!lF YOU WOULD LIKE Tu eommnnictlo tt.tl ;U; ten H Carolina t!tu l' i. tuwu,.:; rohimn "f Tm I've r. dhrr paj-r in rJ-.e Ti::-. iVn Show thin Pap.r to your ujigh- ; JPxxr Domoornoy at-.rt Whlto s?iprojnn',y. lr ami advis him to subscribe. CLINTON, N. O., THURSDAY. JULY 23, 1801 Subscription I'neeJkl.fJO lr V UL. No. 41. 'a circulation. Year, in Advance. THE CAUCASIAN. L'MLIHIUII) HVKRY TFIUWDAY, Hj MAHIOX HITLER, K'titvr nu 1 IVaprielor. SUBSCRIBE! A TN T 1 14 I'ltO FESSIOX A L COLUM X . V.' 11. ALL KM . W. T. IHJKTCM. LLE.N A DOUTCH, ATTOUXEYH-AT-I.AW, (Joldsboro, N. C. Will pract in Sampson county. SV-1,27 tf A A. U. LKK, M. I). I'U YHIOIASUUOKJN AKD DKXTIST, flic. in 1 jw'h Drug Store, jo 7-lyr THE EDITORS CHAIR. HoV THINGS LOOK FKOM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. The New Berne Journal raises the danger flag and declares war in the HB FA I SON, Attorney ani Counsel ok at Law. nni.-n on Main 8trct, will ..ractiou in court of Saui pson and following language : adjoining counties. Also in Supreme A danger menaces tho Demo Court. AH business Intrusted to his cralic party of the country. Itdoes r will receive prompt and careful not come lrom the disciplined fore b t tpiitlnn. Je7-lyr of its old enemy, the. Republican J. party, but from men who ride out 1. V. KEUU, of its own ranks under a banner in- li Ai'foUNKY an I) (or"wKM.')it sciibed with its own principles. In AT I AW a word tho Democracy is menaced OMce on Wall Street. Alliance." Will practice m Sampson, Bladen, Then we suppose tho Journal nnd fender, Harnett and Duplin Coun- those who think like it will fight Also in Suoreme Court. LT"-- tvrauous laws, for the enactment of and for the up 1 JlltANK BOYETTK, D.B.S. remedial legislation Dkxtistuy '"r, I lifting of the empovorished masses, nm,'.. mi Main Street. uT3tO is a memvoto Democra.-y ! Then nrr.-iNi hii services to 1 1 ieople of surely latter day Democracy has de Clinton and vicinity. Everything L.,.uerated in practice from wi.at it in the line o iienusiry .ion . . otstyie. urfinciiuu k .. , uspMv terms are Khctly cash. tice. o, Don't ask me to vary troni tins ruie. majority 01 trie party has ueciaea to ai-fert itnelf fnd use thw iu both theory and prac the trouble i tlmt the W HAT i it n HAS IT DONE CAN IT DO ! "Comi.ound Oxygen lis mode of 1 iU'ults." is the title of m new book of 2fo) pues, published by Drs. HUrkey & lMleu, which gives ..iMi.(inir.r full ir.tbrmation as to this remarkable curative agent, ami a rword of surprising cures in a machinery for bringing about relief. The mi nority probably do not object to the relief coming, but they object to the rank and file asserting itself. They fear that this means a change of leadeiship. Ah, there is the trou ble! And it i from that element of the Democratic party that the howl is coming. The great majori- wide range of chronic cases many hy of tho party is tho Alliance and of them after Leing ananaoueu u, th h with u in it3 efforts .. . .. i .i,.:,.., - Will ho m!: !? ?"?L K ft i- there is danger, but to the poll- ,.i;,m ticurionly DRS, STARKEY 4 PALEN jn25 tf CLOCKS JEWELRY m 1 lure just received Urec lot ol Kleaut Jewelry. This I will guaran tee to tltt nurchabci to be jut as rejv ront.Hl. I nail no ch;a "fu-is uilt" V'vo.ls but cany a standard link of u.ii.b vkont tiooDS. The attention of Ui latin- in cii!lt! to tho latest stylet ii f mtKAST i'i's--tlirv 'it "things of The ilil rolmblr and ntaudard HUTU THOMAS CLOCKS always in stock, iu yiuiou HtyloS and si.oc. Jtfi- Ucpairiiii? of Watches and Clocks mud inendinkt Jewelry is a specialty. All work I do is guaranteed t tfiTe en i Hiitia faction. Respectfully. L. v, j tf i . T. KAWLS. 1. T. k G. F. ALDERMAN COMMISSION MERCHANTS , No. 112 North Wfttr Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cotton ail Timber : aio : The Charlotte Chronicle says : The Farmer;'' Alliance is now rapidly cryetalirdug into two hostile factions. nnI they are gatiiering into two well divided famps. Theharp division is being brought about upon the sub-treasury scheme and the danger Is that the dissensions will completely destroy the organization that has done o much tor the eou- oition and eo-opvrlioii ot the fann ers." There is no daugei . The Alliance will not split. The Sub-Treasury U only a ikaxs. financial reform ts the principle, and is only one of her eral others on which this movement is based. Tho national banking sys tem muht go. If the Wub-ireasury is not the best instrument to root it out, then this discussion will show something better. The people have determined to have a larger and a flexible volumn of money, a curren cy that will respond to the natural law of supply :nd demand, and this