T H i C U CAS lAN t'Ul'.LISUKti KV'EKY TIIUl'-HDAY, IS y MAKIOX BL'TLEK, . i mor :utt Proprietor. MiKATltS many a nrw !.;;ne KN L MIC tar. vat?olu.4 ic, KEVIVES wa-j a 4ull t:cs KESerKSmafir t tons? SAVKS many a fains l4ma., lRC5ERYES nanr a large t 1&ECUHES rc ki any buhrw. SUnsUKIKli. s'Unve thin Taper to your neigh v-ur and advise liiin to Bub- scribe. VOL- IX. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1890. JfO. 3. j Therefore advcrti-M? b a tfu'r ;rr. s tJei-ipiioji Irico $1.50 per Year, in Advance. t; i ne the jic ane ans-nm i read '! I. e-' m I'ROKEttilONAL C'OLIJMN. W R. ALLEN, ATTORN K V- AT-LA W, Goldyboro, N. C Will praclne in Sampson county. m. m. ;. I'ji vsiriA.vSii iujkon ani Dentist, i) )i c in Lee' Drugstore, je 7-lyr j A. STEVENS, M. 1). (Ot'ico over Post Office) Utf-May be found at night at the residence of J. J I. Hteven on College .street. je7-Iyr II E. I'M I SON, JLX Atdunky and Counsell or at Law. (Mice on Main Street, will practice in courts of SampHoniind .1 i,..ining eoun'.k?. Also In Supreme .'.. nt. All business intrusted to his tn? will receive prompt and careful , icntion. Jo7-lyr YV THOMSON. r .TTOUSIIY ANI UOUNflEJ.I, i fill AT IjAW. OlVice Xver Post Olliee. w ill nracliee in Namtwon and ad joining counties. ...id faithful to tht, Oil III.. ...... Ever attentive interests of all Je 7-lyr 1 U ERR. I J. A 'M1NKY AND Co UN HULL" MU At ' 'mice on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Ponder, Harnett and Duplin Coun t les. Als mi Supreme Court. Prompt, rsonal attention will be given to nl. eal business, le 7-lyr 1 tirank i;oyette,d.d.s. Dkntihtuy i lifice on Main Street. Oirors bis services to the people of Clinton and vicinity, fcverytinng in lliMline of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4arMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. lie that has a pure heart wiil never cease to prav, and he who will be constant in prayer hall know what it is to have a pure heart. LaCrombo Pro no an red Hopeless, Yet Saved. From u letter written ty Airs. Ada E. Ilurd, ofiiroton, S. D., we quote: Was taken with a bad cold, which Mettled on my lungs cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption.- Four doctors gave me up say ing I could live but a hort time. I gave myself to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband f?was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs a.d Colds. I gave it a trial, toot , in all eight bottles; it has cured ni and Ih'Mik (jod I am now a well ant heart v woman." Trial bottles free at 1).. R. U. Holiday's drugstore, Clinton, N. C, and John R. Smith, druggist, Ml. Olive, N. C Whatever the world may say, con cerning th3 elements and e-ouditions of success, it remains true tnat evrry life ii a failure thai does not grow fetter as it grows older. Kiipcpsy. This is what you ought to have, in IV.ct, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are search ing i'or it daily, and mourning be cause they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars aie spent annually by our people in the hope that Ihey may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guar antee that Electric Ritters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon dys pepsia and install instead Kupepsy. We recommcd Electric Ritters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at oOc and S1.00 per bottle by R. II. Ilodi- dsiv. Druirzist. Clinton; and Joux R. Smith, Druggist, Mount Olive. There is a railroad now from Jeru salem to Jaffa. The locomotive en gipe was mad; in the United States An Old Sore Healed. I had a painful annoying sore on my leg, near the knee, that troubled me tor over two years. I tried va rious remedies, but the sore, instead of healing up, continued to growq larger, and to cause me more paia until I began to look for a crutch. Through the advice of a friend, who was cured f a similar trouble, I took Si and in a few weeks was cured entiiely. The sore healed up, and there is not even a scar left to mark the place. Citakt.es A. Sumnek, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. gay"Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis ease mailed free. SVIFT Sl'ECIFIC CO., Drawer tl. Atlanta, Georgia. Coi duct is the great profession; behavior is perpetually revealing us; what a man does tell us what he is. itacklen's Arnica Salve. T"if bcrt Salve in the world lor Cuts, T.r. !: J-'ores, Ulcers. Salt Uheum, l-v-r ?; Tetter. Clipped Hands, Chilblain-. ms, and aU ;k:n Eruptions, Mil l i. .-U velv i-urcs Tiles, or no pay re.jui iv: Ii is -jiiaranUcd t JTive per te-.: ;iti-'.aciu n, or money refunded I'Mi.c 2" c. nh pt;r ix-x. "For sale by D . )'.. lbi.L.i.AV, Clintor,, and J li. mi -i1. Druiiist. Mount Olive, N. C The sun, shining forth at evening, urns the clouds that have hidden liim bv day into braided whiteness r refulgent gold. , ' IV XaV.Z T-Ai.tC ACIIKS Or you ure nil wo u imii , n l 17 good for nothing It is fcenernl r?p.iiity. Try ttHltHX'M liOV JITTJMM. U iU cure you. and r! v; ft itoort appetite. Sold ty all tletik-i iu uieUiciue. THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. HOW things LOOK fi:om OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the ... ...u: Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. The State Chronicle must nave trodden on the Durham Olobe'.s ten-. tferest corn. The (J lobe lias declared war against the Chronicle and the war of words waxen warm. A Washington correspondent of the Statesville Landmark says that Hon. C. W. McClammy will b a condidate for Clerk of the ntxt House of Representatives if it. is Democratic. Don't send from your town for any article you can get at home. Don't croak and growl and pull down vour neighbors who are trying i.,.4,.. 