THF ( AUCASIAN. PUBLISHED EVKRT TIIUI-SDAT, Hy MAKIOX BUTLER, Editor and I'roprietor. SUBSCRIBE! Show this Paper to vour neigh bor and adV ee him to subscribe. Subscription Price $1.50 per Year, in Advance. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. YVT 11. ALLEN, VV ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Goldsboro, N. (J. Will practice in Sampson county. ieb27 tf A. M. LEE, M. 0. PlIYSIClAX,St)llUEOV AND DENTIST, Office in Lee's Drugstore. jo7-lyr T A. STEVENS, M. D. J Physician and Sukoeon, (Office over Post Office.) &ifMay bo found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College Street. jo 7-lyr H" E. FAISON, Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice in courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his cure will receive prompt and careful attention, je 7-lyr EW. KEUll, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Oitiee on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, .Voder, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. 1'i'onipt personal attention will be i vr.n to all local business, le 7-lyr 1 71RANK HOYETTE, D.B.S. Dentistry Office on Main Street. O flora his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the. line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. tfeiTMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. JEWELRY Al CLOCKS! :o:- l have just received a large lot of Elegant Jewelry. This I will guaran tee to th purchaser to be ju;t as rep resented. I sell no cheap, "fire uilt" !.ods hut carry a standard line of oold front goods. The attention of the ladies is called to the latent style of breast pins thev arc "things of beauty !" The old reliable and standard SETII THOMAS CLOCKS always in stock, in various styles and sizes. t& He pairing of Watches Mid Clocks and mending jewelry is a specialty. All work I do is guaranteed to give en tile, satisfaction. Respectfully. .ei5-tf G. T. BAWLS. TOBACCO SEED! ltagland's varieties are standards of excellence in all classes and of Tobacco, and particularly lor Ex tra Fine Bright Mahoganies, and Sweet Fillers, for which his collection is unsurpassed and that produce theibest paying crops. His new Catalogue, free, will con vince planters of the advantages in using his superior varieties. Write for one, order the rest and raie crops that pay. 11. L. It AOL AND, Jan8 lrn Ilyco, Va. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMIS I hionc duly appointed by an or der of the Superior Court of Samp son county, in the case er Isaac Wil liams, executor of B. Lee, deceased, against the heirs-at-law of the said 11. Lee, will, on the 9th day of Feb ruary, 1891, at the court horse door in Clinton, N. C, at public aucth n, frell the lands of the said B. Lee. de ceased lying and being in Sampson county, .Newton Grove township, and known as tho "Cole place' Terms of Sale 20 per cent, cash, and the balance in two equal pay ments, payable in six and twelve months, with 8 per cent, interest Irom day of sale, with good and ap proved security. Title reserved un til the purchase money is pain in full. ISAAC WILLIAMS, Exec't and Commissioner. January 1st; 1890. 8-it I. T. & G. F. ALDERMAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 112 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cotton and Timber : also : Country Produce handled to best ad vantage. Reference 1st National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. aug2-tf BARBER SHOP If you wish a tirst-class Shave, Hair Cut, Shampoon or Mustache Dye, call at my place of business on wail Street, three doers from the corner of M. Hanstein's, there you win una me at an nours. RAZORS SHARP, SHEARS KEEN I If you want, a good job don't fail to call on me. J. II. SIMMONS, aprlO tf " Barber. Raise Turkeys weiehinc from 30 as to 40 pounds, and worth twice mucn as common stock, by buying iuh-oioou oreeas. Address, S. II. COLWELL, Wallace P. O.. novfl-tf Duplin Co., N. C. FOR RENT ! . -- 1 I" 1 -r-fc Store-nouse ana ior, nam and Stables connected with same, at In gold, N. C. Possession given imme diately. For further particulars apply to E. 0. HERRING, - Janl If Garland, N. C. Manlli Tnrkeys VOL IX. STATE CAPITAL. Ben ate Chamber, Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 2Gth, 9I. (Condensed from 8tate Chronicle.) THE SKNATli. TWELFTH BAY, TUESDAY, JAN. 20. At he request of Mr. Williams, Senate bill 3, amending Sec. 3005, Chap. 02 of the Code, was taken from the committee and placed upon the Calendar. The bill repeals the existing law allowing the collection of more than 6 per cent, interest. Mr, Williams made a strong speech for his bill and urged its immediate passage, but upon motion it was mad 3 the special order for 12 o'clock next Wednesday, when there will be a sin rt discussion pro and con. Mr. Butler, a bill to define fees of ofhetrs in actions where claim and delivery are resorted to. Mr. King, to prevent the playing of games in any place where liquors are sold. Mr. Butler, a bill to create a Rail road Commission. This is the bill formulated by the Railroad Com mission caucus. The Chronicle