'A ... . - - 1 THlv-GAUCASIA. .i-m...-..,! . r.rtV.t.i' to rO'tr. awn al VETX211 AN Jti:UK IOX. Alliance Dep:u1miiiit. The. First llaitalioti of -North . T. The 15a; tt S ale Convention met at SiiHibv ye5U.rd-y. n the whole South tU.e arc tint ll.r- Kei-if iHans l-cted to Connresa. brated'at Magnolia--A1 i lresby.'.. li !. If nil. tt.o.j Alairnolia, N. 0., Nov. b (Special) -This la- hern a pat riotic day lie.o. The occasion war?' a reunion of tlio h:nrviviujr member- f t ompany II. First North Chrolina Battalion of the late war. Betdde the Mi:vivii;.' !1)NS or AND TUB DO IN CIS THE VARIOUS LODGES. i He cult up members of that, notable com- i. .ml ti ! v-rn4 nrosifllt a fine s mbly of ladies and uertle- I Tl , . i.t l. .. . .. al Fair is in ixugrem (hl ei it.. iwi n mm,. u. r.: rhe Cumbt rland County Agi t- veekj Some of .our feopfo oiv in attendance. : .... - . . . ... "i f . j ' " -j j,t, lijeetniLT was organize-a oy . Tlu next Senate . cf North Carolina will i-land Democrats 43; Republicans and lndeen dents 7. Ilia Honor Jude Boykiii i? presiding over Johnstone court this week and will hold Harnett court next week. The Democratic majority in this Siate U about 00,000. We will havt about 00 majority in the next Legislature. The payment of pensions un-di-r the new law will commence on Nov. iWili. The pension warrant.-! will be h; nt to the liegi titer of Deeds of the various counties. " i'nite Lecture at Ki rr. " y.r. Mari:t Butler, .the lecturer tl.r- -;a?i. ;.- n County Fanners' Abi.tnce, will deliver a puhihr turt- at Kivr .Station im. Thursday nLrhr, November 20th. Kwrybody i- invited out to J..-ar the prir.e.rdes n-ew nMTut.K Column- adveutisemexts. T 1 t S Ju A- JL The Uepublicau mauaKrs now "realize the truth of Mr. Tiincoln's remark: "You ran fool some of the peo. le all the time, all of tho i eoplo Mtiiio of the time, but yon can't fool all the people all the time." Star. Wafct county has elected her entire ticket ujid the court house ring is broken: The State Chronicle , has made a noble light for the Democracy of Wake and the t5tat kjnd its efforts will uot go unrijjwarde 1. The fact that ;the Farmers Aliidr.co has beatten Irurall, saved Kansas and given the Whole country "gentle red- caifieg Mr..h Wells Taylor, of liiipMn, of the command while i: p.ctive service, to the Chair, and apjoinling .1. T. C(11j'jh, Ks'., of Burgs. w, and a .toldier it; it, as Sec:et.irv. Kev." Colin Slaw, Chaplin n in the Confed erate States Army, opened the mieting with an eloquent arid patriotic prayer. The roll of tlie Command was then called. Alter thest; preliminary pro ceedings, the invited ppeaker of the occasion, Col. F-. 1). Hall, of Wilmington, was happily in troduced by the Chair to the fine and appreciative audience. Col. Hall feelingly alluded in his introductory remarks to the association, and events of the past, as" connected with the war, and as explanatory f this latriotic reunion, jie brought tears from the eves of .many a he dwelt with pathos upon the reminiscences of thu war, and. as he related the biaverv and pelf-sacrificing services and Jieroism of our North Carolina Soldiers. Warming up the as semblage in thisftloqueut state ments bfiiring upon the trials and events and patriotL-m of thot-e times that tried men's souis, he launched forth in a bold, able and splendid address upon the causes of the war, and the impressive lessons it