THE CAUCASIA IF YOU WOULD LIKE To coeisiQQSc.itc'iirith thont to " 'JiJ -s 'iil 111 liMI lUVlla lly MAUI OS IJUTLEU, iviiior nud Piojirict' . Uioamjia of U.e lt country pH? in thin ?Hon of afcrik SUBSCRIBE I Show tlii-i Pap-T to your neigh -!or and a;lvi.j him to subscribe. JcolamntofTirsCAUf. 3fo i.crQl Pafrv in Subscription lncc$lJ50 Per Ycr, in Advance. VOL. IX. CLINTON, N. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1891. I a eonefbtiion. if-1, 1 i "Si VT "XT' VI --r ,A TF1 . . jr- TT T-s. -r- !! X ) FifcfcJION A L COLUMN V. H. At.LKX. W. T. DOKTCir. ALLEN & DORTCII, ATTOUSEYB-AT-LAW, (Joldaboro, N. C. Will jtr.sctict! in Sampson county. tub27 tf V. M. LKK, .U. D. I'm v:rciANvSu u'jkos axd Dentist, ,ti.;. in Loo's Drugstore. Jo 7-lyr 5 j faison, 5 Attorney axd Counsell or at Law. Otlice on Main Street, wiii practice In courts of Sampson and a .ii"ining coun'le. Also In Supreme ' iti t . All Iritsi intrusted to his vi!l receive prompt and careful a je 7-lyr ! W. KEltlt, lU A AlTO UN KY AND COUNSELLOR. at Law. Ddlce on WallBtrout. Will practice in Hampnon, Uladon, l n iir, lLunett and Duplin Uoun ii-m. Al In Supremo Court. i'roinpt pergonal attention will be ivn to all leral buainef-H. e 7-lyr I jlitANK UOYETTE, D.C.S. L Dkntistky OiHce on Main Street. J otr.';M hU services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything mm in tiu line of Dentistry done in the Woi .-tyl. Batwfaction suarantcod. .".Uy terms are strictly cash. h-.Mi't awk me to vary from thirule. HIT IS IT HAS IT DONE INK "Compound Oxygen lis mode of Action aj.u Hesults," is the title ol a new bt'k of 200 paen, published by Ins. Slarkey A I'alen, which giv U ill inquirer lull i;.lonnation as tu thirf remai k:ble curative agent, iind a record ol" yurprisin cures in a wide ntnj,'tt ot chronic cases many of thfivi iiRcr leing abandoned to Use bv otLer physicians Will be inaiied free to any address on apr-li- t 'tl ,n' DRS, STARKEY & PALEK jn2o tf JEWELRY Al CLOCKS ! :u: 1 ;:ivc jast rut-cived lr2:c l)t o KlcjTJit Jowclrv. This I will sruanui- tee to Ui nurcliHSt'.r to 1hj just as rei ri' nt.Ml. I soil no theiip, "lire uilt" but carry a htandakd link oi' (i-i n KuoN'i uaoos. The, Attention of the iswhort ! cu!'i;1 to the iuU-t styles 'if an kast tins thev arc "thiniia f tx iiUtV '." The old rcliablt! and ataudurd SETII THOMAS CLOCKS always in .stock, in yui'iou.s rttyhis aiidsiuf. txir liepairin-.r of Watches and Clocks and mending Jewelry is a specialty. Ali work 1 dr. h yuiu anleed n j:':vc eu ki' hatislUction. UcHpucttiilly. iw -J T. IIAW1. eV BARBER 8H0P. V.'lion ; ou wish ah easy shave, Aa g ol a burber cvor gave, Just eall oi us at our saloon At morning, eve or noon: We cut and dros tho hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. Our room U neat and towels clean, Heissor. sharp and razors keen, Shop on De Vane Street, opposite Court House, ovor the old Alliauco Headquarters. PAUL SIIERARD, Tho Clinton Barber. WHEN YOU GO f o Goldsboro be sure to stop at the Sregory-Arliston Hote ls, Good fare, attentive servants and large comfortable rooms, When you get off the train Isaac" irvnrvbnd v knows TsnflC will bo . j , - here. Give him your baggage and CO with him. WILL HUNTER, octlG-tf Proprietor . REMOVAL, ! lias removea nis Aauormg xstao- HAmnntftom hi n Id stand to his office on Sampson Street, next to tho M. E. Church. The great and orignal leader In .owi-iicw ii .r vou to jrive him a call. - - - cj . t&'Latest Fashion plates always n hand. June 7th. lyr. University of No. Carolina. The Next Term Begins Sept. 3. v ;4!.. u.... o young men of talent and character will be aided with schoiorshio and loans. Besides the General Course of Study, which offers a wide range of elective studies, the.e are courses in Law, Medicine and Enzlneerinsr. For catalogue, Ac, addi ess the Pres ident, GEO. T. WINSTON, jv30 lm Chapel Hill, N- 0. I. W. IIAEPER'S Heison Corah Kentucky Whiskey Has been recognized lor years as one! of thofnrerm.Bt. onA .u :i,., '. ZZ7. .. " "ucr-l, ptaceu oeiore the Ampr oiin nnh : t sir Like every article of fineness it ca ters not lor the bulk of consumers, to whom one whiskey tastes hut lit. tie different from another, but for the appreciation oi the connoisseurs niy. it is, in fchort, a geatlemau" average, and intended for gentle vu oniy. Li. J. RUSSELL, Clinton, N. C, W And every thing we think you'll find; claiminir to be triondlv to tho Alii-' Missouri State Alliance, has w lo suit the tace and please the mind. fnu. . . , . . . . , n,',-. .