w THE CAUCASIAN. THINK ! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, Hy MARIO X BUTLER, K'Klnr and Proprietor. JUDICIOUS ADTTBTlMMi CREATES many a new liMnt- ZSLABG IS many o old UjM new, EETIVES many a dull U.s; RESCUES many a lost tulru, SAVES many a fail Sr.- baslne, PRESERVES many a toUiaiur, SECURES xt in any W;t . ThtreJors advertise In a ioji'ar pajxr, oi the people art anxious to rta.l. SUBSCRIBE I ooroy zvxxto dupre: Show this Paper to your neigh bor and advise him to subscribe. VOL. IX. CLINTON, N, O., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1891. No. 13. Subscription Price $1.50 per Year, in Advance. GAL! C ASIAN. 1 JHIK PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. STATE CAPITAL Wr, ALLEN, ATTORSEY-AT-L.AW, Goldsboro, N. C. Will practice in Sampson county. iob-27 tf A M. LEE, M . L). GENERAL ASSEMBLY CON VENESCANDIDATES FOR CLERKSHIPS AND OT1IER POSITIONS IN ABUNDANCE. PilYHIClANjSllliGKON AND DENTIST, Oiiia in ljec'8 Drugstore. Jo 7-lyr J. A. STEVENS, M. D. Physician and Suroeon, (Oflice over Post Office.) Iter May ho found at night at the residenco of J. II. Stevens on College rttrect. Jo 7-lyr I T E. FA1SON, XJe ArronNEY and Counsell or at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice in courts ofSampsonand adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful attention. Je 7-lyr T S. THOMSON. VV Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice In Sampson and ad joining counties. Ever attentive in-1 faithful to thb interests of all client. Je 7-lyr W. KElUt, at Law. Office on WallStreet. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Ptmlr. Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be i l yen to all legal business, je 7-lyr 17UIANK HOYETTE, D.B.S. L Dentistry Office on Main Street. A Sermon Remarkably Fine Wake Court in Session This Week "With aNew Judge, New Solicitor, New Clerk and hew Sheriff. EdltorUl Correspondence. Yakborouuh House, Raleigh, N. C, Jan.Cth, 91. When wo reached here, but few members had arrived ; but r.early every one of the candidates for po sitions from assistant door-keeper to the principal clerks and the speaker ship were on the ground and anxious ly watching for Senators and Repre sentatives. There were two candi dates on the train that besought me, and I was the only victim. In less than an hour after arriving I had been interviewed by every candi date and their assistant lobbyists. Re nembering that I a as a sewspa per man, in self-defense 1 began in terviewing them. I asked some big favor in all seriousness, of every one that approached me, which immedi ately put a quietous ou them. At this writing it is difficult to pre dict who will bo Speaker of the House, but I will try to telegraph the result of the election in time for this issue of the paper. The caucus will be held to-night. Vhe leading candidate from the West is R. A. Otters his services to the peoplo oi DoUghton, of AUoghaney. This is Clinton and vicinity. Everything! ' Tr t in the line of Dentistry done in the host style. Satisfaction guaranteed. ifcfiTMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. SETII stock National Bank, JEWELRY AND CLOCKS! :o: I have just rci-cived a Urue lot of Elegant jewelry. This I will guaran tee t lh lairchaser to he ju.t as rep-resent-vl. I -cU no cheap, "the guilt" j.miiU but carry a standard line of gold Kito.VT goods. The attention of the lailie is called to the latent styles of it u east fins thev are "things of The old reliable and standard THOMAS CLOCKS always in itt various siyles and sizes. Vdf Repairing of Watches and Clocks nod mending jewelry is a specialty. Al work I do is guaranteed to give en satisfaction. Respectfully, .epg-tf G. T. RAWlA I. T. k G. F. ALDEKMAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 113 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cotton unci Timber, : also : Country Produce handled tobeBt ad vantage. Reference 1st Wil mlngton, N. C. K EW BARBER SH DP. When jou wish an easy shave, As gc oJ as b irber ever gave, Jusl call oi- us at our saloon At morning eve or noon; We cut and dres the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. Our room is neat and towels clean, Sensors sharp and razors keen, And everything we think you'll.flnd; To suit the face and please the mind, And nil our art and skill can do, II you just call, we'll do for you. SIIERARD & NIXON, The Clinton Barbers. V lirt-Olass BARBER SHOP. If you wish a first-class Shave, Hair Cut, Sham poem or Mustache Dye, call at my place of business on Wall Street, three doers from the corner of M . Ilanstein's, there you will find me at all hours. RAZORS SHARP, SHEARS KEEN! If you want a good job don't fail to call on me. J. II. SIMMONS, aprlO tf Barber. For 24 Years J. T, GREGORY . ,' haa occupied his same TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT on Church Street. The great and rignal leader in low prices for men's clothes .Economy in clot h and money will force you to give him a call, t-Latest Fashion pjates always in. handi June 7th. lyr. Mamolli Bronze Meys! Raise Turkeys weighing from 30 to 40 pounds, and worth twice as much as common stock, by buying full-blood breeds. Address, ;8,HtcoOTEI4 Wallace P. O., novMf Duplin Co., N. C. FOR RENT ! Store-House and Lot, i Barn and Stables connected with same, at In gold, N. C. i" Possession given imme diately. For further