f . t i I . i f ! 1 5 I ? 1 f 'il I t i !i I ! i ) 1 1 1 1 SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UL1XT0X DRUG STORE. ESTABLISHED 10 YKAll. T.J.IiKi:. - - LlniifiRor. IVrsons m: ilicinc only whm lhey art; !-U-k :md tliir live in dan ;,' r then they wsmt tin-very hoM Unit can l,o. luul. Only Mich i ket itt the Clinton Dun; Stouk- tin re cmii be tbut.d also a full line of Pat ent MfdiciiK En-en tial Oil-, r r rnniery, Trusses, Knlih Tooth lirushes, Medicinal Whi-key, Horse nml Cattle Powders ami the best remedies lor all dl-eases and ail in.nts of Jior-is, Mule-, Cattle, Hogs, Poultry, etc. Lee's Backache Plasters! In Nnrlli .':iroliii:irt mnny rlim Their woii'Tphm virtur,f;ul Iff ti!l. l'.xt rt :in inll:n lK-f iillitn' In ininiJ riiiK to Iniiii:m ill ; And in.iny ;i i:insr alonjr our wuy, l.ci-V I'liiHtcrt (l..t,:ill.iy. You can cure a '-ad cae of 15.uk ache quicker with one of liee's l'la.--ters than hy any otln r spplication, and after the backache is cured, you can Htill wear the plaster with coin fort for a month or longer. This Plaster is a great discovery, and it is hard to find any pain orache that will not yield to it. Prepared only by T. J. LKE, Druggist. I,Ki;'S W'AKT f I'KCIFIC. A ccrlain cure for warts on horses and mules, as Judge K. T. 1 Joy kin, Hie Editor of 'I'll H 'a L'casi ax, Capt. Cornelius Paririck, M j. W. Lucius Faison. Messrs. A. Ferd Johnson, Hcrry E. Faison, Win. II. Faison, lion. liiiscomb Nicho!ou ami hun dreds of others m Hanp-on and ad joining counties and throughout Eastern Carolina will certify. Sold only by T. J. LEE, Druggist. WOKMS IN HoKSKS. Lee's Worm Specific never fails to expel worrr.s from horsesand mules. Warranted in every case. Sold only by T. J. LEE, Druggist. HOUSE AND CATTI.K POWDKRS. Wo ofte- under this head the best Condition Powders in the market. They are prepared by the leading Drug House of the United States from the formula of the most dis' tinguished Veterinary Surgeon liv ing. They are excellent appetizers a general alterative and tonic, and can be relied upon a a remedy for all diseases of domestic animals. They are composed of LIcorice-Itoot, Juniper Berries, Flaxsed, Gentian, Ginger, Iron and Antimony. Sold only by T. J. LEE, Dniirgist. OTIIKI! SI'KC'IAITIKS. Pure 4-year Old Medicinal Wilis key. A Safe and Certain Corn Cure. Sure Cure for Scratches in Horses. Sure Cure for Eczema in Cattle and Horses. Safe . and Sine Cure for Lice on Stock. Specifiu for Staggers in Horsesand Hogs. Sure Cure for Chicken Cho'.era. Scientific remedies lor all diseases and ailments ot'IIorses, Mules, I logs, Cattle, Poultry and Dogs. T. J. LEE, Druggist- 9th, 1 !)). -tf October RAILHUM HOUSE, NEAR THE DEPOT. Sainnlc-liooms and Special Coiivcalen cos for Traveling1 Mm. The Faro is the best the market affords, whicb is always served in good wholesome style. Board, per day, only $ 1 f0 " week, 4 00 " month, 12 00 The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. W. E. BASS, sepl9 tf Proprietor. Lasjl store, on the corner of the of the row North of Courthouse, is ...the place for BRANDIES, WHISKIES, BEE It, HUM, ALE, GIN, WINES and Liq'uors of all kind. Special attention to our Clover Club Rye Whiskey ! The Best ami Purest Whiskey In Tows. Absolutely pure and guaranteed to be better than any of the so-called Medicinal Whiskies" in the place. Full line of Family Groceries, Canned Goods, Syrups, Tobacco, Ci gars, etc. BODENflAHHER & RUSSELL Itespecttully mch20 tt invite you to call ARE YOD AN HEIR? More than half a billion of dollars In unclaimed estates are awaiting the rightful heirs in England, Scot land, Wales and Ireland. Most of these heirs are in theUnited