-Jt-,.. -ii;sw'WW! s?w ASA.nr.so i,il IN i;o iON., very cLiva'j'ju.- toward:" them j .inetimes, epcially in tie; S TATU CON i:TiON. I Nl.WSY MMTIS AM T Ol'THKIKVY. )i K!N, principles hlh it ado; sie in-1 I to its ph-ifem. It wa a mot; NEW ADVEETISEMEINTS NEW I UK CAUCASIAN. Kntwt fi'-. or(!:i:;' to '!; .'ji at t'l r.'.on. O . 1 .. iif ji-''i.-! .: Ai.iii I'y,: AVltnci M-.t; IM'ril (. thf A. it. rar:nWi Sri,:u : Si.''lM'M ?J St .k.idpi' !".. horse i : . . T.. I...... '.fKniiiw.i. .. ...t 4 -"Cognition. f)r WHO OVtfl I r ll.C ; lltkll r.l .. ...... fltt. C'.rw1 II. Mnr. ool-nes, was Tit-d:ty :-n;i!:ll-'i 5-.'! '... :- In o;'j.'.. -.:;!.. i ' ; m "r .:i ;'. ked Down luckv of:' Lok the .et, s;iC .oniin:ueu nj .Yccianiauoti-- t' 1 1y (.( .-r pre- , T. ii: b : oiul i a. - Ir::iamls of the A!.i afii'' in tac IJ ioiratir I!at:rn. 1- fifuT t:,r -eat- a!! ttH?J. stai..'s ; f tl. '.ntry u: tht rift:. tti--.rict. bliO'lie bundles n pr:r.. ut Of r U 7b l -iim an K 1 .Cham1. s S: : r. t h r i c a ccn,-3n to Prices Mai . . . , . . -i 1 ""' " j,4a. would like to hay a fi.-'tM '.'I'' 'i!1' !'.'' - . .1 . , ! .. I. -"ij ituI iir! ' si; ?: O N I'd. ;-!v. in olh Lionel. . 1 Y V .'. f i . . . . .''i-;tj.-t, i;Li"ION.'N. : .-Al: 1 (). su far ;!- the Farmers -if-c.- ioim.-ct.-! i r? t s i f with Alii- t .r .,.,m ,., ,., f""K ,"'J u. -J'. convcntioi: to order Jit i tr - lii.tii !;i-m that J .com j cvio t , iv n hitorv. ... .. t, , , , i -Itl- prcn.. V,t ;,y -i hauf Kuuk ; j --v ' tun, -.thorolyo.rMo .L u'1M;iU:u(?nt. U., I'ul-li:: ; - t,;;; U -.v ' i-i , ...... l, , . u ' UV V ftrro h- bright a.- tliv f.ad "Vr - i .-tn- M'J". !. v.-n ' V farmers. I h)' aro ; ;' k! 'vav ? of tro, I hn.v, ' :i7m: ,;.t nmv 1u I m5!y yt :, ;f.tS . 1 'u r. bill i.t ;.y '. ; H;am i ; Si lit.' l I.Oi At i;i'iS..M i- it i- un.rt' ir sv. v. ?i. ;:it!: t-..'o. A oli f.c uijif f Lriut)Si c, j. i.Iitic;,J enptt.il hiki abtir-e; W -J 4 l a w4 W wJ W J in! Oil till , ii.,.iv of raurliaios for pui l ' CtkU'I .'. nny ln'rr- f.n la t Tner tn V"iy irxii'wai u-n- ..i-j-- ..... . , ,.r;.,. wnMiPlIont- of Jii- .io.;. .-vrn lita;;t AJ-Ha v.-as Vrt to tb.-m. I know they PTf--:j.iea in th parade -fv,i ,,f tlu.- I Jo -to;; 1(11 ' ' 1 J i (J' I of-b-p ;jro in favor ni i' wl.i r. it Mtt'l'-riakt'S to PuppoTt lN'in" ti- p ri j;lfi.-. New P.r;i .b.tirir) I. ..jiy. ) took my s"im .n R(,rM ln t lie lf.j rl nf ; l ; 1 1 j r . r 1 1 piac' njH'r i niuiit :;:'," tf!i"fit ' f:ill vio'.v of '-Old V-t'r:ui" so-' alU-.-J vjt : i::y i'liwr: iMp.i y h. uiai. if1 (J at lot.. iif: of r Mir mi never T'i a iiii) eX'M-j.t P Ml a Mti!rr! o.- ho?no other inotFen ive lit?!! journal, n.-uty a no wlio r.. ver I.-oard the r-iar f i. ' f.'o'iimon ! he N. Kjoieai V . 'J rjLuii'', r, i'"it!: :;. loiiei to ( '. V. th! -. division is 'is to wtietiu-r -'oi or tbat is tbe b-est. The eominittee on pt-rm; .;. t m 1 Mi,:- nan of tbr Stat-; an tTo.juene. j .Tat.v-riiai.!Iii j.'T.U a to MIT oran f'.'t ton repor o low: Perniaiieut 'Jia'r;onu, A . A . 1 - int. It , 1 r. new uu iiou ' j il.'k:ah A Gtidr, of Ma.li- KouU i. ,.Io!i:a.:au be se,oi many j gon ..r,.jritV: Vir(. jWa-.t: arouna, it ro-t ,000 tol w ; u, K. r,. Tho.-..i, . t 'if MO III P. J Jill VI' .... ,ro., of f ast 'i.-sj.-: vr-1 h re ye.U-r.!ay an-" . f '.t iti i . c:it htiibl '.i i:ro; i- ::-S'tren 1 'it' ! "viy i lt' rs. i- a. to st.s in--, to bp a burden no rorp.WV ;.rp izh Greensboro 'v r "tct A r:t,v. re-i.-.tratioa i;as been Giiigliams, Lawns Cimliies. J J ' . K' if (-ri. . v a;r. sou.- old. colored ao-juam- ; jIonat,m nl j5 M),an,, T tan-es to .'