v.-vxx.kxi.xi . .... , , . . . rrr:T' " -. v " I IF YOU WOULD LIKE To corarnatiicito with about ten thousand of M; Wit country r2KpW la this taction of North Carolina then do it through lU column of Tits Care! ax. No rri'.USirKD KVEIIY THUKTOAT, IJj XAKIOX BUTLER, ii. liter and Proprietor. SUBSCRIBE I I Show this Paper to your neigh I l.or ami adviso him to subscribe. aoy And XTlxlto fiuprmAor other fajwr la the Thin! On grvsaional District La aj lara a circulation Subscription 1100$ IMO Vcr Yc.ir, In Advance VOL. X. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1891. No. 11. r7 fX z A 1 7 A fl TT A K T II Mill II 11 Vw II I XX I . 1 1 5 - Alliance Directory. A J . W. :i.' NA II')NAI. . AJIMKRS' ALMAXCE AKD IN!V:sriliAI. ITXION. i 'r.'-i'!c.it L. L. IVlk. North Ca.ro-lit.-i. A-Mrc-s, 3U I) Sireet, N. W, V : -i'i--. I i s t. I. II. Clover, Cam 1, ,'.!;. K.i'i-a-. 1 1 :( :ry ami Trrasurtr J. II.Turn . ;. : ,. hi -;a. Ad-lress. 22'J Sorth Capi i.; ii'1 1 t, S. W., Wahinton, D. C. J.. rliin'r-.. II. Willett, Kansas. KXIXl'l IVK 110 A HO. Manmc, Washington, I). C. War-lall, Huron, iSovith Dekota. 'li!:!ii:ui, Palmeglo, Tennessee. JCDICIARY. I lemming, Chairman. M..-.'racken, Ozone, Arkansas. rle, FowlervjUc, Michigan. NATIONAL IXUlSNATIVK COUSCM,. The Presidents of all the State organ- iai ions with L. L. J'olk ex-ottie-ioCnair- 11:11. MH.TII CAKOUNA FA KM EM STATE A LLIANCi" IVoident Marion UuLler, Clinton, North .iroIin:i. Vice -Pre:: id. .nt-T. Ii ilU', "N. C. Si i r t'irv-Tieaurer W. S. liavnes. n. r. a v.. THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUU STAND POINT. The Ooinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. Lon, Aihe- i; C -I. C. S. licll. Uras.itowa, N.C. Wri-lit. (llas, N. C. Ktv. Jahkinu lon. Chalk l.reiurcl -:- tc-v :inl- li:iil:iin I.:t:-I. X. C. D.:)i-K( ''i r V. II. Tomliuiion, Fay fUi'.viilc, N. C. A - it;int Doo -Keener II. K. King, lViinut. V. C. S; r-f ai.t-at-Atm J. 5. Holt, Chalk N. C. Slate Iniiiit itf Acnt W. II. Wort'. li-ihLh, N. C. 'I'iusIc' Hus:ihs4 Auency Fund W. A. (Jraluuii, Machpcinh, N. C. KXICLTIVH COMMirrEE OF THE .STATE ALLIANCE. s. 1. AU'X'ixtir, i;n-.inoiiG, m. v,., ( '!,;iirnian; J. M. Mew home, Kinston, , . r. ; ,1. S. J-'luiston, Ki'.llin, N.C. Sl'ATE ALL' ANTE JL'DICIAUY COM MITTEE. i;!i.is(.'r, A. I.e;:zer, N. M. Cnlhrclh, Ji. ;. Cr .i v, Win. C. Connell. riat;; alliance legislative committem. II- .1. Powell. KaW-i-h, N. C. ; X. C. Fn-jliVn. 'i'linitv Colk'-e; J. J.Yonijy, The cotton crop this year will fall below the cotton ciop of last year by at least one million bales, yet the price U two cents lower per pound. Then how has the size of the crop effected the price. It will begin to lawn on some people after a while that the money devil Is having more io no witn me pronw ot labor fr rather the absence of profits the loss of labor than the size of the crop, liut for some time yet there will he creatures who will have the perversity to talk overproduction rot. To ee an old veteran editor come out each day way behind tha proces sion with kis hobbles, lash them up with an apparent sense of duty and rule them before the public for hia own gratification, is rather amusing and would be redicukus were it no pathetic. There are probably a dox The Wilmington Hestengtr in an 1 editored comment over Mil la' defeat 'or Speaker sayi : We repeat It, if all the attempted egisLition end in simply lifting the tax from certain ai tides used in manufactuiing and leaves the peo ple at large unfavored, there will be a howl of derision and contempt that will be heard in the rext can vass for Congressmen. The people are In no mood to be trifled with. The Messenger Is right la one thing. "The people are in no mood to be trifled with." But if the Messenger's policy were adopted by Congress, the howl it speaks of would be sure to come. From the first point of the above paragraph it would seem that the Messenger is opposed to tariff reduction along the line of free raw materia s. so are we, but if we remember correctly that paper was praising Gov. Rus "TIIE COTTOX COMMITTEE HAS IMMOUTALtZMU IT-KELF.