States, and have been 'advertised for in English papers. Thousands of heirs have never seen these advertise ments. If youi ancestors on your father's or mother's side came from any of the above named countries do not fail to write to E. ltcss, Eu ropean Claims-Arency, 227 Grand St. New York, and ascertain if you are an neir. xour deceased ances- tor's rights are yours by British law.! We have information of every es- cents to insure information. If you are an heir we will recover the es tate for you. No recovery no fee. jy24 tf SESSOM'S HOTEL, EOSEBOR O, NVC. Special accommodations for the traveling public. Regular boarders will also be taken - mrs. j. m; SEFSOMS, noy8 tf Troprietwse. LIST STORE! tato ana deceased person whose tovr vwtri -il heirs have been advertised for in'ihhtnf? iC ?ltterS ,9 )ust 125 years. Send postal note for 50 i &rJ! v?" ti:i; i !). 1 1 1 lm no lins will ! 1 1 n a imh, Nor k ck. nor run awrssy, rarort. j Stump-aw or lt!k. 'VatAtnarnn," YJ you'll J it tr -a", 'em ilke jro'j ort. j liut w'uM I the lras? nuo-tl An5 t liif)Ul arouurl At K-f:i miu, 1 want In 'ff hi" wn;r runrnd Alt 1 Junt ymiktrtl rp like A)irVH t)f V't'ir!- tl. re (5ifferHre !n mrrf-i !i tli:tt ha littic car, A'il -r'.rn ii r O'lil'l H!iflh illcr I'Ot'k, K i tn .it 1. i K:.iil'w ji:i:.(y ucnr; S h - o-n- t !j.it" t !!ri !c in in.fk ai."l chtt, A;i i 11 l'i it wt 1 foil ill fl.irii;, Tlrt I !! t't r.ii-c. 1 - lii! tii-t, Ik-' 1 l.sivti in tak tiir v o;. l i.nik. Aii'l I liMAf j.t l il'l lo n l.i.i ;lnxl. An! toi;') uri'l wniicrol In t!. -r.i-. ' At f.iiiN t ff;n; )if.vy dr.ift IjhI i .' ;' ft.'-i iiijil niiiie in .-X. K ifli lur-K iiT . l..r-!i .;iin'.el il.no Tin; li. uw :.(- -I. jiilil .iow the oil Tl.f l;!oo.t : raviT Uv !iiuV rdv, Ai.l Alri ,f;f ra- t-t lor UU toiL I ni-yf-r -rior never wroulit f-i-Mi my fi'll'r.v men to tx-f -A'i'i jit ;it linn- I've often tlioiiirbl f eo.iv.c;: it if it!i rejjrel. I 1i:.-j tii !ur- !r m lifof to lieii l - i-'r mi (i :il to iiooi nii'I tail iin t rn.i?ie! 1 l.li-s- thu fo-i . (it I liiive mill. From lieii-1 ! i li'iof UU'1 W'k il.'.;'.U, I l.ivi- my i Or- l.rM of all, Tli'ji M r h i i ;i -i t'lift'l on t!u i nsi, .Ami iu-xt riv "tf" .t il then 1 fall iJow li i !! i 'i . ! . lit 'I love- thulioSH, fev- Vlii;. niiili Uiley. . l trm I'let urn. I ik ' i 1 1 :i vi-it to a I; mi belonging loan olil f i -ii. I "i a- tlio otlu-r l:iy. II- is vh-,t i- ( ill I a wi;!l to l fani.cr. Hit f.-iini is IiicaN il six miles from the near etit torti niul ruilroa-l station. 11 r.uiic to tli' c?iitio:i afto.r int.? with a horse ami wiioii, tin I ;us we jogged aIon.y; over tho r a-1 l e h i 1: ".' v tJir-e bo' h :.re restles and uneasy niul wniit totjnit lh' farm, lwinhj.oti'd lmvt ti t..Ik v. itli f iiem and quiet them down." W on v. e reached the farm I found the -:unt all he.it' n oiT the hous , while iioni f f Hie other hnildi'igs had ever leen tMiiilt.'d at ad. Tlio front yard was niveiTtl il'i loa ;r,v:M and weeds. There whs :i r.i earpet on the parlor floor, hut all the others were hare. Not a wad in the house had evor been jiiipered. Tie re wits no music, no newspapers or ma 'Zines, not a picture outuide of a family photograph. "Why don't you have some llower beds in the yjirtl?