THE CAUCASIAN. IF YOU WOULD LIKE To comtnntricih with about if a thotmnd of th Ut country people in tlil action of Worth Carolina then do it through the column of Tit k Caccahax. Xu other paper In th Third On grraalonal District ha m Urg a circulations UHMMlfKIi KVKKY TIIUK8DAY, Ky XAUIOX BUTLER. K'litor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIBEI Show this Paper to your neigh lxr and advise him to subscribe. X NO Puro SomoorAoy AXid Wliito auproiunoy. Vol. ix. Subscription iTice$l J50 lcr Year, in Advance. CLINTON, N. O., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1891 No. 40. CAUCASIAN IMiOFJiSSIOXAL COLUMN". It. AM..KN. V. T. UOUTCU. AU'K! N As DOItTCII. 7 AT ro It N K Y 8- A T- L A W , (ioldsboro, X. C. Will practice in Sampson county. A." LKK, M. D. vhician,Sih:oko.v a.nd Dentist, ;'. iu Lee's Drugstore. j7-lyr A rr JUNKY AND COUNSELL- oit at Law. Ofllcc on Main Street, will pract ice In' courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All IttjijiJnljiwAi?!. his Tnonl" nd auJr-ttu to -cull AIAKION JiUTLLH. z7.1yr Vinn VEjUU, Attorney and Counsellor AT IjAW. Omce on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen," !iul( r. Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. I'rompt personal attention will be iven to all lexal business, je 7-lyr L 71UANK IiOYETTE, D.B.S. Office on Main Street. Olfars hiv services to the jeople of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the Wed stylo. Satisfaction guaranteed. lMy terms aro strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. A1 mnsrr n i HAS IT DONE 1 ( CAN IT DO I "Compound Oxygen Its mode of Action and Results," is the title of a new book of 200 pages, published by Drs. Starkoy A- 1'alen, which gives to all inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative agent, and a record of surprising cures in a wide range of chronic cases many of them after being abandoned to die by otler physicians Will be mailed free to any address on apj li cation. DRS. STARKEY & PALEN. jn25-tf JEWELRY JD CLOCKS! :U: received I hare just a large lot of Kljjant Jewelry. This I will guaran ty to the purchaser to be just as 1 sell no cheap, "lire guilt" t'nOil lint. l-ni-l-V ft KTANDAUU LINE OF ooi i vkont noons. The attention of the ladies is called to the iatcfct styles f itKKAST pins thev art ''things of beauty !" T lie old reliable and standard BETH THOMAS CLOCKS always in stock, in various styles mid sizes. Ddr Repairing of Watches mh! liucks m mending .icwciry is a specialty. A 1 1 wni-l- I ilr. m tMinriviiteed to riVe cn mi attifiwtimi ' 1 Rennectfi-tiy. I ..J0yLZi - 1. T. & 0. F. ALDERMAN COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 112 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cotton :vnl rrimbor : AiiSO : Country Produce handled to best ad vantage. Reference 1st National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. aug2'.-tr &EW BARBER SHOP When j ou wiahan easy shave, As gcod as barber ever gave, Just call on us at our saloon It n.orniug, eve or noon; We cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. Our room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything we think you'll find; To suit the face and please the mind, Vrul all our art and skill can do, It vou just call, we'll do for you. Shop ou DeVane Streot, opposite Court House, over the old Alliance Headquarters. PAUL SHERARD, The Clinton Barber. When you go f o Goldsboro be sure to stop at the Gregory-Arligton Hotels. Good fare, attentive servants and large comfortablo rooms. When you get off tho train "Isaac" (everybody knows Isaac) will be there. Give him your baggage and go with him. WILL HUNTER, octlfi-tf Proprietor REMOVAL, ! J. T GREG3RY Has removed his Tailoring Estab lishment from his old stand to his office on Sampson Street, next to the M. E. Church. The great and orignal leader in low prices for men's clothes. Econ omy In cloth and money will force you to give him a call. l6rLatest Fashion plates always n nana. June 7th. lyr. Newspaper Publishers. We will furnish vou a bright, new sy Washington Letter every week in exchange for a 2 inch advertising space. Article written to o der, if desired, on any subject. Nat. Vidlage Linw aky A ss'x, 510 F Street, N. V.t ju25 lm Washington, D. C, W. D. DAWSON. Tonsoriai Artist, , Hair Cutting and Shaving execu ted in latest styles. Give me a trial. W i . THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. HOW THINGS LOOK FKOM OUPw STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. The following queer order appears in the columns of the New Berne Journal. What are the paramount National Issues? They are the GO per cent, monopoly tariff, the extravagance of the Billion-Dollar Congress and the conspiracy against home rule and free elections embodied In the