THE CAUCASIAN. T IF YOU WOULD LIKE To coaimunicitc with about tea thoumd of the bvt country people in this stclion of North Carolina then do it through the olnmns of Thk Caucasian. Xo other paper in th Third Con gressional District has as Urgu a circulation. ('MLIftHKD EVKKV THURSDAY, Hy UAUIOX BUTLER, J-Miior and Proprietor. JL NO SUBSCRIBE! Show this Paper to your neigh bor and advise him to subscribe. X"xxx-o X3omoot' Cy Alld V V XXX'to fill V3XOZX3L AOa VOL. IX. subscription incc$lJ50 Per Year, la Advance. CLINTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1891. No. 35. 1 1 ' ' - (HAiyCAlF AN! IMIOFESSIONAL COLUMN. THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. It. ALLEN, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, Goldsboro, N. U. HOW THINGS LOOK FROM A' ill practice in Sampson county. 27 tr OUR STAND POINT. A. LEE, M. D. vsi' i a s,Sp i:;jko' axd Dentist, . , .tw in Lee' Drugstore, je 7-lyr J. A. STEVENS, M. I). l'i""MTAX AND OUKOEOX, 'OrtifH over Iot f)fflr.AA j-M.y ik? found at night at the .Mdoi'iey "of J. II. Stevens on College st r-ct. JQ 7-iyr The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion or Others wkich we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. H '. he Prince of Wales and some of his friends are up before the courts of England. They are being inves tigated about some cheating that oc cured in high circles over a game of cards known as "Baccarat." How E. EA1SON, Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office on Main Street, v.i'.l practice in courts of Sampson and much longer will Englishmen bear dioining counties. Also in supreme to be ruled by the festering and cor- and royalty ? ivr were u uoi mat nnanccs trcinuie at . . . . . I. t Curl, ah uumm, ....- w y ruptiiiK nobility!?) ,.... ' rec"ive "r"'"l,t lyr Were it not that fin t V I i " - - - J - W. KEltll, every change, even for the best, this fellow called the Princiof Wales at Law. mice on Wall Street. J Attorney and Counsellor would never be crowned king of England. But we are not in much bettor condition, for we are debased uence of moil- which is almost aristocracy. Will practice in nI,a0". "i"' by the corrupting infl, Harnett and Duplin Coun- .... 1 !.., Also in Supreme Court. cj-of plutocracy, wl Prompt personal attention will be as bad us corrupt arist iwu lo all leiil business. ci 7-lyr UOYETTE, D.B.S. 1 Dentistry Olflce on Main Street. Mm ticrvici'H to tho oeoplo of Clinton and vicinity. Everything Uerstand tlio exact point of the con The misrepresentation of the gold men in relation to the free coinage of silver continues without abate ment. We want our friends to un- in the line ol Dentistry uono in tne htyle. Satisfaction guaranteed. S'ayMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask mo to vary from this rule. JEWELRY ff IS! l li;iv just roTivd a lare lot of Llf-iint Jewelry. Thi I will guaran tee to tli purchaser to 1 jiMt as rep 1 sell no r.lit'up, "lire uuilt" g. ls hut carry a standard line: ok iioi.i) kkont (oois. The attention of llit- ladies is called to the latest style ofnuKAST I'iN.s thev are "things of beiiuty !" Tii old reliable and standard SET 1 1 THOMAS CLOCKS always in stock. ia various styles and sizes Hii.l in A!i work I do is guaranteed t give en inrt alisraci(on. Hespectfully. I T r (t V ALDERMAN and take the taxes from our good i. i . v- v.. . I , a i . :ii u and wnerever xnere is a sua win w our flag, and wherever there is a port tention. The friends ot silver de mand that the white metal shall be made a full legal tendet for all debts, public and private, and shall be put upon exactly the same footing as to coinage with gold. This is the point of our contention, and nothing else. If any one asks what is meant by free coinage of silver, tell him that it means doing for silver by law ex actly what the Government now does for gold, and let him sweat over the conclusion. Progressive Farmer. The greatest material achievement that now lies before us the climax of our national strength is the ver sified commerce: but we need no tieatiB? lUT Tiai. " Attfwix - nit- - n... from our ships and set them free to n accet)t the favorinsr winds of heaven, - ut our national sirengin is Repairing of Watches hud Clocks achievement of a . m wRle di ending Jewelry is a speca'ty. HOW IXGALLH THINKS TIIK RADICAL, I'AItTY CAN 1IE SAVKI). In a letter to a Itepublican meet ing Ex-Snator IngalN says : 4,lU'putdicanim f the future must readjust itself to the changed conditions of American life or it will perish. I wish to save the party fro'o this fate by recalling the spirit of energy, aggression and patriotic