THE CAUCASIAN. tMtl.ISI !CI KVKRY TIIUIl&DAY, 7 IF YOU WOULD LIKE To communicate with about tea tboiusAnd of Iho beat country peopl in this taction ct Worth Carolina then ilo it through the column of Tiir. Cmcxuav. No other paper in the Third Con gressional District ha as lrgo a circulation. r it H '.if 1IAKI0X BUTLKU, !'!'!: t.or and I'toprietori SUBSCRIBE I h-)v this Pap'T to your nuigh ior and advise him to subscribe. i. vol; ix. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891. No. 80. Subscription rieo 1 .GO Per Year, in Advance. Alliance Directory. THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. N.T1 l.NAI. i.vjh;.-1 1'pVn'enl I. Ad!r"- II. Cover, Cam- AI.MANC'K AND H I A I- l.'NION. I,. iV.k. North Car, 34 4 I S ivi't, N. W., W tii'.li'-'tn'.i. t). Vk-o-LVc.-i'U-ii 'J'. T - . 'ii :IV!. ian?n.. MtrvUir, Treasurer J. 1 1. Turn er. i. .i:c:.;i. A'l'U-itfs. 22'J North Capi m,: Suva. N. V., Wa.-hiiigtou, 1). c. ; c; turi-r .) . II. Willed. Kma. j:xi;ci'Tive ii)Ai:i). . Y. Matr.ue, WaHhhe.'ton, 1). C. A :n.oSViiii!iUl, Ilurj:i, ;al D-ikot i. .'. F. Tillman, Palmetto, Tennessee. Ji;i)IC'IAllY. I!. ,'. Detmuiog, Chairman. I-;t.f MeCraeken, Ozoii' Aricau-ea. i K.Cole, FowIei'vU'ie, Michigan. NATIONAL l.l-:'Isr.ATIVK OOUNOI I.. ; he I'le.-idents of nil the Mate orau- '.i i.piis witti K. I.. I 'oik ex-ittieioCnair- ii .ii. MiUTll CAROLINA FARMERS' HTATE AM.IANCK. I'.irsid lit Mario. i liutlcr, Clinton, on in,aronn;i. V;c I've Mlcut T. U -;!'e V (' ill' S en:lfirv-Tieuurer W. Humes, il ilvi-h, N. C. tirei J.S. lio.ll, nnwst'nvu, N.C. .-.U'.f.sin! 'J. C. Wriifhf, Gins-, N. C. litiphtin Kcv. Kifkitic l'ip ., Chalk !,i vtl, X. C. Door-Keener V. II.Tojnliusou, Fay c! icville, N. C. A Kwtiint l-: ';H-r-II. K. Kin-r, ! Vaunt. N. C. .Sergeaiit-at-Atni .J. :i. Holt, Chalk wi. HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. mei than rey otter organization, it recognize boresty, integrity, high mora! characiir .-! senuine worth, and b stow honor on wboji they are !u (Id the ether hsr.d it will bury fonvir tb tricky ftoli't i in and traitor. Thofb who et j ecr the support of the AlHn- e fhonld Wpon-e the mane iiishic it isergagrd. farmer' Advocatn TIIK NEW SOUTH'S COSTL.Y LKMHON. Iv.m, Ashr. it, I t! A 'cut V. H. Worth, 1 1 . i' i in, . j . 'J'ruhtcc r.u-i.ncs, Ail(;m:y Fuiv.l W. ,! TIIK , (Ji.i Mac me ah. N. I Xi'.CIlTIVK COMMITTKK OF NOIITII CAUOLISA FARMERS HTATE AI.IJANCE. S. I!. Alex ikKt. Chai lotto. X 'l iti: iua:i .1. M. :.!cwi;n;iH', Kinston, (.'. , .1. .l"iiii.-tou, Uullhi, S.C. .STATE AEE'ANtlE JUDKJ.AKV COM . :,;1TTEE. ;;;.-,: it. a. i.-j:...;i n. v 4;u.hi-.-.ih, V.. (i. lir.- .r , Win. ('. C..ii:i:l!. si-ATK AIj!.I ANCiC EEOISEATI VE COMMI'lTEK. 1- .!. I'owi'!!, 11 -iltiih, N. C; N. C. !',!i.;li!i. I'.iiiiiy :.lh'n : J. J . Vou-iij, !' t.-uti; U. A Konuy, Newton. N.C. X'MITU Otl'.ci-: N- .! ion CAROLINA REFORM PRESS AOCIATION. i I, !,. Uamnev, 1'roHiilut.t ; Eu lor, Vice-l'a-shK nt; W. S. I'.-inivf. S i-roi.arv. l'Al'ERS. The CAui asion, Clinton; I'ro ;n ssivi Fanner, Halei?h ; Itural )1H Wilson ; Fannor'n Ailvcatc, Turhoro; Salisbury Watchman, Sal-l-iun-v; Alliaiui' Sentinel, (JoUls bwni;' HUkory Jlercury, llickoiy; I'lio ltattlcr, Whitakeiv; Country Lite, Tritdty College Iouiitain 1 loino Journal, AHhovillf. Kiu h of L'u-. pho.v.'-nameil J a per arc !t quest el to keep the list stniKhui; oa I'ust. iia'.: I atl-.l oLle v., iuovhle.1 t!iey are duly eieeie Anv nanor tail ing lonilvoe e tue Uea-a piatlonn win in: dropped iVom t'ue i 1 -1. promptly. Our pc.ple e -in now see what, paper wre pub iihed In their iiuere'-t. i. ) 'l SS l ON A 1 . COLUMN . Ii. AM.KX. W. T. POUTCMf. LLEN t DORTCII, AT TOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Oolchsboro, N C. Will pravlieo in Sampson county. iet-i7 tt A 1. M. LEE, M. I). Tha great Fife meeting wht a glori 0U8 ojcasioa for Cllntoa ad the whole sarroaadia; country ! ThU town And county has never eeea anything like it. We doabt if sach a meeting has erer bo fore been seen in the State. It closed Monday nighV but it effects will be seen and felt hero for a geoertion and we trmt forever. Mr. Fife cime here with the great majority antagonistic and pre jadiced against him, many others were indifferent, having little or no confidence in him, some of oar beak citizens declar ed tht they wonld not bear him, even the ministers of the town wore divided as to the wisdom and propriety of the m etini and the mo it sanjaiaj trem bled for the resale. The christian tone of tbe cjmmanlty va below par, and then too this wai the hom i of ilr Fife daring his worst days, the ssena of ao tioa where he most Baccessfally held high o.krniva! for tha Devil and his an gels. Undjr&uch ianspiciom circa-n-stancji in tha fa ja of appiraatly inaar mjintable objtaslea ha Cioao. Today no1 a half dozan can be found to repeat jthn objejtioaa and-cricUmi of a w$ek ao. Tha oppwitioa malted down, tha c ,bwi b of doubt were brushed away and at leait 500 ami Wv:ro"7eclaima.l and coaverted. Ha ciptured the town and no whore in North