THINK J THK CAUCASIAN. PIIO.I.-O'M KVKKY TIIUKSOAY. 1 T CAS1A Jrmuor ad i ; ' I " t X Hr MAttlOX 1UTLKK, KiKtor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIBE. !niu this I'aper to your neigh i r and advise ltim to sub- UEr v oti atj', rKKKUVl mn Ur;c t4ike ;K tlir iwitv m !: Tfcrc,'r nt.M a. a jiuUr iprf, Iuro Domooraoy and A7 1 1 to Suproinnoy, No. 47. VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1890. subscription lrio per Year, in Advance. CA N PROF lvSSION A L COLUM N . WU. ALLEN, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW, Goldsboro, N. C. Will practice in Sampson bounty. A M. LKK, M. I). TUB EDITORS CHAIR.' HOW THINGS LOOK FKOM OUU STAND POINT. I'll YHK'IAN,SllKOF.ON AND DKNTIST, ()'!(( iii Ixe's Drugstore, tej-lyr J A. STEVENS, M. 1). . 1'IIYHICIAX AM SUIIOKON, ( Office over Post Office.) jtf-May be found at night at the rildeiice of J. II. Stevens on College Street. ..J?Jim If E. FAISON, ljL ATTORNEY AN1 ColTSSEM. or at Law. omen on Main Street, will practice in eourts of Sampson and ...r, f..iiiiiiw. Also in Supreme h . - i Court. All business intruded to his tare will receive prompt and caret ul attention. J? 7l3rr WS. THOMSON. Attounky and Counsell or at Law. Office over i'ot Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad Joining counties. Ever attentive And luitliful to tht interests of all client. Jo7-lyr L.V . KKKlt. Ii. A toknky and ok at Law. Office on W all Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Ponder, Harnett and Duplin Conn- .1.... Alu in SlnttrfMilO CoUTt. Prompt personal attention will ie given to all leU jMwmiw. ie 17UIANK IiOYETTE, D.D.S 1j Dentistry nmo.i on Main Street. OuVrs his services to the people of Clinton add vicinity. uvcryinmg in tho line of Dentistry done m the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. .-vMir tm-iil-l III'' strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule vely small nuiuher of privat citi zens. "In all its uses the railroad is the most puhlic of nil our roads, and In all the objects to which its work re lates, the railway corporation, is as outme as any organization can oe. But in the start it was labelled a private eorioriition. and, as far as its hgal status Is concerned, it is now ground with eleemosynary in stitutions and private charities, and enjoys similar immunities and ex emptions. It remains to be seen how long the community will suffer itself to oe the victim of an abstract definition. 1 1 f ii . i i l : . : . i. 1MvUciil minds,a stretch of the common ima Kalnrdav week has an editorial filiation und much refinement ar.d of over a column in length con- u?.UIltX "flaw to maintain the old The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. THE CAUCASIAN AND THE RAIL ROAD COMMISSION. t is so strange that we must J only 91 from Clinton. In fact, ask for an explanation, but for it costs no more to slap .i car argument sake we will accept It J load from this place to .lack- as it stand:. The News and sonville, r lorida, than it wou'd Observer then goes on to say : to Kalhili. Again, the stores Now in North Carolina we have in this town last winter had no llailroad Commission, and I v.,rtiiai-i ..... . u ii... i 51. I f to --lt.;u wiiii yei ino cuarges uy .t roads are not much dinerent irom upyics, uiw w ""u" the very lowest rates nxea oy me Miclugau .none of them equal Georgia Commission as above luo- , . , . W4fitern twl I " ' vw I . ..... Thfuin r!ti nre sitatiil as follows : I Carolina. W hv 1 thl8 7 All cerninif Thk Caucasian and the Railroad Commission. The edi tor of that paper commences by .saying : Then, too, this question o OoiiNf ki.l- "Hcincr a constant and apprecia tive reader of Tiik Caucasian, onr attention has been attracted by its articles on the need lor a uaiiroau I Mannn i MfttU !a Commission. Wo have road with w " interest what our esteemed eontem- of the seven points