Force and Fraud bill. These are the issues upon which the judgment of the people was pronounced last November, and upon them we can safely go into the great battle of 1892. There la no other subject a mo mentous and so pressing as these. The silver quest ion will not be made a lending issue by- either of the great parties." The order is issued, but suppose Dr. Kingsbury's "common people" decide that they will look after the platforms and have a say about what they will yell for during the next campaign. Yes the "common people" say that they will hive the money question and the infamous fraud of the Demontization of silver in 1873 among the issues of the next campaign, and to this end they will take charge of their party and bring it back to Jcffersonian moorings. If the people mean this, what is the new Berne Journal going to do about it? The Memphis v Appeal-Avalanco in its desperation over the political situation gives vent to tho follow ing: What should the Democracy do? Surrender? No. A thousand times no! Better, i'ar better to goto defeat than to submit to the dictation of those whom God and nature inted- ed for subordinates and subalterns. We must admit that the above is beyond our comprehension. In these parts it is tho Domooracy, tho in-v jority of the Democracy that has determine to add now issues to the fight. But then we suppose that this majority are those designed to be "subalterns and subordents" above referred to or "common peo- pie"as a Vetera l editor of th's State dor? Well Congressman Oates tells the minority to kick out of traces, ,n holt, if the common" people donH k0CPii The new form of debt statement and Its explanation as given by Sec retary Foster furnish complete evi dence that the statements from that uepartineut lor tho past hve years were mado to hoodwink and deceive the people. The difference between the present and past statements lies in the changed conditions of the treasury. Now the treasury Is bankrupt and tho Secretary 13 trying to show an abundance of cash on hand; then the treasury was full to running over, and the Idea was to snow as little money on hand as possible. To mislead the peaple as to tho true condition of the national finances controlled in both cases. National Economist. Col. Akers, the famous real estate I auctioneer, made a little speech in Raleigh before he began the sale of the Idlewild lots. We clip the fol lowing: The South is prospering and with in a quarter of a century not a bale of cotton will be shipped from the South. Wo will manufacture it Alabama has taken the laurel from Pennsylvania for iron. We have here a beautiful piece of ground we propose to sell. This is a revival. There are revivals of religion and temperance. We must have business revivals. Hustling men ate needed more than college graduates. Every man who puts a tin roof on his house is given a practical de monstration ot tne beauties ot re publican legislation, by having to pay $1.00 a box more for his roofing tin that was charged , before the tin schedule or the McKinley bill went ! into effect, . Ask your tinner of this isn't straight. The Republicans appear to be placing more dependence upou the big crops than upon their record or arguments, to help them out of the hole in Ohio and Iowa this year This isn't the first time that the re publican party has had the audacity to claim the credit for good crops. What the wild waves ot th At lantic aro laying these days to .Mr Harrison isn't probably half as in terostlng as what Mr. Harrison said to Mr Wanamaker about his eon I nection with the wrecked Keystone i bank. MEMOHIAM. Firt ten line free, 5 cent half of alvi:r tiring rate) for each sulweqw-nt line, count ing word to the line Mingo Academy Alliance, No. 229, June 20, '91. MR. JOHN R. LEK. Died, at his home in Mingo Town ship, Sampson county, N. C, in the year 1891, aged 39 years, John It. Jjee, leaving a wife and two child ren, with a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Whereas, it has pleased God in his kind providence to remove from our midst our esteervnndand brr ther, therefore be iccwely the same, llesolvod, That v pleasure as well as a d.lila . , our admiration for ttu "ZLAY" qualities f . , llf'-ia character, and while wc mourn his loss we lx v with humble submission to the Di vine Decree. Resolved, That Jbjsddeltty to his Alliance won for him the sympathy of the members during his affliction. Resolved, That we extend to his bereaved family our condolence in this their sore trial, remembering that whom the Lord lovolu he chas tencth. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the fam ily, and to The Caucasian for pub lication J. D. Williams, jet Wm. C. Jackson, Com. Wm. Bland, MRS. RACHEL DUDLEY. The following resolutions of re spect were passed by Mingo Acade my Alliance, No. 229: Whereas, uod m Ills all-wise providence took from us by death on March 4th, 1891, Mrs. Rachel Dudley, born May 15th, 1840, an honest and usetul member of our order. There fore be it Hesolved. That while we deeply deplore her sudden and seemingly untimely departure, yet we bow to tho will of God who is too merciful o be unkind, and believe that He has taken one of his children to His bo som, one who in early life gave her heart to Him an J a life devotion to lis cause. nesotvea, mat we extend our sincerest sympathy to the loving sis ters, tond brother and bereaved children in thdir deep affliction and point them to Christ the Saviour, who alone can pour into their broken hearts the balm of Gilead, and trust that we all imitate the example of her christian lite. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be lorwarded to the child ren, and to The Caucasian for pub- lcalion. J.D.Williams. W. C. Jackson . Cuiu. Wm. Bland, Is it sensible ? Is it reasonable? s it economy, to suffer yourself and worry otheis with a headache when Brauycronne will relieve you in fif- een minutes. It costs only fifty cents a bottle. DUPLIN COUNTY. WAKSAW NOTES. Miss Maggie Pierce is visiting friends' at Manchester, in Cumber- and county. Mr. Buck Guy and Mr. Q. H. Wil- lams moved their iamihes to Geor gia on the 4th instant. Mrs. Lucy Skipper, from Wilming ton, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her nephew, Mr. W. b Blaney, ou her way to Mount Olive to visit her brother. Miss Annie llollings worth, of Goldsboro, is visiting at Mr. D. J. West. A free school session will open at the Pierce school house on the third Monday in September, under the management of Mr. Henry Grady, son ot Congressman B. F. Grady. E, B. How is This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ke- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by theirnrm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Waiding, Kinnax & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price 7oc. per bottle. Sold by J. R. Smith, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. C., and Dr. 11. II. Holliday, Clin- ton, N. C. ONSLOW COUNTY. CATHARINE LAKE ITEMS. Mr. Malan Boggsand wife, of In dianapolis, Indiana, are visiting his brothers at this place. Messrs. J. F. Boggs, R. H. Boggs and Malan Boggs have taken a trip up to Hillsboro, N. C, to spend a few days with their relatives and friends. Mrs. N. J. Barber, of this place has been quite sick for the last few days, but I think she is improving. Mrs. Mary Hall, who lives near this place, is visiting her daughter on New River, Onslow county J. A Safe Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On Uus safe plan you can buy fiom our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consum ption. Itis guaranteed to bring relief in every case, wheu used lor any aflcction oi Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at Dk. it. II. IIoixtday's Drugstore, Clin ton, and Dr. J. It, Smith, Druggist, Ml. I Olive, N. C. Copyright, Billje Warren. I find t..v ii... .MBit i, u. Mun nan Royal, who lus 1h;c wrioucly injured in a railway accident, is a passenger on a train runoiug to the mountain tlittticts of Virginia, and by cliance a Dr. Johu Hart ltoyal 2so. 2 jictn ou board at a way iatioo and profit r attention to the invalid. Chaitek 2. Dr. ltoyal No. 2 in- Bihla that the Battering man rliall wait over at the town of Matoacja and re cruit his utrenth. The t-top is made, and Dr. ltoyal o. I confides totheoth trthat he must reach a distant, point be fore 12 o'clock the following day to Iks married to his cousin, Phyllis ltoyal. A fortune for the cousin, bequeathed by an eccentric auut, depends upou the marriage being celebrated before that time. Convinced by lus medical judg ment that the prospective bridegroom cannot make the jouruey alive, Dr. ltoy al No. 2 oners to go on as a proxy an is accepted. Chapter d. I he pioxy reaches the church where the parties are assembled await'og the traveler. The ceremony is finished ten minutes to 12. ChapTi-.r 4. The anxiety of Dr. lio,- al No. 1 it explained to No. 2 by the dis covery that tne bride is blind. Chapter 5. The proxy and bride set out on the wedding tour, and at Matoac- ca Dr. ltoyal No. 2 fastens to the bed side of No. 1 and finds that he ia dead, having passed away at exactly ten min utes to 12 on the day of the marriage. CHAPTER VII. Royal had about completed his ar rangements for leaving the hotel in which so unvth of import had occurred, when a chance remark caused his own position m this affair of his namesake to assume proportions and a oomnlexitv which well nigh oTerv.dielmed him. He was Btanding in the hotel office. near tho clerk's desk, on which lay the open register. Tho young doctor stood at his