THE CAUCA: Entercl acconliir' to j'ootal ' v- at Clinton. N. -'.. 08 econ? cla- mail matter. CLINTON, N. (., J A A. L'J IVJi. STATE PRESS NATIONAL CAPITAL foiccu uili, di;ai. Senator fiJKall is quoted as Faying tliat the rreat blunder of his life was voting lor the tariff bill. No it wasn't. The grf-at blunder of his life was tcing born. Wil. wtar. A New York club in discus sing the question, -'How would you make thin world a better world?" Why, jst bury the Republican larty, scatter a lot of quick lime on it, aiin cover it up well. Wil. Star. "This is a government where the will of the people is the law of the knd," naid Grant. "The people bf-d-d," ays Hoar ami Ufpn. "When they don't vnin to suit us we will fix them s-o they must. N. Y. Wold. Tim Protectionists are on the inn. Keep them running Give them no chance to rally, be fcftivf atreressive. persistent liifhters and the war on the far mer will iiot end uutil he has obtained the final victory. N. Y. World. For extravigance, the record of the second session of the riftv iirpt Conkres is unsur passed. The appropriations vol ed a'ready teach ?1G0,000,G00: while only three appropriation bills have been put through. N. Y. Star, Dem. Porter's census returns show one hundred and forty differen religious beliefs in the United States. The varieties are -urn pie sufficient but the stock o religion on hand might be larg ly increased with profitable re tults. Rural Heme & Sentinel For the fit st time in nearly forty yeai s the Democrats wil have a majority of the Repre sentatives from the Northern States. That is a fact of espe cial importance in elminaling sectional agitation. If the Force bill should fail that chapter o our political history will be closed. Pittsburg Post, Den. The leading financial and in dustrial papers of the country predict a continuance of pros perous times and easier money market. Everything points to improvement. The general movement toward development and prosperity will culminate next year m the election of a Democratic administration. Norfolk Landmark. Whether the uniform practice of legislation in thd Senate for 100 years shall be intermitted or not in order to pass the Force bill, their will be no difficulty in fixing the responsibility for tliis damnable piece of partizar rascality. No political organi zation that has existed in this country ever yielded up its life to the accom fan i merit of a more disgraceful and ignable death knell. Phil. Record, Dem. Many a person talks-, too much and finds when too late that si lence would have been goldsn. The Mongols have a story on this wise : The geese, when about to start southward on their autumn mi gration, were entreated by a frog to be taken him with them. On.e of the .jeese expressing their willingness to do so, if a means of conveyance could be devised, the frog produced a stork of strong grass, got the two gtese to take ii , one by each end, while he clung to it by his mouth in the middle. In this manner the thrae were making the journey successfully, when they were noticed from below by some men, who loudly ex pressed their admiration of the device, and wondered who had been clever enough to discover it. The frog opened his mouth to say, ''It was T," lost his hold, fell to the earth and was dashed to pieces. Do not let pride induce you to speak, when safety requires you to be silent. Christian Ob server. We don't want the bloody scenes of reconstruction days repeated. We now have peace within our borders. The whites of the South are developing their own resources.The negroas are being slowly prepared for the duties of citizenship. Every thing is moving along serenely and the promise of the future is brighter than, ever ' before We have no wish, to exchange that condition of affairs for chaos. As we would not for a moment tolerate the inter vention of 1 ederal troops in New l orb, so we declare tha troops shall not be sent t Richmond or Charleston. We can take care of our own Stale affairs and stand ready to tel Mr. Harrison or any other President to keep his hands off, There is no reason why South Carolina should be treated other than New York is treated Therefore Democratic senators and a few among the RerJubli cans are trying to render the passage of this bill imposible If they fail, after having done their utmost, they will stil have the consciousness tha they did what they could avert the inevitable disaster. N. Y. Herald. solution. Moiton he had