in wnicn we oorarv has had to say on the sub- L,inpoiv it. fn lo tho rhit.v of tho jectand we freely say that while I , wo have heard many gentlemen say owihj w kuu.iu aiun viM.U6 they wanted such a commission, and crous powers of railroads and while some of our exchanges have , nrrinrations so expressed themselves, we do not olliei orporationH. remember to have soon in iorin ine oiaie snoum : Carolina any presentation of the .nd. Prevent discriminations subject so satisfactory as that made . by Thk Caucasian, instead of between individuals. dealing in glittering jjeneralities, ;ir(i. Prevent discriminations that paper has given some tacts m . . locations connection with the matter lor its . . . .. r(.a.i,.rs to think about." 1th. Prevent discriminations Uut our able am liction that such organizations are ... Wl. .1 nor, iiuiiiic. cnrrtoratians. it is a real condition and not an abstract theory that to day confronts the American neonlo. Tho government mast soon m rv - reeaoturo and control the Railroads or be captured and subjugated by tnem." W. A V. It. It. STlK lvllOLIi:K Mi:irriNi. ABTICI.KB. llacoii, Flur. iraln, Cotton, Fertilizer. Tobacco prized. 54 12 n 10 19 15 5TS 1 1 12 H 20 18 18 14 30 2.1 ss,ja examination of tho freight rates 23 3T. 17 2 v will lrivo the answer. Yr9 know I J of only one lot of Western Car ii- I l inn annlaa aivp1 Ml Clin MA. I. MoC lVM I V H 1-; A It l I'ltUM A it A IN. Nin Lines to be ltollt. After the busin-.t before the meeting had befii brought up in detail and been freely and fullv discussed, a resolution Amo .). Cuiamin.-i.J Mr. Sprinnr un-loubtl!y an iKiya tije pi akor. but Mr. Koors, if A!a.l atna, seem to make him wild. A ttury illti!- N K W A 1 V i:i n I S KM K NTS. HOLIDAY'S niscusseu. u rrftuunvu , , . , ,, i a ,!, , trative ot this fnct is told: adopted authorizing the . ,..,...,, of rebates and sitfnee told us that tho freight 24l. was equal to the original cos We must ask the News and of the apples. If these facts are Observer, bv whom the above not snfficient to convince the rates were stated? They are News and Observer, they should certainly not the rates charged at least induce our contempora fmm nvnnint in rv to investigate the matter the State. Our contemporary further. If the present rates should collect a few freight bills are reasonable and the manage ana see how some one has im- ment of these roada are just and posed npon him by furnishing fair to all the citizens andlocal- the above table. Now it is gen- ities alike, then the raiiroaua erally conceded that the have nothing to fear from a frAiVM rates on the V. & V. commission and the people can roads are lower than any other well afford the small cost to in the State, at d Clinton has as have the light turned on. a low or lower rates, we are told, commission will be a Doara oi than any other non-competing arbitration an impartial judp noinfT on the road. 'We have be- (from whose decision there will i . . . . , x . . fore us fifty freight bills cover- be the right oi appeal u jury; int? a dozen different kinds of to stand between the people aua freight and every one of them the corporations to see justice Hhows a higher rate than that done to both alike, llow Dei- quoted by the News and Obser- ter could the small amount of vr in the above table. We will the cost be expended in me m teres t of harmony and justice, of guano, 40,(KJ0 pounds, from and as such, there should be was extension and completion of the Nashville branch from its present terminus at Spring Hope to the eity of ualeigh, or to rnrham. or to both, or to anv point on.the Lynchburg nnrham railroad. A lurtuer resolution was adopted authori zing an increase of the capital tnek of the Wilmington and Weldon Bailroad Company, un ilr net of Kebruarv '21st. 1M4 Raleigh to Clinton, a distance of none tooppoHejt- a fJoonnsi vouth who answered liKi-iiwiti.i' si uuarter) an