4i.-. i..,4 in.i i,oin ing hand. Al. Fuirbrother. To lay with one hand the power of the ('overnment on the property of the citizen, and with the other to bestow it upon favored individuals to aid private enterprises and build up private fortune, is none the less a robbery because it is done under the forms of law and is called taxa tion. Justice Miller. Some of the best men in the Re publican party of this State have nueiy come over to mo iemoeraes. .Many otners wouia nice to, dui are afraid of being jeered by their old; associates. They are like the dar key who held the bear by the tail. They want to let go, but don't know just how to do it. The Raleigh Signal is like a good many voters of its party. At inter mediate times it is dead, but always comes toTilo ju.xt before elections It cries "vote the Radical ticket," but don't givev single reason why any body should do so. Its reasons for voting as it directs would be as fabulous and hard to find as the bag of gold at the end of a rainbow. AGAINST THE LABORING MAN. Rjnk checks formerly paid a tax and it brought a large revenue to But 'taxes had to be ... . .. . . ... reuueed" so the J , , ... . ., . I . uauKers anu monopoiisTS sent ineir l-jbbysta to congress and bntetl the neonles servants to take off the tax on bank checks and left it on salt, blankets and woollen good. That's the way they show their friendship for the laboring niao. WHY THEY ENDORSE INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATS. he only hone for the monopolist and Railroad men to continue to oppress the people is for them to get the honest farming and laboring men devided among themselves, so they .therefore endorse and assist all inde-i-,. 'yent Democrats. Let all good men, whatever their disap pointments, stand squarely by the resrular Democratic nominees. There is no safety in any other way. The Courier-Journal well says : he key to the policy of Speaker Reetl and the Republican party is contained in the closing sentence of the Speaker's Utica address, when he threatened the Democrats with the bayonets of the United States Government. He means that the Republicans will rule by fraud if they can, and if they fail, force snail ue tneir last resort, meseare evolutionary words for the head of a parliamentary Douy to use, ana in tne purer tiaysoi tne uommonweaitn vould have startled the country; but in our tunes, wnen me onsu- tution has been cast into the waste oasKet, ana usurpauon is a ueiwr weapon man justice, tne puiuic not surprised at anything." Gov. H ill has been on a recent speech making four through Ohio. He invaded the country of the ene my in High rann Aiciviniey s own district and on oen occasion used these words : -'I am opposed to the election of r. monv- roo William 3iciviniey tor many rea V ...MU . ... sons, a nong others because he voted for and advocated the infamous Force bill. That measure imperils the Constitutional government of this country, and the best interests of the people demand its deleat. I denounce this measure as a danger ous exercise of Constitutional au thority, a menace to our theory of government and an insult tothepeo of the States. The States have al ways regulated their own elections." This comes from a Northern Dem ociat, and is spoken in northern ter ritory. The Democratic party op poses the plan of punching a man in the back with a bayonet when he walks peaceably up to the ballot box to vote, - but unless people want to vote that way they must administer such a national rebuke to the Repub lican party at the next election that Recd and his gang ot parasites will never again say j? orce diu abow. a whisper. HOX.W.M. ItOHItlXS AddrewwH u larire Audience in Clinton Tliurday night. On la.st Thursday, Hon. W. M. Iiobbhn addressed the iKople of lower Sampson at Lisbon. An apiointment had been made for him in Clinton, and he came up from Lisbon and addressed a larue assemblage of Sampson's Democracy in the court-house Thursday night. He was gracefully introduced by Mr. F. It. Cooper. Maj. Itobbins was unwfrll and not at his best, but his speech was a powerful exposition of Radical wrong doiug, and an able appeal for the Democratic party. 