THE CAUCASIAN. J IF YOU WOULD LIKE !To rcnuuuuic! wit!, about no ! liiau&atiJ cf tli, liit coaatrjr ri'f'.Mfll'KD EVKBY TIIUBBDAY, &y MARIOX BUT LEE, Mi tor and l'r'if5ctor. SUBSCRIBE! Show thU I'ap'r to your neigh tor and advise him to subscribe. Carolina Ui-n ?u If tnrcuK ?t oolniiij.i of Tits CUi i f a v. 3? other patn ? in the Third Cn rcijUJj:.4!! IMrb: M a tr r drcuUtSon. V rrt!xoov4t.'3 .fold "CXTliJ o riT" rer-ro:jr. CLINTON. N. O.. THURSDAY,- SEPTEMBER 3r 1891. No. 47. Subscription Pric$1.50 Per Ycnr, in Advance VOL. IX. 1 iTlHfF C'AI J CAS J AN i V I I 1 r - f IMtOFKSSION'AL COLUMN'. U. AMKM. W. T. nOUTtiC. A LI.KN & DORTC1I, . jL A TTOUNEYH-AT-LAW, (Joldaboro, N. C Will piwtico in Sampson county. tvh-21tr t U. LEK, M. I). ! iiu; in 1hi' Druvr Store, jo 7-lyr E. FAISON, 1 ATTORNEY AMD OoUN8J.I- OuatLaw. Ofllco on Main Street, .vill orACtiooin courts of 8am won and adjoining coimlie. Also in Supremo Court. All bufdue Intrusted to his an; will nyeivo prompt and careful ... Mi', ion. J0 7.iyr J W. KEUR, JJ Attousey and Cowk&bllob at Law. Ofllc on WallStrt. Will practice in Kainpaoa. llladcn iVi'der, Harnett and Duplin Coun tii-.. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be tfivrn to all lot" uusmet-a. to -iyr i 71IIANK ROYETT1J, D.D.S. Dkntistby OBlco on Main Street. UjU Jtfi .-.tylo. Satisfaction guaranteed. itiifHy torm aro strictly ciudi. lo:i?t usk me to viivy from this rule. Hi' m is it ? 4 HAS IT HONK "(Jompound Oxygen Its mode of Action and JlesuJtB," ia tho title of uuw hook of 200 pago8, published hy Dra. Kturkov A Palen, which gives to all inquirers full Information aa t thi.s remarkahle curative Agent; u.iV. rocord of M.rprising cures in a range of chronic cast many I'f 'thi'in after being abandoned to die by other physicians. Will be mailed free to any addre on apr li cit ion. DRS, STARKEY 4 PALEN. jnl!5 tf Jewelry ji clocks ! 1 huve jvifi'. r (j!v;(1 a lar?e lot oJ y:'.u)il Jowchy. This I will triiuian t..v t t!i- k'uio).is( r to oj""jaiii6 rtp inWii. I hftlino cheap, "nre guilC y-Tls but cniry a stantakd line ok ;n r yiioxr noons. Tin.' attfentiun of l hi: iudicA W tall'.-d to thv. lalt Jtylc i' HKKA9T PiNd thev are "thint,B f beauty 1" , , Tho old roliftblc. and atnnda: d nJ1 11 THOMAS CLOCKS always ia stock. in variout styles and sizee Repairing of Watches and Clocks menciini Jewelry is a specialty. uild All work I do is guaranteed to ive en t.i'( ftali-if.iction. Ilespactfullv. Cp3-tf Q. T. IiAVYLS. REW B ARB ER. SHOP. When jou w'mhan easy ahave, As jftod ae burber over gave, Just ejdl oi us at our saloon At n.orniug, eve or noon: We cut and dren the hair with grace, T suit the contour of the lace Our room' la' neat and towels clean, ScissoM tharn and razors keen, And evervthini: wo think you'll'flnd; To suit tho face and please the mind, And all our art and skill can do, It vou lust call, we'll do for you Bhop on Do Vane Street, opposite Court House, over the old Alliance Headquarters. .tklTVU 4TJXV- WHEN YOU GO f o Goldsboro be sure to stop at the Gregory-Abli&ton Hotels. Good fare, attentive servants and large comfortable rooms. When you get off tho train "Isaac' (everybody knows Isaac) will be there. Give him your baggage and go with him. WILL HUNTER, Proprietor. octl6-tf REMOVAL, ! .1. T GrREGrDUY Has removed his Tailoring Estab lishment from his old etand to his office on Sampson Street, next to the M. K. Chureh. : The great and orignal leader in low prices for men's clothes. -Economy in cloth and money will force you to give him a call. i&Lat est Fashion plates always on hand. June 7th. lyr. University of IsTo. Carolina. The Next Term Ilesins Sept. 8. Entrance Examination?! Sept. 2. Tuition $30 per term. Needy young inon of talent and character will be aided with scholorship and loans. Beside the General Course of Study, which offers a wide range of elective studies, the.e are courses in Law, Medicine and Engineering; For catalogue, dc, address the Pres ident, GEO. T. WINSTON, jv80 lm Chapel Hill, N. C. I. W. HAMPER'S Old KelsBfl Ccnittj ht) Whiskey Has been recognized for years as one of the foremost and finett whiskies - -placed before the American imbllc Like every article of fineness it ca ters not for the bulk of consumers, to whom one whiskey tastes but lit tle different from another,' but for the appreciation ot the connoisseurs only. It Is, In short, a gentleman's coverage, and intended for gentle men only. L. J. RUSSELL, Clinton, Xc I w THE EDITOR'S CHAIR IOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. In the history of railroading in the State nothing lias equalled in horror tho recent accident nonr Htateaville. Fiftj sleeping pawn cere wero hurled down a ou ioov embankment, without warning, in the dead of night. Many died nover knowing what befell them. Col. Bencham Cameron waathehero of the hour, and alone eaved from drowning six