THINK ? UIIMHMKH KVKUY TIIUKSDAY, H T -IAU10X IJUTLER, i. .l,r and l'njtrieUr. suHst;niE,".- -how tin.1 Paper loyourneljfli rnr and advise hi in to sab scribe. JLUIUOrs JtDYtKTIMXU,y tww b ; EX L KG ES intjsy an f.fcusl t, IIEY1VCH many !ui. b lo, SAVES tu ny Ail lie j; 1 "a; cm , rill;E:tVES)iajr a Ur,;s lvalue, SESURR succr in or ls&ri Therefore advtrtic la a j-pu'sir puper, 0O th peoj!c ar axku rr.!. J- JL NO l?uro X3on3.oc?rC3r vxxd XTlxito Supremaor VOL. IX. CLINTON, N. C, THUSSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1890. No. 7. Mih.tcriptioii Price $1.50 per Year, In Advance. ,1 THE CAUCASIAN. Jy SJL JAJkJLL JA. H-' PROFSIONAL COLUMN. Wit. ALLEN, ATTORNEY- ATTOKN E Y- AT-L A W, (ludsboro, N..C. .Will I'rtu'tice in Ha in uhoii county. r-!27 tr M. LEE, M. I). I'.l YSICfA.NyilJKOKO AND DEST18T, in Leo's Drugstore. je 7-lyr I A. STEVENS, M. D. J 111 VSKTAN AND SUBOEON, (OUice over Post Office.) j-arMay be found at night at the residence of J . II. Stevens mi College rvjr?et. Jo 7-lyr H K. FAISON, Attduxey and Counsell or at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice In courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also In Supreme I'o-irt. All business intrusted to his .uv will receive prompt and careful aMfiiiion. je 7-lyr XT H. TMUMtiONl f V Attorney and Counsell- ouatLaw. Olllce over Post Offlcu. Will practice in Sampson and ad joining counties. Ever attentive ami faithful to the interests of all client!. jo 7-lyr V . jvERR. A ""'RNKY AND Counsell or a i w. Mlioeoa Wall Street. Will practice m Sampson, Bladen, Pentler. Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supremo Court. Prompt personal attention will be given to all lcxsil business, jo 7-lyr 17iiANiriWyE'm7i)is. 1 1 Dentistry Main Street. ft$S& Office on Offers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. fSMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. Xot Able to Walk. I was confined to my bed for six months wUh rheumatism, notable to walk a step. All of the remedies usually prescribed for this disease having been employed to no effect, I commenced takjngS.S. S. I have now taken eleven bottles of this ex cellent medicine and am on my feet, attending to all my house workas of yore. I feel that I cannot sufficient' ly express my thanks tor the benefit I have received from the use of this medic ne. 5!us. M. A. Woodward, Webb City, Mo. He Prescribes It. I have used S. S. S. for Blood Dis eases for several years, and find it all it is recommended to be. I heart- i y recommend it to any one needing a blood purifier O. B. Troutman, Drug Clerk, Oakland City, Indiana. ItaTTreatise on Blood nnu Skin is- cascs mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Geori:'. A tho Little Max. The great est man in the Limed States is our Mr. Porter. He regulates the num her of Congressmen a State shall have, without regard to its ppuhv ti'.st. Who has so much power as our Porter? New ork Star. A Safe Investment Is out! which is guaranteed to hringr vou satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this sale plan you ear. buy fiom our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to brim relief in every cose, when uxed fur any n flection of Throat, Lunt-s or Chest, Kieh as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Couiih. Croup, etc., etc. It 18 pleasant ami agrccabte to taste, perfectly tafe, and can always be di-pended upon. Trial bottles tree at D.. It. II. Hollipav's Drugstore, Clin ton, and Dr. J. 11. Smith, Druggist, Mt. Olive, N. C. Need j More than a Plaster. By reciprocity treaties Mr. Blaine may erect a temporary breastwork to cover the retreat of the high pro tectionists for a time, but the Mc- Kinley lines cannot be maintained; a surrender sooner or later Is Inevi table. The McKinley bill cannot be saved by Mr. Blaine's reciprocity plaster. Honest tariff revision, look ing to a removal of the heavy taxes rpon the necessities ot the people, isithe Inexorable demand ot the peo- ple,and the McKinley protectionists will be forced to fight it out on that line Boston Globe. You are U a Bad Fix . Rut 'ft will cure you If you will juy.u. Our message is to the weak, nervous and debilitated, who, by early evil habits, or later indiscre tions, have trifled away their vigor of body, mind and manhood, and Buffer all those effects which lead to premature decay, consumption or in ganity. If this means you, send for and read our Book of Life, writ ten by the greatest Specialist of the day, and sent (sealed) for G cents in stamps. Address Dr. Parker's Med ical and Surgical Institute, 151 North SpriH'o St., Nasnviile, Tenn, i ii - A Georgia editor says that a man who would cheat a country editor out ot a year's suoscnption would feve a nickle with a hole in it to the foreign missionary fund, and sigh because the hjle was not bigger inaninenickie. T -mmm - Bucklen'g Arnica Salre. The best Salve in the world for Cuff, Brtiscs, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Ilhcum. Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chil- oiains, verna, anu an 8k:n eruption, Bu uoinyeijr cures rues, or no pay remureu. ii i guaranieeu u give per fect aatistacticn, or money refunded. ' Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. R. II. Houjday, CHntor,, and J. U. Smith, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. C. ! THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. flOW THINGS LOOK FROM OU It STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the . Day. During the recent Railroad Com mission campaign In this county, this writer charged that the net pro fits of the W. fc W. liailroa 1 Com pany for the last year were over a half. a million dollars. - this wassuueu by us in answer to the claim made by the attorney of the road that the rates now charged by the road were reasonably low, netting .the stock holders only i-ight per centdividends. Our charge was emphatically denied; but now the official figures are out (and we are sure they do not exag- erate the facts) -nd they show that t lie gross total earnlngsof the road for the year ending June 30th, 1890, are one million three hundred and fifty thousand, eight hundred and fifty- three dollars and forty-six cents. The total expenses .were only $C81,- 137. This k aves a net profit of not only a half iwnillion, but sixty-nine thousand, seven hundred andlxteen dollars more than a half a million A month or more since the Italeigh News and Observer took us to task about our articles on a Hail road Commission. That paper claimed that tho rates were already reasona- bly low, lower than the rates in Ge r tion. The editor to established his position published a table ol what he claimed to be North Carolina freight rates, which were lower than the published Georgia rates. We went to work and gathered a hundred freight bills taking in a dozen differ ent points in the various quarters of the State, and we found them all higher than the rates as published by the News and Observer, and the average much higher than the tieor gia rates tu published by the Com mission of that State. Wo then called upon the News and Observer to produce its freight .bills or state over what roads and between what points fcuch freight rates exist as published by that paper. The an svver to this inquiry that paper has so far neglected to give. Mr. S. R. Kepler, President of -the Railroad Commission Club of Asheville, see ing the same article intheNew3and Observer wrote to the editor calling upon him for the same explanation we had asked for through the col umns of our paper a few weeks be fore; but getting no answer he pub lishes a copy of his letter in the Asheville Citizen of November 20th. We do not wish to believe that the News and Observer (which professes so much love for the farmer and the people generally in the abstract) is a P.rnnrofion rflrfr. nordowA wih t K A - x r - believe that it was imposed upon by the railroads in that freight table business, and being- imposed upon is unable to realize the imposition. Yet such appears to hi the tvvo horns of the dilemma. But to se cure reasonable rates is only one ot the six points to be gained by a com-1 mission. AMEND THE CONSTITUTION. Last week we published an edito rial headed, "A change in the Or ganic Law Needed.' ' The following, from the Boston Globe, covers part of the same ground contained in our editorial: "If there is any sense or reason in allowing a defeated congress to go on and legislate for three months af ter the people have repudiated it, we should like to have it explained. We see no sense in it. The Congress elected November 2nd could assem ble in Washington on December 1st, 1890, just as well as the old Congress can. It would be fresh from the peo ple, prepared to do the people's will, would not be disgraced and discred ited, with the stamp of the people's condemnation upon it. Some mem ber of Congress ought to propose a constitutional amendment making each Congress expire one month pri or to the election ot its successor, so that the spectacle of legislation by