-' 1 asked. "Haven't time to make 'em." "Why don't yon subscribe to bomo reading matterV" "We haven't tinia to read." "That dip down there would make a good fish pond. "Yes, but I don't care for fish ponds." "Don't any of the boys like music?" "Yes, I heu- 'e:n talking, but we've got too much work on hand." "Have they been fishing this summer?" "No." "ISeen to a circus?" "No." "Had any holidays since tho Fourth?" "No." "Boys go to school iu the winter, I sup pose r" "A little. We have wood to chop and rails to split, vjju know. " "They go to church?" "It's too far." "How much money do you allow them per week?"7 " lhey don't get anything, except when 1 have to buy their clothes." " What do they do Sundays ?" "Oh, sit around and talk." "What do they do evenings?" "Sit around or go to bed." "How much does each boy earn you a year?" "Well, $150 at least." "And how much do you actually pay mm "Mebby $2.V The boys were aged IG, 18, and 20, re specuveiy. one oi tiiem Jiaa read a line of history. None of them could 1. . M I . m , . write legioiy. inoy Knew about as much about arithmetic aa the ordinary schoolboy of 8. They could read a little, but made no pretensions of spelling. lhey were born on the farm and had grown up there. E ich one hated farm work. Each ene felt that his father had done him injustice. Each one told me in confidence that he would run away within Uie year. There are farmers and farmers, but I fear that most of them are alike in those things which are driving their boys to hate the country and to determine to leave the farm at all hazards. The farmer who began life fifty years ago must not argue that what was good enough for hnn is good enough for his boy. It isn't The world has changed greatly. It is demanded of the humblest that he be educated. "We have come to under stand that the human machinery must nave a rest now and then from its labors, The mind: must be fed as well as the body. The days of slavery for white or black have passed. The parlor organ. the magazine, and the steel engraving have as much right in the farmer's parlor as the plow and the drag in his fields. If the farmer's Ixvy of to-day is to be kept at home he must be treated more like human beintr Rlld losi like an nnimal M. Quad. Punctuation. It ia strange that the use of points for purposes of pnnctuation should be such a comparatively modern invention. Of the four generally used points only the period (.) dates earlier than the fifteenth century. The colon (:) is said to have been first introduced about 1485, the comma (.) some 35 years later, and the semi-colon (;) about 1570. It is difficult to understand how the literary world dispensed for so many centuries with the useful points, and their lack must have added to the toil of the decipherer of written documents. When we remem ber what curious inversions of meaning may be caused by the misplacing of a comma, we marvel how early authors contrived to escape strange misreading of their works, in which no points guided the student. London Standard. Prophet Wiggins believes in the trans migration of souls. But somehow noth ing that Wiggins believes in seems to materialize. Happy lloosiers. Vm. Tim noons, Postmaster of lda ville, Ind., writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for thit bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liv er trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best ms&Z ut puledlc,,1,e' ?,e rtafL I i mu" J W or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle, at R. II. IIoL,urAY's Drug store, Clinton, N. C, and John li. Smith, drugjist, Mt. Olive, N. C. FOR O ?or 108T rrtXLINO HAHE00B Oenertl and JTZS.VCTJ9 BtBIlITTl i V. - -r ti i i t--v . . . ' If of ErmsoriA.iiM , fiA a c. Bocau. H.bl. aaMI'Mtl fully HMmi How ealanr a, 4 BtreatlkamMKlk, INOKVrijUI'llltoHKlftn PAUTaUr MDT. aktalately Baralllna; HUSK THsurauNT mlts ta a aar. RatastlrylraBsMBta4MaBrrtraruitrW. WriMtsaaw Daaerlntlra Beak, ainlaaatina mm nrMfi atatUi r.. .I.ill f. Mira, ER1S M&DICA1 CP., BUFFALO, Na Va . Miv vvn nuic w jiuiiiHr iie il vps HI H 11 I. . , I Specimen Comes EVERY J stories Read in BYTHE