IT THE CAUCASIAN. THINK"! ' UHL'aMKl) KVHKY THURSDAY, i MAUIO.X KUTLEK, K i.'T fil Proprietor. JCDICIOr AIiTEUTLMM. CREATES a.m$ new taot- KNLA Rfl K Bay nfi old V-! ns REVIVE? mats a dull hu;na, RESCUES tuanr ltt Vuaic.. SJLVI many i fail Usi tnt-inr, PRESERVES rtanj a larpr U;.;e, SECl!RKS iac la -y lic, Thtrtfot advrrtUe In a pepaUr ir, one the jeo!e ar ttttlowi t read. . NO SUMSC1MHK. ;mw tfjiH Paper to your neigh bor and advise him to ub scribe. Iuro Domocrnoy exxxcl Wliito Suprotunoy. VOL. IX. CLINTON, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1890. No. 8. ubcrljtlon lric $1.30 per Year, fn Advance. (HA! - If; ACT AN fv.O' ft 1'UOFJvS.SIONAL COLUMN. VI7 U. ALLEN, "' f V ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW, Goldsboro, N (J. vill practice in Sampson county. Icb27 tf A M. LEE, M. I). i'u YmciAN,3i; mums and Dentist, ' HHt" m liC',M Hr u f Ktor e . jo 7-1 y r I A. STEV KXiVM.' D7 tJ 1'lIYHlCIAX ANDSUHOEON, (.Office over Post Office.) HoT May bo found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College treet. Je 7-lyr HE. FA I SON, ArniWEV and Counhell- ok at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice In courts of Ham won ami adjoining eounlics. Also In Supreme Court. Ail business intrusted to his ;! will receive prompt and careful a. leutioii. j7.1yv WH. THOMSON. Attorney ani Counhell- OU AT IjAW. Office over Post Oflice. Will practice in Sampson and ad joining counties. Ever attentive nud faithful to tht. interests of all lii-iii. je 7-lyr I V . KEIill. L.J. A "'nNEY and Counsell or a- ; w. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, 'Bladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal business. e 7-lyr I Ti HANK lIOYETTi:, P.Ii.S. L Dentistky Office on Main Street 'Uify Otfars his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. iTMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. IU. ISOYKIX OX SHXATOK VANCH. Baltimore, Md., N.v. 11, '90. Dear Mr. Butler In tending the Inst issue of your improved paner I note especially what you say about the views f the "Progressive Far mer" on Senator Vance. I agree with you and thank you for all there is in it, except the last clause, which I do not at all understand. You say that in the caucus ho will be nomi nated on the lirst ballot, if not by acclamation." Then you add what I do not appreciate, is "If lie should not do this then the people will con demn htm wiih the same strength with which they loved and trusted him." Now, my dear sir, let me tell you my intimate knowledge of Senator Vance extends back twenty six or twenty-seven years. He has done too much for the grand old State, l'is love for and interest in her people, his unequalled service during the war, his constant and rn tiring, and 1 might add always, ; n selfisli love tor his constituents dnce the war, have been of -i character that compels all honest and discrim inating people to trust and honor such a man as long as he lives. Boss es and time servers may be dethron ed and detested but heroes and pa triots never. Yours, T. J. Boykix. a Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III., makes ti e statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she vvas t.eaicd for a month by her family phy sician, but grew worse. He told her she wa a hopeless victim of consumption ami that no medicine could cure her. llrr druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption: she bought n b ttle and to her delight found hers -If benefited from first dose, She continued its us.- and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever wa . Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Dk. It. II. Holliday's Drugstore. Clinton, N.C.; andJoiiNll. Smith, Mouut Olive; laigi bottles 50 cents and one dollar. The famous Calumet and Hecla, the greatest copper mine in the world, h is paid $34,000,000 in dividends. aa-a-a Yon are In a Bad Fix But we will cure you if you will pay us. Our message is to the weak, nervous and debilitated, who, by early evil habits, or later indiscre tions, have trifled away their vigor of body, mind and manhood, and suffer all those effects which lead to premature decay, consumption or in sanity. If this means you, send for and read our Book of Life, writ ten by the greatest Specialist of the day, and sent (sealed) for 6 cents In stamps. Address Dr. Parker's Med ical and Surgical Institute, 151 North Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn. A smart leather cap perched on the head, a pair of field glasses slung over the shoulder, a tall aspen stick in one hand a six-inch satchel in the other is the latest make-up of the photograph loving maiden. IJucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world lor Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheuni, Fe verSores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains. Corns, and all Sk:n Lruplions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required.. It is guaranteed to give per- tect Batistacticu, or money relunded Prioo 35 cents nor box. For sale by Jlr, it. il. IIolliday, Clinton, and J, U. Smith, Druggist. Mount Olive, X. C Some of the newly imported sleeve less Oriental jackets, embroidered in silver, are handsome enough for ugly girls