f'l riu: vucasian. THINK J CAS - - i .! KVKKV THL'KSOAY, mauVox'hutler, ! I :i:t i l'i njii i-tor. si: US' JIM he. ; t ? 4LUIUOIS VPYIKTIMM. .'UKATI ki:viyks v.ui-.y ? !KCl lS mat? a ; ; !.:.., Vl Rnv fnHin 1 i l'!IIKi; VIS rzav a U';f t -... uo the i art- ftu..u t. tts.!. 37u.ro Domoorwcy txxxd. "OTTlxltO Suprotuncy v t Ins I 'aper to your neigh-! .:: advise him to Stlb-I Hi VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, SPETMBER 25, 1890. No. 50. -..lipiion Price !.." cr Ye ir, in Ail!inc'. r n TT TTT1 h -- JL JL JLJ1 i: li'KSSIOXAL COLUMN. II. A I I i li N , ATI1 UN I'.V- AT-I.A W, (i.ldsb(r, x a. ill practn ' in Sampson county, : . -WJ7 tf V M. LKK, M . I). i '!! , -n i.N,Sr uoko - ami Dkmist, i in l.t-c's I M ug Store, je 7-lyr A. S lYA'KN'S, M. 1. I'll YSK AN1 S 1 7 UU KO.V , (Ollice over Post Office.) -ta" .M.iy be found at night at the i , ulenee of J . I . Stevens on College. -In.t. je 7-lyr j I SO. FAISOX, oiiatLaw. Ollice on Main Street, .vill practice in courts ofSampson and i. (joining counties. Also in Supreme t'ourt. All business intrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr TIIK KIMTOIl'S CIIAIIC. Tin: vanci: kksomtions. now Tinxas look j-'hom OUli STAXI I'OIXT. vv S. THOMSON, Attoiinkv am Counhi:m.- OtiAT IjAW. Office over I'ost Ollice. Will nraeticc in Sampson and ad joining counties. ,nd faithful to tin -1 i nts. Mr. Editor: In your report of proceedings f the County Con vention you are in erro. in ri- g.ard to the trcngtli of the tions, aw passed. lotions brought A GREAT SPEECH BY A (illEAT MA'. -f wording and Vance resolu- Tlie first reso- in by the com- The Opinion of The Editor and the mittee on iesolutkms,and which THE PEERLESS VANCE 711 E MOMENTOUS ISSUES OFTHEJUY. Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. The Treasury comes to the reuet of men who gamble in stocks and bet on crbis. while Conirres heaps more taxes on the men who pay for the trans were rejected uy voio or eigni town-l'ipfj to even, commended the course of Senator Vance and inftttucted our inetnles in the Legislature "to vote forhltr un der all circumstances and to use all honoiable means to secure lii" re election to tlie United States Senate." The second resolution, intro duced bv Dr. G. W. Mossley, was Many Things, Much Talked About and Well Understood, Made very Plain. HIS POSITION ON THE SUB-TRtA- SURY AND THE NATIONAL BANKS. hiirhlv commendatory and an portation and those who raise proVed of his course in the Sn and consume the crop. T Y. ate. i Vrrii Mr. W. li. Stewart, however, so amended this resolution as to substantially tne same report When you hear a Republican instruct our members to yote for that was furnished the State J I i una fi pat loot orifl nil Tlllii T i A We give belowr the i3p ;"t of Senator Z. B. Varces speech at Goldsboro, wiiicl; we promised our readers last week. It is liver attenhve interests of all je 7-lyr ani Ci)Usi:i.i,- V:iTifp 'firt. Inst, and nil the 1 1 ' "1 1 A " 1 A I mowing and mustering auoui fii np)t nfl tw the promises made in the last did not insist on tha exact words Republican National riatform above, yet the purpose of his f.iiitiwt ir ti.iu fv,otrro amenameni was to maite meir just ask liim how about the promised one cent letter pos- one read l A U.w'ERR. I J- A -"MKNKV di: at Law. OtVit.e on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, lMaden, I'ciKler, Harnett and Duplin Conn ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal business, je 7-lyr tage ? and see him squirm. 1 RANK liOYETTE, D.D.S. Every man who votes for a unanimously. We n. Khoii h icm.ti ( oiiurPHsir.nai uuver u.ov iiiiuici nominee gives his endorsement to um.i puwci aaimuoKcuun- Tie writer of the above is in ly exemjilified by the conduct prn hmif thft rfiSOiHtinn with of Speaker Reed. The question rfifftPftTU,ft tn Vance, that wa's no lo be decided is, shall Congress te(ldown comingfrotn theCom- iesolutions. The re- Chronicle. Jet every and study carefully THE SEN'ATOU'S Sl'EEC'lI Introduced by Chas. J. Aycock, Ksq ou nHia nvD'itot "Vnrtli ( Virnli ;i n . . -m at. f . ' k..V . . L ' w - ------- iiisuiiKuuu.i mill .uiu iTUDi...nivjn!, or dead," Senator Vance The exact words of the motion spoke in substance as follows as amended were clearly stated lie began by stating that tie was bv the chairman, the resolution just from the conflict at Washington as amended nut. ana cairiea fail to dis- instrnctions M. V to ue neciaea is, snau congress t1. nmce on Main Street flfTfr le'slate ,or the country orshall miUee Qn R Ol'hiss Thomas R. Reed alone do it, port of that c Clinton and vicinity. Kverythmg in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. CiaSrMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. t'alarrh Can't l'.c Cuml with LOCAL APPLICATION, as thev cannot reac h the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu tional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. 