persons including State Auditor Kanderlin. There are two theoiiea as to the cauee of the trouUe. The Railroads say tha tramps removed a rail. Others say that It was rotten crow ties. If it is true that murder will out, the faeta in this raw- Theie aro wen In the Alliance, or rather men whose names are on tho roll, and who keep their duen paid, yet who are constantly finding fault witn the older and abusing its oCieersaud members,who constantly criticise and object to nearly every plank in the ;Ocalaa platform. Tho position 'of such men is not envia ble, and their course is not honora ble, and they thould at onoa with draw from tho order. They violate their obligation and wo suppose simply remain in tho order to act as spies, but as such they could not damage the order if they adheard to tho truth. Look out for Ri;oh men, they are in many lodges. RECKLESS AHD INTEMPERATE. After tho Alorehead meeting of the State Alliance, tho Statesville Landmark spends n bad nleht and cs and intern pera to languago : 'The election of Mr. Butlor as 'resident and the re-election of Mr. Biirnes as Secrotary of the State Al- lance at Moiehead City last week, would have indicated that the Alli ance in North Carolina proposes to take extrome grounds, even if the oolish bub-Treasury scheme has not been re-endorsed by a practically unanimous vote. Mr. Butler is the editor of the Clinton Caucasian, is the Senator from Sampson and was the Alliance leader in tho Legisla ture last winter. Mr. Barnes is the editcrof an Alliance pper published somewhere In Wilson county and his writings, extracts from which are sometimes seen in the State pa pers. Indicate that he is an anarchist. Whether the purpose is to defeat the Democratic party in this State or to pervert it, the efforts of its enemies eall for active and concerted regis tancc. The Landmark, for its part, would rather see the party defeated than perverted, and herewith nails its flag to the mast." If by extreme grounds the Land mark means that the farmers are determined to kpep up tho fight for honest government till relief comes, an anarchist, ho is notlonefyT and the Landmark, for safety, had bet ter emigate. The above paper talks about the enemies of the Democratic party. We would like to know who make up the party. Is it a few edi tors and politicians who are cha grined because they can not longer dictate its policy? " Had rather see the party "perverted than defeated" indeed! Perverted, where and how? Perverted by the people to the poo plo. When the majority of the peo ple make a platform or define a pol icy, it is in bad taste for tbe minor ity to talk about perversion. Is It not they vho are perverted out of barmony, with the , people? If the Landmark's language means any thing, ilj is that it will bolt if the people rule. In. . this event ; there may be a,, small, third .party in the State. " J- :. THE HOPE OF THE COUNTRY. The Democratic party is suffering at present from a bad case, of barna cles. It is being injured and brought into ridicule by the silly matterings of "its old, petted and Imperious leaders, who have become soured and disgruntled at the failure of their statesmanship and mad beyond rea son at the prospect of defeat and re tirement. If the young men in the party could have a . chance to come to tho front with their modern and progressive ideas the whole political aspect of tho party would change at once. The hope of the nation lies in its young men, and - the growth and prosperity of tho nation will be mea sured by . their intelligence and inde pendence. These .old political. bar nacles of ,.the JJempcratic party rrmat be removed and. new life and new ideas injectedi-National Economist, . "A word to the wise is suQcient," but it is not always wise to aay that word to one who is suffering the tor tures of a headache. However, al way risk it and recommend Brady orotlne. . - ' MAKS-MEl-mSUS. lu Harnett, Edgecumb, IJalifH . The Alliance brethren and many friends and fympathiw;rs of Un Or der prepared for the biggest i.nM- meeting at Lillinglon on Wednes day, tho 26tb, that the county hw ever eeen. A stand, seat and ta bles were arranged to accommodate between three and four thousand peopl?, and fully that number would have been there hnd it nt been for tho bpd weather and verv w tor. The bridges over many streams were washed away, and hundreds who ttarted were forced io turn back. Cape Fear river was so high that nearly every one from the east ern Hide of the county was cut off. Many came to the river with their baskots and boxes and unable to cross had a Dic-nic on the eastern side. Maj. McClammy, Stato Au ditor Saunderliu and State Preei dent Bntler were all oxpected to speak. On account of the bad weath er the latter only reached Lillington, where hew!8flB?KJ - ... wnom he addressed for au hour. An excellent and abundant dinner was served. The