'The Jtepublical party' he; said, is a sectional party, and has no res pect, or good feeling for the South. In the 2" years since the war they have only had two cabinet officers from the South, and one of these was a Democrat and the other a Northern carpet-bagger. Northern Republicans consider the Southern people as base, unworthy rebels that ought to be thankful thai their lives were spared. I he republican party has been the friend of those who have not needcnl friends and has shown no mend.ship lor those m need of friends the fanners and laboring men of the country. The Republi cans demonetized silver to mease the bond holder, and when the peo ple demanded that more silver be coined they made the silver dollars as ugly as possible in order to make them unpopular. They have con tracted the currency, so the laboring man can not get the money to pay his debts. If anything will take the heart and manhood out of a man it is debt. It hangs like a cloud over Ids life and almost drives him to despair when he sees no hope of lilting it. The farmer is the man whe creates wealth from nothing by digging it out ot the soil, and he, of tp(1 flt,Vinsl, hv thn .nlnstlmvs of tho lienublican party The strangest thing in the world is that an intelligent Southern man can vote the Republican ticket. 1 he negro laborer will vote l or the party that is pauperizing his employer, and thus reduces his own income. Frequent elections aie the only safety of the people. Every two years we look over the books and hold each officer to strict ac- count i'or bis acts. The great ma- jority of the white voters of the country have for manv years voted the Democratic ticket. There are now a million more white Demo crats Jhan white Republicans. See ing that Democracy is growing in strength the Republicans hae re solved to pass the wicked force bill to perpetuate the power of the party. The Republican party is not the party of the people and if the majority had ruled there would not have been a republican President in years. The Democratic party is the great national paity.lt extends a fr iendly JliUIH ilUlUSS aUU!011 illlll X7IA.IH1 -.- i..,.i -t ...i : i , and bridges the chasm of sectional hatred. Nothing will so soon make the hearts of the North and South throb in unison with friendly feel ings as the ascendency of the Demo cratic party." This outline will do but faint justice to Mr. Robbins speech. It was full of truth, wisdom and was put in a way thai none could fail to understand. His remarks to the negroes were plain but were the words of a friend. "It took the great anglo saxan race COO years to learn the lesson of sell government lie said," and can the negroes have learned this lesson in the brief it is they period of 25 year.-? Xo; and not slandering them to say have not." The time has not yet arrived for the negroes to rule this country. Maj. Robhions showed that it was the duty of all Southern men to vote the Democratic ticket, because the Republican party lias no lespect for Southern people or thir rights. Hon. B. F. Grady was present, and at the close of Maj. Robbins address was called for, but owing to the lateness of the hour declined to speak. Till: SITUATION IN SAMPSON COUNTY SOIILAK TO Till: SITUATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Th wnrwsr livino- npmv of tho Ronth to-dav is A. C ' PaskpllAvhn is runninr an independent can didate for Governor in South Caro- Miim arainst Cant. Tillman tbp reglllar Democratic nominee. He is waikin? on a volcano, and the trouble is that if it burst, as it will if he is successful, it will not only ruin him but 8W11iiow un all his teo- pie m the vortex as well. In 1887, A. C. Haskell spoke truly when, as a Democrat, he was a candidate for orSce. He said: "There is only one way by which we can hope to maintain an honest government, and every true citi zen is bound to adhere to that, a whatever ms opinions ot persons or I local questions, and that is to obey 1 A 1 - rt - . " -1 1 1 me voice 01 uw majority oi me Democratic party. If he does not he is a deserter, and should be so treated." He spoke truly then, nnd to quote his own language he is now a "de serter." Let him "be so treated" give him a dose of his own medicine. State Chronicle. The people of South Caiolina have decided to take the govern ment into their own hands. A few families and political bosses who had been running the State, got mad because they could not have their way. They have put out an independent and are buying the negro to get his vote. They are willing to do anything, even to sink the'State just to satisfy their own personal dairies. Yes they are 'deserters" and enemies to their estate, to tne people una to good I government. We suppose the mo- nopolist and railroalds are backing the independents and deserters as they are elsewhere. Ed.J HIS FLEETING IDEAL. The Great Composite SotcL Tho Joint Work of P. T. KAIIXUM, JOHN U SUIAilVAX, HILL X1T3, . KLLA WIIKKLCR WILCOX. Maj. ALFJIKD a CALHOUX, HOWE & HUMMKL, IXSPECTOK I1YKXK3, V A I-LINK 1IALI Mi EASTLAKE, W. II. BALLOU, NELL NELSON and A LAX DALE. L FOUND AT LAST. By W. IL BALLOU. Illustrated by HAHDO MIBANDA. CorjTisbt. AH rUchta reserved.1 VII. -ONE THREAD BREAKS. By INSPEOTOS BYRNES. niuBtrated by REGINALD T. SPERRY. tCopyrighL All rights reservad.1 Ilenshall did not know whether to laugh or to swear when he reflected on the way in which he had been played by the einger. He felt glad that he had made sure of her number. lie meant to Bee her the next day and find out if he could where Edna Lewis was living. The interest which he had felt in this girl, who represented to him so fully his ideal, was quickened ten fold by the late occurrence. He had protected her