1 bill's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts uircctly on the blood and iniK iis surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack uifdicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physi cians in this country foi years, and is a regular prescription. It is com po id of the best tonics known, com bined Willi the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucus surface. The perfect combination of the two ingredients H what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. I J. CIIKNLY & CO., Proprietors, Toledo, Ohio. Jtrrir' Sold by all Druggists, 7-"c. Yesterday is yours no longer ; to morrow may never be yours; but to day is yours, the living nreseiit is yours, and in the liv ing presen' you may stietch foi- ward to the things that are (e-l,,n..-E. w. Farrar. he has during the present ses sion of Congress? where he had been giving his best efforts to opposing the adoption of the iniquitous tariff bill, and watch ing the legislation and endeavoring to secure such as would not be un just to our people. lie complimented the people ot the State on their adherence to Democratic 'principles and urged upon them that no consideration should divert them from their steady support of the Democratic party, which was the conservatism ot their rnrf nf TbnT mnmirrPR vsra s art on- peace and safety. The safety and The Congressional Apportion- nit; i win, wi tj-'di u(i 'v. i Porter, Superintended. t of the Census Rureau, and introduce ! in the House by Representative Duriucll chairman of the Census Committee, is as one-s'ded and unjust a measure as the Tariff bill. Tn It everything has been lost sight of but increasing the number of Republican votes in the House of Representatives and in the Electorial College, and to make it still more otuox tious, the main features of the McComas, anti-so-called gerry mandermg, bill was tacKed on to it. This was done to prevent the Democrats from redistrict ing the States which the Repub licans have in the past gerry mandered. ted in full without a single word beimr chanced. Ve know for 7 t we wrote them oursolf. As they were written they were passed, and as -they were passed they were published in last week's issue and again in this. It was a resolution brought in by the Committee on Rules that was voted down. The resolutions of Dr. Moseley are in substance the same os tuose passed irom tne Committee on Resolutions. If Mr. Stewart made an amend ment we did not hear it and fail to find it in the proceedings of the meeting as handed us by Mr. . R. Herring, the Secretary. ..... -i j uut why this "rnucn acto aDoiu nothing." All three of the 1 leg islative nominees of the Demo cratic Convention of the 10th instant will vote for Vance's re election. It is amusing to see some men striving for political with the triumph and permanence of Democratic principles. THE FORCE HILL.. Sectional feeling has been revived in the North and the force bill now pending in the Senate will surely pass unless the Democrats can pre vent by dilatory motions; The Senator then went on to show how offensive the law could be made if the lbrc3 bill should pass; how that Republican super visors would do all the registration of voters, count all the ballots, give certificates of . elections, and be clothed with power to call in the army and navy of the united states to assist them in suppressing elec tions. "It is to this Godless crew that we arc to look for honest gov ernment and honest elections." FINANCIAL, POLICY OF KEFUIILICANS That he had said boldly among enemies of our section what he said to day.that the financial policy of the country as administered by the Republican party is hostile to the interest of the masses, and in the interest of certain favored elas&cs. Under this policy immense fortunes have been accumulated and trusts have sprung up and reaped the fruit which should have come to were' not protected, and wJei , was CMUipelUd i sell his cotton. corn "and wheat iu , Liverioo! at ptuvr fixed there in couiH.'titioii with the products of the world. ' THE FAUMKli FAYS A IJOXfS. If every man wa- be:ielitted by the tariff as much .s lie was taxed, no one weuld be benefitted and no one