particulars apply to w e. c. HERRING, Janl tf - ' Garland, N. C. a critical resume of the event of the patyear. This was so fine that If I wo had space to repot t it as ke said it, it would be copied uy half of the papers of North Carolina. In refer ring to the great and good effect the Farmers' Alliance had had upon the recent elections he said that it had j so frightened tho demagogue and ! the politicians that nine tenths of these were ready to sware that they believed in the Alliance and had done so all their lives. In referring to the recent death of the King of Holland he drew a striking contrast between him and the great and good and wise William, Prince of Orange, of whom the late dUrepu table king was the last made descendant. In this connection he paid his respects to the Darwinian theory, showing how the lowest of the species man had evoluted from the highest, and k on, but we must stop. We will go to hear every preacher here, and if none pleases us as well as Dr. Car ter, then we will give him only the remainder of our Sabbaths here. Wake Court convtned here yester day. Every officer connected with the Court from Sheriff and Clerk to Solicitor and Judge are serving for the first time in their several capac ities. Winston is the Judge and Pou is the Soliftor, the youngest Judge and the youngest Solicitor in the State. Everything is working as smoothly as if they were old hands at the business. By the next issue we can tell you of some of the doings of the Legis lature. Keep an eye on the proceed ings. M. B. DIM RANCH A Story of American Life. - Frontier Sy Oapt. OHAKL'Ea KDTQ, JwOkor fTU Coto$ DomaKUr Trim Ooprrtfffetod 1868 by J. B LlppfncoCt Compaaj, FfcflMleiphlf od pabttahad by apedal rrmBf- ncu UtfTweb Um Amarieaa Pre A octoxka. CHAPTER VIL A 1IKIH!1JK Or MIXTKKX. his third term in the House. In the last Legislature he advocated, and voted for the Railroad Commission, an I also the Cooke bill. Though a lawyer he is in sympathy with the reforms advocated by the Alliance, and his father is President of the Al- leghauey County Alliance. He is a man of ability and with experience in legislative and parliamentary us age, and would make an excellent speaker : but the West has had th.9 speakership three or four times in tfuccesssion, so theE&9t, other things being equal, is certainly entitled to it thi3 time. If the Eastern mem bers will be sensible and unite they can electa man. A letter has just been received from Col. Harry Skin ner saying that he would not be i condidate. This leaves the fight be tween Mr, A. D. Jones, of Wake, and Col. Thos. H. Sutton, of Cum berland, both of whom are highly competent and deserving. We attended sei vices at the First Baptist chutch on Sunday. This is an imposing structure, situated on the west side of the capitol square. We expected to hear simply a common-place fcermon. for we had never heaid of Dr. Carter, the pastor, (ard, for that matter by any of the pastors oC the other churches here) and it has been sometime since we have augS'-tf I seen a sermon reported by any of the Raleigh papers. Therefore we took it for granted that the sermons were not worth reporting, fro we went to this church (because it was nearest) on Sunday and sat down more from a sense of duty than anything else. The pastor (not very prepossessing in appearance) arose and commenced his discourse in a cracked squally voice. We settled ourself in a seat as comfortably as possible to be bored for probably an hour. Dr. Carter had not been preaching more than five minutes before we straightened up and began to listen closely, and in this attentive position we remained during the entire discourse. It was (in spite of the poor delivery) one of the most interesting and impres sive sermons we have ever heard in many a uay. xexi: "we pass our livea as a story which is told," which was taken from the 9th verse of the 90th Psalm. Subject: "The Story of Life." The learned Doctor discussed his subject under three di visions, vix ; Life is checkered, life is shait Ufi oftens ends abruptly. 7nder these three heads, the philos ophy of life, from the time we enter upon this temporal existence with a cry till we launch into the great eternity with a groan, was presented with a profoundness of reasoning embellished with sach a breadth o knowledge and. richness of illustra tioQ, and intensified with such a depth of earnestness and fire of feeling as we have seldom had the privilege o: hearing. . It U to he regretted tha the newspapers do not report more frequently than they do such ser mons. But we suppose they do no dare to, do so on account of the la mentable prejudice existing between denominate ns: but this paper is no built that way, it reports whatever is worth reporting, no matter from what source it cornea and no matter whom it pleases or displeases. After furnishing thia discourse proper, the divine, pausing a minute, said: 'To day la the first Sabbath of the firs year of the last decade of the 19th century," and then proceeded to give Krv4i th i:' r-torJli-ry Swim Otintta. In the history 'f "l.jiw country lero lia. i'rliD. BevT b e t known 'an in stance of jivat r ir.-n-, vmlticiutce. and pluck than i'.nt kUowu by E :.ily Lacy, a youug: iulir 16 years of ge, at tlii tiuH- of tc reck i f tin- Qut-tta. As Mir;H Lucy in r-i.. d to !! : ere.mai In. miH of my tnvii i .r.ya tv-krvi jortnia- siou to publi h n few more particulars about her. Slie uu l hor yi.ungr sister, need 13. were coming to Eti-.'liiml to complete their eJucatioj. V eai the crash c.