will give the bill in full when it comes up for discussion. The bill was re fered to the joint committee on Railroad Commission, of which Mr. Butler is chairman. Two hundred copies were ordered printed. THIRTEENTH DAY, JAN. 21. Mr. Culbreth, to enlarge the Juris diction of magistrates. Mr. Butler offered a reslution of thanks to Hon. J. L. M. Currie for the eloquent, able and highly instruc tive address with which ho favored the General Assembly to-day, and that he be requested to furnish a copy for publication. The resolution was unanimously adopted. A bill to change the name of the Western North Carolina Insane Asy lum to the North Carolina Hospital passed its several readings. Tho bill provides for the care of a limited number of inebriates in the institu tion aud for police regulations. Mr. Bellamy's bill to prevent per sons making assignments to have preferred creditors was made special order for Friday at 12 o'clock. FOURTHTEENTH DAY, JAN. 22. At this juncture Mr. Butler an nounced that Hon. J. L. M. Curry had complied with the request made yesterday, and moved that 1000 copies of his educational address be printed. The motion prevailed. The President announced that the special order for this hour was the consideration of the bill establish ing a Normal and Industrial Train ing School for girls. The bill of much discussion pass ed its second reading by the follow ing vote : Ayes: Messrs. Allen, of Bladen; Allen, of Granville; Alston, Ardrcy, Avery, Aycock, Bellamy, Biship, Bowers, Bull, Chesson, Culbreth, Davis, ot Franklin; Durham, Free man, Galloway, Gilman, Greene, of Harnett; Greene, of Wake; Griggsby Hobson,. King, Lucas, McLean, Mitchell, Morgan, Paine, Parker, Reid, Reynolds, Rose, Bussell, Shankle, Speight, Stanford, Turner, Twitty, Walser, White, Wilcox, Williams. Nays: Messrs. Bell. Davis, of Haywood. Mr. Butler explained that he did not vote for the reason that he had been instructed by the Sampson county Alliance not to support the bill. He felt sure that if they knew the ci"cumstances, and that the State would not be taxed for the school, they would not object to the bill. But with instructions not to support, he could not vote against the bill. FIFTEENTH DAY, JAN. 23 Mr. Allen, of Granville, to make appropriation for the Colored Or phan Asylum at Oxford; to provide for the removal of incompetent County Superintendents of Educa tion. Bill to amend chaper 202, laws of 1889, passed third reading. Bill to amend chapter 68, laws of 1887. The bill makes the minimum fine for carrying concealed weapons thirty dollars. Bill to incorporate the Leaksville Allutuaium Manufacturing company elicited considerable discussion on the clause allowing perpetual sue ccssiou. It was amended by strik ing out the woras "perpetnal suc cession." Mr. Butler said that he was glad the "perpetual succession" clause was stricken out, but that that was n-t the worst feature of the bill. That its capital stock was unlimited ana that that had the power to mergo with any other company and go into even a different businnesa not contemplated in Its charter. In short it was tho most sweeping bil that had come before this body. He moved that the bill be recommitted for closer examination and for amendment. The motion prevailed. THE A SIXTEENTH DAY, JAX. 24. On motion of Mr. Turner, the rules were suspended, and Mr. Wil liams' bill making Gen. R. E. Lee's birthday a legal holiday, was taken up. Mr. Williams .aid that this bill is to commemorate the name ot one of the greatest men known to history. He was certainly the greatest war rior that has ever lived. His char acter was spotless. He possessed magnetism as no other man known to the world had possessed. It is not his he oism so much thit we would like to bring be lb re the youth of the land, as his devotion to duty. We have very few holidays in this country, and he though i It wise and fitting to have days upm which our people will assemble and talk about the great men who have made our history illustrious. The bill passed without a dissenting vote. SEVENTEENTH DAY, JAN. 26. A resolution, introduced by Sena tor Aycock, thanking our Senators and Representatives in the U. S. Congress lor their manly and able fight against the Force bill, and further that this Legislature would not appropriate one cent to the Columbian Exposition if this bill should become a Jaw. The resolu tion passed by a strict party vote. The action of this body was flashed over the wires to Washington. In less than two hours the news flashed back that the Democrats is Congress- had succeeded in postponing the "Force Bill." NOTKS. Mr. Neal Bell, of Piney Gr jve, wa up Tuesday to see his little daughter, who is in Raleigh. The R. R. Commission committee give a public hearing to the Rail roads to night. The bill has passed its first reading and will probably be put on its second reading Fri day. Senator Culbreth, of Columbus, has been appointed chairman of the committee on re-districting the San atoria! districts. The 6 per cent interest bill will be strongly advocated this week. Mr. William Daughtry, of Samp son came