THE CAUCA'-.. Entire-! jurom ii;: to i'..t:i; ' Cl'ntou. N. C.. mtoiw! i -naaur. cTTnTOX, X. ('., JAN. 2: i a Vf :tt sain there is no expense '-"j A FoniDl of Pliblic Ophlioil. tax-payers. ; 'jl, TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. To SKXATK t IIAMI!!.", UiuYiU'h, N. (' , Jan. IHdi, Kititoriii! ' 'urr-.-p"!il in c. the Sub-Alliances ot Samson and all others whom it may concern: I received a few days sine a Communication contain in.:,' some resolutions of instructions pass ed at the lint meeting of the County Alliance on matters that will co;-ne action before this session of the general Assembly. Anions ( tlier things the n;: olutions iu t tructed your Senator and Re- resentatives to vote i stahlishini: a trainiii'' jor tfirl. I am a firm believer in the liyht of the people to instruct arid do the duty of a representative to obey jti nations o." to lesion. Now why should .such a school be e.-tabli-hed ? Because it is one of the highest duties of the State to educate its girls, its women. When the mothers of a ueneration are educated, the whole generation will he educa ted. Who ever knew an educa ted mother (im matter how ignorant or worthless the hus band may be) to rai-e ignorant children? Hut with an educated father and an ignorant mother and nine times out of ten it will bti an ignorant child. If we can't educate but one of the sexes ot the present generation, then 1 had rather a dozen times see the girls educated and let the bos root for themselves. Yet the fact is (and it is a crying shame) that everything that has so far been done lias against been for the boys. Xot a single School n miritt ri: t inn or wnrlrnc mont for the irls in this whole State. IIeri"e it will cost a girl double as much to get an education as lioh in-I if ji. Iinv. ii'liinli rnr it. hp- several up for THE OPINION OF OUR READ KKS OX THE VARIOUS TOPICS OF THE DAY. Wi- ol5' r tliit -oIiimn to our n-adi rs ia whi:li to rtiMi topics of inUrot anl profit to tlK lil. Ki. Me. EonoK: Please allow ine a short space in your valuable paper this wee t so that my communication will escape that dreadful waste-basket. But be fore I go into the full detail let me step here and congratu late "Little Sleeper" for the ar ticle that appeared in you paper of January 1st as to h:9 likes and dislikes. He proposes to do away with the County Board of Education and let our County Commissioners take charge of the business, which we think prudent. Also to do away with the County Superintendent, for he prefers to let the money go to the children, as it is useless to have the County Superinten dent vhdt our schools. While we are always lad to meet him in our laborious work, yet we, too, are compelled to say that it is nensense to use the money that belongs to the poor child ren of North Carolina in this wav. w ny not nave a man 10 and State as wsll, as flourish-, the adminittratiou over the ing and progressive II teh School 1 Bearings Sea sal fisheries. Mr. and of the nine High Schools! Blaine would not Lav asked lorated in this county all of I for anything better than the them have been materially j latest move of the British Gov effected by he public schools eminent. It has civen him near them, some have had to j what he has never had before suspend on their account and the united support of the some have literally died, and, American people. England the whole results from the fluctuating patronage or the lack of patronate traceable to t'ie public schools. In r.uch cases thy have cripple or "choked out'' institutions that would have been permaueut j t.on In the House resenting and resulted in far greater good' this action and decla iug it to to the community. j be in derogation of the dignity hifth. It is highly asseutial j of the United States, and pro that every - child should be i viding that a copy of the i esolu- should have learned from ex perience that American dignity cannot be trifled with without danger. Already a democrat, Representative Enlo, of Ten nessee, has introduced a resolu- STATE CAPITAL X EV ADVERTISEMENTS. XEV ADVERTISEMENT" taught is the uimici- yoiid trie reacn ot all, save a . .1 1 V TV' il. Kiicirigni me peopio oi onn few An(1 wnat kia of an examiue all the applicant.