V If. 1. i i. f - r 1 ?- i THE CAUCACA ixf. Enteml according to 1'oslu. 1 e a ? at ClintOD, N. ('., ns sccoud . clu . ruail matter. CLINTON, N. C, JAN. N IsOl. STATE PRESS. There are now 2,181 larmcis' Alliances in the State. There are ninety-six county Alliances, la- county having recently hr.en organized. (Jo:l bo thanked for books! They aio the voices of the dis tant arid tin? dead, mid mako us he i of the Fpiriliril life of pnt age.--Willi:i!ii KUery (''harming. It is estimated t!:at in 1892 there will ! .',000,000 names on the pension rolls, and that the expenditures tl;en will rrar-h 200 000,000, more then cnoTjh to run thin trovrnment erorii mi rally nd'.n'nistered. Wil. Star. TJie Iliinoi- Democrats are happy. The Jllino-c Tariff Re form League felled in Chicago, and congratulations ovor the remit victories were numerous and the cheering for Cleveland w.s loud and Ion.. WJl. Mes senger. !t vro'ild not be advisable for a druggist to advertise "ice cold soda" in January, nor "artic uv rshoc.s" for the retail trade to be pushed with much erergy n June: Put ouside of a few art clcs which have their sea tan, it .'s admitted by th most consis! cut advertisers 'ht the bent liiuo to advertise is all tho time. The Norfolk Landmark well pays: The leading financial and industrial papeis of the country predict a continuance of pros perous limes and an easier money market. Everything points to improvement. The general movement toward de velopment and prosperity will culminate next year in" tho election of a Democratic ad ministration. SfafoticH show that at the present time in the United State.-? there are engage in dif ferent employments 20 women to every 100 men. Jn Philadel phia tJ e proportion is 50 to 100. Half a century ago there were 'n Massachusetts only seven occupations open to women. Now th..ie ai3 284. Twety-two leading cities in the country nhow 012 occupations in which women find employment. This is progress in the right direc fon. Wil. Star. The most difficult problem that will be presented to the in coming Legislature will be rl e same one that has puzzled erv legislative that has as sembled s!nce time benan, viz: How lo equalize taxation? It is a question of supremo iinport mcp. H is a fact everywhere remitted that all citizens are not taxed equally, and that ther is need of rome method that will equalize taxation tnd compel all to beat their propor tionate burdens of the povern mrnt Kaleiuli Chionicle. It is strange, pass:ng strange, that so little is known in the cutside world, of tho wonder fid resources of Eastern North Carolina. No other country of- . fers greater inducement? to the capitalist ticking investinet for his ii oney, or the industrious man of small means who wishes to invest. hi little all, in a country that will guarantee hi in tho greatest return. Rich in the wonderful wealth of forst, rich in vat fisheries and, -be itc:- than all, its agricultural intent the most profitable in the v.irld. Let the capitalist come and see for himself and he will become quickly cou vii crd that judicious invet n oni s will bring him in greater and Hirer returns than any vhe: v -.'se he can invwt money. Le! the man of moderate means, carefully examine into our re- nuuiucs uiiu no wui suiely fe convinced that in no other country can he cast nis lot wuero weattn will more surely iuiiuw energy ana industry. Nashville Argonant. la the north better educated than the south? Many; people wu nave aiways lived south ll.:..V. rr-. uiuiK s-o. iney believe that no; onjy arc the well-to-do among northerners more learn ed .tlia.fi the same class among ouuiufnicM, dui mat the north ern masses also have more dook Knowledge than the south ern mas.es. jr we except tho negroes there Is little ground fo; this brief. On the contrary j urn cumiuem mat the south em wnite men and women an classes a; e quite as highly wmuiucio cmi Biaiars. i am strengthened in this belief by reading the report of the New York State Superintendent of rnoiic instruction for the year uuuimj iuiy zo, i.yy. According tn,that report there are 800,000 children over five years old in thL stale who did not go to school at all last year; more over, the average daily atten dance at school was 1,000,000 less that the total number of of ch ildr on oi r.chool age.