leach s us all. He contended that the bloody strife originated from a long and persistent disregaul of rightjustic ,and constitution al obligations oi tlie pait of Nv England pmitans. He said that this puritanical spirit, intole-( rant, oppressive, intrusive upon the rights of others, and all fo self, was wafted to N.w . Eng land from old England, after failing tl ere to accomplish its proscriptive and exorbitant pur- t'lcar Kun Loi-. TI.u County l ecturer ikliwrtda Kfj- T.t4Mt;U!iIr.tf ia-truc:ive Uctv.r. bi&.rt- t!i. l.flC- sn hi-t Bat unl iy. We wish every ( nc- who oj w ordi-r could -have-hml libn, J'uJ.lic Lecture U ItojalN thnil. There willbe a public 1-cture at lloyal'H C'lmiei, under' the auspices of Progress-' AllhUH'f, on Saturday, December Cth, at -2 o'clock, by Mr. Morion Butler, the County Lectur er. TJie jmblie .is cordially invited. There are 2,170 su :-Alliauces in this State. There are now ninety six county Alliances, Dare being the last organized. There are about 92KX) members. It is impossible to give the ex act 'Strength.. TIIK KKSl'ON'Sl ISU.IT V. OF THE f Dpcdn Copies end Ctsz--l Calrto csst Frca -y0 other Weekly JTjigtT tml&m frif." TUIG GUP FllUU TO JAN. I. 1001. T T KEW ftrB9CRIBUt wk will eat m mmd m4 a tkl U wttk mm4 4lrtMffi ftifttr S1.7S Urn Ml me Xapnm JTofwy Oto or ReoUtmA Uamr mt mm rUm. ra will TUX YOUTH'S COMPAKIOJT FRKCt Jarr. mm tmr m F-tl Yfmr ttmm thmt Dm. Tkis offer tact-fir- PITS POl'BLB UOLIDAY HrMBEKtt tmr Tkaakactvlac. CkrtMMa. CkrtMM THE YOUTiyB CONPAWK)W, 41 Tmmplm Plmc Botow, Mat-. Kew Yeftfi, EMM r-ttn-.-r-j-ir. mil c iu-ixrmtl vm2 (Mivivie-r-t-. S Aadrtt, urra C1.7S 1nr,- shnnlfl firoirr wtnnnf. POSeS I hat it SDteaO OVer tlltt any good demo.; at or frued of .Entrland States, punishing his country i'jom fu: position to tho ordo:. Everybody is talking about the treat political devolution, and some say they don't under stand it. There is theing strange about it at all. It s'mply means tliat the peopio have they waked up (Chicago -Tribune.). Tho railway accident had been a terrible one, but one of the men who were carrying the tki.ty-sevonth victim up the embankment said, with strong feeliuir: , "Somebody. will have -"to pay dearly for all this!'' The mangled passenger open ed his eyes at:d glared at tl e epeaker. "Tlie -. company is not to bhime," he. said . fcebly.V'This is a dispensation of Providence." He was the attorney for the road. 'Leading authorities pay tlu only proper v;.y lo tr( at catarrh is to take a constitutional remedy, like I food's Sarsaarilla, -ADVERTISEMENTS. G. i 'g g ll-s waked up and in their Alliance Lodges. witrd)p5 fi11prt nnd nriyinn.t- tlier oj)- h j sorfa ()f obnoxious and impetous heresies, until it took up the abolition of slavery as one or rts unconutuiionai nero- s ers. that the same spt.it would not have allowed the constitution to have been form- ed,l:a.d it not have been for Wash ington and others of on: early fore fathers, after the inerican Independence oj 177G had been rledged. lJie able man' ner in whrclr Uoh IMu nai.ulea this part of his masteily ad die.ss shows him loan original thinker and a statesman.' NoT was he less potent in showing that there are distinctive pecu liarities be weeu the North and South. That the Southern peo ple are less r-elfisli, much more mora1, patriotic and reliable in while the power was Is a eonstituttonal and not a local dlseasa, and