a repudiated' Congress a 'spectacle which will soon be "seen in Washing ton will be seen, no more. We be lieve the people would ratify such an amendment with practical una nimity." Every Democrat in the country is interested in Washington this win' ter, because of the important politi cal events cortain to occur here. In the first place tho Democratic minor ity in Congress, feeling that the po licy of their party has been endorsed by the country, are determined to resist every attempt of tho Repub licans to pass radical political legis lation, and they expect the moral 8 ipport of every De-i.ocrat. . The Democratic majority in the next Congress now figures up 158. There are 25 Republican Congress men from the South in the present Congress. There are only three eiocted for the next, PHYSICIANS ) TH 121 It WAY TO I iX A M I M : TI I K CON SUM ITIOX cuur. The NY. Star says: Dr. II. Hol brook Curtis, Dr. W. F. Norton and Dr. J. M. Jka'toni have united with Dr. David Orr Edson, and have Kent him to .Europe to listen to professor Koch's lectures and procure a supply ot the lymph. Dr. Edson sailed In the Normannia yesterday. These gentlemen have already secured a small supply of the precarious fluid, and expect It to arrive In this city on last Saturday. Y They have lease I thehoU3eat .No. 30 East Thirty-third street, ani will fit it up as a sanitarium lor the treat ment of cast's of consumption after the Koch method. Other physicians who left ye'ster- da on the Normannia for Berlin to study Dr. Koch's consumption eure wero Dr. James Ouiteras of Phila delphia, who goes to represent the University ot Penasylvmna ; Dr. D. w.f Campbell ot Michigan, and Dr. Ludwig Weis and Dr. Charles V. Ellis of this city. The Caruegie Laboratory of theBellevue Hospital Medical College will send a represen tative in the person of Dr. David Hunter McAlpin, who Ieives on the Liahn next Wednesday. . -.: Drs. Van Ruch and Bat lie, of Ashe ville, this State, have also gone over to Berlin to study the new and re markable treatment. It is one of the most remarkable discoveries in the science of medicine. Since the world began tho disease called con suinptio . has baffled the skill of all the physicians and has gathered to prematures grave- its millions upon millions of victims. HOW KNOCK'S IiYAIl'II IS MADE. Berliw, Nov. 20 In an article on the subject ot Dr. Koch's cure for tuberculosis, the Frank Courier states that the lymj.h used is prepared in an incubating stove within a space that Is hermetically i-ealed and ster ilized, and thereby rendered free from fungus. The- interior of the airtight space Is divided by an un glazed porcelain diaphi'.ignr into an upper and lower section. In the up- per section is placed a salted meat broth in a gelatinous state containing colonies of the tubercle germ. This mass gradually liquifies, and thdgel atin liquid drops slowly through the porcelain plate into the lower sec lion section. The liquid then con tains all the secretory products, but is free from all living or dead germs or reproductive spores, and is the lymph us used. FRUITFUL AOUTII CAROLI NA FRUITFUL IN 1890. For the first time the corn, crop is excellent in every county from Cher okee to Currituck. The Commis sioner of Agriculture tells me this is very remarkable. There never was so large a corn crop, and this re mark applies to cotton, sweet pota toes and ground pease. All the cul tivated crops during th year were good, savo wheat and oats. In this section corn crops of from forty to sixty bushels to tho acre, on uplands, are not at all uncommon, while sweet potatoes sell at 30 t 40 cents per bushel. In the wheat-growing section of the State, where very lit- tic cotton is planted, the new w heat is sown. In the counties, wheie more wheat is grown year after year, the cotton crop, much of which - is yet unpicked, has so required the farmers' attention that not much wheat is yet-planted,; but if this fa vorable weather continues quite a large crop will be put in. There will be a remarkably large increase in the acreage in elover. naleigh Ccr. of Wilmington Messenger. INQUIRIES ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA. There are just now a great number of inquirers regarding North Caro lina by persons who state that thev intend to become -settlers. These in quiries are made as regards all parts of the State from the coast coun ties to the most extreme western ones. A great deal of information o' the most practical kind concern ing North Carolina is beiagsent out The prosperity