- TllKEE RINGING SPEECHES. Chances of the Force BI1L The l'eopIs demand Xfinancial ' Ix;j;islation,-Tlie probabi lity pf.an extra Kessiou and other Matters before Congress. Regular Uorreepondence. WAsniNQTOJ?! D. C, Jan. 5. Senator Hoar enjoyed his New Year's day dinner less even than his Christmas dinner if it were possible. Senator Stewart spoiled his Christmas dinner by his speech against the Force bill and his appetite for his dinner was killed by a grand triple attack upon his pet scheme for getting even with the South by Senator's Wolcott, Teller and Hale. The first named Senator fired broad side after broadside into . the Force bill . of unanswerable argument; the groundwork of his logic being opposition to enacting a law for he purpose of placing an acknowledged ignorant and incompetent ma jority over au intelligent ma jority, lie stated plainly that if there were a majority of ignorant negro voters in the State vt Colorado, solidly op posed to tho united intelligent whitfl wites, that in some way and by dome method tho white vote would govern. That lie is a broad guage man the follow ing words from his speech fully demonstrates: "For a quarter of a enntury, out from poverty and despair, the South has been reaching forth in efforts to ulant its foot on the solid rock of material prosperity; and in view of the marvellous growth and transformation now taking place in the ronthcrn States, I believe it would bo unwise and unpatriotic lor us to iuteifero in the conduct of its internal affairs." Senator Telia:- speech was a ringing demand for the shelv ing of the Force bill and the enactment of the financial legis lation demanded by the people of the country, which he des cribed as bemg on the very verge of a iinan;iai panic. Senator Hale's remarks, which piobably hurt the would-be-leader from Massachusetts more than all tho rest, was an attack Ui'ori Mr. Hoar chargimc him with being responsible for the month's time which has been wasted in consideration of the Force bill, aud demanding the speedy disposal of that measure in order that other and mora necessary legislation might have a chance. Mr. Hale also took occasion to" give the clo ture, or gag rule now pending, which he says is altogether needless, a few hard raps. Take them ail in all they were Ihreo of the most remarkable speech es ever made made in ; Congress outside of a secret caucus a gainst a party measure by mem ¬ bers of tho same party. And yet, there is a well grounded fear on the part of democratic Senators that by ti e vigorous-use of the iarty whip and the administration patro nage the bill may be parsed, if it ever reaches a vote, which it will not do if the democrats can by any means prevent it. la order to defeat it up m a vote, assuming that every Sena tor will be in his neat or pair ed, it is necessary that eight republicans should vote against it, and only three have yet openly announced the'r inten tion of so voting, ' although tbeie are a dozen or more who have privately expressed tl em selves as being opposed to it. One thing i tvident it will nave to bo passed or laid asida within th? next ten davs: other legislation, particularly finari Cial, is crowding it, ar.d Senato Hoar ;s reported to have said to-day that if it was not passed next wtec it would never pass Ihe administration has all tbe detectives of the -Post-office de partmtnt working on therocen killing of the po--t-master a arrouton, iMississippi, in order to try to make capital to help jiusiitiie hill through, notwith DMHiuiug ie.ters in u;e I 05Ses sion of Senator Geo gefr un the leading citizens of the town, in eluding its most . influent:a mimg ter, slating that politics had nothing whatever