from one whom he was convinced by many reasons she disliked and who boded her no good. The glance that had shot from her eye as she darted off when he had freed her from Dr. Watson had spoken of gratitude. He laughed at himself for being tempted to think there was any . other feeling in that glance. "Yet I had only seen her once," he said to himself, as if to defend the absurd thought that she would feel any deep in terest in him. "I saw her only once, and she has lived in my brain and my heart ever since. What a so she must have to play as she did! What could have made that woman play me like that?" "That woman" was not the fascinating Edna, but the singer who had decoyed him away from her. He rememlx-red that lidna at the con cert had worn a white satin dress, and the singer had worn a pink one. Then they must have changed gowns! And the long cloak he was sure was the same as that he had seen upon the young girl at the time he had come to her rescue and freed her from Dr. Watson. He recalled the singular change which he had remarked in her playing. He also remembered the strange fact that he had turned his eyes directly from her upon Dr. Watson. The thought that he and the giri he was beginning to feel such an interest in could be swayed by a common sym pathetic feeling- was pleasant to him, but when he reflected that it was the odious doctor who had apparently swayed both their souls by some occult magnetism he was indignant. He could have endured it for her, but that he, a strong man, should be drawn like a piece of iron filing to the magnet by this fellow, whom he hated and whom he knew to be a villain, mortified hi3 pride. "It was only a chance coincidence," he said angrily to himself. The next morning he called at the house where he had been the night be fore with the singer. He had lost his programme of the concert, and could not recall her name But he trusted to his wit to find her. A colored man answered his impatient ring at the bell. "Is there a public singer living in this building?" Henshall asked. "Yes, sir; there's two Mrs. Bucks and Mi?a Dudley." "Where is the man who was on duty last night at 11 o'clock?" he inquired. "He doesn't come on till 6 this even ing," was the answer. "Well, you can take me to Miss Dud ley's," he said impatiently at a venture. The elevator boy took him up to the third floor and pointed to the door on the left. "That is Miss Dudley's," he said. Henshaii rang the bell. The door waa opened after two or three minutes by a young woman whom he had never seen. "Can I see Miss Dudley for a mo ment?" he asked. "What do you want to see her for?" said the young woman. "It is on a matter of private busi ness," he replied. The lady's face was notat all encour aging as she replied, "I do not know it." "Have you any objections to telling me why you and Miss Ne villa exchanged dresses last night and why yon led me on such a wild goose chase?" The lady's eyes twinkled, a little with merriment as she recalled the incident. Then she replied provokinglty: "Why, I thought the least 1 could do after your goodness in supplying me with a coupe to come homein was to al low you to accompany me asf ar as the door. So you didn't mean to come with me at all," she went 00 ironically, "flow mortifying!" ".Miss Dudley, I ve no .doubt it waa very amusing to hoodwinkpne aa yon did. But you have not told me why you changed dresses with Mass Neville and wore her cloak." "Why, you see, she. asked me to," said Miss Dudley, opening'her eyes and look ing very innocent. "And why did she ask you to?" re torted Henshall, showing a little irrita tion. "I don't suppose it is a common thing for young women who ein or take part in the same concert to change clothes with each other to go home inP' Miss Dudley smiled again. Then. a if feeling that she had carried the matter far enough in this line, she said decided ly and with a serious countenance: "l nave tola you aIL.1 cave to say about the matter. If you wish to know more you will have to see Miss Neville herself, and I do not really know her ad dress. So I can be of no service to you, and I must beg you to excuse me now, ' "Miss Dudley," said Henshall, soften ing his tone, "you would not have acted. as you have unless yoc were a friend to- Miss Neville. Believe me, you would. do her no harm by trusting me, as I am. ahem! a true friend to the young lady- 'l had the pleasure of rescuing her from a man who waa annoying her with; his attentions only last evening. I feel tuo m tau to escape Uffi that led Jier to propose this extraordinary changw of drt-ss. Your teinsf so nearly the same height and figure asMin Neville made this an easy means of throwing him off the track. An I cot right?" Miss Dudley's eyes had opened rather wide aa he waa speaking, and when he was through she exclaimed: "Then you are not the man? "I am not the man, I swear to yon." said HenshalL gal fr Yr77 f.jLiiJLasgi'? I i am wit the -nan, I stcwr to you'' The singf-r reflected for a moment and then said: "I do not see what harm it can do to tell you the truth in any case. Even if you are the man, nothing that I say woum ao anv narm now. w no is the man?" she asked suddenly, fixing her eye3 on the young fellow. "He