all the way to Raleigh to see Senator Vance re-elected. He spent several days here. THE HOUSE. Though no time has been wasted in this body, not many measures of general interest were considered du ring the past week. A bill levying a tax of 25 cents per ton on fertilizers sold in the State passed the House. It provok ed some discussion some members opposing the tax and ethers wishing to make it less. The most important bill to our section of the State, which will pro bably be considered during the ses sion, passed the House on Tuesday. It is Mr. Sutton's bill to tax emi grant labor agents. It provides that no agent or person shall solicit any person to leave this State for the purpose of being employed outside of the State without first obtaining a license therefor. For this license he shall pay one thousand dollars m each county in which he shall solicit laborers. The penalties are heavy. So if the bill passes the Senate, and proves to be constitutional, the busi ness of enticing laborers fro in North Corolina will probably be put an end to. The bill will hardly fail to pass the Senate, as all the central and eastern sections are suffering under the evil sought to be remedied. On Friday Mr. Jonss introduced a resolution instructing our Senators and requesting our representatives in Congress to vote against the force bill. This precipitated a warm dis cussion. In explanation of his vote Mr. Pritchard, the Republican lead er ot the House, made a bold, bitter, partizan speech against the rosolu tion. He declared the election bill aimed at in the resolution was no "force bill." It simply meant a free vote aud a fair couat. Experience had demonstrated that the colored man in the South dared not cast his vote as he wished, and if he did it would not be counted, and much more to the same effect. Mr. Peebles, Mr. Skinner and Mr. Jones replied to him, andTlid it ef fectually. Mr. Pritchard is a man of handsome presence and marked ability, but his partizanshlp is limited only by the exegencies of his party. Judging from his course here, he is in full accord with all the schemes of the national Repu blican party to perpetuate its power. Mr. Bell hss introduced a bill to abolish county boards of education and to pay County Superintendents $1.00 a day out of the public school fund and requiring all persons ex amined by them to pay them $2.00. Also one to prohibit the" sale of liquor within one , milo , of Turkey post office. . The latter was asked for by nearly all the citizens in the community. - r CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY NOTES. One member from an extreme eastern county has been urged by one of his constituents to secure erection of a light house at the mouth ot a certain creek and to have that con stituent appointed keeper. The Fame gentleman also has been appointed to secure an appropriation of $25,000 to clean out a certain stream. Many of the members are still sick. Mrs. W. K. Pigford, accompanied by one of her little girls, was in the city last Friday, on her way to vi-dt relatives at Winston. Some days ago a Republican mem ber of the House, before tlr commit tees of the present House had been printed, read over the list of the committees of the hst House and became very angiy because he had not been appointed on any com mittee. A TRIP Through Eastern Cumberland ane Northern Sampson. (Special Correspondent-) Fayetteville, N. C, January 21st, 189L. "Mr. Editor: On last Friday morn ing, in company with a friend, the writer left this place on a trip through Eastern Cumberland and Northern Sampson. On the way we found the farmers busy plowing and repair'ng their fences, all of which goes to show that the farmers are more determined than ever to make success of farming. Most every farmer's house we passed we found from ten to fifty bags of cotton in their yards and this shows that they are out of debt. Afteralongand weary ride through the rain we arrived at the home of that clever gentleman, Mr. George Williams, of Newton Grove, where wo . pent the night, aud a very plea sant one too. Neat day we visited Newton Grove, where we find everything in a prosperous condition. The mer chants at that place have u good trade, and if they had a railroad there it would be one of the fore most towns in this country. We think that the farmers and business men of that section should hold a meeting and take some steps towards getting a railroad through that sec tion. That night we returned to Mr. WilliaiL-s', where we attended a very enjoyable dance given by the young people of that place. The music, which was very good, was furnished by the string hand. The music ren dered by Miss Sallie Sneed, on the violin, was as good as we ever heard. Sunday we visited the Salem sec tion of Sampson county, and find the school at that place in a prosper ous condition ; we also find a large building in course of erection there for the accommodation of pupils. The main building is to be eighty five feet by forty leet, two stories high, and there is to be a hoarding house added to the main building 40x35 feet. Salem is destined