in An with the killing. Treasury department officials are now preparing the anuua aenciency oui, it will be the largest in the history, of the country, aggregating about 000,000, nearly half : of which is for pensions. These deficien cies were deliberately made by the republicans in Congress at tne last session for the purpose of blinding the votes of the country, lo the amount of money tbat.waa being spent by that patty. - benator Heirst i somewhat oeiier wan lie has beu for several weeks, though still very sick roan. The Civil Servico Commission has jumped on Mr. Wanamaker to tno exteut of several news paper columns oecauge of his criticism or its methods in hi annual report. This is ren.-ri ed by many as an attack upon Mr. Harrison, who approved the report of the Fost-master. Gene rai or it would not liave been made public and- so ie people umuk mat there my vacan cies In the commission . before long.' The countrv: rnnM o-ot along if the whole bnsineks ti na abi)li8hed. Democrats are by uo means I anxious for an extra session of Congress, but as now looks al most certain, one be - made necessary by tha faslure of tho liepbulicana to pass the regular appropriation bills they will not complain. They are ready to do their duty, but thev wish the responsibility for an extra session to be placed where t rightfully- belongs on the Re publicans. . THE THIRD COXGUKSSION AD DISTKICT-.Ol'FICI AS VOTE OF 1 1 OX. IS. F. GUADV. A miatate has been going the rounds of tho papers in relation to the Congressional vote of the Thhd Congiessional district that needs to be correct fd. Some of them have it that the Hon. Mr. Cowles received the largest majority of any Demo cratic Congressman elected. Other say that the Hon. S. B. Alexander, of Wilmington dis trict, received the . largest ma jority. These are mistakes. The official count shows that the Hon. B. F. Grady, who had not before run for office at tb.3 bal lot box, received the largeft majority. His majority was 8,807, while that of Mr. Alexan der was 7,300. M. Grady's vote shows his great strength with the people. There is not a more popular Democrat in the State, nor a better man, than the Hon. A. S. Merrimon, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. In every county of the Third District Mr. Grady ran ahead of Judge Merrimon. Not only did he poll the full Democratic strength - of his district, but quits a number of republicans of the various counties also votd for him. The result show? that he is popular with all classes, color.-1, and condi tions of the people of his di- trict, and that tlie cnnvetioiiJanco and prejudice of the mas that nominated him at Clinton, acted wisely and well. As he was a stranger to most of the people of the district, curiosity was stirred as to what sort of a man he was. His intercourse with the people and his speech es in the various counties have given abundant. satisfaction and gratification lo his friends and his party in and out of the dis trict. Hrt won golden opinions wherever he went and spoke. His speechei we:e judicious, impressive and able. While there are not in them many of the flowers of rhetoric or -any of the brilliancy rf tho orator, they possess the highest chara cter of being forcible, logical and statesman like. Mr. Grady though a new man, has con vinced the people that he is a man of no little originality, of fine powers of investigation and of superior intellectual endow ments. He made an excellent record, and avo a high chara cter, to his successful canvass.! in the late campaign. M dest' red ciay sub soil as is the case and retiring, he requires to bejin many localities of the cent! ai known in order to be admired and western KP.