elbow, the some to whose fledgling care John Royal had been committed. They had been speaking of the case and of its untoward ending, and had gone into details of interest and importance to no mortal soul save members ot the profession. Suddenly the young fellow pat a question: 'The young hriy is hi cousin and nxrt of kin. She is my wife." "Were you brothers? Excuse me for asking, but the name is the same for both on the register," laying his hand on the book. "They've put the same in itials, too. Bat that's a mistake, I reck on." No, Royal explained, there was no mistake. The names were the same and they were kinsmen, but not broth ers. He cast lus eye on tne register, as he spoke, and read beneath the name of Mrs. Walter Hart that of Mrs. John Hart Royal. It surprised him, for he had no recollection whatever of having placed it there. Then he remembered that in the excitement and hurry of the arrival he had neglected to register the ladies at alL It was probable that tho clerk had supplied the omission from information obtained at the fountain head. "His wife, I suppose," fhe young phy sician hazarded. In the second which elapsed before he replied Hart Royal's mind seemed, to work over the whole case, from start to finish, like an electric flash. He ap peared suddenly confronted by a point of view the instantaneous absorption of which by his consciousness made it seem something ' which , he had known all along, only failed to give it due promi nence. . The pause ere he spoke was so slight that it passed unheeded by the bystanders, but daring it Royal's -whole mental "position, and a good part of hu external circumstances, had been shifted. "No," he made answer quietly. "The young lady is his cousin and next of kin.' She is my wife." CHAPTER VDX trcmeitdovsly funny. dare Bayr' he growua. . "Poor child! Poor Phyllis!" Mrs. Hart's face wore a compassionate expression, and her voice had tender, comim'serating inflections. She. stood by -Mr. NUIES PlWELV by American I'm .WMxintioo. the window, looking out into the street with eyea -which conveyed to her mind m image of that on which they rested. " Royal paused in his mtlet walk and silently gal at her. Her tone made him 'wince like the touch of a ncttK He was too much oppreaaod by the re sult of his own precipitation not to be sore and irritable. Involuntarily, he re sented the implied depreciation. " "I am not a bad man, as men go," he remonstrated. "A blundering fool, if you will, but no villain. Your tone im plies that I have been both." Mrs. Hunt turned toward him. As she did so she CHUght an exprue&ion on the young man's fuce which reminded her curiously of her husband. Her oyes softened and a smilo came to her lips. She had seen the look before during tlie days tliat they had been together, and always with mute, -wistful acknowledg ment of tho tie between them. After all, he was Phil Royal's son and of their own people which fact, in the ladyB mind, considerably ameliorated tho sit uation. What wonld hiive been licr at titude toward Royal if, instead of being a member of tlio family with blood right of interference, he had turned out sim ply a blundering stranger, whose tender nature had ruled his reason to such dis astrous effect, it is difficult to imagino. Fortunately for Royal sbo was not put to the test. A kinsman, like the shape of a nose, can be accepted and endured with the pleasing consciousness that, ex ternally, the worst is known of him, while the introduction of a stranger into one's life may be attended with as grave risks as thoso incident to the French no tary's experiment. Mrs. Hart loved romance with a I southern woman's love, and moreover J she was gifted with a subtle sense of I humor. Interwoven with the tragic and pathetic elements of the affair there was comedy as well, for those sufficiently dis engaged to appreciate it. And, for the life of her, Mrs. Hart could not forbear imaginative pictures of the self com placent soul of her kinswoman, assert ively, comporting itself in the infinite, suddenly confronted with a view of the situation as it now :;tood. Even a dis embodied spirit, in such case, could not cape recognition of limitations and arrangements for pulling stroke in the lifeboat of other people after this mortal shall havo put ou immortality. The pithy old Scotch proverb recurred again and again to Mrs. Hart's secretly divert ed mind with a relishing sense of its ap plicability. "What did tho lawyers say?" she ques tioned, coming toward him, &ud tacitly ignoring her own discourteous exclama tion and his impatient reception of it. Royal pushed a chair toward her, but declined one for himself. I:Jns nerv ously excited condition it pleased him better to tramp about the room. They had been in Alexandria a week, coining directly homo