Week SOOOQ I'AwaimMK'mtTPiTM.l AND S Homes "So other Weekly Taper gitet THIS SLIP FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. To T NEW SUBSCRIBER who will eat and scad a. tkl. with name and addrcm and St. 7.1 (in FotaJ or Krprm Money OrJer or Begittmd Letter at our risk wa will aead THE yOVTUH I COW PA KMX FR EE to Ja.a.rr, 1S91. and for a Pall Year fraia ikat Dal. ThUelTer iacladr. ta FIE DOUBLE HOLIDAY M.MBERM for Thank.?! Ting, Chri.tnaa, Kew fir'i, Euttr and FaarthCsIalr, aad all the lilaatrated Weekly Hopplement. a Addrtst, THE YOUTH-8 COMPANION. 41 Tempi. Place, Boston, Mass. X'EIV DOUIJLK COLUMN SPRING TONIC. - No other medicine builds up the debilitated system so rapidly as Johnston's Nolan dine. It is blood food. Nerve tonic. It cures as nature cures. EKES III mi STRONG-. Robiod'( Statioh, CauranxiD Co., V. Thi Noliudixi Cohpakt: Gentlemen, Hilng mffcred for jer with achronlo affection of the kidoeya, derangement of the liver, and my general intern cnarced ith malarial poison, 1 found no relief from treatment of me Heine until I used Vegetable Kolandine. I am now free from almve eomplalnU, and to Kolandine I am Indebted for this refltnrailon to health. I honestly recommend it to all persona uQering from above diseases. WILLIAM DICKINSON, Sup'tof Coal Mines. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ! TAKE WOTHIHO BIiSE. j 96 DOSES, SI.OO. QG DOSES, $I.OO. Von Salk hv DR. R. II. IIOLL! DAY ritucorsT, Cllt.,x, X. C I have been to t lie Northern markets lavre stock of IM BOY'S AND YOUTHS CLOTHNIG"! Di.ect from manufacturers. I will !io. agk you $15 for a fine suit of Clothe--. Our goods are marked in plain figures, "V .hiU is a small margin above cost, and is the first and last pride we will f sk you. I guarantee a fit and the full val ue of y onr iu oney. I also bought a laive hue of DRESS GOOD3 of all kinds, A full lino of STA VIM DRY A: so LADIES' CLOAKS and ard SHOES. We handle the very bet LADIES' SHOES in town . for 1.00. Of fine Dress Shoes for gents' and ladies' I have a i; i; Acsort ment. TI 'RUNKS, VALISES. I have secured the services of with me after this. E- I am still selling that, spool. How can I afford to do save you 25 per cent. Please notice that I am no Groceries, and am giving my entire attention of goods. Thanking you for your past confidence mid patrons e and hoping that our futnr busiuos ralat'o is. w;jl ever bjsa -.h as tt) merit your continued esteem and patronage, I am. Very Respectfully, Central On Grog Row, Opposite Court- house. REMEMBER, that WATSON &. PETERSON j " - Keep a choice lixe o Tob? .ceo, Cigars, J bnuff, etc., and also a well selected stock ot Standard Family Groceries. AGAIN REMEMBER, that a njskies, etc., can seldom be found. splendid land for corn or cotton. JC The famous Ruf us Weeks Brandy (which all c omioisniJ511 fe,a11 lhrou2h aeciare me Dest ever tasted) can Pare up country Corn Whisk- y WUUtts" Ul public is Copie3 and Beautiful Calendar 1000 ITRAirtt SCIENCE CHARMS MmiRit. URL! HISTORY 1 Page $oreat a Variety of Entertaining and Inttruetim AHVEUTIPEyEXTS. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. The burdens of life are easily borne when the blood is pure and vigorous, but M the vital j current is impoverished the least effort becomes: painful. and fatiguing. j i MAKES NEI ELOlfiri Itmatraxm, EuimtContr, V. Tat Koumm Cohtimy, SiaaMnrs, Vjt Ocntlemes, I have been ai great au&ier frofa blood poison, which caused large sores to coma all aver nay kgs and feet so that I could hardly wear my shoes, when I rec4red a bottle of than ten daya it bad enred ma completely, Koianaine irom a mena. i oegan ssui( Kaiaica, ana in lea I Uink It the best