. , " ". . ' - THE CAUCASIAN. I l l'.USHKD EVERY THURSDAY, lias tho Largest Circulailoti in Third Conrvssional District. It print the news am! teltsthe plain truth. You Men of limine, it will y you to alvertis in it. lly MAEIOX VCTLER, FMHor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIBE 1 Show this Paper to your neigh- t Puto I3omocrAcy mxcX A7ixlto Svipromnoy bor and advise him to subscribe. Vol. ix CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1891. No. 27. Subscription jrrice $ 1 .50 Per Year in Advance. nrrTT TTTT'-" A H f 'T A 0 TT A 1 T THE CfJCASTAN JL-JHUtL bAUWlAio - : 7 " '"'"- : 1 I 0 1 I1L( IIT.SSIOXAL COLUMN. It. ALLEX, AT roUNEY-AT-LAW, (Ji)l(lsboro, N. (J. Will iract ici in Sampson county. 1V127 U' M. LKK, M. D. A TjIY.sK TA.NV5 OIVk-i- ii - :i:o and Dentist, Lot N Drug Store, je 7-lyr A NEW IDEA. ARE THEY FRIENDS TO THE LABOR-1 PLAGUES OF THE CITIES. ING MAN ? THE DISTINCTION HETWJSEX THE INDIVIDUAL AND HIS ENVIRONS. Does the Individual Owe a Debt to the Community Which Brings Him Up. f A.STEVKNSM.D. i Ti"r-i ''an and Surgeon, hlico over Post Office. H ) lerMay i found at night at the lesideuce f J - IL Stevens on College Street. ... lL. E. FA ISO N, r ...... ..v ATT )UN1.Y AND VUUiNfti- UKATliAW. OiHco on Main Street, will practice in court of Sampson and adjoining coualies. Alo haprenie Court. All Indues intrusted to h s care will receive prompt and caieiul attent ion. breeding fiitoUiN'Ds vs. is DUSTRIAL ckxtkus. Certain papers in thisState are of ten very loud and solicitous, in the abstract, for the interests of the la boring man. They even admit that the Alliance, (a great organization ot laboring men honestly striving to better theii erudition by bettering the condition of the country) is a good thing. These are their preten tions, but what are their real senti ments? The following illustration will show: A few weeks since a very strong, and, we think, unan THE IDLE RICH, THE IDLE POOR, THE DESPERATE, DANGEROUS POOR. . Dr. Taliuasc'a Graphic Skcth of the Isi- gerons Element la City Life Life In th Jall, Cellaxa and Hospital The Lava Kvetliing Below. Nkw Youk, April 12. Dr. Talinage, in continuance of the course of sermons on "The Ten Plagues of the Cities," to day preached to largo audiences in the Brooklyn Academy of Music in the forenoon and at The Christian Herald The Doctrine of the Unity of the Individual, the iJoctrine or Kn llghteiied Self. Interest, the Key to the Problem of Practical late. service at the New York Acadeniy of swerable presentation of the needs Music in the evening on "The Plague of the eountrv. the condition of fi- of Grime." lie took for his text Exodus je 7-lyr E nance, who controls it, and who suf fers by it, were published by the heads of the Alliance. About the! same time a long article attacking A native of North Carolina, who the principles of the Older and the is winningdistinction in othei fields, leading characters in it was publish in a postscript to a private business e(t. The first article is copied in but letter puts forth a new idea, and one few papers ; the latter has a big run that strikes us with some torce. lheLjiithtse vt.rv papers that 1 ;ve the AT I j AW. O-uee ;! Wall Street, : 1 1 .... .i-t ifo in Sampson, Pender, Harnett and Duplm Coun ths. Also in rs'.ipreme vyu. . lrot,nt personal attention given to all le .al ' i-iimvi; Kt i v F.TT K. Rladen, will be je 7-lyr Vitouni.Y and lou nskixok author of the idea, though yet quite young, is a scholar and a thinker, hut we w d not yet give his name for we publish the following extract 1 from his letter without lfts consent and we fear against his wishes. . lie says : "I have had in mind some ideas, as yet unfon-iulated and ill digested, on a problem of a practical nature which concerns the welfare, as I believe, and the future prosperity of the young people of our commu nity, and through them their pa rents, as individuals distinct frou the community itself. The key note of hese ideas lies in the dis tinction between the in-: i vidua! and his environment, and they lay the 1 I axe at the root of the time honored J , notion that the mdivuiuai owes a duty, a debt, to tne community which brings him up that that binds him to devote his talent ami energy to the advancement of that commu nity. It is a familiar saying among our fathers of families that. we can't afford to educate our boys only that which way the wind blows. diow Dentin ruY am,... .hi M'i in Street. Otfcw his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Kverj th g in the line of Dentistry done m tne beststyU-. Satisfaction guaranteea. Cari.IV ter.ns are strictly can. Don't ask me to var i'rom this rule. JEWELRY GL nnvc 1 have j'lsl. iv ci v'; I :i('r:int .Ji!vslr . luWf lot O1 will guaraii" be ju.it as rcjv I April 10,1891. ti e id I'.ii l)ilf' !l I l' n.ul.ni.