THE CAUCASIA is! ""Entered a (."' Clinton, matter. i'nr'v.t ! aw hi u ! it nia-l Alliance Ucpai Imeiit. Vu.VioN N.t A'.- - Kev. P v. trli ha-? ' I. T. S. .l.v:k ofUtloi-i el.C'el ."Sllpt. oi vd It Allium to .-hic-Hrr?.. Col. T. II. Fuitt land, A. W.(-Tuck") Jones? of Wake aii.l It, A. UiuJiton, of Allci-Iianev. are the candidal t s ) l':tr announced fo.- the npeak-vr.-diip of the next House. the signal victory to the Dcmv cntic party, and li said said the Democratic party oared a I debt of gratitude to the Alliance I i.iove. He predicted a sweep ; :ng victory tor the cause of the I people in 1802. lie contrasted ! the Alliance platform with the j Diiui-f ratic piatfoin, end de 'clared that the gucte.s of the I . 11 4l t CI f 1 1 iL UCJtl f0 l 1 1 . je county, from every , ALLIANCE NOTES, DISCUS 8 IONS AND Till-: DOINGS OF THE VARIOUS LODGES. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . 'KW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SL'KEA l.Nfi AND HTO EXGTIIMN (K News coinrs ficm every quar ter of quirter of til Stite, from every quarter of the Union that Uie ; I'c ihvilm:, Kv., April 15, 180. . . . 4 I Ra lam's Microbe Killer Co., ' Alliance is gaming a stronger, v XiOiviilp Ten., . , - - - hold upon the peopl membership of the -1 A. e ana me order i- Gentlemen I have beca troubl al for some time with an acute form .f" l; !i 1 r v rli-ipiw. for t!u r."ilr nr swelling by the dozen?, the nun- ni,jci, i have consulted several oi dredrtand ten of thousands. The ; recent election ha3 shown to the TIjk UurMW IIeraldgni::ible; that its town is the plaey in the .Stab;. The editor U a phyri'cian. The Ilm'aw Herald U ,'natly improved in ap earenco and editorial et up. Congressman Cogswell nays that the ladi.;: did it in Massa-ehusett-!. Ho said they went shopping, ;,rot frihtned at the AleKinloy p.iccs, and came IiOine and told thei.' hiisbiud?, who stayed away from the polls ,. voted the Democratic ticket. world tliat the Alliance 5s a mighty power, and a power thrown into the balance for uood ove: anient. Is action has made iU enemies respect it and lias drawn tho.e who are fiiendly into its ranks. thf "et two years iv. hy ."oniclhmg over t!:ree mouths, 0 e itenublicans touk thare i f (loverriiiu nt, finding a bi;? - nril in the trt usury. Since then our receipts liave const ntly in cre.tM il Mnl yet it :-! now neeer.sary to consider how we may increase the income of tin; Government, in onlrr to raie I he money to meet its annu al expenditures. That tells the story. Our friend school mate, and brother editor, Mr. II. A. Latham ( f Washington, N. ('., will be a cau-'iidato lor Read ing Clerl: 'f the next JJoii.iu of Representative. lie r-erved last term with marked arcepta hility and the Housj could not do Letter than to re elect him. NATIONAL ALLIANCE. The General Council of Alliance of the United States wi'l hold its aunual laeit'n at Ocala, Fla., December 2nd, next About two hundred and iilty delegates and l.oOO other lead- 1 1 alt in meiiiDers oi uie auiauco will be The con ference will bo an important one. The Knight ? of Labor Con vention, in session last week, chose T. V. Powderly. Ilulph Leaumont and A. Wright as delegates to attend the above meeting of the National Alii An exchange says: It is really gett to be a ser oas business in know what to du with the lueaehers and the Alliance. We extend our sym pamy to tJiose. who wish to rid the world of tli;; preachers and the Allianco. It would be better for those who oppose the teachings ef both if they knew more about the teachings of both. Thiy some have already learned too late and many others are preparing to suf fer the same