is an Italian mind reader whose real name is Leopardi. I know him to be a vllliari," replied Henshall at once. "I only asked that to see if you would have an answer ready," Miss Dudley re turned, smiling roguishly again. "Well, I will tell you the whole thing. After her last solo Miss Neville was strangely agitated. She came to me trembnn and said: 'There is a man whom I great ly fear, because, although I detest him, he has an influence over me which I can not resist. From the way I felt while I was playing I believe he was somewhere in the hall. I desire above all things to avoid meeting this man. My happiness in lif e may be destroyed if he should find where I am living. Will you not change dresses with me and wear my wrap? We are so nearly alike m figure that if you go out in these clothes and veil yourself well he can easily mistake 3'ou for me and will follow you. I feel as if he would wait until he sees me come out.' ,' "She so impressed me,'" continued ;Miss Dudley, "that I consented. The , fun of the tiling tickled my fancy, too Well, when I came out and you ad dressed me as Miss Neville and invited me into the coupe which you had en gaged, 1 felt sure you were the man. I thought I was helping Miss Neville all the more by bringing you home with me, Then it was a satisfaction to show vou how you had been fooled." She laughed and then said earnestly, 'And you are not the man at all, then?1 "No, I am not the man at all," re plied Henshall. "You acted a friendly part. Now, you can act a still friendlier one if you will help me find this young woman. I believe she needs assistance and I shall gladly aid her." Miss Dudley darted a keen glance at his handsome face as she answered: "I do not doubt it in the least. But I know nothing about Miss Neville more than I have told you. Still, when I see her I will tell her what you have said, and if you leave your address with me I will write to you what she says." With this Henshall had to be content. He Eaw that the singer was sincere in what she said so far as he could judge. He went to Steinway hall and got Hein- rich Neuberger's address. It was on Third avenue, far up town. He decided to call at Miss Hartman's on nis way up to let .airs, bmitn icnow that he had seen her villainous husband. This would help to cement the confi dence between them which he wished to Inspire. When he rang the bell he told the ser vant to tne his card to Mrs. Smith. He penciled on it: "Come down for a mo ment. Do not say I am here." He entered the parlor and waited. In a very short time Mrs. Smith presented herself. She seemed named, but glad to see him. You came at a very opportune time. I can trust you impiicity, can 1 notr sne asked, looking at him fixedly Oertainlv. I want vou to do so. I want your help and will give you mine. I siw vour husband last night," he added. Read that and see what it means, said Mrs. Smith, drawing a letter from jT pocket. "Do not be afraid to do so bjcause it is directed to Miss Hartman. I have read it " and her eyes flashed, "and I know he raeast villainy by it. Henshall hastily ran his eye over the letter. It was as follows "Miss Lena Haetman If Mr. Henry FTffnslia.H has any relations to you which would make his compromising another young woman of interest to you ask him what he has to do with a girl who plays the violin ia public and whose stage name is Lorase .Neville. He may deny that he knows her, but you are en titled to this warning from "A Feiem. Henshaii raised his eyes interrogative ly to Mrs. Smith. "That note came this morning," she said excitedlv. "Tne handwriting 13 disguised, but I know the character of Leopardi's Italian letters too well not to detect it I took the liberty of opening it. thinking I had a right as his wife, she Eaid bitterly, "to know what he would write to a young lady engaged to a young gentleman. When I read it I decided not to let Miss Hartman know anything about it, and felt it was only fair to show it to you. "It is only his devilish malice per haps," said Henshall, "for he hates me. But I do not know how he could have found out my name and myecgagement to Miss Hartman. He then told Mrs. Smith the Instory of yesterday. When he was through she exclaimed: "That man seezria to ma devilish at times. Keep this letter at all events It may come into play later." When Henshall left her ne went at once to Neuberger's. What was his astonishment when that gentleman said to him: "Miss Neville has accepted an engagement to appear in San Francisco with a manager named Rudolph Opper. 1 She started for there this rooming." "Beaten aain!" 'said . Henshall sav- 1 111 1 u it . rr 111 W it stair. "But I will find her it I bate to follow her around the world." VUL -COLLISIONS AND COLLD- Bj NELL NELSON. Eluttratod bj Mr. JESSIE CUETIS SHEPABD. Oh! how good the fire t.l" said MiKs Brown, as she rolled over 00 the soft Persian rug and presented her left shoulder to the open frrate. one lay wiin ner einows on tee Boor, ; her chin in her hands and her feet cat as she toasted herself a bright kat- let 'Oh! how good L feels," she repeated. gazing into the glowing coaht through the iron bars of the grat&and rocrossing her neatly slippered feet. "Thj best fire that ever blazed. If I ever get a home of my own I'll have a grate ia every room and a roaring fire in ever' grat tun months in the year. If there was nothing else in life but hot coffee, hot water and a hot fire it would still be worth living. 