THE AUCASJAN. I i i!f,isrn:r kvery tjiuksday, Hy MARION 11UTLER," tvhtor and Proprietor. CAS THINK H Jiuuiois AmiuiiMM; CREATES raaar n n w l-u.m-ENLAlUtKS muy an M laji,rA. UKYlVfc UAn iW,ttti,WT,) SAVES many a fUii;i FKKSKRVES may a Ui tuw, SECtUE s-, tm Ui ) Ur.e, Therrfor dvrrt: , a jjt pw-r, SUBSCKl.BE. w this Paper to your noigh iind ad vino him to snb- Puro Domocrnoy u.d V 111 to Bupremikor, cribe. VOL.. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1890. No. 46. subscription 1'iice $l.oO per Year, in Advance. CA IAN i l'UOFKSSIONA L COLUMN. vv. U. ALLEN, ATTr UN 1 : V-AT-L A W . (Joldsboro, N. J. Will irnctict in Sampson county. !ch-J7- tf A M. LEE, M. I). I'm ysiiAN,Si)i:oKON and Dentist, oM'n r in Lee's Drug Store. Jo7-lyr I A. STEVENS, M. D. I. PHYSICIAN AND SlJ! ICG EON. (Oilice over Post Office.) ri"Miiy be found at night at the residence of J. If. Steven on College Street. je7-lyr 11. A E. FAISON, TTOUNKY ANI COUNSELL OR AT Law. Office on Main Street, vvill practice in courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his cure will receive prompt and careful attention. je7-lyr WS. THOMSON. Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad i lining counties. Ever attentive mid faithful to tht interests of all .li.-ut. 7-1 yr 11 V.iEUR. ill. A v-oi:ney and Counskll oic at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be "iven to all legal business, je 7-lyr I 1UANK HOYETTE, D.D.S. P Dentistry OHiee on Main Street. ll3LXJ oilers his services to the people of Clinton ami vicinity. Everything in tlio line of Dentistry done in the West style. Satisfaction guaranteed. fcaTMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. Jolmnv Please, Pa, let me have a quarter to give to a poor lame man. Pa Who is the poor lame man, .Jolmnv V Johnny Er well. Pa, he's the ticket-seller down at the circus. West Shore. S l'ATK OK OHIO, C ITY OK TOLKDO LVIWS COUNTY. Prank J. Cheney makes, oath thai he is the se.i tor lmstticr of the llrni ot 1 . J ( H KN F.V & CO., di iny business in the i i of Toledo, county aiul State atie said. :nul that said linn will pay the sum of DM; HUNDRED DOLLARS lor i a h ami every c ase of Catarrh that can nut be cured by Hall's Catakku ( i im Prank- J. Ciiknky Sworn to before me and subscribed in inv ei i sence. this Cth day of December, A. 1)., 1KKH. 13 A. W. Glkason, Notary Public IIai.i.'s Catakhh Cuuk is taken in ternally and acts direcUy on the blow ami mucus surfaces of the system. Seiu for u-.-tiinonial.-1. free. P. .1. CIIKNKY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio Sold hy Druggist", r.t 75 cents. "What are you laughing at so?" he asked, suddenly starting up in the bed. The wite checked her laugh ter at once. "I couldn't help it, John,! dreamt I was a widow." Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that l .r years we have been selling Dr. Kind's Ncvv Di coverv for Consumption, Dr. Kin-.;'- New Life Pills. P.iieklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Uittors, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have nvcn such universal satis faction. We do pot hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we slavtd rcauy to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. Thc.-e remedies have won their great nonularitv imrelv on their merits. 1 or sale bvDri. II. II. Holliday, Druggist, Clinton, and Dr. J. It. Smith, Mount Olive, N. C. m mm - - JMan is made in God's image, and the majority of men are more in lovo with the image than the original.- lioston Transcript. A Safe Investment Is one which is iruaranlecd to bring you satisfactory" results, or in case of i-.u are a return oi nurcnase once, un this safe plan you can buy fioni our ad vertisod Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New 1 )iscovcrv for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, hen used for any ail'ectioH of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, bronchitis, As thma. Whooning Cough, Croup, etc etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to tisto, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles Irce at Du. It. II. lloLLi day's Drugstore, Clin ton, and Dr. J. It. Smith, Druggist, Ml Olive, N. C. Travelling Agent Are you the he.Ait of t;e hpusc;, sir ' Mi. Cowedlfem ! Ah ! I present her. Puck. re llucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world tor Cuts lU'kiaes, Sores, Ulcers, Saltlthcum, Fi ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Conis, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or iio pay jeiUiUen. i is: j;uariviii,eeu vo ntvc per tcet sattstaelu.n, or money rctundeu price 23 cents per box. For eale by Dr. It, II. IIolliday, Clinton, and J U. Smith, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. C A public man who U bold enoucrl to toll the truth on all occasions should be preserved in alcohol by his enemies after his friends have demolished him. Dallas News. fm "Basiness failures seem to come in waves," remarked Cumso. No," replied Fangle, they come in bill-owes." Epoch. S OF THE WE THE WORLD'S tVENTS GATHERED IN SMALL COMPASS. The Liteit Happenlnjrs at Home and Abroad Collected and Prelected in Terse and Readable Form. )oiufttlc Nummary. Malignant small pox prevails at Waco. Texn. A cyclone at Wllkeabarre. Pa., wrecked 4X buildings and killed 12 personi. Next Octrbi.r .Spokane Falls. Wank, in to IrJiI a big industrial oxponitioti. The minimi report atiout Now York are deserted on account of cold weather. ProHt, io, and snow were been on the Cutukill MounUiluM on Saturday night Tbe lioston KnigbU of Iabor pa&el lK-MoUitloiu against a strike on the Cen tra I U ii IriKid. 