must come, Sul-Treasury or no Bub Sub-Treasury. Further on in the same article the Journal says : "Gratitude should cause the mas ses to stand by the Democracy." Griititudo to whom? Gratitude to themselves! and gratitude to them selves for what? For allowing tho Government to become corrupt and offers them. The masses are blam ing no body but themselves and have hot much to be grateful to themselves for. They are awakened to a sense of their duty by the ne cessity of self-proservation. They ate determined and are moving in solid phalanx to have undone those things which should not have been done and to do those things that should have been done. But says the politician don't blame me, I have leen trying for twenty years so do something for you but couldn't. Well, admit it, say the masses, but don't vou now stand in the way of those who can. A correspondent 'S" to the News and Observer says: If Democrats, in and out of the Alliance, will unite in controlling the Democratic mrtv in the inter ests of tho people and of good gov ernment; mako true the empty boast of fcsiual laws and equal rights, make finance the- first issue; tariff reform the second issue: income tax the third issue; and nominate can didates from President down Mho are not in sympathy with monopoly nor with Wall street, nor with gold bug leaders, there will never be any necessity for a third party. But if the Plutocrats capture our erreat party, as they are striving to do, where will the people stand? Thev have owned the Republican party ever since its birth, and own it uow. We can hope for nothing from it. A third party triumphant means more that a peace! ul revolution.uur Democratic leaders must be in sym pathy with the fundamental princi ples of the Alliance. If good Demo crats thev are and will be. It not good Democrats they should not be nominated. The people must rule The News and Observer compli ments the correspondent and refers approvingly to a part of the com munication, but does the paper endorse the above. Ed. the tc.vmu.iut Ciiajtbk 1, Dr. Jehu Hart ttoya!. who ha leen scnotwiy mjurca m a railway accident, is a passenger on a train running to tne mountain uimncia of Virauiia.and by chance a Dr. John Hart Hoyal No. 2 gets on boar.l at a way station and prontrs aiu-nun m uic invalid. . Chapter 2. Dr. Koyal xo. n in sists that the suffering man shall wait over at the town of Matoacca aad re cruit his trenth. Tlie stop is made, and Dr. Hoval No. 1 confides to the oth er that he must reach a dietaut point be fore 12 o'clock the followius day to married to hi cousin, Phyllis Royal. A fortune for the coufeine, bequeathed by an eccentric aunt, depends upon the marriage being celebrated btioro that time. Convinced by ms mecicai j aug ment that the prospective bridegroom cannot make theiourney alivo. Dr. Roy al No. 2 otl'cis to on as a proxy an iii accepted. Chapteu 3. The proxv reaches tLc church where the parties are assembled awaiting the traveler. The ceremony is finished tea minutes to 12. Chai'Tkk 4. The anxiety of Dr. Uo , -al No. 1 is explained to No. 2 by the dis covery that the bride is blind. Chapter 5. The proxy and bride et out on the wedding tour, and at Matoac ca Dr. Royal No. 2 hasten? to the bed side of No. 1 and finds that he is dcr.d, having passed away at exactly ton min utes to 12 on the day of the marriage. " Chapter 6 and 7 .The prosy learns something of the family affairs of tbe Royals, and makes a public r c ki;owi edgenient of Phylis as his wife. Chapter 8. The law In the case, is made clear, and Dr. Reyal No. 1 finds that he U lecally married air I de terniins to stand by it. The bride, re mains in ignorance of the situation by reason of her blindness and long sepa ration from her cousin. the fciMswludMB tb&i he vw imA Hitvu.i ! to -, hnt the incamatkm of viorhei sAAil. It gavn hkn wlinn uithh asitwp of laahty vhich was xnuVleDing. The eodavor U think the things which John Royal might hv thoagbt, and to spoek Xim words which Jin S.'yjU rnVcsbt havr tpokfo, nirtdo hhu at ttso feJ ain t rdy U tt iin own thrr, i? only t evict the intloptti fTit ".vh hi-Tm3 ttJ.-s tte mat rr:! fiic-jtyot vttti hk "IkrKAv Usj liiK fiU-r ft tHis&i-n h' w H ft4ri to rs hfmtod," whitri8i (S.ily dt-cAiHoil f'Mii. IL.ri. "Kv Aimx t)t lHov' thrut hi? id.-tity nr; ia my iml hs had S twin. He tyl.t U b" tltrn.i t h.i?goii to eurth ItV U5fi2'rTf a march tK '.W-t ginjti wl huv' cut int. Hk li.m.if.- rh ir t;uit tv-sth !"mt th tv i--it.." ti kV- "And sXt.-r a wh?k whi n H yi-jf it at rt pyhyk!l i4fnnaern..r. tit grtt interfri and :r.ip.-r". Yon li tike pik- in i hi. e pi'ooi mni-f-t!ui '- liiiw-? " what, an1 writ.