- Its lie port Will Stand the Ktfrcts or Time Like an Egyptlau Pyramid. The National Economist, disccssin? the work done by the Alliance at Indianapolis, says: Another Important act cf the meeting was the unan' mous indorse ment by the body of the report 1 the cotton committee. Resolution were introduced involving a recom mendation to restrict the acreage as a means of improving the price of cotton to the planter. The commit tee did ot report favorable on thee resolutions, but brought in and re ported a resolution of its own. That committee has inunortalized itself In Alliance history by making a re- port that will stand the effects or time like an EjrypUn pyramid. THIS REFORM IMIKSS THAT AlIUi;S8. ON They said it was not over-production sell and his platform a fow months hjich depressed the price ot cotton. . , . . . . . , .- That result was due to other cum-s, since, and that Is the kind of a tariff plank he stands on and on which he got the manufacturing vote of his State. On the other hand we rather like Speaker Crhp's plan to stop tinkering over schedules (a Mills did) but to tak? a centre shot at certain great staples or important articles in the schedules, to give a death blow at one evil at a time. chiefly among which was the com bines and corners both of the pro duct' and of the moaey of the coun try, and another important cause of the low price of cotton is the high tariff upon cotton goods. Two-thirds of the gross American crops oi cot ton must every year be export'od, and still not a yard of cotton cloth can be returned without a heavy duty. The ioreign spinner desires to pay for some of his Ameman The so-called tariff fight In previous purchases of cotton in the products congresses has been to a certain ex- of his own labor, but under thr pre tent, a kind of faree. It has been 1 m -kj-vr1iif ei til t1i om nn m'lricr a fight not on a principle but simple Am 1 Rhin. hprft with monpv lo buv - O il. , 1 l.V! I i. 1L I ... T . i . I ' . t u ui xiicmu jiuuuien, uui mere are over a scneauie. it nas Deen a ais- l leuta ; ll. A FonifV, Newton, N.C. cotton; he reduces prices to cjver three that arc being put on exhibi- graceful fight, not so muth by eon- the extra expenses thus incurred, turn at the daily circus a little or- gressmen, but by manufactures, The' American spinner will pay no tener than the otkers. An attempt each one flehtin to eet the best mLthan he. Ts??leL is made to ride two of these hobbies rate for his line of goods but can cotton goods in other countries lorward and one backwards. The diseraceful to congressmen that shows that he American spinner great Texan hobby Mills has been they should allow manufactures unmeicifully ridden, but has come to make the laws. For when out a full length behind. The great ever Congress goes to change presidential mugwump hobby Cleve- the schedule (not the tariff) the whole manufacturing world forms a lobby goes dow.i to Washington takes charge of Congress and does us, (and don't Well, we have read that long looked-for Democratie address. It neither condemn an Alliance man, converts a Democrat, nor frightens a Republican. Every man of whatever political faith, can con sistently say amen to it without the fear of teing called a heretic. For if it does not exactly coincide with hl view-, it certainly does not antagonize them. Editors are disagreed concerning it. One complains that it it another victory for the Alliance; while an other,f the same faith and order, rejoices that it is a Democratic triumib. One argue that it means nothing, and will accomplish noth ing, wulle another concludes that it means everything, and settles the K)liey to be pursued by the Demo craticrrty. State and National, in the campaign of 1892. Constrva-.ism is a good thing; but even that can be carried too far. That is what is the matter now; the people have been t o conservative in their politics.This led them, to compromise; and from compromise, to a complete loss, a loss of property, of liberty and of freedom. If the Democratic party ho light and the only means by which the country can be Saved and the rights of the people can be restored