I'atj. ILeiNcw loiK neraiu, m an aiticle on the Alliance, says: 'Their leading men tell me they will welcome any man o." set of men who may choose to enter their ranks, but they can onlv be admitted by renouncing for ever their fcrmsr political affil iations." This is untitle, (both ttat ments) as every member of tho Allianco knows. A paper like the Herald can't aiford to make such gross errors. best physicians in this city, but with no appreciable benefits result ing from the faithful us f the medicines ordered. I had lost thirty or forty pounds in weight, was naturality greatly reduced in strength and htid fr pient rigors whsch nossibly may have resulted from uremic poison. Seveial wrjks ago I concluded to give the Microbe Killer a trial, and the result of its use has been gratifying to me and a surprise to my friends. I have fully regained my strength and weigh , sutler but little or no pain, have no recurrence of the rigors, appetite good, and have the- fullest confidence in a complete restoration to health. I willingly recommend the Microbe KilP r as a remedy of great value. Very respectflly, Wv. H. Mkffeet. For sale by John Jt. Smith, of Mount Olive, N. C, agent for Duplin and south Wayne counties. Jlf-rit Wins. V desire to say to our citizen.', that i v Years we have boon selling Dr. Ki:i's Xew Di coviu'y for Consumption, Dr. King's New I.h'j Pills, Due lucre's Arnica Salvo and Electric Diilf-rs, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satif f K iiua. We do iot hesitate to guaran tee thrin ev:rv time, and we sta.i' reauy t li fund the purchase price, it satisfac tory re-,u!U do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For salt; by Lu:. It. II. IIollidav, Druggist, ( ii:!to;i, and Dr. .1. It. S.u.Tri, M.-unt Ohve, N. C. LixconxTON, N. C, March 22, '90. Kadom's Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn.: Gentleoien - ehavc handled the Microbe Killer for some time. Its sales hav given us satisfaction, and all oar customers 1 hat have u-ed it are p1 eased with it. John Ukkdy & Co. For sale Iy Dr. J. It. Smith, f M mnt Ohve, 2s . C, agent for Duplin and south Wayne counties. NOTfOK BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Superion Court of Sampson county, rendered Novem Icr 17th, 180t), in the case or J. T. Dawson, D. C. Dawson, J. A. Daw son and others, heirs at law of Jo seph Dawson, dee'd, ex parte, the undersigned, acting as commissioner under eaid decree will sell by public sale to the highest bidder, at the court house door In Clinton, X. C, o l the 0th day of January, 1891, the game being the; first Monday in said month, the following described tract of land, s-ituated in Sampson county, Mingo township, known as the Jo seph Dawson place and adjoining the lands of J. T. Dawson, 11. M. Jackso::-, J: A. Dawson and others, containing one hundred and forty four acres, more or less. Said tract of land will be divided and sold in threw separate tracts. making three desirable small farms. Sale made for division among the above named parties as tenan's in common of said land. Tkhms of Sale Two per cent of purchase money cash, balance in six and twelve months, with good se curity. W. S. THOMSON, nov27 Gw Commisssioner. - .