'i ho tnwiii"H.H iiortion of lVinbtoko, Kv. . W ijt entirely dtroyed on Monday f t'his wtmk. A riyndicaU- of American capitalirita is to Hx-nd ijitO, 000,000 in railway luild ifg in Jamaica. Tin -rui34.-r Italtuuoie, convoyiuK tlio reinaui of John Ericsson, left for Swo- deu l:isl S.iturdav. In spite .A an unfavorable Ivmk taU- iiunt, the tone of the market in New York is reassuring. t. M. J"olm-.oi. the eluimpion sprinter ami all round athleto, die ! in San Fran cbc on the 20th innt. IT , ivanHMH i)i.'v(!iM prciioM; to tret up a tout suit airaiut the Wilbon bill whieh recently parsed Counrs. Hon. b. R ElkiiiH ha.s liowitively do- i lined to ls a RepuWioan candidate for Congress from Vrtt Virginia. James (Jordon lk'nuett luu leased for (tO.OO'J a year a lot at Broadway and 3oth street for a new Itcrabl office Tliti lnendierti of a variety troupe wero inoblK'd at Cerodo, W. Va., on Friday nifrht, and many were seriously injured Counterfeit -lilver iollars Lave boon found in las ttored in the United SUiU.-i mi b-treasury vaults at Fhtludel phiu. (Tliftoii Hotles Banett, a private banker of Ix)uivilte, niiide an alignment, with assets and lialiilitiea amounting to nearly !j!70,000. By the defeat of Hon. V. II. Mnrtin, of Tcxiju-:, for renosnination, CongreJ will Uxm one of its liwjht picturesquo meiuberti. Chicago newHjMipi.-rii are severely crit ieising the delay lu locating and con structing the bmldiiga for the great Columbus Fair The Union Htock Yards men, in Chi cago, whohave struck for an advance in wnges. threaten to tie up the united railroads el Chicago. Peter Bieuuau. a junk dealer, and Ed ward Caniidy were arrestod in New York for throwing stones at new em ployees of tlifl New York Central The New York liealth authorities fear that there is a slight return of la grippe in that city, and it is said Southern vis itort are ewpociully susceptible to it The oxuentive committee of the Grant Monument AwAoci&tion has adopted a protest against the removal of General U. S. Grants remains from Now lork. The celebrated Russian agitator and nihilist, Stepniak. ha made arrange nx'iita to undertake a lecturing tour in America during the autumn ami winter. lhn-i' huudroU and twenty-live men were dispatched Monday from St, Louis to take the place of strikers on the New ork Central Itailro;id Otliers will follow. The Hulf-eommitU'es on apportionment ml franchise in the Mistfimippi const I tutlonal convention have agreeil on l;uw which it is thought will be ac cepted. At Newjiort News, Va, Saturday, the ntere.sting ceremony of christening the Ir.f American steamship built there and h isting over her the American flag woa i formed. A t ribl-.' accident on the gravity road at Heading. Pa,, resulted in five persona isiug their hve; and eighteen others being seriously injurod. Five others aro expected to die. The United Statos cruiser Charleston has arrived at Newport, Oregon. Her predeuce there creates some surprise, and it is surimod she is lound for the Ahiska scaling grounds. Andrew Bolton, a sailor on the cruiser Bouton, wa atnbled fatally in Brooklyn while going after more beer for the mourners at a wake, and John Parking ton was arrested for the murder. The Central Labor Union in New York adopted resolutions urging Congre-ds to authorise the Secretary of Var to seize the Vanderbilt system of railroads, and operate it at the cost of the service. It is reiortod in Philadelphia that there is a movement among employee of the New York division of the Pennsyl vania Railroad to secure a restoration of the 10 per cent, taken off their wages in 1877 William llanlou, of Hanlou Brothers. the acrobats, while performing a flying trapes act m tno Academy of Music, Now York, foil 40 foot to the orchestra. smashing two chairs, but was not Ecverelv hurt Mr. John Jaj' Knox, ox-United States comptroller, who arrived in New York from Fr;moo, said that the American silver legislation, which has caused an advancp in thepricoof silver, waslooked upon with favor in Euroe. Tlio Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neeru threaten a strike on the Southern Pacific, unices the company pays the wages of four engineers, who were dis charged, but afterward reinstated, dur ing the time they were laid off. On Wednesday the grand jury at poyer, N. IL , began an investigation of the charge against Isaac Sawtelle of murdering hU brother, DTiram, and the .-nave expects 10 prove mat me m ai..L . . .t . a ... wan committed in New Hampshire. . - ... . I T it 1.2 I A m in named Quinn, becoming crazy from hunger, killed his wife and five children, at his ranch near Livingston, .uoiii. lie was afterward killed by a who tried to capture him. lie was citing his dead boy when discovered Henry L. Abbey has offered Anton Rubeiiatdn, the composer and pianist, 100,000 for a tour through America during the coming season. The composer has not yet decided whether to acceptor NEW K nol, US llo n-illn ui- Mlluu jonrmys. Iron m.