- rvrticl-iK. v?b;-.h n'j'.K-ly will r.l. or coiW nfKin?fc.M'l ii tivy i-vo'il tntirvly to i ri v"'. irort v V'h y u v.ill gain rtn -.wj "Thtit wiy ,K"' yrntidi-! H "tut m jfiBont "rp-jrl-Tv-H I 'h-mI duality fi leiiur dioontjertin. If I 0- mr r: out of this bvfore k-og I'll blort t? wh.le tnith (it to Phylfcs, if nly tt giv my ov-n o-lv." ! ..? lrlp Throiigli l yprrl 1 .Aini-w!. s,ttd the I!lgt ofCutic I;rr5n,4 and U.-.ok tj Autrj- ;'p-!cia! Corn.Kr.il-n;. ) i.tirU'iii Samp.r. ln.a-1 of itstli.e I fortst, t at veurii S.impHn nm well his.- ,i str f.i. cr ps ?f t tt n i aa 1 corn. 1 The v:roi- ui Mingo nre iiolhj god jat ltt yii.r but dtidotlly much tut-: U r than r.ny other part of the coua 1 T , V A T 1... . -. ' of cotton that is sdx iiu-h hither than hnything around Clinton. Found tiie land wry proluctive, having . cly subto'.l capable of -os-taing uny crop grown in Extern North Carolina. J Our first night was spent nt Mr. N. A. Layton, a clever, csngenlal, stic cessful farmer. Found a good many faruiers near Dunn trucking ti home extont. From thence wo went through the Scotch settlement of southern Cum berland, finding a very fine crop of cotton and Corn above n average and besides tho tnot hospitable cop)t' I ever knew. Pas through Uodwin to And only a t-mal town with but few house. " Our tH'Cond night wo ujient at Col. Tm De Vane's, one of Cumberland's mos energetic and program farm ers. Thf ro we spent a most enjoya bio niglit n)y to wnko on the mer rov. with the -ad thouirhtsof dei'urt- urt. Pic'urt' in your imagination p.:i ancient villa Hurroundtti by every comfort obtainable and nil nature's bt-jvnty to add to the nttractifit ;md you will have that model chri.-Hrtn homo and its inhabitants. Wednesday we visitod Cant. J. j Aury':i tho h;no and buinors to some extent ! .North Carolina's Turpentine King. From thence wn went to the grow- in jt and progressive town of Autry- vil'e, the home of Capt. Autrv's tn.riTj ru in it mammoth turpentine business. We found b mercantile establish. i ents. 5 Mrs. Hart bmgiHxl. "I vo5l.-rrh1Hs of which wore occupied ; 2 hotel", 1 hosiievftr ip.-f tjevl anyt:i'i. Tli- taM. joa m.y te otK-r um niFtT appofM S to rlkvV.'W' h-r ininL To 1 sun?, th3 tinw htia Truui sti-n-t and yonr ii.k-ivouiw dfultiry o-i.inpfr-fioiaJ; addel to which, h-r "TtoJ eai is sa. -milt, CHAPTER IX. The Weekly W ather Crop Hulle- tld reports the average condition of crops in Eastern Carolina an fol lows : Crops in good condition, especi ally com. Cotton continues trom two to three weeks late, present condition of crops. Cotton, 70; to bacco 83; wheat 88; oats 77; grasses 89; potatoes 82." Grass seems to be our best natural crop, men wny ooi rmo muiu hay? That seems to be our best crop. It would astonish one to know how much Northern hay shipped to this section each year. is Tho Wilmington Messenger on last Country Produce handled to beet ad- Sunday says: vantage. . . I Tho Clinton Caucasian rings the IIefkrexue 1st National nans, changes upon the above term (com Wilmington, N. C. aug2-ti mon people) used by us in n edito " I rial. ITm thinks, norham he can in- WTVJ R ARSER fiUHP. turn tb Mrwwiwr bv takincr the years, has accepted ft position on the woras out oi ineir couuevuou uu cuuunai oiou .i.w v.v...-p, . making them appear as if intended We are glad to know that our uupnn IUPLIN COUNTY. (Special Correspondent.) WARSAW NOTES. Miss Katie Lewis, of Wilmington, is visiting at Mr. H. E. Btackmcre. Matt. J. Pearsall, who has been attending the University for three When jou wish an easy shave, As gtod as barber ever gave, Just call on us at our saloon it morning, evo or noon; We cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the faco. Our room i9 neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything wo think you'll find; To suit tho face and please the mind, And all our art and skill can do, 11 you just call, we'll do for you. to bo offensive. lie thinks he can injure the Mes senger," etc. It is unworthy of the venerable editor of that paper to at tribute to us any such desiro or mo tive. We do not consider the term common people" offensive in the least, for wo ourselves do nut lay bovs are doing so well. Rev. T. P. Kicaua ana tatmiy, oi New Berne. havebeonvisitingT.il. Ricaud, Jr. We are always giaa to have them with us. There will be an Alliance picnic at Friendship on the 21th instant All aie invited to bring a oasKet ant eniov the day. There will be some fine speaking. MAQKOLIA NOTES Delightful showers. Huckleberries are a thing of the upon the term simply past. claim to belonging to any other claas , Shon on DeVane Street, opposite ftnd we don't think wo have many Conrt House, over the oia a uiance friemi,, in aQy other class. We "rung Headquarters. n rhanew" lutTt uiii'inun tne cnauges w.."