of the State is an ad ditional attraction to outsiders Raleigh Cor. Wil. Messenger. Tne delegates from, this State to the Southern Inter-States Immtgra- tioh Convention which meets in Asheville December I7th can do the State much good, if they are pasted on the States' great -resources and naiural sidyantages in climate, soil, minerals and Umbers. OFFICIALS) RKTURNS According to "Depopulator" I'orter. Below wilt be found a carefully prepared transcript, prepared by the Amerioan Press Association.' from the official returns- of the Federa Census of 1890, showing the popula tion of cities and' towns' in North Carolina of more than 3,000, togeth er with the figures of 1870 and 1880, thu Indicating the growth of the last twenty years. We do not pre tend to say that it is correct, but is the official report that Porter wil ir'ake: : -!. Asheville, Charlotte, - 10,433 11,555 3,249 6,325 3,317 4,3 7,004 Elizabeth city, FayetteviUe, Goldsboro, .. Greensboro, "New Berne, 5.849 7,700 . 6.443 V 9,363 732 12,798 4,436 339 Kalelgh, - . Salisbury", , Washington, ;'"'' Wilmington, -Winston, . 13,446 ,11,330 20,OT8 7,958 It Is dangerou i to neglect catarrh toritieaus to bronchitis .and con sumption. Flood's Sarsanarilla cures cures catarrh In all forms. D1WEN RANCH A Stcry of American Frontier Life. Bj Capt CHABLE3 ETJJG, U. S. Author of "TU CtAotier Daughter -Vow tha nanht," "Tin Deserter," Etc Copyrighted 1868 by J. B. Llpplncou Company, PbCadelphla, and published by special arrao j meat through the American Preas Association. CHAPTER L T WAS nearly midnight, and still tlie gay party lingered on the veranda. There had bfen a fortnight of "getting settled" at tho new post, preceded by a month of maieh ingthat had brought the battalion from distant service to this strange Texan sta tion. , Tho new comers had been hospita bly welcomed by the officers of the little garrison of infantry, and now, in recog nition of their many courtesies, the field officer commanding the arriving troops had been entertaining the resident offi cers and ladies at dinner. The colonel was a host in himself, but preferred not to draw too heavily on his reserves of anecdote and small talk,' so he had called in two of his subalterns to assist in the pleasant duty of being attentive to the infantry ladies, and just now, at 11:45 p m., ho was wondering if Lieut. Perry had not too literally construed his in structions, for that young gentleman was devotiug himself to Mrs. 'Belknap in a manner so marked as to make tho cap tain, her lawful lord and master, mani festly uneasy. Mrs. Belknap, however, seemed to en joy the situation immensely. She was a pretty woman at most times, as even her rivals admitted. She was a beauti ful woman at all times, was the verdict of tho officers of the regiment when they happened to speak of the matter among themselves. She was dark, with lus trous eyes and sweeping lashes, with coral lips and much luxuriance of trcs;' and a way of elancirg sideways from under her heavily fringed eyelids that the younger and more impressionable men found quite irresistible when ac corded the rare luxury of a tete-a-tete. Belknap was a big and boisterous man; Mrs. Belknap was small in stature, and soft very soft of voice. Belknap was either brusquely repellent or oppressively cordial in manner; Mrs".: Belknap was either gently and exasperatingly indif ferent to those whom she did not care to attract, or caressingly 6weet to those whose attentions sho desired. In their own regiment tho young offi cers soon found that unless they wished to be involved in an unpleasantness with Belknap it was best to bo only very mod erately devoted to "his pretty wife, and those to whom an unpleasantness with the big captain might have had no ter rors of consequence -'were deterred by the fact that Mrs. ' Belknap's devotee among the "youngsters'' had invariably become an object of coldness and aver sion to the other dames" and damsels of the garrison. Very short lived, there fore, had been the little flirtations that sprang up from time to time in those frontier posts wherein Capt. and Mrs. tteiKnap wero among tne chief orna ments of society; but now matters seemed to be taking other shape. From the very day that handsome Ned Perry dismounted in front of Belknap's quar ters and with his soldiery salute reported to the then commanding officer that CoL Brainard and his battalion of cavalry would arrive in tho course of two or three hours, Mr?. Belknap had evinced a contentment in his society and assumed an air