-i i XMM-l-UCASIAN. i PBUSirED KVKKY THin&SDAY, Uj If AC ION BUTLER, Ek lot arid Proprietor. SUBSCRIBE! Show (his Paper to your neigh bor and ad v se him to subscribe. Subscription lrice $U$o pr Year. In Advance. VT U. ALLEN, T ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, ,,,, Goldaboro, N. C. rob"7prtr ce ia Saint8on county A. M. LEE, M. D. I'll VHIClA.V,yu UOEO.V AND DtXTlST, 1,1 L-' Drugstore. Je 7-lyr I" A. STEVENS, M. D. J . PlIYHICIAN AND SunOEOS, (Office over Post Office.) tor May be found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College street. Je 7-lyr E. FAISON, ArrOUNEY AND COUNSEI.L- oratLaw. Office on Main Street, vill practice In courts ofSauipson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his cur j will receive prompt and careful aitention. Je 7-lyr Tf y. KKitk, " -Lie ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR at Law. Oillccon Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Peruler, Harnett and Duplin Coun th's. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will bo iysMi to all legal business. Je 7-lyr 1 71 It A NK BOYETTE, D.C.S. JL. 1 DENTISTRY gfSf Office on Main Street. Offers Ills services to the people of niirlton mul vl'inlhr puorvthlnor in the line of Dentistry done in the I A a fi x e t m a 1 best style. Satisfaction guaranteed, SSTMv terms nro ntrictlv cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. JEWELRY AND CLOCKS! :: 1 have just received a large lot of Eleiraut Jewclrv. This I will cruarnn- Lee to tlie purchaser to be ju?t as rep- rcsentad. 1 neli no cheap, "fire guilt" goods but carry a ktandahu line ok ... gold front goods. The attention of l- ,i: : 11 .1 ii. 1..- .1 nit; lauiua is cuucu 10 ine mien sijlt'fcl of breast pins thev are "thinas of i 1 l Tlio old reliable and standard HETII THOMAS CLOCKS always iu stock, iu various styles and sizes. tty Repairing of Watches Mid Clocks and mending Jewelry is a specialty. Al.work I do is guaranteed to give t-u-satiHfaction. Respectfully. p5 - IT G. T. It AWLS. I. T.:& G. F. ALDEEMAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 112 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cotton ixticl Timber : al&o : Country Produce handled to best ad vantage. Reference 1st National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. aug2'-tf N EW BARBER 8H OP. NVheii ; ou wish an easy shave, As gcoJ as barber ever gave, Jus call o us at our saloon At u.orning, eve or noon; We cut and dres the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. Our room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything we think you'llfln'l; To suit the face and please the mind, And all our art and skill can do, It you just call, we'll do for you. SIIERARD & NIXON. . The Clinton Barbers. AFirst-CJlass BARBER SHOP Tf vrtn wish a first-class SIiavp. TTair fnt. Khflm OAon or Mustar.hp Dye, call at my place of business on Wall Street, three doers from the corner of M. Hanstein's, there you will find me at all hours. RAZORS SHARP. SHEARS KEES! If you want a good job don't fail to call on me. J. H. SIMMONS, aprlO tf Barber For 24 Years J. T. GREGORY has occupied his same TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT on Church Street. The great and orignal leader in low prices for men' clothes. Economy in cloth and money will force you to give him a call. XSTLatest Fashion plates always n nana. juue 7th. lyr nr Raise Turkevs wetehincr from 30 w c? - to 40 pounds, and worth twice as - ' much us co...mon stock, by buying full-biood breeds, A Hlroe S. II. COLWELL, Wallace P. O.. novG-tf Duplin Co., N. C LOST ! While huntinz near Mt. diioari ueiumiu tuuuijri uu ,tiu nisi., one blue speckle female hound, with red head and ears, answering to the - 7V - i y . i?n received jan 1 -3 DAVID S. WILLIAMS n i . Taylor's Bridge. N. C. FOR RENT ! Store-House and Lot, Barn and Stables connected with same, at In gold; N.C. Possession given imme diately. For further particulars apply to E. C. HERRING, Jani tf Garland, N.C. Mammoth Bronze MfiFS VOL, IX. BOTH HOUSES ORGANIZED AND 8E1 TLED DOW N TO WORK. Vance Instructed to Support tk Alliance Demands of Finan cial lteform. JOINT COMMITTEE ON RAILROAD COMMISSION ESTABLISHED. Committees Announced and Many Important Bills Introduced. TIIK GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. Vance Nominated for Ills Own Successor. Editorial Correspondence. Raleigh, N. Ov Jan. 13th, 91. The Senate, Lieut-Governor Holt presiding was organized on last Wednesday by the election of the following officers: J. II. Ilinnant, of Wayne, principal door-keeper; Capt. A. M. Nobla, of Johnson, as sistant door-keeper; R. F. Furman, of Buncombe, chief ck-rk; Mike Bradsh.tw, of Randolph, engrossing clerk; G. P. Pell, of Foreythe, read ing clerk. - Little el 4e was done on that day, a few unimportant bills Mid resolutions only : eing intro duced. SECOND DAY THURSDAY, JAN. 8T1T. The