-ill o us lately, 'y ; R NVakeneld n!5(1 nave open m ioslou :jLomt v years and tell me that the Wantoii: S?cret?ries. A. il.e i tt.n ifi'ied if ( lohlln-ro were raised . . . . i T . J i' . 1 . a.uiic tne eouoc io ..,, nll ., f().,;-ti, ..'i , J 1 " convent ton u'Ol nt.r u-:o.n lot n:,,-,.,,,,, k,-.. ti,,,',;,:' ;!,:,; ;;; 1 VoXvij.'iX' tVuS IWV"- .....viu.vir f ,he Alan.-...;fr.1, ,2a. n, to 7 ,.. m. I w,, i J,. remy ol& P'""?1 in :f . . : ,e ,WL" emiiiiir, .ci' .uiu4 Memmoti for Cliief .lustirc. atul " '-niHee,uy 10 sa u,, u, . , 4 r . ' ' Hhe never knew what slavery! M.Cook nominate Hon. ! !(! Tribue i, o,H nd r,,u ' " . A t iv f r .n Vl State of i n'V l 'V'T l I Walter Clark for Associate .hi-' ' - II.,;,.., V. , . i , V T t l! .rtYA - 1 .M411IC liCU I.ltl.'Jlis ""V-il v .l i ' ! . i . '. .i . .' W; 1 1 ui rout -. a i .... i . x: .... i i II, i; :.!- ,n i. ...... ....-... trUlTlMIllO VfirV lOPI LK Hi (I I r . v -.11 r:.'iiiiuui. .1 .:..t'.:-. oS.Vre: bv Fucbeler and iCrn for ;r :.d.d I 'pets. Milium. h'fil.-V. 1 by 'tie it. .a r! of Cotmty i'oiti:n:ssioi:eis, us reijunsted by U. ::o v tdt-ction law. Ml ote:-s ' : are required to recisU-r tliirty ' davs tefore the -eond Satur- of eotLoii Otid .-oiii fr ; 'ifdr.v before election dav V2. ,L 1 We w'h to impress the im- !i:nHf?;r;(:;:!Inoer to clear out an unison. i,-l,lr;:i Lt-t no one fail to have his did not stay in the South then, ' the old negro answered, "he- made by aeclamatioti. convention then rat Hied i thp. ha second e fifty itiTiNi rnnf i.i i it' mr i n:i ti t tilt r . oi'nv v w j - ' - - ----- t.niLin I TfM ti ! t i ' I o I ULr I i .rf A knitlimrmiiiln.s be-n e- n that memorable march front j V.: . ' ,7:; i r Wr7rV !mo manner tho nomHir.ttons I .-tey w.ii ve . .' .. ... ,..... fe"' v. u.wl. ' . . "V4"Mof the . ndires of the Sur-cr or 5 aroMm: !..r.i!-!i'"i m t'n;i!-""n'. ...:.t; . t... . , one u lanes u ail e IJI t ).!!: 1 :i;irr. ;t t rev to live on: ot tis remember tins marcn,) -ic, ho,ls?e ront from 320 to ?G0 per court b'e-no'd coteini"- ary A rLuwas ,. . : is, ; years o;u ami is remara. (1l n,i noq ri;nn tp rails' ' . h.e..j 0..-.. !-e. in ....in im- b n pr,,sorve,i ol course !f nirtv of t.rovi-ion elothes 11 aemiud o. l,u- ,...w..nt.rl.i,,..-,it. and hfi' has ,rLd on tl. fat of tho i V" , sb-kboio.,;, hr.Ae ,hown U.n.r land ever since he brought his;UJ( the South is the place, "lons were ad-rted de- .,.reciaii..,of nowspapcrM in rider so sneressfuily through j for h Lere Hfe js eay and ?,ti?!., T12 ' ' ( , iiiunv" Una ,,f Mivr.iii until ; .. ' .. I OTce Mil. w! oso purpose is to neral an.t of the i.rrav,- l" 1 "V " " 1 he pot boils plenliruiiy. ' , ; , . . out a suiijift or even me sineu rr y yOIfN-S()v . .-v..-. 4. . 1 r(ll.I T Uf I 1OYI I I ! Ll.'l. ,-(' :L i the Fifty l!t;!V bi o. ; front . ori'n r'b'bly. and tloy V ."!ed a- Iemociatp. 'hump t !, ' W i ! I nniUi: J IUirii t-IKCICll Oil lilt! ' Some of the. Alliance !u 11 1 ho ks within the time required. 1 are claltniiiir now that they will ..... . v . W e are receivinir constantly, propositions fnr advertisiriir at about one-fifth our rate-. Wo regard such nlfers as offensivo and consign them to the waste bfjok-d. Wo ---ee some, ot thesu advt rfisements in some of our o'ehpX:e.s. e are surprised tisat :fiy paper sh- uld iublisli t h e n 1 . V- X a p 1 1 v i 1 1 e A r e o ? 1 a n t . able goods before the arrival of TO W i.