-i,l I s.'l i id t -heap, "lire uill'' ll.nvilV'M ...... fc , goods but carry a sta npakd mn'K of 'IMio nt.tention )t 7 . ... : i,.i.. i.,t..u itviMk cfitof their increased efficiency to L T. ' :l . . .:. A r.f .lUfr places. I think it can be OlJJKKAiil nS-UIU f "" . iL l ii. : . T...T !utn B,1 A Hn.,1 in- demonstrated mac cnai meory ii i lionionuvi -.....w. beauty !" The old reliable and staudanl SETH THOMAS CLOCKS always in stork in various styhs midsize. jey- Uepairin of Wa tches mid Clocks and mendin'.' Jewelry is a spccui y. All work I do is guaranteed t j:ive tn tiio aati."faclion. liesneclfullv. -enS-tr C. T. HAWl. L 'L & (J. F ALDKiRMAN COMMISSION MERCHANTS, false, and that it is the boy's duty to himself and his kind to go where he can best ue aid profit by the abilities, natural and acquired,which he has. without regard to the deple tion of energy and the stagnation of cf industry which lesult lrorn the wholesale emigration of the fljwtr of the land of his birth. I believe, it can be established that there arc vii, 20, "All the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.'' Among all the Egyptian plagues none could have leen -worse than this. The Nile is the wealth f Egypt. Its fish the food, its waters the irrigation of garden and fields. Its condition de cides the prosperity or the doom ot the empire. What happens to the Nile happens to all Egypt. And now m the text that great river is incarnadined. It is a red gash across an empire. In poetic license we speak of wars -which turn the rivers into blood. But my text is not a poetic license. It was a fact, a great crimson, aprjalhng condi tion described. The Nile rolling deep of blood! Can you imagine a more awful plague? The modern plague which nearest corresKnds with that is the plague of crime in all our cities. It halts not for bloodshed. It shrinks from no carnage. It bruises and cuts and strikes down and destroys. It revels in the blood of body and soul this plague of crime, rampant for ages, and never bolder or more rampant than now. HOKROnS OF THE POLICE COUKTS. The annual police reports of these cities as I examine them are to me more suggestive than Dante's Inferno, and Tax List Takers and Assessors of I'ro- all Christian people as well as reform ers need to awaken to a present and tremendous duty. If you want tins "Plague of Crime" to stop there are several kinds of persons you need to consider. First, the public criminals. You ought not to ' bo surprised that these people make up a large portion in many communities. The vast ma jority of the criminals who take ship from Europe come into our own port. In 1869, of the forty-nine thousand peo- Itnlv is playing a biir game of bluff. She demanded that the Pres ident should give assurance that the leaders of the New Orleans lynchers should be punished. The President refused to do so, simply because it was beyond his power to do so, whereupon the Italian Minister, Baron Fava is ordered from Wash ington by the King. The Italians will believe the American? are a hard people to scare. you an opportunity to repent ; we mean to help you. Here ro Bibles and tracts and Christian influences. Christ died for you. Look, and live." Vast improvements have been made by introducing industries into the pris on, but we wsint something more than hammers and shoe lasts to reclaim these people. Aye, wo want more tluui ser mons on the Sabbath day. Society must impress these men with the fact that it does not enjoy their suffering, and that it is attempting to reform and elevate them. The majority of crim inals suppose that society has a grudge Ugainst them, and they in turn have a grudge against society. T'hey are liarder in heart and more infiixiate when they come out of jail than when they went in. Many of the people who go to prison go again and again. ' Some years ago, of fifteen hun dred prisoners who during the year had been in Sing Sing four hundred had been there before. In a house of cor rection in the country, where during a certain reach of time there had been five thousand people, more than three thousand had been there before. So, in one case the prison and in the other case the house of correction left them just as bad as they were before. The secretary of one of the. benevo lent societies of New York says a lad of fifteen years of age had spent throe years of his life in prison, and he said to the lad, "What have they done for you to make you better?" "Well," re plied the lad, "the first tune I was brought up before the judge he said, 'You ought to be ashamed of yourself.' Til We Were Weaned ! A MOKE VIGOROUS AMERI CANISM XKKDEl In Society, in Politics and in the Education of the Nation's Youth. THE CHEAP IMPUDENCEOF A GIMLET HEADED ITALIAN ARISTOCRAT. Free Brains, Free Boys, Free Schools the Bulwarks of the Nation. New York, April 12, '91. Rev. Thomas lixon, Jr., Pador of the Twenty-Third Street Baptist Church, preceded his sernmn this morning?, at Association ilall, by the following review of Current Events: The nation is one of the Instru ments chosen of God through