--t,(-.r v.,. ,,1.,;. w all our art and skill can do, ance Thi tnck 13 too plain and considexab.e uo.onely bv opposing If vou Just call, we'll do for you. the people will not be fooled by it; the &ub-l reasury plim. ihe parti THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. ' It I never safe to tolerate error, however popular the grab in which it appears. It is better to expose it at once, and not to fear criticism . Keeping before us this correct prin ciple, we have not hesitated to at tack some ot the leaden of the Alli ance. We 8aw that they were per verting the true objects of the Alli ance, and we did not hesitate to ex poe them. News and Observtr. Head the above paragraph over again. Its meaning Is bird to get, if indeed it has any. It is so absurd tlmt it will draw a smile from every member of the Alliance who sees it. The iews and Observer attacked ctrtain leaden of the Alliance be it saw that they were pervert ing the true object? of the Order. When did the .News and observer become Godfather for the Alliance V Ir.o paper certainly underestimates the intelligence of the order if it thinks that a paper that fought the x . - mriuurs' organization it was weak, now, w hen they are; pursuade them into deserting thos who stOvxl by them then and de fended them and their cause against attacks. The people will stand by those who have siood by them. They know that the enemy always level their guns at the generals ot tho army. - . .. .... na. we never saw oetter iisiners, We a peculiar kind of states- and from the conversation we had inanship these days it is negative with many members, we never saw statesmanship. Such men as Car- better alliancemen. lisle, Oates & Co., in their pondrous We enjoyed the hospitality of articles against the Bub-Treasury ad- en. W. Koberts, forxuer State Au mit that the financial system of this ditor, and are indebted to him and country is very unjust and should nid charming wifo fur a most pleas be changed, that the farmer is great- nilt stay. The General has a delight ly discriminated against and should ful home' and, judging from what have relief, yet they offer no plan we saw, is certainly a modle farmer, for a just financial system, but con- Despite the rains the farm i : that tent themselves with with ridicul- section are in good coalition. They ing the plan which the farmer sug- gests. This is what we call not only negative statesmanship, but incon- sistent statesmanship. Iftheyridi- cule the farmers' plan and offer none of their own, then, to be consistent, they should take the position that the farmer needed no relief, and should make no complaint. But to admit the condition of the farmer and then simply ridicule hi3 plan, without offering anything bet- ter, should destroy their claim to 8tatesmhiiship, as has already cer- tainly forfeited the confidence of tho people. " ' There are certain papers just, now that are attacking certain leaders of the Alliance, and at the same tune. they know that these papers would not be attacking Polk and o' hers if they wcro not leaders in the Alli ance. They, attack these jrentlemen as representatives of the Alliance, therefore the attacks mean nothing less than an attack on tho Alliance. Theso papers once rebuked and fought the whole Order when it was tizan press. But the annual meet weak, but now the Order has grown ing of the Missouri State Allianca so stronsr thev fear to attack the whole Order, as much as they hate it. So they pretend to be friends to , larmers, out attacK tneirieaaers, inereoy noping to cause aissentions in their ranks and to finally split and disinter te the Order. Breth ren don't bo fooled, their object is to destroy the Alliance. I A trrntrl-ba cttoainMn !lrtrl ., . , .. , . 4. 0 through a long article m the Sep- tember number ot the Century Mag- azino opposing the Sub-Treasury rjlan. Hesavstha American farm- CT,al a fiad condition and needs Telief but th4 the Sub-Treasury put I.. . - - into operation would jrum him by nottincr him at the mercv of the speculators. Thi3 writer is undoubt edly in league with the speculators and the monopolist and if the Sud- Trnnsnrv rntild nut tbfl fWmAr anv j i- J they would sllently reioico instead of wcrning him against his remedy. The day for blinding the farojer with sophistry is past. it is ratner amusing to see news- papers. thaiL have been advocating protection for American manufac turers, now objecting to tne bur Treasury plan on the ground that it 1 proUction and class legislation in I ,L. ... . . TSi. "IB lnierOHC OI mO larmerS. VV lin Ul . . . . ... . .. 1 mem even protection is wrong when it applies to tho farmer When a nun, ; who " opposes the principles you stand on, begins to abuse you nereonally Instead - of meeting your arguments, he admits I bis weakness and your strength. AUIAMEMttyiHMTB.- iOMWp RKtClJ The iwse-t crv.! la . vvri I SI it J. sJi&JcJLP-Sb, seen at a country gathering of any j kind was u-sombci at KitfeiK . in j Gaits county, on Wtdnc.Iuy of !at week. The famier., their vivt. and daughters were gathered fromU,; half a dozen counties nd many from Virginia. liie number w-is I estimated at from from four t' ixj thousand. An Alliance bind bund- ! t somely uniformed, met t Jit speakers and escorted tht.