-,e. Mills. n) n.v::;y the ente;-- Atiis K of fire about hi:' clothes. Wo: uerri e elite;--: suppose tins mule tfets rart of i g O V i: It X O H C A 31 PI', i: 1. L , Status, to subvert the liberties j .1, vnittinjr, U p pension money. Another! '''H'lV ; of ur people and influence a-: The Slab ! wi'i all b' : v e seo t) .dan ire 1 m chsec.ire-. (ivTfornor I'owh i.a isi..td 3 ! circular to t.,. t-iuAv (Jnax-l, thaisl:in tiieui foi iiu-ir ot!n- nanc' r.t tno bli-le eneampinerit and cor,ii;iei,dinr their der ort ment and '-oidierlv boario to Guard 1 iu Some RARE BARGAINS in Remnants, containing from 2 yards to G yards. of dark colomd Worsted, Cashmeres and Henriettas iust tho thinirs fnr i.iir. n.v u i mini. j . forum for September! the girlS. coir.a.'is a political essay tn ney interests in Political! j company hud a horse that was captured Trom the "kens ms . reporter of the New York loin, Lenry. the ne.ro law- the valley of Virtrinia. )ur;stftr introduced Gov. Campbell in ;.n aououncemeuT -y - " 7;, , " ! a lew nays since wun uio 101- new ; tional sing 1 Peed have ver. i - o d his cnnd'daey for . 1 A m this dislr.ct, and expeus 10 . . .t t t ev ,ucant to infer was! Of course! not exactly understood by a iv,,,,.,.,,,!, ovna,fiw renter the will 01 a few ' . 1 nnrf lftn lufl.ndrH. alio ilptu f;3SS 18 or Winter Dress lor Very LiUle Mouoy and his abeitors! who I Uf l"iOVi' ; growth of protection the enor-! o (.hftnid tho KodPrali Some of ou: Stute contem- mous anc a. arming mcrra.si of : lis.... :H : J . ' "1 .1": "iimr n.honT tn t -omrressionaa ! - -.: . . i,., . ,1 . : i. .i in w i eh m,m!., u if. I 1H 1 I IH-.1H.1. 1 VH I II II I V 111 aL II! ;i.i- lllill!. . v , got the hlaek vote the ' State against Serator Vance! niost impoitant political fact this 'ui.vi.ns th; joint canvass. - n nfi'.irt n 1 iti 1 mil r. 1 - iAt .ti i I ito ploc.t tlieir candidates in If ' "r ' u-.. i,i iniii.ri i thought it i meant for a buries-! f,,lirtm, , nf fm tntv-nnP. ! m tl)e -M-KmeJy lanh m i, as ; ;r. will be no , liostcn leporter, he ratlier 'which may develod strength ' oi ' 3r inP- .n the same mini-: to jyupardlze his re-j Der Senator John f. .Morgan, of , election and urn bur that th ' -warmoa, replies to Senator :0: trii-i would run, f..r w w.hI.i-,1 witli mamnrjth hon,?,next (Jcnr--.r pjv, ,, I, i w'c!' lv o,.pr..-wl tho lo-, f ;'tn-- ..,...-.,.. ... ,V ,. ...p, !' -;! U . 1. ir?A? Put hi... C.Ut with her cotton .talk,, ..! ; ; ttJ, 1 J d.nwneln , , r,, ' ' I T.-l, ' -v pj 1 1 t V? 1 . ... fi.....ri. all tiw.of .tr. mH, . . . . .. . J , -, nnnecessn.rv and nurdensotr.o Jfl -o- m h e.iougn ai m.. . 1,4t-111- i route. Nothing could uo moiM -' ' " --v. , u ,oor:p a? !t cKiniey vvou;a ; ' " - . ; n , ' :nnd fails io s-c the -ood rM 'y Hal, oi Ciatk Univor- . - , . , ,. h exception ot the two. tor . ... , , ,i , irh-hippMih 1 tht- 1,1 ! 011 roa' u U0:' oa . . r. '..-. i.-o. , , ii. i :,rf nnofr ou til'.; , . . . 1 . , oo De.ao-.i i.. ..e Jvf,iu en.n i. i ? t... oi- th:- ii'vesr-itv o: fo-on;- :--?y. he t. iinslianitv ot i h " " winch varniy iookoo: .oiin : n-; , . .hoi1. thou- vi" "ftv i,MC :l " tiJt , V. latont. powtr ;: .wt-ttrady taa.n Caroliiia and South Carolina . 0ir..i ' ! poorer p.ort!on el. our people. --f tu. . h . . e .i.- . ea. I none, j oil. de :!.:! ';:,i. '- C( !) ;u tre paiaoe at mosou. ; .os ?Oil. Ot!:er had no representa.'ion (t. A gathering together of "Old Veterans1' means money to 1 l it 1 w CO 11 a Ck f 1 f r r.te ha.; taken in $750,000 thi:i wee!;, ; ioniOCra'tt St sand "Xoxt year is. i suppose, your h. i, year in Ohio?'- v.Ve.t 'Vi'ar will be a it.' ! uepreseiirAtive.- Resolved, That thd b'emocracy if North Carolina take great .ihl 8 and patriotic but where om mi-zht be mado! by forcing it-'-Wil. Marvelous Low Prices i -uturp -by i 'n.reor John j In a few Parasols, rather than carry nlackie, ot Edinburgh, Scot-j ,T , J biium over ano'ener season. lucre VI lc 1. V i S ii has been here .nv,M ; pride m the a i .