therefore It cannot be cured by local applications. It requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla,. which, working through the blood, eradicates the Impurity which causes and promotes tha disease, and effects a permanent cure. Thousands of people testify to tlie success of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for catarrh when other preparations had failed. t-'A .i ft- The oflicial count of Cumber land gives Meri imou 1 .247 ma jority. Grady, for Congress, 1,- 150 majority. No majorities less than 1,000. That of Sutton, for the House, is 1,855. Mr. Snt ton's friends are urging his name forSpeake. of the next House Principle and duty, love of money and Prl I fc3 j y yi , ) au tl " I will say I have been troubled lot sev eral years with tliat terribly disagreeable disease, catarrh. I took Hood's Sarsapa rilla with the very best results. It cured me o' that continual dropping in my throat, and stuffed up feeling. It has also helped my mother, who has taken it for run down stats of health and kidney trouble." - Mn9. S. T. Heath, Tutnani, Conn. ' - ' - - " I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla for ca tarrh with very satisfactory results. I have received more permanent benefit from it than from any other remedy I have ever tried." M. E. Head,-! A. Ked & Son, Wauseon, O. Tlie Greatest Attraction Ever heard of in Ciinton is the beau tiful stock of fall and winter Goods at the SEW A DVKU n -I'MEN'i'S. S)3ElGr S TOES! "A STITCH IX TIMK SAYICS NINE!" Di.n't wait to pet- r-iefc, tut when you oejjin to ietl tad come and get a dose of medicine and prevent sick ness. Tlils is the proper use of med icine. If you will do this you will scarcely ever have a doctor's bill to payor lose months of time, and put your friends and relatives to such a deal of trouble. In addition to my complete line of pure and reliable Drugs, I "carry Warner's Log I Vb in Jlemcdics, 1J. B. B., theft. fci S., Quirdne In email and large quantities; Kinnnon's Liv er Regulator, Famous Specific Or an $re Blossom, Cuticura ltemcdies, Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, the Golden Medical Dicivery, Horse and Cattle Powder (1 .uid pacRPges prepared by the IlerO Co. of W. Va. Quaker tmuid.) Prescrittion carefully comiM.und ed. Loal and office practice uihhi re j quest, lies pect fully. anjrltt' DH. -It. H. Ilf)LLIDAY. SCHOOL AT) V K I KT ISM KXT8. ti e ap ash 1 Sto re WILLIAM A. JOHJMSON. ONLY' ENTIRE NEW STOCK IN TOWN ! Every Department overflowing with the new3-t, handsomest and cheapest goods ever exhibited. " . - Don't fail to see all these lovely goods when yon come to town. We are the only house who sell Shoes made by THE BAY STATE SHOE 11 LEATHER COMPANY. Don't be deceived by unprincipled dealers who tell you they have the same goods we sell. . - - " Our whole store fo ce is anxious to servi the people. Yours to please, - yexican Linimeiii Female Institute. Thorough lnslructioa given in the usual Academic tudlaty 'CalLstlienlcs will be taught. V- h '- A full Cirpa of Instructors in every Department. TERMS REASONABLE. Opens SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1890. Send for Catalogue. MISS MARY ANDERSON, Principal 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I FW ' j.pVKRTt8EMBXT. for and rvA r FOR Forty Veaps Wm. A. Johnson. New Hat ovr conntv is to bo congratulated on her election of tho Demociatic