with Mrs. Hart after John Royal's funeral, and during that time the dead man's substitute had devoted himself to discovering what might bo his legal status in the affair. Of his case in equity he had no shadow of doubt. "There hasn't been time enough for anything like research yet, and a lawyer is nothing without precedent, he an swered. "I've seen a couple of fellows here, and stated the case hypothetically, and I've talked to a man or two in Wash ington besides. Of course I've only got ten horseback oxinions as yet. Nobody I've seen has ever gone into a thing like this. One fellow told me plainly that he didn't believe such a case had ever even been imagined before." "But tne irenerai impression was what?" Royal paused beside her chair, and stood looking thoughtfully down at her: "A3 far as John Royal is concerned the case has but one point of view. They all agree on that. The proxy marriage was no marriage. Under the circum stances it couldn't be. A man in articlo mortis, as John Royal was at the time of the ceremony, cannot enter into a contract; the law wouldn't recognize such an act as conscious and voluntary. Even if he had lived it is doubtful whether the proxy marriage would have 6tood, It would have given us what we wanted, though a fighting chance for the money. Marriages by proxy are so unusual that the law dont provide for differentiations of them." "Then the marriage with John is null and void?" "It's non-existent." "And with you?' Mrs. Hart looked searehingly up at him: she put out her hand to prevent him from resuming his restless pacing backward and forward. "The marriage with me was genuine. Listen and I'll try to make it clear to you." With allowance made for inaccuracies of understanding and statement due to lack of legal knowledge and a, perforce, prima facie reading of the case, the gist of that which Royal had gathered was this. Marriage was the special charge of the law, and by it regarded as tho prime pillar of civilization, therefore every possible facility had been afforded peoole for entering the matrimonial state; the notion being, apparently, that the more marriages the more props ergo, the more civilization. In the present case the names of the two men being identical and age and ap pearance sufficiently similar to cause the license to fit either indifferently, and the woman having consented to marry the man she was with, the marriage cere mony, it was declared, had constituted them man and wife, and nothing short of a divorce could change the relation. Tbs woman had designed and intended to marry her cousin John .Hart Royal, and she had married her cousin John Hart Royal, and the fact that the man she had espoused was not the man to whom she had engaged herself could not militate against the stronger fact that Continued on Second Page! A Sermon in Kentucky. lU. TALMAC.K CALLS W 1TXKSSKS TO THK i'OWKli or CHKIST. Not Logic, Not Mctaphyi"., Not f Autiqiinriati Kcscartli. but Taith Can Iak.-I s Whob. THLtiO.Sl'Lh IN INDIA. CHI NA. TAHITI, AND 3IADA (iASCAIt. vast j Iliou JJttiuoK, Ky., July li concourse of pto)ki iMtetatnblod thfe morning on tlte Lbtork; oauip ground at High Hridge, Ky., fo lr Dr. Tal mage preach. They otune from all th surrounding cities, town tnd nfJghbor hood. t A large oontiiigixit f rm Loub vllle aud onotlicr from Cincinnati were present Many of the visitors b:w re mained here since yterday afterrwon, when t)r. Tnhrvigs ppeacheil In tlte tamo place. Tlie text of his sermon this morninj was from Ats iii, 15, "We are witnesses. " Standing amid Ue bills iux grov of Kentucky and before this great multi tude tlwit no man can nutaber, moft of whom I never saw before and never will see again in this world, I choose a very practical theme. In tho days of George Stcphenaon, tho perfector of tho lomo lnotive engine, the scientists proved conclusively that n railroad train could never be driven by steam power suc cessfully without peril; but tho rushing express trains from Liverpool to Edin burgh and from Edinburgh to London have mode all the nation witnesses of the splendid achievement. Machinists and navigators proved conclusively that a steamer could never cross tho Atlantic ocean, but no sooner had they successfully proved tho im possibility of such an undertaking than the work was done, and the passengers on the Cunard, and the Inman, and the National, and tho White Star lines aro witnesses. There went up a guffaw of wise laughter at Professor Morse's proposition to moke the lightning of heaven his errand bov, and it was proved conclusively that the thing could never be done, frut now all the news of the wido world put Iu your hands every morning and night bos made all nations witnesses. WITSKSSKS OK THE HKtjUKKKdTOX . So in the time of Christ It was proved him to rihio from