-,.,1 It will decide the aues-lniirt "".,iit'JJ!' t;..n as tn hr-thr Ohio is a UetiiUlAUV ' 1 - . tiuciuiijr ureal puooe v-iest:osiri , tnat naye peon tx-rore i;;oi:t to- meeung ui tne truscee-. of tie; Agricultural and Mechani- C'oile was held hero iciior "!Jlp latest Astronomical v.s," by Profuse;- Chajles A. Voting, of 1't-ineotor. "Protec tion Against Tornados. hv iii: or not. d.v t W!,r.l. U -ci ( i .1 1 .... .c. ' ' i i.oi-y; as Weil l i il. n oe? 'nOl'li'iili lit. War- 0! S(. for . '. tiiri-. to iind fron 1 nm la.i i ...... , week it t. ceding, l a. t oi. i, L. r . . ..: ...! i lation, one bainpiett on ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 i t 1 1 I II H l : a . i x i - , auu u'!!-w wriw im...ii. oi liieui. iUt,iv-tft o-eniu I .. I 1 : .n, j. nn iih-nni. . li 1 a. . 1 . . .1 i - l'-c;i . i. l , l i J u ; iin'ifii ...li.uio-, u.mir .in . j tie i resiueiir eatnti nere on in ,1, v; fp1. .Tpf n m . . . . 1 . if . 1' 1 - 11 . 1 - ... ' 3rs j lie uaceo orotr sa an-eo- a: x a 1 1 j m o 1 p. 11a inoesamis oti-. t. ( ?. , 1 . wiai iiaye peon tx-rore i:;oi:t to; 1 tin? 1 )eoa.i-i:meii of a -rind fnr,i s 1 ; --' . l'-"1-'". . . : ' T O V (. t I i. ' ' 1 1.-1 l' on citLlii.; to: ,. , . ... - ' o v;i-fT i v-r.tl I I o 1 utes many . ?jml th r.e,rislat.ure ! JiCll0rb V' d M'o ; will pay to the .-oil ego only r ' , Z ' : ''u'4 1 " , thrailroad ' Vlil rlt, ' 114v, ffl1! ,m; appreciate the great abidty and ; 2,000 during the remainder of V !. "' lVtti?e' ann : loston. ove;-' , ' ' to Spn.,f!ir; zeal of Senator Vance in the j this year. U s proposed bv''v ' ' J. i el iiieircu-;Johu Sijerrjjvn. The election i P-rotr acted contesi oa the Triif ; the trustee to carry on a.ovrT ; '"""iw"".';,i,v i.'s i j u- I bp or fi. nr.a ' .x.. ""-- i .j.Uti .jiu i.ugiKiaiure : .... j i . . : i - .... ;nnu i;it:iiii. oil as it will, the Stafo of Xozth lain and ; meets, evt-n jf ;f. !i-n..,l.v- t.aroima, : cessary tr reduce t dr of the tw organization in its !ded mid the roar of cannon ;au,,., coinK to do on ohio?;i wonderful growth in and Southwest. The, Oliicoi-;; plriCtod the Sontii I ai11 Fa:! ported by a long lino j , It p, getting to fg I salaries of f tin-!a.i- re-e!ection to the net Legula-. tor assent to a reduction. The ture, and wo commend the wlsa I college ;ie'd.s $3 ooo to carry it li'C - 5"c.r the , i-tilin Auut 2:5. ! What is the Farmers" Alli-! and1W0 cordially commend his the profe.rs. A Ckxtkai. Offk k. ! lUleigh, X. C.j Tlic corre?p(.nden t s of: the Vi'eekly (Voji hil-! ktii!, issued by the North Caro-j of clank i lift cavalry to hotel ol.,r?mjzatj0i. and it is hard to an(5 satisfactory administration: until ner year There is :J2. Vendome This yar of our State office: i i : . . i ill' i . " .1 ..: 1 ...... J. .'l iw ...... I K. , i:ii5ritM .Kin mr i v Mi r L(n : r ..n . . .. i .'.tit;, iiit! ' 1 hi i r-..o - --- x , me mr:iiprs win not nomiiiaie 1 . . , . , , ; P.,.. ;.l,..ii I I T'r.!!- Xi.vrl. inth .ImoriMii (i .1 ij otirl Hunt.. , ... ..... . i iiif inns snhiiiirtnl rr.f.li rfir.urr Carolina: vi re 5. resident, P. H.'ing, the decoration must havo ; ;v q ci c0,e between the 4iwH-iC- 15 A'?ock '-"'l-. 'aync. :uk Clover, Kansas seb eta r y, .5. h. j cost iminensp, the whole city is ! 4, leb. Next ysar I shouldnt : ma(1 a ;trong arid forcible b .. . i magnificently represented with ! u ci,i U 1..-. t-,o.. -i speech in favor ot their auop- lot. Luri.e. i.eorg.: treasurer, u. - d buntii.the decoration : ,,:r. " ..1 TI . ! tion. lie ospeoiailv ornvhw 000 on hand now. it is desirous! to j;yt &.2.0,f from the Depart-; llt!;v Kxporimeiil Station and C't Agriculture at once : i is hoped f ;. ! froi ?2,0"0 will t at her Service, co-onerfl- "VY. II ickm.iii, Missouri. Die Asheville Citienof Aug. 21st sa.