colored people present were given dinner. In the afternoon, at tho solicitation of the half hour, entertained them with good wlid facts and reasoning. The brethren in Harnett are strong and determined and stand square for every one of the demands. They are standing on nickel, readv ta mareh on the enemy in 1892. IN EDGDCOMBE. On Friday, the 28th, President Butler and Col. Harry Skinner spoke at Williams' Grove, in Edgecombe county, to a crowd of 1,200 to 1.500 people. Brother Cutchen, of Whit- akers, County Lecturer, in a very happy manner, introduced the speak ers. Mr. Butler discussed the prin ciples, objects and aims of thy Alli ance, admonished the brotherhood to stand firm, and appealed to those outside to Join the Order in its tiaUt ner discussed the BubTreury plariT He spoke for nearly two hours. His speech was an eloquent and power ful presentation ot the great pia.i of financial reform. His arguments were unanswerable, and in him the Alliance has an able and valuable defender and champion. We be lieve there are many who, though ineligible for membership, know that the Alliance is right and just in its demands, yet who either, from prejudice or from selfish motives, fight and abuse the Order. It is to Col, Skinner's credit that he ha the courage not only to admit, but to advocate the same, even in the face of abuse and ridicule from some members of his own profession. IN HALIFAX Co). Skinner spoke at Wimberly, Halifax county, on Saturday, but this writer was forced to go home on that day. IN QATKS. This Writer and Col. Skinner spoke yesterday at Kittrells, in Gatescounty, to a very large mass- der. TEA ItAlSINO IN NORTH CAROLINA. How many people know that there is a tea farm in North Caro lina? There is oue aud it is near Fayetteville. Some tea iuis been grown in Hafifax and Warren coun ties. It really will thrive neaily anywhere southeast of Raleigh. The plants near Fayetteville are eight feet or more in height. They are not well cared for now and some of them are a sort of undergrowth cf pines. Prof. Alassey, of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College, has just visited the tea farm,, as it is known. Concord Times. '. Tea is also raised in Sampson county. We - have noticed the bushes at Mrs. Dr. Micks, and at the Dr. Biizell place. WILL IT BE? The Concord Times says:" The Democrats carried the State in the lost election by 13,000 only. The Alliance claims 100,000 in the State. Nine-tenths of these are De mocrats. Admitting that the Alli ance can poll 100,000, there are 115, 000 or 120,0u0 negro voter, besides the white Republicans. There are 60,000 Democrats in the State outside of the Alliance. So with three parties in the field we have Alliance i00,0Q0, Democrats 50,000, Republicans 120,000 at least. Result, Republican maj rity 20,000. If audi is tho resslt, the .blame will He at the door ot the 50,000. IN ANOTHER WAY THEN. f The New York World is engaged In the silly work of trying to prove that"Grovei Cleveland should bo nominated for Governors of New York. Mr. ' Cleveland 1 cannot be laid aa WJe la j, any such way . Tbe Times. If he can't be laid ayide in that way, men he can and must be another way VCL inwi CHAPTER 1 i. lm n mil - . T 4, Jfl . 5 ' " " Hk EiJP jt?4 vaindo" stood vifitsc,fs! 4JVttcm;bani fecr-i ti few miW t.x enth room, vcre' . t - - - ': head, v28 Tjiidrly twmjrjiii the insula ri'jjc ytith &. qraiok. thoriToitoa ot' 11 e 1xkr; tl i3ttxoMr ttdl WKSinociuberod vith-chaitt; n tables.. &c.d altSBtsfKiir fo&k H.Tcii'd thofr.xaUiacit- Vu hxattjy-pudi- s'irnj ;bov tho i?rch wa thiiJ:ly with asirlot ccsiijt iss wcto ttst o4 ta tlie fuaii. writ thii iofritir ar." of sfumiotrr rcfaij. A door tijrcxsfc-h iai the lijzlt rcJxtna .also opoa. wad a tie?idu3 c-or of bakiK bead car-it) froiii tho iitc5ion. From, th j cL'nhi roosi t ix& a Rhsiit Of dlxkOfc, tho BfHiI of rioarfckg a-wsr ulst r Iwoakfast, 1i rfp of rlilt 'set, aad a pfes&t&t yo-iag ctse h-amriin? a t-imo. "Anne," jrillod lira. Btecvi! froia the RSh rooto, "looh: oat for thd Itoeaai ra the oven and sco that It doat a oorefa." "We most mako haso,' sepoaebwi Anno frosn diniag vecza, still hiffev Ua, "or ha srtll be haro hof or tho room irwdy" -Ain't I laeldEg ha8tjf pdptd Mrs. Bffiseil, -l;o iav28lbl.3, on hex si'it) aad with a tojch of .'K-i-ci-iiyla hoi v-oivXi. Avoaa5 vf 2Ir.i. Liiicli's cotivo fcai-. pcrai2Jtii5 never likea to bo hurried, e Itecliilly by Lor or Caxhtci; 2. irw?z- peri. aiced fiip c hl, witSi nu prowj lvli'ii- Of ti, hi&.rooza In bta- biooia lif at i0ico rapid rate, "IdichVt ea-y it vcHild, letartd Anne au 1 side, ja-st jaterrx.