force of the founders to the cam paign of 1892. This will be waged upon economic and practical ques tions and not upon memories or mo tions. Harrison will berenomirjated and Cleveland will be his antagonist. If w o have couragoand conscience it will be an Austorhtz; ir we dicker with popular errors, compromise with unprincipled leaders, and sneer at honest differences of judgment and opinion, it will be a Waterloo." There is a great deal of tru;h in the first sentence of the above, and the so-called leaders of the Demo cratic party must recognize about the same trmh with reference to our party. CUSS IP TIIUY I0, AN1 CUSS IF THEY DON'T. The Charlotte, N. C, Chronicle cays ; "Jerry Simpson, 'Sockless Simp son' is dead because he resisted the organization of the third party. Simpson was an interesting gentle man, ire flavored the serious busi ness of statescraft with a rare hu mor and the thought of his removal' makis this gloomy, cheerless day still more gloomy. If Col. Polk does not hasten t the side of Peffer, Don nally and Weaver, he will soon join that innumerable caravan of depart ed spirits." It seems that such papers as the above are determined to cuss the Al liance leaders if they do, and cuss den bearing. TaiMClB REV. DII. TALMAGE PREACH ES ON THE BURDEN REARER. His First Discourse Since He was Chaplain of the An cient and Honorable Ar tillery Company of Massachusetts. them still harder if they don't. A man whose liver is wrong is rather hard to please. Brooklyn', June 7. It la no new tiling to the members of the Brooklyn Tajbernaele church to have their pas tor's eminence acknowledged by the outside world. But even they must have been gratified by the distinction conferred upon him since last Sunday. In listening to Dr. Talmage today they were listening to the chaplain of the Ancient ami Honorable Artillery Com pany of Massachusetts, in which office he was formally installed with due cere mony on June 1. The organization, which is two hundred and fifty years old, and the lineal descendant of an English organization dating back to the beginning of the Sixteenth century, has had many distinguished divines as chaplains, and the honor has always been highly appreciated. The subject of Dr. Tonnage's sermon this morning was "The Burden Bearer," and his text Psalms lv, 22: "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee." DAVID'S HARD KXPEKIEXCE.. David was here taking his own medi cine. If anybody had on him heavy weights, David had them, and yet out of his own experience he advises you and me as to the best way of getting rid of burdens. This is a world of bur- Comirig into the bouse I'AKKERSliUUG DOTS. of prayer- there may be no sign of sad ness or sorrow, but where is the man who has not a conflict? Where is the ul that has not a struggle? And there Is not a day of all the year when my text is not gloriously appropriate, and there is never an audience assembled on the planet where the text does not fit the occasion, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee." In the far east wells of water are so thousand t Wtm. Ker such tdwa toso of light, never racli variety of as sortment, never so much splendor of iliotr window, never so much adroil noss of salesmen, never so much acute ness of advertising, and amid all these severities of rivalry in business, how many men break down ! Oh, the bur den oa the shoulder I Oh, the burden on the heart I You hear that it is avarice which drives these men of busi ness through the street, and that is the commonly accepted Idea. I do not be lieve a word of it. The vast multitude of these business men are toiling on for others. To educate their children, to put the wjf ef protection over their house holds, to have something left, so wbon they, pass out of this life their wives and children will not have to go to the poorhouse Ufcit is the way I translate A Bi Stop Forward ! TIIE ELECTION OF DU. WIN STON PRESIDENT AND VARI OUS RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE TRUSTEES ALL MEAN THAT The University la to be Popular ized and Drought Into Kl bow Touch with the People. est of the University claimed tht I only a small per cent, f the Bute were dancing people, and that if so cial features other than dancing wm provided that oven a larger attend ance would be secured. The resolu tlon w as adopted by a cood majority. i he commencement exercises close on Thursday evening at fix o'clock, so ims action will not prevent those who desire from dancing on Thars- I day night. ThU action on the part of the trus tees and the alumni association.with Dr. luston at the head of the In- A BIO HTEl FORWARD