injured, bat that if any were btnetittedbv the tax it was the man who received it in the shape of the increased price of his product, and tlie man who bought the pro duet was injured to that extent. Tlie farmer must buy the product ot the factories and pay to every mill . i owner a bonus mane necessary uy the tariff, while the tariff made no body pay him any bonu upon any thing which lie raised. The Senator gave main- instances of uniust discrimination in the tariff bill against the S-.uth. Among others that the McKinley bill raised the tax on cotttn ties from 35 cents to? 1.03. THE FA KM Kits HAVE TAKEN 1I1S ADVICE. The Senator stated that lor years he haJ called the attention of tho farmers to the fact that every other class "was organized: the business men, the railroads, the great finan eiers. and that it was the duty of the farmers to organize tn order to resist ie encroachments of the noney kings. He was glad they had taken his advice, and now ac cording to some he was the first man that some of the members of this great organization would slaughter. That he had never entertained mi, sentiment or nude any speech that was not for the interest of the far mers. That he had looked specially after theit interest because they constituted the great majority of his constituents. HIS FOSITION ON THE SU15-T11EASL KY HILL. He said that it would give him pleasure to state that he had been endorsed by nearly every county convention that had betn held. And yet he understood that there were some good and true men who be lieved, or had been taught to believe, that he had been untrue to the in terests of the farmers- For the information of that class of men he would explain his posi tion with reference to the bill kuo vn as the Sub-Treasury bill He stilted that he wai askedl to introduce the sub-treftsufy bill, find consented to do lyo, stating timctAHhost? witf) niadd that f I could nojrWomi TiXlFi. as contained a provision that the warehouse keepers should be elected bv the people, which was contrary to an express provision of the Con stitution, and he struck that out and inserted in place of it a provi sion that they should be appointed by the Secretary of the t reasury. Alter investigating the bill most c.trefully, ami consulting the ablest constitutional lawyers of the Senate, he was convinced that the bill was unconstitutional, and that he could not support it. That he at once wrote his conclusion t Mr. Bedding field, secretary of the State Alliance That the bill had not then been called up: that he had not been called upon to vote upon it; that at soman doctrine of "equal right to all, ecial pnviveges lo none." He said he would ie ashamed to ask for one class of his eople privi lege n Inch could not b enjoyed by other clones. That the law ought to be impartial in its operations ami if I he government lent money to one diss it (tught to leud to every class; nut tne government was not and could not under the con stitution e a lender of money to any classof its citizens. It was insti tuted for far different purposes, and could not do a banking bu.-ines. Ills liESIKE TO SEKVE THE FKOF1.K. He further showed that the gov ernment would be forced to meet all depreciations in the value of the product deposited whiebr should ex it might at the reoi c to til to An extra session of Congress, whether obtained by the action of a mojonty of that body or by Voting to take a recess, or called ..In i t TT : :ll 1 . . This remedy is becoming so wen uy .n. ikuhwh, yji known and so popular as to need no rage upon the tax-payers of the special mention, ah wno navu uuu i honest labor. The agricultural and capital at the expense of Vance's laboring classes have not held their this time the bill was before the !,-, own but have generally followed committee, and that lie might nave neninu. renameu irom e.vpie&siuK any That policy led to the demouillza- opinion upon it: but that was not unwTn n.vr itFATHKi; tion oi silver, wnicn was accom- ins wav oi uoinir imsiiic, aim name.