-rn ) the stand. This writer, an lre.sidcf.t of tie State Alliance, tpoke fir.-'"?, discuss ing Alliance principles and explain ing the objects of the Order. He paid especial attention to the con traction o! the currer.c and the over production theory. l0i. iiarry .Kinnev yioi'j discussing thj Hub-'l roe.ry .lO.. i., rii.. ins s-Tieecn was ;); er: or ante, convincing jind unanswerable, elicited frequent applaus'1. j Dinner wa- next served, nnd a more sumptuou?, crderiy and well served diuuer we have ne ver scon served at any pie-nic. Considciing the enoriuou crowd, it wh remark able. In the at tf moon (;r.gre:ruan Vs'. A. U. Branch spoke, discussing ag ricultural depression find the tariif. His arguments were I'.rr.ed and able, and we expect mu ;b from him in the next Congress. Brother Crow?, Probate Judge of the county, acted as muJ-tcr of cere monies, at the request ol' brother Eure, the County. President. If we nro to judge by tho size of this turnout v;r:d the i dorost and en thusiasm ovinctHt, then the Htitio Alliance has cause to be proud of the Order in North-Eastern Caroli- have about the sa . o soil we have i" Sampson and raise about the same crops. But they have one money crop, that we too might raise. It nets them more clear money per acre than cotton. It is peanuts, and this crop too can be raised on h.nd s poor that it would not make cot- ton. They sell the peanuts at about three cents a pound, and thev e;m raise four pounds to oc-eof cokon. We wore delighted with the good people we met in Gates and gratified at the condition ot tne Order, 'the brethren there will stand solidly on the Ocola platform till reliel comes. They have that determination that means success. U. S. Hall, late President of the ou zan press puffed him and zriagified the little Fort Worth Convention, composed of a handful of thirty seven Anti-Suh-Treasuryites. He has recently issued a call for another convention s nm to he held in St. Louis. This call of his has also been fully advertised for him by the par- was neia me otuer cay. uau was overwhelmingly defeated and a strong Sub-Treasury man was elect- t : j iac.u Very little or noth- w saiu auoui; nis ueieai. had he been elteied and endorsed by his State it would have been an nounced to the world by tlaming double headline- and in long article. The News and Observer lias been trying to make it appear that its at tacks on President Polk were not attacks on the Alliance, but on Col. Polk individually. In hist Satur day's issue it says that it is not a personal quarrel." Then pray why the attack? Missouri is solid for the Sub-Trea sury, nan was aeteated and a strong Sub-Treasury man elected President. There is more Catarrh it tins section of the country than ail other diseases put together, and until the last few vcara was supposed to be incurable. Jb or a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and presciihed local rem edies, and by constantly lailing to eure with local treatment, oronounced i iu- curable Science has proven catarrh to oe a constitutional crease, ana mere- fore requires constitutional treatment Trail's !alnrrh Clnrp.. mnnnfVu'.f nrf! hv r j. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the mar ket- ket, it is taKcn internally m doses from ten drops to a tcaspoonlul. Itact A-,tUr ,,, tV, n,1 r-m-n, I -l'" . faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any cao it fails to cure. Send for circulars ana testimoni als. Address, F. J. CII1CNKY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, at 75 cents. w . u , outic " M rfc w " r kVV4' wvl4UiU w' 7i !i.l i ' ; p U. a 1 1 - i- J:-eIis V-rctty v!'.;. i 1. It lv-St J1Z !!."i?('cr. ai!,,ef di An- ClIAlCU IL I .t. J - mmw mm Anne It'iu filial a -oats tsiy -mas rote for Ut center Lottie. The &i:uk.T was Lite that day, and the iscdt had taa air of Ixdcg aemiabled to gethor, which eoniefciines happens in the bast rcguLiicd boarding houGea. Things had ':hlt?hod' early in tha iaorningu and poor 2&ra. Bis-sell had striven in vain to catch up with, her work. Sho did nota ptzhz at tb.3 dinner tailo, for hex Irish m?id, Bridyafc.scanied to havecotaplcAo ly keS ht'r had, and tho kitchen wasup- sidc down. iirs. Eiiacil dished uy the food, r.thl the old mancanied th plat ters and vege table dislies to tho diBing Toom coor, wisere Anne received tiiera. You ccidd hear trw scufainjj: of his old ljt as be went to and fro in the passage. Mrs. Eififielfs cthr boarders, tho Holmes family, h2 Ixjen waiting round hungry for half an hour. They wore slow, silent people, even to the little boy and girl, who, with hair "slicked" down close to their cheekbones, the upward turn of the eyes and rather flat noses, had a Mongolian oast cf countenance. When the bell rauy Miss Carver came in with that irritated