remedy In the world. I am youra, Very respectfully, ! i Vk M. TZBBT. in person and Louhf, a. GENTS' FURNISHING QOODS. of the latest designs and., iptttpn. C2QODS and NO TION'S, , SH.VVLS, and (5KN' fS' HATS "Mu. K Peterson", "who will be same Spool Cotton, av 4 ce a it? There i no lirit on it, so to longer handling Hard to are and line to the abc ve Stand! finer !,:a be bought t .r. nrhoroi a specialty respectru iy solici ted. - 1 ! JET STFi sent Free. Weosy For Aii S Only SPLBHBlj U75 A YEAR- THE Reading at to low a price: WITH S1.75 Mexican for an FOR THE or BY ALL ;5 HOLLTD Y"'S 'A STITCJI IX TIMi: SAVES SINE!" Don't wait to get sick, but when you begin to feci bad conic and get a dose of medicine and prevent sick ness. This is the proper use of med icine. If you will do this you. will scarcely ever have a doctor's bill to pay or lose months of time, and put your friends and relatives to such a deal of trouble. In addition to my complete line of pure and reliable Drugs, I carry Warner's Log Cabin Jlemedies, li. 1 B. ., the S. S. S., Quinine in small and large quantities; Simmon's Liv er Regulator, Famous Specific Or ange Blossom, Cuticura Remedies, Dr. Pierces favorite i'rescripiion, the Golden Medical Discovery, Horse and Cattle Powder (1 pound packages prepared by the Herb Co. of W. Va. Quaker brand.) Prescriptions carefully compound ed. Local and office practice upon re quest. Respectfully, augllf DR. R. 11. iluiiLiiiA l . geoiT5 CONSUMPTION SCROFULA OJlOTaCSalTlS couc3 COLDS Wasting "Diseases OUR Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos phites and pure Norwegian Cod Jiiver Oil, tke potency of both hein largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sola by all Druggists. SCOTT &BOWNEChmi3t8.N.Y. To c uro Biliousness, Sick' Headache, Consti pa tSon, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take ha safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S Tse the S.WAIX (40 little Beans to tha botUe). Thbt abb the most cokvzsibxt. SixittVtelo oiy call A&rrn. Irlco of either siae, 25c. per Bottle fflirJR"T.I7.70'fSi" 1 gf Itf 1 1 1 M Mailod (or 4 eta. acppara or staaipa). J.r.tMITHaCB3akanor'BUBaVa.'tT.LMlS MS. FARIJORJALE! I will sell my farm, five miles southeast of Mount Olive and con taining, in all, 321 acres, lloofwhieh is under cultivation. Dwelling house and necessary out houses. 40 acres in nice oak ridge and swamp. 155 t miner r uiiwM Addre-rj, THOS. G. LOFTIN, . J nov20-4t yustang Lniment PUP2 H ira k jjjH BILE Mm Mt. Olive, N. C. i NEW DOUBLE COLUMN W YOUR PENNIES YOU J'hi can be r.rcoinpliflied mm veiy easy Winter 0 FROM M. Hy buying your FROM M. By buying your FROM M. My seventeen years experience in the Clothing, Hat and Shoe easiness has taught me how and where to buv ;oods that will please the people of this and adjoining counties. It took, me five Ion: weeks in New York, Boston and Philadelphia to buy the MOST ELEG A NT AND LA RGFST LINE or Roods ever shown this side of New York. All we ask of our friends is to call and see what is to be seen. Prices are Lower Than Ever ! We will supply your wants for a SMALLER S JM than you yourself expect. We have bought our stock of Clothing, Hats and Shoes to sell and theyare g)ing to be sold. P. S. For every Dollars worth of Goods you buy of us this Fall you will receive a Pbize Ticket. Read Business Local col umn for information. Respectfully, v BJJ&S ADVERTISEMENTS. nn WILL SOON HAVE by buying your Fall and an ill IIANSTEIN. HANSTEIN. HANSTEIN. ii. King: Clothier and Hatter, CLE5TON, N. C NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Frank Thornton K.'.YKITKVIM.K. .V. ( THE MAMMOTH D RY.GOODS B&TA!i,ISHifiBNT. Oniir 0!.l Xnli State. W i Imw .