which the redemption -A' the race is to be wrought. Our Bible is the literary reyord of. God's dealings with a cho sen nation through centuries ot trial ami training. Nationssiu. Nations are punished. God threatened to take away from the chosen people their divineinhcritance and "give it unto a natio;. bringing forth the fruits thereof." He did tike it away. He holds the nation respon enough left to capitalize a new na tion in the yet unexplored Western wild. Trie hemisphere we could buy include, by the way. In one comer. a little fragment of land called Italy, with a few appurtenances In the wav of a small crown and sceptre, a pal ace or two, some I itercsdins; ruin, and a few million dollars t.i local banking house. The recent blunter of the Italian Government was a mori amurdnz piece of cheap impudence. Think for a moment of a little gimlet head ed Italian aristocrat drawing himself up to his full height over there In Rome, and in lury thundering forth the awful edict, "Let the Americans seo to it that they amend their Con stitution !" The ridiculous .mpu- dence of It ! A man who represent ed an infant administration a few days old, aud an infant government hardly old enough to have fully in flated Its lungs! Tho greatness of historic Italy i tho heritage of tho race. Tie Governor Rests in (Mwoofl Ceioiery. ONE OF THE LARGEST I HNE- HALS THE STATE HAS EVER SEEN. A Sketch of the Life of Gov. Fowle. On last Thursday the body of Gov. Fowl lay In Mate in tho letunda of the Capital, while thousand if dtl aen passed to look for t.o ia-d tlnio upon the face of their beloved Chief Executive. In the afternoon a nmm I moth procession, army like in Its The mother of art and letters proportion-, escorted the rein-ihw to we pay to her the highest "e ocauuiui cemetery on the out- reverence of civilization. But the skltts of thecltv. The following U Italy of 1)1 Rudini has yet to make H brir .kp,rh r n, - ..... IU history. It is an Interna'ion .... , , , poi.U. There Is greater need to-day Uou,d which we promised that America should draw the lino our readers la t week: of a nation's dignity across the gang Governor Fowle was loni In Wash- plank at Castle Garden, , than ever Ington, Beaufort coun! v. N. C, on we had for drawing tho line at tho kr . . ' , ....... ..w. u ii- rvi.irvM for college at Bingham V School and graduated at Princeton College in Golden Gate. Europe has been emp tying her refuse upon uh now for a generation. It ! time that we call ed a halt at least till we get our breath. Italy generously empties her criminal population upon u, and in rage demands that we amend our Constitution so that wo can Indemnb I y her for the favor. We are thank- And then I committed a crime aerain. and I was brought up before the same sible for the oevelopment of nation judge, ana ne saia, iou rascaii ana ' "V" ' "J : " " "i: I r ful for the manv noble men and WO- after a while I committed some other ihjuiui .ui ... mM1 lUxW flm, lhoP ntltftlls havfl m pf.Q n u'!i i t nn v snw. , . - - - ...... v - . .. .....t. ....... .... j I 4. .... T.. .... ,.L ,.r perity to the muscle, brain, capital IHTLIS COUNTY. perty. (Special Correspondent.) Kknaxsvjli.k, N. C, crime, and I was brought before the same judge, and he said, 'You ought to be hanged.'" That is all they had done for him in the way of reformation and salvation. "Oh," you say, "these people are incorrigible." I suppose thero are hundreds of persons this day lying in the prison bunks who would leap up at the prospect of reformation if society would only allow them a way intodecency and respectability. "Oh," you say, "I have no patience with these rogues." I ask you in reply, how much character. Me Nations reap what they soV. I believe God has specially chosen the American nation the outermost limit to which the star of empire can go in its Western movement, completing the cycle of the ages. 1 believe he has chosen this nation o lead the hosts of freedom and truth 1851. He studied law under Judge Pearson. In 1SG1 he entered the Cofetlerate army as a volunteer and served as Lieutenant-Colonel till captured In 'C2. Having been parol ed he was elected to tho Houoof Commons In tho fall of M2 from Wakeeounly. Ho was ro elected In and enterprise wo havedrained from 18C1. In I8C1 was elected Judge by tho old world. My own ancestors ci.me from England. Scotland and Germany. I have no sympathy with Knownothingism ; but I do believe in patriotism. ThH nation does not I a 4V a a. 1 in the last pitched battle with the ana cannoc auom 10 receive wrongs, traditions, superstitions, r the flood that is now 15.., "1 !..:.. ..tit 41. ' . ,., 1.1 nourinir uoon us from the sewers of wv-. iwL ...m.ioiu, f.,vnri in of European civilir.ation thug-, the past. Mr Editor : Dtar Sir: The men were appointed on last Monday following gentle- TOWNSHIPS. breeding grounds, and that there are Grady, J. F. Maxwell. centres of commercial and industrial SmithV John 