-...j-ii i r -i - - n.i.. i Jlill Arp, in reference to things in general, says : "I'm for a good thing, and if there is somethin . better, then I'm for that." And so says the Alliance with reference to the Sub Treasury bill. BL-MflS'S ?J-i:f VS. 02 rl OCRACY. To protect American labor and sus tain American wages without foster ing monopoly is the Democratic doc trine. To foster speculative monop olies and Ktibord nate to their oppor tunities and wishes thy wage and r-tahility of industry is the essence f DIaine's iolicy, which is the only Uepublicanism that has survived the disaster of 45e monopoly party at the elections of 1SJ)0. X. Y.Slar. The country U no.v asked to in d.i.fe reciprocity ofth Blaine sort fitful, going into operation and ceas ing to operate according to Fxecu tie decree, and plainly infi iuging upon the exclusive constitutional right of the Congress to snake or modify customs and tax laws. It is a factional makeshift, lacking both consistency and sincerity, and, if pursued, sure to decrease the earn ings of the masses and plac, not on ly our own country but the Amcii can continents and peninsulas, at the mercy of Trusts and combinations more gigantic than any our history known. or.. ; a Mr. ki;'s R e i o i t ' r . To Secrelarv Sampson (bounty ; Farmer's Alliance: i Diah Sin: The following is t-.riTr riinnrt n 1" AllJnnert nr. "A n 7".. - at Kerr's, November 20th, Ji-JOO. We fi :-t had a very methodi cal and instructive ic-ctura by our County Lecturer. Mr. Marion Rutler, after which I c tiled for . it'cruus. liieio us-ut; a suiu cieut number I procedo 1 to or ganizp, asa'stc-d by Mr. Butler, the Lecturer, and J. O. Ilerriiir. and Jeremiah Seavey. Charter members : l. II. Devane, F. F. Newton, V. T. Dev?L.e, Thomas Xewkirk and E. I Murpbv. Officers: Prea'dent. U. II. De vane; Vice President, W. T. Do vane; Sec etary, F. F. Newton; Treasurer, K. V. Murphy ; Chap lain, (. Hall; Doorkeeper, T. B. Newkird. The other offices will soon be filled. Several apli cants will join at the next meet ing. Name of Alliance "Hick COXSUMI'TIGX SUItELY CURED. To ins-: Ediiok iMeasc inform vunr readers that I have a rositivc i-emedy for tike aheve named dhcase. I'.y iu timely use thousands of Lopeles: eases hav? l;ecn permanently cured l.sha'l ho glad to beud two lhttiea of isy ren.eely i- aKE to any of your read rs who have consumption if they will send me their exvrcss and post otllce i . !::o s -. ! esnee tfu! v, 1'. A. SLOCUM, M. V., 1M Pearl New York "How to (Jurealldn Diseases.''. Simply apply "Jwa5 xk's ()i;M mknt. ' No nitemal'd'cieu . roqu'.red. Cures tettjr, eczenia, jtt hTail eruptions on the face, bauds, lio.-e, &e, leaving the skin clear, hite ;ii:d healthy. Its great heal iug and cur live pyvreru are possessed by no other remedy. Ak your drug- i Mist tor Mvav:-k's Ointment. We extend an in vitation to all rnenf- bers of the Alliance to call and see us and make this their stopping: place while at the fair. G. A. Olute OI5CE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, JLaver and .Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50c and 61 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try ft Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEYI YORK. N.V. ARRIAGKS. Manager, TIE TALK OF THE 1 J f 0 That Little Tickling In j.ur ti.r. at, ul.ii h Rakes you cough once ie. a while and keeps you constant ly clearing your throat, arises from ca t irrh. and as atanh is a constitutional d.scao the er.linarv c-uuh medieiaes all fail t hit the spot. What yea need isn constiturional rcmcuy like Hood' Sar mpari'.h. Many people wluihavc taKcn thi . medicine tor serofula, dyspepsia, hs ot appetite, and other troubles, haveb en Mirprixod tht it should cure this troublesome eouh. Dut to know the actual cae.i-e of tlucoiijhU to solve the mystery. Many cases of consump tion can he I: need back to the neglect of some such sdig'.t affection as Uus. Con sumption c sti he controlled in its earl stases, and the effect of Hood's Sarsa pai'illa in ptirlfjing the Mood, building up the genera! health, and expelling the ci Ic.!'us taint which is the caise of jatarrli and consumption, li.u restored to perfect health many persons on whom thit dreaded disease seemed to ha va fnn liold. ory," Keri'.s. Tli5? Alliaucs is composed d" first material, all faruie.s, and as soon as it gets in good work ing order it rail be strong, both numerically and financially. Isiiam Royal, County Organiz i . The New York Stato Alliance have adopted the Sub-Treasury plan, and declares that the Foice bill shall never be sad dled upon the South if the farmer.