to be come one of the best instit utions of learning in the State. Sunday night was spent with our good friend, Mr. C. H. Williams, of Dismal, where we had the pleasure of meeting the Music and Art teach ers of Salem High Sch ool. After a long ride, Monday night finds us again in the old historic town of Fayetteville. "Ettelam." A Right of Horro-. The Eg.vpt coal mine, near Egypt Station. K. C, ia the only coal mine in North Carolina, and has ntmally 401abor- rn employed iu it The pit is 430 feet deep, iind tUt-re is only one cage used to draw out the men. During one after- no-i tlik ctg(? yas caught by a Blight cavo in Rttout midway between the top and lotcom of tc shaft, thus rendering nsoIecB th- only, means by which the la'tnirers cotld et out. At Crst Robody knew what to do. M Uiers. ive, and children, of the im prisoned ui gathered about the mine and their eriea of apjony conld be , heard a mile aw;y. It was known that the water rose rery rapidly in the mine, and with the machinery blocked there was no possiMe way of pumping it out. Hie miners would therefore drown if not rescued coon. No voice could penetrate the deptta, and no sound could be heard from below. Night came on, but there was no pros pect of rescue. At last the president ef the coal mine company got some men to work, and throughout the long hours whil they tried to loosen the machinery mothers walked up and down weeping, with babies in their arms. Midnight came but nobody thought of sleeping. Just before daybreak some men w ere lowered down to the fastened cage and cut a hole in it The glad tid ings were sent up that the men were all alive. Soon ropea were let down, and one by one they were pulled ; out. All were alive, but had the rescue been de layed a few hours more sdl would have been drowned, as the water in the mine bad rUcn four feet and would soon have covered lite head of every man. They were all wet, oold, and half starred. One old man said: "We did not expeCl to be rescued at all. We felt sure that the mine, had caved in at the top, and not a man of Us ever expected to be taken out of that pit alive. We huddled close together, and spent the time in singing and praying. We knew by the rate at which the water was rising on us that it could only be a matter of a few hours before we should all drown, and it required a lot of talk and persuasion to keep some of tha men- from lying down in the water and drowning befoie it was three feet deep. We then made a bargain to stand ou our feet just as long as we could, and when we ceuld stand no longer we had agreed to all lie down in the water at the $ame time and die. It was an awful tuna. and X think we ail Buffered the fcorrora of a hundred deaths. i UCASI 7 mzx. Wjilto Supromaor. i i . . . - DIRAffl RANCH A Story of American Frontier Life. By Capt CHABLES ZIKO, IJ. g. JL, A uthor of"Th ColoneTt Daughter MiVom th JtanJcs,n "Ths Deserter," Etc. Copyrighted 1S38 by J. B. LLpptacott Com pan-, F-lUdelphU, and pabllahed bjr spec-U arrtu-g. S-et-t through tha American Praia -s-rti CHAPTER X HE hounds were out. and all Fort Rossiter "society was with them The day was faultless neither too warm nor too cloudy: a is brisk westerly breeze sent the cloud shadows sailing steadily across the broad prairie s-a and keeping the veils and skirts of the Amazons of the party a-flutter. Three there were of these, the rest of the sisterhood pre ferring to follow the hunt by buggy or buckboard, though frankly expressing their envy of the fortunate riders. Mounted on her own spirited little bay, admirably fitted as to habit, and sitting squarely and well, Mrs. Belknap would have been the center of observation of all the cavalry officers even had she not been, as she incontestably was, the beauty of the garrison. The colonel had offered Mrs. Lawrence one of his own horses, and therefore was accorded the right of being her escort. Mrs. Sprague was similarly indebted for her "mount" to Capt. Stryker; and a very bright and beaming little body she was as she rode over the springy turf at the side of the dark haired troop leader. "Hard lines on Perry, Isn't it?" said Mr. Graham, as he trotted up beside Mrs. Belknap and took his place for the mo ment with her bevy of cavaliers. "First time he ever missed a hunt, I reckon. "He needn't have missed this one," said Parke. "It was my week, and I told him to go; and Capt. Stryker said so, too; but" Here Mr. Parke-broke off suddenly and looked in mild wonderment in Dana's f aee, for that young gentleman had man aged, unseen by Mrs. Belknap, to swing free his right foot and givo the speakers left a vehement kick. Too late, however. Mrs. Belknap had heard it. "Are you cavalrymen all so little to be trusted?" she asked, with a brilliant smile upon her flushing face. Exercise and excitement had lent unusual sparkle to her eyes and color to her cheeks -"she is positively beautiful today," as Mrs. Law rence confessed to the colonel at the mo ment. "I had a note from Mr. Perry this morning saying he was grievously dis appointed, but that some troop duty had been assigned to him which