mow double column advp:htisi:mekts. Till: FAItMLKV ALLIANCK AM) TJIi: FINANCIAL. ICI roitM. liy ar. Out.-rMer. "Reform begin in the telly," f-.iiul a blunt old phi lo gopher. The farmer n a cl.iss have .f the m- new Their organization has But vain were all the efforts of the bride to pullover the line so long" as her liuspandheld tlje opposite end. But when he came round and they pulled at the t-ami end, it came over with ;rtatk-ae. 'There!" as the line fell irom NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVFJITISEMENTS. MPORTANT 3y felt theruntnrtioa h(t r0f yoIJ .see haw hard and ' eurrenr-y :amm o. j in(ctujii our lahor when forward with the most d finite remedies. The Demo a a party, i we buth pulled in opposition-to i each other; but how eay and v. 5- ,ia(i ! t.hIIh.I Ututhei ! It will be so l" .Viuith n.-in IitV dnu.- t .1.:, :ii,,ut;.... C u .eristic party, paid to littbj attention inoiicv reform until th: i . . .1 rl l , I i.m wan commenced. i ne OJ ;..,. K. tl.t.. ia a . nieM ought ceitainly now to ... . IT,ish.mrt and xvifrt , homely j a p on X 4a c - r? to 3 S 5 J' 71 - H ? MECKLENBURG BROS WORKS, $lfe WI3LE1S, Manager. Charlotte, N. C ENUIMCS, 110 ILEUS, SA W MILLS, PRESSES, GINS, WHEAT A J I) COEA MILLS, REPAIR WORKS, PIPE FIT TIjYGS, SIAFII.NG: PULLEYS and JJEL'JHVG. dec It) Gm Good Bargains In the lino of General Merchandise. Everything we koeji is a specialty in quality and price. Be f !) buying be su? to -oin in and sample and price iroodn, especially our fi?fl If mm UN 9 On -.vhicli our pro 11 U are tl:r :;v.-et portable, in view of the fact that a dollar is hnrd to get r.nd should go a long ways. Give us a call, whether you wish vo bay or not. Respectfully, Central Stand! On G-rog Row, Opposite Courthouse. Iii:M EMBER, that WATSON & PETERSON Keep a c hoice line of Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, etc., and a.W a wkt.j - wi.-nrrKP htock ot Standard Family Groceries. AGAIN REMEMBER, that a finer line of Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, etc., can seldom be found. CSS The famous Rufus Weeks Brandy (which all connoisseurs, declare the best ever tasted) c an be bought no where else. Puro up country Corn Whisk, y a specialty. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. At the Mammoth Hardware Establishment Grocery Is the place where ever' one should go to select what he needs. I buy in large quantities for cash and discount all my bills, therefore I can sell cheaper than those who do not, and will do so and jive my customers the benefit. By- The best grades ot Tobacco, Brandies, Wines, Boer, Whis kies, etc., always on hand. 5aT BEER AND WHISKY ALWAYS ON 1CE.-&& J. in. ROYAL. OLINTONN. MRS. A. E. MURPHY, c. take the lead m their own mid nominate the man who is to advocate it In the National Assembly, and the leaders of the patty ought to be wise enough to gladly accept any candidate t-trongest with them. Any passing prejudice against other classes in sympa thy with them is a mere skin disease looks bad, but there is nothing in it any warfare with classes and corporations not in sympathy with them is consti tutional and has come to stay. People may take sides "as their interest may appear." Ordi narily it is best to have men learned in the laws to make laws though the sentiment of every cla.s3 of citizens ought to be represented in every law making assembly. Every law yer in full sympathy with this financial reform is anxious for the farmers to rush on and butt their heads against the same wall they have been trying to push down. As soon as they recover from their freshman enthusiasm they will be anxi ous to get all the help they can and will be in a fit frame of mind to choose their real friends ... i m in wJiats.cever class tney ue