ruling. Regular Correspondence.! Washington, D. C, Jan. 2G. Senator Gorman is proving i nisei f mora than a match for the republican Senators, and he is still confident that with the active and determined support of democratic Senators and the moral support of the conserva tive masses of the country, the Force bill and its revolutionary ore; un tier, the gag-rule, can be defeated. He fairly and square- y outgeneraled the republicans when they attempted to wear out the democrats by a continu ous night and day session of the Senate, and now he is winning mw parliamentary laurels by he manner in which he is blocking the republican at tempt to force a vote upon Senator AIdichN gag-rule re- He compelled Mr. to acknowledge that made an erroneous The republicans have but one hope of succeeding and that lies in Vice President Morton making an arbitrary decision in their favor, and the probabilities are rather in favor ot his doing so, although it will be because of the great pressure brought to bear upon him and not because he wants to do it. Even if the Senate adopts the gag-rule resolution and passes the Force bill, there will still be grounds upon which to base hope for its de feat. The amendments made to the bill in th3 Senate will make its return to the House unnecessary, and there the de mocrats can renew the fight, which the nearness of the 4th of March and the eud of the session, may make successful. At any rate the republicans in the House will nave to nave a quorum of their own members in order to pas9 it, and that's more that they have had for three successive days during the session. Czar Reed as he nears the end of his power shows a die position to resume some of his tricks of the last session. By the denial of a request that wis right and fair, he, this week, provoked Mr. Mills into an ex hibition of t mper that is very much regreted ty that gentle man s inends; not on Keen s account, he deserved all that Mr. Mill's said of him, but on ! account of the effect that it may have upon the candidacy of M. Mills for the Speakership of the next House. "You are perpetrating a fraud upon the House," shouted Mr. Mills, ad vanceing down the aisle, and shacing his fist at the Speaker, "and you know it." Mr. Mills then intimated in language not to be mistaken that the Speaker was not an honorable gentle man. A minute or two later Representative Kerr, of Inwa. had the bad taste to call Mr. Mills a "traitor." "Yon are a traitor yourself," retorted Mr. Mills, "to the constitution and the laws. Yon are trying to surround the ballot box with bayonets and to deprive the people of their right of repre sentation." This was followed by a scene hard to desciibe. I he democrats cheered Mr. Mills loudl? and the republi cans hissed. Representative Perkins of Kansas said "Dut he dirty loafer (Mills) out, "and in a moment he found the big fist of Representative Mar in, of Indiana, in close proxi mity, to his no, o and was in-; ormed that if there was to be any "putting out" he (Martin) proposed taking a hand in it. That was the last heard of Per kins. In the mean time the Seargent-at Arms trotted out with the gold head mace, the emblem of authority in the House and quiet was restored. The Dockery resolution pro viding for an investigation of the Congressional Silver pools is bearing fruits. Senator Vest has testified that Senator Cameron told him that he had made some money speculating in silver bullion, and Senator Cameron has acknowledged it claiming that he hid ar inuci right to speculate in silver as in corn, wheat or any other product. How is that for cod! audacity? The chairman of the committee, Representative Dingley, of Maine, is accused of having adjourned the commit tee from last week until Wed nesday of this week in order to prevent Senator Vest from testifying nntil after the Pen nsylvania legislature had r eleted Cameron to the Senate, although Mr. Vest had stated his willingness to testify . It is believed here that Cameron would have been defeated had his connection with the silver speculation been made public before his re-election. There are other big republicans who will be opposed if the commit tee does its duty without fear or danger. I he latest scheme ot Reed and his henchmen in the House to force the s.lver republican Senators to vote for the Force bill is outlined in the announce ment mat the House commit tee on Coinage, before which the free coinage bill now is. will not