'Coffee is the best thing that ever went down a human throat. I know of no sensation to compare with a hot bath, which is a purification, a solace and a benediction, while a grate fire, with a soft rug to lie on, la company, comfort and consolation. There a history in the burning coals, and there must be in spiration, only I haven't brains enough to perceive it. "The present lies in the white heat There's that Doctor of Devils gi inning at me; there's poor little Edna; there's the crazy painter, and leaning against the brick is Mr. Crawford, scarcely able to support himself. "The embers of remembrance in their dying glow picture the past, and there's one fact that never fades. I see it in the ashes after the last spark goes out, and I shall see it in the coffin lid at my fu neral, and in my grave when Fm buried. God help her to forgive me!" and roll ing over on her back she clasped her hands and raised them in supplicating appeal above her burning face. Just then the door of her room opened noiselessly and Dr. Watson, in slippers and lounge coat, entered, and taking a cigarette from his lips stood for a mo ment watching her. Not a sound was made nor a syllable uttered, but Miss Brown felt the pres ence of the hypnotist in an instant. A shudder ran through her body, an excessive quivering agitated her eyelids. Her eyeballs moved convulsively, and quickly turning her face as close to the fire as the brass fender would permit she said by way of recognition. "It's you, is it?" "You have said it, my dear Martha, and if you don't mind I'll finish my cig arette here. Damnation can have little terror for you, by the way." "How do you know?" "Fau have alet it, my lcar MarVia." "Because you can stand such an infer nal lot of heat. I've seen something of life and people, but I never met a creat ure without feathers or fur who could stand as much roasting as you can and not get scorched. Do you know, I some times think that you lived in Hades be fore you came to earthfor you are cer tainly the most fireproof younjr woman in my time." Miss Brown rose to a sitting posture, straightened out her skirts, threw one corner of the fine rug over her feet and knees, and lying down again turned her eyes to the fire and covered her face with her arm to shut out the demon gaze that made her soul writhe. Without heeding her silence Watson blew out some delicate rings of smoke. "I wish you were not so prudish," he said. "I like the lace ruffles of your skirt better than that rug. They remind me of the girl I married in Chicago." 'That was your third wife, wasn't ilr she said venomously. "Well, really, Mattie, to tell you th9 truth, I don't remember her numler, bat now that you betray some evidence 01 rationalism, I have a little matter to talk about that will interest you. "Your truant mistress has gone west, and to-morrow, if possible, we will take the same route. I have given old Mor tality a powder to niake him sleep for the next fifteen hours, and if you have any packing to do you needn't 1 afraid of disturbing him. ion have been a very useful assistant. Martha, and you can make yourself indispensable to me now if you want to. Miss Brown slowly raised herself, rubbed her eyes with both hands, and without looking at him aked. "In what wayr "In tho baino old wav." "No. I've done all I intend to do In the same old way! When I leave this house I leave your service for good. I have enough on my conscience now to keep me as wide awak-3 as the Macbeths, and I tell you Im sick of it. and I in tend to quit" You're never so good l-jat:t. Mar tha, as when you reflect the fue you ab sorb. If you were my wife I'd keep you angry all the time. Cotisfi sUw-e? Bah! the thinj went out cf gtyl before yon were out of bib It's indiywstion that's bothering 3ou IU mli yoa a jowder when I go to my room. "Now, MLaa Crawford is expected in San Francisco Monday evening. She will stay at a private house, tho name and number of which I will give yon, and I want you tl1go to her with a let ter her father has written and look after her. I am determined to marry her and yon can help me." "And what if I refuse?" . Tia determined that you will not re fuse, and the sooner you understand that the better. Do yoa hear what I am say ing? Look at mel" "Letmegor "Answer me first" Unable to move a muscle under Ida irnp jaiK ruwn tett ncr rwiing beneath hit hideous gaze ail far an iu stant was overpowered. The doctor gave her arm a aida twist that brought the girl to her fet Then fixing hi black, txady 13 t-a oa her, and looking ktcadily at her tmaUing lids till h rabxl her ?yp to hi f. he said clearly and d.vdly: "You wall do as I trU yon? ra will?" A fthadd pa&ed across tho jkU to. of the governess. It wai tlwr mi instant and gone In an instant, but Mia Brown was conscious of it, for raf-wsl Let left hand to brush it away, and aa 1m did so gapud. "Yea," and tor away tb lace from her throat "Now you are reasonable. Hit down and listen to tat. TU Mr. Crawford in the morning that you had a drvain, that yon saw Dins on a sick bed, oegbvtJ and alone. Tell hi in you &w her mother What the devil ads your "Don't say any more, for iR-avsa'i sake! I know what to tell him." and she buried her face in her lumds as If to shut out a vision too horrible to om'.