to wear. Catarrh is not a local but a consti tutional disease, and requires a con stitutlonal remedy like Hood's gar saparula to effect a cure. rPIIL LMWTAD'y mi III) urn Liiivmo uiiiviii. HOW THINGS LOOK FliOM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. PRESIDENT'S MESCAGE. Congress reassembled on last Mon day. The annual message 01 the President of the U. S. was read bo fore both Housrs. It is a long document and of but little interest. We read it more to see if the pigmy President had heard and recognized the voice of the people on the 1th of last Nov. Hut we find that like the Irishmans' tarrapin, he i insensible of his party's condition. After a of the report j of tlie heads of the various Departments and compli menting them for doing better than their producirssors. he proceeds to apologize for the outiageous con duct of Congress during the last session in the following language: "I congratulate the L-oiigres- and the country up n the passage at the liist session ot thv Ffty-first Con gress of an unusual number ol laws of very high importance. That the results of this legislation w ill be the quickening and enlargement of our manufacturing industries large and better markets fi r our breadstuff's and provisions bo h at home and abroad more constant employment and better wages for our working 1 eople and an increased supply of safe currency for the transaction of business, I do not doubt. Some ot these measures were enacted at so late a period that the beneficial effects on commerce, which were in the contemplation of Congress, have as yet but partially manifested themselves." The humor of theabove paragraph especially when it speaks of the last Congress passing laws to increase the currency and increase the ci n dititm of the laboring people w ill rival Mark Twain or Bill Snort. ile champiors the condemned McKinley tariff bill ana says that it had nothing to do with the increase in prices, and regrets that the peo- le were fooled about it. He makes a bid to reclaim the support ofsone of the hetherto deluded farming and laboring people in the followi ng paragraph: From the time of my induction into oflice the duty of using every lower and influence given by law to the Executive Department for the development of larger markets or our products, especially our 'arm products, has been keot con stantly in mind and no effort has been or will bo spared to promote that eod." In closing his discussion of the tariff bill he says: 'But in its general scope and effect think it will justify the support of those who believe that American egislation should conserve and defend American trade and the wages of American workingmen." Defend the wages of American Workingmen and give larger mark ets for farm products indeed ! That is just what the country has con demned the Itadical party for not doing. In closing his Jack O'Lar.tern message ho says : "In addition to the important bills that become laws before the adjournment of last session some other bills of the highest importance were well advunced towards a final vote and now stands upon the calen dars of t!.e two houses in favored positions. The present session has a fixed time and if these measures are not now brought to a final vote all the work that ha been done on them by this Congress is lost." v nat uoes this mean ? A con demned and rebuked Congress has only a "fixed time" to finish the deviltry it has commenced, before those who respect the wishes of the people take charge of legislation What does he urge this unrepresen tative Congress to do? Just two things and both for political ad van vantage- To hurry up and appor tion the representatives among the several Slates according to depopu lator Porter's bogus census. Second , to pass the infamous Lodge Election Force Bill. He devotes more space to this than to any other subject of his message. The strong argument he urges for its passage is : "Its probable effectiveness (to the Radical party) is evidenced by the by the character of the opposition made to it," (by the Democrats.) His concluding words aie : I venture to agdn remind you that the brief time retraining for the eons-deration of the above important legislation now awaiting your atten tion off ?rs no margin to waste. It seems that Mr. Harrison and his party have r o respect for the will of the people, to urge the passage of measures which the people have con demned them for offering to pass. Senator Vance arrived in Wash iugton last Friday. The Washington correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger reports him as saying: "The majority of the farmers In North Carolii.a are opjMjsed to the Su --Treasury bill, and the pledges of the candidate-" for the Legislature were given to me after 1 had fnlly stated my opposition to the bill. They knew w here I stood when they promised to supKrt me. I have not changed my position and know they have not." We do not believe that Senator Vance made any such statement. Hut il he did make such astatcmcnt, ami by that statement means that the farmers of North Carolina are satis fed witli the present financial poli cy of the Oovern.ient, and that since they have endorsed him he is un der no obligation to advocate a mea sure to take the