-; of that State can ore vent it. Hut the lesson of this last general election should n it be misunderstood. The Democrat ic, party lias been successful be cause of the Farmers' Alliance. This all men must admit. Not in this State,-perhars, but in States which have always been Republican, the Fanners' Alli ance thb year turned the tide Durham Clobc. We have never doubted the loyally of the farmers of the State to Democrat s principles. They ar inseparable from the principles advocated by the Al- 0& - X ft Y aDV" li itT IS M E N TS. m& Fji Is a eonstitutlonal and not a local disease, and therefore It cannot bo cuiei by local cpplications. It requires a constitutional remedy like Ilood's Sarsaparilla, which, working through the blood, eradicates the Impurity which causes and promotes the disease, and effects a permanent cure. Thousands of people testify to the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for catarrh when other preparations had failed. " I w ill say I have been troubled for sev eral years with that terribly disagreeable, catarrh. I took Hood's Sarsapa rilla v, itli the very best results. . It cured me of that continual dropping in my throat, and stuffed up feeling, it has also helped my mother, who h;i taken it for run down stata of health and kidney trouble." Mbs. S. D. Heath, Putnam, Conn. " I have used Ilood's Sarsaparilla for ca tarrh with very satisfactory results. I have received n:orc permanent benefit from it than from any other remedy I have ever tried." M. E. Eea:, ef A. Kead & Son, Wauseon, O. !iFs Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldmggiiu. SlMixforfS. Prepared only bj C L HOOD ACO., Apothecariei, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar liancc X. 0. Intelligencer. A man hth.: practiced medicine for 40 ye.uv, ou-'nl li knows v'.t from sugar; rea 1 v.hai he Fays. Tot.fikk O.. Jau. 10. 1S87. ilos:;. F. J. Cheat y & Co (jcu-1 ticmca:-! hayeleen hi in th general If there is a mail in public l'lfictiCi! ot ucdicinc for most M yeara. 1tP . , , I.nd would say that in all my. practice. ! llfe tda whose record shows have never scan a wenaratien that I a more consistent and eimest could v,r.n as much confidence i advocacy of Alliance principles ..f success as I caa Hall's Cure, man- than Senator Vance, we certain nfactured hv you. llavo prescnoed it a a .,ot n1i:),v ,hfi .,. - rt great many tunes and i?s e licet in won- $ " ?3X "16 liaue Ot dcrful. and v.on'd ay in conclusion that 4,1 at mn - lntaliigenccr. . I nave TJ1 to ilnd a cae of Catarrh that ,t would riot cure, if they woul I take it ticcording to dirc-ctious. Yours Trulv. 1,. 1.. (lOUSUCU, M. D. Oilicc. 