NEW DOUBLE COLUMN A D V E UT I S EM E V TS. Aivn:Tir.Mr i M' I II) I!- st TIIK CAUCASIAN. Vanco is Coining NKW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r n i i. J i 4 . : I s Kt:l' ! ' ' ' ' .O fc l 01 rrrccriATic nokimts. I Dt- Cor.pvfr ;Ud Li.-triri, ! FN.! AM IN F. (JliADV.'- 1(1 .hjr'l --fit), Hstric?, K I V i ' T I'-'fVKIN. For hoiicitoi i,h I);-ti ict, oLiVKi- ;i. .w lex i i -LINTON. N.I . -- ' '. J, T!i A. 'v M. ( o!lur: hit: rolled 7 I stud'iits h F term. I ' '""! M.- CoiiMess adjourn-rd ye.-ttrdsiy and the wholn coutitry lit-, drawii ;i yrent ij.'h or relii-f. 'llt'f Ilaniett Courier ha,. suc cessfully pajse'l another mili stone of the perilous jouinalis tic life of ;i North Carolina iiewspaj tr. We wish it a Ion;.', prosperous and useful life. The Fayette vi lie Observer ays that Kev. L. C. Vans could not accept the appointment of Evanselist fo:' Fayetteville Presbytery and Kev. W. E. Fell of Wilson has been selected to fill that place. The Kev. Sain Jo.ies is draw ing immense crOAvd to hear him this week in Wilmington. He s)eaks his mind to the Wihn'mtoniatis as ho does to all other people. The meetings will probably close next Sun day niiht. Much has been ad ded to them by the excellent inus'c furnished by Frof I'.x cell's choir of moro than two hundred persons. The State Chronicle in refer in-; to the meetinfof Deinoc at ic (,'lnbs in Raleigh last week says; It Mas su h a conveiitiou as dt lijjjliUil and thrillel cvi-ry patriotic man who looked upon it. There was nothing "si-ottetl" al.out it. 1W idenees of i;novatH-o, lioodle, preju dice and selfi.-hn ss were totally ab sent. The body was nut character ized by any taint of "o (lice-seek in" proclivities. It wsis a laxly of in telligence tlie incarnation of un-.-elfih and noble patriotism. Mot t tho deleibi s ere yiuti nun, and all of the delegates were here fur the purpose of doin; everything possible lo pre: nerve the good govern ment and integrity of the State, and they were instigated to tins work by the purest patriotism and not by the hope of rew;ird in the way of winning votes or teppirg into po litieal ultices. A prominent politician in .rkansas, who lias been a J lile loi.j; Kepublican, has with drawn from that party and cine over to the Democrats lie gives his reason for doing so as follows : "The interest ot the racrs in the South ar . identical. The Republican pa'ly has promised us everything and given us n- thing. We have fought our neighbors long enough.. le mocrach may not give us any thing, but when we vote, that ticket we will have the consolation of knowing we are. standing by our pesroual friends." There is gospel tiuth in this and the negroes all over tlio South are finding it out. .IlTlKJi: UOYKIX II.!. The News and Observer of Tuesday says: Owing to the continued severe illness of Judge K. T. Hoykin, wlien Wake Supeiior Court re-a?sembled yesterday morning, it was an nounced that it would be utterly impossible for him to preside this week, and court was, there fore, adjourned for the term. The Ilogue homicide case and all other untried cases, there foie, go over till the next crimi nal term of court. Judge Boy kin'- physician in a conversation with the News and Observer yesterday said: Judge Boy kin is still confined to h-s bed with malarial fever, and although his fever has "somewhat abated and h is free from dangerous symptoms, he is tco ui.we'tl to icsunia his duties on tho bench for the present, and court has been adjourned for this term on ac count of his illness. Duty ought never to wait on feeling; but feeling ought al ways to wait, on duty. A man ought never to pivot his duty on his feelings; but every man ought to comforin his feeliDgs to the demands of duty. Kind tpfech is a duty, whether a man feels kindly or not. But kindly feelings are always a duty, and he who lacks them ought to set himself at acquiring them. Not feeling, but duty, must lead a man's course; but a man's right feeling ia included in his every . d8y duty. Ex. iv; THE SXMISON I Alii. '! (i(iicini)is ;iud Otiifr !i-' ti!iiii'JnJ SjMakTs will ! 