ticket. The odor of the court house has been bid ever sincn the war and it will ienuiro a irood dual. tf i : . . i - mopp.ng oetcie li cari Do made const tnu.on and tnstitut.'onai the all-absorbing purpose and aim of tho moie immoral north. He went on in this hue o! thought in a most impressiw manner contending tljat ti)e principles of Uim late Southern Confederaov would vet iiieva'l in the XorUi if this count oers arsaparilla Sold by all ttrufigtg. pi ; six for fi. Prepared only by C.r. HOODCO.,Ary,thecaric, Lowell, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar 1 V7isdom ! fit for the-no .v officers elected, liberty. .So splendid was the address that v Tho President of the United States is mesa proclamation net ting apart Thursday, iXov. 27th as a day or thanksgiving. A majority of the people of this .country, politically known aa Democrats, will feel more thank f ul on that day than th-e minor! ty, politically known as Republicans. then i ad oca- aid s.ble when he concluded a vote of thauks was passed to its distinguished author, and a copy requested for publicat on in our leitdimr papers, especially the Meeu ger and Thk Caucasian-. Rev. Col. u Shaw ."was called out and made a fin dress, well suited to the sion. . Hurgaw was then selected the next place of reunion for tho surviving members, and the How will Reed feel in the secoud 'Thursday in September raVr Tr-xc- r HCMUS IHH U1UC. J.JIO lUllOW- iiuiiP in . IACIIJ Cf IlLilLlVPH I J . . . . , t, n t i - - . uui? mtmoers weie appoiuiect a li ue uemoctats feed hira out Cmnmittpp n.f a of his OWn spoon, lie Will b in thft n?ension: " Afpssr T rr an awkard position tryine to Collins, William Bas-?, 1. M. defend a Republican v iuinoritv Crooni Andrew Moore, N. Ih against a democratic majority, groom, B. W. Collins and .W W. If we were a member of the The meeting then adjourned next Congress WO WOUld be forinnn- -A rich aiiI Plpuonf temptfdto mi)re to unseat him tepast was spread in the grove oh general principles. of thi Academy wherv the - meeting was nern, oy ine ladies 1 F llrir.U rt.'.iiritt? Trr 1 -v -iv 1 On last Tuesday, in Durham, wav.s ilv ia Jiv a UninJ the corner stone of Trinitv hnd Coll?g was laid by the '"Masons', sions as this. AH who atteud Addresse3 fere made by Gsn. ; the meeting were invited R. li. Vance and Ex-Gov. Thos. anu acepiea. i ne secretary of Attachments, equal to any Sin- rer Machine sold from $40 tc $80 by Canvassers. Atrial io your home be; fere payment is asked ."Buy direct of the Manu facturers and save agents profits besides getting certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for testimonials to Co-cperatlve Sewing Machine CO., 269 S. Itth St, Philadelphia, Pa. : WWB TAT rBEIUUT.t ; Wisdom! ! Wisdom!!'! They show who Trade with me. Favorite Singer Sewing Machine. HIGH ABM $25.00. Each Macame has a drop leaf, 'rlit-- io tl,rt Jvp.4l !-,.. .f S-vr.it r. Ma i.-ntv Tf vnu n 'if irA j - - ----. . v fc m. v ' . a j 4 j A. . 4 k a . mm. r - a m V f 'Vu",'l.wv' "'"-! iilt in- liulr-'t - I .t- m..J ........tJt,-. ftvtth tiirVel Tin--, nnrt ft lull set J " : " " v. .v.. ., .v.., iui5 wu.'iiiuinw ;.ly i.'.iK.McKot ran a no inter ooooa rnciu'ie- urj oo kis, otio!s, Trunks, (big bargain '.ji these). Hats, Shoos, Glassware, Cutlery, Hardware of all kinds, et-v ':.J.''''0;:.J:U-: I. T. G; F. dLDEHMAN, -COMMISSION HERCHJiTS, No. 112 North Water Street, -WILMINGTON, N. C. ; ; 0ttoii tintl Pimbei, - . - - --: also : . -'- " Country Produce hamllecl to best ad vantage. ---;.:.. .