advi-rtirO to make money with out work, got in reply v piece of pa in, i inscribed: "Catch suckers, as we do." Kx. Uoniai kable Kckciic. Mi. Michael Curtain, riamlu-ltl, ill., makes lie stnteiiu'iit that she caught eoM, which .settle! on her luns; she was t. filled for ii month by her family l'hy Mciau, hui grew worse. He told hei whe was a lioi'e!es! vietim of consumiition that no medicine, could cure her. Hrrdinggist &ugj;itcd Dr. King's New x foil to note the distinction Discovery for Consumption; who nought . a boltle and to her delight found hers' If between the right which Cltl henetited from lirhtdose. Klie continued zen9 have to manage private tr'X'oX property tor PrimU nse,, nd the own housework and is as well as she ever pnyilega by sufference of so- yVXu .S called private corporations to Drugstore ; iatg-' bottles 5e cents and manfige their property for public uses. The first great duty ot one dollar. Vf.ur lesson to-dav is on Nouns are names of things. Small Boy Is ghost a noun ? Teacher Yes. Small Hoy How can it be'. They aint no such thing as a ghost ! our able contemporary in tho shape then goes on to say that he had drawbacks. long fciuce decided that it was 5th. Prevent the pooling or not bst to pass a commission combination of roads and is still of the same opinion. oth. Require the establish- He supports his position, which ment of joint latcs between m he desired to establish, as fol: dependent lines. IoWd: 7th. Require the publicity of 1st. That the State ought not to all rates IZl.H'l Tbe wrongs and injustices business, uuless the ratej are so un- every day committed that tne easonahl5 as to be plainly oppressive atJOYe actions on the part of the t!mK17hSho State is already un- State would prevent are crying der contract not to interfere with evils and call loudly for a rem this right with the great bulk ot the , The aboye points form roaus, aim imuuiuic; iiim mi jfu. i of sunnrvision and control. the great points ot the Inter :ird. That the freight rates are al- gte Commission bill as passed ready reasonably mw. Congress and it is desirable ow let us iodic a T tktwrv State should have a positions taken by the News and , . doing justice to both the Observer. Certainly the learn- .'nnnltv anfl comDieteness people and tho roads. ed editor is too good a lawyer -x. M,nnat rt n Tho next is a box of meat. matter of such high importance, weight 615 pounds from Golds As to the second position of boro to Clinton, a distance of 42 . xw and Observer, that the miles, 98 cents. According to charters of the bulk of the roads the rates quoted by the News are perpetual free license con- and Observer the freight should mta. nnrl that therefore the be only 66 cents. State has bargained away its The next is 800 pounds of pa- power to protect its citizens, we per (news) rrom ueign 10 wm will simply say that that is a ton, 91 miles, $2.24. This is difference of opinion. We do class 6 in Georgia, and for 91 not believe and never shall miles is 17 cents per hundred or that the Legislature intended to $1.36 for 800 pounds. The " next is for ten barrels One day when tho thermome ter marked 100 degrees in Wash logton,. the :rpeaKer was ?aun tering through a Democratic aisle when he wa approached by Mr. McClammy, of North t Carolina. Met. amuiv looks like a horse -hair endowwl with life. lie is tho thinnest niem her boutu ot me l'oiomac. ills tariff speech was an opal of eloquence. Uiu meeting the to such an amount as may fce Speaker in Hie awle he said, ho ' r Mini story goes: 9!"i r , .n' t "I want y.., s.r, to u..ll. t uiafa na' T tin -" 1 - n i u.i,,,, f up a bill. If you dun t do it, eiiwiaiou am. I viiii'll Iim sinrrv ffr it." 1 11 .1 Ir l.MAMi-alt 9 l.lll I f V v v - j - - - - - - lie sctuiauu oc lit,..t ...... "i., .... he Albemarle and Raleiffhl t ul u,rt,llw . ; i,. t' ..A Cll UVIC1IUII.C UlOliUdUllI J i y l,P.jnt ami tlint trnn'r in " W&shinirton. and also the ex- r-- ' tension and COUlTjletion Of the A .srnvil IN TIM K SAVKS N1NK!" infernally torry .You'll be dumb ed sorry.'' "What do you mean?' the Sneaker asked, with a lurid Nashville branch to Ualeigh or Durham, or to both, or to any toint on the line of the Lynch burg and Durham railroad the construciiou oi an mese oruncn- , , . , . , a 1.0!,, olronv Iippi. ftllthori- lllt 1,1 l0lt .'