-iniifactureiH in the Schuylkill Valley, Pa., declared tliat unl;ss the rail roads reduced freight rates Southern cornjietitors would force them to close their works, and as a result tlie ioad3 I rather than low such eoxl castomrrJ I liave made concessions. The gold excitement in northwest Wyoming has reached fever heat, and a regular stampede from Dayton and Smi-i i- ain lias wet in. A numlx-r of p.-!on3 from the dieirinus report the discovery to lie rich in placer gold, and that as high as 525 a dav ban been made to the man. The heirs of the Kalbach family, most of ulioia re.udu in Pliiladelphia and other pints of Pennsylvania, are in receipt of information th t a vast estate in Germany awaits thorn, and tlioy ;ue taking active stcjis to establish their identity. Tho proiK-rty has Wen for some years in tho possession of the (e-rnian government, and is Milueil all th M-ay from 18,000,- 000 to $;M,000,O00. I'orelc". A second cas- of cholera has occurred in London. The strikers at Mous, Belgium, and in the vicinity now number 12,025. A meeting of the French cabinet has been held to discuss the American tariil bill. The English peopliv hail with di light e settlement of 'theVispute M ith Port S.I. J Ihe Russian army maneuvers in the The English peopliv hail with di light the Ug ihe Kussian army maneuvers in the presenile of the Uermnn emperor wero highly successful. The I'ismarckian jiress of Germany is very irate over the emperor's overtures to England and Russia. Senor Custela, of Spun, is about to marry Madame Katazzi, the widow of the celebrated Italian statesman The English government has initiat-'d an olhcial inquiry into the repom-d Lul uie of the potato crop in Ireland. A force of K00 llaytien soldiers in;-.ded San Domingo, hut were defeated v. it., a loss of 2'i killed and many wotindi-d. Since the trouble -.villi the oieeaiid the Grenadier Guards recruiting in Eng land for the army lias been at a stand still. Thirty thousand persons participated in (1 meeting held i-i L m -rieli t jito-est igainst Bishop O' ! )u c-r's rit i-..m of Dillon, the Irish leader. The oiliei-d rcp.itot the registrar of vital statistics sbo-. s tl Jled in Lnd.;i i!;i:-in ihe vear of starvation pure and siieple. Ihere arc sue:i ero.diot American tourists in England that, they can not s, cure iK-rthson n tara st aniers except by applying w it-lis in a lvauce. uka-e hasb.-eii lisued at St. Peters burg direct i.-i 4 t'i: formation of tvvi) squa Irons of cavalry to be composed entirely of natives of the C:iueasns, It is believed that the ubjictot the Emperor William i-i to secure another Eurooean conference to provide lor a general disarmament of the great pow nrs. Mr. Gladstone, who is at Hawarden, is enjoying remarkaniy good neaitii. ue is desirous of taking a long rest in tho country before entering upon his autumn campaign A caravan of 4,000 porters is about to start from Bagamoyo for Victoria Ny- anza. Fifteen hundred will revictual the French Algerian mission stations in Central Africa. There is in Loudon talk of an organi zation of railway and other corporations to hold ground against the gigantic and overwhelming influence of trades union ism in England. Advices from Samoa state that the consuls at Apia have issued a proclama tion in which they warn the natives against entering into any intrigue to re place King Mutaafa. Ihe trades unions at Melbourne aro voting large sums in supiort of tho strikers in the shipping trade. As a re suit of the strike steamers are now lying idle in the harbor. (heat reports are published in Londou concerning a now variety oi cotton plaut, the Mi tali fe. It is now exclu sivel3sowu in Egypt, but experts believo it can cut in all cotton growing regions, The Queen of Italy has maintained her reputation for pluck and endurance by climbing a mountain 10,800 feet high in Switzerland during a ram storm, cov ered with snow betore the top was reached. At a meeting of 5,000 dock laborersin London, over which John Burns presided. resolutions were adopted expressing sympathy with the American Knights of Labor in their strike, and hope for their success. M. de rreycinet. trench minister ot war, nas lssucu a decree mai ine uuei must cease to be compulsory in the French army, and that for the future the decision of the otiicers whether they will elect to light or not will be left to their own dis eretion. An order from the Czar of Russia dis charging all the awny recruits of 188-5, ISStf, and 1887 into the reserves w inter preted to mean that the conference with the German emperor has resulted in an arrangement that will preserve the peace of Europe. A Neeru Murder a Pretty Widow. At Goshen, Hid., on the 26th-instant, Sam Wilson, a ruffianly negro, wont to the house of Mrs. Matser. a young and pretty widow, whom he has been impor tuning to marry him for the past two. weeks, and, calling her to tlie door, asked if she would not have him. Upon her refusal he drew his revolver and ihot her through the heart, killing her instantly. He then shot and fatally wounded himself in the head. There is a dog in Topeka, Kan., which I atteuda every funeral that takes place in that citv. His pwner. Uvea on the road leading to the cemetery, and whenever a funeral passes the house the dog joins the procession and trots along beside the hearse. It costs the English government $2,- tlfiO. nfMl nnnimllv to sunnorfc Onpen VIv I " " " L I toria and her immediate family. When- ever the Queen visits Balmoral Castle it takes $3,000 to defray the railroad