- Electric IWtters. plished in 1873, partly by fraud and had no desire to conceal his opinions thc money to pay their n partly by intent on. The legisla- when formed, from his people. couii not be obtained, if tion demonetizing sivcr was so con- That afterwards learning that this . , i pn provided to take country. There is not the slight est xctise for an extra session in the war of legitimate public Kleetrie Hitters sing the same song nt praise. A purer medicine noes not exist and it is guaranteed to do ii ii. a r.l Vlnptrie Ttitters will core all diseases of the Liver business, and were it notion the and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, clesoerate condition of the Re- Poils, Salt .Rheum and other DUbllcan Pttrty it would never t ions caused i impure oioou. m - drive Malaria from the system and have been heard of. prevent as well as cure all Aiamnai business wux be to l evels. For cure oi Jieauacne, tuu- Not long ago an intelligent gentleman said coucermug me 0Paled among the mass of laws in let ter to Mr. Redargued had not contents minted in a leading the Revi ed Statutes that many been made public, and receiving in ceed 20 ier cent., and how specula tors knowing exactly the quantity of the different products deposited could corner the market and mani pulate pi ices. He said it had always been his desire and purpose to carry out thc wishes of his iieople; thit he had always done so," and that, if this bill was constitutional he would vote for it whatever effect have. DIDN'T WANT THE DEVI I, TO liET HIM. Tint the people of the State lad made him a sentinel upon thc watch-tower, whose duty it was to warn them, and that having warned them, he should do their biddin The question of tne practicability or impracticability ot any measure was their business; its constitution alitv was his business. He had sworn to support the Constitution, and if he violated that oath the devil would get him, not them. THE NATIONAL HANK SYSTbM. Upon his position in reference to thc National banks, he said that he wrote to Mr. Iieddingfield iu May last that he was not in favor o( abolishining the National babks in the i resent financial condition ot the country. That this letter re mainedin Mr. Ueddingneurs nanus until last week or the week before, when it was published in the Pro gressive Farmer, and it was then charged that he was in conflict with the r atform adopted at tne late . ! State convention, or the plank I therein in relVrence . to National j banks. ! VOTED AGAINST EXTENDING THE NATIOSjL HANK C1IAKTEK. The Softer proceeded to say that he haVjbjpen for years ardently op posedtd tho National Ranking Sys tems and that he voted against ex teiTOiag the charter of thc banks-, or granting any favors to them which were calculated to perpetuate or increase their power. He stated that he had introduced a bill to repeal the tax of 10 per cent, on the circulation of State banks so that State banks might issue currency to the people and break up the monopoly which thc National Ranks now enjoy. What man in his senses would favor the abolition of National Ranks before some other system of banks had been devised to take their place? IMMEDIATE AKOLITION WOULD NOT DO. The country is full of debtors who, if the banks were compelled to close un their business, "in the present r "..I . n.ltlin.i -.Clwk 0lllltrT " nnauciai vuimiiiun vi mv- vuumv, would be utterlv ruined. If the banks had to collect all debts due them, where would debtors ooiain noiesT ii nothing had been provided to take the place ifthnhnnks. and the property of debtors ably wa not for film to ay, but that he could that he lutd'seavcd them faithfully and hoiuMly. There had in all these yean Ihmmi n stain or vandal rotituYtcd with UU name. That hi- relation with hi w-opU had lievn harmonious, and that there had never Ihtii any difference U- tween them except uinm the Mib- troasury bill. A FLEA 1 K IIAKVIOUV. All the iieopk are interwoven that what benefits one UnietUs all. That there was too much oinsrl Alecky talk. Smnc mlk out-ide the Alliance kv tiun- won't vote for the candidate for the legislature who will i.ot pledge himself lo vote for ante; and some folks inside te Alliance ay they won't vote for any.s candidate who de- not pledge himself to vote for Vance -.- and in pops a Radical. LET D1KTY I.1NKN HE WAsilKli nv THE HACK STEIV. That if Democrats have anv dirtv i:...,.. . i. i ... i ""iu ti wa.-Ml. uuu I wit Ml H oil front steps the back yanl the plni -v for that. xkw .nvr.RTisi:.ji:xi4. A M1TC H IN TIMi: MM",!" STAND I F TilTUK DEMlM Il.V U . Stand up to the Democratic part v. 40,000 sub-tieasurv bilU would not help them as much ax a Democratic Senate and House. Then ihc law that oppress the people ran Wic peapled then further oppies-o.i can be prevented . He begged tlu-m nut to vate tiicii strength fighting merchants half starved lawyers ud newspapers that are not friendly. They were ni their enemies. "Stand within the ranks, g into the primaries ami win submit if you do not control." They were promoting their own ends when they help the Democratic party. He assured