-c ytMncIn M a.'i nei now ... un vi al) r r meitts t. th Iby i be htiiut i.rt- inrrc.istf j , ,, biHinsdi inaiidt-d largi-r j urrh- aid We bavr ln,.t tli finerKvnpy, and now !ako pleasure in auring yt)u ti,at we xbibit the most prfert and compk'le arrny d dry goods of every description eer shown in North Carolina. It is our ea'nei't des r. tht thoroughly convince voursnir of tlie fact, either by a peisonal examination or through tt. medium of samples. Of con a personal examination would be perferuble, but in cane U inconvenient for you to v st our sttre. otir SiihhIa o Di piitment will lake ch.rire of yt'iir :cque.-ts and promptly krive tlit-iii ti e b.: nttem We will inniiim, a lew lines ,f goods in fh s announcement, and laier on mi! stitme oilifiH. it u adifilcuU matter to tivr u .smb. lanoiy (Jecription ot noi ds m -li adveitir-eineid, but we can at any rate convey a hint or two row in BLACK SILKS about all we can nay is that tho aHonment is himply perfect, i:d we have no hesitancy in saying tliat it is the most com plete ;n the State. Among thm wohow you Faille (Jros F.fiin ltliadam;!, Armure,S.itin Lixon', Satin Duchess. Fancy Urocades and Satin Stripe . At 80c, iloc, $1.10,$1.2f,. $AS, andlJl.To p, r yard. We hav placed on sale the largest and hmrisome.-t line of COLORED SILKS it has eve been our pleasure to exhibit. N.w is ti e tii,, to make your select on of CARPETS. All the styles ate In, and they are beauties. Wo are of the opinion that we have secured some of the best picks and think wo can substantiate it by comparison. Every variety in represented in thL Department ranging in price from 18c in $2 00 per yard. A large lot of thee goods have been selected specially for Churches, Halls and Offices We tive room. terms to churches, arid it will be to their interest to corres pond with us if in need of any kind of iloor coverings. Of course under this head is in cluded .u-w, Inlaw. a..u U.;U!Ct3 which we show in all styles and in abundance. We approach a pubject now in whib ladies tike considera ble interest, and It is very neces sary that we should do to like wise. We have givn irorecare and attention to this brnnch of our business this season than ever betore, and are now satis fied that we can pleas theinot exacting. We allude to DRESS GOODS! A few styles and prices Jtnt he e w 11 not bo amiss but will fail to convey any adequa'a description of the stock. Homespun Tricots, 50 Inches wide at 50c. French Tricots from 33c to 50c. Novelties in Plaids and Stripes from 2Cc to 75c. Imperial Serges from 37 jo to 75c All Wool Henriettas from 50c to 85c. Sl'k Wrap Henriettas, Striped, Plaid and Solid Colored Flannels from 3.3o to 50c, all wool Mohairs from 25c to G5c. A complete Doe of Henriettas from 22c to 25c. These goods ' are not full all wool, but equal in appearance to the 50c all wool Henriettas. Mourning Goods I Our assortment was never more complete in' this Depart ment, and we take pleasure in showing this elegant display. All Wo A Henriettas from 40c to 85c. Silk Wrap Henriettas from 90c to $1.25; Fancy Cords and Stripes from 35c to $1 00. Satin Striped from 75cto$1.00. All wool French Serges of bst quality. Silk finish Serges, French Trioots from 33c to J5Qc. HAMPLEft piomptly forwarded when re quested. Expresh charges paid on all packages exceeding $5.00 in value. Carpets made up and shipped ready to be placed on floor. Correspondence relating to anything In Dry Good ftoljt cited. We have a perfectly equipped ladies' Retiring Room incur establishment the only. one inthe city. MM THORHTOH, Faycttevillc, N. C. oct-S0. tt. ' i fi 1; v:

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