-tnw Emily immediately rutihel to the c.tblu t try and res'-iw her vounjeer i-ter. and she tw,i succeeded - . . . . . midline me aeon wnere, nowever. Hi they were at once separated; and tuey never met afterward. Jliss Lac r na-s tltat as the vtvsel wnu going down si r- u- tlemnii ii whow cave the girls were said to I er: "You hok after y urself and I will take care of May. " Both thw jrcn- tleman. however, and tha little sLter were drowned. - "Wlien we got aft," she wiw, "the ehip suddenly went down. anl as 1 was drinkiuc in the f&. wat-r I Uy.nht I was going to be drowned. But I came up again and was Bin roundest by Ciug- lese and sheep. I felt myself Uinv; pressed down by tliem. : It-wiw tvrri' "e Then I wiw a raf t a snort diatauc' . ut. ajid was dragged on t by tie i.r?r. who was very kind to me. We were at tached to a b'gxr rft crowded with Cingalese. When we got awr some distance, as tiie Ciiigahae Ixxajw very noisy, we cut our mft jvlrift. and I re mained on her with tho purior for a lon-t time, till we were, as I thought, miles from the stare; :md. as he tout me that he eould not swim. I left him nid nuara for the shore, but I did not reach it, as it Mas so far away. I weui. on Win. mine toward the land, and w mother raft, on which were two Cnalese, to which I made my way, aiwt t to it; but. as titer were very rude and excited. and I thought' they might be drunk, I left it and took to swimming agaiiu "When lifted out tt tho water she could not have kept ftp for another lialf hour. Sh was quite without clothes, and burned nearly black with the sun. Be fore lifting her out of the water a sailor threw kis jacket over her, and then laid her tenderly in the bottom of the boat For SO consecutive liouis site had been swimmms and noauns, someuaes on her back, sometimes on ' her side. She spoke of the heat as so intense that she had continually to keep ner bead under water to eseape sunstroke, one. says that she had never any conscious fear of di-ath, either from drowning, or from a worse or more terrible enemy, sharks. but she often felt her powers of endur ance giving way, and it was only the thought of the agony her death would have caused her parents which enabled the heroic- gut to continue her exertions. The wreck took place at 9 p. m. on Fri day, February 28, and Miss Lacy was not rescued until 8 o'clock on Sunday tnorniner. Twelve hours out of that time site spent with the obiet officer, Grey, who had got on a raft. As he could not swim, the brave girt swam -by the side of the raft and tried to tow- it toward land. Finding however, that she was making na progress, a left him, looping to reach land, which did not seem far away, and so get food and water for herself and him. She rood, however, got lute cross currents, and when the Albatross rescued her she was drifting out to sea, ISiea Lacy is now recovering from the- fearful shock she has undergone, and haa before now re turned to her home. She expressed a great dread of going again on the water, and it is scarcely likely that the intrepid girl will ever visit England. O. T. Heade, UK a moment there was silence in the briehtlvlllui minated room. Withflushr ed face and swollen veins and twitching,' clutching hands, old Maitland stood there glaring at the young officer. Before Perry could speak again, however, and more fully explain the untoward circumstance, there came a rush of hurrying footsteps without, and the sound of excited voices. The next minute they neard an eager, angry challenge, and Perry recognized the voice of the overseer or manager whom he had met in the morning, 'What do you fellows want here? was his brusque and loud inquiry as ne sprang from the piazza and stood con fronting the sergeant, who was quietly seated in the saddle, and the question was promptly echoed by three or four burly men who, in shirt sleeves and various styles of undress, came tumbling In the wake of their leader and stood now a menacing group looking up at the silent troopers. If there be one thing on earth that will stir an Irishman's soul to its inmost depths and kindle to instant flame the latent heat of his pugnacity, it is just such an inquiry in the readily recog nized accent of the hated "Sassenach.1 Perry recognized the danger in a flash. and, springing through the open case ment, interposed between the hostile parties. "Not a word, Sergt. Leary. iere, Mr. Manager, these men simply obeyed or ders, and I am responsible for any mi? take. No harm was intended" Harm!" broke in one of the ranch men, with a demonstratively loud laugh. "Harm be blowedt What harm could you do, I'd like to know? If the mas terll only say the word, we'd break your heads in a minute. Quiet, now, DickP interposed the overseer; but the other hands grpwled approval, and Perry's eyes flashed with anger at the insult What reply he might have made was checked by the sight of Sergt Leary throwing himself from the saddle and tossing his reins to one of the men. He knew well enough what that meant, and sprang instantly in front of him. "Back to your horse, sir! Back, in stantly r for the sergeant's face was fierce with rage. "Mount, I say! added the lieutenant, as the sergeant still hesitated, and even the sense of diacrpune