-r, i ,r The Clinton Barber. w rouuuu iC wwwu v fu, and the average darky is su- .x-r-r T7TT r posterous claim mai uie common premely happy. VY rLlijiN X J U XXvJ peonle were for Cleveland aud that The charming fr.mily of Capt. S f o Goldsboro be sure to stop at the the politicians were trying to defeat A. Johnson left for Virginia last nftrnnnu iMrtTmi Urvrnc him. Since such a statement if made week to spend sometime in the UntbUni AnUblUn IIUILLO. 9Cri0U9ly would show gret ignorance moD- Hoyette, of Mt. Olive, uoou iare, neunc ooi.n.it- infth true situation, horeiore wo n-. ;n tnwn a fi.w daw kst week on r- itl I I wo ... w - " largo comioriume rooui. ut in ronsiderinir it ono of Dr- a nrofestional visit When you got off tho train " Isaac" KinR8bur hUge jokes. everybody knows Isaac) viu ue there. Give him your baggage and go with him. WILL HUNTER, octlfr-tf Proprietor. Mr. F. M. Sawyei, one of out best young men, haa gooe to Uoidsboro to accept a position in the Gregory hotel. Miss Lila Lewis, who has been REMOVAL. ! J. T GREGORY Speaking of injurying the Messeu ger, if we were to try we could not damage it as much as did the editorial visiting her sister, Mrs. VV. R. New In last Friday's issuo. headed "The Atlanta meeting." An editorial written in that style aad with that tou isviitiug the family of Dr. spirit cannot win tne paper any McMillan. Ite turn tttiH7 1 o iforkewed rotrnx. A doctetaa onoe reached, Royal's mind darifod, Ifte pooi in the qnieaceoce wbioh Jfoikws Yirt Btirrtng up. Hie diffionhies wew by do xaane dfe8ohed or dfesip&feed, any more ttoan is the mod at the bottom of the pool, bat for the moment they sank ont of Bight. The dy folkwtng was the one ap mintinA frw tv nrwmfcinii. and whoo that nhnnM 1 nrnr he wonkl bo awtkv for a I time, o as to leave PhyiJte in the state of absolute calm which wooM be es sential to complete tho com He had already exceeded the limit be bed al lowed himself for holiday making, snd his affaire m the weet required bis proeeooa. His ptwctioe hd been in trusted to a brother pbyskaaa on -whose time and owirtieay he felt be could no longer treepaaB, and, as be had Resumed new reepooeibilitieH, and waa, mortxvei, a nm by no mea-na iniepeodeot of hie own eswtiom, it behooved hfan tore to homo sod look after me tetttreets. Phrtrw mttffc rotnoin tn Atesaodrfc to b near tho ootillst for many months to come, and daring that time oof fH nopoci to arrange matr8 ia such ft fashion as to withdraw bis future, in a meoeore, from the shadow of the dead man's pact. The feoling of possession, of being him self, and j-et other tban himeeif, which had been so strong upon torn dartng the ceremony, bad modified, but enough of it remained to make him reKtlve. ic binwK be neither denied the impreeeion nor attempted to explain it, and lie apofct of the matter to no one. That tne soni of a dying roan, freed from the material in the intensity of a dominant and un fulfilled desire, should, operating tbrougd poiritual or iniaffinative laws, iufloeooe the soul of aootner man oommatea uy the same desire and in an abnormally quickened condition by reason of nerv ous excitement, was to blsn a thinkabk proposition, and one which it would re- bury, has returned to laison, her nome. Miss Maggie Davis, of W liming- QuireiKmore credulity to admit tban would be demandea by nine-tienuffl oi Has removed his Tailoring EeUib- triends among fair-minded men, lishmentfrom his old stand to his either in the Alliance or outside. office on Sampson Street, net to the st. E. Churcn. Tho News and Observer in corn- Rev. W. M. Shaw, our popular Superintendent of Public Instruc-j tion, has gone to auffoiK on a snort trip. Miss Maud Harris, ot itaieign, ana low nrieSerse for "enS riofhesvS! etln on a sPch made Miss Belle Sawyer left Saturday to low prices ior men b cioineH. jscon-i , . ... . , n:,i . r- , ..n omy in cloth and money will force y tul A1,iaJ,w,UttU 1U "w ot"" V1f " " 'Yr l v omjr in v j ,iflr t thn JoarHnrr I Mi3s Ella Boasle.v has gone to Ln- VTVt 4 Oil 11 yV:rrirVi.M .1. : 'I'Z " L- : " field to visit her cousin ray-ticov "owf'""7;B u The family of Mr. II. E.Newbury n hand. juae un. lyr. t ... 1 j? v1Qaiirrimn-0 vHwht- 'Wrhat will people of information vilie. I say of a speaker who indulges in Picnics are all the go now, and our i such a wild and reckless assertion v young folks are having a grand time They must either excuse him on the Senator Marion Butler, of Samp plea of Ignorance, or conciuae tnat son. was in town riaay, on nis way he its a f veay harmless demagogue, out to a Farmers' Alliance picnic at because he: publishes 90 plainly his I Conaord; to deliver an address. intention to mislead that no one will Asst. State Lecturer Hunter will be deceived by him." speak here on next Wednesday, July rnirt nnt tho nHv inntrnftra ha 29th. His appointment nas oeen ""v o o- I . " 7 . , i r . applied at least with equal force to cnangea irom wuctw vo aguoua. .."