control of the money of the country from the hau ls of Wall street and the National Hanks a measure to giw the people more money and cheaper money, a flexi ble volume of money to correspond to the variable demand throughout the year and year alter year, then he is sadly mistake n and badly misrep resents his people and their condi tion. The Sub-Treasury bill is sim ply a means offered w ith a view to accomplish that end. Dining his canvass in this State Mr. Vance ad mitted thai the people need financial relief as well a-tariff reduction, that he would advocate a measure to that end that he would take the Sub-Treasury bill if nothing better could be devised. II was on this platform that he was endorsed and it will be on this platform that lie will be elected. The reports against Maeime and Livingston in the (Jeorgia Senatori al contest are ugly, but we have withheld comment, for none of us can see all sides of a tree at the same time. But what if they are guilty of attempting to sell out the Alli ance, the action of the bulk of the Alliance members of the Legislature should call forth from the press of the country commendation instead of criticism for the order. In fact, the affair, as unfortunate as it is in the preset ispecnt, is an effective a 1- swer to the charge that tlu Alliance (though all right in its principles) was dangerous to good government, because the members ould be led like sheet) by bad leaders. The great rank and file of the Alliance s composed of the bone and sinue of the land, it will follow a leader no further than lie is right, and will ever be found as the staunchest ex ponent of good government. The foundation principle of the order is to think for yourseli. But after all is Calhoun any more of a railroad man at heart than Gordon? A great deal .of discussion has been going on as to whether it would l:e policy to select the Speaker of the next Congress froin the North or the South. Wc call a halt on such fool ishness. There should be no discus sion about the matter. Had it not been for such talk on the part of newspapers, sectionalism (in spire of the periodic bloody-shirt politcal montcbank) vould have long since disappeared. The recent elections show that sectionalism is duud, or at least fast disappearing as a factor in National politics. Why rake up a dead issue? Why mal e such ef forts to breathe life again into the hideous carcas? Let us keep quiet and the logic of events will put t ho Speakership in the South, and the West will claim the credit of help ing to do it. The next step in the logic of events will be the two great agricultural sections joining hands and marching to victory in '92. We all want what we write to be read, and yet many writers do the very thing that keeps their writings from being read. A report of a meeting that could easily go on a postal card will be read, but when spread out over a naif column it is read by but few. It is strange that sensible men, who know this, will not be governed accordingly. An article for the paper that runs over one and a half, or two columns, is read by but few people. Four or five times more people read a column ar ticle thau read a two column article The shorter the item or article, as a rule, the more readers it will have What most writers need is to con dense. Christian Advocate. Proved to Be a Lie. To a certain extent general adver tising creates a want. It announces new things and familiarizes the pub lic with old ones. General advertis ing is of as great value to theadver tiser in keeping an established article before the public as in introducing a new one. The most successful busi ness men realize this, and they never let the public forget their existence. The oft-repeated assertion that ad vertisements are not read is proved to be a lie of the most senseless kind by the advertiser's record of results. Journalist. '. m -4- Cleverly Written and Handsomely Print ed. In point tf fact, nothing can be more interesting and diverting than advertisements cleverly written and handsomely printed. Chieago Herald. Ill' m RANCH Story of American Frontier Life. By Capt. CHARLES EEG, U.S.1, Author of "Tlie ColoneCt Daughter," "F:-om (he Hank." "The Deserter Etc. CopjTiKhttxl 1$ by J. H. Llpplneott Company. Philadelphia, and published by special aj-ranpe-ment through the American Pres Association. CHAPTER fefe ED PERRY hated re- veillo and morning stables about as ve hemently as was pos sible to a younfr fel low who was in other respects thoroughly in love with his pro fession. A fairer typo of the American cavalry officer, when once- he got in sad dlo and settled down to business, one would hardly ask to find. Tall, athletic, slender of build, with frank, laughing blue eyes, curly, close cropped, light brown hair, and a twirling mustache that was a source of inexpressible delight to its owner aud of some envy to his brother subalterns, Mr. Perry was prob ably the best looking of the young offi cers who marched with the battalion to this far away station on the borders of the Llano Estacado. He had been ten years in service, counting tho four he spent as a cadet, had just won his silver bar as the junior first lieutenant of the regiment, was full to the brim of health, energy, animal