!- .A Til:? "."i,,' ,.iM mean just this, McClam .... ........ A il... UIV IIT 'HO'l- uviii w v uieresoiuuon gives 10 u? - rt., . tni. ., .. i-y. i 11 1 ICvvKltl viuii nun KVV Jjoaru oi directors uie power i ...:... 91 miles 858.00. This is 14.00 more than the rates quoted by the sews& Observer and 19.60 more than the same freight for 91 miles, with all extras add ed, would cost in Georgia under a commission. A commission in this State might reduce the freight oven lower or not quite so low. Ic would allow a fair In spite of the rise in recent years of so many organizations of teachers in the United States and of the work of a considera ble number of normal schools, the specific training of teachers in the broadest sense i yet neglected by our most importan institutions.Fresident G. Stanloy Hall, of Clark University, who has nerhans made a more thorough study of this subject in European countries than any other American of the time, uMalrau iiii niffrrii " l r McClammv renli:.d; "you'll bo Don't wait to gi t sick, but whtt you begin to fcvl tmd ooiu and grjt a doo of rutit ino nd provtiit lck neru. Thi in tho proper u f mM icinc. If you will do thi you will scarcely ever have a doj-tor' Mil to pay or hw nior.thi of time, iumI pt,t your friend mid relative to such u th ai of troubb. In additi)n to my vmnlete line of pur-? &nd reliable Drug. 1 rry arner'it log t'abln lU-nutiix, 11. H. II.. thoS. S. S.. Uulnine in n mall and Inrgemiantitio; Simmon's Liv er ltguIator, i-amoir ShcIQc Or- hiip' lutHMiia, i'uticura Ke moo ion, Dr. I'ieriTH Favorite l'mvrlptloo. the tiohlen .Meunal llitrovrry. llors and Cattle Powder (1 iound packages prepare! by the Herb Co. of. V. Va. Uiukcr brand.) Prescription carefully roiuiniuin!- itl. IxH-al and otllce prai tlco upn re quest. HeHrtfully, augl tf Dit. H. II. IIOl.l.l DAY. to arrange tne opening oi no ,, w uj subscription and tbe of i They'll sem new stock and piovides that der in' sight worse than Rogers." :That settles it." the great man from Maine is reported to lose the renomination. Tho the proceeds of the sale of stock issued shall in each ca-aa be strictly applied to the con struction and completion ot the branch lines on account of which the same may be issued. Wilmington Messenger. How about our load through Sampson from UurgaA' to Dunn? Tt skeins to have been forgot ten. Ho. A. AN1 N". V. K. IC A have said. " l on 11 be recogni red. McClammy. In simple justice to Maj. Mc Clammy we will state that, in our opinion, no man from tho South has made greater strides in Congress than the gallaut littlo Scotchman from Scott's Hill. A LLIANCIi rANXUKY. . At the meeting oi the stock- nf lh A. ,fe N. (). R R. a. jl v w w-v m at Morehead City on We'dnes-I Recently we made note of the fact that the Farmers' Alli ance of this place had in con- ment hope JEFFERSON DAVIS, Ei-Pruldeit of the Cobfedeute Stiles. MLMOIU, I1V HIS WIFK. Two large and handsiinie octave volumes. About !,'i(K))ttigcH. Ilea vv imiMT. Manv tine Illuntrationx. The only authorized life of our doad President. tiranJ, lunvc and good, one day Justice, which survive" all, whall havo triumphal, his llguro will bo se'!! In the clear light of our country's hiftory, Hide by nlde and hand in hand with thono "few im morta 1 names that were not born to I'le." This memoir of the irreat MtiiUH- mim by the lovicg hand of his wife, must take its place in the archive of the nation. .All sensible men, north and south, must