-mu; as3i4c'a of 3i-rig oc. htsr Lpa, h s:bj pas the Lhw Miss Carvers xoom uir was v in jobt at the hdad o? && -islK?. Che hfd vry woid iiut i-vaised taew A&aad fcerasctaer, for tSw lW3oa:e was like aat?vjia" Ix dia-dilxs&Ciw- lag tJiotiih-esv fZcrt io liiian. It io ctimxl to lifer now, aa it of tea did, tiuit Aiilio u;.her iia4iitiiiOit ti ear raotSie'. Mit CaaF&r garo litile liii- Ukodem youth. She -vas ocit of the id Iab2j4t'r!a) i bKKurht up tt-ens, kiiovrirsa; every iwUj history frni Umo lniteuksiu, ovwy mots ia 6 rseighbos e, all tio town affairs, to tfco jsv.aVe ainormi of change that. yopl carrkvl abo'itiatiViir parawi. People ccasiuitod brabcrfe Utept as they --x;ld go to & -a.ttwr or town history, aad tho rvasjtitt iuroi hxH. fait .hr oar. Shofcal lxvirdcd :auyytsrawith Mra. K.crja the tbr f juas t rt to vrftrda fifty ct3 of l?er ir?c;iiao 'very 1st of Jannsry. Biso Javsiiihiy tilowr.'d for a roouuh -of vialfc? to5? 1 frieriia dtiTiig tbe twelve, etui if e-ha yM inrwi fcr only tiire wec&a ft iivoivad 8..Kttlo extra rcr fcfed a little iadnstey by which the oaiacnaiy earaori a fe-iiki. t-h made paper Severe and sold thsn for the 4fearnrssnt of Chrfctraas trees, children ffesaraSsand chmtJi fairs. It was easy wort of a cfccji kind, sweh aa a gf-ntfo-rfcaah. mld do !ks father had. besa higb' Rfcariff of the ocntv -xirhent, jt trajSrg from Lt mci&l vystict m Lft tfcdWd. 3 cnlli herself rai &rtt?t fci rkvgr work, and or. tYte p.rt?ciil&r wr.Tiiu s3-jo had tKTJMvjod btr tftsJe ta tfc with bright tisjne pftr, fc: wcr, Ecfesots and gtae pot, Mt th nr.poe B'CtAe for Mi C.vt to sefetla to aty thing. gl by t? "w-tndew, a-&d of the new board-r, gasi2 oab uc-dcar the greetelin treas ii&tehai?d t' road in front of tho Bi3ell onft&fre. - 1 wea not a mterdf Email i'mpop tassco to M a Ctervor tht-t a iev tkicrr w cocaine? to LstiisSeid. TL old ?oo tor, whose piece ho wai taking, hl beea a great friand of 32!es OrTer and of her faExtjr, -when sho had a ramfrs, tornowfiho we nil akme m the world, with no fcm raror tiism Booad coasma. Tho Bicil cottage a boartliTij b?tr cf de-cteaixjbt and humblest aori, gained aMnd oc importaao from the fact that the oev doctor -vrm tv estaMfeh htnaeefif tbeco-for the first ezparliaen-tsj months of his stay in LrfctteSehl. Misa Cfcsrrcr tfeis Added izuporssnfio as & sliit ta cseas of ber own mdividaai mspcrt: Mlitj. She woahi no. longer fed cidigad to-esiasebersif fox living &i Mri i3jf eis by tbo act that eho Mfeed t?3 air ot that end cf tie- trrcm, teaming tt to h& ic ferrod thatfcheooald if eh-3 chose the Oat ' ZEU heieJ oyenrjr cf tfe nor4 f aitoc&bia piwxjs. : She had talked tea vouiys doctor over at "many tea tshiea - la hor seahbaii ahaosfc sappfceriaj IStn. Ijfe&Bi sod her d BfiBL tad-tbo ifenesidsrt. ictgttly' icnptzdmt atr aaRJEjasif by irnw in tW hccahoil. - There yt&a xt$y sse thicxj tiAtJi. tedifla8 Cmati,e doctor begesr fcvthewrofeg tovdissd ectoocA.., She a4 arwaya been very teacb ta berortlska tiodimt vowB. Adectcr fafte hospa would oertaialy be a oonTtUcacs t&ss Carver bad bur pet fn&amrls. the regrevtsu the ezpaostve laxnry taiktrtbara ovoryiUi arear Utaeaer. .lint a doctor is tho wfeooa o not fcimtfatfty as Mi i K iM iJi-H ft! s?li .vraii j tcb. h tvgxLf hf Dr. Lcckvltt She ! r -JI k -a- XfcaB ? to pK t mArl cA tbsi xiiit It oesfcl to hax erarb. j Ltzt. aae! ho v?3 c tbo achtxL ; uoj3 1 act ra aU axsxaerce ever Iti-tcg bczstZi toUts thcue tebacrd Itniu pia, e?ea if they wcw gtrjn onnf. Cirw tad txxa calcgovcrtisst f-ttiVj ta her tufriA tvtca a ftatJcn ili k ur to tho txxmi a3& and ysjag rxa ct fair oaccxktt, wd set e sir Engttfr cocdsis ss, and J -dj- guud VjoSday, etoppsA ontsd bargisl tbe hscfc door. U& boA Doiug-il-X&a&iisA ta tis hxod a Bt3eig tr sczlbadvith the -wonSn gL. TV taja" 2SljmC3rcrfkroot krljB3 ptv fiitl cx!Vyi As -ot "Tbo horviix sofa esR rjfoebud tia hsdi. ted X3p wsy-chatr tilted tbe front Cow. "2ii.Tr 1 wtnti AaH I dkJT cithJxDoi JJra. DLecH. Aune rushed ons-from tbe rtinfcng room letting Im j aial with a pretty blush on bar fair faca. hesr4hfcT say. "Mother is actCebo- finrfor if vra can manajo to citu o"r Tho doctor ropikd io au easy, good ntrd, langoid voioo. and Mfe Carver thought to herscif rn her 2ew Rgtaitd 1, Ut. A tk.i V.I-, . iMKi oetTn text, uy lansuHie u fiaxy- ya yvhxxo be had taken the Appfodslo brttu h line, aad would not arrive for oum hours. Uo had therefore appeared 4dth caiy hie doctor ain fa his hand m proof cf identity. The youny people it into the partot, and in a tow tao- iiiiats Mfcs Carver heard sounds of Uugtatc. t!o doctor's eaey voice and A'Uie'a girlish eteccato notes. '., "WLtt coafldeace the girl is, itouoiit Mfefi Carver, "to bo aoLaa on uhe that the very first minute! I shoold fciiik br uiotboT would try and cheek iff, it looks bo flirtatloa.3." The risk feirtt itKt, uneuapecting j?oang man (a- c iiT.y la oominK iato the 31eeG fazuiry kd Iver wtUi a kind of pfty. She was I'ruvkbnoo had so arranged tittngB tlst i her age eho did no find any for T 'xrd, pert giiia on her handa to man age. Buroiy the rfnsrlo etat hae tt ad- vootagea. is &f least aooras oo a JOtry podoetal for cTrtkashig one's neighbors. Mies Carver could see m maoy ways how Mrs. Bisell had xmseed it, and how differently ehe woo3d bam done in her plar. Theio w6 an old Grandfather Bib&ell, i atoiio def old man, who eat hi the kitchen. 