-i.-plate. "I am willing and all that r- Wat eon, but I know I can't help you and it's no use sending me. ML-ta Edna does not trust me. She dreads me and I f enr her. I cant look into her face, and have not been able to meet Iter eye since tho night I made her mother Lie your vin aigrette. "Asleep or awake It's all the same, and tho older the daughter grows the stronger becomes the resemblance to her mother. It is wasted time; I can't stay with her or near her, and I won't try. 1 will go to California with the letter, if that will do you any good, but there isn't money enough in America to keep mo in her service." "And that U final, in if "Yea." "Does it occur to you that 1 have evi dence sufficient to convict you of mur der?" "Who ever heard of an accomplice hanging and an adept scoundrel who has won success as thief, bigamist, forgerer and blackmailer escaping judgment? There was profit in Mrs. Crawford's death, and you know who got her fort une and what became of her proirty." "Hold your tongue, you jade. Your wages will depend upon the success of your dream to-morrow morniug. We give up th'ise quarters this week without fail, and on Kecond thought it will be ix?tter to have you travel with us as nurse or corn panion. or ti:retary In air. Crawford. "To save you the trouble of planning an escape I might as well tell you that I have paid a private detective to watch you, and that I urn determined to have your assintance. So good night, dear. (let as much rest as you can, for it's a long, weary run from here to "Frisco." Banker Hartman's house in Stuyvesant square was as gay as a palace for a coro nation. Incandescent lanterns hung in the branches of the trees, floded 1 the scene below with soft light, and wove a delicate tapestry of skeleton leaves and graceful branches over pavement, street and wall. From curbstone to doorstep stretched carpet and canopy, one hung with little chamber lanterns, from the jewels of vln ' the b'ght streamed in soft splendor, wid the other hedged with date and fan palms. White liveried grooms stood at the carriage step to assist the wedding guests, and in the vestibule ami along the staircase were servants of mscruta- Die race ana raultlesa dress, each with a single phrafse to deliver by way of direc tion to the bewildered company. The air was redolent with the breath of roses, and np from an arbor of pa'.m and oleauder floated the light strains of mandolins, flutes and harp, rapturous as love itself. Newel posts and balustrades were twined with roses and rosemary; win dow seats and mantel shelves were cush ioned with violets and daffodil; gor geous balls of hydrangea and chrysan themum filled the fin-places, and invisi bly hung against screens of smilax was a wainscoting of orchids extending through the drawing room and library. The alcove off the music room luid been tunn-d into a nuptial bvwer. An umbrella of white buds roofed the in- closnre, the walls were tajiestrifd with pink rosx. and just within the floral gates stood a prie-dieu of carved ivory and golden satin, where Henry Ilenshall would kneel with his bride to receive the nuptial benediction Cp in one of the sumptuousl- appoint ed guest cham Ijers sat the painter in the attitude of a penitent, desolate as a lighthouse, for he had locked the door and given orders not to be dista bed. The marriage was pet for 7 o'clock, and the neighborhood abounded in belfry clocks. He had liis cloves on and the ring in hfe pocket and he was listening for the knelL "Confound it, any way. Why should I care?" he muttered, rising abruptly and becinnina to nace the floor. "It's the woman in me. Men marry nurses and housekeepers and influence every day in th9 week, and I can name at leat five fellows in the club who have married for ; mere social position. This thing of Jove is an involuntary sort of a sensation, any way, and as for swearing to keep it up, it's all balderdash; for a fellow can no more hate all his life than be can love. Tm in love with th?t rcmall, brown eyed musician, yet I wouldn't marry her if I could; but I mean to find her and know her and use her as an ideal, if I have to fiell my immortal souL 'Lena is a good, wholesome girl, am ple in everything but imagination, ami able and lenient, and she loves me, joor child, with her whole eouL Ah, well, the least I can do is to treat her decently! And I wish to gracious this ordeal wn ovr with. "My idea in hurrying the thing was to escape the gaping raob, and the servant at the door told me he had counted one hundred and twenty. I never could un derstand tho whims of woman and her aversion to quiet weddings. "And then the nonsense of paying tribute to her intuition! IT1 swear that I haven't made love to her, and I know for s certainty that I haven't kissed her three times. She thinks the loves, and she thinks she Las a "heart, and she thinks she thinks, which is equivalent to the demonstration