spirits and fun, and, bar ring a few duns and debts in his earlier experiences, had never known a heavier care in the world than the transient and ephemeral anxiety as to whether he would bo called up for recitation on a subject he had not ao much as looked at, or "hived" absent from a roll call lie had lazily slept through. Any other man, his comrades said, would have been spoiled a dozen times over by tho petting he had received from both men and women; but there was something essentially sweet and gonial about his natures something "lacking in guile about his perceptions," said a cyni cal old captain of the regiment and a jovial, sunshiny way of looking upon the world as an Eden, all men and all women as friends, and the army as tho profes sion above all others, and these various attributes combined to make him popular with his kind and unusually attractive to the opposite sex. As a cadet he had been perpetually on tho verge of dismis sal because of the appalling array of de merits lie could roll up against his name, and yet Aie very officers who jotted down the memoranda of his sins omission and commission against the regulations were men who openly said he "had the making of one of the finest soldiers in the class." As junior second lieutenant "plebe" of the regiment, he had been welcomed by every man from the colonel down, and it was considered particularly rough that he should have to go to such a company as Capt. Canker's, because Canker was a man who never got along with any of his juniors; but there vras something so irrepressibly frank and contrite in Perry's boyish face when he would appear at his captain's door in the early morning and burst out with: "By Jove, captain! I slept through reveille again this morning, and never got down till stables were nearly over," that even that cross grained but honest troop commander was disarmed, and, though he threat ened and reprimanded, he would never punish would never deny his subaltern the faintest privilege; and when promo tion took the captain to another regi ment ho bade good-by to Perry with eyes that were suspiciously wet. "Why, blow it all, what do you fellows hate Canker so for?" the youngster often said. "He ought to put me in arrest time and again, but he won't. Blamed if I don't put myself in arrest, or confine myself to tho limits of the post, and do sometliing, to cut all this going to town and hops and such thing3. Then I can stick to the troop like wax and get up at reveille; but if I'm out dancing till 2 or 8 in the morning it's no use, I tell you ; I just can't wake up." It was always predicted of Ned Perry that he would be "married and done for" within a year of his graduation. Every new facer in tho five years that followed revived the garrison proph ecy, "row he s gone, surer but, how ever devoted he might seem to the damsel in question, however restless and impa tient he might be when compelled by his duties to absent himself from her side, however promising to casual observers perchance to the damsel herself might be all the surface indications, the abso lute frankness with which he proclaimed his admiration to every listener, and the fact that he "had been just so with half a dozen other girls," enabled the cooler heads of the regiment to decide that the time had not yet come or at least the woman. "I do wish," said Mrs. Turner, "that Mr. Perry -would settle on somebody, be cause, just so long: as he doesn't, it is rather nar d to tell who he belongs to. And, as Mrs. Turner had long been ; reigning belle amo ng the married women of the th, and one to whom the young officers were always expected to show much attention, her whimsical way of describing the situation was readily un derstood. But here at the new station at far away Rossi ter matters -were taking on a new look. To begin with, the wives of the officers of the cavalry battalion had not joined, none of the ladies of the th were here, and none would be apt to come until- the summer's scout ing-work was over and done with. The ladies of the little battalion of infantry were here, and, though there were no maiden sisters or cousins yet at the post (rest assured that more than one was al ready summoned), they were sufficient in number to enliven the monotony of garrison life and sufficiently attractive to warrant all the attention they cared to receive. It) was beginning to be gar- IL 7 fi risoa uia u iw "settled on somebody" as the ultimate obje -t of hi entire devutiuu, somebody tad icttled on him. and that was pretty Mrs. Btlknap. And though Ned Perry hated reveille and moming Etatk-s, us has been said, and3ruld rarely "take hi week" with out making one or more lapses, hero h was this beautiful May moming out at daybreak when it was hU junior's tour of doty, and wending his way with tliat younyster out to tho line of cavalry sta bles, booted and spurred and ojuiped for a ride. Tho colonel had listened with some 6urprio to his request, protrered just a the party was breaking up the night bo be absent from garrison a few hours the following morning. "But wo have battalion drill at 9 o'clock, Mr. Perry, and I need you there," he said. '-Oh, I'll e b:ick in time for that, sir. I wanted to bo off three hours or so be