-rHn?, nf and appreciated. lie isone or I thinking in l.he-e : thoee enquiring and men, so much needed davs, who has a mind capable of grouping and prapping with i the practical t'ons of the economic qiifs-1 day, and these ! Krave subjects if constitutional law now demanding the study of the ablest statesman of the country. The product of coun try life, his environments have made him full of devotion to, and sympathy for, the farming and industrial classes, 'amonir whom he has thus far spent his useful life. Nor is he rithout that personal intecrritv ai.d high moral character so much needed in public as wall as private lite. ' Ills garment-! are unsoiled aud his lite unstained by any acts that he would de-sir- to conceal from public view. And then," for many years, he has unostenlaciously preseuled the crowning Virtue of a consistent membership in the Presbylerian church. It is not merely our ablest and mosti :4.n . t .J "i . . . I luieiiecLuai men wno are now neeae.a jn our halls of legisla tion, but those of high persona integrity and moral princiole ana religious character. in all these respects ; those competent, men, wha-kiiow Mr. brad? best, predict that he will make a most useful and ofSeient representative. iuurwver, .11 mere is any- tning in Dicoa. then courses his veins blood as patriotic aud loyal as that of any family in North Carolina. No braver soldier fought in the Confed erAte service, he was in the war from its beginuing to its close and bears upon his . person the cucia ui wounns receivei in hard fonght battles. His youu er brother Frank, who left col lege to enter as a private . sol dier in our ranks, nobly lost his Jife hi a service htrngsle with the enemy. Both were kinsmen of the late Capt. W. S. Grady of Cllmnnana brferade who bravely fell in one of the bat tles around Petersburg, and for whom a in inument has been erected. He was the honored father of the late arid much .la mented . Henry W. Gradv nf I Atlanta, Ua, Our own :R. F. Grady is'also in the li descendants of the RevOlntion, ary Grady who fought and fell at the iattle of ;Mooreja Creek where a mounment now gtandd iu honor. of, him and Gftnrai il'lngtm. It is no discifedit represeulative to is no politiciani o our new say that bo Mach.ne politics are not con - gen lal with his nature .iuid habits. He J.? too inach of frieud of the people to engage !l Ii tx i . i V n tt . ,.1:1! i mc- t,i v.nn j puiiuoai l hut hrp.i!FiPs t;i i.-T.s. - -'iii;i iimt purer auuospnere or a "Stated--because tXork is con fined fn The Tate election g.ves hnvconid-red necearv t.' fieH n .-!iui.. hi,.; t. lie ux?uio- crat, mucn lio. o becansa itdces not seein to be a nice whim tne people. liatLer tuw eecm to incina:o that the stru gi ng innsses, bortie dwn for the last twenty live tears by tJie plutocracy Ju the shap of J money-Kins, are dctcriitiiied to throw ofF this ailing a:n1 in tolerable yoke of ibeir oppies slon They sen that the funda mental principle of our gov ernment rue more than ewr in dainTr of destruction bv tho. wlio iiave enactf-d . Ukj Federal Jaw.s durinir the last -twei: fivo years.. Our thin ing peo ple, under the influence" o! patriotic impulses, reinforced by n gtuwing Kense of insecuri ty, are hounding the alarm with a view of averting the im pending storm, so threa ening to the present and coming gene rations. They see the necessity of rising to kk'h patriotic duty, that soars ab ve blind partisan- shipand sectional zeal. The signs of the times clearly shoxr that the hearts .of the pecple have been warmed anew with the ennobling sentiments of th "Fatherhood of God" end the Brotherhood of Man." Ka volutions of public sentiments like that of the recent e!eo tious, are calling our purest aiw best men to the front and com- manaing smaller men. who have been so unworthlr rnlitn since the hite war, to take back seats The political atmo-pher inust be purilied. The p ofes sional politician, who has been so long thriving upon ihe igi.or ses mwst go. Rustigus. Our Farmers' Column. SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THOSE WHO TILL . ; THE SOIL. "There" Is no material progress that is well based and permanent without agricultural l - o 1 - MAKE YOUK COMPOSTS. Manure should be carefully saved, bst under shelter where rams ci-imoi, reaen