pinch of the thin lips they always wore when dinner was late. But as Mrs. Bissell kept her for a dollar a week less than any of her other boarders the privil?ge of open complaiEt vfes taken away. The jroaag doctor occupied the head of tho table, and Anna filled her mother s place with easy assurance, as if nothing ever went wrong in tho Bisseli ettahlhh- ment. It was a shame, lIis3 Carver thought, for Anne to look as cool and unruffled as ice cream whilo her mother wa3 stewing over the kitchen fire. And then she was so undeniably, so exaspr atingly pretty." Her auburn hair peo ple called red hair rod when. Miss Carver was young rippled m a mass across her white forehead and down the slope of tier round nock, ana was Ka-tnereu m a great fluffy, enrly nest at the back, just defining itself in loose coils. Tho pal.) pink of her "own suited well with her dazzling connexion and dark hazel eyes. dancing in tho light of innocent mis chief. She talked all the time, as if tho light fkw of her girlish chatter could cover up tha deficiencies of the table ser vice and the irregularity with which tho courses cimoio. Miss Carver, intrenched in aggressive silence, felt that Anne was a sham and wondered how far she would succeed iu pulling the wool over the young doctor's eyea. But tho doctor hud no starch about him. He socmod to find some amuse ment ia the diEicultiea of the situation. He made himself thoroughly at home and told so many funny storie3 about a healthy old town where ho had tried to establish himself, and had been starved out for lack of p&tients, that Miss Carver fomid heroelf laughing until the tears came under her glasses. Tho Holmes children were grinning from ear to ear and stretching tlieir liplcss mouths like india rubber bands over the doctor's funny storiea The tabto grew eo merry that tired Mrs. Bissell in the kitchen stopped to listen, while the old man, put ting his brown, crooked hand up to his good ear,' did likewise. "He'll be popular," said Miss Carver to herself as she went slowly up stairs. "Hell make friends as easy as water run3 down hilL Father always said we must distrust easy popularity. I do hope he'll see through Anne Bissell. If her mother had any judgment with the girl she wouldn't let her throw herself at that man's head." Miss Carver spent most of the after noon spying cut of the window to see the doctor's ofdee furniture come heavy mahogany and rosewood, all the best and handsomest; desk3, chairs, cabinets and nicturea, implying tho cultivated and rather luxurious taste3 of a young man of pretty good length of purse. Miss Carver opened her eyes when she remembered the depths of poverty to which he had declared himself reduced by the unnatural hea!thfulnes3 of Ket tletaa. Guess he's extravagant, she thought to herself, as she tied on her bonnet at nightfall to go and call on her particular friend, the Widow Harkaway, and, though the widow was deaf of one 6ar and partly blind, before the nest night the whole of Littkjfield knew tho young Dr. Tibbets was a humorist; that he had becsi frozan out of Kettletas by the longevity of the people, and had come to Littlefield wjSiat ny visible means, but withalarga amount of hand some office furniture, and that Anne Bissell well, it is easy to conjecture what was whispered about Anne Bissell. The ofSce was all in apple pie order when Jtlisfi Carver reached home at tea time. Tho office door stood open, and there was tha doctor with his coat off arranging his medical - cabinets and whistling softly to himself. Mrs. Bis sell had put new muslin curtains to the windows, and Anne had filled a vase with mos3 roses for the center table . those precious roses she cherished like gold an attention Miss Carver never had received in all the years she had lived in Mrs. Bissell's house. ,: - "The sun ia going to rise and eetxa his head," thought Miss Carver ja3 she took her way up to fcer room, smelling the tea biscuits from the open kitchen d B t m not hato the young doctor. . There was something engaging Zi AUGUSTA. it abcrA the cre:r srs cnowilsh it.wrdly, i tit Lud off h?r tfcifttja. Dr. ibbela certainly was. a cheery mKl, and h seemed to inf tta a brtzy life end temper into the rather Bi63eU menage. Mrs. Bi&5tdl felt her work lighter, and Anna eeeta&d to taka a new In t rest in home and to talk Itm about tho duEuesa of LittleSeU. Some peepb pitied Ann and felt that 1 oc oupiod a feba pesifcfcin.. Sha had b??tn graduated at the normal hod, tad had taught a your or tiro in a country town. bus it waa besld all the traditions at the LittlrF.fcldiaES to teles a mt.