ex- renHAi nf the journov. Jobu Ruklii' Attempted Suicide. John Ruskin, the famous English art critic, is rapidly sinking. He is almost continuously delirious, and during these irresponsible ioments he attempted suicide with a razor. The strictest watch is kept over him, despite which he has twice made this enort upon lua 0 AT THE NAH0NAL CAPITAL The Lateit Doines in the Field of Federal Legislation and Politics. The Vr-k in Cungre. THE SENATE. tV resolution was introduced by Mr. Edmunds authorizing the sergeact at arms to procure a new clock in place of the historical timepiece that hn- so 'ong served the Senate. Mr. Edmund's resolution authorizing the President to exclude the productn of any foreign state discriminating against the products of this country, was considered ami bud on the table. The general deficiency bill was takoft up and progress made in its consideration by items, a luimlier of amendments leing adopted. Discus sion of Ihe tarilf bill wa.s resumed, and continued with the same close consider ation of each item that has hitherto marked the debate on this measure. The resolutions introduced by Mr. Quay providing an order of business for tho balance of the tession were considered and referred to the committee on rules. Other resolutions were introduced rro- viding for closing debate on the tariff bill on August 31, and for taking a vote thereon within live days thereafter and for transacting certain other business. uid also providing for the postponement of the Federal elections bill till the next session, when it shall have the first placo on the calendar. The House amend ment to the bill (S. 3714) to provide a por tion of the proceeds of the sale of public lands to the support of agricultural col leges was concurred in. A resolution directing the committee on rules to make order to prevent the sale of spirituous or vinous liquors in the Senate wing of the Capitol was adopted after debate. -Eulogies were pronounced over tho late Senator Beck. HOUSK OF ItEPRrPENTATIVES. The contested election case of ( hal- mevs vs. Morgan was acted upon ami decided in favor of the sitting member, Mr, Morgan. A bill granting increased pay to the employees of the Government Printing Office was passed. Consid erable discussion took place over tho order of business. The bill providing for appropriating a portion of the pro ceeds of the sale of public lands to tho support of agricultural colleges in the various States was taken up, discussed at length, and finally passed. Debate arose in regard to the bill to an nd tho alien land law, and, after con -id arable opposition, the bill was- laid on the table. -The bill providing for the inspection P of meats for export ilioif (S. 2.101) camo tip as a special oukr, and was pa sed. House bill 11.108, known as the "com pound lard" bill, was also considered under the special order, and was passed. The committee report on the river and harbor bill was presented, tho IIouso conferees recommending' Mon-concur rence with the Senate amendments, and asking for a conference, and the sumo was adopted. National Capital Notes. There are rumors afloat of more dis agreement and filibustering in Congress, but they are to be accepted with caution. The investigation of Pension Commis sioner Kaum is now in progress betoro the special committee appointed by Speaker Reed. The pure lard anti-option bill, which passed the House Wednesday, it is ex pected, will h? defeated in tlie Senate, owing to the pressure of other bills. Tho family of the President will leave Cape May Point in a few days, closing their pleasant home there and going to Cresson for tho remainder of the season, John W. Foster, who was formerly United States minister to Russia and to Si.ain ha- addressed to Con cress a for mat remonstrance against ine oiu now pending in the House "to absolutely pro Libit the coming of Chinese persons intr the United States. " An agreement having been reached among the Republicans in the Senate, it is understood that the tariff will lie fully debated and a vote secured upon it not later than September 5, and it is believed that Congress will adjourn not later than September 15, although some members assert that the work can not Le finished up before October 1. Assistant Secretary Nettleton, who has had charge of the Treasury Department during the last few days, being inter viewed a! out the stringency in the money market, said he believed the urgency of the situation was passed What the department had already doue he believed had made a return to the normal condition certain within a short time. WON'DEItlUL CAVERN FOUND. Men Walk in It Over Twenty Mile in Straight Line. There is intense excitement at Nor mandy, Tenn., over the discovery of a cave that so far seems to surpass the Mammoth Cave m size and in grandeur, As a party of gentlemen were inspect ing the country 2 miles southeast from that place they accidentally discovered the entrance. The party entered the cave and walked a good distance by the light from the mouth, which is about 8 feet in height and 12 in widtlu They having no light to go farther, returned to Normandy, got lanterns, and then went back to the cave, arriving there about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. They walked in wliat seemed to be a direct line all night, but they found no end. There was a small creek running through