'in a rocking chaJr done to the fetcve, witii his hat on even in warm wether. Sometimes he worked a little domasbic arraagemestB, as often hap poned. Bui hi a general way he wa of no use wiy another toouth to feed. Tir oVl ranu had married daughters far bstid off than Mrs. Bisseil, who refused to koop him on tbe ground that he was hrd to $;t along wtfh, thoth app&r cnUy a rxiOi-o h.innkvia old eoul did not li v- Kfcaj Carver waa atrwraota on the fact of Grftnthor WateiL If eheconld h-jva had her way tbe old man wockl have been cont pacMog, and tbe bafd liCBrtod daughtcra brotfeS to terms. I'bon the re was Eferea mmspert crjpaater and jart ten5rr; bat Doth t-uuing aad carpeatry -were now at a low ebb ta LrtttofkeM, a&l as there was nothi&g for BtaeeS to do ho did sothiag, '3 lwt h wf'j Rnpwrt biro. Tbfigbt o? Btaseli hanghig aboot the plaoa wfctn tlrowas a lnortgago on the pcorjerty Jii Miss Carver with snraweasod rage. If EieseH her htssbaad: she knew she wooM find sosne way of maJcfcag hha et-inhlaaat. She dard not hrat of her ft&ngs to Mrs. BtceH, for the tttUe -wrraa wn very touchy aad traeadesi fJwt her "men folks." She said she "tossed phe had a rt-rht to faoq as tuaoy folks as ehopleaeed, and tbeaeigb bfttin?glit jcetetop talking. Thwat bufk ia their easy chairs doing fancy wd& and crocbet. and saw her digging axfcy for deer Rftx and oould Ond noth irs better feo gossr&abotrfc than bar wjr -I Continued next week. N(XtTII CAROLINA REFORM PRESS ASSOCIATION. A North Carolina Press Associa te ti has been formed with the fol lowing paper.? as charter members: liiE CAucasion, Clinton; Fro grtssive Farmer, Raleigh ; Rural Rjme, Wilson ; Farmer's Advocate, lborc; Salisbury Watchman, Sal ia'jury; Alliance Sentinel, Golds-boi-o; Hickory Mercury, Hickory; JAvs, frinity College; Mountain lloine Journal, Ash ft villa. This Association wa3 endorsed by t .'ieS ate Farmers, Alliance at More h, August 1S91. Any paper can join this Association that stands pquareiy on the Ocala demands. Ap plicants to join this Association must address -W. S. Barnes, Secretary and Treasurer,. Reform Press Associa tion, Itftleigh. N. C, for informa tion. In the Tennessee State Alliance, in accordance with a general demand throughout -the Order in theSUte, the constitution was so amended as to permit the re-e'ectlon ot Presi dent McDowell a third term, as an uyidence that the Alliance held him "vindicated from the. foul aspersions of tho plutocratic press. - Happy Heosiers. Wm. Tinimona, Postmaster of Ida ville, Ind..-writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for thot bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liv er trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: 1 tad JLlectric Bitters to ne the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made rue feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, gtme town, says; Electric Bitters is juat the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new iease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle, at R. H. Hoixiday's Drug store, Clinton, N. C. and Sous R. 1 Smith, drugjist, Mt. Olive, N. C: Tim TateclB Sen. M?. TALMAGK DHAWS A LKSSOX FROM THK FA MINE I.N 1X.YP7. Tbe Itt'iuarkivblft Conjunction of liijr Crops in .incrl A mul h Scarcity in liuroiw Culls to Mind tho Siiatlur Caso In Joseph's TitMo. THK Itl 1.1GIOUS I.KSSO.X. BooOtfXYK, Autf- 50. Ttw cubiod im port of uiear liarvo-ta in Europe and the memory of tho vuat crops of ripen 1. ... t rri a i. hitt reoeot tour in tlie wft, hava com bined to turn hit thoughts back to that patriarch ial tinui w !ic! tJl tha world ecnt to Kgypt to boy corn, ftid to to- gett a Goepol lesson. IIU text ia Gen. zlili, 3, Ye ahull not seo icy fao ex cept your brother be with you." This s amine r, having croaked eighteen of tha United States, north, soutli, eaM and wett, I have to report tbe migbti- ettt harrcats that thii oointry or any other country ever reaped. If the grain gamblers do not somelio-w wreck thtva harveeta we arw about to enter upon tbe grandest scene of prosperity that Arnorica has ever witnessed. But while tliis is so ha our own country, oo the other sl.le of tho Atlantic there arc na tions threatened witli famine, and tho most dismal cry that Is ever heard will I fear be uttered, the cry for broad. I pray God Uiat tho contrast betweon our prosperity and their want may not be as &haxp aa in the landd referred to by my text There was nothing to eat. Plenty of oora In Egfpt, but ghastly famine hi Canaan. The cattle moan ing In tbe stall. Men, women and children awfully white with hunger. Not the failing of one crop for one