- Viewed from any direction. (l. L. L. Polk has a long head. Noticing the quite general state ment in the State press, that the farmers belonging to the Alliance wpth not united in ed the value and -Treat inn ; tance of the plank which itr wjIIi the dared Shiimi S. guai Serlce, repoit that the! : weather nny neen vorv f i.m . , b"- rut i.a:,- a coiton ot 1 ble to all crops, especially cot-' ttta .".o:isou wuh received hero I fon. in ail districts. ! iVa- tO'S atternoon. .u:'. 21 Uomein.ffet nnces and savfinionnvf Respectfully, A. F. Johnson k Go. . M. Par trick. 7 SUCCKSSOIl TO T. II. I'A IMTIICK .t HltO. D was; Eastern District. Iiain-fall, by . temperature and sunshine have I alone costing over $UO,000, The ' flep note! uoutmentai was ueauti fully decorated troui pit to v ikginia 8TATI: ai.I.I anck. j nutted the Democratic rarty to : grovni in Wake county lTIll loir VAt-.VnnMKri.H 1 1 ft 1T'A-.1 tJ VOfloil T.M ! .'I I l),ii l 11. ! 1 it uoinc whh ita-ifi Ltrykvwuiinti, ; --w kaAaiiuii iui ; i vtti i ooj, ario W3-S only three i bvn aonareiPly abou the every civilized country in the ; Virginia State Farmers' Alii-! education and showed that : das inter than the earliest bale ave-aco k "with " ,Wv' f., v!rM ...I,1 !" 1 l.o,l f;..,.,,1 .... 1. .,.:... . .. 1. i I ... 1 Law. ..mi ,1 1.,. I..-. : .... J - .i . , ! ' nuiin. 11 x xictv.i 1 I would like to be a description of tiliAirjininMCiHfa ...-! c".Tni tV t hn .1 . illlull-lliuuiM.u vu 'l l.'C . (lUULHUll Hie 1U1I1MV1IIK lyWllP i " i'iuiiuil i il.-J ail.ji.-.:u : unnvu . A .-A A- 1 '.. C, 1 1! I ... I. - ,. 'PI.I.I... ....... 1, promiueni Htieeis, o:e n inoow . tion: uu muium or joseiiaus iauiois, w u.,'tjtniu!-y!is uaui-. Central I ? triet ...... . . . : a. x a m . . -,i i .. r- a! i a r. x I - ac ami n,tai.3 aure. 111 vtuiveiiLiuii hi ivnc.n- kv-i vui s u . t(.-4.vi m w an . in ini.s mj ?or ,..-.,.tr. ii . : able to give' bunr last Wednesday with every!. or bettermpnt of the people ! Raleigh Cor. Wil. Mennvr. .: p,cr. i.Af' some ot the county in the State represented, j Without good public schooling. ; not h ilpU(ir fn. ' , linin-fall in ... . , . .. i.. 1. r, .-. j t,i?. a i .ii? . . 1-jrt imllii.., , ,.....: lea i iimn:irtif!ii. m '., C.ti . . i suoport or tiie suo-ireasurv Din, 111 pu-incumi sicuc y nureas, ine finances arei-iM vnwuk u uicuuuk o;u. ;-- .... -to ... n.: it.?. . district has I e en about th Tbe Citien questioxic.V Col. Grant lyinge in state, the work ; shakiug hands across tbe Poto 1. Mr. Willis R. Williamf;, of i Senate wh made himaelf very ; averat:e with fAvorald pfft! Iave a large lot of good SIIORS of Polk particularly on that point. Js flne m ditterent colors ot i mac, across th Mississippi, tat, made the most ringing, contjaous aisgustiny to . on all cr0pK In some noriioiw 7 u'lmt I,,. ;,i .,,,,.,,..,.,.1 :,. in-.i. silk, it is the work of a .fatiaTiese ar-roy t.hp rflcrtrAiri t-ipob-j t i,a ! snecch tt' tho rvm volition, it the senators and the visitor hv U -a . . - A1 . ' . .. .. - ; : rA. vr' r " . un v.k month, , j i;vT; ; :o u o 1;!" rv; Hos incc-am uik ,r,d hV hj UUH-V 11 was dovc a inn im or iiiuKKir;saw.s r v. in.rn iu uu imrivicw ...... - - - . .ivvmvu, ouu, p,ianjv.i .I...., - .i...uiu. ..v.. - .. v"-'iiiie average t- i 1 1 1 s in a iu hit i which Col. Polk read over, be- pUah it, and is valued at ?l,0o0.; across the bloody chasm, across j refeieuee to a ien ownership f jpsMis'em employment or the! injur?ou