the cave from northeast to southwest The distance traveled could not have been short of 20 miles. Retrac ing their steps, they arrived at the mouth at 4 oclock the next day, They say there seemed to. be no end to tlie cave, In some places the passage is hundreds of feet wide. As the mouth of the cave lies at the foot of what is known as the table lands or barrens, it is believed it extends under the whole table land. Be Carcfnl About Signing Paper. Don't sign any paper for any one ex cept those with whom you are acquainted and know to be honest A new swiuaie is being carried on in Connecticut by means of a double' fountain pen, one end of which is filled with good substantial ink. the other with ink that fades away in a dav or two. The sharner writes his agreement contract, or whatever partic ular lay he may' have chosen with the ink that fades and his victim signs with the other end of the pen in the ink that lasts. In a few days he has a slip of paper with nothing on it but a good signature, over which he writes any sort of a note that he can most easily turn into cash. Boston Herald t TFLKUKAfHIC llKIKtX I v' t I T lv' f'llllli I " " " , - . Chohm bus appeared at Natal, m Eu rope. Rumors of a revival of the Panama Canal project aro renewed. Th Hanna Wagon Works, at Peoria, III., have been destroyed by fire. The British war ship Buzzard arrived at Halifax with 19 case of yellow fever alxKird. It is stated that the czar and c.ariia have promised Emperor William that they will visit Berlin in OctoWr. A special from Parkersburg. W. Va., says the oil tanks of Brown Bros, were destroyed by fire. Loss, 10.000. A purse of 500 lias been otTer by the Ormonde club of London for a box ing match between Dempsy and Burke. Indian Commissioner Morgan has issued nstructious tliat no more Indians shall be taken from reservations by traveling hows. tount Szechenyi, who was at the head of an ex?dition which was exploring the Hawaiian Islands, was murdered by his servants. There are a dozen cases of smallpox in San Antonio, Tex. The outbreak was very sudden. Stejwto prevent its spread havw lieen taken. It is stated that a syndicate of sorting men at Ogden, Oreg., have oilered a purse of $;50,000 for a fight between Sul livan and Jackson. An old carriage in which A. II. Steph ens used to drive around Georgia on his speech making tours is to be ottered for sale at Crawfordville this week. Brief interviews with wholesale and retail merchants in the large cities show that the outlook for the fall ami winter trade is full of promise of prosperity. Six citizens of Hugerton, Kan., on trial at Paris, Tex., have been sentenced to death for murder, the outgrowth of the county seat feud in No Man's Land. William Hanlon, who fell from tho trapeze of the New York Academy of Music Saturday night, is resting ipuietly, with every prospect of a speedy re covery. The miners of Great Britain will bo asked by the labor organizations to vote on the question of an eight hour working dav before an international strike is ordered. Incendiary fiends started four soparaC3 fires in tlie oil field at Beltinont, W. Va. The tanks are all burning, and it is feared that the fires will spread to "0 otlier wells in the iu-Id. Information sent to Capetown, South Africa, states that tlie Portuguese re peatedly flied upon the British expedi tion under Thomson while it was pro ceeding along the British side of tho Zambesi River. A dispatch from London says that Mr. Ro! ertT. Lincoln, United States minister to Great Britain, emphatically denies the truth of those reiorts which repre sent him as contemplating tlie tendering of his resignation. Tho cafes in Berlin which openly an nounce tlie sale of horse meat are thronged daily. The patrons of these places express great admiration for equine steak, but carping critics allege that it is the price aud not the quality of the food which attracts the customers. Thomas J. Clav lias commenced suit against the AVashingtou Park Club, of Chicago, to recover $11, 15a, the amount of the Hyde Park stakes won by Clay's horse, Balgowan, on July 17. Tho monev is withheld because the owner of Kingman, who ran second, has filed a protest, which the racing stewards have not yet considered. The Rev. Dr. Burtsell, the late pastor of the Church of the Epiphany, who as removed from his charge on account of his expressed sympathy with the excom municated priest, Dr. McGlynn, has been temporarily vuxpended from the exercise of his functions as a Roman Catholic priest in the diocese of New York for failure to make an apology and retrac tion to Archbishop Corrigan. At a meeting of the Lancashire Miners' Federation the president stated that t wo messengers who came direct from the Emperor of Germany had waited on him and solicited information as to the con ditio!! of British miners, stating at the same time that since the resignation of Prince Bismarck tlie Emperor had lie come democratic, and desired to place the labor laws of Germany on an equality with those of England. An Alaska Volcano in Action. Passengers on the steamer Arngo con firm the report tlrat Mount Bogoslov, Alaska, is in a state of eruption. Tho steamer left Ounalaska July 3,andatthat time lanre volumes of steam and smoke could be seen issuing from the volcano, wlule at night a pillar of fire thousands of feet in height was discernible for miles. BoOslov