most important bills and res olutions introduced were a fnllnwa: By Bellamy, of New Hanover, a bill to amend section 1246 of the Coae concernii ment of Deeds. Code concerning the acknowledge- Mr.McLartv. of Monroe, a bill to punish persons who use language calculated to create a breach of the - . . . peace. Judiciary. Mr. Butler, of Sampson, that a joint committee on Railroad Com mission be created, consisting of five Senators and eight Representatives. Mr. Lucas, of llyde, that a join committee of five Senators and sev en Representatives be appointed to redistrict the State. Calendar. By Lucas, instructing the Secreta ry of State, to furnish Senators lth copy of the Code and Acts of the Legislature of 1885,- '87, '89. Adop ted. Bills were intioducedby : Mr. Avery, ot Burke,, an act to amend the chapters of the Code en titled Asylums and Idiots, Lunatics and Inebiiates. Referred to com mittee on asylums. Mr. ArJrey, of Mecklenburg, a bill relating to the University and A. and M. College. Committee on education. ITIIIRD DAY FKIDAY, JAX. 9TII. Among the more important bills were ; Mr. Parker, an act for the reliet of Judges. This bill proposes, in addition to the salary, that actual expenses in trausaction 6f public busi.iess shall be paid by. the State. This is to do away with free railway parses. Judiciary. Mr. Aycock, a bill in regard to sales and renting of proDertv bv guaidians, by striking out Sec. 1,590, and inserting in lieu thereof an en actment requiring all sales and ren tals to be made publicly, after 20 days notice, and the proceeds secur ed by bond when not a cash sale; provided, that when lands are rented for agricultural pu:po3es bond shall not be required. Judiciary. Mr. Ardrey, a bill to punish the making false pretenses In obtaining certificates of registration of cattle and other animals. Th hill nrn. poses to punish by a fine of not more than $100 and imprisonment In jail for not more than three months any person who shall by false pretense obtain a certificate of registration of better degree than is correct, from any breeders or any other associa tion. Judiciary. Mr. Aycock, a bill to amend Sec 310 of the Code, in regard to the publication of summons by making the time four instead of six weeks. Also a bill to amend Sees. 832 and 840 of the Code, in regerd to actions v vjait w before Justices of the Peace. I UvlUll Liarv 1 ,arJ Judi- Dr. Culbreth's resolutions to ap point five Senators and eight Repre nentitives to fix and establish the Senatorial districts of the State was taken up and adopted. Dr. Culbreth is a native of Samp- I sou and Senator from Columbus. The Goyernor's message was an- nonnounced and read. It is a long document, making many recommen I riail.. L1 U ft . . dations that would call for a consid erable outlay of money. Among rany. other things, His Excellency recommends that a State Coard, con sisting of the Treasurer and Auditor, be created for the purp se oC equal izing vnlues for taxation between the Beveral counties; that laws corn polling public schools to be open at least fotfr uuonths and allowing the Cim 1 mn l rvrm t -r I THE CAUCASIAK , various townships to lew a special tax for that purpose, be passed; that 1 a training school for teachers be es- j tablished, and at least for females, j if not for both sexes ; that a Jute bagging factory be established for the employment of convicts not oth wlse needed; and dozens of other things calling for appropriations or other expense. FOURTH DAY SATURDAY, JAN. 10. Mr. Butler, a resolution instruct ing our Senator and Representatives in Congress to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the finan cial reforms adopted by the Ocala Convention of the Farmers' Alliance. Federal Relations. The Alliance caucus selected Mr. Butler, of Sampson, to introduce the resolutions in the 8enate and Mr. Holleman, f Iredell, to introduce them in the nouse. Mr. Parker, a bill to prevent the giviug or accepting free transporta tion over railroad lines in No. Carol! na. This applies to all State officials, all State Boards, Judges, Solicitors, delegates to state Conventions, members of General Assembly, all county officers, editors, proprietors and agents of newspapers, and makes it unlawful for them to receive pass es, or for corporations to give them. J udiciary. Mr. Green, of Harnett, a bill in regard to chattel mortgages, provid ing that whenever household aud kitchen furniture is conveyed by such mortgage the privy examina tion of married women shall be tak en as prescribed by law in other cases. Judiciary. Also a bill to regulate the tees of sheriffs and constables in cases of claim and delivery. This provides that for serving original papers 60 cents shall be charged, and for tak ing the property f 1 and actual ex pense of keeping the same. Judici ary. The morning hour having expired the Senate committees were announc ed as having been