read it. It must become one of the text book jf tho coming generation. )1i:moi:i Comtaxv, Publlsherw. JAStl. MATTllKWii, Taylor's lirldge, IS. u. Sole Agent for 8aniou Co. aug'Jl lm CIDER IIKAIXiUAKTKRS FOR HKST PEACH AND A1TLK CIDKR, (Comer of Kim and R. R. Street.) lli Wtoto ia to its eiti Teacher (in grammar school) t to-dav is on nouns 7ons and their interests. A cor poration is an artificial person. ThoStato creates it,and breathes part of tho State Directors, who resicrned. owing to his recint nr: 4 ...1 Tkf locating in ivhisiwi, i- points out in a practical paper r L Kennedy, ji Lenoir, was in the September number of named as his successor. It is the Forum what he conceives said by every one who attended to be the proper training of the meeting, that President ,L Chadwick's report, as did the teacher., ine aenuno sug,- tB of all th-e departmental tionsthat he makes are such offi(.erSj si,owed ti e most !X as could be taken up and carried cellent, frugal and progressive out in a great measure at least, management in th whole bv 'almost any American in- history of the road. We shall stitution. We have room lor ' , , " 7 r Kverv European governmen , fhftV shall be nublished. In Catarrh Can't Cured With LOCAL APPLICATION, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu tional disease, and in order to cure it you l ave to take internal remedies. itU' Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts uirectly on the blood ana mucus surface. Hall's Catarrh into it uie, aim ciomw wim . . grant ami vest any t3uiu uns mw ucai AO ui ji,very ruiiM-'t'1111 kcuic" as tney snail oe xiuuusneo. in extraordinary powers lor spe- privileges as claimed by the 0f flour from Wilmington to keeps expensive agencies to the meantime, we congratulate cific purposes. Having done ne under their interpreta- Clinton, a distance of 69 miles, learn promptly the latest chan- the administration right hearti- this, it is the duty of tho State ihoir linrtors. And the 83 90. Now turn to the 17th re- ge? and improvemente m all y at the generous and merited to Lruard well that these extra . Anawie pja.20. turn to tne '-r ui and military matters in to gunru vvcu viiaw., ,v hmit to Unrt nr thfl Ooorffia Commission " in ordinary powers are not used to iniiinu lintil s0L0(r41 79. nd seo that flour as Sflff. . rHn,t itsplf to , , x :.... hiioii ii" iun.j''""., v'-ti 100 mo uiijv vv j the detriment of the citizens I . . -i.. : 1 I rtn nri tn i decided by a court 01 last a-p-1 class 1? ior o iunoa .up every uuw wuu4.u, ! the natural persons, or any part ; llot n1 SnsmJ nai nr 1 .60 nlus 20 Der avail itself of it. Every entnr- of them, each one of whom V . .... a . r . ,i.., -n ...1,1, arising manufacturer or dusi- ly at the generous and merited "well done" accorded by the stockholders at their meeting on Wednesday. Goldsboro Ar gus. t i . . : 1....: atarrh of them, each one 01 wnom - coroorate nt ttra on class F. which pnsmg manuiacturer or um- euro is no uuack medicine. It waa stands helpless and alone in the n"'ssi ff ,' 0, Q i'D ness house ainaies new pruews, prescribed by one of the best physi- q ai;crimirmtion, oppres- ence, aireoi or mu ' - supplies, fluctuations of taaie or cians in this country for years, and is ce 01 aucriminauLu, pi opinion ()f a number of the rate in this State,as given by fashion, and markets in other a regular prescription. It is com- sion or injustice, save wlien ana lawyers in the State the News and Observer, There is lands. Every respectable man poseu oi mc uosi. iuuhs is.ihjytii,mi- as protectea uy tne bmed witn tne nesi moou purniers, VT.ipnce and wi3ftoin The perfect combination of the two world so far has shown that this ingredients is what prouuees sucn wonder! ul results in curing cararrn. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprietors, Toledo, Ohio. tep-Kold by all Druggists, 75c. OPPORTUNE All. lmost 1 A A ever5' weem ior neany tnreo years advocated tho establish ment of small industries for the town, and we are gratified to learn that the Alliance will ta ke steis to open un and de velop this industry. Small manufacturing industries do as much good proportionately in spreading money and giving em ployment to labor as do larger ones. In fact almost overy large manufacturing establish ment in the whole country be gan on a small scale and grew as the demands of tho business trrew. We hope our Alliance friends will not let the matter stop, tint that they will organize n eoninanv and be at work for the next season. liesides giv imr employment to people thrtrn is rnonev in it. Scotl nd Neck Pemoerat. WKATHKH CltOl IIULLHTIN For the Week, ending August '.W. lias snown inaL mis .. . . i i i. .ii. i'n.itii kqi rnnn ni i 'iMnmrtna oiitiiv. iviiiii ... , -n . i . i r 1 1 t ...luu ill I 1 1 n i I ni 1 1 . . li . bui uuun. I 1 1 .1 1 . ji 1 11 l 1 1 111 j - . . -1 . ... 1 . . . -. . 1 . . . . . 1 w. 1 1 w . . . . 1 . . t 1 1 . . . . . 1 i. iii. i 1 1 1 . . - (n 1 ... w . . v. - - Aiir iiih i' ir 11. 11 il t ill. I A w . w .J 1 . w r . Aiian ni n r 1 1 ! ra 1 viu 1 00.1 Vki rfrirtmil W Ifirt nv , I . ... uiwcn muusmm uuiiu.i.1 J ; and Banking Co. vs. Smitii, et i3 visiting in this county nap- si0nal schools for teachers, our This will be good news to those means ot a checii an QlV j appiy to the charters of pened in oui ofiice while the city and State supervisors, and wllo are interested in the use- kuown as a commission, which ot thlB state. Gov matter was being discussed and even our highest educational ul work that this college is does not manage the business of to tho fnm5ahM this frelirht bill, institutions, are conducted with- floi ('orrespondence Editor Here's a fellow who wants to know how he can acquire a llow ot language. What shall 1 say to hi in? Snako Editor Ask him if he ever tried stepping on a tack with his bare feet. Light. corporations, save when they PRaieri' 111 , CiJ , n Per o Putut115' or eVen studying, When th 1 1 rnoro1 AaapmWv Of this I O05? nroiTiiiiJ tnbaeCO lrOUl CerrOI.. . lana I,. . , Tti. t t-irrwnt I uo"c,ul . i - r ., me expeneuooB ui uiu court decisi . x State, aavocaung tne oreauou uorao to iienuciruu, .awwn dol verp.rt fears were Ckntuai. Okfick, Raleigh, N. C. Eastern District: The tempe rature has been aoout liio avent ge during the day, but the nights have been cool with heavy dews. Lowest temiera- ture reached 5 1 degrees. Cotton Happy Hoosicrs Wm.Timmous, Postmaster ville. Ind.. writes : "Electric l.aj ilnnr mnrn for mo than all medicines combined, for that bad fare feeling arising from Kidney ana lui- ,rho latQ president mismanage that manage of ble than sound or tenable, when T) orations, and we investigate how often the " uoue uy mo e recent sion'iu the Federal ! fertilizer shows rust in some places, but j...,,,! ' i not wfde spread. It is opening " SWEET AND HARD CIDER always on hand. In addition to this pleasant and healthy drink. I keep Tobacco, Snulf, Flour, Potash, Cundies, Soda, and Pea-Nuta which are sold at lowest prices or cash. ;fX) Pipes', of all styles and sizes. 1 ry ouh. Respectfully, je 21-1 yr. ARE YOU All HEIR? Mure than half a billion of dollar in unclaimed ehtats are awaiting the rightful heirs in England. Hcot- land, Walt-sand Ireland. .Moslol these lieirsare in the United States, and have ieen ndvertiteu lor in English pajxT. Thousjindsof heim have never seen lli?w alvertlso iiK'nts. If youi ancestors on your f ather's or mother's hide came from any of the above named countries do not fail to write to E. IIom, Eu roiH'an (!laims-Ajrency, 2-7 (irand St. New York, and ascertain if you are an heir. Your dcocaHcd ances tor's rights are yours by British law. We have information of every es tate and deceased tcrwon wno e heirs have been advertised for In 12-1 yesirs. S'nd