-, and Carolina, through this servant L1(ncatjou s a after they get it? have said applicants to pay the on last Monday instructed Sena- A little of what is called examiner at least one dollar for ior Vance to snot ort financial "fo.diHh " Thv n.r not faiurht. his trouble. Now, as our gener xetorm, and in conformity to how to do anything, are there- f1 Assembly is in session, we do . . . . -i.i -i i -i i trust that every citizen in North naid daty lie agreed to obey said fore dependent, lhey must (qPl,rm., ,vni yjvp it thpir full instructions since they contain-Uo home and get married or al- attention, as we think there ways be dependet. To escape should be some changes made, such a fate many a woman and at once. And last, but not ,nnr,;p n. man ,,nutl,f h.r t, do away With the CoUllty not ed nothing that he could cheerfully comply with. Theie ure probably several reasons why the resolutions by Institute m U7 fhinlr t.hft Tiroflt Let our girls have a showing, m ; COJU,eilsate for the be educated to do something started ru'ht and then right, tlis fi:st school most important one to which much of navy, but he he attends; he will either cul vate a ds!rrt for knowledge which may Irad to high attain ments, or he may form a dis taste for books and study and become careless for want of in terest and attention, shown by the teacher, either on account of the teacher's incapabity to interest and instruct or on ac count ot the number of pupils he is try in to contr A. How ever let the cause be what it may the result is the same. Sixth. There is no reason why every child that desires an education cannot obtain a prac tible one without public aid. The means for them doin so are numerous and too obvious to dwell upon, and by so doing they would not only strengthen their physical and mental nature to make better men and women, but save to the tax payers of North Carolina many thousands of dollars. the Sampson County Alliance were pressed, but lam sure that and be independent, and there the one idea with the majority will be fewer worthless husb of those who voted tor these ands. There are dozens of resolution was to prevent ad- avenues open for our girls to ditional appropriations from make a living, if they only had from o Jiers, if they can su the treasurery which might call the training. T was over yes- a better plan than he did tiou be sent to the British iov ernment. Uncle Sam hasn't has lots of diguity, and not evn the "Queen of the Sea" must dare to rub him the wrng w.ty. Senator Htart i- said to b : dying at his residence in this city from a cancer in his stomach His physicians have givea up all hope. Senator Quay's new Force bill providing for the suspension of the writ of habaas corpus and the u.-e of the Army and Navy at i he discretion of the Presi dent, is regarded as too absurd or serious discussion, and some of his friends say that he in troduced it for the purpose of disgusting the country with the whole subject. It may not have been introduced fo;- that pur pose, but that will be the effect. STATE 1K13 S. cost. We can say, wuh safety, that Little Sleeper" gives the sen timents of our township (Mmuo) as they say away with our un necessary expenses. Let us hear ,'gest for inert ased taxation, io be terday at the Agricultural and .III ! T 11 . 1 If- if t i Hiiro oi mis i cancu upon ir. Kuecanicai Uoiiege and saw our W. E. Stevens who is now in boys getting such uractical and Raleigh and who was in the industrial training as every bov Mixgo Teach EK More About the Public School System. As the columus of The Cau- f!isu- have been a little breezy meeting of the (bounty Alliance in the State from the richest to uor tjie last few issues on the the poorest should have. Shall question of public schools, I when the resolutions were passed. Ho says that such was the case. That no one in the meeting or in the county so fai as he knew, opposed the train ing school for girls itself, but were opposed to licensing fur ther taxes. He said that he hiirr As my space is limited, 1 have enumerated only a of the many imperfections of the Public School System of thiu State and I hope the State Legislators will add the others and present the picture in all its degenerate ana onerous as pects, and, from a sense of right and justice to the people abolish the whole or devise a better plan. G. E. B. AT Till: NATIONAL. CAPITAL.. our girls not have similar train ing in an industiial school. Again, in the future the teach ing in this State will be done principally br women. The kind of training the teachers have had, they will impress up- self was in favor of thotrairing on their pupils, hence the tene- school but voted against it two years ao on that ground. The bill two years ago called for an appropriation. The