could not keep the mounted troopers from a mut tered word of encouragement Slowly, wrathfully, reluctantly, the soldier obeyed, once turning furiously back as jeering taunts were hurled at him from among the ranchers, nnrebuked by their this nighT you may confidently lookTor another visit I say that to you also. Mr. MatMsnd. and you owe it to our for bearance that there has been no blood shed here to-night" uid Maitland s tremulous tones were heard but a second in reply when he was interrupted by a coarse voice from the crowd of ranchmen, by this time in creased to nearly a dozen men. Some of them were gathering about Perry as he sat in the saddle, and an applauding echo followed the loud interruption: "Give the swell a lift Tummy; twill teach him better manners." Almost instantly Perry felt his right foot grasped and a powerful form was bending at the stirrup. Lte had heard of the trick before. Many a time has the London cad unhorsed the Encash ttaejx. "Just steady hk head la that position one minute, like a good fellow. Ill be back in a twinkling." said live manager, as he darted from the room and leaped hurriedly up the haU stairway. Perry heard him rap at a distant door, apparently at the south west angle of the big ho nee. Then hia voice was oaliinc ' "Mrs. Oowaal Mrs. Oowaal would you have the goodness to come down quick! the masters ill. Then, before any answer could he given, another door opened aloft and trading skirta and light foot falls came flashing down the stairway. Almost be- mocxt i Basra. manager. "Now move off with your A duel was fought at Ashford, Henry country, Alabama, between J. F. Thomp son and W. XL BigelL Thompson opened fire at Rigell. who responded, and 8 or 10 shots were fired. Thompson was killed, and Bigsll surrendered to the sher iff. The cause of the duel waa a piece of land which both men claimed Blreball Besiue 1 A dispatch from. Woodstock, Ont, says Birchall is said to he at last begin ning to realize his. impending' fate and to be showing slight signs of serious ness. Mrs. BircI-allV health is improv ing and she is now able to leave her bed She has not seen her husban J since sen tence was rjafsed ou ,hiuv ' men to the gate. Leave my horse, and wait for me there. 1 Gor added the young officer, sternly; and, with bitter mortifi cation at heart and a curse stifled on his auiverimr line, the Irishman turned his horse's head away and slowly walked him in the indicated direction, ."Now, Mr. Manager," said Perry, turning fiercely upon the younger Eng lishman, "I have done xuy best tore- strain my men; do you look out for yours.. You have allowed them to insult me and mine, and you may thank your stars that discipline prevailed with my people, though you have nothing of the kind here. "Your men .have cut down our fences, by your orden, I presume," said the man ager, coolly, . "and it's lucky for them they got out-of the way when they did. We have a right to protect our property and eject Intruders, and" "I came here to inquire for a missing man a rrght even an Englishman can not deny us on these prairies. We had excellent reason to believe him injured. and thought, not knowing you for the inhospitable gang you are, that he might have been carried in here for treatment; Caere was no other place. Your pro prietor tells me he is not here. After what I've seen of your people, I have reason to be still more anxious about him. Scant merejy a single trooper would have had at their hands. Now I ask you. Do you know or have you heard ef a cavalry soldier being seen around here during the day?" Perry was standing holding his horse by the curb sjs he-spoke, facing the par lor windows and confronting the angry group of ranchmen. Within, though nearer the window than he had left him. was tbe bant form of the owner of Dun- raven, leaning on his cane and apparent ly impatiently striving to make himself heard as he came forward. Before the manager could answer, he was compel led to turn about and rebuke his men. two of whom were especially truculent and menacing. Finally he spoke: "i nave iieera nothing, out l tell you frankly that if any of your men have been prowling around here it's more than probable some one has got hurt Has there been any trouble today, men?" he asked. "By God. t&exe will be if this ranch isnt cleared in five minutes." was the only answer. "Don't make amasses? yourself, Hoke," growled the manager. "They are going quick enough." "I am going," said . Perry, swinging lightly intoaddle; "and mind you this, sin I go wfth well- warranted suspicion that some-of these bullies of yours have been respcawihle for the non-appearance cj myrtle sexist; ' trooper, taken unawares, by hurling him with sudden lift from below. But Perry was quick and active aa a cat. Seat and saddle, too, were in his favor. - He sim ply threw his weight on the left foot and his bridle hand upon the pommel, let the right leg swing over th horse's back un til released from the brawny hand, then back it came as he settled again in the saddle, his powerful thighs gripping like a vise; at the same ' instant, and before his assailant could duck to earth and slip out of the way, he had whipped out the heavy Colt's revolver and brought its butt with stunning crash down on tbe ranchman's defenseless head. There was instant rush and commotion. In vain old Maitland feebly piped his protests from the veranda; in