summer, but the falling of all tbe crops for seven years. A nation dying for lack of that which ia to common ou your table, and so little appreciated; tho product of harvest field and grlet mill and oven ; the price of sweat and Anxiety and struggle bread I Jacob the father has the List report from the flour bin, and be nnds that everything and get something to eat.1 Tbe fact wua, there was a groat corn crib in Egypt Tbe people of Egypt have boon largely taxed In all agt, at the present tliae paying between 70 and 80 per cent of their product to tbe govsmjoeiit. No wonder in that tbae they had a large corner! b ik! St was full To that crib they eauiu from the regions round about thoej wivo wre farjaished ftovto puyir.g for corn In money; when the money was exhaust ed, paying for tbe corn in sheep and cattle, and horses aud camel ; . and when they were exhausted, then sell ing their own bodies and their fam ilies into slavery. " THE JOCB5TBT TO SOXPT. The morning for starting out on tha crusade for bread has arrived. Jacob gets his family up very early. But be fore the elder sons start they say aonie thing that makes him tremble -with emotion from liead to foot and burst into tears. The fact was that these elder son had once bef or been in Egypt to get com, and tboy had been treated somewhat roughly, tha lord of tbe corn crib supplying them with corn, but saying at the close of tbo inter view, "Ifow, you need not oome hack here for any more com unless you bring sonethlrur Wr than money even your younger brother Benjamin. " Ah! Benjambv-that very hen was suggestive of all tenderness. The mother had died at the birth of that eon a spirit coming and another spirit going and tbe very thought of part ing with Benjamin must have been a heart break. The keeper of this corn crib, nevertheless, ears to these older eon, "There la no need of your com ing here any more for corn unless you bring Benjamin, yoar fathers darhng. Now Jacob and his family very much needed bread; but what a ttroggle it would be to give up this son. The orientals are very demonstrative in their grief, and I hear the outwaillng ot the father n them older, aon Vvr reiterating in his ears the announce ment of tbe Egyptian lord, "Ye th&U not see my face unless your brother be with you." "Why did yen tell them you had a brotherr said the old man, complaining and chiding them. "Why, -father," they said, "b aaked us all about our faicQy, and wo had no idea he would make any oca demand open us as he has made.' 3o nee of ask ing me," said tbe father, "I cannot, I will not give up Benjamin. " The fact was that the old man had lost children; and when there baa been bereavement In a booashold, and child taken, K xoakea the otlxr children In the household more precious. So the day for departure wa adjourned and adjourned and adjourned. Still the horrors of the famine increased, and loader moaned tin? cattle, and wider open cracked tbe earth, and more pal lid became tbe cheeks, until Jacob, in despair, cried out to bis sons, "Take Benjamin and bo oSL" Tbe older sous tried to cheer up tbeir father. They saidt We bare ' strong - arms ana a stoat heart, and no barov will come jto Benjamin. ; Well aoe tbH he gets back again." 'TarewtHP ad the young xaen to tha father, in a tone of neramed good cheer. "F-A-r-e-w-e-M T' said : the eld roan; for that word has more quav ers ia it when pronounood by the aged thai) by the young. . - THE BRtfAZTD FOR BKSJAJrXJU '. , Well, the bread party the bread em Daasy drives op ia front of tha mm crib of Egypt Thee eorncribe - are filled ; with wheat, barley and corn io tha husk;, for .those who have traveled In Oanaan and Egypt know that these C23 .r9 trrjpocrg wKb 0 Indian mab. If th Jonnay to j id TU V-rd of th comerib, who U alM tho prlnM tuiaUt, cocixw (krao I to th an trod trartrs aad says "Ia ,ith ta Uday, Hew U yooi Hth-rf I tiia IJam!a. yonnf bnitlM m bosj n-H.q; I derarfdtdr . Tti travtkrs r intrcaod Into tb paUo Tby axo wom atid bMloil oe hi , C.4 way ; and Krrto-.U cora ia Hh ! a bwrfn cf la on liA-vi aud a towt4 la tb otbr, and kuxoi drwu bw for tha iwwly arrived travflcrs, walt log otT tbe duvt of tbe way. The botoltert and nouUerere and caterers oi TiK prime nanVw prtjvj.