11. Miller, Sr.; L.a- activitv, the true foundation of the Favette Smith, J. T. Kennedv of the one of which is to supp'.y Limestone V. II. II. Morten: J, Warsaw S. M. Carlton; Leoni das pie who were incarcerated in the pris- amid obscenities and cursings, and if ons of the country thirty-two tnousana at ten years of age you had been corn were of foreign birth. Many of them pelled to eo out and steal, battered and were the very desperadoes of society, banged at night if you came in without oozing into tho slums of our cities, I spoils, and suppose your early man- waiting for an opportunity to riot' and hood and womanhood had been eov steal and debauch, joining the large ered with rags and filth, and decent so gang of American thugs and cutthroats. ciety had turned ifc back upon you There arc in this cluster of cities an(i ieft you to consort with vagabonds better would you have been under the and guided by a Providence as mir- same circumstances? aculous as powerful. Wo have sur- Suppose your mother had been a vived the most terrible war this blasphemer and your father a sot. and earth ever saw since the morning of you had started life with a body staffed creation a fabrical war at that, at d with evil proclivities, and you had lHcmJ-.inc i " 111 ' ' " c spent much of your time in a cellar aI'e .a.a,.n .ne people, with one the Legislature. He nvlgiunl In '07, refusing to carry out the orders of General Sickle. In 1808 he was chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee. In 187C he was an elector for the State at largo on thoTUdcn ticket. His eainpalen was brilliant and telling and made murderers and organized criminal foi him a lasting and high reputation societies. as an orator and mnviMMr. In tin Itb time for America to lift up v ' -ttlu and lead the way in the arch of ho cloaely coutodea Uie nomination the new civilization of the twentieth tor uovenior with Jarvls. He came ctimn ollvr We have been watched thleven, paupers, convicts, robbers, Middleton. Robt. J. Williams. Faison Dr. M.JUoore; B. B. Carr, II. J. Faison. Wolfscrape Geo. W. Williams; 11. D. Bennett, Kinsey Jones. Glissons -J. M. Keathley; W. 15. Herring, John II. Westbrook. Albortson J. B. Outlaw; J. Mcll flag first in the hearts of all sections, mightier in wealth, resources, peo ple and intelligence. A magnificent destiny opens before us. Will we prove equal to Its opportunities? century! America has the right to demand sonib things of those who claim her hospitality and opportuni ties. She should demand ot all that 1 that thev become American citizens in a real sense, that they shall drop I nil 4I, Mutla n w 1 1 kitt ! 1 tswi an.Il m Will our patriotism and manhood be 'i""" i"-J"'" cioso light, lie made a idrong equal to us respons mnties X in the ftlltl w elected by a big . w " "S woik of the industrial, hocI d ami in- y. Hl record as Governor is f.r hn.wirLi vir. ni.i vVo e.,f nor telloctual development of this great New York, Jersey City and Brooklyn ami wharf rata how much better eve teeth a little over liundrcd vears Republic. Wre need as a nation once. No. ll'-I North Water Street, healthy material for the enormous W. Grisham, Robert Satullin. WILMINGTON, N. C. Cotton :ii1 'IMmboi'. : ai.so : Country Produce handled to best ad- e.action3 of the other on physical, nerve, brain and moral force. "I don't know that I shall put any wuch notions 'nto lorni or that our people, who arc accustomed to bo tickled with flattery rather than taught unflattering truths, would Cvnress Creek Jacob Jones; G. W. Bradham, Amos Lanier. Island Creek J. F. Wallace, G. S Carr, Sr., Geo. F. Dempsey. four thousand people whose entire busi ness in life is to commit crime. That is as much their business as jurisprud ence or medicine or merchandise is your business. To ifc they bring all their energies of body, mind and soul, would you have been ? I have no sym pathy with that executive clemency which would let crime run loose, or which would sit in the gallery of a court room weeping because some hard hearted wretch is brought tojustiee; atm wo hiivn toin'nr. nnr mnihcrn o if m.nln tiirlvT 1'ipna at I tlOn'S ll 1 111 t several ot our European cousins, and it is about time we cut loose from the base of original supply and asset ted a distinct national individ- more to lift up our souls in the Na- and they look upon tho intervals which I do say that the safety and life of ality. We need a more vigorous Rockfish I. P. Aldemun; James they spend in prison as so much unfor- E. Ward, Fletcher L.Johnson. Magnolia Julius Wells; II. Rkkkrknci-: 1st National Bank, care to read them; but I will ask Swinson, M. A. Beaslcy Wilmington, N. C. augg'-ti M. HEW BARBER SHOP. When j on wish an easy shave, As gco'd as b irber ever gave, Just call oi. us at our saloon At morning, eve or noon; We cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. Our room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, whether you could lend a small