the faiincix that he would do anything h could for them that did not conflict with hi oath of office, and closed with a handsome tribute to the Democrat of Wayne. At the close of his speech cheers went up from a thousand throats, and multitudes pressed forward to shake his hand. "Till: SAMl'SON 1H2MOCICACY WOULD TAKK Till-: l'KI MIUM AT Till: VOULIS TAUt." D m't wait to get u k, ! at u h, u you begin to fc j b.d co-u. and gvt u tos f uiiiiie. !it mid prevent k- in-. Tld- i the proj-T n-r of med icine. If you Will d t!d m ulll M'aroely ever have a do t.rS bill to pay or I mouths of time, and put your friends an. I i l.4!ive- to kucIi a deal of trouble. Ill nddttl:i to my cteupb !e line of pure and reliable" Drus. I carry Warner's lg Cabin Jle-uedi.-, . It. R., the S. S. S., tiuiiiiiu la umall and largequautities ; Simtuotrn I.I v er Regulator, Faluou Seville Or ange Rl.is.Mini, Cuticura r.emiHHcs, Dr. I'ii n cs Favorite 1'res, i iptioo, the (loldeu Miilio.d Dix-ovi-ry, Horse and Cattle I'owder (lHHiud p;ickiigs prepared by the Herb Co. of W. Va, Quaker brand.) I'reHcripti.ins carefully compound ed. ixK'alnnd otllce practice quest. ResjH'ct fully, augl tf DR. R. II. Htil.I.IDAY. UHU re- thmmnnd of UnfortUUSte . . K . C r,rtoc. t l.l tri l.-T, I Pnrmafuill i h ! f II IlTVlOV-J if Hm A I W- ... -1.1 1 4 1... 1 . ... f religious jouruai : i go t,niou0u that th yoled for it Rad pregi. Hncomen were unjcr the impression rilinnIls, nri,.es and bought up by the the paper examining the titles, dent Grant afterwards stated that that he was in favor of the bill, spCculators who happened to have irlanr-ino-it thP train of thought "e did not Know mat we approveu uesiring uiai mere miuuiu iu "" ready cash, glancing at me tram oi iiiou3ut ,,n,ror mi.-ta.,. nu i.k nnitin;i wrntP c . in pncli TPfidino' some articles o. 1 1.1. fi.0,l r,l 0,i,irMwl t Irwlnt Hhl.nou.uMAo- iia.rb v J C-1 1 OI UU11U-J1UIUC13 LLiaL lino A . i LttV Jtuvi uuuiiogv-u m. n' ne iavoreu ine wiauiisiuiiciu v the the letter Carr, in which he stated his views stipation and Indigestion try klee trie Hitters. Kntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price on cents, and $1.00 per bottle Dr. K. H. Holliday's Drugstore, Clinton, N. C. ; J. R. Smith, Drug gist, Mt. Olive, N. C. At a barbecue at Columbus, Georgia, the otter day the piece do resistance was an enormous chicken pie. It was seven feet long, five feet broad, and deep enough to hold ten dozen chick ens. Is Consumption Incurable J Read the followinMr. C.H. Mor ris, Newark, Arkansas, says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Re gan taking Dr. King's New Discov ers for Consumption, am now on Its only pass the measures Republi- Force bill and other intended to assist the can party in retaining control of the Government : and the of the bond-holders that this .f 11 Jl S rt 1 Vw I kr,r. s-wts .rMi it'i f onI ta.ciu.vum.pu j -fmmio in t.a h,u state banks of issue, based upon When I flna an article over two and the sound principles of finance where columns in length I omit it." was recently killed in the House charge has gone out among the peo all people could borrow money upon .. . i I . . , i.i ,l. l- ikni. t.pniuirlv nnil bo bpllOVed the m. A . . , 1 I . Kvmrrvh 1 e ftHftrts r t SflfiO L OI" It tll 1. n n TI1QT 10 O'l.l Itl'.IlP IIII I'tlMTII'H I lllv.ll I'l UJ'Vi t, - " 111a -m o tt Tinr na o nriua nan i liiiuuu uiu cuuiii? vi i--,'""- .v.v.., ( 1.111., .ivy - - . v. v ... r- I - - - 1 1 . . i ; i . 1 I ii- Ii w.li I .t-T. .... I -. Ii (in. . ' rri uii-t; ,rovf T f I rPxiP.HI OI Lilt. but It Illustrates prevalent hpav-aC! ti1fl rf,tttv of silver coined be annointed iusteadOt elected for custom among leaders. The in the discretion of the Secretary of the purpose of rendering the mea i, o, oionno tne xreasury wno is unuer iue m- sure uupuimiKi. iqi va" Slate banks irood results 6,000 a day, which it will cost, densatiob and brevity. will have to be paid by the peo- fight against this tendency, and rde at Urffi. n. mnioritv of whom show the unreasonableness of C CJ 7 f I tliience ot views We may in Wall street. under which he b tains have, at every Presidential election since, and including 1876, voted against the Kepub lican party. A lew more years the demand for short sermons, short newspaper articles and treatises on great subjects, but we cannot control the conditions which produce it. The best THE TARIFF. The Senator discussed the tariff at considerable length, and showed that while factories, Aic, re eived berefits from the tariff, the farmer received none, and