of quasi-proprietorshipthat served to annoy her garrison sisters more than a little. For tho time being all the cav alrymen were bachelors, either by ac tual rank or "by brevet," as none of the ladies of the th accompanied the bat talion on its march, and none were ex pected until the stations of the regiment in its new department had been definite ly settled. The post 6urgeon, too, was living a life of single blessedness as tho early sDiinjr woro on. for his good wife had betaken herself, with tho children, to the distant east as soon as the disap pearance of the winter's snows rendered 8tacin:r over tho hard prairio roads a matter of no great danger or discomfort. It was the doctor himself who, seated In an easy chair at tho end of the ve randa, first called the colonel's attention to Perry's devotional attitude at Mrs. Belknan s side, bho was reclining in a hammock, one Little, slippered foot occa sionally touching the floor and impart ing a gentle, swinging motion . to tho affair, and making a soothing swish- ewish of skirts along the matting under neath. Her jeweled hands looked very lender and fragile and white as they eleamed in the soft light ' that : shone from tho open windows of tho parlor. They were busied in straightening out the kinks in tho gold cord of his forage cap- and in rearranging a little silken braid and tassel that was fastened in a clumsy, man like fashion- to one of the buttons at the side; he, seated in a camp "chair, was bending forward so that his handsome, shapely head was 'only a trifle higher than hers, and the two hers so dark and rich la coloring, his so fair and massive and strong came rather too close together for the equa nimity of Capt. Belkaap, who had es sayed to take a hand as whist in the par lor. one or two of - tne ladies, also, were 6ilent observers of the scene -silent as to the scene because, being in conversation at the time with brother officers of Lieut. Perry, they were uncertain as yet how comments on his growing flirtation might be received. That their eyes should oc casionally wander towards the hammock and then glance with sympathetic sig nificance at those of some fair ally and intimate was natural enough. But when ft twvamft nnxontl m ..! " - Belknap was acttudly unfastening the little eilkri braid that had hung on Nod Perry's cap ever 'since the day of Ids ar rivalall the while, too, looking shyly up In lis eyes as Iter fingers worked when it was seen tlial site presently de tached it from ttte button and then, half hesitatingly, but e vidently in compliance with his wishes, handed it to him; when he was seen to toas It care les&lr even j contemptuously away and then bend down lower, as though gazing Into her haded eyes, Mrs. Lawrence could stand It no longer. "Mr. Orahai unsaid she, "isn't your friend, Sir. Perry, something of a flirt? "Who? Nedr asked Mr. Graham, in well feigned amaze and with sudden glance towards the object of bis inquiry. "Bow on earth should I know anything about it? Of course you do not seek ex pert testimony in asking me. Ho tries, I suppose, to adapt himself to circum stances.' But why do you ask? "Because I see that ho has been induc ing Mrs. Belknap to take off that little tassel on tho button of his cap. Ho has worn it when off duty ever since he came; and we supposed it was something he cherished; I know she did." Graham broke forth in a peal of merry laughter, but gave no further reply, for just then the colonel and the doctor left their chairs, and, sauntering over to tha hammock, brought mighty relief to Bel knap at the whist table and vexation of spirit to his pretty wife. Tho flirtation was broken at a most interesting point, and Perry, rising suddenly, came over and joined Mrs. Lawrence. If 6he expected to see him piqued or annoyed at tho interruption and some what perturbed in manner, she was greatly mistaken. Nothing could liave been more sunshiny and jovial than the greeting he gave her. A laughing apol ogy to Graham for spoiling his tete-a-tete was accomplished in a moment, and then down by her side he sat and plunged into a merry description of .his experi ences at dinner, where he had been placed next to the chaplain's wife on tho one hand, and sho had been- properly ag grieved at his attentions to Mrs. Belknap on the other. "You must remember that Mrs. Wells Is a very strict Presbyterian, Mr. Perry; and, for that matter, nono of us have seen a dinner such as the colonel gave us this evening for ever and ever so long. We are quite unused to tho ways of