space in your columns to such an essay should I find tiuri to get it into sat isfactory shape. I want to preach, if I preach at all, the stern doctrine of the unity of the individual, the doctrine of enlightened self interest as the key to the problem of practi cal life that what most of our young men do the do in pursuance of the first law of their being and in viola tion of no obligation to home and Kenansville L. M.Cooper; W. Dobso .. G. Wr. Carroll. I am glad to furnish you with tho above list lor publication. Fraternally Tiiad. Joxes, Jr., Clerk of Bo ml County Coni'rs. WARSAW NOTKS. Mrs. Geo. J. Lunboth is the first to send in a nice treat of strawber ries, for which we return thanks. And everything we think you'll hud; other local influences; that civilized She can ship uext week if the weath To suit the face and please the mind, man is first an individual and next er remains favorable. i.wi oil r nrt and skill can do. a cosmopolitan Jl you just call, we'll do for you. "Pardon me lor trespassing upon Shop on DeVane Street, opposite pour umu Court House, over tne om finance Headquarters. PAUL SIIERARD, The (Clinton Barber. tion of the public. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL BARBER SHOP. . If you wish a first-class Shave, Hair Cut. Shampoon or Mustache Dye, call at my place of business on CoL 1V)iks strong Speech. In Avail Street, mreo uocrs nom corner of M. Hanstein's, there you will find me at all hours. RAZORS SILUiP.SlIEARS KEEN! If you want a good job don't fail to call on me.' J. II. SIMMONS, aprlO tf Mi. and Mrs. James Patterson, ot Baltimore, left for homo last Men day Mrs. P. had been in town sev eral months We publish this to prepare our ir ami Mrs. Bronson, o." Ver- readers for the essay which wo trust mont, are stopping in town for a few hfi wid favor vou willi. Whatever V th?'lr way home from lion ho writes will command the atten tunate loss of time, just as you look upon an attack of influenza or rheuma tism which fastens you in the house for a few days. It is their lifetime business to pick pockets and blow up safes and shoplift and ply the panel game, and they have as much prido of skill in their business as yon have in yours when you upset the argument of an opposing counsel or, cure a gunshot fracture which other surgeons liave given up, or foresee a turn in the mar ket as you buy gooda just before they go up 20 per cent. It is their busi ness to commit crime, and I do not suppose that once in a year the thought of the immorality strikes them. Added to these professional crim inals, American and foreign, there is a large class of men who are more or less industrious in crime. In one year the police in this cluster of cities arrested ten thousand people for theft and ten thousand for assault and battery and tha priinivinnitv deinnnd more TKential Americanism influences in behalf of public offenders. 1. We need it in.. society. The effort of societv swells to aoe tho de- fockss of prison lifk. cavinff so called aristocracy of Eu- CHANGES In some of tho city prisons the air is r0I,e snoum ue ,net with the eiepha Iikethatt)f the Black Hole of Calcutta. tic contempt of every man who I have visited prisons where, as the air claims an ounce of American man swept through the wicket, it almost n0od. Theso-called leaders ot Amer knocked me down. No sunlight. ic;m society, "ho basely roll in the Young men who had committed their dirt before. a title stuck to some at- first crime crowded in among old of-1 tenuated specimen ot the musing fink masquerading as a man, merit the contempt they receive from the object of their worship, and the with ering scorn ot a tree manhood and My country 'lis of thee, Sweet land of lilerty Of thee I s ng. Land where my fathers died. Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountainside Ijet freedom ring ! within a fe v votes being nominated for Congress In tho Ralciji District In 1881. In 1S88 he was nominated for Governor by the Democratic State Convention after a long and cau- major- still ho fresh In tho minds of our readers that it is not necessary to review it. Literary Department. Book and Magazine Reviews Quo tations General Literary Notes. IN THE LAW. SCHOOL venters in Session. ie1iik TVTi Tirncn liia iiicf ciklrl t,; ,.rrQ crr Air ll wn r:,;Pfl fifty thousand for intoxication. Drunk- "'""o fev..v-. . . -ui 1- e enijeaa la respcinaiuio iui uiwu ux. iu theft, since it confuses a man's ideas of property, and he gets his hanas on things that do not belong to him. Hum is responsible for much of the a&sault and battery, inspiring men to sudden The beautiful new Methodist bravery, which they must demonstrate, church is completed and we will be though it bo on the face of the next able to hold services therein on the gentleman. evening of the fourth Sunday. Ten million dollars' worth of property Mr. Tom Ricaud deserves to be stolen in this cluster of cities in one called the "king-fisher", as he