could not be transferred and he must stay and finish it." "What he said is true, Mrs. Belknap," promptly asseverated Mr. Dana. "The papers have all to be in readiness for muster on Monday, and the saddle kits put in shape for inspection." "Only in Capt. Striker's troop?" softly inquired the lady, with eyelids rising in credulously. "No, of course not. One officer is back at the post from each troop. It happened to fall on Perry in his." "I fancy I should prefer serving in some older captain's troop if I were Mr. Perry. It seems that while your other captains stay home and look after their companies, Capt, Stryker has a sub altern attend to his while he comes a hunting." "On the other hand, we fellows hwve a dozen things to do in our troops that Capt. Stryker does himself in his. It's as broad as if s long, Mrs. Belknap," said Dana. He did not fancy her criticising the methods of his cavalry associates, nd was possibly a little piqued at the decided annoyance she showed at Perry's failure to attend. Meantime, Stryker, all unconscious of her censure, was chat ting laughingly with Mrs. Sprague and exchanging shots with the colonel and Mrs. Lawrence. The four were getting on admirably together, and seemed too much absorbed in their own fun to note the fact that Mrs. Belknap and her knot of four or five satellites had been grad ually edging away toward the right, and that the rest of the hunt was becoming widely scattered. "It is time we stirred up a jack rabbit at least," said the colonel. "Suppose we veer over toward the northwest a little. Whatever we do, we want no chase down there toward Dunraven ; those wire fences would spoil it alL "I wonder if those people never hunt?" said Mr. Farnham, who had joined the quartet: he always kept close to his colonel, as befitted an aspirant for the adjutancy. "Englishmen are generally game for all sorts of sport. "I can Bee horsemen out there on the prairie to the east of the ranch," said Stryker, whose eyes were keen, "and I could have eworn a moment ago that I saw a horsewoman. "Nonsense, Capt. SfcrykerP exclaimed Mrs. Lawrence, yet with a quick glance at Mrs. Sprague. "What could you have taken for a "lady on horseback? Do you suppose there could be ladies at Dunraven and we not know itr "Hardly possible," answered the cap tain, "and therefore I doubted the evi dence of my senses. Yet something very like a lady followed by a groom rode down the slope into the valley about ten minutes ago. She is out of sight in the timber now. If Perry were only with U3 I'd send him off there to see." . "Yes, we miss Perry on our hunts,1 said the colonel to his lady friends. "He is one of our best riders and most enthusiastic sportsmen. He will be out, will he not. Strvker?" "Yes, sir. There is really no neces sity for his staying in, and I so told him; but he felt, that he ought to, at least until certain work was finished.. Then he said he could ride eastward and join AN - 29, 1891 us. Hurrah! uei uur ui Far out to the front, straight to the ! east, "a gray streak with a white tip to ; it" went ttoc4in into space as thoMch launched from some invisible bow drawn by giant power. A big jack rabbit, all legs and ears, had listened quivering and rremoung to the sounds of the approach ing hunt, until an enterprising terrier, foremost skirmisher of tho line, fairly tumbled over him as be crouched behind a little bunch of weeds: then with one mighty leap and the acconipaniment of a wild yelp from his discoverer he spranc forth into a race for his precious life. lioyl hoyr yells the sere-cant as he sights the quarry. " Hurrah P shout tike nearest huntsmen, and, with one simul taneous impulse, skirmishing ours, stealthy, springing hounds, eager 6teeds, and jubilant riders men and women away goes the entire field sweeping in pursuit. At first all is one mad rush until it is certain that the rabbit ia a veteran who understands well the maxim that "a stern chase is a long chase" all the world over. Close behind the master of the hounds. all eyes fixed on that bounding tuft of gray and white a few score yards ahead, bending over their horses' necks and keeping just enough pressure on the bit to prevent overriding the huntsman, rida Parke and Graham, two "light weights," who have coursed many a mile of prairie. Just behind them, a little to their right, rides Mrs. Belknap, her veil fluttering straight out behind, her glorious eyes nasmng, bar dark skin flushed with tri umph and the exhilaration of the da&h- ing pace, her litf le hands wound about in the reins she holds so firmly. Splondidly 6he sits her fleet racer, and Dana has to urge and spur his clumsier troop horse to keep in close attendance. These four are well in advance of all the others. Back of them, gallantly urging on her sturdy sorrel, comes Mrs. Sprague, with Stryker riding warily alongside and watching her "going" before he will sat isfy himself that it is safe to trust her to her own guiding. Level as the prairie is here, he knows that a mile or so ahead there are "breaks" leading down into the valley of one of the innumerable tributaries of