has been in a state of active eruption ever siuce. The sight is a grand one, and mariners hope the activity will continue, as it serves as a light house m guiding vessels through Ounamak Pass. Steam and smoke havo been seen to issue from the center, and fire and lava were daily expected to be seen issuing from the moutlu China to Manage Her Own Navy. Advices from the east show that the Chinese, after liaving employed British officers to bring their fleet up to the do- sired standard of efficiency, are now get ting rid of those officers. Admiral Lang, who has done much to make China a maritime power, lias been driven into resigning and his' place is taken by a native commander. The Chinese evi dently mean that no European p.wer sliall hold a predominant influence in their military or naval affairs. Tlie Chi nese now possess a powerful fleet, and one which properly officered would prove a formidable naval antagonist in Avar with any nation. Sun f Veteran in Camp. A lively welcome was given to the Sons of Veterans, whose annual encamp ment was inaugurated in St Louis on the 25th instant The grand parade on Tuesday was witnessed by an immense concourse, the mayor liaving declared a half holiday, so that all might witness the parade. A Shin Seventy Day Overdue. Much anxietv is felt in commercial nd shi ipiug circles in London with re gard to the safety of the British ship Lord Raclan. which left San Francisco with a enriro of wheat and is now 70 i days overdue. - England Will Bold On. to Egypt. A dispatch from Constantinople an- Bounces that Lord Salisbury, replying to the porte's note. say8 the time is not ripe to evacuate Egypt. J ri:n tjf.. a . nivu .1 1; lift f Il l a ine-lt Vi lli An.w.r . Iit)f rim mu.l Mt Ic-lt i;.ta tlie l!l II air Kratairutt t I mI fr TM,t lisr lie and Iyar, Salt 1- goo I. " It t e ..t in-pii:ii i i as well ;w f t r --iifies. In all the lange of tl. houe.i..:d i..atei ia medicit tht-ie is no remedy h tit i-o valu able :ls common nail, lth J ci!isi of its ivai curative ptopcrtKti and o.' its im mediate availability. And, inonMii-r, it !ia,i this advantage over mor- preten tious remedies, that seldom in case of over zeal or mismanagement can it be made to lo mischief. If it doesn't h al it won't kill, at any rato. Here ai some of the things it is good for: Heated dry aud applied to the outer surface over the seat of i till am mat ion or congestion it will give utmost instant relief, while applications of a strong hot solution of .-alt in water or vinegar acts like magic uioii toothache, earache, neu ralgic headache, aud all that brood of districting ills. For catai rind aHections and Mire throat a spray of warm water and salt is al most a siweific, and is one of the stand ard prescriptions of the "nose and throat" specialists. For hay fever and those other slighter forms of nasal sensitive ness that induce a constant sneezing there is no remedy more quickly pallia tive and often curative than the vapor of heated salt and alcohol. Put b th in a tin vessel and heat over a flame. When there is a good showing of vapor place the vessel underneath a covering that envelopes the head as well. and inhale the vapir through lioth nose and throat. For influenza and ordinary colds this treatment is also excellent Salt water baths are an excellent tonic; taken warm they are delightfully re freshing when one is boated or tired, and taken cold they are the best preventive in all the world of too great suscepti bility to colds. One delicate woman who j used to insist that she "caught cold on coming into the world and had never been without one since" became as in different to damp and draughts as a sailor after a year's trial of salt baths. For those who have sensitive gums in clined to bleed on the slightest provoca tion, a mouth wash of salt and cold water awl once or twice a day will har den the gums and prevent soreness. As salt Is a styptic any slight bleeding may usually be checked by treating tho jart with salt and water. Persons who havo tender feet will find them growing much less sensitive day by day if treated to a daily brisk rubbing w ith cold salt and water. There is an old lielief that salt water injures the hair, and a delightful old lady once explained to the writer the reason therefor. "You see," she said, "tlie salt in the water is stronger than the hair in your head, and so the salt just draws the hair right out. Assuming this to be true, that salt water will draw the hair out of the head when it isn't otherwise spe cially inclined toward coming good homeopathic reasoning we come to the conclusion that when the hair insists up hi coming out of its own accord a vigorous treating with salt and water will put a stoji to it. Whether tlie rea soning bo true or not, the fact is. Not all the tonics you can buy at the hair dresser's will do your hair half the good, if it manifests a tendency toward falling out, that a daily scalp bath of strong salt and water will. Besides all this, salt is good for the stomach. A pinch of it in hot water, taken either just before or just after a meal, is a valuable aid to digestion, and a cupful of very hot salt water will some times quiet the most persistent nausea. Anything more that salt will do? Yes, the most grateful of all cure the tooth ache sometimes. Will it really do that? A little girl who was told to put some in an aching