found. I sometimes hear criticisms among the inot thoughtful of our citizens upon the Alliance that it is a class organization and therefore opposed to the genius of our institutions. But the abstract question does not appear to be now before us. The interests of this class have been viciously attacked by an other class. The issue has been made upon them in common of course with many others but they are the first and the worse hit. But the party worsh ipper cries, "Is not the party sufficient?" Parties are intend ed to lepretent the interests of the people when the interests of a particular class are serious ly affected, they must adopt the most effectual means to have them redressed. Wo have been taught that re forms ought to go on inside the party. They take us at our word and go in and control the party, being in the majority. We will have to submit grace fully or go back on our plan of organization. The party is sufficient when u oraveiy leaus a neeaea reform. The party is sufficient when it speedily answers the com plaints of the people. The party is sufficient when it nominates the b3st represen tatives of the most vital is sues. A party is sufficient when its representatives in convention are chosen with respect to the main issue and not with respect to persons. The farmers are now severe ly hampered by difficulties. (1). They are not able to send their representatives to convention. 2). They are divided on a question of spoils. The slime of this serpent has been trailed Inside as well as outside the Al liance. (3) . Their best men are not always in the lead. (4) . Side eddies of fools who are bubbling out small minds of class hatred are sometimes mis taken for the main current of their great reforms. Men and organizations, at some period of their existence, need to go through great iriais to bring out their characteris tics and show what spirit they are of. This organization has yet had no crucial test, no soul trying fire. Hence they do not know their leaders yet, or many of them, and what is almost as bad they do not know their au xiliaries outside. J. W. Peelk. must mutually bear and concede, if they ish to make home a retreat of joy and blis. One alone cannot make home happy. There needs be union of action, sweetness of spirit aiM great forbearance and love in both husband and wife, to secure the great end of happiness in the domestic circle. ilon;e ;s no unmixed paradise of sweets; the elements of peace and true happiness are there, and S3 too are the elements of discord and misery; and it needs only the bitter spirit of the world with out to make it a pandemonium, or the loving genius of harmony to make it the prompter of every affectionate impulse. Selected. I shall leave ;i. a few weeks for the North: n Markets to buy Slioes. Hats and Bry-Croods Q The true spirit f the Sabbath appointment i", not that we should condense the religion of the week into the Sabbath, but that we should carry forth from the Sabbath its hallowed impulses and feelings into the other days of the week, to ele vate and sustain us amid it wearisome secularities and de pressing cares. The Lord has given us the Sabbath, not to re lieve us of our religion, but so to revive our religion on that day as to impel its healthy tide into the remotest nook and corner of every day duty. Dr. Andrew Thomas. For the Fall and Winter. As yet I have not as much room in my store as I need for the new goods, but no effort will be spared to make room. All the goods left NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MACHINE SHOP AT Owner and Proprietress. Sixteen New Large Comfortable Rooms Just Added. Centrally located. Sample rooms for Commercial Travelers. Attentive Servants. Fare First-Class in Everv Resoect. Free Transportation from and to Depot. The Traveling Public Cordially Invited to Stop at the A IIAl'PY HOM1S. For 24 Years J. T. GREGORY has occupied his same " TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT on Church Street. The great and orignal leader in low prices for men's clbthes .Economy in cloth and money will force you to give him a call. : fSrLatcst Fashion plates always ou hand. June 7th. lyr. ' nqmm 5ftoi nno r,nni T K AHTIOOM II il 5? 