return- ar you cannot, as good citizens, be will touch in the Lisbon section, of Sampson county, ana seems aengnteu to De in his old section once more, suc cess has crowned his labors and he retires from active work quite wealthy. fenders. - I saw in one prison a woman, with a child almost blind, who had been arrested for the crime of poverty, who was waiting until the slow law could take her to the almshouse, where she rightfully belonged; but she was thrust in thero with her child amid the most abandoned wretches of the town. Many of the offenders in that prison slept on the floor, with nothing but a vermin covered blanket over them. Those people crowded and wan and wasted and lialf suffocated and infuri ated. I said to the men, "How do you stand it here?" "God knows," said one man, "we have to stand it." Oh, they will pay you when they get out. Where they barned down one house they will burn three. They will strike deeper the assassin's knife. They are this min ute plotting worse burglaries. Some of the city jails are the best (Special Correspondent.) Mr. Editor Jn answer to many inquiring "What Changes Did the lst Legislature Make In the School Law?" I glee the following: First I lieu of 12 J cents hereto fore levied on $100 worth of proper Kuiploy ronr Hiiip in iniiirox lnir yourself by otluT nu-nv writing. e you liall route cattily by what ntli-r liayi- bltnn d hard tor. -Soeraw'H. - For wliaUoovfT tiling wre written afore time wrr writu-n for our l-aruliiir. st. Paul. Xrth Caroliia Litrratnrt. HyMt'O Lizzie Ifellamy in X. V. TV Ue r. Oar State has had irreat men. Ma ty and 37 cent on the poll, there ny have laid down their lives for will b? levied 15 cents on $100 worth ier. Ureat orators havo hpoken.but womanhood. The American girl "lJJ . :;'n u,v,r 8 W "re ,ur Wl lMri who marries a foreign s-ob is a fool ""-ffS ImS. J!im,COrilm- Iler Kt? l?y?n ot such unfathomable stupidity, as required to be taught in one continu- have written no great law books, to rh servo lirtle nitv when she is ous session. e honor our heroes and rear inon- Scl euid a Third-The nat ure of alcholic uniets to their mcmories.but we do calls " M y Lonl ' The mot her w ho inks and narcotics and special in- not write books about them.norrI coll hi.r lui-ii virgin ilniicrhtpr to the siru" l" 'c" wwi upuu mo mem wnen written, iargeiy we sells her own virgin uaugnter 10 nit r. wtit. I !...., t. i.t. .lrnetia -fa titlfwldo iiuiuau pjnwui v...... nacii'ii 111 oiners iu ni iur f, tiSV V,S of fetudy t,iaSht 1,1 ,he have written very little. Generally of another woman's child. Aspaue ... . . , , . , -tn,i!lMi L .1,1 hpf i 1 r ....... . njujiiikiii, vjuty it ivw nine vAiiiiv.m Shoe Repairing. N. ROONE has opened a Shoe making and Repairing Establish ment over the office of Dr. A. Holmes, opposite Murphy House, on Main Street, and will be glad to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed- mch2G lm J" ed home Tuesday morning with a independent of that fact. It j8 load of shad. Forty-eight was the your pocket, since I have to nicht's success. oteiacathroaoitioa Regulai Correspondence. Washington, D. C, April 11. Inventors, big and little, rich and poo. have been our honored guest Barber, for three days, while the one hund- reth aniversary of the United states r-aitm bjsiviu . : nijrht's success Therj have been meeungsauuresbeu 0ur town WJW luadc ite lively K.. .v.innnl IWint'omPn. PflnOUetS 1 . .... . I isi' uy 1-uinK.iu fav....- Mast oacuruay oy several nsiicuus have been eaten, luount, vemon iias andone t runaways. Mayor been visuea anu aner tmeur Carroll ha; had things his own way tary review this aiternoon our visi tors will return to their usual avo cations. Col. L. L. Polk, President of the National Farmers' Alliance and In dustrial Union, i ado a speech here places i Know ox - lo uropean.ze oui i-u- -uo . n , , b,jc mon . pads, vagauonas ana cucenroa. xuje te, snouiu ne res.s eu a, we w ou.u FoUrth-The County Hoard of I'M- are Htterel and mainly agricuif. college is not so well calculated to resist the r J"'0.1.?,?..1.!: ucatfon shall lioltl nly three resular! rai. We have no great centers. Un- ? . . 1 A -1 Sr-nnooil I n n 1 1 f t -Vi "ooqi fiPhmieheo thnmrh and taught as thoroughly ana in uie or short art Ides remain to preservo t uriSkS iutt an idi- s'"c manner as olher like re,uirel to hc ye nJ thoughU of our hf.dS I iiSiuVwrelSe? branches are in .aid :hKK by the it authors. Writing does not pay llL; XTt usoof textbooks in the hands of pu- among us. Perhar our xtvr. gl? vl iSd f vrlrousAmer- Ps. and orally in ciso of pupils un- ters rauld not make a living if enfdaorov able to read, and shall l,e taught by thrown entirely upon the resources icanisin in our euueuuou u. ,uc a,t t(Srt.hpM nnd tudiel bv all nunils i iKotrart .1 AT.. 1 . - ... . M. . J . ...V... Ml.. IfUb lllblU 1.7 I . ' T . .V. oi me nnuoii. ijyci v cuuii youth in all schools in this State supported all this. ever since. Our fanners are at least two weeks late in planting, but are cheerful nevertheless. Maiitli Turkeys Mr. F. I Hurst vvusnuite serious- KoJno-l community. . ... - , . IUV lllll uuwu.wt.j i i - . . A. . i . . r- g. .t 1 1 II 1 1 II 1 111 I I 1 1 II iiiii i A ... I iasc uigofc t n j.uw. w.v,....0 throwu from r.is buggy ' I by the local .Lauzens- aiiiuw;, is said to havo Deen one oi iut3t.iroiig- COKKESPON PENT. Ta?Co Tnrkevs weishing irom jo est presentations oi Aiuance pnu- to 40 pounds, and worth twice as pies ever made here, much as common stock, by buying . - full-blood breeds. S. 11 iov6-tf A si . 