Carolina ba4 he warm er f rien li aad truer christian "Admirers. Tha old town is as dead as the old B.ll Fife. Tha transformation is wonderful. Yon ak how it was done, what is the sacret of his p jwer t Oce says it is the ma' history, but that would fail to do mora than attract ous of curiosity and many who come of curiosity remained to pray ; another says it is his personal magaetism, but ho was equally as mag netic in his days of sin, and his power over men nere men was idhuiw:biuii compared to what it is now; another says it is his enthusiasm and earnestness, these are powerful qualities in any man. hut. w have ftoeu men ol more learning and ability with equal enthusi asm and earnestness who could not have ttircd this cold, gossippiog, covetous, liquor drinking and wicked town. What then is it ? We can see but one nnan hU answer. Tha Holv SDiri was with him r.baa.Iantly aa.l did ue hiru miwhtily. Ho us d plain ai.d ample lan- izance. bat with it dealt terrible blows to sin in every form In his boly mission hi soared :e iviriou and no vica, aca thoah bis w-.rda of:ca sml lard yet the) : cauvt with ?uch ea;u-;at pi A.lmg and honl slirr-n iiix?o'i.r.-a that proud hearts were inol't-d that wore want to bristle wH i eiinnut. Oae of the most g'.oiiotiH r' uits of the meeting i the burying animosities and feeliugs . . . . . if V. w or uatrO' I ana revenge mkbj huuio not spoken for yi-ar have made friends, or 'rather they uoee;. aud real izal that they no longer re eueraies. The amount of a. od done catsuot bo fHiioia- The new South is returning to the bet ter sail or lac ola boutl. inc craze for money is wearing away. The good sense of eood nnncioie U resuming us hold upon the icople. In-the wreck of Mimrianies and the disclosure of meth ods it is -seen trmt the foundation of wealth is productivity and labor. Thoc dark-Alley hort-cuu. to lor unc inaicnu in riifegcaee are strewn with the namea and fortune of hii'h rollers who a little whi e asjo reyeale ' m glory and were croiii? to revolutionize the world. 1 uo men who survive arc the rlow coaciie- who stuck to iheir lntesniy and were satisfied with jrains le t-udden and glit- terinz. Louisville Courier-Journal. IIIL.L, TIIK CHOICK. Ii the late Democratic Convention in New York the New Yoik World poll ed the vote of their choice tor the lies President with the following result. The vote tood : For David H. 1 1 ill. 245 " Grover Cleveland, " James E. Campbell, 3 William C. Whitney, 3 " Arthur 1. Gorman. 3 " Alfred C. Chapin, 1 Non-vonmiittal. 153 Total. 491 WE AK15 THE PKOPIiK. The thirty Democratic Governors of the Union are invited to meet Governor ( ampbell at Columbus October Cth. The oly Stales that have 'Republican Gover nors are Maine, New Hampshire (elect 'l hy the Lc:,i lature), Vermont, Khoue Island (minority candidate), Connecti cut (fraudulent) Illinois, Minnesota, Ne braska (hold over, but ciecieu uy ue people), Aorth Dakota, South Dasota, Wafchiugton, Calitornia ami jevauu (pockeuboroiigh .) Yad. Valley News Mv wife has used Bradverotiue for headache with the b. st imaginable ; re sults". I Htittw tins without solicitation J W. Washburn. Abb Vil!' , Ut-orgia- ANNE B1SSELL. Bj AUGUSTA LAE5EH SVNOPSlfl! CHAiTEU 1 tells how youn'4 Dr. Tit bets takes up his abode in Mr IJisseH's village lHardin' house, where p-'. Aunie,a high Fthool graduale, a:t m- terestinc: figure, iiisi I arver, ais- tner boarder, indulges in sonic opinion about the newcomer aud Anuic. Cir ait it 2. Dr. TiblK its makes him self very popular in the household, a fact noticed and noted uowu, too, uy Miss Carver. ' frirxPTEK 3- MU Carvt-r fciid Wid ow Harkaway. a gossiping villacer, h- cuasea the doctor ami Anne, alio ieei . . . . i . Z m cmtv bouim to ten me jouu- s'h that the new boarder is already engaged. CHAPTER IV. Gran'ther BLssell was again pottering about the garden, and" the doctor and Anne were trying over a new song in the parlor, where Anne had put down hnr dusting brush to play the accompa niment. Neither of them minded the broken kev nor the horrible di.onanco it made when they got -into the lull musical flow. Presently Mrs. Bissell came down from the attic chamber where the old man slept. She clung to the baluster to steady hereelf and keep from falling, and tottered into tho little parlor Nas pale as ashes. The doctor turned -ound and caught her by the arm just in time to save her from fall ing, lie put her gently on the sofa. "What is tho matter, Mrs. Bissell?" he asked; "are you ill?" Anne rushed to her mother's side, and put her arm under her head. "No," gasped. Mrs. JiisseU, "it isn t a faint or anything that I have eaten that has disagreed. Anne, my child, I've been robbed of my interest money, all my hard earnings and savings of a year, to meet the payment on the mortgage," and a hard sob broke through the words that seemed to rend her throat. CO-KIUCATIOT. Mm-k the nrediction ! Within five years the door of every college in North Carolina which desires to prosper iu its work will be opened to girls on the same terms as to boys. It doesn't matter what may be oir view as to co-educalicu, demand for this svstem of education is growing Mid the University will uot beDahle to resist it .uch lonncr. Nor th Carolina Teacher. F. O. Hoffman, editor Times, llocky Mount. Va . writes: "I am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Balm is the best aDoetizer aud tonic for delicate people I j . 