tooth says so. "I just put in a little salt, " she said, "and in a few minutes I felt the naughty aching nerve curl right down and go to sleep. " But there is one caution toolfer. How ever lieneficial the theraiieutic action of salt may be, there is no question but salt taken into the system with the food in too great quantities is extremely harm ful. It was the excessive use of salt, quke as much as the nervous strain of his campaign, that killed Horace Gree ley, and there be those who dectore that with many women the use of salt is species of dissipation. Too much salt in the system dries up the blood and the healthv moisture of the membranous eurf aces, and Is evidenced by a dead yel low pallor of the skin, with a blanching of the lins and cheeks and a morbid craving for the condiment which noth ing but its use in enormous quantities will satisfy. Men of Weight and Wisdom. Tlie faces of the Justices of the United States Supreme Court fairly shine with good living, and upon each you see tho writing that the owner has not a single care and tliat lie has for life $10,000 a year. Justice auiier nas receiveu .oo, r r 1 1 , AAOA 000 in salaries from Uncle Sam, ana jut tice Field has carried in his inside pocket Uncle Sam's good drafts for 370, 000. Bradley has received $200,000 from the Government, Harlan $130,000, Gray $90,000, and Blatch ford's receipts have amounted to $80,000 in cold casli. Each will receive 10,00-1 more for every year that he lives, and he wdl get this whether he remains upon the bench or not If he leaves it the Government will have to get a new $10,000 man to take his place, and Uncle Sam will be out 30,000 instead of 10,000 as long as he lives. There is no doubt that any one of these men can make more than this amount at the law and each is well worth the salary paid him. Philadel phia Press. Brttiiklng Up the Map. If tins tiling keeps on, said a nnp printer the other day, "we'll all hare to go into bankruptcy. We hadn't pot our United States maps fixed up with North and South Dakota before the Brazil rev olution knocked South America endwise, and now Wyoming and Idaho axe turned into States. Africa, has to be fixed over every sfx months, and the latest and most serious of all is in tins Gorman-En glish arrangement to knock out Heligo- land from the British empire. That ton t a big change, but it is plenty big enough to spoil all our maps of Europe. It would almost pay the map makers to chip in and buy the nasty little island in order to make a present of it to England, and ive the expense of getting up new mapa of Europe. " T Sun, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m HOLLIDAY'S HtJa 8EO RSI A STITCH IX TIMi: NINK!" SAVES Don't wait to net hick, but uhrrt you bvjiti to feel bail come and get doso of mod k i no anil prevent nick ness. This U the profier uw of nml icinc. If you will do will scarcely ever have a din-tor' hill to pay or li month of time, and put your friends and relative to such a deal or trouble. In addition to my complete line of pure nnd reliable lrugs, I earry Warner's Log Cabin ltemedieH, It. IL IL, the S. S. S., Quinine in small and largequantities; Simmon' Liv er Itegulatur, Famous Steclflc t)r ancc Hlossom, Cuticura KemedU, Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription, tho Golden Medical Discovery, Horse and Cattle Powder (1 pound packages prewired by the Herb Co. of W. Va, C uaker brand. ) Prescriptions carefully compound ed. I-iocal ami offlce practice uion re quest. Respectfully, augl tf Dll. U. H. HOLLIDAY. JEFFERSON DAVIS, tx-PresIdeat of the Confederate States. A MEMOIR, BY HIS WIFE. Two largo and handsome octave volumes. About 1,500 pages. Ilea vy paper. Many fine Illustrations. The only authorized life of our dead rsident. (J rand, brave and irood. one day Justice, which survives all, fchall have triumphed, his fliruro will be seen in the clear light of our country's history, glde by ido and iana in nana with those "few iui- morta 1 names that were not born to die." This memoir of tho trreat states man by tho IovIbk hand of his wife. must take its place in the archives ot tlie nation. All sensible men, north and south, mast read It. It must become one of the text books oi the coming generation. liKLFoni) Company, Publishers. JASO. MATTHEWS, Taylor's Bridiro, N. C. Sole Agent for Sainton Co. augzi lm CIDER. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST PEACH AND APPLE CIDER, (Corner of Elm and R. R. Street. SWEET AND HARD CIDER always on hand. In addition to tins pleasant and healthy drink. l Keep Tobacco, Snuff, Flour, Potash, Candies, Sofia, and Pea-Nuts which are sold at lowest price? lor cash. 600 Pipes, of all styles and sizes. Try one. Respectfully, je 21-1 yr. ARE TOD AN HEIR? More than half a billion of dollars in unclaimed ostites are awaiting the rightful heirs in England, Scot land, Wales and Ireland. Most of those heirs are in the United States. and have liecn advertised for in English papers. Thousands of heirs have never seen these advertise ments. If youi ancestors on vour father's or mother's side came from any of the above named countries do not fail to write to E. Itcss, Eu ropean CJainis-Arency, 227 (J rand St. New York, and ascertain if you are an neir. our deceased ances tor's rights are yours by British law t . . e luve iniormauori oi every es tate and deceased person who e heirs have leen advertised for in 125 years. Send postal note for 50 cents to insure information. If you are an heir we will recover the es tate for you. No recovery no fee. jy2i tf NOTICE. TI A VINCI QUALIFIED AS AD 11 ministrator of E. II. Owens, -Je-ceasod, notice is hereby given to all parties owing said estate to make immediate payment. ; All parties holding claims against said estate are lierebv notified to present their c!aiios within twelve months from this date, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. JOHN . OWEN, Administrator. This Angust 1st, 1 890. 