it nor sun overheat it. It is the best basis can have for a com post, as in fermenting it aid: J 1 A ' i , m uer.ompoHiuon in tne otner materials of the compost which need it. For a corn or cotton utuupuau iiae ionowitig is a good formula for a ton : Stable manure.. ...G00 Ib.s. Kainit .200 " Acid phosphate 800 Cottonseed 400 " It your soil is rocky, or has f - w biic btate, the kainit may be lessen ed and the quantity of ntable manure increased. In t Ti snnir soils of Ihe enst kainit is es?en tial and may be increased. Its value a a r,;st preventive is well known. Wbere cotton seed in al. is handy, use it in place of cotton seed in half of the quantity. Lay down ' under shelter some of the manure then a layer of acid phosphate, then cotton seed. - sprinkling each layer with kainit dissolv ed in water until all material are ued up. Wet the heap if it heats. Tf manure is well rotted the heap need not stand mo:e than a couple, of wr-eks th?'n mix well bnjore using. The above is only oi;o of "many formulas given iu bulletin 01 of the-No.lh Carolina . Expe.i meat Station a t Ilaleih. Send for it. -H. 13. Battle. 4 " ' IIOQ CHOLERA.. Hog cholera, a contagious d;seaae, is -caused by a bacillus, which multiplies in ihe larirfi nitesnues pnucipaily, hut is also found in the blood and all i 1 As.. - f parts or the body after death AMuiocuinu uouuio ill all S6C- Hons of the country, but parti- vuivny in u;e nest ana South u'o fci.ixj uniua ui uos are f j."o uuat iuuuo ol pre venting its outbreak is to nut u.ix iniijuneu uos in peas sena- .ii i luie xfoiu ouier nogs, and keep th?m separate for three or lour weeKs. t during this time neither drve of hos shows any signs or sir.Hne s tfiev mav uc iLLuy toetner. All affected Logs should be killed and burned, or be deeply buried; but mistakes ara often male, and care should be tak-n to make sura tfcmt tbe sick hogs havo cholera before thev ar destroyed. Pns where affect ed bogs luve bRen keot sl.nnM be cleanedand left vacant for s x months. . i be most prmi nent; symptoms of the hn yuuiera are a ios3 or aDDetitp V 1 - . I considerable elevation of tem perature and constipation, fol lowed by fluid discharges be- - wj.v. uw.,u, fiuu auijw; cages there ia a little diarrhesa, before deatlij. in tbej:" cases Jt 13 a marked symptom1; - for , some daya.r- Death mavoccur withfn two threo days "cf tha ticie "when the" y mptoing "are first noticed, or it may not take place, under tl reo or four weeks. 1 ARE OF STOCK. Durlug-: tUs se-tn V stock bh'ould r6ceitel the ioo-t.eji.e- uly attention. They neod t ! be confined the greater part of ! tho time, and if they are kept in thrifty co:.diti..u ,od cre I ..ill t . ie; tii ue necessarr. It u fun ,,r,,",. tl. .... , -a niii iuv taiKj that !u uiiite iiii'i v.Hier inviir wit .uy m ?: in tlr 'iruiurity. Uut ""f the : VOild are to b- kit in LO'jd thrifty it r.)- it ti i iowe.t nossl M- .cost ,t s that th:-y even iiioro ;;inin ta. it be le-i Ai.ii u'ri f-r.i.'d ri-prulariv . -tutu uity can p;ck ii n.. . . uiur.j 'u- tc.3 oi jtiie;r own l.vi 'g ou i: h-everq woatNer ti liuy must depend : entiL-y upon Keen tho -tocic clean and comfortable i,y sitp1;irr yivuiy (ix ueiMlllg, as st w.il aid m keeuing iJinn; i i uealtii, and ?i)i -save- feed. Stuck should Le kept i'H ins hg in W. liter ah weli as in ?mo U 1 1 1 r I I . . I . - r- d.i ;5 n jt occr c id t itieu. Obse. ver. ire FROM NATUKL'S STOitH- HOUSE. Comes all the coinponant parti of S. S. S. Tlicro is no chqinicaT nor anything whic'i co m es frd ui t lie cheni U l's shop contained in if. S. 3i S. : there fore a perfectly 'sale and harm less remedy,'1 yet so powerful is it that it has never failed to cure Blood Poison. It always cuiv,s Scrofula, ii taken I etore some vital part is so Werhmsly impaired.a.-4 to rt'urier a cure impossible, if. relieves' Mercu rial Kin umutism, aud cures all sori.s of Krupt oas, Pimple, i5!ot.hes, etc , by elimin 'ting the ppiKiu from to vblood.' S. S S. has. cured 1 iiou.