FOR wuauon: means that It la to be do. POPULAR EDUCATION AND uhirtzwl and biought 'in elbow touch with the uiafisc, that it Is to bo a UuiVersltv lnlfwnifa nnnnliul TTnt i v,;u . ; v, i ii.. I " " r rr? w Zr' One of tluOIost Important 3Iove vcrsity. The outlook for th,. Intt. vhkl iTiHTnnrv ni t nor rtofHvv inn i i Gouee& not do all ihe bnH'- 1'Ter I,ulc forThe Uwtvemlty. tutlon wa never brighter and In less . ... I ! . t. a. , j ness. Borne ol us remember when the lUtt" u years we expoci 10 see over Central America was coming home I . j three hundred students within Its from California It was wrecked. Presi- L&U "AiUlNu AND MUKt SCtiOUKSHIPS. walls. dent Arthur's father-in-law was the heroic captain of that ship, and went down with most of the passengers. Some of them got off into lifeboat, but there was a young man returning from Oalifornia who had a bag of gold in his hand, and as the last boat shoved off from the ship that was to go down that man snouted to a com' rado in the boat: tins cold I inere are Ten Minutes to Twelve. Bj H Q. TOXLLABIX CHAPTER IL fcjjf No Southern University will be I mnnti 1 l am aKL. Htm Editorial Corrfnontlenc..l uj iscuiiy. v un Chapel Hill. N. C. Ihat "P8' abl nnd Investigating I a. . 1 T v . ... June 4th, 1891. 80,1 Jiar 1Jr Bittle (who pre- MI know UuU I'm to b marrUti befor tuxlvc o'clock to-morrote." To prcdpiUto one's self Into the lira of other people, while to lUeif aim pis matter, not iafrsqnently tnrolrtss oonse qnenc sofflcktotly complex to form a puule, the disenUnglemcnt of which will conntitute a life work. It may fsll naturally into tbs order of things to board COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1112 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. CJotton sxncl Timber : also : Country Produce handled to best ad vantage. Referkn-ce 1st National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. aug21-ti ti ev 3 "arber sh o p . When ; ou wiban easy shave, As & o'.l as b trber ever gave, k Jusl call on us at our saloon U u. timing, eve or noon; We cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. Our room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything wo think you'll find; To suit the face and please the mind, Vitd all our art and skill can do, ft vou iust call, we'll do for ypu. Shop on Do Yanc Street, opposite aidnu care a an for the lions. Court House, over the oiu finance i r .1.. . 1 PAUL SIIERARD, Let it be understood that the re The (Clinton Barber, casting and the regeneration ot tne entire financial system of the coun try is before the people, and wil have to be noticed in no equivocj way by those who write the plat forms of the oarties next year. This question of financial reform will no ('own at the bidding of the bosses, and they would just as well make a note of that lact and govern them selves accordingly .Progress! ve Far- tl.ere will be onr commerce. In such commerce there abide the untold riches of the future and their abides what Is far more to be desired than the sum-total of riches, their juster distribution.- Frankliu Mac-Veigh in June Belfords. We see it stated that his Mighty Smallness King Pigmy Harrison is expected to visit our Exposition in October. Some of our exchanges nrn exultiny over the prospect. If the en i ire people entertained the same legard for him that ye scribe does, he would not feel encouraged to be a candidate for the Presidency nerain. Tha affection between Ben and ourselves U somewhat like Dan iel in the lions den. The lions didn'1 care a d n for Daniel, and Daniel (Special Correspondent Mr. Editor: Please allow me a small space in yjuv valuable paper fo: a few items from Parkersburg. We have ouiet town, although it is the largest shipping point from infrequent that when a man owns a Uayettoville to Wilmington. We "e nas a property of very great are not u 1 1 VJJ11 Messrs. W. J. Parker & Son have sh ries We have also one ef the best truck- ng points on the C. F. &. V. R. R. We have cabbage three feci across. If this can be beaten in the county we would like to hear fro-v them. Miss Mattie Bronson, of Lisb-w, was visiting 'friends in Parkersburg ast week. Sorry to learn that Miss Lizzie Honeycutt, who Is teaching school in the place, will return home next week. Admirer. We aie m Chapel Hill this week shld over the institution for fifteen attending the comir.encement exer- years with such ability) in tho Chair cises of the Slate University. This of History, we expect to see a great Hm-p John rjitch is decidedly ono of the m ost bea utt- development of State pride as re-1 a train hko aa acrobat, aoj, wbru Ure, !, . . .. l