the dead. It was shown lyrically that when a man was dead, he was dead, and the heart, and the liver, and the lungs having ceased to perform the ir offices, the limbs would be rigid beyond all power of friction or arousal. They showed it to be an ab solute absurdity that the dead Christ should ever get up alive; but no sooner had they proved this than tho dead Christ aroee, and the disomies beheld him, heard his voice and talked with him, and they took the witness stand to prove that to be true which tho wise acres of the day had proved to le im possible ; the record of tho experiment and of the testimony is in the text, "Him hath God raised from tho dead, whereof we are witnesses." .Now, let me play the skeptic lor a moment. "There is no God," says tho skeptic, "for I have never seen him with my physical eyesight. Your Bi ble is a pack of contradictions. There never was a mirocla. Lazarus was not raised from tlw dood, and tlio water was new turned into wine. Your re ligion Is an imposition on the credulity of tho ages." There Is an aged man moving in that pew as though he would like to Tospocid. Here are hundreds of people with faoes a little fliwlied at these announcements, and all through this throng there is a suppressed feeling which would like to speck out In be half of the truth of cor glorious Chris tianity, as ki the days of tlie text, cry lng out, "We are witnesses P The fact Is, that if this world is ever brought to God it will not be through argument." but through testimony. You might cover the whole earth with apol ogies for Christianity, and learned treatises in defense of religion; you would net convert a soul. Lectures on the harmonv between science and re ligion are beautiful mental discipline, but have never saved a soul and never will save soul. Pat a man of tin world and a man of tho church against oaeh other, and tlie man of tlie work! will, In all probability,, get the triumph. There are a thousand things in our re ligion that seem Illogical to Che world and always will seem illogical. TRIUMPHS OF TUE GOSPEL. Our weapon In this conflict is faith, not logic; faith, not metaphysics; faith, Dot profundity, faith, not scholastic exploration. But then, in order to have faith, we must have testimony, and if five hundred men, or one thousand toon, or five hundred thousand men, or five million men get up and tell me that they have felt the religion of Jesus Christ a joy, a comfort, a help, an ln fplration, I am bound as a fair minded man to accept tlietr testimony. I want just now to put before you throe propo rtions, the truth of which I think this audience will attest with overwhelming uimnimity. Tlie tlrst proposition Is, We are witnesfes that the religion of Christ is able to convert a souL The Gospel may have had a hard time to conquer us, we may have fought it back, but we were vanquished. You say - conversion is only , an hnagtnary thing. We know better. "We are witnesses." There never was so great a change In our heart and life on any subject as on this. People laughed at the missionaries in Madagascar because they preached ten years without one ohvert, but there are many thousands of converts in Mad agascar today. People laughed at Dr. Judson. . the Baptist missionary, be- cause he kept on preaching In Bunnah five years without a single convert but ia Itmuab today. Popple lfcuLM 1 j tlwre sewn jrr without ft atngls o& j 1 1 j vrrvHvn, I nt thee aw mnf ttaomnji j ci uiiru-tian in Chlii today. Pwf e j LuichM &t tiw mfokwiarW for prtwob j in at Tahiti for flftwn fmn without A I elnlo coiiTwWi, an i t the ini4eoA r!v fr urmrliltij in Iktupd terenteeo year without a rinpki convenim, yrt iantb land, thero multitude But why (x far to And ertVnx i "Wtt &re wttnwi.- W wrr ma wood that no man could have htuuMJ u; I wo wiro ) linra mat no wurtniy power! could hava nxdtwi us. Asxgtit I (rod wcro all around about thcr could I . t not orwwtne iul But one day, rr-1 hn-t-. M.jwt ,n. a Presbyterian etchtkttl lecture, or I at a burial, or on liow-lwk, poww wired us, ami imvle us gut down, and mad us tretnbk and mad ui no4, and made us cry for mercy, and we . , , . . . , . im tried to wreikrh ouixlre awny from the grasp, but we could not It flung us flat, and wlien wo omno w wet m much diangod as (lourgU, Um heathen, who wont into a prayer meeting, with a dag-1 gv and a gun, to disturb th meeting and destroy it, Init the next day vm found crying: "OIl mygroatslnjl Oh, M i. . ... . . - I I my groat aaMourr ana -lor ejeven yoars preached tlte Ooepel of Christ to his fellow mountaineers, the kict wordi on his dying hps being, "Free grace V Oh, it was free grace I THAS6KOKMKD 11Y THK HOLT SPIKrr. Thwre Is a man who was for ten years I a hard drinker. T1k dreadful appetite liad Haul down its roots around the! palate, and