1 - 1 I., r.MT I ever saw. it acteu use si cuauu i ij case." inar my tag bills in that way for a good many years, and it show how careful ; I've been about money that to my Knowl edge I never lost a penny before in all my housekeeping. "I think that mark on the bill U an excellent clew." said the doctor. "I know a young detective in the city who can work up the case. I will set him on it if you say so. There isn't anything of the kind those fellows cannot ferret out if you give them time. - Of course the money wasn't passed, here, and you will havo to look for it in Boston." . "Bridget went over to Appledale last Sunday." said Mrs. Bissell, after mwing. "to see her married sister who Uvea there, and she has been in a very bad temper ever since I tell you what," saia tno aoctor. suddenly inspired; "we will get out a search warrant for Bndiret ana her sister. You watch Bridget here at homo, and I will run over to Appledalo and hav her sister's house searched. We mar find tho money all there in a lump, If nothing comes of it we can go through Briueet's thinjrs here when I come back, before she gets wind of what has hap pened Mrs. Bissell and Anne were deeply grateful to the doctor for his active in terest. They had never before known the joy of having a man to lean on in an emenrencv. Eissell was practically use less on such an occasion, and now he had been away teaming it for a week. and of course gran'ther was too old even to take it all in! Anne Bhouted at him until she was hoarse to try and make him understand, and then he went about shaking his head and talking to himself for half a day. The" doctor came home early in tha evening from Appledale, rather damped by the result of his erpedition. He had found an officer, and liad succeeded in searching Bridget's sister's house, but without avail. The act had brought a tide of indignation on v ; head, not only from Mrs. Booney herself, but from the neighbors, who were ready to hoot him out of town. Bridget's sister, it ap peared, was a highly respectable person, and had also a power of tongue that seemed to blister where the words fell. The doctor was threatened with a shower of brickbats and a hot water douche if he remained another fifteen minutes in Appledale, and he was glad to beat a hasty retreat by the first train. Nothing daunted., however, no pusneu SERMON AT THE DEDICA TION OF THE ORGAN AT THE TAIiERNACLE. The CiloriouH Inheritance or Church Pstalrootly. "Vet the People Praise Thee, O Sod; It All the Peo ple Prnlse, Thee." Power of SacM Soe EFFECTING INSTANCE OF CONfER- S10NBYS0NG. Brooklyn. SpC X Th magnifi cent organ of the uew Brooklyn Taber nacle was dedicated today. Thaervioe were veritable musical festival. While the regular musical programm at tha TabernacU la always attractive, that today waa exceptionally beautiful, the congregational singing, offertories and Interludes being rendered with marvel ous volame and expression. Dr. Tal- mage'i sermon, which was appropriate to the occasion, was on tbe text. Gene sis Iv. 2L "Ills brothers name was Jubal; he was the father of all such a handle the harp and organ. " Iamecb had two boys, the one a herdsman and the other a musician. Jnbat, tho younger son, was tbe first organ builder. He started the first sound that rolled from the wondrous Fife Uosfe A GREAT RELIGIOUS STIR RING IN CLINTON AND SURROUNDINU COUNTRY. el God, played by the tinkers of tfeundet and earthquake and eoafl$TUOfi, taaj break down tbe world opon which u mtaia Is exeected. Not only I Inasji- mate nature full of nrasta, but God bat wonderfully orgnkd the htuuan role. so that la the plainest throat aad lone there are fourteen direct noseia which can make over sixteen thousand differ ent soonda, and there are thirty Indirect miscles which ean make. It has beeo I LArger Crowd Dally Attending estimated, mora than one hand red and Jiucn iniereat Maultatt S . u x - m erantr-three mOllon of sound! rti an atsbimi tiaMr. Nn I Mf when VicA ha ma coo-1 rf i ... , , . .. . . . stroeted the homan voice, and when) " ,w o uou be has filled the wboU earth wtth har I knew it the week befur Ue ono Jat mony, and when be recognlxed It In th pasacd t Tte iluuire wroujhl by tho ancient temple, 1 bare a right to com I pa meeting aro o many, so Intemt to the eonelaslen that God loved ji,.