fore breakfast." Tirs; colonel could not help laughing. "Ol course you can go go wherever yon lika at thoso hours, when you are not on guard; but I never imagined you would wmt ts get up so early." "Neiher I would, colonel, but I've been kiterested in something I heard about fliis ranch down the Monee, and thou lit I'd like to ride down a"nd look at it.": "0 ahead, by all means, and see whether those lights camo from there. It ir ate me think of a play I once saw the tjolleen Dawn' where a fellow's sweetheart signaled across the lake by showiag a light in her cottago window just that way three times, and ho an- 6verjd bv turning out the light3 in his rooni Of course tho distance wasn't anything like this; and there was no one here to turn iown anv light Eh! what did jtni say?" "I beg pardon, colonel. I didn't mean to interrupt," put in a gentle voice at his elbow, while a little hand on Perry's arm gave jit a sudden and vigoi-ous squeeze, "but Capt. Lawrence has called mo twice ho fiill not re-enter after lighting his cigar and 1 must say good night. "OL good night, Mrs. Lawrence. I'm sorry jyon go so early. V e are going to reforiji you all in that respect as soon as we git farly settled. Here's Perry, now, would sit up and play whist with me an hour k-et." "Mt this night, colonel. He lias prom ised jo walk homo with us" (another squeeke), "and go he must, or be a faith less iscort. Good night. We've had such k lovely, lovelv time." An Ned Perry, dazed, went with her to thq gate, where Capt. Lawrence was awaiting them. Sho had barely time to murniur "Yqu were just on the point of telling him aVout the doctor's lights. I cannot forgivb myself for being tho means of seeing it; but keep my confidence, and keep this until everybody is talking about it ; it will come soon enough. Na.arally, Mr. Perry went home some what perturbed in spirit and all alive with conjecture as to what these things could mean. The first notes of "assem bly of the trumpeters" generally known as "first call" roused him from his sleep. and by the timo the men marched out to the stables he had had his plunge bath, a vigorous rub and a chance to think over his plans before following in their tracks, dressed for his ride. The astonishment of Lieut. Parke, the junior of tho troop, was something almost too deep for words when Perry came bounding to his side. "What on earth brings you out, Ned?' was his only effort. "Going for a gallop down the Monee; that's all. I haven't had a freshener for a week." Gad! we get exercise enough at morning drill, one would think, and our horses too. Oh!" And Mr. Parke stopped suddenly. It flashed across him that perhaps Perry was going riding with a lady friend and the hour was her selection. If so, 'twas no business of his, and remarks were uncalled for. When he mounted and rode away from the stable Mr. Parko was outside at the picket rope, and busily occupied in his duties, supervising the fastening of the fresh, spirited horses at the line, for the troop commander was a man intolerant of disorder of any kind, and nothing more offended his eye than the sight of two or three of his charges loose and plunging and kicking and down the stable yard. On the other hand, there was no one exploit that seemed to give the younger animals keener delight nothing that made the perpetrator a big ger hero in his own eyes or the object of greater envy among his fellows and as a consequence every device of which equine ingenuity was master was called into play, regularlv as the morning came around, to break loose either from the controlling hand of the trooper or from the taut and straining picket rope. The first care of the officer in charge of the troop sergeants was, therefore, to see tliat all the horses were securely lashed and knotted. Not until he had examined every "halter snank ' was jur. I'arte at leisure to look around, but when he did his comrade had disappeared from view, And OTer this broad level, horizon bounded, not a moving object could be seen. Far awav, in little groups of three or four, black dots of grazing cattle marked the plain, and over m tbe "breaks" of the Monee, just beyond the frinorimr i-nttonwoods. two or three herds of Indian ponies were sleepily cropping their morning meal, watched by the little black imp of a boy whose dirty red blanket made the only patch of color against the southern landscape. Later ir. the day, when the sun mounted ldsh in the heaven3 and the brisk west erlv winds sent the clouds sailing swift across the skies, all the broad prairie noemfid in motion, for then huge shad ows swept its face with measur-sd speed, and distant cattle and neighboring pony herd appeared as though calmly and contentedly riding on a broad platform. Nature's own "observation car." taking a leisurely journey towr.vda the far away Pacific. But the sun was only just . up as Mr. Parke came back from his inspection of the lialter fastenings and paused to look across the low valley. Far down to the southeast the rays seemed glinting on some bright objects clustered together within 6hort range of the shadowy fringe, and the lieutenant shaded bis eyes with his gauntlet and looked fixed ly thitherward as he stood at the stable door. "Some new tinning