the tongue, and on down until tley were interlinked with tlie vitals of body, mind and soul ; but lie has not taken any stimulants for two years. Wliat did that! Not temper ance societies. Not prohibition" laws. Not moral suasion. Conversion did it. Why," Kiid ono upon whom the great cuange lial come, "sir, I feel just as though I were somebody else." There is a sea captain who swore all tlto way from New York to Havana, and from Havana to San Francisco, and when ho was In port lie was worse than when ho was on sea. what power was it j tjiat washed his tongue clean of pro-j fanities, and madhlm a pfsjKi singer t Conversion by the Holy Spirit There aro thousands of people here today who aro no more what they once were than a water lily Is a nightshade, or a morn ing lark is a Vulture, or day is night. Now, if I should demand tliat all those people hero present who have felt tho converting power of religion should rise, so far from belntr nxhomed they would snrlnff to their feet with more Jnrrfj thnrt )inv erur mrvntrnr to the dance, the tears mingling with their exhilaration as they cried, "We are witnesses!" And If they tried to sing tho old Gospel hymn, they would break down with emotion by tho tlmo they got to tho second lino: Afhamod of Jesus, tlmt denr friend On whom my hoi of lioaven defend No! WLcn I blush, bo this my sluuno That I no more rovero Lis name. Again, ! remark that "wo are wit nesses' oillie oospers power to com fort. When a man has trouble the world comes In and says, "Now, get your mind off this ; go out and breathe the fresh air; plunge deeper Into busi ness." What poor advioel Get your mind off it ! When everything is upturn ed with the bereavement, and every- tlilng reminds you of what you have lost Get your mind off It I They might as well advise you to stop think ing, and you cannot stop tldaklng in that direction. Take a walk in the fresh air! Why, along that very street, or that. very rood, she onoo accom panied you. Out of that grass plot she plucked flowers, or iuto that show window she looked fascinated, saying, "Come, see the pictures.' Go deeper into business ! W hy, hhn was associated with all your business ambition, and since sbo has gone you have no ambi tion left Oh. this Is a clumsy world when it tries to comfort a broken heart I I can build a Corliss engine, I oau paint a Raphael's "Madonna," I can play a Beethoven's "Symplioiiy" as easily as this world can comfort a broken heart. And yet you liave been comforted. How was it done! Did Christ come to you and say, "Got your mind off tliis ; go out and breathe tlie fresh air; plungo deeper Into business f No. There was a minute . when ho come to you perhaps In tlie watcliea of the night, perhaps iu your place of business, perliaps along the street and he breathed something into your soul that gave ijeuoe, rest, Infinite quiet, so that you could take out the photograph of tho departed one and look into the eyes and the face of the dotal one and say : it is au rigui, sue is Deiwjr ou; wouki not call her back. Lord, I thee that thou hast comforted my poor heart." COMFOUT FOR THE BOBVjOWISa. Tlie re are Christian parent here who are willing to testify to the power of this Gospel to comfort Your sou had just graduated from school or college and was going into business, and the Lord took him. Or your daughter had just graduated from the young ladies' seminary, and you thought she was go ing to be a useful wouum, and- of long life, but the Lord took ler, and yon were tempted to say, "All this culture of twenty years for nothing 1" Or the little child caine home from school with the hoi fever that stopped not for the agonized prayer or for the skillful phy sician, and the little child was taken. Or the babe was lifted out of your arms by some quick epidemic, and you stood wondering why God ever gave, you that child at all, if so soon lie was to take it away. And yet you are not repining, you ara not Itetrta, you are not fighting against God. What en abled you to stand oil umj uoaii "Oh," you say, "I took medicine that God gave my sick rtff In my distress I threw myself at the feet of a sympathizing God, and when I was too weak to pray or to look up he breathed into me a peace that I think must be I - the foretaste of tliat heaven wnere Continued on Second Iage. Christiau Eolnvx. Religious WiscIUny-Srmon Re ports-General Church Rewiand Holes. "Ut vour Uchl m tWt& MarbirKit.i ItfrKr .V'T 141IU Buill. lt Sabbath Dr. 11. F. M Arable m mo l ronhytcrUn church at Clin ton preached an bl ftouUtlrrlm? r toiuiiii ikmii liiuicxii "Anu I rive ,, . , ... .. . . ut vernal life." John loth chapter and 2Hth vitw. Herald tnai rocvmly ho wan Ulkingwlthn lady of Uk Unlurinn belie r and nhi aau that she ha! carefully rtmt the Vi.w T ... i .i r n . .now itiaiuent and ha falltxl to a . . , " nml s8'0 argument l prOvT of the divinity of ChrUt. 