the Washita. Then the story may be different. He looks up in surprise at the thunder of hoofs close alongside, and Mrs. Law rence, with excitement in her eyes, over takes, then passes them on the way to the front. "Seel" he points to his part ner, "see that dark shadow across the prairie out there. We cannot ride at this pace when we pass that hollow; the breaks set in still farther." He glances over his shoulder antTsignals to the near est officer to follow Mrs. Lawrence and look out for her, and the gallant does his best, but all are at top speed; the colonel and the heavy weights infantry and cavalry are beginning to lose ground, and still thatjgray "puff ball" far to the front seems inch by inch to be slipping away from his pursuers. Will ho keep his determined course, up hill and down, straight away to the east, or will he lose heart, tact, veer, double and twistr If he swerve he is a lost rabbit I Far to the rear, yelping, panting, dis tracted by this time, the terriers and mongrels, the original leaders, have fall en. The field, too, is strung out nearly a mile deep at the end of the first six minutes' run, for some of the laggards have given up and are disposed to wait for the coming of the buggies and buck boards. Here at the front all is tense excitement. All eyes are on the rabbit. for now or never will the crisis come. The horses are breathing heavily, but with no thought of slackening speed. "Watch htm now as he sights that arroyol" shouts Gtraham to Parke, for far oat to the right front a ravine boasts off to the southeast, and one of its shal low contributors stretches obliquely across the rabblrs frenzied vision. Veer that way; he'll take it sure!" shouts the huntsman; and, sure enough, no sooner does he reach it than the gray victim darts down the winding shelter, as though hopeful that his sudden twist would throw his pursuers off the sight; scent the greyhound has none. The move is disastrous; "HIT shout the lead ing riders, waving the pursuit to the right front, and, obedient to signal, the foremost hounds sweep in long curve into the coulee, striking it many a yard farther down than where the harried chase first dived into its treacherous shadows. And now those hounds who were out on the right flank are up in line with the very leaders, and. bounding along the level at the side of the ravine, yet keep ing wary eye upon the chase. So, too, the horsemen. Making a deep curve in the ravine five hundred yards ahead, and confident that Bunny will blindly rush along his winding track, they strike out across the prairie, gaining twenty hors lengthsby the move; and now, with two or three of tho oldest hounds, Parke, Dana and Mrs. Belknap are darting on abreast of the chase. "Keep out there to the left, some of you!" shouts Dana. "He'll spring up the other side quick as he sees us. Drive him back. And, obedient to tlie signal of his waving hand, two of the leading troopers breast the slopes to the east, calling half a dozen hounds with them. Darting around a bend, Bunny's agonized eyes catch sight of the Itounds and horses on the right bank, and like a flash he whirls, scamp ers up the opposite slope, and shoots out on the prairie again just in time to meet the hounds and troopers who have an ticipated the move. Now he is wild and demoralized. Once more he dives into the ravine and sends the dust flying into the very faces of his pursuers, for now the leading hounds are so close that the foremost jaws are snapping the air at his every bound. A quick turn to the right and up the slope throws these leaders far- too far beyond; they sweep around In long curre; but. though he has thrown them off. the hunted, senseless, helpless wretch has forgotten the trailers in the rear; they spring across the angle he has made, and are close as the original pur suers, and much the fresher. Wildly, madly now he twists and turns, first up one bank, then the other. Far to the rear the coming riders see the signs of bis breaking down, ittark the scurrying to and fro of horse and hound. "Come on!" they shout, "He's gone now, and we can be in at the death!" Mrs. Law rence on one side of the ravine is as far to the front as Mrs. Belknap on the other. One of them most lose the brush; he oannot die on both sides at once. The dark beauty has had more than one rasping disappointment In the last two days: it would be Intolerable now that. after all. Mrs. Lawrence, and no she. T . . ------ ------ai NO No. 16. -uauu-a pro tv uw. l 1 X Bunny makrs ono fraatia rush up the slope to the righi, and. with half a dosen hounds at his very heels, spins la front of hr eyes, catches sight of two f rwh sntagonutls fronting trim, whirls sud denly about to the right, and almost dives under her horse's tawvb-g barrel as he once more rdunge into the ravine, down the rugged slope, up the gentle ascent to the other side. There half a dozen long, lean muzzles gleaxu close be hind him; he falters, wavers; a sharp nose is thrust underneath him as he runs, a quick toss sends him kicking, strug gling into the air, and in another instant. with piteous but