- M maikeJ. tlroo-h tlii one mu' I would tcarccly rtcesnle l!e old land- propose uw ibotiuuh. u maik,. Clinton anrt the surroundm apart uus orau tor hcivu i ... , . JZw .wt.lUid mode! ftithow-lc0m,uu,l, srtUY fhtken. log yoa Its Importance and then stafcl Me uopnjwcu uuxwsu wp m. ine aoma of the obstacle to Its ad-1 most far-rcachlai', relisiotui roctinti hi Tancement. the hitory of Sanion county. We gave 'aisa , ra TO sod." I last week the Im predion h . r'ifo matlo 1 draw the first argument for the ln on the cotumuniiy, aud spoko of hi op- portanoa of sacred mualo from tbe fact 1 position. But h? ci jwniiUnj iuw la - . . . luicnucu niio co-opirauou, atm no itn v ..... . i r I ram oe ei us wnou-u n(HuU but tne lip4l UtY n( all lhU ovner m nroims ana nymiw wu inic . i .i i. rv..4.i t, mIu 1 ScCtKMl. w RliuptlAn all kincrdomi I ?KeI7lf And them at hundreds Wnalevcr U may I Ivaws any on U of other passages I might name pror- of Mr. Fife, whatrvir Iks Hie objee Inir that H Is as much a man's duty to I tioo to him and hi p'an, there i one sing as It Is his doty to pray. Indeed. I charge from which he aland acquitted I think there are more eommano in I tfiat t.f hvnocricy. When a man of no HYrooaiT. the world.whcu forcmnal in almost every ! sin he always stood by hi cohn . Ut went in with both aoul and body, and Uks tame can le laid of him iu rcllgiou- Uie Bible to 11112: than there are to pray. God not only asks for the human voice bat for Instruments of routle. Instrument which has had so much to J jJe asks for tbe cymbal, and tbe liarp. do with the worshlD of the ages, on? i mn um t mm not a wall a the onran. what Improvement has been made on nd I sunnose that In the last days of I work. He is wtal he l, and mak rajno der the hands of organ builders such as the chnrch, the harp, the lote, the J pretention to anything clc. Berahard. Sebastian Bach and George trumpet and all tha instruments of J tiik CiiL JK il kknovatei Hogarth and Joseph uootn ana masic, whether they have been In the Uoe 0f t,c fW furce of Mr. Fife i nomas uoojoun, ciear ou uuwu w service of rtgnteousneas or sin win w Georgo and Edward Jardine of our brought by their masters and laid down own day. I do not wonder that when at the feet of Christ, and then sounded the first full organ, that we read of as ia the church's triumph, on Ir way eiven In 757 by an emperor of the east from nffaruifir Into elory. "Praise ye to & Wnff of France, sounded forth Its I k- ia i- PmJm him with vour I eminently au.etsrul. In Iu " rmons full grandeur a woman fell into a dellrl- voices. Praise him with stringed In- to church member U spoke, though nm from which her reason was never ttramenta and with organs. kindly, vcty plain, direct and in earnest, restored. I draw another argument for the Im- 1Je maJo no ?orapromiv5 w ith church The majeatyof a great organ skill- rrtanea of this exercise from the Im- nu.mbcr8 who Jo uol ,ivc their the investigation into Bridgets trunk ' . . . nym mn,h thal P . ... mnWw. ,nnsils profession. nfnoSrw ACKV SSSciaXSS ment of divine service It will take all lu plou on governmenta, upon were recUlmcd In la.gc number. , and KloSrfttitont time and all eternity to celebrate. I-at ,aw u literature, apon wlle gen- hundreds of church member asked I to eobbing violently, ana venemenuy u-i iru ucu wo uouhk erauoua. wub uup r-;v,i - and his success, U gcltlug iho church right, lie recognize the Croat jwwer of a live Church, and he made parlU-ular effort to awaen it. In this he lias leen clarinf? it was a wicked thing to taice uie service oi iumiguiy uou uur away a poor girl's character when there was not a particle of proof against her. Continued next week. WHO FOSTERING TIIETH IKI PARTY. LOYALTY TO THE ORDER. President Marion Butler, ot the State. Alliance, is as true a member ol the Al liance as can he found in theSta'c, This writer knew him and worked with him during the last Legislature and knovys that he is true to the Alliance in very rps.,ee.t. No onean doubt Marion But ler's loyalty to the order. ltoauoke News. i'it ysn'.Ia.VjSii H'lKO.i ANf DENTIST, ted and as t ha days go by wo are coavinc o lUv in Loe's Druse Store, jo 7-lyr ej that the work done will be fjermanent. U E. FAISON, JTp ATI' RNEY AND COUNSELL- obatLaw. Ollice on Main Street, vil I practice in courts of Sampson and COmiag issues. :i. r.dninj? cmnlies. aiso in oupreme pericct snenco, tVi.ii-t. -'II !' First. whn tbo demands of the Far mers' ADhiuce were presented to the world, the oppositiqa thought to ignore ihcm arid thereby prevent inein irom oe They treated them wuo I his plan was wi-e; they Vil busines.i intrusted to his wer folhi.-. in? tbe instructions of Gama unfortunately for them tne nanaa Anr.tainfyl tine merit, and like t he nnft r:.imft1inl omdflmnfcd it erew in Dite the onlv constitutional cure on the mar- of their silence and contempt Their ket. It is taken internally in doses next move was to ridicule and deride it. from ten drops to a teaspoon ful. It acts and condemn it on account of the source directly upon the blood and mucous sur- from which it einauated. They did not faces of the system. They offer one did not actually say "can any sood tbing hundred dollars for any case it fails to Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, come 0ut of Nazareth V" Butwhat they cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- ndor, liar nett unci uupiin vouii- oil say auouaieu io 5iaesi iuv wuu-1 ais. Aaaress, i will receive prompt ana careiui net ; out otion. je7-lyr There is more Catarrh is this section of the country than all other diseases nut together, and uutil the last lew years i wo Rimnnsed to oe lucurauie. ui a reat many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and presented local rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced i in- curable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hairs Catarrh Cure, manuiaciureu oy F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is ill. W. KELUl, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Oiliec on WallStreet. l.e.