li. . , . . I . . t. t m a tinm tiimKanit iui spots in iNortii Carol m. Kir luuweu inicrei in a creater Knowl-1 wuiao wouwmuoukuubw mt dollars. Take it home to my old years ago we sat upon the rostrum edge of State history is awakened. SSTy all towlnluiSi mother. It wiU make her comfortable of Mamorial Hall as a member of We hope the Doctor will leave tho .mti bat when the lifsthus touch- in uer last days. ttnp, Orouge Si Co. thn frr.idnalin fliia f 1 8S Tl. State a history Of our neonle as nm. d tarn, nrtmww lik. ru tJmr ru with insuUsnt and ooercire arms and does notf care anything about your completed ano the class of '85 was organism, the universally admitted fact worldly business? I tell you God knows the first to graduate in it. To-day otes. of human interdepenlruce loses some of more about it than you do. He knows we sit upon the same rostrum as a r MtL Pearsall, of Warsaw, Its beauty, and most people prefer to all your perplexities; he knows what trustee and guesL of tho Institution, well known to our people. Is filling treat it as a simple abstractloii. mortgagee is about to foreclose; he Tt h.lwnm1VMKWfiim0vflMi,n the honorable Position of Chief Mar. ?hould . eptton prors the above knows what note you cannot -pay; Z '7 , . .." "j-... ' : I role, it is dabbed -4 iurrlval-or -a iji. iuuuiiiuus miu jnciiburtTo ui i - . , , v . M taugox errantry, aou um perpetrator is regarded as an anomaly, and Imposed upon as though Tie were a fool. The change from the train to a hotel bedroom was made as speedily and deftly a possible, and the sick man stood it, on the whole, better than his self constitut ed protector had dared to hope. Thai bis namesake possessed nnnsaal strength of will Dr. Reyal bad been quick to recog nise, and his sympathies were touched Iia Imywrra vtt Vi ti v nnamlaLlA Mvi1a w4Xi v,o "'"" ftwwvio ' . . . . - . .. I l.-no. .,1., ..,.1 . t!.ll...l have on your shelves; he knows aU irac penoa rusn up in the flood-tide v vuw nmnus name your trials, from the day you tookhold of memory. But it is not of that wws ire4uenuy reau out on tne hon- of the first yard stick down to the sale that we wish to speak. In all out- or ro11. of the last yard of ribbon, and the God wsml appearances it now the same HL lIon "r JudSe oykin, who Is i ! i IL j r,"f ? University it was then. But this Elding court In Durham this week, ZTirZrS.r'r of reform w day. Tho Judge is will help you to discharge all your started by the people has at last even lokinK: unusually well and his many I duties. Heisaoimrtosee vou throuirh. touched the irreat IrMtitntlnna nf ens were jiiau to see mm. lie When loss comes, and you find your learning which. strane to sav in all I was eP busy handshaking all day. by the gallant endeavor the poor fellow . a ? 3 a i i ii t- i 1 " " ' I mi . . .1 1 - M a.. I s . m . p7'f?' T .3T i the history of the world, been the ne rresnmen uaas, now the rln- WHEN YOU GO fo Goldsboro be sure to stop xt the Gregory-Arlington Hotels. (Jood fare, attentive servants and large comfortablo rooms. When you get off the train "Isaac" .everybody knows Isaac) will be iiero. Give him your baggage and mGr go witn mm. WILL HUNTER, octlC-tf Proprietor f WQ , 7 JOai- 6XrI nurseries of stolid conservatism. ms Shphomore Class, has passed res- read of the eternal rjossessiona that wil I uursuies OI slo,lu con!erval,s,n L,..... , . . .. . .. ..i mn thnH .fm. The following we mention not as an oiu"i aecmring mat they wll Christ And when vonr business nart- evidence of the sbove but simdvas ""l Ml r reo" ,,t3At ear. t J - , , , . I ....... . . . I WA fnrmit tA elala Ihaf tks HP-.. . K (7liDcinn f W m1h morim.. KoHl. l, ln UWWlTttJll JOU, UUU yir lTMJUUa WITH 8n lUClUeilt OI tne OCCUSlOn. bUt 811 M...c illO- W T ParL-or X- Rnn hovo water: but there is one well that every I . ... J , I tnougnT. cIx years ago one Ot the 1 jtj ii w Acava va sin. t(.vvi UCKln K-wi s n inaiiiriniv inrrap ann I ipped fifteen crates of huckleber- man owns, a deep well, a perennial of o him who speakers at the commencemenc made : js besides what other have shipped, well, a well of tears. If a man has not , . brother." a speech, condemning the leaders of I a burden on tnis snouider, ne nas a T iifii rrfioa cr mnnino tii. WAKE COUNTY. A young accountant in New Ysirk tics in tne interest of cliques and I Cross-Eyed Sam at Dallentine's tween them, the brotherhood engendered burden on the other shoulder. The rlnv T loft hrvmfi ia lnnk after mvself .ma for u. In the wn mv 8t 618 f00001"3 ?uu?a-..i! !. h" matoM-of father sat driving. h .aid that Z2ttZZZZSZ a d 8uff", made to second every ontslde effort foe his relief. "By