-v the rpt. Tbe goefrts are seated in mall group, two or three at a tab, tia food on a tray; aJ tbe iaxurU from hapritJ gardens and orehardj and aqufeiufctt aud aviariee are bronglit there an .1 are filling ehaJloe and platter. low Is tbe time for this prUuft una teter, If lie has a, grudge againtt Brujt lain, to show It -Will be kill linn, low that be has him in his hAndtt Oh, no! This lord of the eorncrib U ae-tUnl at his own table, and be looks orvr (0 ti table of Ida guetitA, and he st-nds a por tion to each of them, but reoda a Uut portion to Benjaruln, or, as tlve Bible quaintly pate it, "Bcnjainbi's meas wm five times so much as any of theirs." Be quick and send word back with the 'swiftest camel to Canaan to oki Jacob that "Benjamin is well ; all is wd! ; he U faring sumptuously i .the Egyptkm lord did not mean murder and death, but he meant deliverance' and lite when he announced to us on that dy, 'Ta hall not see my face unl your brotlier l- wHhyoa.," ! TUU WORLD A CUIU-tt, ' Well, my frlenda, tide world U faui iua truck of sin. It does Dot yield a ' single crop of solid aatlsfacUon, It is dying. It Is hunger bttteu. Hie fact that it does not, oannot, iced o man's heart was well Illustrated in tlie life of the English comedian. All tlve world honored him did everything for him that the world could do. lie was ap plauded in England fcd applauded in the United States. He roused up na tions Into laughter. He had do oquai. And yet, although many people tup Xxascd him entirely happy, and tiiat this world was completely satiating his soul, he site down and write i "I never la my life put on a new net that it did not rain and ruin Jt I never went out in a shabby coat beoauae It was rain ing and thought all w ho bad tlieoholoe would keep iudoora that tbe sun did not bunt forth in it strength and bring oever coruientad to tvoc-t a part I liated, out of kindness to another, that I did not got hiflfled by the public and out by the writer. I oould not take a drive for few minutes with Terry with out being overturned and having my el bow bone broken, tliongh xuy friend got oft unharmed. I could not make a cov enant with Arnold, which I thought was to tnako ray fortnrw without making his Litettl, tliHii m an iocred'ble space o tiaw I think thirteen mouths I certHsd fo hhn twenty thooujd pounds axd for myself oof, I an; per stxaded that If I wer to set tip as a beggar ever one in my neighborhood v-otud leave off eating bmid." Tiiat was the lanent of the world's comedian and joker. All unhappy. . The world did everything for Lord Byron that it oould do, and yrt m bis last moment lie aksafr!ond to come aad fit down by hlra and read, aa most appropriate to his caaa, tha story of "Tbe Blooding Heart." Torrigino, tho sculptor, eiecuted, after montlie of care and carving, "Madonna and Jh Child. " Tbe royal fianUy oome In and admired ft. Everybody that lookwl at it wae In ecstacy. but one day, after all that toll, and all that admiration, be cause be did not got as much compen sation for hie work aa be had expected, be took a mallet and dadled tho ex quisite eeulpture into at om. The world la ioor eompensation, poor satisfactioa, poor solace. Famine, famine, m aU the earth; not for seven years, but for six thousand. But, blessed be God titere is a great eorncrib. The Lord built it It is in another land. It is a large place. An angel ooco measured it, and as far aa I can calculate It In our pbraa, that corn crib is fiftaeo hundred miles long and fifteen hundred broad and fifteen hun dred high ; and it ia f all Food for ail nAtiona. "Oh I" say the people, "we will start right away and get this rap ply for our eouL " But stop a moment ; for from the keeper of that eorncrib tbre oomee tlib word, saying, "You ball not see my fv except your broth er be with 700." In other words, there is no such thing as getting from heaven pardon and comfort and eternal life, nnless we bring with ne our drriue brother, the Lord Jesus Chrirt. Coming without him we shall faH before we reach the cbmcrib, and our bodice shall be a por tion for the jackals of tlie wlldernc, but coming with tbe Divine Jesus, all tho granarke of beavoo will swing open before our souL and abundaxtce shall be given as.' We shall be Invited to sit hi tho palace of tbe klog and at the tftbie, and while tbe Lord of bearva Is apftortioning from his own table to other tables ha will not forget ue, and then and there It will ba foaod that our Benjamin's mess ia larger than all tbe others, for so it ought toXe. "Worthy Is tbe lamb that was slain, to recve blessing and ricbee and honor and gfory and power." WHBX WTXK. SOU RKPOHMl I want to make three points. Every frank aad common sense maa win ao knowrsdge hlmeelf to be ft sinner. What are yon going to do with your 6in Ilaretbem pardoned, yon say. Bow! Through tlie mercy of God. What do you mean by the mercy of Godt Is it tbe letting down of a bar for tbe admission of all without ra rpect to i character f Bo not dece4Tedl I tee a soul eotrdng op to tbe gate ef mercy and knocking at. tbe eorncrib of heavenly , supply. And a voice from within sayv 'Are you alaaeP The rinrier replies, "All alooc." The voice :. fContinned on Second Page. , A t"v 1- ; y r r . , - ... - i. n.ot .ini. AU.i,t it-u i'.rvt u7 uiy k. u::Iug Vvty .c ! V.. rcat ! n :tt! v-..K-a wl r..h. the VXU xmlcn i f tlo Sl.W.' Q ot lm vit Kiu'l-i ,! ivr ?,nt. and howUd tha catl-.r.fd would le to takis all that osijht bo tirren t by ittviitearttMntcrJr they mJsfci 1; .