appointed by Pres ident Holt : Senator Bryan, of Duplin, is chair man of the committee on Library and a member of the committees on Judiciary, Corporations and Agricul ture; Senator Green, of Harnett, is chairman of the committee on Mili tary Affairs and a member of -the committees on Finance, Agriculture, Banks and Currency. Senator Aycock, of Wayne, is chairman of the committee on Pro positions andGrlevances and a mem ber of the committees on Judiciary, Corporations, Insurance, Insane Asy lums. Senator Gilman, of Onslow, is the chairman of the committee on In surance and a member of the com mittees on Judiciary, Propositions and Grievances, Fish and Fisheries. Senator Bellamy, of New Hano ver, is chairman of the committee on Corporations, and a member of the following: Judiciary, Education, Salaries and Fees, Public Buildings and Grounds. Senator Allen, of Bladen, is a member of the committee on Cor porations, Propositions and Griev ances, Claims and Justices of Peace. Sen Uor Wilcox, of Moore, a mem ber of the committee on Corpora tions, Internal Improvements, Priv ileges and Elections, Engrossed Bills. Senator Culbreth U on the Com mittees on Internal Improvements, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institutions and Engrossed Bills. Senator Butler, of Sampson, is chairman of the commi tee - of In ternal Improvements, and ' a mem ber of the committee on Judiciary, Insane Asylum and some mi a or com mittees. f-- " ; NOTES. - There is not a man in this body who voted against a-Railroad Com mission two years ago. Every "one was condemned by his Senatorial district, ; The outlook at present Is that the Railroads will not fight the Commission Bill, but try to influence the selection of commissioners whom they can influence. If they succeed in thiSj then this body wiil be mis taken in judging human nature and human character. Seme of the friends (so-called) of Seuator Vance attempted to light the l evolution of Instruction, but they sadly mistook the temper and the sense of right of the people of North Carolina. They greatly ad mire Vance, but their admiration for a great statesman does not at all con flict with their right to pass instruc tions concerning needed legislation so needed and so vital. Gov. Vance is here. Gov. Jarvis and others ap pear on the scene as lobby members tf the Legislature. THE HOUSE. The House wa organized on Wed nesday, 7th inst., by electing Mr. Rufus A. Doughton, of Alleghany, Speaker; Mr. J. M. Brown.of Stanly, Principal Clek; Mr.H.A.Lathaat of Beaufort, Beading Clerk; Mr. A. H. . Hoges, "of waln. Engrossing Clerk; Mr. H.-E. King, or Onslow, Doorkeeper; and Mr. G. L, Kilpat- -i i r i 5 - i ' " - - .j- . i" .- .... ... ..---- -' pT ---- t . W 11 ' ' - ' :" ' " - i--- ':... - - ',.;.-: ; ; -', CLINTON, N. C , THURSDAY, JANUARY rick, of Lenoir, Assistant Door keeper. Mr. D. B. Nicholson has a position in the office of the Princi pal clerk and his little son, Powell, is a page in the House. Mr. J. II. Jackson has a position with the Doorkeeper. Mr. Speaker Doughton is now filling his third successive term as a member of the House. He is a lawyer by profession, and is thirty four years old. Coupled with ex cellent taleats he possesses sound judgment and fine executive ability. He presides with grace, dignity and porlHmentary skill. He is, all in all, well fitted for the place and will perform its orduous duties with credit to himself anu honor to the flUte. On Thursday the House got down to business, the principal of which was the adoption of a , resolution offered by Mr. Sutton of Cumber land in lavor of abolishing the tax on State Banks. On that day Mr. Button also in troduced a bill to protect the bag gage of the traveling public by makirig it a misdemeanor ; for rail roads and other transportation com panies to damage the baggage of their passengers. Mr. Watson, of Robeson, Intro duced a resolution for a joint select- committee on railroad commission. Mr. Bryan, of Wayne, introduced a bill to equalize taxation. Mr. Skinner introduced a bill for the perpetuction of the record of certain court proceeding. Mr. Hileman introduced a bill to regulate the. registration of deeds. Friday Jan. 9th. Mr. Henry in troduce! a bill to provide for the redemption of lands pold under foreclosure, levy, and execution. Mr. Skinner introduced a bill to abolish the agricultural, lidn law and prevent the mortgaging of crops. Mr. Ray introduced a 'bill to ap portion the school fund in the coun ties according to school population. Mr. Lindeack (Republican) in troduced a bill to; prohibit state officials from receiving railroad passes. This bill extends to editors and delegates lo political conven tions. Mr. Wood introduced a bill to let out the public printing to the lowest bidder. Mr. Henry introduced a bill to re duce the fees of clerks of Superior courts and Registers of Deeds. Mr. Currie introduced a