-. Also 111 oupiemu vuuii. t'rompt personal attention will be .ivan to all lentil business. je 7-lyr ItANK BOYETTE, D.D.S. 1. Dentistry' r Office on Main Street." Olfcrs his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything omist. iu the line of Dentistry done in the beit styla. SatiBfaction guaranteed. iSTMy terms .are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. mcnt. Sail it arew amazingly, ana tney fouud that whether they kpt silent or fought, it continued to grow more and more rapidly. Then they realized wba' everybody now admits, that tbe only way to preveut the early supremacy and eu forcement of the Alliance demands is to produce discord and "dissensions within the ranks of tbe Order National Ficon- F. J. CHENEY & CO., - , Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, at 75 ceuts. A FINE SHOWING. T7ic doctor turned around and couqlit Iter jimtin time to save Iter fromfallins). There was a slight rustle at the other end of the room, and Anne looked around and saw Miss Carver standing in the door with her street things on. " Wnat did I tell you, Miss Bissell?" she put in, quite uninvited. "Didn't I warn you it was unsafe to keep any largo sum of money in the house? Didn't I plead with you as a f nend to go and open an account, and deposit your money in the bank?" "Yes; you did," returned Mrs. Bissell feebly through her fast dropping tears, "hut what's the use of bringing it up now? I distrusted banks after so many savings . institutions had broken. thought it better to keep the money by me, "Don't mind tho old cat," whispered Anne, with her rosy lips ' close ' to hei mother's ear, and her strong, young arms about the little woman's waist "Tell us where the money was when it was stolen; perhaps we shall find it is all a mistake." Mrs. Bissell brushed away a few salt drons with tho corner of her checkered apron. "Yon know, Anne, how careful I've always been to lock np money. ,It was in the middle drawer of the bureau up in gran'ther's room, left hand corner. shoved behind a pile of clothes and my winter bonnet. It was in. a little she casket that beloused to mother. I a' wavs ken' that drawer locked, but must have gone there in a hurry and forgot to turn the key. It was a week ago yesterday, I think, when I went up to make change to pay the butcher's bill, and there was angel cake baking in the oven and I was in a great tafeing for fear it would burn. at that time, but I don't know, for my head isn't just straight and . I can't think." "That's the way you keep your monev " sneered " Miss Carver, but no- We desire to propound this ques- ion to .he Democratic press of this State: Why is it that these panoro are so persistently writing about the Third parly and expressing them selves as fearful oi the Alliance bringing misrule upon the people ot the State bv what they can unwise and revolutionary action? The Alli ance of this State has the weltare and interest of the people at stake, and is lighting for purer laws and hpt.tpv lrumiiirenient ot allairs in t . j a ,-IeV.n genera!. It l disgusting io reau uic comments on' tne Tluru party uy such papers. II does not have a tendency to harmonize me memuers of the Alliance. On the contrary, if continued, we think it will teud to have ii reverse effect. Tins tai about the Third party is indulged in bv outsiders more than members ot the Alliance. AlliancemeU, in tho future, will not swallow everything that is told them. They propose 10 ex miine into affairs themselves and ponder before acting. They xro be int? educated and will not be duped oy the wily politicians. Farmers Advocate. eut life. This va onu ol tho most touching part of the service. Since this meeting cold numbers liavehoconie enthused, and inau who have done no work ia the Church arc now deeply moved, aud are working earnestly. FHIEKIH AMAIN. The wt-rk here 1one is reconciling friends ami families 1 ave bcn tnvat nd glorious. Where only last week strife. SIMPSON, POLK AN1 WIL LETTS AT CHARLOTTE -UNFAIR REPORTS. As a farmer, but not" an Alliance man, 1 wisn to say boat u ii on x have seen, tha Charlotte press has not done justice to the Alliance speakers here on the "Oth. No man can truthtullysay that Mr. equamy. - vnn wn; vmniui-vvu Chronicle at first make nny such charge. - It was all ah after-thought horn and vox humana, alL all, we ded icate to God and the ouL It will, I