George T he inwardly commented, with the nnconecions egotism which leads us to appropriate likeness in aught that seems to us admirable, "the fellow has good grit. He must ue Ida to me sl ut wmg tAMa MM - direction of a stranger's affairs Dr. Royal established his positien, both to hiznsel and to his patient, by setting forth, in addition to the professional bond be- something which has kept with me h tj0iled them day and night from wrongs and oppressions, which all my life: "De Witt, it is always mhe nearly irewteL It seemed neither side attempted to change or bv those books that something had alternate. This sentiment was then safe time Yon to trust God. I have many a a !; ,1 : m know that, having been r"Tf 5; v u7. i." "'i"auuvu ' ' ' " Ho knew, if he could not that may -fr-v.-k f-i-wi tin ixrna rrrvocr. i nn ijlki. (im.t i i i . i for fifteen vears. it was no ""X, , '" - TI couia see, d.v every one. ? a' l .came. A similar Mill, N. C. I . (Special Correspondent.) June 4th, 1S91. Mr. Editor: Again I come with ray little news, trusting that my little items will not be cast aside. I came across a woman tho other day hy the name of Violet Spence, PENDEIl COUNTY. Special Correspondence. Miss Minnie C. Barber, of this place, is visitimr relatives and friends at Buleahville, Duplin county, N. C. Rev. Mr. Dob -on preached an ex celient sermon at this place on the fourth Sunday in May. Avery large crowd was present to hear him. Messrs. R.H. Boggs aod Randolph Duffy has made quite an improve ment by trimming up the oak grove here, which we have the honor to possess. Mr. Stephen Brown and Miss Laura Swmson were united in marriage on the night of Mr.y 29th, 1891. . Mrs. Lucy Ham, of Mount Olive, is on a visit here. Mr. R. II. Boggs has been quite sick for the last few days, but is lm proving fast. Tar-Heel. INK WARRANTED TO FADE. sick easy thing for me to support a his COme out right sPeech wa9 made upow tnis8a''ne ros' She was 50 years old and had chin family: but always God came to the , . ? . , . . n in.n trum to-djy. A few applauded, whiskers an inch long. .. T .Kn.flio tmo. Via coir) UB wouiu K uuu -. I , .... . .. , I Ttfra r I Ttr ! Wut man naar b has a hen that is carrving forty-four luuiiu ucv. F1v. '" young chickens. I hive seen them oeiore mere was anyoouy m mo marked to another pro i.inent man, .nri irnnw it t, ha n and he knelt down at the desk and ,.mhs,f fiinw j tainted with ihpnh. Tho omnnf WaVn i.v- rescue. "when I didn't know what to do, and I saw a man on horseback riding up the farm lane, and he announced to me that I had been nominated for the most lucrative office in the gift of the people of the county; and to that office I was elected, and God in that way met ;,0Sl0UJZ treasury fever." Such talk six years very promising, tried to bo honest, but I cannot make J This country w tw thinss come out rteht! Help me ? meant nothing but talk, so all a visitnd bv a verv these things come out right! Help me ago meant nouiing ou ia.K, so an , I" The ariDlaudeil the popular rainbow I oi fri.. i.i . i... i nil niv wints -fnrl T Wl vnn if in nln-av ' . $ . I ' i out. iicct uiuviii ujr wi ."WIS, anmy-wanis, ana iieiiyou it is always nnrl hardlvTcnowInorl r.intTn . t Hv enoli tnlk- triPiinal .nri fim ki...., ni, why he did so, opened a book tnat lay DU9ineS;; so now the right is danger- old people, to have been tho onthedesk,andtherewasaleaf eon- OU3 and cannot be applauded-thev Everest wird in this section in 31 tingahneoffigureswbichexplained or 32 y ears. . everything. ' ..e, ...v.. . The closing exercises of the Cokes- In other words, ho cast his burden aciassoi iweiuy-iwu juuug ujcu perry Acaaemy taices place to-nignt. upon the Lord, and the Lord sustained graduated and the commencement "Cross-Eyed Sam" will give yon him. Young man, do you hear that! exercises were in every way a sue-1 the proceedings later. Oh, yes, God has a sympathy with any- "CROSS LYED SAM." body Oat is in any kind of toill He . raxouet. -. knows How neavy is tne noa oi Dries ..... Hsddt Hooxlers. safe to trust him." Oh, my fru what we want is a practical religion J The religion people have is so high up you cannot reach it. I have a friend who entered the life of an evangelist. He gave up a lucrative business in Chi cago, and he and his wife finally came to severe want. He told me that in the morning at prayers he said: "O Lord, thou knowest we have, not a mouthful of food in the house! Help me, help us 1" And he started out on the street, and that the workmacarries up the ladder At this banquet in the Gerard Hall Wm.Timin0llSf Postmaster of lda of the wall. He hears the pickax of