bill to tax dogs for the protection of sheep husbandry. Mr. Watson's resolution to ap point a joint select committee on Railroad Com mi tee was adopted. It is to be composed of 8 members of the House and 5 Senators. Saturday Jan. 10. By Mr. Hal- man, a resolution to instruct our Senators and Representatives In Congress. - This provoked a spirited discus sion participated in on the Demo cratic side by Mess. Holman, Henry, Sklnne , Pesbles and others, and on the Republican side by Mess. Prit- chard and Cale (col). Mr. Pritch- ard was bitter and partisan. Mr. Cale was for the good of the people and if ho was a Repjublica he would vote for the resolution. Af ter some porleying among members who preferred postponement, the resolution passed by a yote of 98 to 13. It is to the effect that our Senators ia 51st and 52nd Congresses be instructed and our - Representa tives be requested to use all honora ble means to secure the object of the financial reforms as contemplated in the . platform adopted at the Ocala convention of the National Alliance. - By Mr. Sutton, a bill to prevent agents from enticing laborer from the State: By Mr Hileman,- a bill t com pensate Judges of the Superior court. By Mr. Henry, a bill to1 tax in comes. By Mr. Skinner, a bill to amend the law of dower. By Mr. Hood, a .bill to suppiess gambling. NOTES. Mr. Allen K. Smith, of Johnston, was elected Enrollicg Clerk on Fri day. Mr. H. C. Moore, of Duplin, one of Mr. Smith's leading appo nents, is in his office. Mr. Sutton is chairman of the House Judiciary Ccmmittee. " Mr. Pis ford is on the committee on Finance. There are 4 gentlemen in the House whose combined weight is more than 1100 lbs. " , ' . Mess. Long, ot Warren, and Hall j of Halifax, ate the handsomest members of the House. Mr. A. H. Hoges of Swain county who was elected Engrossing Cleik, is Vice President of the State Far mers' Alliance. . The House is a body of thought ful, conservative inen' who think they know wnat they aro here for and they mean to do it. Continued on Second Page. VVxilto SupromAoy. DUNRATKN RANCH A Story of American Frontier Life. Bj Oapt. 0H1ELES UNO, U. & Jl, ArUkor ofTht ColoiuCa DaugkUr,9 -from Os RankM Th DestrUr Ele. Copyrighted 18S8 bjr J. B. Lipptacott Company, Ffofladolphla, anu publiabed by special arrange nent through the 4mcrica Freaa Aaaodatioa. CHAPTER VHL Itt T WAS very late that night nearlj midnight when the colonel, seated on his veranda and smoking & cigar, caught sight of a covturj (sergeant numeoiy passing 1 front gate. The math searching parties had long since come home, unsuccessful; Lieut. Perry had returned and made re- Eort that the people at Dunraven denied aving seen or heard anything of Q wynne, that both proprietor and mana ger had treated hjs visit as an affront, and that he had had much difficulty in preventing a fracas between his men and a gang of rough fellows employed at the ranch, that Mr. Maitland had fallen back in a swoon, and that he had left him to the care of Dr. Quin, who ar rived soon after the occurrence. The colonel had been greatly Interested and somewhat excited over the details of Perry's adventure as that young gentle man finally gave them, for at first he was apparently averse to saying much about it Little by little, however, all his conversation with Maitland and Ewen was drawn out, and the particulars of his hostile reception. The colonel agreed with him that there was grave reason to suspect some of the ranch people of knowing far more of Sergt. Q Wynne's disappearance than they would tell; and finally, seeing Perry's indisposition to talk further, and noting his preoccupa tion and apparent depression of spirits, he concluded that between fatigue and rasped nerves the young fellow would be glad to go to bed, so he said, kindly: "Well, I won't keep you, Perry, you're tired out. I'll sit up and see the doctor when he gets back and have a talk with him, then decide what steps we will take in the morning. IU send a party down the valley at daybreak, anyway. May I offer you some whisky or a bottle 'of beer?" "Thank you, colonel, I believe not to night. A bath and a nap will set me all right, and 111 be ready to start out first thing in the morning. Good night, sLr." But CoL Brainard could not go to sleep. The garrison had "turned in," all except the guard and Capt. Stryker. That officer had returned an hour after dark, and, getting a fresh horse, had started out again, going down the south side of the Monee to search the timber with lanterns, the Cheyenne scouts having reported that G Wynne's horse had come up that way. He had been missed by Mr. Perry, who galloped up the trail to catch the platoon before it reached the Vost, and the colonel, now that he had . heard the lieutenant's story, was impa tiently awaiting his return. Up to with in a few minutes of midnight, however, neither Stryker nor the doctor hed come; dim- lights