1IT. : t :l r ' !!i ineetir d' the j L.veutn 'otumittee 1 of ihej ! "Simpson uiitity Agr ewlt ir;i! - -My. pt. W Jol' !!.-!! I'. I;. Nichols; !, I i , uiu thU writeri vi..s i i pointed to invite speak-j i- for tlio haioi y-oii l air o'. )'.) On l.ftalf of the coiiiiiiit te w an v. o were in Ri!eirh lu. - 1 we K iittet'fling the I'oiiveu- Jioii of democratic Club-, we saw Senator Vat.ce in j er.-oit. He hesitated, saying that his time was K the command of tlii-; Democratic parly and that he :-!.otild speak wheie it wa most nee.led. Wo assured him that it was not necessary for hi in to come to Sampson to maue it light, but that he should come bocause it was right, and tint the Fair wtxild not ))i held till, after th election, the la.-t week In November. The vener able Senator hesi'ated no lung er, and said, 'Then tell the ood people of'i sofi that I will be th:e.' When we saw (Jov- i Fowle, ho said that, remen ber-1 ing so plea-antly his trip to the last Sampson Fair, that he could not u fuse an invitation to go ag.iin. Ho told us that every time he saw (Jov. Lee that he (Lee) spoke of hospita ble Sampson and how he enjoy ed his trip to our fair, mote than any other he had ever at tended. The names of the oth er distinguished speakers will be announced before hn. The Samp.-on Fair for 1800 will eclipse the recor h CHUircn L'li :i i:t i : i i i ks. There is something sad to us in the Eastern custom of burying the dead in little family grave yard and not at the church. It is no infrequent thing to see these little tamily bury ing plaees with half a dozen grave- all neglected ami oft in ics exposed to the roaming citile, sometimes the fi iends have sold the home :n I moved away and strangers neither know nor c.uv who lies beneath th-.' sod of what now their corn and cotton fields. Tins is not tru-? in the Western p:nt of our State where each Church has its cemetery, fen eration after treaoration are buried m tlu. sa,0 enclosure, and there a:e always living friends ami relatives of the Vad who have ntenvt v keeping the grave yard clean and beautiful. It is so fitting, too, for the dead u)be buried near the chinch, j A grave yard always reminds one of j the certainty of death and often su g-1 gests u line ot thou-jht hihlv pre-' paratory to worship. Another ad- j v:mt:.-'e Is that there wil1 l.Hvei vi many more toaihsto.ies pl-K-edat the j graves of those buried hi a eomnion I ehtireh grave yi'r.i tlmn there wi'l be In a little 1'ouiiy gr.tve y.trd. We long to see the custom ot" Siirying iii the Ciiureh Cemetery established in this section of our State. Christi n Leaflet. Quarterly Meeting's for Wilming ton IHstriet. Ii'alen at Antioeh, (VtoLer 1th and 5th. Scot fa Hill, at Seott's Hill. Octo ber 11th and 1:2th. Bladen Street, at night, Oct. 12th. Clinton, at Kroner's, ISth and Uth. Sampson, at MeGec's, Detlication, Ocl her 20th and 26th. Magnolia, at Centenary, Novem ber 1st and 2nd. Elizabeth, at KMabethtwn, Nov. 8th and 9th. Waeeamaw, at Shih h, Novemher 11th and b"th. ! Whitoville at Fa!r Blutr, Xovem k v loth and ICth. Uo?ky Point at Iltugan C reek, No vember ISth and 10th. Cokesbury at MeXatt's, Novem ber 22d and 2;kl. Brunswiek Mision, November Brunswick circuit November 20th and 30th. Kenansville, io Charity, I)e"em- ber Ta and 4th. Grace Church, Decem'ner 7th. V. 1). SWINDKI.n, P. K, The billows will gi over us at times; they are so much greater than we. But they passas sure ly as they come, and we look back to -see them brak in foam and disappear foreve:, while we are but invigorated by the.r shock and baotism. 4iThjr bil lowss" ihey will newr bo used to drown a human soul. Ex. Two wo:ld, the highe. and the lower, separated by the thin nest of partitions. The lower world is that of questions, the upper world is that of answers. Endless doubt aud unrest here below; wondering1, admiring, adoring certaiuty abovH. O i ver Wendell Holmes Alliance Department, j AFFIANT); OTKS. iiSf. ITS-SfoX- AXI. fHL i:;j.VGS : OF .' ; VANOi.'S L' "',; FX Th3 IX -rti.i vi' i .'muiitteo of j Sampson tVr.ntv AcrXiHural i-i EnP-ti fMol.-r ( ti w. k. r ?1 - sih -Ir A I i . L. F. Flvi: AlliiLi.c.' F i i:t toil.