believe, under the divine blessing lead j uncounted thousands Into the king dom. Its wedding marches. Its tnaun- God the Holy Ghost we dedicate It I WTTKN THK MOKJflS O STAKS 8ANO TO- GKTHKX. There has been much discussion as to where music was born. I think that HEW 3 Af:0R SHOP. When ; ou wish an easy shave, As gcoJ as b irber ever gave, -' " J ust call on us at our saloon U n.orniug, evo or uoon; Wo cut and dross the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face; Our room is neat and towels clean. -Scissors sharp andrazors keen, North Carolina's Commissioner of Ag riculture states that there will be twenty-one fah-3 held m the State this year. We have cal'ed attention to this Po.nt flutlr,. There ere just in recent eduoria's u stand square after the war sixty mills in the State, and firm for our demands. ' We cannot In 1890 thev had increased to 116, and afford to have dhseniion. Oar tight is this year there are 131 cotton mills in . ., . oneration in North Carolina. Bait. bun. TAV TiriTICMIilMK III1L 1 1 V HI llinil. .K-SCTU JU I - IV. M W ww uvw " . - .. be deped and tide trtcked by the enemy. Editor " j from the ring-politicians. - , Nor, did the-Chroiucle report Uoj. ge U back, mother," said lure and other industrial interests in . North Carolina, and as to the cause .nue very yuaiiiwj, y - . M1WQ11 M .. t. whithered cneeK. "uo you imna ---.--.ut. r , iteMf many youumen iraviu iuo umic i ami hiuu luawuit.. - On thl point Col. Polk was exceed- : perfect silence Is only a musical iagly effective and pomtca to me i rggt in God s great anthem oi worsnip. Biicklen's Arnica Salve. The beat Salve in the world tor Cuts; Itr. isos, Morps. Tlle.ers. Salt KheunH Fc- It teems that the tolored Alliance ia vei Sores. Tetter,. Chapped Hands, Chil-. not following Humphrey in hi foolish Mains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, order to pick r.o cotton for lees than 1 and positively cures- Piles, or no pay Alliance pnncipua ana are rouowug me price 25 cents per box. z For sale by TnTvPrvthK wise and ja,tcrarse, we predicted they Dr. U. II. Hollioay, Clintor., and J, ToQSethf would In fast isue. ; And the members R Smith, Druggist, Mount Olive. N C. iu all our art and skill can do, of th-i whl'e Alliance can learn a lesson It vou lust call, we'll do for you. from this. Let nocoof us be id track- Shop on De ane Street, opposite a by trying short ca or donbifal ma .s of expediency. Lot us keep our Court House, over the old Alliance Headquarters. PAUL SIIEliAliD, Tho Clinton Barber. I eve3 upon the great principle' of re form and fnra neither to the right nor to A Wonder Worker. - " Mr. Frank Hufl'man, a youns roan of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been under the care ff two prominent physi cians, and used their treatment until he was not able to get around, liicj pro- could have been Bridget?" she added in a reluctant "whisper. - "I am sure of it, Anne," and Mrs. Bis eell straightened np and looked about her with confidence. "Nobody else knew I kept my money there. Nobody else eroes into that room except gran'ther. Of course it was Bridget, and it accounts for her strance actions this last ten days. She has slammed the stove covers and banged the kitchen utensils when I have fesked her to do a chore, asd yesterday she broke the soup tureen. I thought tnebbe she was in love, but I see now she had this thing on het conscience. -, "But she came with such a good rec ommendation from "her last place, pleaded Anne. r - - "Them that tempts is as bad as them that takes," edged in Miss Carver. Ite wicked to leave money round where it will entice an ignorant girl like Brid get. . Anne, who was. still kneolingby her j fensiye, "Now, Miss Carver," gaid she, - i t rn nnn census as snowing neariy -uu,uuo North Carolinians in other States, and usually our brightest young men! These fac's made a profound impression, but not a ord in the part tsan press. , : A Careful Listener. It does really seem - these day impossible to hear the truth. Ed.J l worth thlrtv thousand men as a was not more than half done. It has standing army. There comes a time now come so near completion that this hi the battle when one bugle Is worth mnmlnff I nreach a sermon dedicatory . ihnmiand mnsketa. I hare to tell of this mighty throne of sacred sound, you that no nation fcr cburui ean si lt greets the eye as well as the ear. Be- ford to severely economize In music, hold this mountain of anthems! This Many of you are Illustrations of what forest of hosannahsl Its liistory Is pe sacred song can do. Through It you culiar. were brought Into the -kingdom of The late Mr. Georgo Jardine recently Jesus Christ You stood out against made a tour of tho organs of Europe, the armunent and the warning of the ... .... I . . ... m t I e--- He gathered up m ms poruouo an ac- pojpit, but when, in the isweei woros UlterneM Bml hntrC( were friendship, co.mtotautne ex now Many w cMo nf th At.lantii and all ths I in nnp aonl then roa ur- v- I ..H J 1 ... , ,. 