were burning iu both their quarters and at the guard house. Every where else the garrison seemed shrouded in darkness. Catching sight of the yellow chevrons &3 they flitted through the flood of light that poured from his open door way, the colonel instantly divined that this must be a sergeant of Stryker's troop going in search of his captain. nd promptly hailed him: - "What is it, sergeant? Any news?" "Yes, sir," answered the soldier, halt ing snort - "ergt uwynne s come .back. I was going to the captain's to report" "How did he- get back? Isn't he in jured?" , "He says he's had a fall, sir, and has been badly-shaken up, but he walked in." "Why, that's singular! Did he see none oi tne searching parties? see none of their lights?" "I can't make out, sir.' He's a little queer doesn't want to talk, sir. He ' asked if his horse got in all right, and went and examined the scratches, and seemed troubled about them: but he doesn't say anything. "Has he gone to the hospital?' "No, 6ir; he'll sleep in his usual bunk at the stables to-night He is only bruised and sore, he says. His face ia cut and scratched and bound up in his handkerchief. - very wen, said the colonel, after a moment's thought "The captain will look into the matter when he gets back. You take your horse and ride down the south side of the valley and find the Cheyenne scouts. Capt Stryker is with them. Tell mm the sergeant is home, sate." "Very well, sir. And the trooper saluted, faced about' and disappeared in the darkness; while the colonel arose, and, puffing thoughtfully at, his dear. began pacing slowly up and down the piazza. He wished Stryker were home; he wished Capt. Lawrence were officer of the day, and, so, liable to come out of his quarters again: he had heard just enough, about that odd English ranch to make him feel disturbed and ill at ease. There, had evidently been hostility be tween his predecessor and the proprie tor of Dunraven," and very probably there had been bad blood between the men of the Eleventh cavalry and the em ployes of the ranch, .else why should there have been bo tmpro-oked an as sault upon the lieutenant ' this night? Then there were other things that gave him disquiet Several officers iiad gath ered upon the piazza during the early evening; they were mainly of Jus own tegimejat, but Capt Belknap and two of the Infantry subalterns were there; Law rence did not come. Of course the talk was about the incident of the evening, and. later, the rumors ajxwt Dunraven. 16, 1891. All this was new to the cavalrymen: they had heard, as yet, nothing at all, and were not a little taken aback by Um evident embarrassment and ominous si fence of the three infantrymen, when the colonel turned suddenly on IV lknap with the question "By the way, captain, I had no tune to ask Lawrence, and it really did not occur to me until after he had gone, bat what did he mean by saying that Dr. Quin could tell us something about the people at Dunraven?" Belknap turned red and looked un comfortably at his two comrades, as though appealing to them for aid. The younger c&cer, bowerer, would say nothing at all, and the colonel promptly saw that he had tumbled on some piece on garrison gossip. "Never mind,' he said, with a kindly laugh. "I donH want to drag any stories out by the roots. The doctor can doubt leas explain it all in good season. "Well, CoL Brainard," answered Bel knap, bulkUy, "to tell the truth, I really don't know anything about it, and I don't know any one who does, though I have heard some woman talk about the post the relations between Dr. Quia and some of the officers of the Eleventh were rather strained, and be is a some what reserved and secretive man. The stories were set afloat here last fall, 'and we had to hear more or less ot them un til the Eleventh went away this spring. We know only that Dr. Quin has been to Dunraven and the rest of us ha vent Possibly some of the Eleventh were piqued because they had no such lock, or perhaps their ladies did not like it be cause Quin wouldn't tell them anything about what he saw. At all events, he refused to talk on the subject at all, and allowed people to draw their own con clusions. "He probably told his post com mander," suggested Lieut Farnham, who, as acting adjutant of the post and an aspirant for the adjutancy of the regiment, thought it a good opportunity of putting in a word as indicative of what he considered the bounden duty of an officer under like circumstances. "WelL no, I fancy not," replied Bel knap. "About the only thing we really do know is that, in a somewhat angry interview last fall, CoL Stratton forbade Dr. Quin's leaving the poet or going to Dunraven without his express permis sion. I happened to be in the office at the time." "Was it before or after that he was said to go there so often?" asked Farn ham. "Well, both," answered Belknap, re luctantly. "But understand me, Mr. Farnham, I