... . . .. . . i tnose wno riaicuie ana auempt to belittle the financial reforms de Newspaper Publishers. We will furnish vou a bright, new sy Washington Letter every week in exchange for a 2 inch advertising space. Article written tooider, if desired, on any subject. Nat. Vidlagr Libkaiiy A ae'N, . 610 F Street, N. W., Ju25 lni Washington, D. C. W. D. DAWSON, Tonsorial Artist, Hair Cutting and Shaving execu ted in latest styles. Give me atrial. A hw Vont. in after school for bad manded by the Alliance. Prejudice, orthography, excused himself to hia get thee nence and let us all see trie parents by saying that he was gpeu- truth ! ' bound. .'. ..- the tbeees conetaotiy presented for the consideration of mankind. The intellectual man was in Royal rafSctently developed to enabie htm to recognise that all thoogbt pertaining to that innnit wbich permeacee and wan Bwodfl material thinos must forever root itsett in instinct and intuition, and aL that hie individual knowledge of the law j of spirit or imagination, gteaned from observation of tbeir manifestation in the life of matter, was, reiative to bis r- noranoe, aa a single plume from an eagle's wing to ttie sum of tbe bird's serial journeyings. Still, withal. Royal was a very humar natured man, and ince realization that Phyllis was bis own wtft9 bad come to him matrimonial aaaociation of her, own in Jdoa, wkh another man had beooine offenrtve.' It waa no that he was )oaions of the dead man's memosy; Boyal wm not sorSc-kctly in Iowa for that, and would beed havt been bmptbte of the meanness. PbyDfe, s his wife, would be quite as fm to expend regret upon hercoBcin a ttwaeh aba wao Btlll m- wod. TbM which gaOed Boyal w hfa ioabCStyfor tfMtbne to ecMa,lahc GJatJjdsi, from the AbaA zbbt wutft5 abtOTOH.1 in anticipfttiorM tbont tbe covt-ry of twr Fight. But yon eToblijvl to make Wunds multitV (A dcrt-ejjl p?wj onght to nx Aiw travi. I'm disappointed m bftr peet ration." j "Yon ritsxln't Na," Royal rortol. I "My fainihax r-tan te by Ix.-ttor thnn I t'nat. "Whi I Wt.V;r I r"er mypf j with a mmbleneres ami wiavity whih v,",ld si.'ni! tr, ffriL Yon nrStv- Uv MiiiVy . "iU K,t .l.i, .11 rt VjS. ii of substitution ruvl hnppjxion which would f arni;ih capital fr tbs f.xniW3 of lQitny thecrioa. B-iii'VTfi, fy'j the margin o tboe sir y-tT.s uto "irivii oon-d-'-nvWe change may bo ot'A-di. " In whv-h htstsiU-rnvni Koyal faeierK"! oji a truth, for with Phyllis at dis-'i'p- Kiiciiji? (ifxl tin 1i?T, a Mrr I.Urt ro mai'lted, had n tK tKi t tor ruany) win put down to the iTevitbie gr th, moiiiftcrtn id ryRdjiwt-cv.Tit1 .!ffect?'l by the passage of tin?. Phyllis m-m a s-u.ble jid, wis? with thi wisdom f t.hotvorht ard nature. ail sl; w.-w - oofi- ?eiTni of so inurh dwnge in he-Helf tht i it tiii mirtiabio to suppow that her ! conMn had chanre'i alto. That he h.'vd to be a demooetratlw m-vn hal BurpriuHd ber st first, because tbe lover of ber memory had been addicted to en dearments. Tbon Je reflect ad that it was quite natural be ehould no lontjor lwo her in tho old way, sinoti, lattorly, ttvit long gap had not even boen bridged by let ters. It would take timo and mutual knowledge to erx-t a new love, or rather a newanperetrrK'tnTv in whic.n to dwell; for tliefouudation mrtst be secure still, eb bf ofx-ild not have done for her sake tbe tbines which sho knew be IkuI doni. Sbo dvl not 9x-iat the ilea of the money with hit? oorluct in any ig noble way. There was no intimate jux taiwsition betwt!ei love arvl nvxy iu ber mi ml, for life on a Vnxiy country fana prevents tho to frori sowuing ir any way int-lepoiKlent. Ste cotiM twiiif tte vvwt viz ; Msnre mmI dm itrst; it onite tokr sat?fifioii; fr sin. wii no iikh active ly in krve than bIk? rrapfXisrWl hercKn to 13 CT.ly deejly gratoful, d tflll with tmt in him v(l cntt tlmt be 6hoild be hfv hiiso tod. N- m;i Aild be woro cwfid.ato, fei ttKnght, or show nioreolicrta de, ia rey rd to oU.di- ew to iBtrK"t-ia fJrboh, to bv Buro, b wm a ph,vsi-.iau hL'rit, -k-n of ooiirw gave.Uiwm. gw'xr vabro iu hisen-es. His Bf.it ootitroi apiur-n m ber nj'H mkI butlful, m J. k? tefct Tniood that when b.?r w. sbiM be ced-uwsdciTOh' K rl tbe a-:T-j-niii fif woci?i fii'Tf htm j . u x - how ewwet & ttiir wM It a woman's griitittide, Tbt 1pt tbxmbt would hwr ytti incW. m it bad a. ifl fs- yr3, fver her chanoEw of rooovery of eij;ht, uotSi pho would bethink her of ft oeah's in atructiooa and