vain the overseer seized and hed back one or two of the men and furiously called off the rest Aided by the darkness which veiled them, the others made a simulta neous rush upon the young officer and sought to drag him from his plunging horse. Perry held his pistol high in air, threatened with the butt the nearest as sailant, yet loath to use further force. He was still in the broad glare of the parlor lights a conspicuous mark; eager hands had grasped his bridle rein at the very bit, and he could not break away; and then missiles began to fly about his devoted head, and unless he opened fire be was helpless. While two men firmly held Nolan by the curb, half a dozen others were hurling from the ambush of darkness a scattering volley of wooden billets and chunks of coal. He could easily have shot down tho men who held him. It was sore temptation, for already he had been struck and stung by unseen projectiles; but just as the manager sprang forward and with vigorous cuffs induced the men to loose their hold on his rein, there came three horsemen charging full tilt back into the crowd, scattering the assailants right and left; and. this time unrebuked, Sergt Leary leaped from the saddle and, with a rage of fierce delight, pitched headlong into battle with the biggest ranchman in his way. And this was not all; for behind tli em at a rapid trot came other troopers, and in a moment the open Bpace was thronged with eager, wondering com rades full half of Stryker's company in whose overwhelming presence all thought of promiscuous combat seemed to leave the ranchmen. They slipped away in the darkness, leaving to their employers the embarrassment of ac counting for their attack. Leary was still fuming with wrath ana raging for further battle and shouting into the darkness fierce invective at the vanished head of his opponent He turned on the overseer himself, and but for Perry's stern and sudden prohibition would have had a round with him, but was forced to content himself with the information conveyed to all within hear ing that he'd "fight any tin min" the ranch contained if they'd only come out where the lieutenant couldn't stop him. The troopers were making eager inquiry as to the cause of all the trouble, ana, fearing further difficulty, Perry prompt ly ordered the entire party to "fall in." Silence and discipline were restored In a moment, and as the platoon formed rank he inquired of a sergeant how they came to be there. The reply was that it had grown so dark on the prairie that further search seemed useless, Capt Stryker and most of the men had been drawn off by signals from the Cheyennes up the val ley towards the post, and these men who had been beyond Dunraven on the north ern prairie were coming back along the Monee trail when they saw the ugnts and heard voices over at the lower shore. There they found Leary, who was excit ed about something, and before they haa time to ask he suddenly shouted, "They're killin the lieutenant Come on, boys! and galloped off with his own party; so thev followed. Perry quietly orderea them to leave a corporal and four men with him, and told the senior sergeant to march the others back to the post; he would follow in five minutes. Then he turned to the manager. You will have to put up with my keeping some of my men with me, in view of all the circumstances, ne saia. coldly. "But after this exhibition or lawlessness on the part of your people I do not propose to take any chances. I want to say to you that u is my oenei that some of those ruffians you employ can tell what has become of our missing man, and that you will do well to inves tigate to-night As to you, Mr. Mait land," he said, turning to the old gentle man, who had sunk into a low easy chair, "much as I regret having dis turbed your privacy and that of the ladies of your household, you will ad mit now that justice to my men ana to the service demands that I should report my suspicions and my reception herfi to the commanding officer at rort i4oss- ter." - , There was no reply. . "I wish you good night, sir," said Perry; but his eyes wandered in to the lighted parlor in search oi a very ainer ent face and form and still there was no answer. . x Tbe manager came back upon the pi azza and stepped rapidly towards them. Perry quickly dismounted and bent down over the crouching figure. "Why, here!" he suddenly exclaimed, 'your employer is faint, or something's gone wrong." . "Hushr was the low ' spoken, hurried answer of the Englishman. "Just bear a hand, will you, and help me to lift him to yonder sofaT , Easily, , between them, they bore the slight, attenuated form of the old man into the lighted parlor. A deathly pallor had settled on his face. His eyes were closed, and he seemed fallen into a deep swoon. Perry would have set a cushion under his head as they laid him down on a broad, easy couch, but the manager jerked it away, lowering the gray hairs to the very level of the beck, so that the "jjjouih caned wide and looked like death fore he could turn to greet her, she was in the room again, and with quick, im pulsive movement had thrown herself on her knees by his aide. "Oh, papal dear father! I was afraid of this! Let me take his head on my arm, eo," she hurriedly murmured; "and would you step in the other room and fetch me a little brandy? "Ha there on the sideboard." Perry sprang to do her bidding, found