-. iJ.e ::.t i ;o -ii, pl'f !pl I i ho Jollow ! tier it Will tjii'h e-;- f 1 s- No. lb Carol i'l.i at .ti ing times and places: -- i Gren.-bfjio, Sattuday Oct. Itli, Oxford, !oi:df)y, Ot.'b'th. j Raleigh, Tuesday, 0;t. 7th ) W(ddon, We Ineniay, Oct. hth. (o)ld-boro, Thursday. Oct. ith. Col. F. L. Folk will b- with him at Fal. jgh, Weldtn and Oi ben sna.Nd Illl.l, AM H.M'i-; o. :oo. On the 27th of Sept. 1890 passed the following1 resolution. 1, That we most heartily en-1 doise the resolution passed by j the Cumberland county Alii-I ance on the :ioth Aug. 18 'JO, and j jublished in t.ho Fici-rressi ve Farmer page 1 No. Vol ',. j That the Sect'y send a copy j of these resolutions to Tiik j Catcasiax with request that i the Progressive Farme:' copy. J. '. yuAiOiiox, Sect'y. The Fanners.' Alliance, if strictly adhered to and its prin ciple. pioperly enlorced w.ll eventually restore this troveni ment to its ttmdamental princi ples a' handrd to us by the widest and be.-t law-makers and the purest patriots. C. on I ir Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar in combination, proporti and preparation of ingredii Jiooa s Sarsapariiui possesses the full curative v; best knnwn rer the vegctuMr? !;i Peculiar in it aii'l ccoiioiiiv j C llood': sararill.i in "cine oi be saij, One liTu'er and .mailer bC'ttles require larger doses, and do not produce a.s good results as Hood's. Peculiar m its medicinal merits. Hood's ftarsapariKa accomplishes cures hitli- erto unknow n, and has won for itself r itself f the title of " The greatest blood purifier ever discovered." Peeuliarlii it " gnod nam ttCstS1 bonie," there U now "-more of Hood's SarsaparillaV Vsuid in Lov.ell, where. V it is made, than of f other blood purifier- ifn i 'i i i- it c phenomi vv : abroad, 'iio other preparation a3 'fever attained such j1 l.iTity in so short a and retained its ropu popu- time, popularity 1 confidence among all classes of peopi -o steadfastly. Do not lie induced to buy other preparations, but be frure t pet the 'Medicine, dss SarsapariHa nuuu Sold hy all iirucist3. fl; gixforfs. Preparedonly by C. I. UOOI) CO., A jthecaTles, T-owtll, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN Co. Iv Sl'PKRIoi: Coi.KT Harper William?, Order o Vt. - P u bl i c a Of a- jviveieu .Mnrpny, ) lion It appearing t the satisfac tion of Court, that the defen dant in t fie above entitled action for the foreclosure of a mortga ge en teal estate situated in s-aid countj, cannot, after due diligence be found within the Slate, it is therefore ordered that publication be made in Thk C.r 'Asian a neupaper published in the town of Clin ton, N. C, for six weeks, once tu each week successively, com mandiug the said Everest Murphy to be and appear be fore the Judge of the said Superior Court at the term to be held for county of Duplin at the Court House in Kenansville on the 12th Monday after the 1st .Monday in Sept. next lo answer the complaint on file in said action, or judgment will b rendered in said actiou for the relief demanded in the com plaint. II. C. BROADI1URS K, Clerk Superior Court H. E. Faisox, Att'y for ITantff. Spt. 5th, 1890. o:t2 -tit mopmrrons. 0AKR10GEIHSTITUTE and BUSINESS COLLECE. This school is sitnated in one of the most healthful sections of the Soiitb It is t';e largest Prirate School in Sorth Carolina. 267 students durirtK year just closed, l ull Courses for preparation lor i t-ouege, leaensng, Msisic isookteepinir. i enman kip, Storthand, Telegrapfcy. Typewriting, tend for beauuful Illustrated Catalogue Addrut: T. PSHiCIPALS, OAK RIDGE, 8. C SESSGM'S HOTEL, uoeEBOii o, isr.c. Special aeeomiuodations for the traveling put)lic. ltegHlur Startlers will also be taken . MRS. J. M. SESiSOMS, my If Proprietress . f ! of the jT i ! f fk VtreS III ZZcZV V tlio only niedi- i jT' Out-Hundred Doses j S Dollar." Medii-ines in . - s- i i ti n i t n i 21 Kr.aa -ff YOUR PENNIES YOU U.UULJ11JLJL1U 0 This can be accomplished very easy by buying y nrr Fall and Winter Snh FFOM M. H My buying your FROM M. Iy buying your FROM M. My seventeen years experience t-usmess lias taught me hor and till are the people