report that measure to the House until the Senate passes , the Force, bill. It re- mains to be seen how the silver republicans in the House will take this. Thy will be given an opportunity of voting with the democrats to discharge the committee and take the bill up in the House. Representativn Bland has already offered a substitute foi a resolution to be reported from the committee on Rules to limit the debate on the appropriation bills, makii.g the fiee coinage bill a continual ordei after January 27. Later: Thj Democrats in Congress have made a noMe, heroic, and able fight against that infamous measure known as the "Force Bill," and were crowned with glorious success on last Monday by postponing the bill by a vote of 35 to 34. This practically means the dath of the measure. Alliance Department. ALLIANCE NOTES, DISCUS SIONS AND THE DOINGS OF THE VARIOUS LODGES. Our Farmers' Column. SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOIL. "There U no material progress that is well based and permanent without ajrrkultural NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. progress.' PLOWING. Different kinds of soiLrequire different management both in plowing and cultivating And many fail to secure the best re sults for no other reason than a failure to treat or manage the soil in the manner best calcula ted to secure the best result. Too many use the same kind ol a plow and manage both the preparations and cultivation in the same way no matter what the kind of soil. In a light sandy or loamy soil, the soil should be turned flat so that it will pack togeth er. Naturally the soil is too oose and the plowing and pre parations should be in a way to pack it rather than to loosen it up. Fayetteville Observer. 1 liBffl(i . JL .KS o The Caucasian' was adopted an the official Orjjiin of the Duplin County Alliance at the January lnpeting ol 1801. Jofokd, Duplin Co., January 20th, 1891. At a meeting of the Union Alliance, composed of Rockfish, Concord, Magnolia, Piney Grove, Carr's School-house, Chinquepin and Island Creek Sub-Alliances, a resolution was unanimously adopted that payment of taxes should be a necessary qualifica tion to suffrage. lhe necessity for this arises rrom tne great numoer ot our colored voters going South in the Spring in returning in time for the election, and having evaded taxation by being ab sent at the time of listing tax- ables, but are sure to be here at election time and claim their absence was only temporary. It was ordered that the fore going resolution be sent to The Clinton Caucasian for publica tion, and that the Progressive warmer copy tne same; also we would be pleased that this ques tion should be discussed as to the constitutionality ot such a law. Jas. E. Ward, Secretary of Rockfish Alliance, No. 846, Sec'y of Union Alli ance, pro. tern. "GOOI GENELiALSHIl AL LIANCE FORCES IN THE LEGISLATURE WELL HANDLED." To our many friends for their kind pa tronage during the past year. DON'T MA.KE ACCOUNTS. Farmers, above all people, should avoid store accounts, as a single crop failure is liable to make such a debt become very burdensome. If ready money is not obtainable the store ac count can often be avoided by growing something that can be exenangea tnrougn tne season for such things as must be bought. A little space and time devoted to vegetable W5 Our efforts the coming year shall be to serve them faithfully and satis factorily. Our large store-house will chickens, bees, fruits, etc., will be kept filled With Well C4- . r t t I iuicu pxiive ui wucxi inure va'ue than the mere amount of money Ai NUA1 ISMDHS SHU derived from the sale of the products, oy enabling one to avoit a debt. These things may be exchan ged at the store Qach week, in small quantities, answering the same purpose as casn. a -one-crop,'' larmer is almost always in debt for three-fourths of the year. By a little attention to II A I 1 .A 1 A 1 I smaii maueis oi mis SOU lie w;n "U 1 would be in a much more in- OUr priCeS Will De lOW. dependent position, and eventu- Selected Goods ! To suit the wants of everybody, and any nna mucn more his work. New Era. profit in I A CIIEAr COMPLETE FERTILISER. A mixture of acid phosphate, cotton seed meal, and kaiuit will make a complete fertilizer The Landmark again dips its sails to the Farmers' Alliance. It achieved a signal victory at Raltigh in the matter of the senatorship. It did not defeat Senator Vance but it did what auswers its purpose