- . ' " r.. IIeferexce 1st : National Bank, Wilmington'",' N 0. - . au-tf JEELRY AND CLOCKS! :o: V hen tt are ii r, need Furniture' any kind be J--z:. ; ? jure to come in and let us show you up stairs. is X Tea W 5 T I M n fm - A j xv uu a-npor- P.nftfltni7a of thA mP.ftf.lno. .'! VRrnw styles nndsu tant et a in the history of Trinity. Pree.s especially the Wilming- JTS '- was requested. to report the pro-' THOMAS CLOCKS always in stock l'liavc. iust rweivevl a laro- hit of Elegant Jewelry. Tiiisr will guaran-f tec to the jmrchaaoi- to be ju:t as rvv i rescnttt'il. 1 f-clino cheap, 'tiic guilt"! -goods liut carry a stasdard kne (Ik oolo frost oooDS. The altcutiuu of j the. ladiui is called to tUe hitei-t fctyics j of breast - piss thev are "tilings of; tK'autyl" , , Iliii Old rA uabk'-and standard riljill imiLbEHS' MATERIAL is a specialty with us. No one can or shall undersell us on Groceries. Our stocfc always fresh, we order a new supply every weJk." ' " Now just a word to iny customers, who. arrf indented to me. I greatly appreciate your past patronage and hope you will find it to y ur interest to contiuue'to favor mo with it, but T am m need of money arid must ask you to come forward and Mettle as soon as pos&ible. Respectfully, . THE For Sale BY ALL ?V i W. T. WILLIAMSON'S BUGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, IN NEW QUARTERS ON FlYETTEYILLE ST SPRING TONIC. 06 DOSES, ft. OO. 4 No other medicine builds up the debilitated system so rapidly as Johnston's Nolan dine. It is blood food. Nerve tonic. It cures as nature cures. - -' mi: tee ms mm PURIFIES THE BLOOD, The burdens of life are easily borne when the blood is pure and rigorous, but if the ritsJ current is impoTcritbcd the least effort. becomes painfal and fatiguing. MAKES NE BLOOD. fn Koui Bokoo'i 8tt, Cuiimmi Ce Ti. Ta BoLiKBtm Coarainr : " . - - 0tlBaHTla rafferM fcr -ranwlthathra-tesiTlMtUB ftlM kl4MTt, Ufcmratortb M r, a-4 my gmrtl t;it i charged witii B-luial yalara, I tband m tMtttnm tmtaimt of mdioln audi I axd Tftabl Nolaadlk. I mm mom tn from abo- emplalau, aa ta Kolaa4ia I ata lod.bt4 for ttat, mtoraUoa to health. I hoeaauj laaiaanmH U to all penaa f uttariag from abara cUacaaaa. iriLLUM DICIWSOIT. Sastaf Coal Mlaea. sold mr oruoit cvikywhciic. TAKB irOTKZira BZj . Ta' OeajrA-, OaaUeaMBt fcaai vbtcb aaaatd lart aaraa aa ludiMttattrlitt ltwcaaaataM tbaa lea 4ara 11 Baa aaraa rwdi la tha vortd. laa Taj Oaaail.Ta. aaa at T taaa a4 M, aa that I asaM baKly aa mr ta I taaatvaa a ttwuaat axaa wm m mm m m m a mm wm m m m m aataahMatf. t tkiak at ffca haal TarTnapMlfUIr. va. a. tseit. 96 DOSES, fl.OO. 00 DOS 18, $I.OO. For Sa2.e'by:DR. 11. II. IIOLLIDAY 1?buogut, Clinton, N. a ME CK JLENBXTftG '; Round Shaves, Hacks and all Edge Tools made, and Repairing done on short notice. I will keep on hand a large lot of Western Buggies (open and top) and Roads Carts. They will equal in quality and are sold an low as any like goods in Goldsboro, Payetteville or Wilmington. Respectfully, !nch2S-tf W.T. WILLIAMSON. 