-chanic's daughter, whose mother kept a cru-sp boarding house, into the beet att. She was prettier than most of the daughter J of ths wealthy old families, bst Anne'a beauty dkl not kvui an advantage in tha (wves of tbo littlsucld dcwf;.T3f &nd her mdefervlctit, free ways appeared rather lacking iu reverence to the pure LuuencU bitw wood, TrhoasK itetendons ' Anne did not hoe:tae to b.ush at in MLiS Carver's prctseaoe. ' Joiitinuftd next we-k. XO CO.nilUNATlOA. art , hos. !. Lfing Vidcd ftr Sear borough. Soon atter the Mere-head meet i.g theiollovvi'.jg news itoai aiiu;;rcsl ia the Vilmingim Messenger: "It wiv expected, it scums that Mr. John C Scarborough would be the man chosen as resident of the State i!ri!M:r;' It is said his defeat wes due to v. trade vlih the West, whereby V. B. Long find Senator ileil, of Olai', went !i as lecturer vic'j-presiderd.." lion, 'i nomas i. if)ng, wno i-aa Thomas i. ln:, who elected vice president, replies to the above in the Ashevillellome Jonra- al as follows : The officers and delegates did not expect when tnt-y met at Jioreneati to satisty.M ctrtain set o: politicians in North Carolina, and to be candid, I lo not think they made any such effort, Tin-re never hr-.s boon any convention held in the State as free front an attempt to dictate or lug- roll who snotiKi not no'.a position, as the one ?o recently adjourned. As evidence of this and to show the error of tho corrypondent, 1 never ieard tne tuiine oi rresiuent tsutier l..n t until he was bv pome member 1 iu nomination for tho posi-1 lion. Now as to Hrother Scarborough no man in North Carolina-knows better than he does that there was no com bination from the West against him. I sat by his side in the extreme end c-f tJihall and heard the names plac ed in " nomination, walked from his side and cast my ballot for him, and and returned to my seat near him. I did not know Jirother "iieir7 was a candidate for State Lecturer until one nour previous to tne nuio oi meeting to ( lect officers, and then it wad no-- positive. In lact thJ election of ofheers was ihougtit of so littlo that it was not a sul'jec. ot discussion. Ionian who would have announced publicly and i! rosed hisc.aimscouti1 have receiv- tjd ten votes position. in th.r.t botlv for any GATKKIiiNG IN GATES. Tho IJiggest Crowd Ever Assom- bled iu the County Addressed by Messrs. Butler, Skinner and Branch. (Special to State Chroriie'.oJ GATiaviLLK, N. C, Sept. 3. The largest crowd over seen in this see- tion of the Slate gathered yesterday atKittrells, iu this county, at our Alliance picnic. Tho crowd w.ts es - timai- dat over tour thousand. A half a dozen counties were largely ly represented, besides there were a thousand irom Virginia. - Prusident, Marion Butier, Colonel iiarry Kinner ar.u congressman Branch spoke. Th- speeches were elicited frequent applause and great ,l,no'nvin . , , . . n , , ... , , . , , , was discussed and strongly endorsed. Ti,. am:nont ,ith f,im,M t over-production and in defence of th i sub-treasury plan were nnanaw r- able and were cheered to tho echo. W. T. Cross. NORTH CAROLINA REFOIIM PKESS ASSOCIATION A North Carolina Press Associa- tion has been formed with the fol lowing papers as charter members : The CAucasion, Canton ; Pro gressive farmer, llaleigh ; Itural Home, Wilscn ; Farmer's Advocate, xarboro; baasburT Wachman, bal- lsuury : Alliance Sentinel, Golds- oro; Hictsory jMercur.v, iliCKoiy; .l.-r The llattler, Wliitaker.-; Country Life, Triuily College: Mountain Home Journal, Aslievill. This Association was endorsed by the State Farmers, Alliance at More nead, August lSUl. Any paper can join this Association that stands quarei v on the Ocala demands. A plicants to join this Association must) address W. S. Barnes, Secretary and Treasurer, lie form Press Associa tion, Raleigh. N. C, for informa tion. tYm. Snracue Smith. Providence, LI. L., writes: "I find Bradycrotine always curs headache." TII12 LOWEST CALLIKTU. Tattler ! O, what a name ! In all neighborhoods there is no character more despicable ou account of the low calling as eavesdropper and fo- menter of strife. lie keeps - his tongue oiied that he may be slick In audible speech, when it suits his pur pose, he- insinuates jn whispered ac cents through a key-hole to slander t h e m Ob t irhiccen t .A she v i He I Ic m e Journal. God's work is most hindered . by the people who are unfaithful In lit tle things. . TALMAOi: AT THE FAIR. A CALL TO TU: WELL OF lrTKflN AL SALVATION. Ijn Divh.c nt Illni1r, Xt? York, lit rt? an lni.erei.t ii:g I'tiir i in I'rogress. AN IT13ItKSTING A!?I Ai ritoriiiATi: mscouitsi:. a a.22Hat Bept 6. If. Pr. TM Btago preached bera tMay flft Tm merxso multitude liO had ctsme K. rend the Jtew Jork and Punir l?nriia espwEflon, -which la behsg ht-IJ her Sept. 1 tofisji. 