dismic tho me-ttcr aa much as might ho from b?r iiiial. Saw in the matter of caresses (which be felt would he an unfair alvantajje to take of ber), Itoyal was not remiss ir. loverhke attentions. He intended to win the girl's love if posribfe before b should claim ber aa his wifeIor be bad wholesome notions relative to mamaga. I While not consciously in love as yet he i was strongly attracted, and be healthily and manfully himself to HKke of tbe attractioQ a bne which tbs stronger emo tion woold ftnd it ewy to folkv. It was in his favor that he had had no prevtotw affaire do co?or that his profofskm had insensibly 11 him to j?eoeraliao women. It was in his favor also that when bo embarked upon an enterprise his nature drovo hfcn on the course without much rftfflird for wi nd or Cde. If a man should marry a woman it was his bot-inees to k e W m his own soul, and to strain every nerve to make her happy. Such was hie pimple crood, a it unoooftJwdly. th creed of more men .t3iac gain credit for H with either tho workl or woroeu. So Phvilis dweovered in him no lack, being preoccupied by bet great hope and not rendered exacting by any sel?- ifAmess of paesior.. Oace a thought, or rather specuiation, as to the events of those six years of absenoo caused her to put a (joeetion to him. They wore Bit ting toadarkeoadroom&ejdrljU rCorrttrraed on Second go:' turpentine still buying barrels tver day upon an averagi: of ?2.T.r perbarr-1. Autrv vili is r. beautiful littb' town, sim vited on asanl hill onthenlth bank of South river, on the ( F. & Y. V. Kailrcad, 15 milos from Fayetteviile, in the midl of an extensive turrn.'ii tiue region. It i considered one of the healthiest t daces on the ( F. A- Y. V. from Wilmington to Fayette viile, being II feet higher than any other. We nlo found there the South ltiver Haptist Institute v ith indications of a fino school this fll A. Oates, jr. l tirough uie h loiTuess ot Capt. Autry thi'.v have aa excel lent school building and cue ot the prettierd churches ia the county. Viewing thin modern little melrop-j (di? an it in its infancy we can see , in stnre for it a thriving, energetic and progressive little town. We next went to Koneboro and j vbc TVltrd tM xtatry 1th a ! rVur tu AabfUbtnf T miwrt. m.iutar- vm .ww .m vmmm w - Jtfmt i. mmr tium mJf UUt cd Whil tJ t Kxuh f r b prju-tkMlj abut liku. h tTXW, tw a Jt V lZJ gi6 tl1 11 by h tftUhndaiid thi. UV f buOdiati hw 11 - prkripal ww.ct Ulx m rnw vbirh wm taakv rt impntdhfe fjr oim to arft any of ht rtukir4 kMIo that Che 3 ywU flralTatrn whkch (xxjfTOntm R7 rontcmnwm la ouXm tU. Kb tbr- toaiMitacCcuct qf Va- rope k tho hlgber prkv U tn tKb her, Hd tv4 fhd tiwt thorn was :: m groat a trhTertinre of wages m haa Uk cUnodl. Iadvd, he aajw tht. aftir rurl innuirke tn the tndna- trial diMtnrtu of Now Yk, Nfvr Jkwxf JUti Pinwrvaoia. h nw Uiat thevamr rata w mwoel 90 per at, hlghi' than hi Ghrmany; axid he ik what thk anouoU to vim tho mx.)Aau neodorta aio kuI'oi4 to djtke rangtnr fmm 60 to life) prr cuA It h Iuuk lmaukuiwn by ptf witu cam to infctta thintHvuof tho exact facta fitt outvvi aiad wuiw wn iiw owts hm tr vanr km WK in U Urvod Statap than In avy uroim ooontry. Wmtw are ad laittod to bo tfnwrafly bifflwr, ut Um znnnli li)$ttar, hw by the Jay or br4 an xir Wiff ts numi pfwkai iv, a yard -f dxxh laariaally wovu unite cheaply with ue tbtui In Iorcfm. Tnha a fareokially mrtuVd to li- the antborn at WtfAbtngton mnW llpnb lkyua aJmbifetrtAkiu. In ViSi our oounb in ui woio di reekml hy Secarotivry of tfTruarnry T. FGhujrn to jvp(t npun tho cotton and wwlre weavrng iitdartos m ib-ir srspuct) w d b rxi. Oar otxmtl at Max-t4-r( Eofijand, AUeirt D. Shaw, t portod vyrtn the 'jotton indoftry of Lsw-aahire. In U ivw of h.s ri ct lirtgafeoertam t- prired by tlo latoUbr. Janw Tbrrnly, of Maitoc, nboHi; ta lr ojf4 ot c.ti wtwiug at erl.Krgfkh acd.Vjnrriran ooii-!L Tim If r. Thoridy -tJtoa Auiertcatn 1jT0 3 tii V?dw commWkwier" d tho MiW;tfif T&itllo Mwiafacturer, and wuf a htiV's of Wtors wlikii Vmi1 SbfcW vouchee for tun "r-huiAt" Bito are two tables onoit'd by 0(d Shaw tntn the Inttorp of Mr. ThunJy which gHe the lnghuh and tho Amrri- on cost ' weaving what ia oalV! irtnt injr ciotb that K the ctoth tnrm wrrich oaltoo printe art rmtdo: I.if 1 2- rv IVjsiitii! :i: Bock And .latnrt ftvicv. t tMnpx Cetera? li!n.ir) rtolc ru;. ,r s 1 ii 14 j Mar4Bi4 at itlhr. Just l.'fun lnr tereavement, Iidy Mfccdonld, wldiw of th tato Mr John MclVmald, cuinplottrl t,or fir I ambition literary etr.vt ina-rlr of articles fur The I.adleV Home Journal, the tlrt of which Mil uppear In tbeAugiwt number of that jhtUkIIcuI. iMt summer Lady Mac dor.ald, with aimrty of frier.J, trav eled in her private st thnrUgr. th inot plcturuc part. of ttuad, and In a delightfully froh rianner hhedohcnUt her e t ri tuiviott th'n trip, in thofe article.! t hkh h has given tl.o title of An tiKvn ventional lloltlday." A iwrle of U'lutlful illuAtraliotii, funt'.hd by Iidy Muf fin I, !.il nY.mp.my thearticUn. Awtdlr Uiter' ilfSf The literary evrnt f tlif ) U!Si'tu-r in the l-'iiltil Mat.