0MS, Manager. A Large Btock of Goods being re- Our thanks Ar. due the Build- ton Messenger and Clixton in committee and our countv- CAtrcASiAN man Mr. W. C. Merritt for ir;. vitations to attend. - J. T. Collins, ' Secretary It is a Mistake To try to cure catarrh by using local applications. Catarrh is nor. a local but a constitutional disease. It -is not a disease of the man's nose, but . styles and sues tches in;i Chicks is a i)ec!aJty. A U work I di is guaranteed t si Ye vn Vurt fatisfacthm. : r -- : lii'siMM-t fii'iiv. - tS ceived at the Alliance Store. Watch CONSUMPTION 8UBELT CURED, jgjj kiOl infor.a I To tue Editor Please your readers that I have a reoic.v for'the above" named disease By it liraely'ustt. thousands of hopeless cases hav Ot.cn pcvtiiancntly cured. what we have to say in this space rositiyc i : IT vou wish a' iirst-ctass bhave, Hair . Cut, Shanipftor. or Mustache Dye, call at my place of business ou " 1 ...ppV Wall S'reot, : three doers trotu the wv.. oi i no man.- Anerciorv.:, tuoci a i i.snau oc siaq o senu iww uuiues "i corner .l . IIsisteLn's, there you t cure, requires a constitutional reme-j my re..,edy fkek to a;iy of your -read-1 wiii"0nl me at all hours ; " J tly like I tool's tvr.-apanua, wmcn, ers tr&o ii.ive chisiii1'Hoii h mcy wiu actlr.ar thro'Jgh tho blood, reaches j eulno thfirvxiTe.aufl post office 1,rv u,,Ar.. ovnoll nnUvl, 'i I i.. f 1 11 ! V " " : I 11 VOU -V tt .-hi,-.i, -..n4.a !.. ,ll5ti.. T. A. sliltTTM. M. C cull on nw. J. ti. rrl.i Alur, every i KAZOSS SUlItP.snEARS KEEX t If you want a good job don't faiito i . . V - si CIDER. HEADQUARTERS FOR BES7 PEACH AND APPLE CIDER, (Corner of Elm andR. R. Street. SWEET- AND HARD CIDER- always on hand. In addition to this pleasant and healthy drink. I keep. . ' - " Tooacco, Snuff, . Flour, Potash, v . Candies, Soda, and Pea-Nuts which are sold at lowest prices for cash. - . . 600 Pipes, of all styles and sizes. Try one. ' : v ' Respectfully,, je 21-1 yr. - 1 Charlotte, N. C. ENGINES, BOILERS, SA W MILLS, PRESSES, GINJS, WHEAT AND CORN MIL LSt REPAIR WORKS. PIPE FITTINGS, - , SHAFIINGiPULLE.XS and BEL1ING decl9 6m ' . - ;j N lTtTra-lffbfined,tadanptait MtiOMS eoaancMO iar aiooeraw wmmm. Ou Otte ta 09 vomltm V. . Of 0mk W bave no ob-asctieiM, mil bectaeM &lrn bfmMCfatnna-ct pmieat boaiuee in ti ad st letM cetat Ctt tiwi raoote Stem VaabJurtOB. Bead model, Jrwl-. r yVrto- 6KS' foau V mirmm tf 4Afmbim mt aot, tm U immrr. Oar Urn mot iu9t dttmv.tmrni.m A A, " r nr to Gbtala 1 a ,' wii HWk'l tl a i JOh Lu-t. Jt M Central Stand! On Grog Row, Opposite Court-house. REMEMBER, that - r WATSON & PETERSON : , Keep a choick line of Tobacco, Cjgafrg, Snuff, etc., and alo a well selected stock ot Standard Family Groceries.. - AGAIN REMEMBER, that a finer lice of Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, etc., can seldom be found. XQr The famous Ruf as Weeks Brandy (which all connoisseur, declare the best ever tasted) can be bought no where else.. . Pare upconntry Cora Whl i 7 a specialty, The patronatre of the public is respectfully solicited ra . -i . . m . riT iXTmAXT 'XT. MRS. A . E. MUB PHY, : : : Owner, and Proprietress. ' ... Sixteen New Large: Comfort.Wo , Rooms Just Added, Centrally located. Sample rooms for Com merctat Travelers. Attentive Servants. Fare FirsUCtass in Every Rcapectw Free TrAnsportatton from and to Depot. The Traveling Public Cordially Invited to Clop at tho : . . ? :. .'c'v. r!!-;jjp.-i-- .- " '"'' : " " ": ': -' -'''" ' ;- --' - : ;'. - It f "4 r.. i s i i t.4 ',..114. . ' v. .... w . . - ( J - - - .1 . 't "U:.,3'ew York, - T'

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