riaicl all the profits that the manufacturers en- ioved. The Senator illustrated the tax on would be followed by in this direction. ON THE DEMOC KA 1 1C FEATFORM. What is needed is extension of the banking privileges to the people ot tho States. That Ins votes in Congress prove that he wanted more money given to the people this he tried to secure by voting for the frfw eninMoro of silver. He stated that he stood upon the State Demo of Republican rule and popular way is to recognize the fact and way Republican Senators from farm vormnpnt. in Ampriea will he take advantage ot tne opportu- tov , v,.. .....v.... ... I . . Tl. il -l. 1.JO. i ... . I liny. J.iie mougiii. wmou nave a. tiling oi me pai. "NOT THE RESULT OF AGITATION BT OFFICE SEEKERS." bem elaborated in great books would find a wider circulation and accomplish more good if they were compressed into a smaller space. are little read becau ing States were helping the farmers down South. Senator Davis, of Minnessota, offered an amendment to the tariff bill putting binding twine, made of jute, &c, on the free list. Every Democrat votea for it and it was adopted. V ance Many fine works then offered an amendment putting he rnineift ture had never )ecause they are jute bagging on the free list, and buUl wJrehousc9 for distipers in sembled in Noi The Farmers" Alliance is con so voluminous. The books of eve.ry ' ?.e4Vu,.ca? rFLL Si which they could deposit liquors tnir.t bottle, and able to oversee is strictlv nonnartizan. and vet the Rible are all short. The "S"181 x,1"'"u.?1"- and that it was as competent forth. j ' -- T. , A1 . - ' - : ... . r nv tne iarniers oi uie wi i...n.i .K.nfi u'mctm, Ji is xne mi- 1 1, ,.f ,.,.f i . hriToat nf t lPin can in rpart n aurJ: i.,. 1 .t nl eovenmiem iu uuuu waiwi.-uc IV 1 11 f W II lilf n AC L. It Ui I ' W WryXLUL ill I - - - ' I MIIllllMV V Ilf2LI UiXlLtL LklH. tl mjv 1 T. 1 1 T.l V. I t 1- T-v I . - , . the work on my farm est medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, unio, few hours. Divine wisdom is at the South. The Senator thought flnonra iiniin fbft i-niit.ies of tlml , , I .:r , ,tO,1. I , c WoCim l?otnl'ic:in s iys: ""ad it not been fm Dr. country. Another remarkable . necessary in order to adapt Senators were talking right on the ? order .s that i,, His reply to this was that it was not tho truth, and the whole tenor of his public lite was a contradiction of the charge. That he believed the bill was un constitutional because there is no i i express power given in tne consti tution to the government to loan money, and none to whic that power was anxiliary. v 1 nr. i. i i . i i . . i . i.ot t ia j.nai ne nau iieaiu ii num umi ii.c ..4s niaifrni itni-nrnmrml Irtnt IllfinPW to tllftl j V , V.J 11 Mil. ..ly .v-m.v - ' . . . . . . national bnks. and if so. whv Could Nt i-.kmiaai, ua Ttnt. thn The Senator booed his hearers troveinment did not leud the money would excuse hiui for some releren- to the banks, but deposited it with ce to himselt. them for its own convenience jusi lie -aid 3b years ago neiiuue iw as an individual deposited his entry into public life as a member private money iu banks. of the House o Commons irom The advocates or the sub-treasury uuncomue couuiy. ouvh bet ore or since as- North Carolina. It con tained such names as Morehead, the Graham, Gilmer, lisher, hnipp, Ashe; Rigg-5, t-nerry, 4o.r,r.-i,wif thr.ir iiroflncts. Tinrtch and otliers. an oi 'wiioui The Kind of Men She Nominates. bles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sam ple bottles free at Dr. It. H. Holli d v's Drugstore, Clinton, N. C. ; J. R. Smith, Druggist, Mt. Olive, N.C. i A Geo.gia editor leads all the papers on the guessing scheirres. It asks its subscribers to "guiWys influence upon the politics of Advocate. the various sections in which it ,0 t. mt mnminanr unnma tn If hv anv unfortunate combi-I ment in the West 13 I, IUWV UlUUmiKiiK lv. ...i w I ml " " - I ... , x I I aw.ot, tv.c Rnniil Jimn Senators be of a local and spontaneous nation of circumstances the .