of this and five long weeks :n New York, th e MOST KL F i N T A N D f j this side ot Vew York. All w; Sf e what i- be -ten. I1 t ie, ;s are jower TIiao'Ever ! We will supply your wan is for a SMALLER S JM than you yt-urself eAf'Cct. V have bought our stock of Clothin-r. Hats and Shoes to sell ind they Kre to he sold. I'. S. For every Dollars worth of Gor.ds you ? mv nf us this Fail you will receive a I'mzr Ticket, itoad iusiss Ixcal cui uinu for information. Respect fully, J&J&J AT WILL SOON HAVE ANSI FIN. T IIANSTFJN. Z "CI tl", T 11 1IANSTEIN. in the Clothing, Hat and Shoe where to buy goods that will adjoining: couuti-. It took me Boston and I'hiladfdph a to buy ftG f ST I, I X E o f goods e ve shown as of our friends is to call and -IU JlJL J.X BSS 44- mm Si 4 7 6fe King Clothier and Hatter, CLINTON, X. C. Dii 1 Is more the result of good JUDGMENT and TASTE than the more lavish use of MONEY. Our new Stock of ! tes Mi Is adapted to fill the wants of those who having slender incomes still de sire to make their appearance credi table. Our experience and close re lations with the largest New York Dress Goods Establishments enables us to present this reason a line of Dress Goods, proachable in 1hi -ni Q uality, 9 7 We will toll you about other departments next week. Respectfully, P. Johnson & Go. 1 have been to the Northern mirkeh in person tnd bought iaiLTo stock o MEN'S, BOY'S II j Direct I'iuta iijanufa' tuteis. I r 1 o ftuit of i Jlothes. Our goods are marked io plaMi figttrt s, which is asm.ili margiu atove cost, and is the tirsl and last price we will ask yoii I guarantee a lit and the foil value of your mon:y. T also bought a larze hue of DRESS GOODS of all kinds, ot A fuil line of STAPLE DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, A so LADIES CLOAKS and SHAWLS, and GENTS' II ATS and SHOES. Wehandle the very best LADIES' SHOES in town for gl.oo. Of fine Dress Shoes for gents' and ladies' I have a nice assort ment. TRUNKS, VALISES. I have secured the services of ! 4 I . m. it- . J53 1 ara still selling thai spool. How can 1 afford to do save you 25 per cent. f'lease notien th:tt I urocenes, ana am jiiviiu my uur of goois. Thanking you for your past hoping that one futur busiiids to merit your continued esteem and patronage, I am, Very Respectfully, 'V. 1 f .A .1 it .; 2L ri i n mci Qm n i --, I it. YOUTH'S CLOMI! will not ask von lor Ma GENTS' FUiiNISlIINii GOODS.! the latestdesigns and patter.! j Mi: J". S. IVrKissux wl o will he ' ! i t l- same Spol O.ttm at 4 ciiU a it? There, is no limit cn it, so I - - . " ,. attentiin :o the ah r:u iiue - - confidenco and patrofjigo and ! relat:o ii wilt eve, bs sa h i 6. MC KLBl f I I ii '-5 i:u, t ,.n -:r. AS I li v, . :. r - to i.i .'1 i ., U;-;: If : . pu - ' iii ry t !t m i:j e .v oi -i ; f.i' i 'i-i i will v i i'v n o . j 1 1 1 ''til . 1 : l pi Oft. jrii' . 1 1 i pi it d AVFFl STORE ! L.-l .-lore. ui hi- ! II' ! i of tin- r w N.ii'i U ! t .ast tli n the ph.c I r im.Miii:., whiskm.-, P.KF!;, KFM, AI.K, ;1N. WIN I-i and I .hot -,: 1 1 Uin.l, Sp ( i.d atteii J in.'i : u otti Clnvrr Vluh Unv VIiiskp ! . The !' .to ' ?'iirest HiFkej iu lnii'. Ab--ibs'.el;.-' and o ;-n!e-. iii In' ' !! :' ; 'i i ; i ; ; , ! f t !.i i t:i 1 ! . "Mul,. it. V V.'hi.-;je-." i:. ;!,i- I I . Full line of r.ttiuly UnH-erie-, C;,t lied (io. nl, Synip', To!i;t(t o, BODKHHAMMKR k RUSSELL " 11 '-'. vil ui'y invi'e yo.i to v.l I mrh'Ju- (i DO YOU WANT AVe iii!i-dtutiiif.'!y frecunro t!i Ivers 0 Pond PIANO tbf fin'- ' id i : Fho in-w; . r it r ,".il.f iii th worl'l. ! ii. . -J.1 Jo; . Uih'iI In Call ut ;! r '(if! iill'l exainiim th new Soft Stoj v. hi it h;oc I'iaii'M from wear whil I'l-iirtJ.-iiiK ;fid in:ivM tnj lnauil iblo tn!! fiiN'i.- of I'loiu. A wonder ful :mv ti'Um II. MILLFR & CO. t-c-. ft v j,- : Z. f. i. frr 5 m t 5-.i i&l mmii for FOR THE For Sale BY ALL 1 To cere BilioMac, Sick Ileadiche. Ccostt j paUon, MaJaria, Liver Ompiainls. Uko tie safe and certain rtracdy. I L'itJi?lt1:hfiJt' W0eUcaB,toth f ",UiC2; THV ARE THE MOST COVriLXlXSrZ vMfl 1 fv .;f. 1FL v V... ' if u t T and BEAST Years tSSBESBSKSBSSSSSSBKBESS mm I