present ficent effects of au industrial and training school for our girls would so u be felt all over the State. Let us give our girls a bill does not. Under the present showing, teach them how to do t ill we can establish a training something and let delayed school tor the girls of our State justice no longer be witheld hope by persistent agitation and further cnlightment on the present system we may, effect a cyclonic movement in the direc tion of reform. I believe in education in every sense of the word ; T believe it is the nurse and ou .y safe guard of our liberties, and I believe that an ignorant, uneducated populace is dangerous io our free institutions, in as much as they are the dictators aud ruler.- of the .'and. But howstiall the masses be educated ? Theie is no man, however ar dent for more free education The man who says the world owes lnm a living, generally haf trouble In collecting the debt. Gazette. The Augusta Chr onide says ' Vance, Voorhees, Vest and Vilas This is straight flush ot V s and is hard to handle. for tho people, but what should without appropriating a singl e from the women of Norti Caro- be equally asan'entfor the best cent of your taxes paid into the luia. State lreasury. But you ask Ndw my friends considering how can this be done. In this the justice due our women, the way. That great philanthropes, great good to be desired and in George Peabody, lett a plan of educeting them with equal aud exact justice to all I classes. This question will bebrougkt ; before the Legislature now in i large yiew of the fact that not a cent sssior, in fact, one bill has al- amountof money, known as the is to be appropriated from your ' i'eabody fund" to be used for taxe?,ia there a man in Sampson educational purposes A part of cimty who would have not accmed interest on that fund is voted against establishing a now being divided among the training and industrial school C J states to aid in establishing training or industrial schools Alliance friends, read this in for girls, but on condition that your lodges and it you still op; each state before receiving any tose the measure let me hear part of the money shall itself from you. Friends, outside the do something toward establish- Alliance, if you oppose it let ing such a school. Nearly every me hear from you. other State in the union has Very Itespeetfullv and Surely. taken such action and gotten a part of this Peabody fund. Ac cording to the provisions of the will of George Feabody, the principal as well as the interest of this fund, which is considera ble, is to be devided in the year Marion Butler That is an amusing situation to Democrats which is forced upon the white Republican 'Representatives from Wilkes" in the House at Raleigh. He is Mr. J. L. Bryan, and he has beem the! assigned to a seat between two of his 1000, among the States to various popular educational in- nef. ,gl.," OI ms own cfMnHnn wi,!i, n paliUcil faith.diid he swears he V , V J will not sit there and if the established in the several States alternative is forced upon him Now shall North Carolina sit he will resign and return to his till and let her sister States constituency in the "State of get what should be her share of WHkcs." Well, what if he doc :3? ne sureiy aoes not exoect a ltegulai Correspondence. Washington", I). C, Jan. 19 The merry jingle of silver is the music which the Senate Las provided for the people to dance to, by the adoption of the free coinage substitute for the Financial bill which weut through in spite cf the deter mined and extraordinary op position of the administration and the lepublicau leaders in the Smate. The democratic . party has been committed to free coinage, as far as the vetes of all the Senators of the party (with one exception Wilson, of Md.,) can do so, while the republican party, of the eastern and mid dle States, are by the same token committed against it. On this question of finance, the most important in every coun try, the republicans of the west and northwest, if the votes of their Senators represent their . 