effects' Temperature A Drive iu HAUNJCSS, cheaper tl fore it was printed, and pro-' it is enclosed in a handsome ; Mason's and Dixon's line; and I land. Some objection was made I arts et tJ.e demagogue. Hi3;liqj ..,., ,,hn.' th o,,,,! ti . uounced correct: j frame I suppose about 3 by whereas, conscienceless politi-jto this clause, but .Mr. Williams name was P. C. Thomas, of thei all Toth vi?? r f ! & MOs'l, "I never knew a people to be! Another window has a life tdso, ; ei&ns in our National Congress ! thrillingly and earnestly urged! eounfy of Davidson, and if ever j favorablv esoeriallv cotton ' C " .a . . a. t. f11, ta ai... -u , , "..,lit..n,1,..,i: ir -a i i..f...li ri .....i. fir -I.. ""-"'-o '"'l'1'-""' LUUUIl. so near a unit tn tnev are on 4""l,,n ""'t. . w.ch:h i nave auvocaieu measures aim L' uuuuii, lie iuumi ine uiai" is--'vt "-i 1 Mumyiuny itlnaiHnA ii,wi av1.t i . ai ..... . u.ii . . ,. . i.vnir f ii ..,'..f.,,.i. - i.;i ... . ,1 a: a. i Ui.f ill,..,.., '...a ....-.. imi.-.,-...-.i.K,a ?f i..C-UIi-,"M lia" oton aooui the i no oid-treasury um, or on us ! wi - i'uuir iur : axproeu eiiiiuivuiis u jiioush j -ijo t ciinE ano. oon iecfiuouc.- of 1 " ' ..f-'i.-i. oj j n,vei"'e witl favi mother, siste- or sweet-heart, the old sectional feelings en-i this country owned sixty mil- demagogue, lie made a speech ! ftT, (1 -.A .1 ! . - 1 . . ... . . . .-.i:...-.tl.,. . A 1.1 . 1 , ' W" - AU1T. ka-mftt.ne Pbi.auusnmeni ot a v-a-.. n;,,;, prirciples " he said. Further on iu tho same au-! here also is a cannon captured j gendered by the war; therefore, . .3 ; . " i 1 li .11. 1 1.1- WrQ t;li5llir4-Ti I.i l.rttfli .-.ri l. .' I I11UU.IM1 llllUl VlUW V ill. I OIK iMteJ.nu..m in oi ue lb rable etfects ' said. 'I lind both republicans and dem ocrats ot the order equally zealous and determiiu'd to po to the source of the trouble now existing, to-wit the linancial system of the govern ment. Wo lx-lievo the sub-treasury bill is destined to reach the remedy, but if it will not, wo expect and de mand tlmt congress will devise a measure- that w ill do it. pie tho Revolution, Kverythin looks quite natural in the scene Resolved, That we, the State i Farmers' Alliance of Virginia, except the Old Southern pine, do intend to gra.sp with tighter with the straw on the ground, : Alliance grip the hands of which is a sickly blue, instead jour Alliance brothers of tho of green. Cleveland was ex-j North, determined to hold to pected and many arrangements j gether with locked shields in and a banquett was intended! spite of all efforts to arouse for him, but he was at Marion prejudices between us, until lions of acres of h nd and held ' agains mort. ages on one hundred mil-j commission. lions He did not want men and aliens to own land in this country whose only interest in this country was revenue and income. He pressed Lis points ,,; ,-,i . i i .. w... ..ov.avi.. a.o-aia-avi i using all tbe;in l5. fl;,irict. fn tn - . - v v j i. yfi,n l vtv-f t,'- Ua a v In r V. r-- 1. 4. a. V nts which are ured l.T !T.T" tthe pror-osed law and t ,wl 1 itlauie enects. i -pouusiime aoour tne averatre. hackneyed argume Otrains n f 4 r.i i- m'litlft f' Miri'-g" -"Pa favorably. eloquently and energetically ; tliat had been made by those!" " und he induced the man vrhq iu favor of the measure. SSttE S 1 fi objected to tho clause to with-; Thw same Thoina is now- & I IC&I nraw niS ODjectlOn. ,JUl 111 'l u ahmng Uie Aiil- Many pocaltar rolnta nuJto Hood'i Sar- uur neo-. quietly enioyuikT tne sea breeze, i the tinancial P!anciiat nn of; i ho convention wnu i.i-mn . anci to support ium ior uoii-, au&ertor to a other modicinoa. i.umnm im.