and preser ved, the day i3 past when it can Ion ger be conservative; when it can surrender to any person, place or thing. It should rise in its purity and power, and do something. The condition uf the country needs prompt, strong and determined action. Let every voter study the addiess and ask himself the question: "Vill Tie Tataacle Piit BUSINESS LIFE A SCHOOL EOK GOOD TO THOSE WHO SO WILL IT- importance and Minute ltumiii cations of TradcUow the Iilioiiety of One Man May XHistroy Others. HOW HUMM2SS MEN MAY 1112 IMlROYEI. can and does compete with foreign mills in other markets on term? ot perfect equality with no tariff dis- criminatioi in his favor. The con clusion is, therefore, unavoidable, that he can pay the same price for his cotton that foreign countries d;, and sell cotton goodj as cheap as they, without decreasing his present exoenses ana witncui any tann, phl ef etwrsy that yog n$h lw ti reaped lot ChriiU! work. If Uh ot dertloppd Ul.tu in th C!irvtUn ebnrrhe of t'Ur mrm t rrwrht oat anJ tlKTvoshlT tianwl, 1 1 Sm t Um wcrlj vauM tx MnTrtl c4 io a !Krt tit:. Thcro at KiAny derp ftrsunt that are turning tx taill tteU mni that are tiamrwl V no factory lanl. Now, G1 dnuAndt the liet 1a: uS out of evrrr f!jrk. 1U il'm."uaii tho richest cf tvx rj nr rt. He deinana the tat itit-n c-t every cvncrauon A cauw in liteli Newton and Ixcko and M anfl'lil tuWl you and I can ailor.l to toil In. Oh, for fewer idler ixi the cauw i4 Clirvst atid for moru Christian worker, men who sludl take Uu fuuo enrr,ry that froia Monday nonun; to Satur day night they put forth fur the achieve ment of a livelihood or Um patlwring of a fortune, and on SaLliath day pnt t forth to tli advantat of Chru-t'S kingdom and the bringing of men to the Lord. Dr. Duff, in South Wales. aw a man wlio had inheritd a prat rturM The man aaid to him: "I h.vl to ! very btwy for many years of my life petting my livelihood. After awhile this fortune came to ite, and there ha Ux'U no necoity that I toil ie. Tliere eame a timo when I ald to my self, 'Shall I now retire from biisuMW, or shall I go on and aervo.the lonl hi ray worldly occupation f " He said: "I resolved on the latter, and 1 have been more industrious in commercial circles than I ever was before, and hinee that hour I have never kept a farth ing for myself. I have thought it to 1 e a preat shame if I couldn't toil an hard for the Lord as I had toihnl for mybelf. and all the products of my factories and T1IK WORLDS XEWS 81 NT K l.A BTTlIt IIS PA Y.CA It E FULLY A SHOUTED AND CONDENSED EtiH llf.sY FKOFLll BnooKLTX, Dec. IK). Any person seeking the secret of Dr. Talmae'a marvelous popularity with the millions of sermon hearers and sermon readers may find a clew to it in the rmon h preached at the Tabernacle this morn Ina. It has notlnnc to do with ab struse doctrines, but gives a clear vie of what may be termed applied Chris tianity. His text was l'rovertas ill. 6, "In all thy vrays acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." "A promise pood enough for many kinds of life, but not for ray kind of life," says some business man ; "the law of supply and demand controls the business world." Hut I have reason to 6ay that it is a promise to all persons in any kind of honest business. There is no war between religion and business, between ledgers and llibies, between churches and counting houses, On the contrary, religion accelerates business, sharpens men's wits, sweetens my commercial establishment! to the hist farthing have pono for the tminliiig of Christian institutions and supporting tho church of God." Oh, if tho same Male. TliP H. It. att dlM-harn; Urs nuu:!et r hind ftom t?ir at lUlciih. lh iHMtufilccat Du.tlcy, Vv county, wilt U Irs rharn of a n.