1 HAOJ . COLWELL, Wallace P. O. Duplin Co., N. C. WHEN YOU GO ro Ooldsboro 1) sur6 to stop Kt the Gregory-Arlington Hotels, Good fare, attentive servants and large comfortable rooms. When you get off the train " Isaac' ' lauor.'hodv knows Isaac) will be ti ere. Give him your baggago and that an the beans, notutoes, melons co with him. . cotton, etc., are sium octl6-tf You are iu a Bad Fix Rut ve will cure you if you w ill pay us. Our message is to the iak, nervous and debilitated, who, by early evil habits, or later indiscre tions, have trifled away the: ; vigoi i of body, mind and manhood, aud suffer all those effects which lead to premature decay, consumption or in sanity. If this means you, send for and read our Rook of Life, writ WILL HUNTER, Proprietoi. IC13 AND FltOST IN GEORGIA. Deans, Potatoes, Melons and Cot ton Killed. Mr. F. P. Newton, a former citi zen of Sampson, now of Roston, ... . 11 TT T Georgia, in a letter 10 ivev. n.-. Duncan, under date of April 8th, ten by the greatest Specialist of the dav. and sent (sealed) for b cents in . iu uaa hn nnii- stamps. Address Dr. Parker's Med- ical and Surgical Institute, 151 North We have had a coM west wind for Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn. the last tour days. There is frost ; -,v ww I . ... . . . liditor's wite ico nusuanu jusc re turned from church): ou are late. You must have had a longer sermon than usual. Editor N: there was about the ordinary amount of new3 matter fnot ohA and editorial, but there was an un . " t.,.,i xw I usual rush of advertisements. Pe- 'Italy is ou her head again." DnA. thiniH That Is because she has no footing in the financial world If sho could stand on would not be on 1 terborough (Out.) Review. give you the fact that these three cities pay about eight million dollars' worth of taxe3 a year to arraign, try and support the criminal population. You help to pay the board of every criminal, from the sneak thief that snatches a spool of cotton up to some man who swamps a bank. More than that, it touches your heart in tho moral depression of the You might as well think to stand in a closely confined room where there are fifty people and yet not breathe the vitiated air as to stand m a community where there is such a great multitude of the depraved with out somewhat beh?g contaminated. What is the fire that burns your store down compared with the conflagration which consumes your morals? What is the theft of the gold and silver from vrair mnnpv. safe compared with the theft of your children's virtue? CAN THK CRIMINAL BB REFORMED? We are all ready to arraign crimi nals. We shout at the top of our voice. "Ston thief V and when the police cet on the track we come out, hatless and in our slippers, and assist m the arrest ,e come around the bawling ruffian and hustle him' off to justice, and when he gets in prison what do we do for him? With great gusto we put on the handcuffs and the hopples; but what preparation are we making for the day when the handcuffs and the hopples come off? Society seems to say to these criminals, "Vil lain, ro in there and rot," when it ought to say, ,'You are an. offender against the law, but we mean to give m.akR scholars, nor Harvard so well calculated to make scientists, nor Princeton so well calculated to make clad i l our harbor. Tne bulwarks of this nation are 1 bo vs. frte schools. If our school th-oloians as many of our jails are system be destroyed, the foundations calculated to make criminals. All that of the Republic will surely be shak- thosc men do not know of crime after en. W e iiave loroign cm. uim thev have been in that dungeon for now in tome ot ourha lea who not some tune Satanic machination cannot oniy to re use uu. 1. i,M To tho insnfTerahle stench mOUS lO llie liiii IV. IILJ X l IJVlli. i .M.M - ' : and sickening surroundings of such places there is nothing but disease tor the lodv. idiocv for the unnd ana death for the soul. Stilled air and darkness and vermin never turned a thief into an honest man. We want men tike John Howard and Sir William Blackstone and women like Elizabeth Fry to do for the pris ons of the United States what those of American in stitutions, but with me fury and ha tred of old world superstitions and rt I'Srll!, frnl meetings. Meeting ma.