know nothing whatever of the matter.' - "I should not suppose that CoL Strat ton would care to restrict his post sur geon from going thither if they needed his professional services," said CoL Brai nard, pleasantly. "That was the point at issue, appar ently," answered Belknap. "CoL Strat ton said that it was not on professional grounds that he went,and thereby seemed to widen the breach between them. Dr. Quin would not speak to the colonel after that, except when duty required it" The conversation changed here, and littL) more was said; but CoL Brainard could not help thinking of a matter that he caivfully kept to himself. It was not his custom to require his officers to ask permission to leave the garrison for a ride or hunt when they were to be absent from no duty, and only by day. Here it was midnight, as he thought it over, and the doctor had not returned, neither had he mentioned his desire to ride away, although he had been with the colonel well nigh an hour before parade. True, he had Bent the doctor word to go and join Lieut Perry at the gate of Dun raven, and that would account for his detention; but he knew that the surgeon was several miles away from his post and his patients at the moment that message was sent Meantime, Perry, too, waa having a communion with himself, and finding it all vexation of spirit All the way home the memory of that sweet English face was uppermost in Ids thoughts. He had been startled at the sight of a young and fair woman at Dunraven; he had felt a sense of inexplicable rejoicing when she said to him, "I am Miss Mait land;" it would have jarred him to know that she was wife; he was happy, kneel ing by the side of the beautiful girl he had never seen before that evening, and delighted that he could be of service to her. All this was retrospect worth In dulging; but then arose the black shadow on his vision. How came Dr.- Quin striding in there as though "native and to the manner born?" how came he to call her "Gladys? Perry had been pondering over this matter for full half an hour on the homeward ride before he bethought him of Mrs. Lawrence's re marks about the signal lights. One thing led to another in his recollection of her talk. The doctor answered the sig nals, no one else; the doctor and no one else was received at Dunraven; the doc tor had declined to answer any questions about the people at the ranch; had been silent and mysterious, yet frequent in his visits. And then, more than alL .what was that Mrs. Lawrence said or in timated (hat Mrs. Quin, "such a lovely woman, too, had taken her children and left him early that spring, and all on ac count of somebody or something con nected with Dunraven Ranch? Good heavens! It could not be "Gladys And yet ' Instead of taking a bath and going to bed, Mr. Perry, poked bu bead into Parke's bachelor chamber as he reached the little cottage they shared in common. No Gladys disturbed the junior's dreams, apparently, for he was breathing regu larly, sleeping the sleep of the ju.; and so, finding no one to talk to and being in no mood toco to bed at an hour so com paratively early when he had so much to think about. Perry filled a pipe and perched himself in a big chair by the window seat, intending to think it all over aain. He was beginning to hate that doctor; he would hare chafed at the idea of any bachelor's being before him in an ainBinf.wirith ciua Mitinft but a married man knowing her so well as to make his wife jealous and himself indifferent to that fact knowing her so well as to drive "such a lovely woman, too," into taking her children and quit ting the marital roof that was too much of a bad thing, and Perry was- sore dis comfited. He got up, impatient and rest less, passed out to the little piazza in .front of his quarters, and - began peeing up and down, the clow from hiscorncoo pipe making a fiery trr.il in the darkness. ' He would have been glad to go back to thj opkxiel and keen watch yith fru; No. 14. but there was one kug wimmmim his visit to Dunraven that he coaU not bear to speak of, especially as those words of Mrs. Lawrence recurred acaia and again to his memory. He bad not sam one word he ud not want to tell of Gladys Maitland. And so it happened that Peers, too. was avake and astir when the fooutcitt of the cavalry sergeant were heard on their way to Capt Stryker's ovartcrs. listening, he noted that the soldier bad halted at the colonel'a, bU a brief ooo ersation with that officer, and then turned back across the parade. Instant ly divining that news had come of SergC G wynne. Perry seised his forage eap and hurried in pursuit He overtook the trooper just beyond the 'guard house and went with him eagerly to the stable. A moment more, and he was bsndimr over a soUlier'a bedside in a little room ad join ing we lorage shed and by the light of a dim stable lantern looking down into the bruised and battered feature of the