiuccK 1 w ji. m.. Jiai.lax 3 3 p. m. Arriving Wtldon 4 00 n rn. Train leaven Tarlmro. A. t. vin Albemarle & Ilalcigh railroa,l, dadr except Sunday. I 05 p. m., Sunday 3 (K) . &M lit 'll' . . A p. 111., arrive v llliamsioti, . C, 6 30 p.m., 4 20 p. in., Plymouth 7 5 Op.tn., 5 20 p. in. IJeturniug leaven Icuve 11 y rnouth, daily :xtcptSundaj', (, 00 , in., Sunday 9 00 a. in, Wilhami-tou 7 1" a. m., 9 M a. in., arrive Tarlro 'J M a. m., 11 20 a. m.. Train on Midland, N. C. hrancJi leaves GoMnhoro. dairy except Sunday. G 00 a. m. arrive Smithficld. 7 30 a. in. Kcturnins leave Smitliflchl. X 00 a. in.. arrive Goldnboro, 0 30 a. in.. Tnun on Na.shvillc liianch leave llocky Mt, at3(K) p. m.. arrivta Nai-.h- vilic 3 40 p. m Str'uiir How: 4 15 0. in. llctmnhig lcavtH Spring Hope 10 00 a. m., Nahvil!e 10 35 n. m., Iiouky Mount 11 15 a. nr, daily, except Sunday. lram i-nChntou brancli leaves W..isaw for Clinton, daily, except Sund.i. C 00 p. m., and at 11 10 a m; Kelonihig will leave clinton at j 20 a in and 3 lo p in. connecting at Wan-aw with No 41 and 40, 23 and 7 Southbound train on W1U011 &. Fay elteville Branch is No, 51, North bound in No, 50, Daily except SumLiy Train Nf 27, South, will Kiopnty it J'ilson Goldhlwro and Magnolia Train No 7tt makes clie connection at Weldon for all pntu North, daily. All rail via Richmond, and L!ly, t.xti pi Sunday via Bay Jjnc All tra.nsruu holid U:twccn Wilming ton aid Washington, and have PuIumo Palace Sleeper altaclicd JOHN F D1VINK, Ucu'l Sup: J ll KFNLY, Sup't Tntii. T M IaMERBox, Gcn'l Pata Asjent NOTIC i. IIAVJNG QUALIFIED AS KX 11 ccutor of the last will of William 11. Faion, deceased, notice Ls liere by given to all parties indhteI to said estate to make immediate pay men l. All patties holding claims against eald estate are notified to present them for payment within twelve months, or this notice will bo plead in bar M' their recovery. . SAMUEL W. FAISON, Executor. Angu-t 4th, 1890. 7-a v.! ! I i IT

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