1 J a m views, ana ine presumption is that lhey do, seem t . be in ac cord with the democrats and the Farmers' Alrlanee, which is a much more powerful factor in this matter than most po pie believe. The most sensational feature of the debate which preceded the adoption of the free coinage amendment, was the speech of Senator Ingalls in favor of free coinage. It wa s more than th?t; it was a most speciously made plea to the Farmers' Alliance, rm. "XT "r ii- it . . ne i. i. worm writes a truth when it says that the ''American people hate a gag resent force and despise fiaud." Uncle Jerry says that Harrison has iven the country a clean administration. Well, yes: it has cleaned out the Treasury. San Francisco Alta California, Dam. Ingalls coarsely shocked all sensible, honest and decent men when he declared that politics had nothing to d with 8be len Commandments. He spoke for himself. Wil. ' Messenger. Northern capital is finding safe and profitable investment in every field ot Southern enter prise. The bond of unity be tween the two sections is being strengthed; old animosities and prejudices are dying out.Mutual interest in manufactures, saw mills, cotton, iron mines, smelt ing works brings us into closer relationship. We understand each other better than ever be fore and respect each ( ther more. Greensboro Record. Continued from First Pugo-l tee on Railroad Commission is now hard at work perfecting a bill, which we will probably be , able to pet ready some tune this week. We cm not tell as vet in what way the Railroads intend to fight u. Cand dates j for Commissif.n'-s ?r- already ! hanging around, but the mem- j bers of the Geneial Assembly j are g Ving them the "cold j shoulder." Tlios who are openly seeking til pla' will ; find that that fact will he de- j cidedly to their discredit. We had the pleasure last wedc of meeting Mtssis. William Diughtiy, .lack ILL, Ulake warren aim Mie.m i inn wim, T7m m t tunt i n .r : Lodge of Masons, hve y or.e says that it' wa. the largest communication of the 'I and Lode seen in many ytars. Mrs. Wm. Daughtry and MissFann"e McPhail were also here on a visit. Dr. Iienton of Newton Grove passed through on busi ness a few days since. Dr. Jess Peaisall, ass is ent physician for the. Insane .sv luin here, who has been quite hick, is improving. Hr willo1 to Sampson rirxt we.k a visit and to recuperate. Mr. P. M. Pcarsall of i ient-'u spent a few days here la.-t week. Fifteen or twenty members ot the Legislature are on the sick list. Senator Jprau of Dupliu aud Re i tatve R.C. Johnson of Pender are both sick and have gone home on a leave of absence. Mr. M. II. Jackson of Sampson has gone up to Chapel Hill and entered the University and Mr. Bobbie Williams has entered the A. M. Col lege here. Samp son has probably more boys in the various colleges of the State now than ever before. Reps. Bell and Pigford and Asst. chief clerk Nicholson spent Sunday at home. We have lieen so busy this week that we have been unable to give a report of the proceed ings of the House. You will keep posted if you read the proceedings eithe r of the House alone, for every measure must come before both bodies befoie becoming a law. However we will try to give the proceedings of both Houses in the future. mi I , ANNUAL ready been presented reforma tory to the present system. Some are favorable to doubling the school tax, som instead are fa vorable to abolishing the Coun ty Superintendents, Institutes and Hoard of Education. Som want the tax on the polls dou bled for public education, oth ers to increase the revenue by taxing female dogs, et cetra. all want a change, and the na ture of that change is with the Legislature and to their action we will have to submit My prottst i3 against the present system of public education audi legislature of Kansas tore-elect this educational fund? But you ask, how can we do even that something toward establishing sucn a pcnooi witnout inereas- ing the burden of taxation. Iq this way, we have a small edu- white Demociat to sit between those two negroes? Great Scott!! Argus. The wife of Senator Ingalls has been interviewed upon her husband's political urosoects. cational fund in this Stale rais- She says thit the seuator is a Ing from the interest on the hero, ane a brilliant, brainy sate of imbHc lands etf. This man wno lias acintvert His ,nrr i,.Ja frtr,n0,i,r i greaiest 8ucess under dinicul i AUes- It is her opinion that he viueu euanjr ueiween me win be re-elected, and she inti white and colored public schools mates that if he is defeated the of the State. This amount is so couutry will inevitably go to small that when divirled nut if the dogs. State Chronicle crnri!r nYrmiTifa t iwrr anfu i vi j , There is not a man of family piece to the chiM, not enough iu tWs county can afford to to mane scarcely a siugle public along without his home paper. school in the State a day longer. Every man ought to