ineffectual squoak and pleading, he is tfee center ot a tumb ling, sosf-ping. fcvng stuuhing group of hounds, and Us little life Is ton out al most before Graham can leaf) from his saddle, beat them back with the visor of his cap, then, seizing the still quivering body by the legs that would kare saved could Chat empty head only have direct ed, holds poor Bunay aloft in front of Mrs. Lawrence's snorting steed and pro claims her "Queen'of the Qiaso." And this, too, lias Mrs. Belknap to see and strive to smile; while down In her heart site knows that it could not so have happened had Perry come. (Continued next week. DID TOP KNOW ITT VTo, Too, IIb-c ma Empire on WUIrh tha Son NTr Hal. Webster'- eloquent doscriitkt t f tite British Empire is very ru.idaUe, but we doubt whether it is genorally re.thz'Hl that we, too, have a doruinioa 011 which the sun never sett. It will liarll v Ut ) littved, perbapn, without uu exu'iiitmiioii of the map, that Ban Fran LCv. of being the weit line of tlm dontiuio , ia only atout midway between uur o t t eru and western limita; aiul jt it Li n fact that the furthest Aleutian Ido ac quired In our puroi.a.e of Ku.iian Amer ica is as far to tlio wet of that vltv as Eastport, Me., Vi to tho east of it. Be tween tho northwest limit of tho Stats of Washington and the southern limit uf Alaska there is a bio..- of a few d, r- , but with the slighteat reduction mir ter ritory extendi through 196 dutte uf longitude. r 17 W- ,.tet mom lluu hlf way round the gluU.. Henoe, wheu the mm is givi t iUimhI night kiss to our westward Was, on the confines of the Bhriuf, Setk. it is already flooding the fields and furenN of Maine with itri uinruinir light, aud ia th east ern part of th State is nuiw than an hour high. At the very mo- nent when the Aleutian firiherman, wkred by the approaching shades of niht, i pulling his canoe toward th short1, the wood chopper ot Maine ii begi lining to wake the furest echoes with his stirring uiiuic of the axe. MODJBSKA. AND Till- CAT. An Experience I'pon the Htmg That Mad tha Aetrrna Slunt Wratcliad. Modjeska blame a nt for one of tho most wretchod nm ent of her life. 81;e was playing "Camille. " The climax in reach.d when, seeing her wasted form in the glass after her sickness, CatnilSo x-pre-tcs herself in a dismal shriek. Tit! evening, preceding this crowning y-'.l perhaps a minute, there strolled ui . t:v; stage at the first entrance a ihuh: urely cat one of the sex which rov. He proceeded along the fooll ghU kmhu 10 feet, and then, bending his y-l.ow gaze on the alien with thu big li i He, stood in feline admiration of the virtuosi. Modjeska, busy with her work, wji'i her back to the front, saw nothing. at the proper placf, floated forJi iiliri the lnce'f which had not l-ee v..i'-ri lv Polish t-)r.a sinoe KtMK-in-ko f-l:. '.'It effect on the eat was magic f. Newr til tiio Koinlter alley or the high ec of a mom lighted roof, neither in 1 i i ; spooning nor mortal fight ha 1 he etvr produced or hears! a noie i;. e pal. Turning wildly, his reason ov-i tinowrt. his horror stricken tail as large a baby's leg, he fled, while the people roared and yelled. Poor Modjetska almost fainted, an 1, suspecting the csmso to be hoih .V- ficiency in ghrb, stuck her ten nn-ra in her costume and e nteied afVr tVe cat Seotch Furnneaa Shut Dowb. A London dispatch nays that fires have been quenched in all the Scotch iron furnaces with the exception of a few farnaces which do not belong to the masters' combination and which manufacture iron for private purposes. The lockout will reduce the market sup ply 20,000 tons weeklv. Two Dei p rata Cvlmlaala. Sluggers There goes a fellow who possesses every kind of vice, ne's a carpenter. Swift Ah t hut he has just passed a man whose hands are literally steeped in blood. He's our butcher. As age creeps rapidly upon the Prince of Wales he grows less frisky, and his edatenebs is credited to virtue. - ftuiiecf the Chicago school principals r. ,nt r. uiutiual training anuax to each of the city itgh schools. COXSUHPTIGX SURELY CUBED. To the Eiutok l'lt-RMs inform your readers that I have a pwitive remedy for the above named litae By its timely u-e thousand f hopelsf cases hav been permanent 1? cured. I shall be elad to end two bottle of nv reiuedv free to any of your read ers who have consumption if thev will send me their express and post office address. Kespectfuly. T. A. SLUOU-J, M. C, 181 Pearl St.. 