- wiU in' U.e ublioatitn in tb' Co:m p dt'mi M igHiire cf hrl ?mvi 1 1 y A;. lie KiV!, hlch nbo tvdU 'Avi .iiiii.g o Si. J-ihi:.M It S- . 1 iv 'he troni'-l worK from t! ): tb.it produce. "A Hridhor to ! ar.'i-s" and "Tb. ijui k ir tbf 1. Ui put I ii Hi mV. in th- t.' ..ism-; -Uti.ii ! a ciun.ut'4- tii".: n.i :n.in- iug of thokit.d tl;;.:.iiii. ,l . Stivuui in Mh" r.Ive( earla r pr. lurt!vMn. During her two year' : lJ.iw abroad, Mrs. Chauh-r I.m iVilttu nt.tl.ihg v!h- fr the pnKL ,u d '.'; prolut'l of I. r ..l.an d nli.i im y exjK'Cted to iei: r with smctbiug found it situated on a cly subsoil, with a good country to back It. There we found I3dtoro, 9 of which were occupied; l hotel, 2 saw-mills,!! tur I'er.tme stills and the best carriage shops from Wilmington to Fayette ville. lo okout, Clinton, or the new towns will eclipMj you in trade and progress. I), T. . HILL NYE OX Till-: North CarolinaMuIe-- Hi Peculiarities. Iu KimlnjnV ti'iljoil.'.". ($Ux4iMfrl Hyde Avnroge laAdueric - ravo'-fVai( FU itiwtm JnJl HHMX pick 'ft if 4k yttBlH. 9 J-TMtft. . aa - SAi 11k i ac;tV" ia 1 1 ; o world o "P :l I l.jU-ra. Vx c, lttti. ;.t- !t't ln':ir i nf t hut i miliy pap-i. "..!' rj : , rii4.140kdui At"ftra. tan UJt. IB3S Onk-wu. Bill Nye, writing to the New York World, from "Skylnnd Thought Work-," (Hill Nye,v proprietor and and operator) near Ashsvillf, gays: Tho mule also flourishes here, and it is well to take a day off while he is doing so. The mule is rarely found associated with his own kind here, bat is often hitched up with a high ly iuortified horse, or sometimes a budding heifer of two or three sum mers. The isorth Carolina mule has never been entirely satisfied with the terms of surrender at Appomattox, and it has embittered him a -good deal, so that instead of taking up the duties and obligation- of life and winning success for himself ho strike one as being rather moibid and unhappy, lie. sems also prono to comment harshly on the Kck of congeniality among his parents, ftid to be con stantly 2kinghim:elf. "IsMatriage a Failure?" SA! I) HATH. the W'v ciii' t!i-s follcwii.g f rom .Sampler (S. C) App.al: " Vo regret to chronicle tbe death of Mr. liarry J. Carr, the well known builder nnd contractor, which occur red at re-idence ir. this city Wednesday Viigt, after -an 'ill r.er-s of six wtC-ki-. lie was a inemlwir of the j!ethodist Church, and his fu neral services were held t here Thurs day evening. He, leave a wife, three ehiidren and u number of rel tives to mourn their Pisa." Mr. Can was. a native of bH!i)p-on County. Thin la oumpariHoo of wate8 by the r a tim liar rwralt Is obtain! tn a ooEipariHon of wgMi by the pooml of cioth wr-"n. Tbu the wage vt per pound ia: In Pall lttver, 0.907 oenta; in Loffefl, 6.483 onnto; in Hhode Waid, aects; In Penueyrraol, 6.44 cento; in Engbiod, 6.0K3 cmta. otwithf-Unding our lower wagee by the yard and by the pound this Euglinh man fonod thai owr weamra wore eam ing mnramooey m a week than EntrHah weavers did. The caune waa staple enough. Tle Amerkam wwn ia many am work dk$ht loarna, a thmg TOhoard of in England. Th figurw here giwei show a diller- ence which certainly bae not grown lata ainco 1970. H'rw extremely rtdh-nkna, iu th iight of these facta, beootn the cry of p- toctVio for Amerirn laborf" Uuw ftxA- teii the fear of the "wam-r aljor t4 EuTr.pr?( KOSEIIOUO IHl'rt. (Special Correspondent.) Roseboro has iKM-.n sib-nt for a week but .she goes cheerfully toTm; Caucasiax again. The turpentine trr.de is adding much to our little town among tb stump and the sale are constantly increasing. The pricecomiote with anv in the county. I The bte rains seem t miik the farmers ;n this section rejoice. The colon d people hav '-r.nouae-ed, and desiro It announced throu;;h your column thrd. there will Im a col ored picnic at this ihw A uust Thei wisli b make it Who gun o: Siiinwy j ajei-, j.r ingarul jtopultu V," eV ly D. tiu.t Kr-; rre--.? For a concriti.ni its r. Utie has been a house.Vdd woi J uf.l b:i beconio a M i.onym for all that i a cd!ent,purcar.d elevating in jeura alim. It is U lightfu'.ly ei.tctl.ia. ing, v.lthoul rtrt bi t in nti nientalisTii, instrtu ti e vrithout In iug prosy or jedanti Coiublnir.g the literary qoa!iti of tho expet.i.ve maga.ini with th- ! fight, l rctv leaves nothing po t e ik-ir i-.. aventge n