of an absurdity." Lena Hartman, buxom, blonde and warm blooded, belonged to that vast army of women that thrives best on neglect. She love! Henry Uenshsll be cause she feared liira. He had called her silly when the at- tempted to be playful, made fun of her (hc-ru, and rVffmt to u t a iSuii. in artistic sad shallow pv.l. II taad Ut umawifaUr. but ul hurt tar wa tl i&di3en-n 1k?w4 whvtt h potitM, cxpvlisis i U? Gwxini? wa wot in tbr wvit?r' !.,--ties. II ou!d have .vth4 lis -x with a hand tLvqi if bo cart d t j da but ha didn't end by bnu ritu her tub drifted Lisawlf t a "whUtlf arid-lib cvtnoUs-jon" stal of imprtat-. Invlvrrt-ntly Ib-nry va tratuinj? Ids wifo fr future imcO"?. Wmea ar easily fpuilcd a childrrn. and r;ee if.. dulsl Xhry twin a man about i!m xr fingrr or biy dcxtnnat with him. a the humor vtuts. It's the stinting -f grain an I gm tlat givr tho thoroughbred U-auty an 1 g.; afcd Jutt in propurtii bi th risk ing end stinting of hi aSW'tion wili a man hold nnd enslave tho wtanau r!w U in love with him. Th velvet gUn it wry thing to th tonrh, but a woiaaw want to know that there's an iron grip under it Henry Rt-nshall counted th Wlfry: strokes and waitl fur th ntuoditf tones to die away I f r unlocking th door. In the hall, on his vay t tho bridal chamber, h nm Banker Harttnan go iug to wgnal th Uhdtr of t h rrclw-str- for the inarch. "All, old nam; glad to s.x you! How are your knee? irh.dl I get yo.i a drink of something?" "No, thank you: I'm all rigtit Where's Lena?" "Dear Henry, how d I lAi I my veil on straight? I'm nwfnUy nervous. Art' you?" The pale fared bridogn fin wm rpavd the effort of respiunw by a burst i mel ody that came from the fifty mriu- bidden away ia some phtce nvcrkend, and offering his arm to tlw gld- is satin and iwarled tulle ho ld her down the broad Maircaae, akng Hie rt tivl- -liijed hall, through the on-hi I iren1d drawing room and into the floral bowel. In the gateway ettxl tb -t raU4 clergyman, lfok iu hand, straight as a sentinel and bright as a January rv Tho sweet strain of "Olser. st" c.-.mij from the pleading, sobbing violins. Iu six minutes by the watch of Bfcs -Ilejiftha'l his bon wan a h unhand, and at 0 o'clock the following evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henshall, Mr. St.nth, Mr. Crawford, Dr. Watson and Ms Brown were in the Union depot of Oucago, waitintr for thw Snn Frouciwo United. To be continued next week. ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICK VIRTUE OF TOWER contained in a inortgajro deed, executed to me by.CJ. W, Marsh, August l!l!iil, 1Hn2, and duly registeied in book .r.", page .'32t and SSI, in the Uexltyr'! ollice orSarup- Hon county, I Mill, on Saturday, tho rah day of Ih eeiuber, 1h!k), at the courthouse door in Clinton, N. C, sell for ca.h, by public miction, to the highest bidder, the houses and lands (aiM)ut acres) lying on Ihe Clinton and Warsaw public road, about seven miles from Clinton. Slid lands sire fully lwiundvd and deeribd in said deed. A.M. LF.i:, Kx'r Clinton. X. C, Oct. 0, 1WM.KU4t Notice of Sale ! VIRTUE i)V AN ORDER J of tho Superior Court ot S:uiHsoii county, in c.te of ilay- wiml retrrson vs. J. J. Hron-011, ot I., the under-igiied will, on Nov. 21iv, Js'.iu, nt Minion, X. C., by public au'-tion, br ca-h, sdl tin- fol lowing nuids, adjoining binds o!' J. I). Carter and others, In LN.sm township, U'ing same de-cribed lu a mortgage deed :'roni said BroiiMUi to said l'eter-on, recorded in hoov. ., p.iges rt-.d 3o, containing 12.' acres, more or less. IIKXitY 1 1. KAISOX, Com. O.-lober 2!Mi, IstWl.- tds ABE YOU AN HEIR? .More than half a billion ot dt.-ll.iri in in.eli.iiiif l dfdts are jf .vailing the rU'bll'ul heirs in England, Scot land, Wales and Ireland. .I.t id the-e neif. ire in the United SUte-, and have be -a advertised for in Kngllsb pnpejs. Thousand of heir." have j'ever f en tlu-se vert -.-merit". If yui ancestor tn yur father' or mothers side came from any of the above nmned ountri.; do not fail tu v riie t Vt. lb s, ,. r-au -.-Maims-A' i.ey, Uv.nA St. New York, and certain If you are an heir. Your decease! a ico tor's rights are yours by iJriti-U liw . We luve information ofeverys tat anil dee.iod jerson who-" heirs have been advertised for in 1" veir-. Send postal note for 'U cents to insure information. If you arcaiihtfr we will recover the e tate tor you. So recovery no fee. jy2l-f HOP When ; on wish an tt-y shave, As g o,l as ImiImt ever gave, Jus' (!1 01 us at our saloon At n.omie.g, eve or uti; We cut ana dres the hair wilii i;raee, To suit the contour of the imv.. Our room i?neat and tmveb ilenn, Scissors liap and razors keen And everything we thinkyou'il find; f 8uJt the face and pleas the mind, And all our art and skill c-.:nb, It yoa just call, we'll do IV. r you. ' SIIKKARD A NIXON, The i:iintm ilzfa-r'. For 24 Years J. T. GREG0E7 j- . has occupied hi mntis -:V. TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT on Church Street." The great and risnal lead in low prices for men's clothes .EeononSy In cloth and money will force yoa to give him a call. t-Latcst Fashion plate always t on hand. June 7lh. Jyr.- FA .1 .J7

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