a heavy decanter ra the great oaken buffet, half filled a glass, and brought it with some water back to the lounge. She stretched forth her hand, and, thanking him with a grateful look from her sweet, anxious eyes, took the liquor and carried it carefully to her father's ashen lips. "Can I not help you in some way?. Is there no one I can can? asked the young soldier, as he bent over her. "Mr. Ewen has gone for her our old nurse, I mean. She does not seem to be in her room, and I fear she has gone over to her son's a young fellow at the store house. Mr. Ewen has followed by this time." She dipped her slender white finger in the water and sprinkled the forehead and eyelids of the prostrate man. A feeble moan, followed by a deep drawn sigh, was tbe only response. More brandy poured into the gaping mouth seemed only to strangle and distress brim. No sign of returning consciousness rewarded her effort "If Mrs. Cowan would only cornel She has never failed us before; and we so lean upon her at such a time." "Pray tell me which way to go. Sure ly I can find her," urged Perry. "Mr. Ewen must be searching for her now, or he would have returned by this time; and I dread being alone. ' I have never been alone with my father when he has had such a seizure." Perry threw himself on his knees be side her, marveling at the odd fate that had so suddenly altered all the condi tions of his unlooked for visit. He seized one of the long, tremulous hands that lay bo nerveless on the couch, and began rapid and vigorous chafing and slapping. Somewhere he had read or heard of wo men being restored from fainting spells by just such means. Why should it not pre vail with the old man? He vaguely be thought him of burnt feathers, and look ed about for the discarded pillow, won dering if it might not be a brilliant idea to cut it open and extract a handful and set it ablaze under those broad and emi nently aristocratio nostrils. Happily, be was spared excuse for further experi ment He felt that life was returning to the hand he was so energetically grooming, and that feeble but emphatic protest against such heroic treatment was manifest "I think he's coming to," be said. "He's trying to pull away. Shall I keep on?" "Yes, do! Anything rather than have him lie in this death like swoon." Obediently he clung to his prize, rub bing and chafing hard, despite increasing tpg and effort Then came another fee ble, petulant moan, and the hollow eyes opened just as rapid footfalls were heard on the veranda without and Mr. Ewen rushed breathless and ruddy faced into the room. "Where on earth can tliat woman have gone?" he panted. "I cannot find her anywhere. Is he better. Miss Gladys?" "Eeviving, I think, thanks to Mr. thanks to you," she said, turning her eyes full upon the kneeling figure at her Blue aim oeuuiug en j o uc uj .uw his throat with delight at the gratitude and kindness in her glance. She was striving with one hand to unfasten the scarf and collar at the old man's neck, but making little progress. "Let me help you." eagerly said Perry. "That, at least, is more to my line." And somehow their fingers touched aa he twisted at the stubborn -knot She drew her hand away then, but it was gently, not abruptly done, and he found time to note that, too, and bless Iter for it "I hate to seem ungracious, you know, after all that's happened," said Mr. Ewen. "but I fefir 'twill vex him awful ly if he should find you in here when he comes to. He has had these attacks for some time past and I think he's coming through all right Seer Old Maitland was certainly beginning to open his eyes again and look vacantly around him. "Better leave him to Miss Gladys," said the overseer, touching tbe young fellow on the shoulder. Perry looked into her face to read her wislics before he would obey. A flush was rising to her Cheek, a cloud settling about her young eyes, but she turned, after a quick glance at Iter father. "I cannot thank you enougb now," she said, hesitatingly. "Perhaps Mr.! Ewen is right You you deserve to be told the story of his trouble, you have been so kind. Some day you shall un derstand soon and not think unkindly of us." "Indeed I do not now," he protested. "And whom are we to thank? your name, I meanF she timidly asked. "I am Mr. Perry, of the th cavalry. We have only come to Fort Rossiter this month." - "And I am Miss Maitland. Some day I can thank you." And she held forth her long, slim hand. He took it very reverently and, bowed over it, courtier like, longing to say something that might 'fit the occasion; but before his scattered senses could come to him there was another quick step at the veranda, and a voice that sounded strangely familiar startled his ears: "Gladys! What has happened?" And thererstriding to the sofa with the steps of one assured of welcome and thorough ly at home in those strange precincts, came Dr. Quin. - news tup wKKir ,, I. Millar I ' w MUU. Mt rtteMe StyU. As lone aa God. and hlu ae a Inter tnoon. Mount Shasta starts up sudlea rod solitary frera the heart of the grvat olack forests of northern CWli'urnia, wriU Joaquin Miller in "My Own Story." You would hardly call Mount Shattaa part of the Sierra ; you would say rather Jiat It is the great white tower of aome ancient and eternal wall, with nearly all of the white walls overthrown. It has no rival! There u not evrti a mow crowned subject in sight of its iominion. A hinii-g pyramid in mail of vcrlasting f roU and h-e, tlw ilor nie- times, in a day of singu ar clwrua. catches gtiiupeoe of it from the . a hundred miles away to the west; and it may be seen from the dome of Um cap!