down at tliat Eng lish ranch they talk of. I suppose," was his explanation of the phenomenon, and then "wonder why Perry hasn't ridden to cultivate the acquaintance of those -people before this. He was always the unst man in tn in to nau out wtio our neighbor were." 1'onicring over I hi aucMkn, ll eo- curred to Mr. Parke thai Terry had said bo was going do n the Monee that morn ing; but nowhere was there a peck In sight that looked like lojing hoicman. To be sure, the trail bore close to the low bluff Uit bounded the valley on the north Ly the time one had ridden a mile or so out from tho post. He was prob ably hidden by this shoulder of the prai rie, and would continue to be until lie reached the bond, five miles below. No use watching for him then. Hctddes, he might not yet have started. Mr. Parke recalled tiie fact tliat he half suspected a while ago that Ned was going to ride aa early anto-breakfast ride with a lady friend Mrs. IWlknap had her own horse, and was an accomplished eques trienne; Mrs. Lawrence rodo fairly well, and was always glad to go, when some body could give her a saddle and a reli able mount There wero others, too, among the ladiesof the Infantry garrUon who were no novices a chevaL Mr. Parko liad no intention whatever of pry ing into the matter. It was simply as something the officer In charge of stable duty was entitled to know that he turned suddenly and called: "Sergt. Owynne!" lie heard the name passed down the dark interior of tho stable by the men sweeping out tho stalls, and the prompt and cheery reply. Tho next instant a tall young trooper stepped forth into the blaze of early sunlight, his right hand raised in salute, and stood erect and mo tionless by the lieutenant's side. "Did Mr. Perry an extra horse, sergeant?" "No, sir." "I thought possibly ho meant to take Roland. Ho's the best lady's horse in the troop, is ho not?" "Yes, sir; but Roland is at the lino now." "Very well, then. That's alL I pre sume ho has just ridden down to Dun raven." And Mr. Parke turned to look once more at the glinting objects down the distant valley. It was a moment or two before he was aware of tho fact that the sergeant still stood there, instead of returning to his duties. "I said that was all, sergeant; you can go back to your feeding." And then Mr. Parko turned In some surprise, for Sergt. Qwynne, by long odds tho "smart est and most soldierly of tho non-commissioned officers of the cavalry battal lion, for the first time in Ins history seemed to have forgotten himself. Though his attitude had not changed, his face had, and a strange look was in his bright blue eyes a look of incre dulity and wonderment and trouble all combined. The lieutenant was fairly startled when, as though gathering him self together, the sergeant falteringly asked: "I beg pardon, sir he had ridden where?" "t5own to tho Ranch, sergeant that one you can just see, away down the valley." "I know, sir; but the name?" "Dunraven Ranch." For an instant the sergeant stood aa though dazed, then, with sudden effort, saluted, faced about, and plunged into the dark recesses of the stable. Continued next week. WHAT MAY HAITKN AT THIS N1LVT ELECTION. The election returns indicate a decided change in tlie politi cal complexion of add next Conre?s. The defeat of the party in power is as crushing it was unexpected by them, ana should carry with it a lesson out; to be remembered. It is a revolt of labor in production against present conditions, and a trumpet call for a change in the economic policy 01 the na- ion. It is the natural outcome of pn per educational methods among the people, and proves conclusively that a majority of men will do their full duty when it is clearly and honestly made known. But above and beyond all, it is a rutrged and outspokeu announcement that the agricultural portion of the DeoDle are determined to have their rights under a free govern ment in spite of all opposition If the Democratic party is wise, it may reap substantial benefits from this election; but if it remains content with present success, without applying it for the benefit of next election reveal a still than the one the people, the will d-jubtless greater surprise iost passed. National Economist. Cold Waves Are predicted with reliable accuracy, and lie: pie liable to the pains and aches of rheumatism dread every change to damp or stormy weather. Although Hood's Sarsaparilla is not claimed to be a positive specific for iheumatism, the remarkable cures it has effected show that it maybe tak en for this complaint with reasonable certainty of benefit. Its action in neutralizing the acidity of theblood, which is the cause of rheumatism, constitutes the secret of the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you suf fer from rheumatism, give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial; it will do you good. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To tub Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, Iisball be glad to send two bottles of ray remedy free to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Respectfuly, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C 181 Pearl sU New York. The right way to cure catarrh i to eradicate the risonous toint which causes the disease, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. RAILROAD COMMISSION. The I'oiuiulftoioii VluU f Ahe. Join The Caucasian IX AsKIM; the news and OrtSKKV- EK TO KXrUlX CEUTAIX ELIl I.tsllED ItATKK. Ashlvili.e, N. C. Nov. liUh. "A. HJitor The Cijxton Cau amav. Clinton, N. C. : iKar Sir I'tidcr another cover we send vou the Abbe ville Citizen ol istti instant. nl re- siecUtilly ask your attention to our a plication to ue New ..tidOl serv er of lUh igh for a ropy uf the freight rate quoted by t fat paper under date of November lUth. These tame rates w ere nuotcd by the New s and Observer in answer to au article tr yours relative t a commission, and at thN time (Aug. 31st) the News a-ul Observer lelici tated Itself that you did nut deal on glitteringgeneralitiesbutrathergave tacts uion wnicli to base au argu ment. (You at that time qnotlnsr Georgia rates.) We do not know how much fur ther you prosecuted your enquiries, but immediately on the attearaiue here of the News and Observer with the article ullu led to under date of Nov. 1-th, we wrote that pajx r and asked them tor their authority for quoting the North Carolina rates they gave. They have never given us their authority, therefore we are justified in the belief that no such rates are in existence applying as their article would make them ap ply, to shipments within the State, from one point to another. Some such rates may operate in Inter state business, say something like this: a shipment from Ixuisville, Ky., is made to Clinton, it may be for every one hundred miles that shipment makes in North Carolina that a proportion of the freight charges is given to the roads in North Carolina over which ' it passes under some such rates as the New s and o; server quotes. This is a very differ ent thing, you see, and w e doubt not that if you will make enquiry of some trust-worthy merchant in your lace, (one in favor of a railroad commission it possible.) vou will find that on any freight bills be has, say from this section or from any in terior section of the State these lulls will show higher charges than the News and Observer gives. In the absence of proof of the existence ol md operation within the State of the News and Observer's rates we beg you to consider how unfair and mi. cadingtlu articlesol that paper have been on the 1 tail road Commission sunject. lie .News and Observer evidently depended on thecrcdulity t the people ot rsorth Carolina to accept these statesments withwut question or challenge, and on this assumption have been guilty of do- ng that (which to characterize mild ly; is very discreditable to them Mr. W inburn, Division 1-reight Agent of It. & 1). here, on seeing ing our demands on the News ami Observer for these rates, took up the cudgels lor tne isews and Observer and undertook as hesays "to furnish the information that the News and Observer appears not to have given. He however, does no better than tho News and Observer does in doing nothing. Mr. Winbun: presents true facts and figures w hich in them selves are no doubt correct, but we asked the News and Observer for specific rates made use of by them in and under specific conditions these rates and the application the Nevvs and Observer made of them are still unsuthtantiated, nor do we believe that the Newv and Ob-erver or Mr. Wii-iburn can establish. Yours truly. The Railroad Commission Ci.un, J. H. Kepler, President. We answered the News and Ol- server at the time calling upon that paper to state on what roads and be tween what points existed the freight rates which it published as existing in the State and as being lower than the rates in Georgia under a com mission. The News and Observer did not answer our inquiry; but in answer io a letter from your club, that paper again published the same rates as existing in this State, where upon we again in last week's issue called upon that paper for an answer to the same inquiry, we had previ ously made through these columns The following is that paper's answ er in its issue of las Saturday to our Inquiries asking for facts : "We are sorry to see that The Cau casian says the News and Observer "took it to task" about its article on a Itailroad Commission. That was not the spirit in which we wrote at all. On the contrary, it we reco ect aright, we appreciated the dif ference between the intelligent dis cussion of the matter by The Cauca sian and the handling of the same subject by some others: and in pre senting our views we had no idea of "taking our contemporary to ta-.k." And in fact we may say that only shows how little The Caucasian knows about the New s and Observ er." JbD. CAUCASIAN. State of Ohio. City ok Toledo, LVCAU COUNT V. ) aa' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the ser ior pastner of the Arm of F. J. CuENLY & CO., doing business iu the city of Toledo, county and State af re- said. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can net be cured by Hale's Catakuh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and eubscribed in my presence, this Cth day of December, c 1 A- w- Reason, JkaJ Notary Fubhc Hall's Catarrh Cube is taken in ternally and acts direcily on the blcxl and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonial, tree. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. vSold by Druggists, &t 75 cents. TK8NITV XOTIX Hj Stmlctit from S.ttutuu Tr.iMiv Com i,e, N. v , iHveieU-r lt, lv0. Mr. Editor Tru-ting th.d a few word from tl.U Institution will mt U in.tppropri.ite for I he vlumn of your valuable pjjn r I Mibmit the following: It wa thi w riter' pl-nure nnd good fortune, (misfortune a tn might term il) to go to lUehmond a -uUMituteoti the Trinity ioot-bll team to play the Indomitable tn denN of the I'nivendly of Virgin! On the calm and teaiitlful evening of the 2stli, tho Trlnltie (eight.vii hi all) In a quiet and tiimumlng maimer entered the csplVol city o the Old Homiuion, there to await the "coming- exetif ef the nmlt-t for the Southern chaupiuihip of foot-ball playing. The content wa to le played on Iland Park the fol lowing evening. At 7 oYIork th exultant "VarsitUV camo with th shouts of enthiLsia-m at their exist ed victory, offering to wager large sums that they would w in; but reaL izing that North Carolina pluck would Ih arrayed against Virginia enthusiasm; but though he wa at a tt ranger' home, yet Trinity had friend then-. The blue. Trinity' "color, wa worn by many of VI -guild's lair ones, and was hanging tro.o tho windows of luanv hou. Promptly at a o'clock on t ' .'' veil ing of the ".nh tho two t. unre paired to the play.grounl. The average weight of the "V.i;-ithV' was ls', tho Tnnitie 177. Their center man weighed 2;l7 w'tli n furplu ilesb. Hut the whistle bhw atnl the game !cgan. After nianv well schemed play and much rourru tackling, the first half stood : Trini ty 1; "Varsity" o. Many shouts of "Hipora!" ".rinity!" "Carolina!" came from many of the crowd, e- H-ially fro-o the KandoIph-Maco-i and llichmond College;. 1 tut the victory of the first half was born to die in the last. At the doe of the game the wore stood K to 1 in favor uf tho"Var iities". There wa much foul play ing by slugging on tbe pan of tho 'Varsities". This wtt admittl by all fair-minded judges. Several of our nun received some xtrrnal bruises. Three men were taken from the field on account of injuries but no serious injuri were received. The "Varsities" ay It is the hard est game that they have played in m .my a day, and the spirit of the Trinities is by no means que! led, w ho believe tint If an impartial referee had been felected, tho victory would have been otherwise. The "Old Dominion" lcars vUkms resemblauce to the "(hi North State." Richmond i a large ami thriving city. We saw many historical fdght and places, among which wa the Hollywood Cemetery conta'ning a monument ninety-two find in height, erected to the memory .!' the Con federate dead. Wo sa v the grave of illustrious men, including Madi son, Tyler, Harrison and others. The Capitol is old and somewhat dilapi dated; but it coutains a line library md many historical real's w hich the wiitor kindly tfiowed and explain ed to us. Wc saw the Sneaker's hair, ued by the I louse of llurgto- scs, and an old stove weighing one ton, which was used by the sires of colonial times. It was made by Huzaglo in 1770. We take a htroil through the library, looking at the old writing, including tho Magna Charta, fac-similc w ritings of Wash- ngton, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jef ferson, als; the last order of General "Stonewall Jackson. It was written the lay before he was shot We saw many Southern Hags with lolcs shot through them. It wa . enough to make the hearts of all true Southerner feel nn emotion hot 1 1 patriotic and reverent for our noble braves. O-.e of the f-ticar. fent by John Hrown for the negroes to fight with, was i.i the library. On the top of the Capitol we too!: 1 bird's eye view f Hicl.mond. This wa a grand sight, which doe not admit of word for expie-i:m. Hut we retraced our step d this moment t the hotel. Trinity ha 1 0-5 students, Includ- ing two young ladies, who at-, grad uates of Greensboro Female College. S uccess to Tit c Ca tX'A s 1 a x . T.T. Jam 1 . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Commercial College 51: cneapeir a sesr Business wiiegw in ire norm. 4. (Ml mt fail Baata tnra. l-ia TMmm aia- lf u4 Tdfraf k r mau. laatla. tua. t.r4uat ae.fttl. Tht. e.iv U!if.i 1 MaHati-U t ar cuvaJar, KUna IVIlkw U. aUa. Lcalagtaa. a. J. FirMt-Cxlo.Hw If you w ish a lirt clas. Shave, Hair Cut, Shampoon or Mu-tache Dye, call at my place of business; on Wall Street, three doers from tho corner of M. Hanstein's there you will find me at all hours. BAZ0U SIIAUP.SHEARS KEE.M If you want a good job don't fail to call on me. J. H. SIM3IONS, aprlO tf Harbcr. DKfXKEVNESS LIQfOtt IIAUIT all the Warld thrr la but cure - Dr. lliiaei' Oolden ti- itic It rn b ei l enpt or rot" ! tl ka-vleda- ot tha paraon taking it. fttaiiM awvdr and M-rmaaeat cur, whftiirr tbe " oiiKrat drinkf-r or alcoholic wrwfc. 1 b'""'" ,i drntikarJ bar bora enrad ko bar Uk- tha (-DcciSc in thr coda wit boat tr dir.-, and today N?litbrti it drinkinc -f tfearf own fraa wUI. N harmful efSrcl reaolt tn.m t -dminiatratina.. Ctirr trnsrstitaed. tk-nd for rtr calar and fall particular. Aditrraa In eiims traUJl fersuiwlto,, lei JiaCt btrect, UcaMU,U

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