'lit a tnoo n RAILSiaAD HOUSE, NEAR THE DEPOT. Sample-Rooms and Special Comreuleu. ee for Traveling Xoa. The Faro is the bet-t the market affords, whicb is always served in good wholesome style. Board, per day, only $ 1 50 " week, 4 00 " month, 12 00 The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. W. K. BASS, . sepl9 tf , Proprietor. The first year of married life is a most important era in the history of man and wife. Gene rally; as it is spent, so i3 abaiost all subsequent existence. The wife and the husband assimi late their views and their de sires, or else, conjuring up their prejudices and animosities forever afterwards. I have somewhere read, says the Rev. Mr. WTise, in his Bridal Greetings, of a bridegroom who gloried in his eccentricities. He requested his bride to ac company him into t e garden, a day or two after their wedding. He then drew a line over the" roof of their cottage. Giving his wife -one eud of .it, he re treated to the other side, and exclaimed : "Poll the line V - She pulled at his requeat, so far as she could. "Pull it over!" "I can't," she replied. "Bat pull with all your might!" still shouted the whim sical husband. Have your Machinery repair ed at home and save expense. Satisfaction umM CHARGES REASONABLE! Apply at the Factory to B. F. FENNELL, Engineer and Machinist, my 29 lin KILN II Weatherboarding, Flooring, Ceiling, or other Lumber, dressed to order, In Best MANner! For Sale at Carolina Vener Works. my 20 lm Harness Establishment ! J ESTABLISHED IX 1867.1 I am now located on FayetteviJle Street, opposite Caucasi ax office. I put up and keep in stock, or ma ke to order, any style of Harness, from ?13.00 to 40.00. I also make all styles and grades of Saddles, Bri dles, Halters and everything in thi line. Good, honest work at the lowest living figures, is my jruide and motto in business. A large supply ot Northern Har ness and a fine line of Driving Whips always kept on hand. Call and ex amine. tST Be sure to sec the celebrated Celluloid lined Whip, for which I am sole agent. If this whip not satisfactory you can return it and get bflek your money. Respectfully, ep5-3m W. H. STETSON. HAND SCHOOL, A MILITARY SCHOOL For Young Men ano Bots. Offers a fall and thorough conree ct tndy and a ix-althful moral and pIivm cal training. Expense moderate. Write for Catalogue. CAPT. W. II. HAND, Fremont, n. c. IJKrWKENNESStlQror. HABIT lu U the World there 1 but one Ctare. It aa b Urn in a my of tea or coffee without the kuowlsdje of the person taking It, effecting a Pejr and permanent core, whether the ration t it a moderate frinker or an alcoholic wreck. Xboiuanda f ?J,5rd cured who hare taken the Golden Bpeetfle in their coffee without thuit knowl- ot'n'fre im" 2,tTJ!S,i"it own. ire will. o harmful effect rotialt f roL. ita iiJjVV!1'' "? Buaranteedfsend oTeJJ! onler and fall particular.. Addres in eonQdc-ncr MUST GO I We are no fiiends of old stock and never will be. Great Sacrifices Will bo made in every department to close out. The entire stork will be cloned out just as low as ran be sold. Yours for Cheap Goods at Low Prices, King Clothier and Hatter, CLINTON, N. C. "There is No Place Lixe Home. Sweet Home !" There is No Place Like A.F. Johnson k Co.'s 01 PRICE CHEAP WWII UlUilHl: To buy all kinds t,f Goods suitable for Have just received another invoice of FANS! Try our Choice iilended Tea. Particularly riiiitible for making ty mm ?ia ! Atlantic k IT. C. Railroad- TIME TA.rHB lO Te take cftVct J a. m., Wednesday, May -iMi, t;oiNi EAST. 1 e - Stations. !' n iff. I AILV. Ko j t NKW ADVKKTISHMKNTs. IfaT'l': aeye. tie t w. T. TVmw Pia wltfceet a4 etnB.