9. It Is a Cbinbloi expafHoa ot cattte, sheep, horses and YiSu-ibio stock 0t all kinds from the two states. Tho sermon waa rcac1ft on the fair grounAs to a grest bc4icn(v of fxrmers, horsemen, drovers aod tkra&erfl from iwtvx and far, as well as crtlrt'Oii from tlSs adjacent ciKi Seeretary Stanley, cf tho Yoir.;r Men's Chiisfiau AssoclaUou or Elruira, prw siled. Dr. Tshnages was GexavLi isli, 8, "And they said, cannot, uctil all tho 5ocke be gathered togetljt and tiff ttty roi tire tonej from the TS'e muutht then vr rgtvr th SlAIU ro TKS SUKi'Ilimi. There are fituo rrrixjona why it is op pitprifje that I SlrotrfU aedCit the ln filatlon to pie&cli at feis great iirter- etate fish-, ard to tTteb throngs of Qesltitryimen and citizens horsemen jest come from their tine clrargfra, the king of beafitfij for I take the crown from tho lion and put it on the brow oi trie horse, wntcn is m evert way noMer and Hpmk to thes shepherds jgt como irmn their ffoeks the Iibrd u-u in r ,1, x w-t T and hi another place onlletl a Lnmb, an l ffod a sheep and preach i to ywi Crtttlemen come rrp troiu tJie . ! rierd., your ocrXipatkm noiiored by fho tact that Ocd himself links it worthy of immortal record that ho owns "tlie cattle on a thousand hills. " It is appropriate that I come, t eause I was a farmer's boy and never saw a city until I was nearly grown, and having been born in the country I never got over ft, and would not dwell In cities a day Jf my work waa not api tinted there. My lovo to you now, tad when I get through I will sve ya y band, for though I have uus summer suaaen uaous wun per- naps lorty tnousand people In twonty- one states of the Union, all the way through to Colorado and nortli and south, I will not conclude my summer vacation till I have shaken hands with you. You old laruier out tnere! liow you make me think of my father! You elderly woman out there, with cap and spectacles' How you make trie think of my mother I And now. while the air of theee fair grounds is filled with the bleatimj of I no!M,in f i, the lowing of cattle, I caunot find a more appropriate text than tlie one I I It to a Reene tn Mesopotamia, beautiiuUy ixjstoral. A well of water, of great valuo In.tliat region. The fields around about it white with three flocks of sheep lying down waiting for the 1 watering. I hear their bleating coming on the bright cir, and the laughter of younar men and maidens indidaimr In rustic rfipartee. I look off, and 4 see other flocks of sheen cominir. Mean- while. Jacob, a stranuer. on the Inter- errand loong for a mcs to well. A beautiful sliep- . nnnTMn. ic.n hv W frJh- I uv" t J I Br B U'jua. li aiAtrcv ii wits a infill arable meeting. Jacob married tliat , . . . , .. shepherdess. .The Bible account of It J3: ,a,co nis volw Hilu " 5- oeen a mystery iu uie v, ix kuumx to cry about I But before that scene occurred, Jo- aob accosts the shepherds and asks tliem whythey postpone. tlie slaking of the thirst of these sheep, and why they did not immediately proceed to water !-tifm ThA Khetihards renlv to tha effect We aro all good neighbors, and as a matter of courtesy we wait until all tho heep of tlie neighborhood ooma up. Besides that, this stono on the woll's mouth is somewhat heavy, and several of us toko hold of it rutd push it aside, and then tlie buckets and tha troughs are filled and the slieop are Mxtisfled. Wo cannot, until all the flocks be gafh sred tocether. and till they roll the stone from tho well's mouth; then we water the fheep." TEE WOULD'S, OHBAT WAJiT. Oh. this U a thirsty world! Hot for the head, nnd-blisterig for the feet. and parchkig for. the tecifwe. Tim world's great want is a cool, refreshing, satkfyygg dra4. ; We wander around and find the cistern empty. . Long and tedious drought has dried up the world's fountaics, but nearly nineteen centuries ago a Shepherd, with crook In the shape of a cross, and feet cut to the bleeding, explored the desert passages ?f this world and one day came across i well a thousand feet deep, bubbling J ind bright and opalescent, and looked io the north, and 'the south, and tho jest, and the west, and cried out with a roice strong and musical that rang Ihrough the ages: "Ho, every one that Slirsteth, oome ye to the waters V , . Now, a great flock of sheep today jather around this Gospel weu. There Are a great roany thirsty souls. I won ier why the flocks of ail nations do not rather why so many stay thirsty, and while I am wondering about it, li-y jext breaks forth In the explanatioa, laying; "We cannot, until all the flocks vatr tthrrp." If a tirrd ef m1n eotua to a wtQ 7 iTfTy j.rti each cCmt lor a jjrwtjf turv ; t! a dror of .i.C to a tbmf Itf&k. eacT tthwr Wrk frmn tho water; tit wht?a lb flock of !iti) oflip, tho?ih a huodrwioX llnrin arvil W dfeappxint d, tbfy osdy rx prm it by rd Urstin, rfh-y tue to l?et!r pwjeefully. want a miUtftud to euuie aroucd th (Tori welL I knoit tlaK ary tiiom who do not liie a efod tlwf think a crow3 la rulgar. If tbey are rpfWMswl for mom in church it makes tlnni poi tlvaly impatJeut and brfitgcmst- JJot to dtd thtM oriental hpp!ierd. Ttiy r.