1 .... i, tw1 hmnffht badt aa .rnuwl muilla that ooold come reconciled, aim janiiuc wucru that portfolio to America, declaring ntt be taken by a host lifts its window enmity was, arc noT happily re-united, that Brooklyn Tabernacle should have to listen to a harp's trllL There was a Rnd Clinton U once more heraelf. the full advantage of all he had ob- Scotch soldier dying In New Orleans, the womex tained, and although he did not live to and a Scotch minister came In to give tavo BCt0mpiiBi,C(i a noble aud grand carry out his idea, his son, Mr. Edward him the consolatiwis of the GospeL w meeU ortml Jardine, has Introduced into thls great The man turned over on his pillow and ,,.. mttp,mi in whleh organ all those Improvements and ud. "Don't talk to me about religion," . oxpn 1 r.3cr mecUng, In which grandeurs, and while you hear this or Then the Scotch minister began to sing they meet every afternoon at 4 o clock, gan you hear all that is notable In the a familiar hymn of Scotland that was These meeting were conducted entirely organs of Lucerne and Frlbonrg and composed by DarM Dickenson, begin- by the women. They were largclj at- Haarlem and St. Paul and Westminster nmg with the word! tended and were full of Interest ami en- abbey, and other great organs that oh. nuxthw- dar 4erolxi. thusiasm. They not only worked m have enraptured the world. When ahail 1 com to theet these meeting but worked out of them. m u are oa-n:eo i up -- He sang tt to . tna tune o Besides this work, they made up a verf . man i can aescnuc, uu n(1 flvery noay in pcovtana mowi wvi him. Its four banks of keys, its "one aU,r tarned m on his pillow, and ald purse from the Woma.i .Jetting, hundred and ten stops and appliances, to the minister, "Where did yon learn thaciiin" tiik muw- its four thousand fire hundred and ten thatf "Wby,7 replied the minister, Mr. FUVs knowbnlgc and uc f tlie piperita cliim of thlrty-eeren bells, "my tuother tanght me that" "So did Bible i really marv loui. He can quote its cathedral diapson and pedal double min-" said tbe dying Scotch soldier; pa.R2C after ii8sa2c, giving exact rv diapson. Its song trumpet and night the very foundation of his heart fum,ce worJ fur word qQuithtu. was upturned, ana tnen ""V- y,,!. mut be ninbcrt in connccUoti yielded nimseu to vnn. wu, u .i;ki nnvw Itther er mn Iiave been fontotten. but his erlgnor.uce of Uie Scripture. II U inter Jndmuent HTmn" ainflt on through prcia.ious are i-nd nd pertpicuou. giving anthems. Its requiems will sound j the ages, and will keep on singing until I He lias deue a go.Kl work al-ne in Bible. afterall the voices that rouow -1 the Wast of the archangels trumpet inttruclion. day shall nave sung their last song. To I gnan bring about that very day which hie cbowi God the Father, tfod the pn ana i th hymn celebrates. I wonMl to uoa i Wfre tjie ever seen in our count - . m " that those who bear me toqay wouia (ng Uie Mm ,cncth of timc 0, pcr!ai take these songs of salvation a me- . . n , . .... f ,he aTthe birds brought food to EUj by tn. reu msriu.ff .run, . , v ,w iv nritt, so these winged soul, and from the ve-y find wrticc to at the beginning, when the morning hannonie8J Qod sent, are flying to your 1 Uc tho interest continually incrtas- stars sang together, and all tne suns oi brea(i 0( nfft Open your ed. God shouted for Joy, that tue earm nwths and take it, O hungry EHJaoslI- tT.f.NTO!' Uhf ualitv. , TBKiiXtsa lks ov thk OLD nricss. I Th? very large urod hi ilaily attend---In addition to the Inspiring muilo of I ante have ,leen WeU caied for. The our own day we Iiare a glorious Inherit- j people .p ned their door in a manner anoe of church psaimoay wiucu uas come down fragrant with the devotion, of other generation tunes no more worn out than they were when ourgreat- "j?61 TT grandfatlierscllinbed uponO from Jr. the rush cf SXmw to -tlorvt Penr old w - - - - - sr. ' " soak, bow they used to sini heard the echo. Tbe cloud on which the antrels stood to celebrate tbe crea tion was the birthplace of song. Inan- full of God's stringed! Wind among the leaves. Insects hum- When worthy of every otic' praiMi. ihey liave not only been li'eral to victor but ILey have ubcribd g?nerouly Liward maVing up a iire r.-r. Mr. File. 225 was gheu (or Inchlent d cier''n545 and 4700 for ilr Fife. Tli'a i evnlcnr , WATCHES AI CLOCll.V And my r Repdrihg Business : and and agency : for sewing Maehine I have accepted tne agency for the Great Southern Music House of Lurl in& Bates, of Savannah.Ga., for the 5 PIANOS AND ORGANS- ininir - in tbe ' summer billow unon beach, the ocean far out " ... . mm a sounding Its everlasting psaliii. iwooo- cneerfuL oar graodfatliers 1 of j.w wt 1H;0,,ic fcti ou ihl nwtte" olink on tbe dge of tbe xoresi, we - nwAharB uaod to wng "Col ir A . -ri'i . oninhutlon wa ! -. !. imua Aral . .. vi v--- - ' . i vu riir were verr lueut-1 . ... . . i . .i. . www"- . , ----- I 81 Vill 1V I lie pelic irwni uie tvuun . Iw . rfnntr )imnih I . tup WIHIiKIV Til triC - tnona a. nre mc; -e , 1 with great tenderneat they sang "Wood- J ha nccivrd