-f Z tfce botKHtt. e luen, Ww a X Ar. ; l.v. ,r. : I.v A. M. A. M. 1- V! V M (!(. Uii, j i; :;i ;j o l'tv, ;.7t 7 e.'i 3 -3 . zi li tlrnne, 7 JO; 7 .) J tw? 4 wj Falling Creek, 7 is 7 :;M 'Z'i Kinti, s 11 Ho t :IT 4 41 Ca-swt ll, .'.0; H fT. 4 .ViU .V iMver, ir!pi 05 0:, T. o' tre I'nvk, 10 :n;ie a; i.', n Tusearory, II m 11 e: r, :. I'hirkV, 11 17 11 41 r, 4ijr, 11 NewlnnK1, 12 1. eo y om'i; OS River. Id.', :; :7i .1 j-jg an CVoat:ui. ;i 1 1 ! H H nvl.K k , 1 iu i is ,-;V; N'v5.rt, l ;,7 1 pj.7 1X7 If, iMwihmI, j .,! i f,:. 7 2i oj Athuitii , 01 ' .. 0! 7 7 2s Morthe:l C'y, " If. .', 21:7 .'W? 4:1 Atlieitie Hotel, h 2a, ;". 2Si7 4o,7 .r.(' Morehead Dp't .', :Jij j? r.J, r. M.jr. m.i Mjr m m 1 (iOINCt WRST. Stations. Moreliea.l 1 it Atlantic Hotel, ! MoreliiM.I ("y;; Atlantic, i Wildwo.Hl, Newport, ilavelnrk,; in; Riverdale, NewhiTne, Clark's, Tu.searor:, (Jure Creek, Dover, Caswell, Kinston, Falling Creek, La (Jrane, Best's, OohKhoro, l'aaiii-ncr. ? " DAUA'. rxctpt Sun- r--- a. Ar. i Lv. Ar. Lv. A. M. A. M V M ! M , ; ir o r, js 7 no r !,",;; 15 7 o2 7 7 0 17 V, 27 7 is 7 !Mi 47 (i ,r2 7 2;5 7 2:t 7 On 7 Of. 7 7 a 7 177 :u 7 oi 7 r, s oofs io S -7 s o7 s s.s S 12 S VJ. k 11 4 45 S il 8 -o 22 1 30 9 OS '.i OS 2 02 2 1 2 y IS y IS 2 21 2 :jo 1) 32 32 2 5-1 -i 00 y lb y is 3 25 3 4U 'J 50 y 59 I 00 4 Q"i 10 O S 10 13 1 2 5 5 00 10 20 10 2G 5 21 5 30 10 42 10 45 5 51 0 01 10 50 11 00 0 2 i'; 34 11 :10 7 2o A. M.'A. M. A M A M W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Heat tii thf wort '.. Vfnlx Ma UtllKM'INK It IMKW II villi' a 4 a IIANh if.W I ,1 HKI.1 MK'l Sl.f I"l It : ANU I tHMI HV-IIOI . mm ,n . t ti i ut)t . Ikl.iX WIIKKIM.H NJ kMIU . .l Hl Sl.)!l IMI1V M IMHll. MU.l.i AX lba-iv tt LvttA-itMs Il.U. ajt L.x. W. L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE i tPic s. Itrat Ma'rHat. IW.t,le, I UU04S. XI lJ W4.I 1.) IvH uaj. r, m tm T. L. lHCt:tAb, KlUCKTO'X. KOK sai.i: uv M. 11 a.nsi 1 ix, Clinton, N.C.;T. V. U.viauwiKin, Nevt n Jnve, N.'., and II. T. Ham, Mount Oliv. , N. C. oclio tt' Train 50 conneets with Wilming ton & Wehlon train bound North, leaving Ooldsboro n:50 a.m., and with Richmond A Danville train We-t, leaving (Joldshoro 2: 10 p. in. Train 51 connects with Richmond & Danville train, arriving at Gclds horo 2:55 p. m., and with Wilming ton & Wehlon train from the North, at 3 10 p. m. Train 2 connects with Wilmington & Weldon through freight train, North houn-J, leaving Golusboro at :50 p. m. H. L. DJLL, .Superintendent, AIIIT1?11!- HOLLIDAY'S f'A HTITCH IN TIME HAVES NJNE!" BUY THK BEST. BLYMYER CANE HILLS AND ZIMMI'.KM.IN Kill' IT LYAl OUAlOp 1 Mi it' . 4., - f.As ' ' . (. - -r Manufacture! 1y the B lymyer Iron Works Co., The largest manufacturer io the United States. Tin: undersigned, agent of the ahovo llrm in the count ic of !tiplln, Pender 'nd .Samson, would re glad to hear from any one in want d' such machinery. Will guarantee prices lobe very and muchi nery the very host made anywhere. You oan place your orders at once for fall delivery, so your e.etghhors will know what to plant. Send for catalogue atul pm-e li.-t to a. s. eoiwr.u,, Wallace, N. C. April :.:h, lMm.-if Jj a om ho I STORE I'lH lliT of tll 'ourthou.