- tL 340 nules distant The ttunurani coming from tle east beholds the snowy. iolitury pillar from afar out ou the arid iage Lush plains, and lifts hia hand in ik'uee as in answer to a sign. Column upon column of torm stained tamarack, strong, toetiug pines ami warlike looking firs have rallied btr Th-y tand with their Icks sgainst this mountain, frowning down dark browed and confronting the face' of the Sjxou. They defy the advance of civilization into their ranks. What if these dark and njileuilid columns. 100 miles in depth, should bo the Uut to go down in America! What if it ahoull be the old guard gatltered here, nurVluled around their einptror in plunn aud armor that may diw, but not surrender! Ascend this mountain, stand against the snow above the upper belt of pine. and take a glance below. Toward the nothing but the black and unbroken forest Mountain, it is true, dip ana divide and break the moiiotony as the waves break up the sea; yet it instill the sea, still the unbroken forest, black and magnificent To the south the landscape Binks and declines gradually, but still maintains its columns of dark plumed grenadiers, till tlie Sacramento Valley is reached, nearly a hundred niUt-s away, Silver rivers run here, tlw sw eetest In the world. They wind and wind among the rocks and mossy roots, with lali fornia lilies, and the yew with scarlet berries dripping in the water, and trout idling in the eddies and cool places by the basketful. On the east the forest till keeps up uubroken rank till the Pitt River Valley is reached, and evea there it surrounds the valley and locks it nntiffhtin it j black embrace. To the north, it is true, Shasta vaiiey manes quite a dimple In the sable sea, and men nlow there and Mexicans drive their r . mules or herd their mustanir pouies ou the onen plain. But the vultey is lim ited, surrounded by the forest, coufinod and imprisoned. Looking intently down among tne black and rolling hill s 40 miles away to the west, and here aud there you see a haze of cloud or smoke hung up above the trees; or, driven by the wind tliat is coming from the se i, it may drag and creep along as if tangled in the tops. These are mining camps. Men are there, down in these drendful canyons, out of the sight of the sun, swallowed up. buried in the impenetrable gloom or the forest toiling for gold. Iach one or these -1 1 . tf!-l campe is a woritt nseu. iwrj, ro mance, tragedy, poetry, in every one ox them. They are connected together, and reach the outer world only by a narrow little pack trail, stretching through the timber, stringing r-uud the mountains. barely wide enoush to admit tho foot men and little Mexican mules with their aDoaralos, to pas in single file. But now the natives oi tne.se loreaw. I lived with them for year, lou do not see tlie smoke of their wigwams through the trees. Tliey do not smite the mountain rocks for gold, nor feu the pines, nor roll up the waters and ruin them for the fishermen. AU this mag nificent forest Lt their estat. The great spirit made this mountain firt of all, and gave it to them, they any, and they have possessed it ever since. They pre serve the forest keep out the fires, for it is the park of tlieir deer. Temperatar of the Sea, The thermometer has become a useful instrument in examining the basins into which the bottom of the sea is divided. The geography ot the sja bottom is de termined from the temperature of the water as readily as it would be by re peated soundings. When t'e Challenger cruised in the water east and southeast of China several years ago the geography of the different seas formed by ihe groups and chains of isandsoff that cocst was made out In this way. In tlie open Pacific, and in all seas into which the oceanic currents flow, the tempera ture varies from the surface to the bottom. Of course the deeper water is the cooler. If a basin be cut ou from this general flow up to within a certain depth from the surface, then the tem nntnr will be found to lower iut as in tlie ocean, until a depth is reached j ist even with the top of the inclining l-i.k or reef. From tliat point to tke Uttitt the temperature i found to be uuifo- io. Some observations in tle waters naitud will make this intelligible. It was found that tlie temperature of the Celebes Sea varied until a depth of seven hundred fathoms was reached.' From that dpth down to more than twenty-five Inmdrvd Tle walls of iU basin, tlien, toward colt, Republican, f Colorado, ni.idrf the Pacific rise to within seven hu.Hlred a speech hi the Senate aj,a,ti-t AUn fathoms of the surface. No col lr watr Force bill. It wan highly patriotic tt..ntht of the troDical r-iuc at a ana oroau-imnuexi in im im i- Atu r tn hundred faUoiu. was I nrectatlon of Southern r.m,i into thU Ltbdu. and that w the necessities. Mr. temperature uiu .