8tic was a care Ions and uneornprelwntltnjr road. er. 8ho pasiI over and fulled to olwi - rve many argumci.ts or proof, The text to-uy is ono of tho prooft prooi joltlve una -uraclent uith la I l . .. " Bve unio uiem oicmai life." ho can do that but ono dl. vino? Who else ha ever claimed to do It ? The world h profitno and wicked and men have Mild many dar iug, preposterous, preumptuou.and sacriliglous things ami claimed crodlt for doing things to weak men im possible, but i.ono but Jitus Chrint and his Father who are one., lias over laid claim to tho power to give eter nal life. Yen, It Is tho gilt oT divin ity. I.irK MATEUfAI.. But let w look at life Iu l ho material world. A flower bud, blooms, languishes and posHcs away. It U dead aud that la all. Tho butch er take ft young, atrony, fat aud vig orous animal to tho mtughter ; ho cuts tho jugular vein, the animal bleeds, tremble), falls, U noon at Iff is dead, and that Is all. Another animal called man H Mtrong ami vlir oroua ; it become sick, languishes, dies, Is returned t(. m ther earth ami apparently that is alt. Yen, tho life that wo mo U gone. Life, life! What is llfrT The phlloeooher con- tracts h s brow and speculates, but cannot annwer. Tho chemist analy ses and exieriment, but cannot an swer. Wo look out at tho stars and planets and trace their course aud d isco ver the law c f t heir movements, we look at the vegetable, life around us, analyse it and learn something of lt nit powe, tko Ilia thai Iv , liiii.v i.nAio .r i We scarcely know any thlug. list we know one thing. Vfo know that it Is short and ch'jckered. A largo per e'nt die in Infancy, another largo I-er cent before maturity, very low reach the ripe development of from fifty to sixty and only here and thero at long intervals stands it tottering remnant of a gone and hushed gen eration. The editor of a literary paper o! this State said a few dayii since that ho was tho only one left of a large chths at school, every othei ono hail mingled with the dust. Afewgen crationsfdneo the aver ago ago of man was only thirty yo.irs. Duo to tho Increased knowledge of the science, arts and medichies, It U uow thirty three years. How short, how fleet ing, how uncertain 1 I often look ujon a lxuly or number of mon, some with silvery locks and all over forty, putting their heads and energy to gether to accomplish some work. I sec them striving Hnd working with every effort, and the thought comes up, a few years more and where will you be? In the dust and time rolls on . I saw a gathering of young peo ple, full of bouyant life and energy. They are t riving fc r amusement ami enjoyment, or to attain some noble puriKwc. 1 1 makes incfeel younger a.d stronger to see them, and I enjoy it with them, but the same thought comes up, It will not down. I see sometimes a grou p of romping bright-' eyed children in my yard, enjoying lite like butterflies. I am delighted tote-; their guileless amusements. But the same thought, the same shadow comes up Hnd dros a veil over the pleasure. A third of their average life is already gone and they have not even yet conceived the pur posts ot earthly life. Yes,a fow moro moments of time and they too have vanished are dost again. And thai a shadow hangs around ail of what we call pleasure. Just think of It, , our even chances are only thirty three years, and tlnse of us who are litrgering longer are sUylng on bor- ' rowed time. Hut at longest, what a short space ! Only a span of space, only a moment of time. Yet how do ue spend it, how do we use this ; moment of time on whlh we nhow -what our place shall lie in all eternl- : tv ? We pond it s '.riving to mass up wealth and in contending with each other. And thus wc spend life, ' o" which wo know so; little, save' th .til i short, lit acrambhi and strife. Plato with all ids speculation ami philosophy had little or no concep tion of anything beyond this unsat isfactory and trying moment of life. Csesar iu all his earthly glory and power -aid In the Itomau Forum that death was an eternal sleep, a , surcease frona toil aud strife. Even the Jews, the chosen Koplo of GoJ, with all their boasted religion, had no adequate conception of tho llfu eternal. Surrounded by this state of affairs, Christ stood in the world, , and nude the simple statement that Ho would give us - . KTERJTJtli LIFE. What a magnificent, what a giorioua ; gift ! Yes, we are to have a spiritual life a life etemaL- Bui hero wo are in the midst of change, continual change, where everything Is con stantly stopping, going out, dying. How can we conceive or a lire that docs not end? 1 A we know little of temporal Hfe, so we know little of the endless life. We know what Continued em Fourth PagU ,