civilization; whereas you have just come from the east and long leave. Perhaps it is the fashion to be all devotion to one's next door neighbor at dinner. "Not if sho be as repellent and vener able as Mrs. Wells, I assure you. Why, I thought she would have been glad to leave the table when, after having re fused sherry and Pontet-Canet for up wards of an hour, her glass was filled with champagne when she happened to no locmng tno otner way. It is the first dinner of tho kind she has ever seen here, Mr. Perry, and I don't suppose either Mr. or Mrs. Wells has been up so late before in years. lie would have enjoyed staying and watch ing wnist, but she carried him off almost as soon as we left the table. Our society has been very dull, you know only our selves at the post all this ast year, and nobody outside of it. "One would suppose that with all thi3 magnificent cattle rango there would be some congenial people ranchfng near you. Are there none at all?" "Absolutely none! There are somo ranches down in the Washita country, but only ono fine one near -us; and that might as well be on the other side of the Atlantic No one from there ever comes here; and Dr. Quin i3 the only living soul in the garrison who ever got within the walls of that ranch. What he saw there he positively refuses to tell, despite all our entreaty." "You don t tell me there s a ranch with a mystery here near Rossiter! ex claimed Mr. Perry, with sudden interest. "Why, I do, indeedl Is it possible you have been hero two whole weeks and havent heard of Dunraven Ranch?' "I've heard there was such a thing; I saw it from a distance when out hunting the other day. But what s the mystery? what's the matter with it?" "That's what we all want to know and cannot find out. Now, there is an exploit worthy your energy and best efforts, Mr. Perry" There Is a big, wealthy, well stocked ranch,, the finest homestead buildings, we are told, in all this part of Texas. They say it is beau tifully furnished that it - has a fine library, a grand piano, ail manner of things indicative of culture and refine ment among its occupants but the own er only comes around once or twice a year, and is an iceberg of an English man. All the people about the ranch are. English, too, and the most repellent, boorish, discourteous lot of men you ever saw. When the Eleventh wero here they did everything they could to be civil to them, but not an invitation would they accept, not one would they extend; and so from that day to this none of tho officers have had any inter course with the people at the ranch, and the soldiers know very little more. Once or twice a year some very ordinary look ing men arrive who are said to be very distinguished people in England; but they remain only a little while, and go away as suddenly as they came." And you have never seen any of them?" "Never, except at a distance. Nor has any one of the offidera, except Dr. Quin." "Ani you have never heard anything about the inmates and -why they keep up this policy of exdusiveness?" ."We have heard all .manner of things -somo of them wildly romantic, some mysteriously tragic, and " all of them, probr.bly. absurd. At all events, Capt. Lawrence has told madie did not wish de to rej -eat what I had heard, or to be concerned in any way with the stories afloat: you maH nsl: somebody else. Try the doctor. T change the subject, Mr. Perry, 1 he you have lost that mys terious little silken braid and tassel you wor oh your cap button. I fancied there was souse romance attached to it, and now it is gone." , ? . . Perry laughed, his blue eyes twinkling with fun; "If I will, ttll you how and where I got that tasseL will you tell me what you have heard about Dunraven Eanchr"-'!'.. ' "I cannot, unless Capt. Lawrence withdraws his prohibition. Perhaps he wilL though, for I think it -was only be cause be was tired of hearing all our conjectures and theories. . "Well, will you tell rue if can induce the captain to say he has no objection?" persisted Perry. wtu to-morrow a you will tell cm about tlte Uucel to-niht." "Is it a positive prouiim? You will trll me to-morrow all you lxave heard about Duurarcu Ilanch if I will tell you to night all 1 know abut tlte tatwcl?" "Yes a prouiirfu." "Very well, tlwn. You are a'wttness to the compact. Graham. Now for my confession. I have worn that tassel ever since our parting bU at Fort Riley. That is to say. It has been fastened to that button ever since the bsU until to night; but Tve been mighty careful not to wear that cap on any kind of