-.a.ii?i:tr vlr row that ih- cxten!c.i:f Uir ..n b w prOVt a H i!le,r ot hu'f -K,-t iU? n having Mvii p(!Hutei f! r ns$u, on! wouid h !. j tr.t S. bcfr YiKI i- I ; i uirb w !vUv)i "5, S-"l i i ll d! lp- ' r ur hit St trrtun ilori, and h tho b' af vhal a h?4 own t ,i pointed rvi r n, large finance.: preachCf frcm good thing ! 1 U ; t v5 ' p-o-do' that iZfQt K l tihimt0-n) is to lo 1 ut 3n tia : v. s by th re deinption .'!'thto- ln : di t nd tiiw much ptrl thL iMm.vf in thociffti l ition by 1 hj rt"niptioit of thvm bonds and how much good lhl I u creao in the circulation wlllddhusb ness circle. He remind one if tho young physicians who when akxl how htf wm making out in a family whero h; vs sttntllt; :t -Aoinn In CO;Vf.;.eiili nl, said ; I s S.lOttUT IS dc;l and the child bdt ul, b it 1 hop to pull tho f ithor !?.mr.ti." I . .. .... ino nouio nrtny 01 "ox ' 1-. :uiain marching ujxti A'ahii.ton, eu.'h hud every member of i'. ar.xiou to got the jiace whith h ta Ik varate-J by Secret ary I'roctor, Mho has boon formally noticed that he h to be ap poin ed to K?rv out th unexplrei term ot Mr. ralmuniifiu ihol.niteI Htates Hnatp, and theo whv) tail will nt Ic-wt have tho frttlfHCtUu of knowing that thy have temporari ly got out of the oWiirlty Into which they had suulc, by having their liftmen mer.tloimd w lofbili tkv for the vacant. ?ftt in tho cabb net by the obligir' r."Vf pajrp. If you hdvc c!rio:ii y to " o t name! gel a copy cf the i;;st Cong raw luual Directory and check otT tho names of all the men who retired from tVn gress with tha Flfty-mt Congre-a, end you will iui.o a ccrt 't Jut of thtni. It t ;H lU A tn .N- vv Kng laiul Htffi-.torn h.i vedoiiiiiti.i-.jd of Mr. Ilarrirf-ju that be "hall apvi-int 4 uihu from that NCtiou fitb.e ,.v; t;f y aud Wcterti ;;tf b iv.i ma.I. .5. hke uV mand. Mr. H m-i kh vt!' the 8ppoii)tt;-! .it whore U w '. ';.; It t;io most votci j,r t!urN "i In the uext republican iuth-r.;ti c-vivontion, uo m:itler vvJuMttutiy pit.i-" cr ii ;p-ea-, and tho b:df i'- 'n j. tnt tn. plt.e Wiii t't) to -K-t.-.Vl' -.M1 t:iH:L'.'. nf -"Vv Hair.p:,!.!.-'-, u-r , f't'-.i Ator novio q'joor U'.nc f. b Utotd around hero of hcv ini. Dyre.'ifonh is muuipnUtlns hi. ivniifiil(5 atil Kun jxiwdei !Hhi-rorccT for tho pur- (Ai ot -.f ttri a hi 5,--pripriHiou from tho next Ccnr.v t pay si! furt!er vp( rimentf. !t i ruld, took advantage rf cllnnth' condi tion!?, which made it certain t.t he could not iail, whoa he made '.he th cent exsHrimet;t anoi:t which .o much ba-j been printed. It l also Mid tlmt none of the party now In Txaj with th lV ti-:ior huvo r.nv fMltii in the crlicienry S th vpin-.m- iw lo pn-i'ica rain I.". a taliy eettlon, and that thty ftio whtve btt.-iiiri-. as a sjrt -j --i-, f Ut' proitRbl. frut'.lryi.i M fc. a f-jr-g tiaie, at I'.'K' tha". i:- .id i' tn. !,e received in W. hiujrltn. At tho Taff-jc rs Atli..j eou voli tion at More head City jiwd Wednes day Marion Ilutfcr, h-enator from Kampwm county, and alitor ofTiiR Clixton Caucasian, and an educa tor of high note, was elected Presi dent of the Bute Alliance. He Ha gentleman of culturo and Real and enthusiasm, and will rntko a wide Rwakrt Our rc :onf li"het towiieisian, W. Ji. l',triw, a geiitleunm cf ftj vulture, and a newtpajper mn:i mul educator, was t-Jexted 'frerfur;r tfidtjecrr-tary. Thi? isau evidence that 'the AULiM fa not contracted hi In view. WiiFon Mirror. Thetv '.h more (.'aunli i thl sevlioii of th? coictrr than all other dicftfs ptt bigctlwr, nd until t?te hii'lfjw ymrit waa nuppotiv'.f to !.-e icurabi?. i.ra Y"nM many ytn: d-vters v-'o-ct it a Heel ch.sf .0i-f , and precI?M-d bntrd tccn fdics, sffd by coi.tu::t!y :a!lti:g to eure titii hal ttcaUuent. preoMtnc;d 1 Iu ct:rble Science has wvcn tatarrh tit U n cotrt'iuitiDnal dfjca-it1, and tlicrt i" rc require cenn'tltutioual treKtincnt. IJ-vi'i '..'Hiarrh 1". J. ( h';::c' Cure, manufacture"? ty ; v., V'.tuo, Ohio, in Use only voritituilonal enc on the mar ket. It is taken intert?alij in does fr-;ra l-. n i.-i.p to a . tta)y-,r.ful. It acts directly upou iUi layol ftd rtucnt' sur ficca t the sNy'-ti-i. T;rv tiVr otic hn;-iI:td -;t faiU Lt cure, hetid Sr c7;:ir? s-. t .-iipini--Afbir.'H(, Y. J. iu:ni!v: & to.. . lV.vr.U Oh:o. S'.Jj hy til If ixuiietn, at l'j ccata. V'ALL STHEKT .U'Tl'Ii GOV. Frcai prcfwtt i'ppt-vrancw Gover nor Carnpbcl! will bs coinxellcl to couio tut quri iy suiast. the freo coinage pUnks 4 ra-i ca 1 etl 1 reoi u 9 platforuY, or Wall In his bt reel will r funds. This fuss to put up any look.? bp.d fr Camt- boll, Rince ho aaait huvo money in order to maxo the contest. Well etteet fcaov3 its own baaices, and . wil'. cocsect to no barpruai In which it o'oos not becomo tho nltim bcnaiciary.Natioiial Ecouombt. : A discouraged niau t? one of the Siddtt ij?ais that aoe;a evr to look at. ; . 1 I i- I : I 4 f 1 rr -1?

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