'ew York Papa," temarked Johnny. should like t be u pirate u hen I grow up." "All rhht my boy," re marked the old gentleman, "we w.ll put you iu charge cf the humorous column on religious newspapar." Isew York Suu. Yob are In a Bad Fix But v e will cure you if you 1I1 .pay us. uur message ia to tne ?hk. nervous and debilitatea, wim, by early evil habits, or later Indiscre tions, have trifled away their vigor of body, mind and manhood, and suffer all those effects which lead to premature decay, consumption or in sanity. If this means you, send for and read our Book of Life, writ ten by the greatest Specialist of the day, and sent (sealed) for 6 cents in stamps. Address Dr. farkers Med leal and Surgical Institute, 151 North Bprttee Bt., isashvllie, Tenn, THINK J JUDICIOUS ADTCRTISUll CREATES many a new bu:w m EXLARG ES rnaor an old Kii c. RE VI YES many a dull !sinciw, RESCUES many a .t rsrhr, S A VES many a failing VtM-inc, PRESERVES many a hvg 'mim. SECURED uccc to any bu;;-a Therefore adverlUc la a r pul pir, oue the people arc anxious to rr.ul. NEWS OF TIIK WKEK. VARIOUS ITKMS OF IXTKUIXT OATiii:ui:i,ANi inui'Fi.Y STATU I) SIXCK OUK LAST ISSUK. Quevu Victoria h.n conti United 11,000 to the Irish lU lU f Fund. Tho Fuive bill dooturr?. "4rt till H-tUng" waiting to Imuh Irom a Bpolled egg. There have lvu kcvc:.1.! esw of stuall-pox In Savannah an. I there art fear of an epidemic. Kyangelist Fif U ihi- w.k i . iA'xington conducting im'ting. He bulolngood work for humanity. IthM-si'd that Senator Matt. W. Hansom made 9'Mi b.ile of o.Uou hist year on his farm H Xorth.un ton county. The Young Men's I'hiUliun Asm. elation of Wilmington ha given out a contract for a bu.MIn 1. boore'i-d at a cost of fai,W2. Gov. Hill, of New York, hm Uvn elicted United State Senator. lie Ik tho first Democratic Senator New York ban bad in over two decade. The iieidy uul ii-ervin;r .hito girl of North Carolina w ill Im now aided by the State to get an iudu -trial education. ; his is as it f-hmiM bo. The llusNlan ministry !ims devidl to begin thl year the construction of a tall way across SiIrtIu to tho Pacific ocean at an estimated cost of $340,000,000. Cross and Vhito are pardoned. The Governor, as well as tho public in genera!, thinks that thy have al ready received enough vunishmcut to cover the crl me. Tho AH'ance men in the Kansas Legislature have pledged themselves to voto against IngalLs. Also, it is said, that six Republicans will voto agairHt him. This make his defeat a certainty. The Senate bill to establish an In dustrial School for white girls pass ed the three readings with an enthu siastic whoop. Three cheers ania royal Bengal tiger, teth, claw and all, ftrour Farmeis legislature. Kxtremo cold weather tdlll pre vails throughout all Europe. Many found frozen in their house. i0,0(M) persons out of emplopment and the loss in France by the stopping of la borers is ehtimaicd at &0,0:0,00'J francs. This is an era ot political surprises. Senator Blair, like Senator Ingalls, has been laid on the cooling b.ard. Unlike the latter, however, Blair ha been given no opportunity for a death-bwl repentance. Louisville Post, Dem. It is very gratifying to note that the government is paying more at tention to, and supplying more and better lights on the North Carolina coast. Foryearsthfhealds iu inland coast navigation were shamefully neglected iu the Kastern waters of our State. Western Sentinel. Mortgages are wear! tic down th spirits of the Ves'ern farmers. The Southern lands are comparatively iree irom uebi. sentinel. We hope that our contemporary has made no mistke in regard to his vitwscone rningtheprosiKTous con dition of the South. The U. 8. Senate dispensed with prayer Saturday. That's rlcht. A gng of conspirators engaged In tlrs vork Ihat tho majority of the Senate is now engaged ?n have 110 use for prayer. It looks liko burlesueing prayer to be asking divine guidance) for them. Wil. Star. Two Senators, both of longer 'ur- vke than two-thirds of the S4.-n.1te, with their suierior ability, gives North Carolina an admirable stand ing in tne National Council. There are not but two or three In tin? Sen ate 1.0 w that were theie when Ban om entci-eJ that body in 172. On Iact Sunday New Yotkhd tho most destructive snow storm that it has had iu many years. The sirrets were strewn with fallen telegraph poliM and many tccidents sml fires wereeausetl b timbers falling on the electric light wires, but tho fire w as eitlngu!shel without much loss. Nouch work ol devastation has been known tineo the gnat bll.zard of March 18SG. Mr. Charles C. Daniels, who fur sevora! years has edited the Wilson Advance with much ability, ha re tired from the editorship of that journal and has t-ecn succc?ded by Mr. Claude V lison, Its lornn r busi ness manager. Mr. VsuleU will practice law al Franklin, ramo .ev enly miles beyond Asherille. Both parties have our best wiahe for their continued success. On Monday E. F. Moore, ex -pi ev ident of the broken Pei pie's Nation al Bank of Fayetteville, wa arrest ed on a warrant sworn out before a U. S. Commissioner, charging him with embezzlinff $10G,000 of tne funds of said bank. It Is thought that Moore will waive examination aud give bond for his appearance at che Federal Court in Wilmington in May. As rearly at can be estimated, the: flee loss in the United States for the ytar 1890 amounted, In rouud num bers, to $94,000,000. The year 1889 showed a loss of $117,000,000. Thl makes a difference of $23,000,000. It is thought that the multiplication of fire departments and the adoption of more complete precautions against fire have been the cause of the enor- clous falllnf. oft. Or it may just be UeVW- S4MtSMr.V.a a off yeaf) i ... ii 4 I 1 1 '1 ii -v it IS I 1 is ' - 4 I i i 1 2' I