istal note Ibr 50 cents to insure information. If you are an heir we will recover tho es- No recovery no lee. Tn th Ammst number of the entertained bv some that the - ' i w I . . lit n ? c.,, Rflnatfir Chandler, of College wouia De oaaiy crip m. uiii rv-AMi " 7 i i Id regulate these cor- find tobacco unmanufactured, N Hampshire, wrote an argu- pled, but happily Las money that it is their duty, . ?. . " I , - from the Feleral Treasury will h,a pnmnmtfi author- prized, for 253 miles, il cents nt m favor of a law for the . jBnfiim, in mnditinn " TVo - ,,ivoh,, itics themselves, to remedy the per hundred, ior national control of elections, to work steadily on towards th? of Ida- mana,ne,f thisprivate bu- wronB8fWiU hardly admit ofadoubt. d aud so on we might directing Lig attention chiefly Kal that it has before it-tbat Bitters smess so-called elfecU the ind - At any rate the people de- continUe indefinitely. Nowfer- to polTticai affairs in- the is to stand foremost among . v. .1 mand t tilizer and tobacco were not in Southern state3. Jn the Sep- Agrie. iltural and Mechanical ofo ai,i that this Domt be test- . . -. . ... K;olleges. caate inrouicie, "7" the WDie as puuuauw tember number ot tn rorum rThe appropriation gives the ge James A. er trouble." John Eeslie, larmer . n - eat soeech in the anu stockman, 01 same piace, says: i " -j Find Electric Bitters to bo the best United States Congress advocat- . UrVh Aiir friflnn. thfi newfl auu irn.,ran nf A ahuma. in tl. --f ... i vy miv - I Ovllcvl'vi .uuifttuj " ' I VOtiege IO,'Hj I I mo mci The third position oi tne nKMrVfi- nuotes us as eiving. Lir tn RAiuLtor Chandler. VMr- SSI 7 nOO for the second; Kidnevand Liver medicine, made ing the Inter State Commission No wc sand Observer is that the UTqw g.QCe Qur ablfl cotemporary ut er pointing out-wbat he con- 820,0CO for the third; 22,5 me loci like a new man.-' j. vv . ot n wnicn wis passeu auu j& Aicigiiv , , v; hi v low. ltsavs: now m Under oration up, not lor tne perpetuation 01 a 1". ' IAV ft,r mention one moie case in point. TO,Qa nf facts and opinions to bt nnt of monev arising from .wf ih iiri ttT 1 i L-r O I ACTO fif hAQ. TllTPS lVfll UV AUft vavv.w, -w , , u.u.m- v- - I r 11 1 I UL V liaill.V 11AV C V-v- fcv v I . , . . . .1 I . T- HT Gardner, hardware merchant, sime town, says; Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new Ieaso on life. Only 50 cents a bottle, at It. II. IIoixiday's Drugstore. pitaf; notntoy 'enable a company of the principle Georgia railroad are as Tlie Carolina Veneer Works of proye that the federal control the sale of public lauds. Ed. Johnson "Why is tho moon often spoken of as the silvery moon?" Jackson "Because we tret it m halves and quarters, I suppose.',' Bnckleu's Arnica Salve. The best Salve iu the world tor Cuts, Bruise?, Sores, Ulcers, Saltllheum, Fc vnr Korea. Tetter. Charmed Hands. Cliil- hlflins. Corns, and all Skm ErunlionH. and nosiiivelv cures Piles, or no rav required. It is guaranteed to give per tect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. B. II. IIollioay, Clinton, and J. 1. SmixHt liniggist, .Mount unve, A. 1; and nicking nan commenced. Rice harvest in progress iu the fcoutheastevu counties, crops ex cellent and some weeks earlier that usual. Good crops of po tatoes. The average rain full for the week tn this district was 1.75 inches, which is some fiat siiifivo the averaire. A very heavy rain storm is report- (xA nn th-i niirht of 28tli at Rocky Po;nt, Pende.- rouuty. The advert seinenis are an im- irortant feature of every paper The women, wh are the linan- ciers of eve y household, recog nize this so thoroughly that they 1 1 PVAr think In these days of - y b a. - - w For 24 Years J. T. GREGORY has occupied hU same TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT on i'liurcn rireet. ine gruui h rlgnal luler in low prices for men's clothes. Economy in ciotnano money will force you to giv mm a can. ' itfrlatest Fashion plates always on hand. juneitn. lyr. a rirwt-:;iaHH liAUHKit Shop. If von wish -a firt-class tihave, Hair Cut, Hhampoon or Mustache Dye, call at my place 01 nusine on Wall Street, three doer from the making any purchaser without I corner of M. 11 aiiKtein's, there you "... . . . 