quite as well, it Instructed him. It in structed him to support the principles of thu Ocala plat form and that means the eub Tieasury plan. If the resolu tion does? not mean that it is a pretence, and we do not believe that it is a pretence. The Landmark does not believe in the justice, wisdom or practica bility of the sub-Treasury plan but it knows victor when it sees it and it has to congratu late the Alliance upon having won a clean, decisive victory in this case. Its forces in the Legislature were well handled and the whole history of this movement to instruct Senator Vance and elect him afterwards is a history of good general ship. Statesville Landmark. SENATOR I.N GALLS DEFEAT ED. Those who owe us accounts now past due, are expected to prompt ed ot moderate cost is ueed in hy pay them and save us the trouble of asking for same. Thankfully and respectfully, tne iouowing proportions to form a ton. 1,200 pounds Acid Phosphate. 600 " Cotton Seed Meal. 200 Kainit. lhe acid phosphate should run 12 percent, available phos phoric acid, the kainit should contain 12 per cent, potash, and tne meal should contain 8 to 9 per cent, of ammonia. This mixture will yield 8 per cent, oi puospnoric acid, per cent of potash and l.Ois per cent of ammonia, arhich is but little lower than the average com mercial fertilizer selling for 25 and 30 per ton. The in gredients and the mixing of the above formula should cost nnt more thau 19 per ton, and possibly less, if the ingredients a,'! carefully purchased. r.i , . iou may nave to masn up Wm. A. Johnson. ?fifl a Single Line of Business. some lumps in the kainit, but The Only 3tore in Town Devoted to uulu auiu puospnate and meal are always in fine condition for mixing. Ry mixing with hoes on a smooth floor the whnln may be rapidly and easily mix ed. H. B. Battle On last Tuesday monning Judge V. A. Peffer, editor of thb Kansas Farmer, was elected by the Alliance caucus as their candidate for U. S. Senator. The vote in the Legislature was as follows: Tn the House Peffer, 96; Ingalls, 23; Blair, 5. In the Senate Ingalls, 35; Pef fer, 2. Peffer was declared elected. Also Ex-Secretary Vilas oE Wiscooson has been elected to succeed Senator Spooner. IF YOUR HACK ACHES Or you are all worn out, really good for nothing H Is general debility. Try JIROWX'S IRON 111TTJSR8. It will oure you, and Rive a good appetite. Sold by all dealers in medicine. 01 ICE. B to Y VIRTUE OF AN EXE- cution in my hands, issuing from the Superior Court of Samp son county, in tne case ot state on relation of M. J. Pearsall, plaintiff, and W. II Thomson, guardian, and E. L. Faison and J. It. Beaman, Sr sureties, defendants, I will, at the court house door, in Clinton, on Monday, 12 o'clock in., being the 23rd day of February next, at pub lic sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the interest, title and es tate of tho deiendant, vv . II. Tom son, on the 8th day ot May, 1890, that being the day on which the judg lent on which the said execu tion is sned, was docketed in this, Sampson county, in a certain tract of land jituated in the county of Sampson, in Turkey township, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the bridge across the Mdl branch and running the various courses and nistances fully set out in a deed made by W. -:Thomson and others to V. 11. Thomson, on the 20th day of September, 1889, and registered in the llegister's office of Sampson county, in book 70. pasres 233 an 234, as on reference to said deed and Its registry will fully appear. JAS. M. SPELL, Sheriff Sampson Co This January 22nd, 1891. 29-4t TO BREAK A DOG TROM EATING E6GS. Devide a heaping teaspoon lull of tartar emetic int eight or ten doses. Break off the end of an egg, empty a patt of the cimtems ana stir into tne re mainder left in the shell a dose of tartar emetic. Confine th dog in a room, or tie him, and give nim tqe dectored egg. In an hour ho will be trvint' to turn Himself inside out. As soon as he is over the nausea. K-ive mm a. per.ono egg ana a third, if he will eat it. When he refuses to eat the eetr. and lets it lie ny him for several hours untouched, pry open his mouth-anl force the eutr down his throat. Afterward vnn mav trust him in your hou?e. The object in trying the doss Is to let him erot uothinsr else eat while he is undr treat ment, or he may think it was the last thing eaten that made him sick. The idea is to convince him that eggs no longer will lie on his