non commissioned offloer. whom he had pro nounced of all others at Roaaiter the most respected and highly thought of by the cavalry garrison. "Sergeant, Fui very sorry to se you so badly mauled," said Perry. "How on earth did It happen?" Uwynne turned his head pamfuQr until the one unbandaged eye could look about and see that none of the stable euard were within bearing, then back again and up into the sympathetic face of hU young superior. "Lieutenant, I must teU you and the captain; and yet it is a matter I pro foundly wish te keep as secret as nee- sible the story of my day's adventure, I mean." "You need not tell mo at all tf you do not wish to," said Perry; "though 1 think it is due to yourself that the cap tain should know how it was you were gone all day and that your horse and yon Dotn came back in suoh condition." "I understand, sir, fully," answered Qwynne, respectfully. "I shall tell the captain the whole story, if he so desire. Meantime, I can only ask that no one else be told. If the men in the troon had an inkling of tho true story there would be endless trouble; and sol have tried to account for it by saying my horse and I bad an ugly fall while running a coyote through the timber. We did see a co yote, down near the ranch on the Monee, and I did have an ugly fall: I was set upon by three of those ranchmen and badly handled." . "Yes, damn them"" said Perry, ex citedly and wrathfully. "Pve had an experience with them myself to-night, while we were searching for you." "So much the more reason, sir, why my mishap should not be told among the men. The two affairs combined would be more than they would stand. There are enough Irishmen here in our troop alone to go down and wipe that ranch out of existence; and I fear trouble as It stands." "Whether there will be trouble or not will depend very much on the future conduct of the proprietor and manager down there. Of course we cannot tol erate for an instant the idea of their maintaining a gang of nifnans there who are allowed to assault officers or men who happen to ride around that neigh borhood. You were not inside their limits, were you?" "Yes, sir," said the sergeant pain fully, ,"I was; I had tied my horse out side and ventured in to sret a nearer look at the buildings." "What time did it happen?" "This morning, sir; not more than an hour and a half after you spoke to me in the valley." "Indeed! Then you must have lain there all day! Why, Qwynne, this will never do. Til go and get the surgeon and hare him look you all over. You must have been brutally mauled, and must be utterly exhausted." "Dont go, sir," said the erseant. eagerly stretching forth a hand. "It- it isn't as you think, sir. I have been kindly cared for. They're not all ruf fians down there, and the men who as saulted me will be fully punished. Pve been quite as well nursed and fed and brandled and bandaged as though I'd been carried right tohcepitaL Indeed, I don't need anything but rest IU be all right in a day." "But 1 think Dr. Quin ought to see you and satisfy us you are not injured." "Be satisfied, sir. The doctor has seen me." "Why, but bow? where? He was her all day, and only went away at sunset He joined me at Dunraven about 9 o'clock, and hadn't returned when 1 came in. Did he find you and bring you back?" Qwynne hesitated painfully again: , "The doctor saw me this evening down near where I was hurt: but I got back here without his help, sir. Lieu tenant" said the soldier, suddenly, "there are one or two things connected with this day's work tliat I cannot telL Come what may, L must not speak of them, even to the captain. Perry was silent a moment Then he kindly answered: "I do not think any one here wilt press you to tell what you consider it might be ungrateful or dishonorable in yon to' rereaL 1 wQl do what I can to see that your wishes are respected. And now, if you are sure I can do nothing for you, good night, sergeant.' A nd the young officer held out his liand. "Good night, sir answered Gwynne He hesitated one moment It was the first time since he entered the service, nearly five years before, that an officer offered him his hand. It was a new and strange sensation. It might not be "good discipline to take adrantage of It, but there were ' other reasons. Qwynne looked up in the frank blue eyes of his heutenant and read something there that told a new story. Out came a hand slender and shapely as that of the young omcer, and the two were silently firmly clasped. "How can I question him?" said Perry to himself as he walked slowly borne' ward. "Is there not something I am holding back? eomething I cannot speak of? By Jupiter! can bis be the same son!" --- : r ' Continued next week. Bocklen'r Araiea Salve. The beet Salve ia the world lor Curs. BrtJses, Sores, Ulcer, Halt Hbeuiu, Fe Ter Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil b ain, Corns, and all ,Sk:n Eruptions, ami