7-;t SESSOM'S HOTEL, ROSEBOKO, C Special accommodations for Ihe traveling public. llegular lioanlers wiU also k taken M1US. J. M. SEfr-'SOMS, iny8 tf Proprietress. Barber Shop If you wish a flrstclass Shave. Ilair Cut, Sham poon or Mustache Dye, call at my placo of business on Wall Street, three doers from the corner of M. Ilanstein's, there you a - win nnu me at au nours. RAZORS SHARP, SHEARS KEE ! If you want a good Job don't fail to can on me. J, II. SIMMONS, aprlO tf Barber uiniRs Needing a tonic, ft chiMres that Vint building up, should take BROWHhi 1UON HITTERS. It la plcamat to take, eurea Malaria, !adig flop, p4 iknnreeai. JkjX dekw toe it. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. 9 ji lllMICTOmWELDOX E.E. tid Bruclrs. Oouctoitafxt Mchorlulo TKAlNs i,t)iMi wiPTH.' I'ATI t N.2J N...27. N... It. int mi l. Da. It. D.ii'.v. v. Sun. I.V WVidon. 12 3d p in 5 43 pm I, mi an iA( Ikilt All, I " . t IU Ar TrW, 3. .. . Lv TrlMm, lo Ar W lUoiij ii. Lv Wilson, i &" pin t-n Ar Srlm.i, 3 io Ar Fayrtlevtl C (hi LvGohbdioro, 3 15 " I.v Wait-aw, 4 10 " I.V Magnolia, 4 '21 " Ar Wilmln.'t'u 6 50 7 4 pm ? 35atu 31 s 4o 9 49 TUA1.VS T.OiMT ( MTI I . No. 14. Daily. No. T Da lv. o. Mi. Iaily cx Sunday, lAWihniiiiUY. 12 ol am y (Hi am I pm Lv Magnolia. 1 21 10 31 Lv Warsaw Ar Goldnboro. 10 4 U 45 5 5 2 2J LvPcttcvillc 4(i il oo 12 10 Ar Stlma r Wilson v Wilson 3 2 pm 7 47p.ui 1 in " 1? Ar Uovky Ml. Ar Tnrboro 2 3n 10 20 am Lv Tarlxiro Ar Weldjii 4 3Q " 2 45 pm 0 JJuily except .Sunday. Train on Scotland Nock Pmnch h nwn Weidon 3 14 p. m., llulihvt 3 37 i in: arrives Gotland Neck at 125 p. m., (Jicrcnville C 10 p. m. JUtumhi!; leave Greenville 7 20 a. in., Halifax lo loa. m., WclJou 10 30 a in. daily except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, IK-al Freight leaven Waidon lo 3d a. llab'ax 11 3o it. in., Scotland Neck 2 HO p.m. Aiming (.letnvillc 5 lo p, in. Itcturni.u leave (Jrconvdle Tuedav. Thursday aud Saturday '. 30 a. m., Scot- laniiacck 1 (X) p. ni., Halifax 3 35 p. m. Arriving Weidon 4 00 n. m. Traiu leaves TarlHuo, "a. ('., via Allitniarle & Ihilebh raihotid, diily except Sunday. I 5 p. in., Sunday 3 00 p. in., arrive Willitunston, X. t, 0 30 p.m., I 20p. m., Plymouth? 5Dp.ui., 5 20 p. ni. Hetumiug leaven leaven Ply mouth, daily exceptSunday, o 00 n. ni., Sunday 9 00 a. in, WilliniMhtop 7 a. m., 0 5J a. m., arrive Tnrtmro ' " a. rti., 11 20 a. 111.. Train on Midland, N. (-., branch ' laaycs (Joldnboro, daily exceptSunday, 6 00 a. ni. arrive Smithhild. 7 ,'io a. m. Itcluniiiiir leave SniiihfiYld, H 00 M. in., arnvc (Joldnboro, 2 30 a. in.. Train on Nashville branch h-ayc Uocky Ml, at 3 00 p. m., ari jvis Nanli ville 3 40 p. in., Spring Ho.e 4 15 p. in. Itctorninu: leave Spring Hojh- P no a. in., Nashville 10 35 a. m., Icky Mount 11 15 n. !, daily, i-xicpt Sunday. Train ou Clinton branch l au Warnaw for i liiiton, daily, except Sunday, i 00 p. in., and at II Id a m; Itcturnin will leave chntoii at X 20 a m and ?. Jo p in, connecting at Warsaw with No il and 40, 23 and 7A Southbound train m Vilou & Fav- cttevUIe I'ranch in No. 51. North. bound is No, 50, Daily exceptSunday lrain 2, South, will stop only at Wilson (ioldHboro and Magnolia Train No 7H makes cle connection at Weidon for all imkuU North, daily. All rail viaKicIirnoud. and daily, except Sunday via llav Line All trains nm o!id between Wilin,n)'- tou aid Washington, and have I'ulman Palace Slecjcr attached JOHN F DIVINL, Ccn'l Supt J K KENLV, Sup't Trans, T M Kmkrho.v. (ien'J l'aioi Agent Ellciii Valley WOOLEN 1 have just received a largo supply of FAkin Valloy Woolen Good to be exchanged for Wool or will be Hold on acloso margin FOR AS3II. Factory prices guaranteed for Wool and Goods. W. G, Rackley, ain?14 tf I. T. k G. F. ALDERMAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 112 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, X. C. Cotton iiimI 'l'imlei, : aiso : Country Produce handled to be I ad vantage. JlKi'KUKXCK 1st National Dank-, Wilmington, X. C. au?2'-tf Harness Establishment ! I K8TABLISHKD I.V 1 SlJ7. I am now located on F;yettcviIIc Street, opposite Caucasia x office. I put upand keep instock,or make to order, any style or Harness, from fl3.00 to $40.00. I also make all style and grades of SadilU, Uri dles, Halters and everything in this line. Good, honest work at tlie lowest living figures, is my guide and motto in business. A large supply ot Northern Har ness and a fine line of Driving Whips always kept on hand. Call and ex amine. ftff-Besure to see the celebrated Celluloid lined Whip for which I am sole agent. If. this whip is not satisfactory you can return it and get back your money. , Itespeetfully, sepo-3m W. If. STETSON. J nnnv jUUUu a) i I X) 'Hi , .0'

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