- be held at til lately our ieoplo had not waked it- 1i.7J,i ether times than the days design- up tu the nccesdty of endowing our ed, upon callol the chairman at the ii.HtitutioDs of learning. Our icquestofa member of tho board, I University w..h a century old lie- but Ii no cas; snail the ?.ira receive compensation for more than four dav in one year. The changes are so tew tint the whole law will not te reprinted. All committeemen are requested to pre- fore a Chair of History was establish ed. We are poor, too, and much dis tracted by political discus ion and the race piobletn. The cmimou hchools are-Mill very inal,u.ite. The great cities on every hide of un fc M I .11 ASM m I 1.1 U A A X & I . w a m . A A . . . - m a . . unrvn i hp innui. inm inpv navu un i h.ivu iinu'ii uurdu m.fit. r mif .... J . ..II....- V. .. nF x "'' 1 . j ....... .. M . .......j ... ..u. iinuui.iiin luiuov ... . - - i i . , . i . i. ... .v..... i.a fkiir . .t aiii t I -.1 -L. ......... the English languagt the language of the naiion" constitution and life in schools that Itave usurped the to tal functions of i ublic education. 3. We need a more vigorous A mer icanism in politics. Euroieans have been busy for the past wi eks instruct ing us in the principles ot civil gov- hand those wno may go oui i om? hrlght young men. in September, will hand tho law to Mr. W. II. Page, now the ttl iter their successor. of the "orum, could not uccoed at A circular giving all the changes nine tMt yu:ded to tho attractions will be sent to all committee a.id of ilcher field-. No editor has be ople did in other days for the prisons ernment. We have received the of England. I thank God lor wnac startling information, ny way me Isaac T. Hopper and JJr. wines ana decaying monarcniesoi xuroiMi, mai Mr Harris and seores of others have the American nnsuiuuoii i.s a i u done in the way of prison reform; but are! Thanks for the information. we want something more radical belore some oi U na e ioug sui-ieu t . will come the blessing of him who said, it was not a pei feet instrument, but "I- in prison, and ye came unto weiierto teachers at an early day. Very res pect fully, Isiiam IVYAl, County Superintendent P. S. The census will betaken in November. Blanks will be furnUh- )l0n,ic at home. el at the pr.iper time. come rich in North Carolina. T.ie remedy Ls more effective pub lic schools, itetter endowed Insti tutions of learning and stronger in ducements for keeping our own Little Girl' Experieice ii a Li'ht- B0iie. 3Ir. ami Mrs. lyireii Ti escott arc me. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat. c n't sleep, eant think, can't do keepers of the Gov. Lighthouso at inasmuch as we suspectthat with all I nnything to your satisfaction, and J Sand Reach, Michigan, and are bless- . . rr.t this ICS laUllS It IS Mllll ueiier inau m- ou uuu -iui mra ju. iuu eu niuia uauuicr, luur years OKI. c r r A .!.i., 1 thin!? vet prouueeu 111 o,ouu unr u 1 bnuuivt meu vtotiiiujj, uu aic iiiuu iio wjv ina.euuown Wlin plague of cnme y0""1 3 effort across the water. We have taking the first step into Nervous Measles, followe.1 with a dreadful -thee, O land, when thy long is a cimo hvft M.taine1 at it some d egree of Tonic and in Electric. Bitters you Doctor at home and at Detroit treat- and thy princes oj-mb. iu luts iiioxx. DrosI)erjty. We have grown Irotn i will find thi exact remedy for re-led her, but In vain, she grew worse It is a great, calamity to a cuy fu mere han dful of people, struggling! storing your nervous 95'Htem to Its I rapidly, until she was a mero "hand Kid men cet into public autnoniy. i . -u-jMrn' of the Atlantic 1 normal, health v condition. SurnrLs-1 ful of bones." Then she tried Dr. "Why was it that in New York there coact jine (0 a continental nation, ins results follow the use of this King's New Discovery and after the was such unparaiieiea crune that stretches from tea to sea, ana I jseivo 'ionic ana Alterative, xouriuseoi two anu a nan Domes, was 1SGG and 1871? It was because the J f eternal winter onlhe north to. 1 appetite returns, good digestion is I completely cured. Tliey say Dr. judges of police in that city at that the eternal spring on the south,.con-1 restored, and the Liver and Kianeys J King's New Discovery is worth its Kma tnr hA most oart. were as cor- U,;n;nr ra.CfiC.OOO of neonle. In the resume healthy action. Try a bottle. weight in gold, yet you may get a rupt as the vagabonds that came be- j meiuitime we have managed by care- J Price 50 cents, at Dr. R.II. llolli-1 trial bottle free at tho Drugstore of fore them for trial. Those were the fui saving to accumulate enough capi- j day's Drugstore, C'mton, N.C., and (Dr. R. H. Holllday, Clinton? and uruggist, s i jioum, i joun it dmitu, iruui, days of high carnival for election frauds, hal to buy one hairthekoowu world, John R. Smith, tcontimied on Fourth Page. mfephere-and have money i Olive, N- C. i Olive, N.C. I "4r ? - i I 1 r f i 1 . 6. Berne Journal. 1 A-

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