duty." "And yet you kt Mr. Belknap take it off to-night?" "Why shouldn't I? There was no sentiment whatever attached to it. I havent the faintest Idea whoso It was, and only tied it there for the fun of the thing and to make Graham, here, ak questions." "Mr. Perry P gasped Mrs. Lawrence. "And do you mean that Mrs. Belknap knows that you told her what you have just told me?" "Well, no," laughed Perry. "I fancy Mrs. Belknap thinks as you thought that it was a gage d'amour. II alio! look at that light away out there across the prairie. What can that be?" Mrs. Lawrence rose suddenly to her feet and gazod southeastward in the di rection in which the young officer point ed. It was a lovely, starlit night. A soft wind was blowing gently from the south and bearing with it tho fragrance of spring blossoms and far away flower ets. Others, too, had arisen, attracted by Perry's sudden exclamation. Mrs. Belknap turned languidly in her ham mock and glanced over her pretty white shoulder. The colonel followed her eyes with his and gave a start of surprise. The doctor turned slowly and composed ly and looked silently towards the glis tening object, and thon upon the officers of the cavalry there fell sudden astonish ment. "What on earth could that have'been?" asked the coloneL "It gleamed like the head light of a locomotive, away down there in the valley of the Monce, then suddenly went out." "Bo silent a moment and watch," whispered Mrs. Lawrence to Perry. "You will see it again; and watch the doctor." Surely enough, even as they were all looking about and commenting on the strange apparition. It suddenly glared forth a second time, shining full and lus trous as an unclouded planet, yet miles away beyond and above tho fringo of cottonwoods that wound southeastward with the little stream. Full half a min ute it shone, and then, abruptly as be fore, was hidden from eight. Perry was about starting forward to join the colonel when a little hand was laid upon his arm. "Wait; once more you'll two it," she whispered. "Then take me in to Capt. Lawrence. Do you see that the doctor is leaving?" Without saying a word to any one, the post surgeon had very quietly withdrawn from the group on tho veranda. He could not well leavo by tho front gate without attracting attention; but - he strolled leisurely into tho hall, took up a book that lay on tho table, and passed through tho group of of8cer3 seated smoking and chatting there, entered the sitting room on the south side of the hall tho side opposite tho parlor where the whist gamo was in progress and there he was lost to sight. A third time the bright light burst upon the view of the gazers. A third time, sharply and suddenly, it disap peared. Then for a moment all was silence and watchfulness; but it came no more. Perry looked questioningly in his com panion's face. She had turned a little white, and he felt sure that she was shivering. "Are you cold? he asked her, gently. "No not that; but I hate mysteries, after what I've heard, and we haven't seen that light in ever so long. Come hero to the corner one moment." And she led him around to the other flank of the big wooden, barrack like residence of the commanding officer. "Look up there," she said, pointing to a dark window under the peaked dormer roof of the large cottage to the south. "That is the doctor's house." In a few seconds a faint gleam seemed to creep through the slats. Then the slats themselves were thrown wide open, a white shade was lowered, and, with the rays behind it growing brighter ev ery instant, a broad white light shone forth over the roof of the veranda. An other moment and footsteps were heard along the doctor's porch, footsteps that presently approached them along the grass. "Come," she said, plucking at v his sleeve, "come away; it is tho doctor." "For what reason?" ho answered "That would seem like hiding. No, Mrs. Lawrence, let us stay until he comes." . But the doctor passed them with brief and courteous salutation; spoke of the beauty of the night and the balm of the summery air, and went in again by the main door to the colonel's quarters. Then Perry turned to his partner: WelL Mrs. Lawrence, what does it all mean? Is this part of what you had to telfme?" . Don't ask rae now. I I did not want to see what we have seen, but I had heard queer stories and could not believe them., Take me In to Capt. Lawrence, please. And. Mr. Perry ,'you won't speak of this to any one. will you? Indeed, if I had known. I would not have come out here for the world; but I