-te, is -:o:- ?pecial Agents: for "J. & P. Coats Spool Cotton," "Rail Roid Mills Snuff." Respectfully, -:0:- Another invoice of LANDRETIPS NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. A. F. Johnson & Go. Don't wait to get sick, but when you begin to feel had come and get a dose of medicine and prevent sick, ness. This Is the proper uao of med icine. Ifyouwilldo this you will scarcely ever have a doctor's hill to pay or lose mouths of time, and ' put your friends and relatives to j such a deal of trouble. In addition in mv i-Mtm.loi - - - m j vvmi'iviv iinv of pure and reliable Drugs, I carry Warner's Jog Caju'n Remedies, R. B. U., the B, S. H., Quinine in small and large quantities; Simmon's Liv er Regulator, Famous .Specific Or ange Blossom. Cuticura Remedies. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, i me uoiaen jvieaical Discovery, Horse and Cattle Powder (1 pound packages prepared by the Herb Co. of W. Va, Quaker brand.) Prescriptions carefully compound ed. Local and ofllce practice upon re quest. Respectfully, augltf DR. R. II. HOLLIDAY. La-it sloio. ou t E. cf the low North of the place for BRANDI KS, W J 1 1 .SK 1 1 OS, BKKR, RUM, ALK, (JIN, WINKS and Liquors of all kind. Speelal Jittention to our Clover Club ltvoWliiskr.vl Tlie IScht an t Puri st Hliiskcy hi Ti.wh. Absolutely pure and eu n antefxl to be better than any of the so-called 'Medicinal Will ki'' in th place, line of F.mdly Orn.-ikw, C.i..ied (Jo;d-, Syrujs, Tobai-eo, ('I- BODSNHAMHER & RUSSELL call kc-ectti.l!y ineli20 tt invite 'yu to scoTrs EMULSION CURES CONS'JMPTIOrj SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLD8 Wasting Dissuef Wonderful Floeh Producer. Many haro gained one pound per day br ita uqe. Bcott'a Emulsion is not a Bdcrcft remedy. It contain the etimulaU properties of the IIjpopho phitoa and pure Norwegian Cod Liver OiL tho potency of both bcinff largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE A8 MILK. . Sold by ail TkmgglntA. JCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. M.Y. JEWELRY AND CLOCKS! :o: 1 liaVC lUiit rweivnd n iiroo lnt .f j-.icgant Jcwcirj-. This I will guaran tee to the lHirciiastr to le mt n nn. rcsentixl. I hell no clicni. n 1 T .. .U.l, goods hot carry a standard line or oold front ooods. The attention of the ladies in called in tt i-n Of I! K EAST tlicv aro 'lh!n. ,.t beauty 1" V1 The old reliable and standard SETII THOMAS CLOCKS alwav in t lr iu various st; lea aiKl size. j t&. Ronairiiii' of vtrJir. eu-i.. and menuiDir Jcwftrv ia a All work I do is guaranteed to give en- wio naiisiacuon. 1 f 4ep5 If orcpn5 Cvcry.clc mad? !n this 5' kTU'P ! R t L t.TM tt 1 1 e 7n men T Z'7"f -t -i-w ia 1 inn u 1 av 1 u rvtrw, JNDIiPtW5ALC' ' invaiuatie J - w. ' n ' ' V ' -J fii til. ' ' I 1 rj K I .uaoiMijiicai writ prders received at office ot ihlj Paper VVtV8VVeVe vStf I NEW BARBER SHOP. When tou wish an e;yjy -hav, As kccvI a? barber ever rave. Just call on us at our saloon At morning, eve or noon; We cut and dress the hair with To suit the contour of the face. Our room i neat und towel. clean. Scissors tharp and razor keen, And everything we think you'll.flnd; To suit tho face and please the mind, And all our art and skill can do, It you Just call, we'll do for you. MI1JSKARD & FARRIOIt, The ITlinton Barber 2QFalriteStoger vjLv Sewing Machine. mm Aim 25.00. Each Machine has a drop leaf, Jancj cover, two large drawers, wish nickel sing and a fun set of Attachments, entu! to tenj Sin- ft Mafliin anlif ftnm 4n i. 50 DT Canrassers. A trial in m tsvm v ton payment ia asked. Hay direct of the Manu facturer, and aaye agents' profit, beudei Petting ctrtificatea of warrantee for five years. Scad for tetunonials to Cavannrativa Co., 259 s. nth stTftiSKipwi p Itespoctfully. G.T. RAWLS.i To core Bilkmaneaa, Sick neadaehe, CouO. patlon. Malaria, tircr Complaint, tax tt Mfe and eertain remedy, ' luuTxra mi GSETJ OHLV! tOSr or TAHXB a MATE 00 Si U BEACIS fny,im, 1 '"Will BIS,

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