a severe blow, and the effect stock.' Were they wrapped In rfcoona J cr Ma mertiug ill be felt alung-thia of the glory of the churriv they sang "r,f w Ur-teeisirs hare quail wist ling up from On Blackwelrs islanO I neara com- Ins tfrouia window or me mnauo nsvlnin a verv sweet song. "It was sung . . In Addition to my Regular Slock oT by one who nan o ne r nave come vo ueocvr ranged and disordered elements i of -kLf Were they turawuld make music, to ourear, if , we oniy uaa acuicirtm I A not An te I suDOOse that even the sounds T -12 in nature that are dwjordaot and re- . - - ii,,rjn oeace.a ereat 1 dnnk themselves an J to me their inn - overborne with the I - Cbrkt, they, sang toanifesteda dcepjleret,and three join- edtlic Cliuftli. Hundreds of old, mid- I sell., t he folio wi ng well-fc no wn "don't go and spread thia story all over j j reliable makes: Mathashek, Ster- Notice ! On Tuesday, October 13tii, 1891, at 12 M, at the Courthouse- door. In the town of Clinton, I will sell at pnblic s tie certain assets of tho Clin ton & Warsaw Itailroad Company, consisting of nine bonds of the town of Clinton of the par value of 100 each." "-' ' " ,; By order of the Board of Direc tors. W. B . STEWART, Treas. ... . . . . .. r- - -, the leK hut m irci wun courage aui ue- nounccd hisasc to oe consumption anu . f itmisllt preyentus from Catch- Una-. Mas m & Hamlin and Chlck- teraioatioa on to a victory tat means incurable, lie was persuauea to ir vr. the thief." ' erino-. - protec-ion ,a a. wk .od poor .B SSSSi as to . t he ricn ana strong, was means - ot -flbie t0 walk across the street lal jinice to every-jcitix m and every J without resting. He founds before : he bnsieesi. that mer,s honast;reward fori had used half of a dollar bottle, that he honest labor that means the prcserra was mucawawi, c luur7 -tp . . .,. , , and is to-day enjoying good health. If tion o a republican form of govera, you have aJny JTir( Lung or Chesi The Alliance has done more to give I day's drugstore, Clinton, and John II. Clinton, N. C, Sept. 15, 189I.-4L posiiioos of trust-an V hoaor to young i Smith,-anight, Mt. tjnve JS. cv King's Nev 'Discovery for Consumptmn, liy impertinent, Anne BisseQ," kmple Sterling , Piat-o and a rmiorha and ftolds and at - that time I ... . . X . . .... - ana miss carver, mgmjr uivuguaui, uyug i yterlms organ can oe seen oa exni bition at; my place ot business ia Clinton; Callin and get our terms. Yoursj truly, jv9-tf II. B. GIDDENS. ! I " ' ' J ' ... . . - . , f r f rl t-i fcndWalsksyHaMts I ii m kfA cured at auow witu iflVr loutwiiB. Book ofrp. 1 1 P 7 It J il ticulre aeDt FREB, Trouble try it. We guarantee satisfac- uou. xriai uuiuc nco oil xv. u. nvm- out of the front door. - "There's one thing about it said Mrs. Bissell, rousing up as a gleam of hopo came into her mind. - "I think those bills could be traced and got back, if a body onlv knew how to. set to work in tha rieht way. ' There wereTeight tena "and one' twenty all marked with the letter B and a little cross with blue Ink in one . .. . . . - l B.M.WOOU..KY.K.D. Uenia,Je, Oi&oe W WhHeiiaU St pulsive make harmony iu God's ear. You know that you may come so near to an orchestra that the sound are natural Instead ol pleasurable, and I think ' we stand so near devastating storm and frightful- whirlwind we ean- TiAt hiwr that which luakee" to. God's ear and the ear of the spirits above us a music as complete as it Is tremendooa. The day-of iudgment. which wfll be iy of uprottr and tumult, l suppose will bring no dissonance so. tna ears oi those who can calmly Baten: althouga it b? aa, when some great i performer Is executing a boisterous - piece of, mnsie, be sometimes break down tne maw um( nn which lie " tlavs. so It may DS on that last daj that tbe grnd maicb mamea to cerwwu njiuun, j - ' " . . . . 1 while, these two old people, and we J ence againet 0. There waa a decidtA- haw no right to divorce tueta. . w nat i reeliog on question, aou tney are m God hath Joined togetner iei no inan earnest.1 They had the united moro.N put asunder." But now nara ,nfariea ft. f woracn Many also went on a similar pledge about d'lneing, pTiyln cards, and llieaUc going. The Church members werfeic;il!y mteresled lu Ihese'Bubiects. " --r - ":. TIIK MIXISTKS " - , m nnH MU IU-U KKIIU .m v the- oast, and all tb jered muIc ol the present does not atart n heavep ward." t'"-i-.-rr- v -1 have also noticed the power , of ered sons to soothe DerturDation. You - " may ha va come In i here "-thia morning J prnt jurin2 the mceUcs1 leT, with a treat many - worrunenta ana aniletlea, yet, P?. m 0x9 fln8 of the first hymn, yon lost aH those orriments and anxieties. Too have read In the Bible of Sanl and how ha Ccstlntied on Second Pnge.l ;.: " .... . -r r Dr. B. F. Marable, U. J ncm, A.i.i.- t t Riiprt It. C. Sinderho. awiuj, ' - - . , ,..,1.1 J. WiTumer, Colon Shaw, Danel W. rj -rocker, W. M. ?trr " zrz i K-nd J l JUOllllIIUUV wu - r t. r S If t - i ' i f I f ..s ,1 it 4 r .(: - r TV

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