-sand bi cases of Si'.n-Caiir.c-r, aui niaay ca'b-es of S.;us .'iu.i C.incor. ! t is no' x pcnmeni to i.iiie s. S.. S. tiTnaiic u llloo l anil fcjkia In ".asfs ir.ai.U-il Ih-c ' . SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Allau'ta; Gc'ori: A. Wonder Worker. Mr, .Frank IIiluiaD, a iuii- man of 13urlini!Loi) hk, Plan s that lie hadWn cian?, u 1 ust-.? t!-ir : treatment unfiUie was n,t abli t i-.t an-ti ul.- They pro nounced his case tu be .:usiinjnii'n and incurable. He 'was pcrsu:u!i d tn try I)r. Kiiig's New Discovery lor Consumption, Coulis aiuUColils .aud at that time was not able." to walk across the street without resting. lie found, before he had used i.alf of a null. -a- -bltle. that be was much better: be continued .to use it and is to-d.y enjoyiiit; s;ood health. If you have 5;y Throat. Lunr or Chest. 1 rouble -try it. .We yuaran Ice satisfac tion. Trial bottle fne at U. b. Ilolli dayV tTusti ro, CliubHi, and Jbn R. Smith, diubt, Mt. Olive. X, C. . Tlio coldest "ar.d nio.st inclarno'a't yi to cotna. 3 j:ii beat part'of tl.e wintei's iKiutiay.s iiivj coai s and wo believe that ihe time to all irooi-j U alt, time. Acting on this belief we arniouiice a n Of SEvSOXABLE ARTICLES insure thcJir speedy taking off; m slid i a aire the nrinn of IM f !iO vr-o vr f LA DIMS' CLOAKES AND SHAW LS IOOl)S AND FACINATOIIS, 1 M pi i lJr6r AD HEAV GLOVES, BLOKETrf," FLANNEL3 AND hoes, Slio s When people want anythiiig in this line they know that w always hive the iaroest stock, tue". mii goods and lowest juices. : 1 o be ho uaderstood anj are detepnined to kep up. V )iirrputation. .-. In this Hanvf -xkuihucu.mo PAIN BRUSH 'T 6ckofpaie Shovels, Pitch Fjrks, Briar Hooks. ; - iioxlng Ax-i.4, Grab HePloW j.lnes. BackBmd : . TS, OILS. VARNISHED 'KAflsourNR a vn ouvr. tUSH.S, WINDOW GLAS3,SASH, DOOPvS AND BLINDS, ;" Don't: fail to get our . prices on "these goods before , : u Takeahist plaa j in the mytholoy of the ' present: . , -...J n it we look- back with pleasnro on the successful " V ;year jutcl'osftdand lyok forwara with hope to the year to : come. V e have made many new 1 friends . , and have k3pt all our old ones. . To them all wo ex- ": -f .tend oar hearty thaai.: and wiih them I'j, haDDV and prosperouH New .Year." . I . .. s . ", . -- ' t- t.r 891 e aro going to make mightier efforts than ever before to win your trade": Kespectfully - - - ;A. H JOHWSOJWeO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mustang Liniment -i for PC ncl T'-J 1-1 FOR : j I j For Sal e BY ALL PnmmnrAitl Pn!In OF KY. UNIVERSITY. uuuiiiiGibiai oune&c lexincton.ky. Cheapest & Best Business College in the World. Itlcheat Honor M Oold Mcdol over mil oihir College, at WorldV Kxpooitlon, fnr Kveteiu r llook-kerplHtr and Cicnerul UiL.lnra l:turatln. 10,O4O Cirnduatu im liUHlneM. lOOO Ntndent nnauallf. 1 S Teacheriempley. di. Coat of Full BiiHlnrK Conrac. including Tuition. 8ta. uoara. aooul a. bort-llaMd, Type. W rlt lne and Telegraph jr .peciiitle.. Ma Vacation. Kntrr now. '"" .uccc.fiui. i nn cur la rx-auuful and hcalthrul. Vat circular aJdrc.a WUbor It. tsmtth, Lexington, tiy. Many Persons Arc.bro!;on fiiqn Trom overwork or household cures. Brown's Iron Bitters rebuild Uic E-tcm. r.Hs f'.icestion. removes pi: cess of bile, and "-urci malaria. Get the genuine. . part of wiii tor i.s in3r..li.uit fal tliit. fli.. ttudj iA' past-because the irouo. it with us. T1IK at prices that will step' rat.t Don't fall to' " " " " LAP ilOIJES. - esrShio.es ! njjtroiai aiiontion to our Forty buying. - NEW; A DVERTISEMENTS. SPECJAI n : The entire D 1 mm Mm Is to be closed Hilt. rP VlaO winon below anything ever before offered. We have hundreds of odd Suits, odd Pants, Coats and to be sold before we i, , " ' ' ' ' ' ' Spring All goods to be King Olothier.and Hatter, ; . CLINTON,- N..C. NEW ADVERTISEMg -J -V . stock of winter n If ill 5Vb m mi n rr ill U k Vests and they have go north for our ' Stock ! sold for Cash. ii!'. -Air'

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