were gathered many of the old stu- yiHe.Ind., writes: 4EIectric Bitters tne nuner aown m uie "c dent of the University and also has done more for me than all other byoommcnmembership of a sacred or der. Either fact f ornished, to his mind, both a reason and an excuse for conduct which, he smilingly admitted, might strike a superficial observer as uncom monly like officiousness. "It's fortunate that I'm occasionally justified by professional and other con siderations," he pursued, as he made his patient comfortable, "for I'm a born in termeddler. Other men are satkfiid with poking a finger or two into neigh boring pasties. I grab the dish." "A good thing for the original dish holder too, sometimes," the patient re sponded, weak enough to feel the relief of divided responsibility. 'Tt a lone some sort of conviction that my pasty will turn out a sodden failure without pretty vigorous stirring from an outside spoon. The fact is, I'm in an uncom monly deep hole, and shall be thankful for a friendly hand to pull me out Yoo must not let me interfere with your own plans, however. It seems I've got to rest temporarily or else eternally; but that's no reason yon should be inconven ienced." "That's all right," Royal declared. "Don't vex your mind oo my score. I'm holiday making, and my time is at my own disposal. There's nothing to pre vent my stopping over a week if I want to. Tbenldont mind telling yon that I'm interested in your case would like to watch it a bit, in short. Force of a gentleman met him and said: "I Ztanwiita 6 ui.iverauy ami a.Su nas aone more ior me inaii au oiner to watch it a Mt, in short, rorce ot have been thinkin" of you foraeood knows how strong the tempest strikes f . , did t havotne nonor medicines combined, for that bad habit, yoo see; there's nothing like it, Se-Cw ?aLafonr: S-SSlS privHee or aend,g the .ns,.- KiyUy. Too know how it U 70m- REMOVAL ! Representative McCreary, of Ken tucky, and ex-Governor is a close political student, and seldom makes a mistake in his predictions. He thinkiitwill not be very long be fore United States Senators and the President and Vice-rresident will Has removed his Tailoring Estab lishment from his old stand to his office on Sampson Street, net to the be elected by direct vote of the peo- M. E. Church. . Ple, and he is in favor of both The great and orignal leader m changes. low prices for men's clothes. i,con omy in cloth and money will force you to give him a call. ISTLatest Fashion plates always n hand. June 7th. lyr. Shoe Repairing. Tha Boston Herald, referring . to the movement on foot to erect a monument to the late Confederate Chieftain, says: "The monument to Jefferson Da r?a aVirtnlrl Ya wnrthv of the leader N. BOONE has opened a Shoe- of the lost cause and nobody at the making and Repairing Establish ment over the office of Dr. A. Holmes, opposite Murphy House, on Main Street, and will be glad to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed mch26 2m W. D. DAWSON. Tonsoriai Artist, North will respect Southern men the less on account of this manifestation of their regard for him." Catalogue of the University of North Carolina Shows an excellent intellectual bil of fare offered to the young men of the country. The University is wel equipped in books and apparatus for Hair Cutting and Shaving execu- instruction, and has a full corps of ted in latest styles. Give me a trial, professors. The Law School and the ChIA t KaIUI BteMi Braa. I 'M AT P Arc, always 4 enly Chiav A. LAona us r -y j Medical School are flourishing PnrlVnnVAl Pll I C There were 187 matriculates. Presi accept the chair of History recently established. Dr. G. T. Winston has been elected his successor. Professor Holmes' department is also to be j provided for as he has accepted the mwmdMrmtt Ib UxA mm OvU aMtUi4 TW m, mim wilt w rtabam. Tak Tr CsBlB SSSS)S SSSVISVIHSV fTSJSsWfttQS wmmitmUMitn At DracxtM.OTMa44M. la ataaiM sarMmlan, IiiiImmiIiIi ao4 IUaif fc. lMimm.' fa. Uatr. j yttai arali. H,WV Tawiiaantan. Mmmu Vomer, PiihaaalMl UawMadfaam hurt a., fttm chant: if you won't be offended I should like to send you a barrel of flour." My friend cast his burden on the Lord, and the Lord sustained him. In the Straits of Magellan, I have been told, there is a place where, whichever way a ship captain puts his ship he finds the wind against Him, and there are men who all their lives have been running in the teeth of the wind, and which way to turn they do not know. Some of them may be here this morn ing, and I address them face to face, One of the novelties in thestatior. ery line is an ink that i3 guaranteed to fade within a week atter