-J-j; h,J amendment and character, and yt so general is Republicans shall control thQ defeated it, he told them that their i a. ! it. . i . T-i . I Trn,,c,n i.nnto nn in t ii q I p.cts illustrated the difference De- i n t niiTi ii i t 1 1 iti 111 i ii ruu u iiiitiuw i i i i iii 1 11 krTiiii.ii.iii..i.iiwi.. ill i iiu V IJGt v vUUU I btvu IUU, 1 V l.iJU UI I i -i rF-,1 I c:ri. o r . . n TiArtACL DTonnn swaii inn ruiv-oecuuu uuui csa, nun That this was a misconcentiou ot the facts. That the governceut did not build anv warehouses for distillers to deposit their liquors in, 1 a, A. t a. ii Ihrimaalna 4U . .nnfl,. OUt UlUl Hie U131111C13 IIICUIJV.IW tann, lliougu uiej weie y.nj . . . n,amTtnao anil thp nvPrn - onriniK About tha famiprs IllOVe- ' u,ll.iuc""5""'A "have passed over the river and are resting under the shade of the trees." In 185S he was elected member of Congress. Then he was a Uui jn man and did all he could to keep his people until the out of the war. and th.it he stcod The 'Harnett Courier makes he following comment upon he action of tho Sampson nom inating convention : In the Sampson county nomi nating convention, Wednesday, Marion Butler, h(i.. editor of the Clinton Caucasian, was nominated for the Senate, W K. Pigford and U. It. Rell for the House. J.S.'llizell for Clerk of the Superior Court, J. M. Spell for Sheriff, O. F. Herring for Register of Deeds, J. K. Re i- nian for Treasurer. This is a ticket that has never been beat en by any county in the State. Mr. Butler is a gentleman ot intelligence ana culture, ot a high order of intellect, a grace ful and fluent speaker and an able debator aud will rellect credit alike upon his county and himself, in the Legislature, and uemg a gentleman or nositive convictions, and faithfully de voted to duty he will be he rd irom tins winter in the .Male Seu.it e. Messrs. rigiora ana Reli are gentlemen of Intelligence sobri ety, honesty and great personal popularity, and noted for their honesty of purpose and stiict adi-erence to a faithtul di charge of duty. Mr. Ball served in the legislature lour years ago. As to the i oiuineor. for the county offices it is only neoes cary to say that each one was a renominaUou aud that is the highest compliment that can be tate paid them, for no man Is ever nominated to any place by the Democrats of S impson if lie has ever teen known to flinch from a manly and faithful discharge of duty.' The convention un inim.-iisdy and enthusiastically passed warm , resolutions in p ae of Vance mid instructed the mem bers of the Legislature to vote or him. This is just simply Sam s mi an Democracy for the Sampson Democracy would take he premium at the Worlds air held at any point, and there it not a Democ.at n Nor h Car olina but what earnestly h and expects to see Vane; re e!ec- ed to the United .tntes Senate by the next Lei.-Satuie, und he will get three healthy votes from tlie land of the' biir blues' certain. JEFFERSON DAVIS, . Ex-President of the Confcdtrate Staler. a MKMniK, BY ins win; Two large and bundM'tiio oeiave volumes. About l,.oo page.-. Ilea vy pajH-1. Many line IlltitratioiH. The only authorized life of our .h i. I President. Grand, brave nml lmih. one day ju-tiee, whieh Mirv.ve all, shall have t ri u tit j 1mm lt hii figure will le seen in the clear liuht i.f our country's history, side by m.Io and lianiriu hind with th - "few lm inorta I names that were not born t- die." This memoir of thegre.il rtatc- hian by the lovirg hand d' bin wife. uiu-t take Its plaon in the urchiven of the nation. All scn-dblo men. north and south, mu-t read it. It must becoiiN-one of the text book of the coming generation. Rm.FouD CoMFAxv, I'ublir.lurf. JAS (). MA'ITl IKWS, Taylor's Bridge, N. C. Sole Agent for Sainton Co. aug21 Im CIDER. HEADQUARTKltS FOR BKST PEACH AND AlT'JiE CI DEB, (Comer -'f Elm and II. II. Street.) SWEET AND I1AUI) CIDER always on hand. In addition to this pleasant and healthy drink. I keep Tobacco, SnufF, Flour, Potash, Candies, Soda, and Pea-Nuts which are sold at lowest prio- f or cash. 000 Pipes, of allstvles and sizes, l ry one. Respectfully, je 21-1 yr. ARE YOD AN HEIR? More than half a billion ofdollart in tinelaiiiHil estates are awaiting the rightful heirs in England. Seot lionl, Wales and Ireland. Mobl of these heirs are in the United States, and have been adverti-od for iu Kngli-h papers. Thousands of heir", have never seen thoe advertis ments. If youi ancestors on your father's or mother's side e.uu from any of th; above naunil c'Mintries do not fail to write to K. IP s-, Eu ropean Clainis-Arency, 227 Grand St. New York, and certain il" vou are an neir. our uhviimi atacs- tor'r, rights are yours by Rriti-.li law. We hive infbrmatiori ofevi rv - uid ileeeaseil iwr-on ubo-ic heirs have been advertise I for in Rio years. Send Mi-,tal note for 0 cents to injure information. If you are an lo ir we will recover the tate for you. .V rK ovi rv ii' fee. the difference tween Democrats and that Democrats voted 111V. 11 '. KJJM3 O- v . - - . I - . . rovniiu ffiv was naid. ITere he for the Union asioun ainouor