- .ouu." ; and lollowiniT his favorite occu-' tho laborer and troducAr ie f-iMious and enthimii.tic it. wn'-g-ess m the .th i. strict, fie: r raj!"IB' rrope.-uon, h !N1:,,rV'-U,th:ri,ation' "hing."I would noticomplished iin actual session oii'ly three ! refers U. the demands of the , nilZ poW hve words Col. 1 oik ndnuts that the be surprised in the least if he! - ! Louis and adjourned oon after Alliance and says he "heartily j ua faacaratiro raiue o thoXVy mesu-ure may le t. nitty, that it may flllriri th nrpsidenf.il chair tl... ! Th W V-v ,o,nij ',.ln(.ir ' - i endor.-es these. reointlrM.u ,il t known remedies JLOof . I J?f fXS DolU C larger ruire lar2 produce aa goo PectOiar In Its nae to Rive way to something else, i next term. The women of New democracv is of the political ! How, then, can lu- mk.e indiscrind. j Fngland took a very proincueut , intermittent fever kind , yay s ; nating support of u a final . test for part in the demonstrations; a the Alliance "appears now to! Abide- votes'.' ; society called the Womans Re-' be moving sauarely atrain?t tlift ' : aomanjs. . to appea ' the ! k t n e . v . tt M:i . 11I.1.II 1aj.14-- I,. ... I VVUiiU! Ill l.H and ceooonir l!i- n,a I'm... .i ... ui.-.i. viii. ..uiiTC ;u Arn.-Ua !r,in.,-.. f , , : i ! sai'Pr, wpeu no.ipoae against rT !. lf-, Aill'.J . I. .VA . J ,.-..T , I. . , ai 1! HUD HI OJlJiOS and sonie ag: sutir the fanners themselves are not sol idly for the sub-treasury bill itself, although they aro a unit in the sup- Ftr?GCti o calrme- whkh cab trnlT One Hundred Dosos Salem High School. ESTABLISHED IN 1874. A Boarding School for Both Sexes Fall Term of the Session of 1890-91 Opens Anpst 4I&. s-lon r..,a.O i .... idlliudu h..!!,- A ...I ..!..,. O. . f :. inf IWi.,. ,..,., .11 ..I i 11.... .1 -a A.l yi!.L.u.!li ;,-,, ,;, ' A AT..... ...c. i... .. .i.. !i i. ..)iiUjim.vJuip -id iviuwcav o i uvi w isij t'AtH 1 1 ut ciiaiices i or JJood's ' sap 'ixil'a Pv v-v in Ji ' ,! t-ocr osuy measure; une- '. Medicines la underwood Cipt. s. B. Alexander ed by very prominent women. a democratic majority in the ! .,5 pT,r'"i .'.Jf'nii'-V ( Mthat the Ali:anre asked the last Crbrgef &&4 smiser totue tosav. i Mrs. John Logan. Mrs. Marv ' next concress." " 1 . .1,. . eulhy eiecu.a,j j t to A.nact - State' . ad fionot "Tho Athiu.co a, u body will not Livermore and many others too ; Has it occurred to tbe n","! aIli' ! Clu.nieie. VpSTir i! e thtoeleetion of Senator Vauce 1 rmmeroua to mention seemed tn t.hsif. nn .Vllir- m r.,.,.!. ."euKM..; . Hood's SarDarn mnn.i,.. ..T 1 am certain he will be returned. SW mneh nnh,n Hia! Vl, Torino ,.ui i.-mJ18 F. l,nder SUpervi-; CAX nkvku be- ' rto unknown. M4 ha, won for it tanner will of course work I, V. -"-w.a v..a .1... "ho Uion ot thoromrhlv - enmnetfint 1 - ; tee tltloof -The cre&w ninst him, but the majority willlL, resiaeo5, JMjn, Auuier, uen. j be a democrat as he sits in con-j harmd.:t aU(1 e"ve - s 1 no Signal, itadical organ ; runner erer diseorered.- jT ort him as of old. Tho fact is. hrutuu!l" r "to. Aiger. a nere ; gress: WOUlQ lift not voleUu .... wanis a new DOiitical 1 wuirinifs-goodraae CVit ! Wi-lv LfiUVCa-l illttil I rl l'I iTH ; . . .... V. -..- .v . A 3M ,r.f..i.n,i:.i. . .... veiauusnen. expre.:.ses lis : ' a. r " " '"-" "V" .iM,. .. . lean party, and desires a sort of cf aiiV RATES OF TUITION j i-rituary, . IiitermcvlLtte, I t'rade, I 2nd Gra-le, , Academic, iet1(id? '(2nd Grade, Preiiaratory Collegiate, Dusines-i Course, . " ' Teacher's Course, per month, $1 00. !er inonth, $1 to. per month, $2 00. per month, $2 2.r. per month, $2 73. Ikt month, $3 25. per month. $:i .t. per month, S3 Tr r-V Mi OAttAUrt 1 n1A.