215 Summit Si We i51 c $103 for any case of Catarrh thai aau n-jt he cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally, r J-CJIENEY & CO.,Piop3.,Toledo,0. S-Sold by Druggists. oc. DP.QVtrS IRON BITTERS Cores Indlsestioa, BUiousncss, Dyspepsia. Mala ri. Kervousncss, Rnd General lebUity. Physi cians recommend it. All dealer sell it. Genuine Jut trad mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. The country is indebted to the Farmers' Alliance for the defeat ot Ingall? and Spoouer. Uvo Senators who are thorough ly sectional and notoriously partizan. N. G. Intelligencer. Col. Livinston spoko Wed- t nesday at Montgomery to 20.000 people irom every sec. ion of Alabama. He demonstrated that Alliance measures and Alliance efforts were chiefly the cause of WHEN YOU GO To Goldsboro be sure to stop at the Gregory-Arlington Hotels, Good fare, attentive servants and large comfortable rooms. When you get off the train "T?aac" (everybody knows Isaac) will be there. Give him your baggage and go with him. WILL, HUNTER, octKMf Proprietor. I DEFY COMPETITION! For my aini is to picas? my custom ers and not my competitors. Come with ready cash t - SCHOOL ADVERKTISMKNTi?. vi iKl lS vi) Female Institute. Thorough Instruction given In the nual Ara l, mi,. tud;. Calisthenics will bo taught. A full Corps of Instructor;! in tvtrj' IVparlinm.t. TERMS REASONABLE. Opens SEPTKM1SKU 3kp, 1800. inl ft CaUloguo M1SSMAUY ANDEltSON. TVincfpaf. NEW ADVEUTISEM.iT. !1'V ' I'lVhUTlMlXims. Wisdom ! Wisdom ! ! They show who Trade w isaom ! ! r (J witn me. This is the Great Store of Small Makuiks. If you do nittradu with me ask those who do, or better, come and be convince!. Mylar ttock of Fall and Winter Goods include.-! Dry G(k1m, Motions, Trunks, (bi bargain in thenp), llatu, Shoe-, Glanware, Cutlery, Hardware of all kinds, etc.- When you are in need Furniture any kind be ure ti cmuo in and let u h1iiw J im np- Htalrs. BUILDEUS' MATERIAL Is a specialty with us; No one can or fehall undersnll us mi Groceries. Our stool; is always fresh, we order a new supply every we-k. Now just a word to my customers who are indebted to me. 1 greatly appreciate your past patronage and hope yon will find it to y. nr interest to continue to 1'u.vor me with it, but I am in need of money and must ask you to come forward and settle as soon as posAible. IIesp.-ctfully, til .i'P'- . I7il' 3j r.frXA i Our stock of CAItRIAGES i? ot the Latest Style and most coniplete.3 OKDKIiS BY MAIL ROLIClTli.I. ROYAL & BORDEN, FURNITURE DEALERS, Goldsboro. X. C. Wt WM 5VEE ED1CINE CHILL CURE. CHEAPEST MEDICIHE EHOWV CONSIDERING GUAL1TY AND SIZE OF DOSE. IT WILL ALSO CTTIfcB BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, AKD CKEONIO CONSTIPATION. JOHN R. SMITH, DRUGGIST. Mt. Olive. N.C. FR m JARS ! TJic Greatest Attraction Ever heard of 'in Clinton is the beau tiful, stock of fall and winter Goods at the Cheap Cash Store OF WILLIAM A. JOHNSON. ONLY ENTIRE NEW STOCK IN TOWN I Every Department overflowing with the newest, handsomest and cheapest troods ever exhibited. Don't fail to sea all these lovely goods when you come to town Now-a-Days! People seek after the BEST OOOiW for ihs LEAST MON EY. Tlwro fore we ask you to come .mil examine our extend vu nlock of Dry GowN, Notions, Boot6, Shoes and Clothing. SPECIALTIES. Our stock of Hardware, Crockery, filiuwnre and, Groceries are complete. Don't forget to give us a call. Very Truly, R. J. SOUTHELAND. W. G. DAVjS & CO- TOUT mm i And he will prove it. On Family Groceries, Fine Fruits, Glass and Crockery Vare he cannot be under sold, lie pays tho highest market price for family produce. If you wish a first-class Shave, Hair Cut .Sham mou or Mustache Dye, call at my place of business on Wall Street, three doers from the corner of 3d. Ilanstein's, there you will find me at all hours. EAZ0RS SHARP.SHEARS KEEN! If you want a good job don't fail to call on me. J. II. SIMMONS, , aprlO tf Barber Fruit Jaeh AND Jelly Glasses! AT II. WJMcKINNE'S, Mount Olive, N. C We are the only house who sell 8 hoes made by THE BAY STATE SHOE AND LEAK COIIPAE Don't be deceived by