-". serve. In thJ Sula Sea the temperature remained the sa:ne from a depth of foar hundred fathom Ut the bottom at tiMre than twenty-fire hundred fatlto.iM. AU this bodv of water was warmer than tliat of the Celebes, becau) the riiu f its basin coming nearer the surface. nt o cold water could flow in from Uh ocean. Ia tlie Molucca Paasag the tem perature of tlie water decreased gradually from tbe surface to the bottom. Thw proves that tliese waters are not cut off from the ocean current uy any rnige toward the Pacific. Youth's Comian- ton. Continued next week.1 ' Umw It Affecte Hiss. Fogg I don't believe in the beneficial results of ocean bathing. I had a friend who was seriously injured by salt watat once. , -- . . - -. ' Fenderly How did it affect him? . Fogg It drowned him, - THE EMIGRATION OK THE NEGRO THE DOORS OK THE rEOrLE'8 NATION L RANK OF FAYETTE VI LLECLl KS COMPLETION OK THE GOVERNOR'S MANSION A BIG FIRE IN UN DON THE INDIAN TROUBLES. Senator Wtdrott Hiienks in Sym pathy of tb South Other Items of Interest. There was snow In New York Ut Friday and Saturday thlrtr n Inches deep. This is the find suocoful hi cron that there has been In the lat three years. The cars have bon loaded and crowded every day this week with negroes going South, especially to Georgia. During 1890 the number of hooks In theStalo library were Increased by 1,531 and there are about 41,000 on the shelves. The Force bill Is dead. The oppo nents of the bill succeeded on Tues day In having it laid asidf In a veto of 34 yeas against 2U nays. Secretary Redding field, of the State Farmers Alliance, lUatos there ore now ninety-six county and 2,181 Su! Alliances in North Carolina. Three Republicans far have had enough buck-bone to slai.il on the floor of the Senate to give their can did vlsws against the Force bill. Tho office, press and tl.vAures of the Rocky Mount Argonaut wo burned on Tuesday. The publisher have our sympathy l:i their loss. The business failures in tho Ur I ted during the past year aro reported to be 10,907 In number, being twenty- five greater than In the year 18S9. Gov. Fowle has just moved into his newly finished mansion. It U I a magnlncent structure and will ndd much to the attractions of Rplcigh. The Chicago Tribune, Republican, says: "I ho McKlHieyltc weni to I have labored hard to find the abort -est and best way to wreck the Re publican party." Tbe doors of the People's Nation al Rank of Fayette ville closed on the 1 31st ult. They xtalcd the cause as being unable to meet drafts made upon its funds. Stephen R. Weeks, a graduate of the University at Chaoel Hill, i to succeed Dr. C. L. Smith as Intruclor in undergraduate history at John Hopkins' University. London was visited with a great fire on the 30th ult There wan no lives lost f n the fire. The damage and cost of property is estimated to be about f 2,000,000. The employees of the Duke Cigar ette factory at Durham were agree ably Bur prised Christmas by lx-Ing paid double their salary that week, which amounted to $7,000. The Indians are still on the war path. In a hand to hand fight bvt week twenty-five soiuiers were Kill ed and thirty wounded. The en gagement lasted until not a fingle Indian was In sight. . The Illinois Democrat" are h?p- mm wit ww . am w j py. 'ine Illinois lariu jveiorm League feasvea in untcago, ana con gratulathnsover the recent victories were numerous and the cheering for Cleveland was loud and long." It Is a continuance cry about the increase In price and the lowering of wages, and thousands of labor ers are being discharged, under tho present circumstances. Let this I e a lesson io every moorer to never again vote the Republican ticket. The Indians are in their rag--. 3,000 Sioux are on the warpath. They are burning churches and dwellings and will not listen to aiiv proposals of peace. They must have forgotten that they are tacklinUn cle 8m, who has the largest stand ing army In the world. A famine in Ireland seems to lie Inevitable. For the distance cf fit ly mites in Wi-st Cork the people are starving. Thoe In t were mo e fortunate than their neighbor have divided with them until ths p.p.e ! of the whole county are In ;t starv ing condition and arc dependent up on the charity of those abroad for the maintenance of lifV. On one day la.t week Senator Wol- causes hiki WoJcott is an a'do debator and he Is working lor the good of the whole Union a;ul not to carry out the plans of any fac tion or part f -heUniou. " - Baeklen's Arm lea Salve. The best Sal re in the world tor C'u'f, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt llheum. Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains. Corns, and all Sk:n Eruptions, and positively cures Pile, or no pay required. It b guaranteed to ziv per fect satlsfactiut, or ' money refunded. lr'ce 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. R II- HoixiuAY, Clinten, and J. IL SJiiTH, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. C. Tea are la a ISai Fix Rut we will cure you if you will pay n. Our message hi to the weak, nervous and debilitated, who, by early evil habits, or later Indiscre tions, have trifled away their vigor of body, mind and manhoodand satfer all those effects which lead to premature decay, consumption or in sanity. If this means you, send for and read our Rook of Life, writ ten by the greatest Specialist of the -day, and sent (sealed) for 6 cent in stamps. Address Dr. Parker's Med ical and Surgical Institute, 151 North Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn, Teacher You say there are six senses ? Why, I have only five. Scholar I know It sir. Tha sixth one Is common sease. Detroit F.-co Frees, " - J y"---..

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