-i..n.t x-. 4 t 1 " i. L.'lltl tlT " nmocciciaiouuirjscs Ul AtSl-i akdlllSL a JLOTCB I'lll. V OUIO Tie ! . of n 1 1 1- come made by women, also ! not bo with Senator Vance on f. . lsps. The women t the tariff? And as to the sub-h several responses port oi the principles included in it, of Massacusetts seem to fill n ! trMWrv f,;ll nt rvVI PrtiVc I anu we beheve Vance will lo just i 5v t 3 " a. i 7, ' rr" .'. v i"' i ; leauunsiuitj poaiuous no uo tne t ine 1 ne Citizen ine oilier day! ti H RBm,Mi(.an Vllirnce and the near enough to what is right," Certainly the Democracy are touch hstnd.3, 'Not far apart; near enough to shake hands!" Vby, bless your life brother citizen, the Alliance is Democracy's family physician. Ko. Caucasian. men tors, herd There are Lawyers, Doc- that it mhrbt not be found toL "crl .1 . rtottof. ii.. iv: . T-sa.. i avju uas ixienoi more sld tn it U nue. amalgamation with the Far-i ?.urin?r5- VVruiiiir in us :me.V Alliance. That mn ; -T-aS -Vnal rord cf sales -.t cr iititiiiiv sain vr-srnr- . nas u I. . ... . . i . ' I U I 11 IX 1 M 1 . .1 . II. I 1. ana.De tne tnins? Besides this.!im it-. . . aay. m the convert inn f ! Publishers I am expecting there are some reforms favored 'and iravin Hie bMui s!;UIiae the DemocVa each week to see the name of ; by the Alliance that ought toUeM lue Di,na 5fc itic party.l-Ralelgh Co.-. Wil ! Mesena-er. l he Ariras some one of them come out as be secured, for they are meant a cauaioate ior tne presidency, j to be for the best interests of Ka-.m-.tmy. 100 Doses One5 i uiu;ii mo men nare cumo io me out iasnionea sort Jerjer- dolhix.'- .M'jrd the conclusion that they are all j gonial and ' men together, they don't-appear ' constitution nas won ior Itself S greatr-jt LloodlV coTcrcd." ey draa Clj TKT no otntr preparation (-ver attained sncb popn- approves most' iwnioneaeort-Jer- dolhix- Mrd: Peculiar to iL heartily of the acFon of the md according to the waif. Purity; ' ll"ootl -sm- '5f4.n n r. Won.-A8hoTllle Citizen, parilla. regata to i,he f armers' Alliance larUy in so short a time. and retained its popolarttr and eo&fidenco amonir all classes of people so steadfast!. Po not be indoced to buy other preparations, bat be sure to get tho romllar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla hf C. I. HOOU CO.. Apotho..!, 100 Doses One Dollar Havimr recently taken entire ch.rg. d' tlie stun-, 1 v. mid form the public that I am still at the Old s:iLn.l ;,nd al ready and anxious to servo thern. I have a larger stock now than ever bef. ro, :, t.ho . is must bo sold. I carry anything you want in th ; II ;;! WA RJ-: I.I N K. A large lot of Fulton Axes just received. ail grade, which wdl be on hand. ian ever. every on wariatilod b Como in and examine my stock when in town. Respectfully, I). M. RARTRICK. .... " ... SCHOOL ADVEUETISMKaNTS. hatin. in twli !;,... ... . TueMmle n3 . ALltPrlc UrHde. 2cenU rK;r month. School wli iJiK Tni1:. W;h!ch h4 bltherto beea hmght in tho l5iiifnIn?e!.,or the e'lg term, however we h v aUed Sonuir h th,reby to the depirt- T SPECIAL FEATURES. In addition to tho Widft emir-r Cc..,i.. ..rr.. i .......... ...... bederiviwl frntti .. """'J ""'i, epsciai navHTiiagM win for ho SliW SSIo.. connected with tho Sehoei, the genera! Influence SSi7" bigh toned and ' . " BOARD. Sciic? a??romSnoo 0 t141'.. convenient to the and everything Kded Iaa shm- room furnished enTfeeno exlra? Str50t Wcdiar Q contiug- For further information address, . G, E. BUTLER, Principal, ; .. . 11UXTLEY, N. C 1 .

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