positively cures . Piles, or no par reouired. It i sunrantceu U- civ per- tect satislacticn, or mosey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. JL H. Hoixioav. Clinton, and J. K. Sxitk, Druggist, iloantOlirSi II. 0. THINK I JUDICIOUS ADTEKTK CUEATES many a mw IxuMtws E LAliGlaABj an ok bo .f M, JUSVIVES many 4 doll IxaiotM, RESCUES many a kt bus!, many a failing U ln, PRESERVES mapj SECURES vkx ia Therefore adrertta in a pr -ir. on the people arc anxlou SEWS OP TI1E WKEK. VAIUOU8 ITEMS OF INTKUKST G ATI I Kit ED, AN1 I1IUKKLY 8TATKD SINCK OUlt LAST ' ISSUK. A bank has been cUblWhed nt Scotland Neck. Mr. A II. PwJdUon Iiai become an asaociate editor of the nunriw Herald. New York boat-la of tho imbHc. Uon of 2706 distinct new papers aim periodicals. In the new territory of Oklahoma there are 30.000 innmle In recti for the necesKarlre of life. The expense to run our rxtrava- (Tata government Is said to bo ntxut $90 every minute. The Durham ttlackweli Tobacco Company, put up 7uO,oo pounds of is celebrated smoking tobacco In December. The Chicago Herald savs that tbn next IIouso or ReprcmmUtlrc will be the largest party majority in tbo American Congress. President Jeff. Davis mansion, in Richmond, Va, has been conveys! to the Ladles' Confederate Literary Association. There has been more cold weather Id England and the whole continent this winter than there has loen hr a century. The record of Insurance compa nies show that the American imm lives longer than men of the same race In the old world. Tho miners of Pennsylvania uiakn a strike which will affect .10.0000. This is what such men as McKlnlry is aoing lor tne people. Hon. Paul C. Cameron, of HUN. boro, died last Thursday. Ho wa the wealthht citizen oftbeStstH and had held many prominent iol tlons of trust. Minnesota has elected a Democrat ic Alliance ticket In tho House, ntid Nebraska, after much difficulty, hit succeeded in bavins a Democrat- nance Oovernor. The cotton crop of the Houth 1 .4 much mom than the total corn cmi of the whole United Statcsand mum than f 100,000.000 greater thai; the wheat crop of tho whole country. I'M win 1J. Wynans was lunuura ted Governor of Michigan a lew U a ago. He Is a level-headed farmer and the flrxt Democrat! (loven.i ihat the State has had in thirty yearn. The experiment of limited female suffrage has not proved a num. in uoston. The first year of its iutn. duct Ion 20,000 voters registered, but latxyear less man 8,000 came In line. Blind Tom is said to be dyimr of consunplion. During hN life !.n accumulated about S5U0.OO0. but ho Is now dying in poverty, and lu can't "see" where hN wealth ha4 gone. i So- Hill, of New Yotk, say h. win not except a third term, not will he bearandldatefer the United States Senate; and it seems that no thing will satlsfyhim but the Presi dency. The ejection of Mr. Douzhton. of Aileghaney, as Speaker, seems to give geeral sal Nfaction. He is In full sympathy v Ithf tho farmers and oneof the glittering stars that adorns the est. Statistics ou tho growth tf tho South from 18SO to 18M) show an In crease of population of 19.0 rwr rent., of actnai wealth, 62.5 per cent., of capital Invested in manufacturing, 20.7 percent. The Richmond (Vs.' 'Statu "With Cleveland as the Democratic standard bearer, victory will 1kj as sured. Compared with Cleveland, the best Republican that could be named would appear weak. The Sylvan Grove steamer, at Nor- throp's wharf, on the wet !1 of the Cape Fear river, where she w.n laid for the w.nter. was burned m last Saturday morning. The 1mm N about $30,000 with Insurance for over f20,000. Ex-Pol i-e.tULU Hocrue. ulm vr hried for hU life In the Wake Coun ty Superior Court last week li kill- ing a negro several inontr a iut-e in Raleigh, aud who resNted the plie inan in arrest, wa acquitted after three day trial. Iist year we sold abroad $ 225.O00.- 000 of bread and meat and $40- ,000, 000 in cotton, a practical ill iwlr.i 1 of the truth of Senator Wol r tiN -ernark that this N not a go ! tirm- !o disorganize I he South. Xc Y. World, Dem. The majority of the member of the Iegislature, which convcm! bst week, are new men. There nrv f,r-ty-throe Democrats and seven Re publicans in the Senate, a:d 102 Democrats, 17 Republican :md m.ut Independent itt the Houe, and it U what might be called a Faruien' Legislature. The New York Herald glv out the following, not news, but a t&: r "The young men of toe country arj leaving the Republican party by hundred Giveosa few niorv bills and there won't be any thin: left of that party except a re ninN cence and a few- petri fad ions." Wilmington Messenger. Ameri I having trouble with England about sealing interests tho results that are to follow are feared to be serious. Uncle Sam seems to 1 unlucky of late, and If England K decides to try us again and the Ir.c! 1 -ana keep rata, the navy auu t ie I military wlU probably have their i 1 y-::