couiu referred to the statutes of the U. S. permit, but when tlw people deciib d regulating the subject of bonded to go out, he went witn mem. w:?rehonsf s. He felt, -whither Jhou goest, I That he believed the bill to be will go; thy people snau De my peu- lvepuDi icans, ymntA nrnnnsml tlt. nd their God my God Irom print 1-I . . n.tnin nio..u ..el ..t h? a nanrae ilnrinu" the days to "troNS i' - - iati" r....v . . . certain ' I . - ... - I - A. ill i . ; , at . f l ,i - v. i ; ... i.in .tii 9 mi iv j - i - - who owes, three years' subscrkp- Alliance lias no political leaaers uovemmeui, win ue in u, iair pie ;uiu epuoncans "i-ia farmers only; that money wa-s not of Are and darkness, when the ciouus tion and -.refuses sweet potatoes." to nay it in dictating its course and build ing their own fortunes, as I been usual in all political rev olutions of the past. What po litical action it lias taken has ranks as the "How to Cure all Skin Diseases.' simply apply VSwa nk's Ointment.'' V.i internal niedicinc requ'red. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tne originated in the face, h.nnds, nose, Jcc, leaving tne SKin dear, wh'toaoil healthy. lis great heal- result of education, and is not ing and cur tive powers are lossessed fe result of agitation DV ofiBL- by n 0 hr remedy, auk your u.iig gi'st for i wayne's Ointment. I cerp.-National Economist. wav tn lieenmfi n. envfirnment Ha lpnt tn nil tho oeoDie. Dat to oi war were uver mo J mim m i n.nn iTr,nn Wirr V 4 TJ- I - . . . . I. . .. 1. 1 . ......np f,lin IVtrrrrkltArl nr. - ii t . I no,, iniiiAwii nunia mu i... d f,moru nn p nnn to l nnsp iarmersi Known lu iiiiij. uuici w 'bv"1 has oi iteea, ior neea ana ny rieea. . . . r ri r-n ,wt h, hH sustained him. in the MX.Hit . I ill Oil li W1IU laiSITU I.UIIUU, lAiu, mivuvi iu J , The protective policy of the lie- oats or tobacco. All larme who con fje J? f Lb i.s .. ...,t;n nico nthPT nrmliiet.t urn excluded office to which .hey had Called nun. E" l.rZ:rvZZ .irfmtte bet7Tntended to be Ilewasthestandard-lrerofthe 6ixu "r..rr -iKn,aKiii n.. ,rn ntv in 1876. whan the date wa-. Hirers oi iriass ver uruieuicu iu iumim j , . 1 " - - . . . . iQ fnnm-oac: in fb RthI i. . M 4. v,i ,t,,t n,, pmiiH hrtm.w mnnev under its oro-1 redeemed irom iwaicai ruie. Uiuu"u "b"" suwiaueAMjui wmi c vi-uj I " " "1 I r ,o-ro 41 ,,.1,. ..!.t.l l.i.n ai,rlntplv more visions, no mailer wnai sts:uiiiy iic 1 111 1010 mo yy. ...... d flrr. who was not a iro- to the Senate, and in 1880 he was j -j j wuii u max 7 ' i r a 1 4-14- i. ii iA,.iiwi I ;or Afiho firfl iivrorHl pmiK. Ii fvolAcled. He waxueu to &ay luui whnP products That he believed in the old Jack-1 whether he hwl served the ieople Hon. B. 13. Alexander, leading Alliance man a Democratic can- district, is out in a strong letter common glass was tax on the farmer, in- favor of the re-election Senator Vance. For 24 Years J. T. GREGORY has occupied his hame TAiL''H ESTABLISHMENT I'i.urcii Stni-t. .The great and origu.d leader iu low prices for men's clot lies Economy in cloth and money wiii loreeyou l give film a call. Saylatest Fashion plates always in hand. June 7th. lyr. If you wih a flrt-class Sh.ive, Hair Cut, Shamooort or Mu-tachfe Dye, call at my place of busings on Wall S'.rc-et, thnj doei-s Iiomi the I corner of M. Haitstein's, there you shoula torture muiseii by in dulging iu idle fancies of this kind, is a thing to make tht an gelt weep. Nashville Advocate - 1 " . Extreme sens.tivene-s is ai - . . . . . uravj mini, mil, in atLy siii, The people who are constantly cn the lookout foraflrouts show that they are thinking about I themselves a great deal more l than is either healthy or 'Jiris- tian. They are often wr i moreover, as to matters of fact. rtii irnld ilnas lint, want t n Imrt flin,, TbAir rrrVSA nt,U.Ce 'l given to all r - " parties owing said estate to make imaginations e .injure up a uiou- immetnate payment. f and slights where not one was All parties holding claims agaiu-st intended. That a full grown 1 said estate are hcrebv notifiel to mau.with any hone.st work to do present their claims within twelve will find me at all hours. KAZORS SlIAItr.SIIKAKS KL'E.M If you want a goxi job don't fail Ui call on me. J. 11. SIMMONS. aprlQ tf . Barber. - M)3JCE. HAVING QUALIFIKD AS AD minis' rufnr V I! .11 - . ! ... monies irom misuate, or this no tice will be jdead in bar of their re Icovery. JOHNS. OWEN, Administrator. This August 1st, 1 800. 7-6t i ft) 1 1 i ! "St II n ! i! Is x . V t.!WWW.'f'l II

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