keep post Now bv turnimr this small ed himself, and he owes it to f n his family to provide them with ki.. L w,. ,.v, go3d wholesome reading matter LWU"" lw tuc imuno 'I he only intelligent 'and nros found) to the establishment of a perous citizens of any eoinmuni training school for girls, we can ty are those who subscribe to Ynpct to flrflw on tlm Pwnhnriv newspapers and read them. The Times. where are the building to come from? The bill provides that Admitting all that has been said of the bad charactei of the the town if centrally located Indians they are entitled to fair I 3 1 ii A X T 11. ! that will subscribe the mont PT"3' ire .e,u' J" ims,a .... no government can os unjust money or agree to put up the Lrt Ua anhw n,i ..n best buildings for the school censure of mankind.-NewBerne upbuilding "aud shall have the location. So' Journal. mv reasons are summarized asi follows : First. There 's a great deal of unnecessary expense attached. 91,837.02 was expended la t year for tha County Superin tendents, Institutes and for oth er expenses connected,for which the children of the State receiv ed no direct bemfit. and this amount, at regular tuition rates, at a good academy, would send 22,000 children to school four months. But this is not all, you mu't add to this the amount hat actually goes to each school district, both black and white, to see the extent to which we ae taxed to support a system so unsatisfactory to the general ity of the people. Second. Many men pay an enormous school tax who never sent a child to the free schools, and others who never had one to send, but this would be char i table were i t not that i t is equal ly distributed between us and a race thatare ungrateful and bur densome, and who are, as a race, incapable of a high state of de velopment or good citizenship. Third. There is a serious want of restriction on the number ol studies taught. The course is too wide on account of the num ber of pupils in attendance, in stead of ; teaching the primary branches reading spelling and arithmetic, which wis the prime object of tho public schools, these are, to a great extent, neg lected for more advanced stud dies, even soma of the sciences are taught, and in some instan ces biMC-feeeping all to. the neglect of the poor less advanc ed one?, who often recite only three or four recitations a day Fourth. All will aTe that nothing is uiore conducive to elevating of In.nv rii-mnnnnlt.v n.nd tho ffnnntv him to the Senate, many respects the it was m best and most brilliant oration ever de livered by Mr. Ingalls, and had he not have allowed his hatred of tne South to inveigle him into a defense of the Force bill which by the way, again ha the right of way in the Senate at its openiu it would unboubt edly nave made mm many friends in that section, where as ne proianiy Knows, ne now 1 4 A Til m I nas none as it is, aitnougn it was carefully listened to and nit ot its strong Donits. and there were many of them a gainst the monopoly and greed of the growing money power, were applauded to the echo, in spite of the efforts of the Senate ornciais to prevent it, it is re garded as the artificial plea of an office-seeker to obtain the support of members of an orga nization pledged to oppose his re-election to the Senate, and not as representing his real sentiments. Nevertheless he told his republic in colleagues aud the republican Pesident, who stand. leady, it is believed to veto free coinage, should the bill get through the House ove.- the unscrupulous opposi tion of Speaker Reed, some migl ty truths about what the people will do in the future, should their wishes be thwart ed in this matter. But it was casting perils to awiue. The republican party has never paid any attention to the wishes of the people, unless they happen ed to coiucide with those of the bosses of that party. John Bull must be trying to give the dying republican party ) Cancerous Eczema. lr many yanrs I have bu sorwly afflicted with Eczema on my faee. rhe eruption was in large splotches, and Cancerous nature. I had treat ment from a nember of experienced physicians, with little or no benefit, and only of a temporary nature. After other treatments had failed I bought seven bottles of S. S. S. from Messrs. Tennille & Ilollund, or Troy, Ala., and it cured me. I feel like a new man, my painful troubles and apprehension is all gone, and no w at sixty years of age I am OHce more restored to health, and it is dun en tirely to S. S. S. My pohtoflice is