-rf!tfxl until a!l tho flocks wcr g-.ith-ne4, and tb uckv floats ftAt m th befter thrtf Hkcd It. And so tf.pfit tr Iti anitoti that all Uk paorft suoukl coiae. Oro odt Into Um bighVar aol Aw hadw and cornp4 tiiem to (tiiH In. O-o to th rieli and tell them they ur ludint whout tho Gospel of Jtvua. Qo to fli poor anil tell tLem tlie afaucnw there U in Chlrtt. tlo to the Uku and ti 11 them of tho touch ttint &ircs ctr illumination. Oo to tho laiae and tell thoa of the Jiy tlittt will make tii faiiio man fcrip liko a hart. Oatlitr all lie shoep off of all the Mictmtalns. Fene eo torn of tho dog?, none so riv'k. none po voni.l, ttone so tiling n to bo omitttxl. Slic:i tiio full eketijus oui V.M whole hard Is noouird for voters, and If a man U ton weak or s!ek to walk to the polls a txuriage U sent fot him ; but when the ijutVdon Is whether Christ or tha de-Il Aall rula UiU orIJ. how few there aro K) comoout and Kuf-kfiu fch'k. and the loet, aiil tha filler in, mid tiro SfcrcfV and the lamti and indui rtt4r euilraget for the IxTd ftem. Why iot gather a great tck ? AH Atucrkxi in a floek; all tlo word In a llock. This ell of tlie Govpcl tsdecj enough io put out the btirnrog UiL-tt of the f oYirtcon luudreil millioa of tiu Db uot kt tlio churoh by a npirit of ex down gates. soever blte and tlk. Oorov red tnwi of tho forat. Cetae, IjfipWidST, out f tlwv wiow. ConKk Pabwruiuan, oit of the heat Come hi fare. Oorae, parrt- ing under palm laros. Ooiae flno. Oome all. Come now. As at this wcll f MewpottHnia Jacoband Raclielwert letrothed, so now, at this well rf sal- vation, Christ our shepherd wl meet ' , i a i you coming up with your long flocks of es and anxieties, and be will - stretch out his hand h. pledge of Li affecUon, while all heaven will cry out, "Behold tlio bridegroom eoraeth; go ye out to meet him." IMPHDIMJEXT3 MUST El KK110VE1). v.., r.iut h ti,i.nii r.t Mu.rv. tamla had a stxfae on it, which must be removed before the sheep could bo j . , ,.. t vatlon todaylmpednnentsand obstacles which must 1 wmovetl In order that not bear to oome to so acmocrnuo a iountain; you do rt wont to come witn so many ouiers. n is to you nice, whenj-ou are dry, corning to a town pump, as compared to sitting m a jxir- lorslpphig out of acluud clialioe which lias Just been lifted from a silver sdver. Not so many publicans and sinners. xou warn to goi to uoaven, out it mutt, r A. a. A. & . A f A. A I WMUU 4..V " Turkish ottoman and a band of musie on board tho train. xou oo not wans to uq iu oomy with rustic Jacob ami ltacbel, and to be drinking cut of the fountain where ten thousand sheep have been driultlng before you. You will have io remove the obstacle of prido or never find your way to the well. You win nave to come as wo oume, willing to tako the water of eternal life iu any way and at any hand and in any kind of pitcher, crying out: "O Lord Jesus, I am dying of thirst. Givo mo tho water of etcrnai life, whether ia trough or gobtet; give me tlie water of Ilia. I caro not in what It cornea to me." Away with all your hindrances of prilo from the vfell's mouth. Here is another man who is kept back from this water of life by the stone of an obdurate heart, which lies over the mouth of the weU. You have no more fceiing upon this subject tlran , , , .e v". A i. , d Go-d had yet to do yuu tho flrjt kind - noes, or yoa had to do God wrong. Seated on his lap all these years, his everlasting artns sheltering yon,wIicre Is your gratitude? Where Is yourmoi-nkig and evening prayer? Where are your consecrated lives? I say to you. as Dante! U to Bclshaz- zax, -The Gol la whose hand thy breath is, and all tliy way, thou hast not gloriacd.' If yoc treated aaybody as bwdly as you liave treated God you would iiave made Ave hundred apologies yf, your whole life would have been au apology, Throe times a day you have hee seated at God 8 table, apring, summer, aa - ttuun and winter 1 bas appropriately appareled you. jour neaitaircni nirn, yorKmpaukn-rro him, your cbH - drw from hin, your home froia hkn. All tne Brjgiit surroun&ings oi your me irom mm. v maiu iuu uon, xow with tliat hard heart?. Canst thou not feel one throb of gratitude toward the God whey made you, and the Christ who csmi to redeem you, and the Holy Ghost who has all these years been hu - Dortunlmryout - If you could-sit down five minutes under tire tree of a Sav- irinr'u inn ivrrfnm And fi his warm life trickling on your forehead aiid ouees ana nanus, meuunia you wooia - . . t,--- to a crucified Jesus. . . Zloartof stuna, rdecU relent. Touched by Jeetjn croes sttbdoeck -See b!a body, taacgleJ. roat, . ' Covered with a goto cf blood. ' 6fofol soul, whnt bant tho done? ' ... Cradaed the Eternal Soo. " "Jacob with a good deal of tug and push took the stone from the well's mouth, so that theocks mightbe wa- (Continued on 'Second Page.J . Insivcness koei the world out Let "T V "-ji'"v all the bars, swing oid all the KU "7. ' T ;l V' V Z , ,iim iii'im luiiuaiiiuui- mat tucy art lit ,60a ter all tlM Invitations. 