1 ... ... ..11 . . looking at the newspaper, 10 eo 1 win una me i u iurB. citizens more conveniently to carry follows: -. lr-.linton is a home enterprise, n ai0.f;nn is not desired in . 1 ll.t 11ArAl lkf It'll I 1 151 1 1 I .4 1 1 1 1 I " ' I J- M VV W k-r on private industry; out . I - , M . rf the rtn ftf tho countrv bv corporations, unknown to me eariy misaiuu .w. w k.. D - - - a.uj o-.... - law writers, nas arisen anu to mem have been committed the great nnwer of the railroad and the tele graph, the great instruments by AETKI.ES. 1 10 which modern communities live and IH"' have their being, bince the dawn I Grain! of history the great tnorougniares 1 cotton, have belonged to the people, hare 1 1 IhnVin.rlnhitrliWilVU I lOIOOOprulU, or the nublic highway, and have The above table .13 10 19 8 14 U a o ?.18 15 14 25 10 40 'You have parted from MLs hou.e demand Will tta .Sews the , of the people. afrajd Ler 3 o to nnrt Hvrvflr n easB luveBusaw aAfa ti,o inprcnanw anu . ' s-- - iiwcuuo v-. 1 brother wouia cause our i?epar a,- whr fh TJiiloiffh craDe growers I .f0.,,.o.a of tho border L- 1. a-.a r 8 30 1 J " - - mouuwiKvuivi- - 11,1011, allU iic inti. V. do not buy their grape baskets gtes against the accusation of 1 didn't know she had a bro- io from this factory ? KAnntor Chandler that their ther." f.20 23 IS 20 2f ; 11 1 501 W where they can purchase tho most cheaply. Jv. RAZOttS SIIARP.SIIEABS KEEX! If you want a good job don't fail to call on me. J. Ht SIMMONS, aprlO tf Barber. Senator The baskels ate quoted lower! trade relations with the. South I . a a Tl 1 - a, 1 mwa vlltr TOtoa n. sit this factor v t nan at uie 1 e- maae mem wiwanu,. 15 70 "Put sht has. I'm her brother." or the public highway, and have 'J he aoove tame 01 raws, i" " . . I , A. . . A been open to the free use of all on it Btana3 , never appeared in this tersburg factory, which is. to- Morgan's article is strong ana tmvmpHt nfimmall uniform tax Or 1 - . I To1Q;rli - TIia UA nninf and shnnld Titit the t - - " . 1 1. . Ann Timina v huiiui v jjik j.u&.wu. v T . . . . . T . .- I TIM T IM T 34. 1111 I I I I W I 1 1 I I 1CUU. V I " J KT mm ..ill lstsin iriam i T"f. .! 1 r t .1 11 I iuvw. v ' " . . . to the Doint and should put the mnaf Imnni-tatif. rnoila Vnnwn tftl .. , .. ,n i- . . I 1. nvnlonotinn thnnch it lslVi.11 tn alnmft. if shame there robyTtS.i3. beyond our compression. 1 148 miles from Petersburg andj is in them. Miss Gabbie "And yon didn't hear of it?" ot a word from anybody.' "I've known itvf or a week, so there I thought everybody had heard I ... . . m mm ot it by tuis time." i h-.i hlp-sed thia-Southern country with bountiful crops. 'NOT TOE. it.... J.. 1 ... 11... ..Ir-.,!.. .-! HVJ i VAJl IOW IU ..u.iu.S?) v MITAT.IP1W1 AM All. t ft . 41-4 w F ..111 II.MaI A j- - mm ei everj , m. i . u . ... n mlni(itrator of E. B.Owens, de pay his honest debt that jus- , tl ce is hereby dventoall tice mav keep equal pace witn .unu mvlnc aid - estate to make prosperity. Tho Tresbyterian. I immetliato payment. . tm mm All parlies noioing ciaii iijijD Give me a dollar's worth ofstamis, said estate are herebv notified to tlease." Eaid a ladv to the clerk at present their claims within twelve the postoffice. months from this date, or this m "What denomination, ma-lam ? tice will be plead i in bar or their re- 1'fpsbvtnrian. I sui'iiose... That's covery. JOIlr S. UWJslN. what Mr. Wanamaker is, I believe. ; t Adnilnwtrntor. I Judge. j This August 1st, 1890. 7-t : i i ;i . 1 i t i : 1 I il -.1 I. t t f - 5 1 1 ? t e !