Orion, Pike county, Ala. Hiram Thwkatt. on mooi ana tkin eases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Georgia. The special features of the eleventh day were the G per cent, interest bill of Mr. Wil liams, of Pitt. He made an able d6fence of the bill, which I passed its second reading. There will be a fight made on its third reading. Tiie:e was a big fight on the oyst( r bill, to prevent dredging; but the bill passed its third reading. TWELFTH DAY, TUESDAY, JAN. '20. A bill to ceate a railro id com mission was introduced by Mr. Butler, of Sampson, ordered to be printed and referred to the joint commitPe on Railroad Commission. At 12 o'clock, the special order was for the elec tion of a United State4 Senator. The Democrats put in nomina tion Hon. Zeb. ii. Vance for his own successor. IVe Republi cans put in nomination Hon. J. C. Pritcnard, their candidate for Lieut. Governor dining the late campaign. The ballot resulted as follows : In the Senate, Vance, 40 " " Pritchard, 7 In the House, Vance, 80 Pritchard, 13 Docker y, 1 Total fo:- Vance, 12G; total for Pritchard, 20 ; total for Docile ry, 1 u Neuralgic JferKoiis And those troubled with nervousness resulting from care or overwork will be relieved by taking Urown's Iron Hitters. Genuine b&s trade mark aud crossed red lines on wrapper. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Only Store in Town Devoted . a Single Line of Business. to I have made a departure m the mercantile business by de voting my entire attention to a single line of Goods. Here you will find a complete line of goods and will he sure to see what you want. The following outline will give you some idea of our large stock : Hardwarel Nails, Hinges, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Saws of all kinds, Files, Axes, ttc Farming Utensils I Shovels, Spades, Hoes aRakes, Pitch Forks, Plows, Castings, Trace-Chains, Clevises, &c. Crockery I Dinner Sets, 120 pieces decora ted. Tea Sets, 5G pieces, decorated. Table Sets, decorated. And all kinds of Crockery by the piece. Glass and Tin. Anything you want in Glass or Tin Ware. : Come in and see. In addition to the above classes of goods I have, and will keep in stock Cook Stoves Heaters and Oil Stoves; bash, Doors and other Building Ma terial; Glass, Tin anil Sheet Iron ; Sausage Mills and Staffers; Pot and Wood Ware of all kinds; Cutlery and Carpenters Tools of all kinds; Farm Bells, Guns, Pistols, Ac. In short, just come and wc can give vou anvthinc in thf n suppose frm h?s foolish action in attempting to uet tha aid of the United States Supreme Court in his controversy with T- H. PARTR1CK, In the Old Stand of J. A. Ferrell, CLINTON, N. v. Hie entire stock of winter i w fin n rF D LfU U UV Is to be closed out., The prices are below anything ever before offered. We have hundreds of odd Suits, odd Pants, Coats and Vests and they have -o be sold before we go north for our Spring Stock! All goods to be sold for Cash. imp m u c?mmcmcwem? King Clothier and Hatter, CMNTOX. N. C A SALE! nm The coldest ar.d most inclement part of winter is yot to come. Sains merchants feel that the best part of the winter's trade m past because the Holidays h.Wd come and gone. Not so with us. We believe that the time to sell good is all tiii: time. Acting on this belief we announce a n 5U Or SEASONABLE ARTICLES at prices that will insure their speed? Uuing off. Don't fail to step in and i quire the price of anything you may want in the way of LADIES' CLOAK ES AN'D SHAWLS, HOODS AND FACTNATOfl- LADIES' AND GENTS, HEAVY GLOVES, MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDEH WEAK, BLANKETS, FLANNELS AND LA I ROBES. m Shoes, Shoes, Shoes ! When people want anything in this line they know that we alwas have the Lino est stock, thk ijest goods and lowest pkices. WE 1 ,ikj it To be ho understood and are determined to keop up our reputation. FT A f-? TV m K :$zp -jKtat' 1 1 In this department we call special attention to our jtock of Spaflea, Shovels, Pitch Forks, Briar Hooks. pa rvT;ffab Il0e' Wow Jme3' Back Bwa&c PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, K ALSO MINE AND PWYr BRUSHES, WINDOW GLAS3,SAsfl, DOORS ANt LIDS,1 Don't fail to get our prices on these goods before buying. O I D .1 A N TT A. K, "F 'Takes Li plaujin the mvtliolou'y of th Dresont vr ,1 5ei1 ,tnd 1 arward 'with hope to the anlhUr"; ,?e '"v? man, i.ew friends'- Pt all oUr oH ones- To them A. F. JOHNSON & CO. ! - 7

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