it has been put upon paper. The inventor says he expects to make a great deal ot mont'y out of his invention in a shvrt time. "Just imagine, if you can," he said to me. what a demand there will be for my Ink among corres ponding lovers. The young man can write words that almost scorch lioles in the paper and ignite the mails, but they fade out of sight not perfunctorily, but as one brother inside of a week, leaving nothing talks to another brother, "Cast thy but white paper behind it. burden upon the Lord, and he shall "By the use of my ink," he con- sustain thee. . Ml 1. I tmueu, "mere win oe no more business bcrdexs. compromising letters introduced as First There are a great many men evidence in Dreacn oi promise cases, wno kaVe business burdens. When we and forgers will enjoy immunity Uee a man harried and perplexed and from punishment. 1 think it will m business life we axe apt to have a great sale, don't you?" and He.ought not to have attempted the factory girl among the spindles and - er troble John jHe, former knows how her arms ache. He sees tution. Many ringing speeches in and stockman, of same place, says: the sewing woman in the fourth story response lo toast-, were made, and "Find Electric Bitters to be the best and knows how few pence she gets for mucn enthusiasm ai eased. A pro- Kidney and Liver medicine, made makincr a earment, and louder than all c5f!nn a moH that nnh inmnm me feel like a new man." J. W. the din and roar of tho city comes the . . . . - TTt s . I Gardner, hardware merchant, sme n,Mi rw KU incuu oi uie umversny, wuu mvR. K;,V6. Vbtrt Bitter Is luat t,r,ii nnon thTLord. and ho shall felt so inclined, would now give and the thing for a man who is all run c'r.ihtw pledge in future years to give one down and don't care whether lie lives Tim weight ov persecution. dollar annually to establish t ree o dIe8 he fP?n.d "ew strength, good o ti, fla OTPfltmAnvwho .utt: tu. appetite and leit last like he had a Tri new lease on life. Only 50 cents a r.' 0 proposition mei wuii unaiiiniou.- ap bottle, at K. II. IIoluday's Drug- proval f.nd each man came down Intore, Clinton. N. C.t and Joiix K.I a t a, A Tl hia mnnirM TL M.ds with his quota. Col. Thos. Kenan Smith, drugjist, Mt. Olive, N. C. are deopeciated. With more virtue J was made President of the associa. than some of the honoredand applaud- tion. Prof. Charles D. Mclver, the THINGS THAT SAY WITHOUT ed. be runs only acainst raillery and nr?rinitnr f ilex u-as made Tre. OOINt. sharp criticism. When a man beginal " iiXral gravitation, but a hundred of the fund, and he was instructed tor for abont flfteen minute9 eadi- it were. self. He talked cheerily, kind words over lying a kind intention, and both carry ing soothing to the sick man, as he meant that they should. The rules of the order enjoined assistance i cases like the present, and he was, moreover. In a mood for being helpful, or, as he might have dubbed it, officious. Since the partial examination to which he had subjected the patient his interest and sympathy had deepened. The outlook was more serious than he had supposed was so serious, in foot, that all thought ot continr-ation of the journey must be put atrfd. As he talked, Dr. Royal turned over in bis 12 hid the advisability of summoning the sick man's friends without loss of time, and only awaited an opening to request the necessary in formation concerning tbem casually, as hand to help him in the precipitation, to correspond immediately w ith the Men are persecuted for their virtues 1 alumni not present to mat enect. and their successes. Germanieus said I This is a big step to popularizing and ne wruiiguisaauus in joj 10 mo f . Tvmrh " Ah! that, manmav - " visions of prospective wealth danced to at ! WhenTm f fitter antagonists the Institution. ueiore 111s eyes plants a business he does not know what will be its outgrowths, what will MIND YOU DO NOT SWEAR be its roots, what will be its branches. TO A LIE BEFORE THIS MONTH IS OUT. ' June is the month for listing property for taxes. It is believed to be the most fatal month In the year for the morals of the people. Every property owner m ust swear as to the value of his property, and there are men, who swear falsely in this month, that are . generally truthful. It is believed with good - d erowrinkiefl are nlowed in the reason that the value ofa third of !f p the property in this State is never recorded on the tax books. The rate of taxation in the State is low, and yet it ia high enough to meet the demands of public interests if y. Finally he yawned sleep I and remarked : "There are some things in the weld that go without saying." . a a W f . I a If - I L .. - A Duouauuv.u- 1 1 , 1x1 . t 1 . t . : The character sometimes is so lus- meetixg of the TUUhTtra. ou. mere are wouarneu many inings trous that the weak eyes of envy and One of the most hopeful sigas for inS ? f?1 Ueal WUnUl g"l,,ff jealousy cannot Dear to 100a a. i. " the Institution was the progressive was their integrity that put josepu. .... WQ,TaH. tUn ma5rtr!.t. Jlf fVA H o-nA TVanisl in tH Q&ZL. JUKI I J J I T hova r mv ainnlnv o ttiam airliA k . w 4 m I m Thii 1 1 rot Ar irlrasisira mixta I r w v Snadrach in the fire, and sent Jonn tne 1 ...