unprincipled dealers who tell you they have tit same goods we sell. Our whole store force is anxious to serve the people. Yours to please, IVm. A. Johnson. HEW BARBER SHOP. When oa wish an easy shave, As gcl at bxrber ever gave, Just cull oi us at our saloon At a.ornliiir, eve or noon; ADVERTISEMENTS. LADIES TJriK W. T. WILLIAMSON'S BDGGYAHD CARRIAGE FACTORY, We cut and dress the hair with grace, i IS IEW OUHTERS DM FITETTETIUI ST. ?n! 4(n Our room is neat and towels clean, bcissors sharp and razors keen. And everything we think you'll fin '1; To suit the face and please the mind, And all our art and skill can do, It vou just call, we'll do for you. 8IIERARD A ?IXONt The Clinton Barbers. ON "wxiiive spoor s It is the BEST for Hand and Machins Use. For 24 Tears IT. GREGORY has occupied his same ;i TAILOR KSTABLISHHEHT on Church Street. The great and orignal leader in low prices for men's clothes .Economy in cloth and money will force you to give him a call. ' Latest Fashion plates always ou hand. June 7th. lyr. . Neuralgic JFeron And tho tioobled with ncrroaaw wiHIng book emar overwork will b idwvwl bj taking Brown' Irom Bitter, omtatt m no Bark ana crowed wa nam or wi Round Shaves, Hacks and all Edge Tools made, and Repairinf done on short notice. I will keep on hand a large lot of Western Buggies (open and top) and Roads Carts. They will equal in quality and are sold as low as any like goods In Goldsboro, Fayetteville or Wilmington. Respect folly, mch28-tf W.T. WILLIAMSON. KJ K8 UQJCOIl HABIT X mil tm Wrl4 thr 1 feat m 1 iitnioIlM or rotb vltkmt May M4ynun ran, kMkw thi MttMtU ffyr?y. v tUTTiii wpMa HMCiSa a IMr mmOm witkomt thaii fc Everybody wears Shoes, at least half of every body wears Pauls. Thew? articles must be had we must buy them. It takes money to buy them, and none of us have as much money as we want or need. When .ve make a purchase and part with our money, we have to work hard to make more. Then where can we get the Panis and Shoes that will last the longest nd are therefore the cheapest. Come to our store and get the Mr M Shoes and "Bi DC Pants: We also carry a full line of Dress Goods, Hatsaup General Merchandise. W. G- DAVJS & CO. Aaron & Kornegsy. When you visit Mt. Olive, which is fast becoming one of the best cot ton markets on the W. & W. R. It., don't fail to cad at Aaron fc Kurnc negay's store for anything you may want to purchase. Rt member we take no -back seat on prices, but with a well Kieeled stock we stand right to the front in prices, quality and quantity of good. We are offering good Sets of Harness at $7.00; No. 7 Cook Stove, co m plete, at $12.00; Good Bedstead at $2.00; Salt, in seamles sacks, at 7. cents; good sound Tobacco at 25 cents a pound. Eclipse Machine Oil, none better; Butter, Cheese, Salt Mullets, Ac. f Give us a call, no trouble to show goods. Polito alteniiou to very body. Satisfaction guaranteed. Come and see for yourself. POME TO R. Kornegay's For Staple and Fancy Groceries; for Hardware, Glassware and Tinware; for Harness, Saddles, or anything in this line; for Guano, Kanlt, Lime or any kind of Fertilizer; for Coffins, Cask ets, Burial Robes, etc. In fact, come and see me, and when you trade with me, I feel sure you will always do so. iar Remember, Flonr is one of my specialties. Respectfully, ILKOBNEttA Y. i t r t vi Km ) dWIHD $? MACHINE FOB SALE BY F. RHEIiN STEIN & CO.. "Wilmington, IN.CJ. GILES & MUROHISON, JOBBERS OP IIAODOTIE , CUTLERY AWD TirJIVARE IMPORTERS OF CROCKERY; 1 Murchison Block - - . vam u n , - - - j" - Wilmington, N. C . Eepreented Dy Geo. V. Stcoo, Jr., and Owes F. Love. v

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