'Who, Lh , , A f . ,wuitty wuuvu w. m.. M and klcd btick the wretched, dying hfo of this Gospel. In your case tho 1m- exJ1J into lhe soa Kng!aml haH pediment Is pride of heart. You can- .ortchilv been culltv of this crime. Tom Dixon on Russia ami the Jc. Tin: jews auk a vm:y t m-ssian cnuiiLTY a:u INHUMANITY. U1mu llMur tm n Nihil. l n der ucl (kfrhmirii AN Afi'IlAI. TO ALL CllUIS TXAN PI'OPLi: TO KTOl AMI THINK. But Why Hate the Jcwst They aro a People of. loralCoungf, Hcpo Patience and Tempcranc-o. Tin: rr-wsEtt'Tio ,k tiik Forloni exile doui a foreltn shorn are oni more knockln at tho door of fre Amt'tk aklng Tor prtur-r-tion and life. A end tory tli ltu. bUu Jew tell uh of broken home, acmng litnirts, and Inhuman cruelty. Driven from the haunt of hi child hood, rublxil ol UU projerty, and klcktd out a pauper upon fertign and hostile world, lie t f all men, hurcly worthy of pity. A XATIOSAI. IIYKNA. ltusvla't brutal hand li ov.a iagt felt at th threat of Rutferinp hu manity. Tired ofiavhing the blotxl from the bare biuk of weak women thii imt ioiial hyna pring upon the back of the delVn-elt! Jew, re lying on tin hutrtd of tli Ctirbtlan worll for Immunity from the con Ketpaeneej?. And what thocrlntfof tho JjwT Mr. Arnold White who haJost re turned flora Uu!a, where he miuf a special personal invctitfttUon of the condition of the K.ple, de clares that the Jew 1 habitually temperate; he rarely drink alcohol. rarely f-ntoke!; ho h a good husband, lather, son; he U not addicts! to the XIIULISM HE no If. Cult the nativo Hussiau Uy claim to thoio high qualities? There can bn but one reason for nuch a persccu- titm - tho devil. We do wt mirtttl tit r I) i . t . , ! I, II r . . .... la t . - . 10' ,to at h.It undtr uek a ',V1 " . ,m i i t ,7 . . inonstrtihity would bo high treason N.fuanltv w a learning to ,ovo tho KufjiIun reVolutioilst. To destroy nucli a nyhteui would be the nobU-M work .r trim hi-mlum anti roai i.Miaiithroitv. ...V ....... - !. J , liut. one of t he paddest MK)CJaclefl " aH .U,ii P?110"'" lff ' bd lho fhl n In Christian nations who were ready j10 4 , fc f , ; iit f t, 7, 'w.u .i . , ajrl tjiero aru tJl0?,0 j America who would follow tuilt. Shame on Itu- tia, barbarity ! But shame of shames upon tho Christian nation of the tsurn World that could raise tu the supremo height of inhuman deviltry of kicking such exile back I into tho sea J i WHY 1JATK TUP jru'n I)U1 ,, ,M.n ,., lt,l.. .ntMf utterly brutal and unjustifiable is ' vtv m'vmmm -x V, J TV this hatred mi tbn tnrt if hn Christ an for the Jew t Th. !hrU. t Qrx um no rlint to hat anv man. The follower of Jefciia Chriut must J0ve All men. First of all can hn bo Justified in hating the Jew. What are the fuels In the hi dory of the Hebrew racer He has fdood In the J front ronks of every advance of civilization In every century of our history, lie has moro bruin and j nerve than any other race ot men. A distinguished philosopher ha sahl, "-how me a great man In history and I will find Hebrew blood m Ids veins." How absurd that the Anglo-Saxson,' Lrttin or Slavonic races should pretend to Hook wJt, contempt upon the regaruniui n an interior race, do we? Think of It! A raw v?c Zu , H"1' i0t- Pr Priesrto a"41 kf,nP hu' inanity, the poets and law-givers . fo t tj tternU! J who Klori0li Ju eeiiWiQ and literature vvht f iincestow ttfld mln6 1)ffulJw j.rimai forests deputing over h;cktr' nut and cocoanuta w Jth tho Simian ape. Yet we turn Up our Vo. at the Jew I We do not wiud tt live on the same street with him lest vie tx contaminated! Curious is it nut ? Y.t a fact. One of tha llr t Jcson the -devil taught me in my childhood wm to disf ise the Jew. The only fight I ever had at school v.a with a Jev.. I didn't j hav anything against him in parti' J culat , I just fought him on general 1 pri:.iJw. 1 nROTlIEKHOOD. jj we believe In the Fatherhood 1 af anj the brxtherhood of man? Do we telieve in the M)Ijdarity of i trte race 7 le we believe in God an iiiimrmy ; 11 ot , jet O) ex tend tc hand of syuipatky and j held to our persecuted brother. Tho j dar . H.-d bloody past that hold.) th I history of Jewish oppression , and 1 sorrows cruj to the heart of this newtr generation for atonement. It us give the Jew a chance, Where he has been given the chance of a man h Invariably rises to the i T r , " I He does not become a charge npon any " community where he is not robbed end maltreated. Let as not only give him a chance to live It ti a poor Christianity that wotld give only that let us give him our hand in love and sympathy and helpfulness. 80 snail we teach him the ijivlnity Vf the Christ we love. X a If -iw 4 1 1 rv 4 Vi a ennd rv fr At iArl d ... lwraocalfoiI3 Kh(,nid cefi. ' (Continued on Fourth Pag.) If