ader. It i. looked upon a it welcome visite r by v-ry t.imily wh rrads it, -a Li io tlioufaud- r-gtnl it ;s iiidi ipeosabSe :tiI would u no account go without ii. An enermou1 circulation of 12', c.j l(- per we k attests it wonderful p.ipulfri- ty. Jlvog:w.Irig th: f-ct that ther, are those v.ho Aru uufauiidac w ith its surpailng merits as a homo pa per, the publlsiiers o:Tt-r to pvuil The Fire Pro: to tkiu tor the balance of tlii year (over llvo month for only .W cents a club of four ior 1 1 or a club of teti lor $2. All our rend ers should pubncrlbe at once. Sam ple eople free. Itev. James II. Corden, p.ittor M. F. Church, Wilaon, N. C, xnyn i 1 have usel Hradycndino and never in a single instance fallel to otdain immiliate relief firun headache when directions were followed. v How Is 'VUisr We ofler One Hundred I)o!lar-i Jl -ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall' Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CI I EN IS Y t CO., i'roMM Tole do, O. We, the undervigiird, have knoM u F.J.Cheney for the last 10 years, and lHjlieve him jierfoctly honorable in k11 busim-HS transKtions andllnan ciallyabb; to cany out any oblign-tton- made by th irJirm. Wkst A Tui ax, Vho!.do Drug gists, Toledo. (. Wai.ivn'i;, Kinnan A Mahvim, Whob-s.tle i)rUjZU, Toledo, O. Hull's (,'atarr.i Cure i l.iken inu r nidly, acting dire tly ujkjii tlie bhyjj and mucus j-.trfacsi of the syU-iu. Price 7rK-. jK-r bottle. Hd bv J. 11. Smith, lrugg!,- Mi.unt :ive, N. i:id lr ton, N. C Ii. n.lioliub-y.riir. l it!:, lslU. quite enjoyaoie rse. Ihi-ywlii Jiave (eo. JX'l.ur lK'k, John's. I.-ary, G. V'. Herrb.g avid .M.N. Ilo-mc?, co'ore', to ad dress then on th occasion. They have also employed I hv colored land of Fayettevilio to make aiiwic f..r the occasion. They invite all. occasion fur tledr wiii:i:i; .iohnston' sin:it:dAN. i i. r There.sUnU- threo tnil-- vi of Larham, UKlghlT the North Or olina I tail road, Jit bumtJft, :ipre tcalious cabin. I?: tbi cabin John r,t.n Tiul Sh4 rn.n.'i mrrc th.:iiB qutir 1;t -f a ce.-.tury ngo rietl ;urii;i' d with him tho de ad of hi- surren der tu htiii. The historic 'cabin ii Mr. Barton iluilard, who has beeu ; uoK ,nVi;Kt bv Mr. Ii. L. Duke, of quite sick for the p;--t six mouths, was in town a tew days ago. We hoi. to so.' him ent'teiy well soo;i. SwiNi:t:nv & Co. La Grip? Aaiu. S During the epidemic of La Gripie t last season King's New Discovery j for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, proved to be the bt?d remedy. Re ports from the many w no useu u confirm ibis statement. They were not only quickly relieved, but the disease left no bal after results. We aslc you to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be satisfied with restlts, or the purchase price will be refunded. It has no equal iu La Grippe, or any Throat, Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bot tles free at Dr. It. H. Holliday's Drugstore, Clinton, and Mr. John It. Smith's Drugstore, Mt. Olive, N. C. A recipe for lemon pie vaguely adds : "Then sit on a hot stove and stir constantly." Just as if anybody could sit on a hot stove without stir ring constantly. A MAKItYlNti JIAClIf Ihtrh&m, who contemplate having it taken to the Chicago World' Fair fur exhibition.- Ex. I m:v. anii:kson m TLicfj in ICKU.VM. Pnris is iuughingovera joke about llcv- A: A "'f1 S TTm- Wake Forest College, has b'een to n- an American inventor who is said to have patented an electric corset that is to bring about the reign of moral ity at once. If one or these articles is pressed by a lover's arm it at once emits a shriek like a railway en gine ; aud the inventor claims that he has already married three of his daughters, owing to the publicity thus thrust upon a backward lover. Exchange. Mirtle M. Tanner, Boon ville, Ind.t writes: "I had blood poison from birth. Knots on my limbs wre as large as ben's eggs. Doctors wdd I would be a cripple, but B. B. B. has cured me sound and well. I shall tver praise the day the men who in vented Blood Balm were born." porarily called by the congregAti m of. the Second Baptist chinch to fill the pulpit made vacant by the re moval Be v, J. N. Booth to Edge field, S. C. Mr. Butler will have charge of the church during his va cation, at the clos3 of which he v. ill return to his studies at Wake Forest College. Durham Globe. Progress. It Is very Important hi this ac of vast material progress that a remedy be plealng to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable-to the sto mach and healthy in its nature and effects. Possessing those qualities. Syrup of Figs is tho one perfect laxa tive and most gentle diuretic known. r ' - i II

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