didn't believe it, eveiCS she went away and took the children." . - : "Who went away?" - ' , "Mrs. Quin the doctor's wile. And she was such a sweet woman, and so de voted to him." " "Well, pardon me, Mrs. Lawrence, I don't see through this thing at all. Do you mean that the doctor has anything to do with the mystery?" She bowed her head as they turned back to the house: "I must not tell you any more to-night. You will be sure to hear something of it all, here. Every body on the piazza saw the lights, and all who were here before you came knew what they meant." - "What were they?" "Signals, of some kind, from Dunraven Bancb. . Continue next witek. " Flash Light? ox the Cause. The Republicans have been consum ed because they disresarded the rights of the corsumers. Galveston News. ... . --. NEW IOUBLK COLUMN DVERTISEWKXTS. I ha been to the Northern markets largo stock of MS, BOY'S Al YOUTHS CLOTHING! Direct from manufacturers, t will not ask you $15 for a adU of Clothes. t)'ir k'oods are inarkwl In plain fhtur, u hint is a small margin above cost, and is tho unst ami last iriee wu will ask you I guarantee a fit ami tho full value of your money. Ia!soboughtalarelneor GENTS' FUllNlSHINti GOODS DRESS GOODS of all kind., of tho latest designs and patter. A full line or STA I'LE DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, A'do LADIES CIXAKS and SHAWLS, and GENTS' HATS and SHOES. We handle the very bo.-t LADIES' SHOES In town for 81.00 Of fine Dress S joes for gents' and ladies' I have a nice assort ment. TRUNKS, VALISES.' I have secured tho bervices of with me after this. 1X3" I am still selling that spool. How can I afford to do it? save you 25 per cent. Please notice that I am no longer handling Groceries, and am giving my entire attention to of goods. Thanking you for your past confidence and patronage and hoping that our future business relations will ever bo such a to merit your continued esteem and patronage, i I am, Very Respectfully, W. MECKLENBURG IRON me rvir Charlotte, N. G. ENGINES, BOILERS, SA W MILLS, PRESSES, GINS, WHEAT AAD CORN MILLS, REPAIR WORKS, PIPE FITTINGS, tSJi.'ll1 ilJVii, dec!9 Gtn Central Stand! On Grog Row, Opposite Court-house. REMEMBER, that' WATSON & PETEHSON Keep a cmoick line of Tobacco-, Cigars, Snuff, etc., and alfo a well sflixted stock ol Standard Family Groceries. AGAIN REM EMBER, that a finer line of Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, etc., can seldom be found. .. 'Hie famous Rdfus Weeks Brandy (which all connoisseurs. aecia'e tne orst eve ta,-iecn .auDB nought no where else. Pure it country Corn Will: Tine atrt!ia'tf the puVBc CLINT, MIUS. A. K. MUUPJIY, : : : ! Sixteen New Large Comfortable ' Rooms Just Added. -Centrally locate 1. Si opUs oai for Commercial Travelers. Attentive Servants. Fa e First-Class In Every Respect. Free Transportation f o.u and to Depot. The Traveling Public drdlaily laviie l to Stop at the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ml FOFSALE! I will sell ' my.j. farm, live tnih-s southeast of Mount Olive nud e:i I taining, In all, 321 acres, 1 1 5 of which is under cultivation. Dwelling nou3e and necessar out houses. 40 i;cre in nice oak ridge and ttwauip. . 15- acres in level' lor c-hnf piny woods, I well timbered, c-ay uh-soil a:;d is splendid land, ft r corn or cot t-itf. Will take $-3 per ;:cre nil through, ; either c-ish or wgj! table. paj,er. Address; U HO. G. LOFTIN, nov20-4t ML Olive, N. C. f 1 Tf'OU Til K IJfMIO. 1 Vr Weakness, il!ri, ludigestion and BilkmsiMM. UWe BBOHKV IROS BITTERS. It earn qtricklr. sale by all daaleci la nedicioc Get, the eouine. r In perm anl Lu'ti a Mn. K S. I'KrFRsox, who will bo - same Spviol Cotton at 4 car. a I There U no limit tin n so Hardware the above aid line G, R&CRLET. worn Sr, Manager. PULLE IS and BE LUNG y a specialty. Is repectfully dlrited. : : Owner and Proprietress MXJUPMY' HOnSE). JEWM-A'SD OLOGKSI -:n ! have just weired a larjo Jot f Ele-zant Jewelry. TLi I wi?l guaran tee to Ihc purchaser V be jaHas ref nJentod. 1 tell n-t cht--n, fiie guilt', good bat carry a ktaxdaku ub r oolii FitoNT oooos. The attemior. f the lauic is called to the latent etvle ! of breast mxs thev are t'mi2 t t beauty!" i r me oia rename ana eianuau j TIIOH aS CLOCKS always in stock. ! in yarioa styles and sizes.. - t& llep&lriB of Watches nd Clock (hiiI toenoing Jewelry ia a tpciif Ah' work I dc is guaranteed t giv'tv ' toe satisfaction. . v- 1 IXespeetfully. eP5 -tf . G T. JiAAVLS

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