-w.wv naH been a victim of periodic head xiiTr'rt .lAsnktfl Patmoe. and I was the election oi that able, pro- Urhe for venm. Ua irld nil UnH M 1 1. 1TT1 . i , I JIlKWiO f ' .1 " I " - ' irom wuHosu. wnen 10 uuy, wueu vo MeiA n Trsaention.-and moacU.p on.l mt.nlnr Jnp.lnr Dr. of treatment, an 1 I hv trlatl vari- ell xrKrn tn fmf and vhat. Amnnnt I .. . . 3 xr r. 1 fe I .J : li... -t.. of credit, what will be the effect of this new invention of machinery, what will be the effect of that loss of crop, and a. thousand other questions perplex business men, until the hair is silvered There is many a man with keen fore sight and large business faculty who has been flung into the dust by unfore seen circumstances springing upon him John TTnss to the stake, and Korah r.0,,0 rp winstnn Prwiifnt in. ous remedies on him. Your Brady I ' mom a .ms kAlnn mVx K.a.v iW M uuuuc ucips iuiu uiurts 1,11 an nuym after Moses, and Saul after David, and m nM iinB nniuician after Christ. Be sure if you I ... t. - lWD all property could te made to , bear taxes alike Charlotte Chronicle. "Castles in the air are walled in by fancy," remarked the poet. "Faith, I'd prefer a lence," said Pat; cheek; and the t stocks go up by the mountains and go down by the valleys, and they are at their wits' ends, and stagger like drunken men. : i There never has been a time when there havo been ness as now. It is hardware against hardware, books against books, chand lery against chandlery, imported arti cle against imported article. A thous and stores in combat with another anr aiw anma .nnl1 hflVft tirffVrrwi Tho i..fH;n-trdAforcburcnorsiaie. v - miara no. .....B , . I . f i. and you attempt it with all your soul, next evidence oi mis was m uie pas the Hchtning will strike you. ' I sage of a resolution to abolish danc- The world always Has naa a crot 1 n dunng the commencement exer- between two thieves for the one who and that on Wednesday night comes to save it. uign ana noiy u- instead of a that the faculty S ever did." O. D. KlNGHLEY, M. D., White Plains, N. Y. "I DO" AND "NOT I WILU" Ihe marriage ceremony in the terprfae has always been followed by h . & reception PTbIrin c?turchJ','s been chang- mi .hi(riM tracdv of I wouiu 1,1 Ine 1 "" S retepiiou hv thrt Southern Genernl Aswm. as been a time when n to builesque. open to everybody. The dancing Wy. Hereafter brides and grooms such njes m bust- j seii of virtue b people opposed this.claiming that the will say "I do" and not "I will." -rn worrimace and travesty. The ladies would not come to the cm- The lawyiMS among the members " O - . 1 sweetest strain of poetry ever wiroen mencement if dancing was abolished. has come to ridiculous faroay, ana who believed that the balls Continued on Second Page.l ' were not conducive to the best inter- succeeded in impressing on the as sembly : that marriage is a contract and should be in the present tense. State Chronicle. A clear ooul fire burned in the grate. night wsit drawing in, sad outside it was cold and dark. The flames danced up and down, violet where the fuel was only half Jgui ted, and pale yellow down in the hollows where the heat wss great eat; shadows played on the walls and the sick man's bed, for there was no light in the room save that given by the fire. .The face on the fallow was well nigh in viable, save when the flames flared up, when it would start out, dis tinct and prominent, the eye wide open and watchfuL "Doctor, wiB you make a lightT ' Royal started. Be had thought the patLeit asleep. As he complied with the request he remarked, quite care lessly: -': , - "By the way, friend, won't your peo ple be expecting yon? It may bother them, not understanding about the de lay, you know. Women always put themselves in a fret. If youll give me the address before you go to sleep TO wire for you." , ; - The answer was irrelevant: , -., "What time is itT - Dr. Royal gave the desired informa tion. . ' ,:: .i- "Half -past 6," the sick man repeated. "tVnd the train leaves at 4J& a. m. Nssx- Continoed on Second Pea. 1 s 1 - , - '