stomach. Gazette. I have made a departure in the mercantile business by de voting my entire attention to a single line or Goods. Here you will find a complete line of goods and will he sure to see vhat you want. The following outline will give you som idea of our large stock : Hardwarel Nails, Hinges, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Saws of all kinds, Files, Axes, &c. Crockery I Dinner Sets, 120 piece decora ted Tea Sets, 56 pieces, decoraUu. Table Seta, decorated. And all kinds of Crockery by the piece. Farming Utensils! Shovels, Spades, Ifoes Rakes, I Glass and Tin. x Wi, xiwwb, i:ns, Anvthiliir VOU want in Glass or lrace-Chains, Clevises, &c. Tin Ware. Come in and see. In addition to the above classes of goods I have, and will keep in stock, Cook Stoves Heaters and Oil Stoves; Sash, Doors and other Building Ma terial; Glass, Tin and Sheet Iron ; Sausage Mills and Stuflers; Pot and Wood Ware of all kinds; Cutlery and Carpenters Tools of all kinds; Farm Bells, Guns, Pistols, &c. In short, just come and wc can eive vou anvthin?? in this lin vnn -n,t just a3 cheep as it can bo bought in the State. Who was interested in finan cial questions three years ago? Certainly the farmer gave him self no concern about tho money system of our government. He would scarcely have read an article on any national question. iNotBthe difference I The far mers are taking great interest in such matters. They are thinking and learning. The Farmers' Alliance has educated the people I. an interest in such, matters. The people may have some crude ideas about such matters, but they will learn. When tbey learn what is right they will do it. Kinston Free Press. T. H. PARTRICK, In the Old Stand of J. A. Ferrell, CLINTON, N. . Tff lin. Rook o ne V S?? winha II K.M.W001.rJKY.M W. H. DUNCAN'S Cheap cash: store For our Family Supplies. Jnst received, a large lot of Glassware, Sugars, Coffees, &c, which, are to be sold at astonishing LOW PRICES. - Give me a call and be convinced that I am heaequartees foii low prices. jan22 tf BBjra era of bima rmmi ta nu Tu.. ,HMItlWIU,tl.-ETcmrlOMfalTril'TSOiioPT. !, HMht MM2 - --- tm DKrXKEXXERS LIQUOR HABIT lu all th Wrld tbere is bnt one eure, . Ir. Ilalnes' Ooldea Specific j.1 t iren in cop of te orcoffe witboat tM knowledge ot th peraon taking it, effecting pdy and parmasent eara. whether the patient i a, niodarate drinker or aa alcoholic wreck. I faoaaaaUa drankaraa haYe beaa cured who have taken tha idia-8?".1-1' 2ff that ttalrk" wl! ewa Irna will, ho harnfut effect raaultS fn ... iBuatatratioa. Caree rurutiwi m.i Y-IT The entire stock of winter D In U k MSB Is to be closed out.. The prices are below anything1 ever before offered. We have hundreds of odd Suits, odd Pants, Coats and Vests and they have to be sold before we go north for our Spring Stock! All goods to be sold for Cash. King Clothier and Hatter, CLINTON. N. C. A SALE! UM ! The col.lest and most inclement part of winter in yet to cotne. Some merchant feel that the best part of the winter's trade past because tho Holidays hava come and jjoae. Not so with us. We believe that the time to sell goods ia all, the time. Acting on this belief we announce a n Of SEASONABLE ARTICLES at prices that will insure their speedv taking off. Don't fall to step in and i? quire the price of anything you way want in the way of LA PI ES' CLOA K ES AND SU A WLS, HOODS AND FACINATOHS. LADIES' AND GENTS, HEAVY GLOVES, MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDER WEAK, BLANKETS, FLANNELS AND LAP ROBES. m Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! When people want anything in this line they know thai we alwas have the Lino est stock, the best goods and lowest prices. WE LIKE I T To be bo understood and are determined to keep up our reputation. In this department we call special attention to our stock of Spades, Shovels, Pi tch Forks, Briar Hooks. Boxing Axes, Grub Hoes, Plow 1 ,5nes, Back Bands,fce. PSlLJdS?lSUE KALSOMINB AND PAINT. BRUSHES, WINDOW GLAS3,SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS, Don't fail to get our prices on these goods before buying. l B J . ' A K IT A E "F Takes his plaejin the mythology or the present, in H we look back with pleasure on the successful year just closed, and 1 ok forward with hope to the Z?.V0 C?me hivemade many new friends ?end n78 JP u o W ones. To them all we - the l.appy KE9 than ever A. R JOIPJSON & CO 1 coaBdence, aciaaat.i.Uh I" ... i .