-r woman, th wife tf J. 1'. tiik r. MUton S. Hrw n, a Urci 1 1 .t:U inerchan' cf MStbuy, h is taih-d. ApU about fivw; "lUbitltU 000. of t Split in Democratic Ranks The Alliance tor Reform. SOUTH CAUOIASA REFORM PRIS ASSOCIATION. Otlirers J. L. Hamsey, rrosulent ; Marion Utrlei, Vicc-l'residont ; W. S. Iarues, '.secretary. PAPERS. The Caucasian, Clinton; Tro rrossive Farmer, llaleigh ; Itural Home, Wilson ; Farmer's Advocate, Tarhoro; Salisbury Watchman, Sal isbury; Alliance Sentinel, Golds b..ro; Hickory .Mercury, Hickory; Vlie Rattler, Whitakers; Country Life, Trinity College; Mountain Home Journal, Ashevill; Agricul tural Hoc. (ioMsbero; Columbus News, White villo, 1 . C.; Tiie liusi noss Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Capt. A . S. r'eacc, editor of Alii ance Department, Oxford, N. C. Each of the above-named papers arc icmiested to keen the list standins on ihi" lirnt nacre, ami add otlur. provide the are duly clecbid. Any paper fail in to advocate the Urala platform will he drenped from the list promptly. Our people can now see what papers are pub lished in their interest. l I to F ESS ION A L COLUMN . land, with his golden bit and tariff w ging tail, is still being ridden as a forlorn hope. The Third Lieu tenant Polk comes in as the third the legislating for hobby. And fortunately the afore- you forget that the bankers, railroad which must be clear gain over and said ring-master of hobbies at- men and so on do the same thing above "J161111 tempts to ride him backwards, and when their turn comes.) Crisp in congress foruSi modltonfions o tnus increase his cnances oi Keep- his tariff policy as so lar indicated the tariff as they in their peculiar oc ing up with the procession if not of seems to be inclined to follow some cupations may require. The sugar being in front. Let the fun go on. what in the line marked out by the industry , the manufacturers ot all , . n. o.m,nmo a nave ineir cuuiumiees ueioie National Alliance at its late Supreme rwress. TheNaMcnalGramre At the late Mational meeting, the Couacil at Indianapolis. That body gt year 9Sked for tariff modifica- Farmers' Alliance went further on made one master stroke at the tariff tions upon wheat, corn, barley and it. . ii ii.. n I h.mflt avorvhivitr Hfrpc.tlv and other farm products. It ecu th?rc- any ha, y gone. It passed a res- to eive .ddUion.1 help to the cotton I S olution asking Congress to take all raisers indrectly. It asked Congress with the farmer, Qf the South and tariff whatsoever off of cotton man- to take all tariff whatever off cf all demand that the tariff on manufap ufactured "-cods. What a blessing manufactured cotton goods. This tured cotton goods be abolished. No this would-be to the whole county will lesson the price to every con- expression was given or even dweuss iiua wouiu u iu me Hiiwio vuuuij r ed upon the tariff question in the ab (for every man, woman and child sumer, this will greatly increase consequently there is no par uses cotton goods), and what a two- comsumption by allowing the poor tzan taint to this demand. It is a told blessing it would be to the to supply their needs.and thereby in- special demand for a special purpose, South, for the increased consumption creases the prices of ths raw cotton would be sure to advance the price of o the producer. Such a tariff bill fnt in snitfl could be passed. Why does not the of the speculator. Yet how many Democratic Press advocate iV acerbity of disposition, fillips the blood of phlegmatics and throws more veloe such action bring the needed relief ? itv into the wheels of hard work. It i w . ' ' gives better balancing to the judgment, OllUAllUJ 1 nUtllA A. mr,P(1 ctronrfh tn Hm will ninrc mnspjft to industry and throws into enthusiasm a more concentrated fire. You cannot in all the round of the world show mo i i A l : i i Tho nnminntin ,r4.;,a e a man wnose HOIHJM, uusiiiesa ua.i ueen thft Democrat !e nartv mot in ltntnn despoUed by religion. Uoinr ihi tvooir Thr. r, The industrial classes are divided into "-"v . m. j . r V. v. A. V . lllV V A -J I tinctlv two factions, and two cor.- tnree groups prouueers, manuiacrur ventions, both claiming to be the ers' traders- Producers, such as farmers rHtrnlnr PomnprHn nort TUvoro and miners. fiianulacturers. such as divided on the question of the Lou- those who turn corn into foot, and Isiana State Lottery. A majority of wool and ttax into apparel, i racers, the Democrats being in favor of per- such as make profit out of the transfer pctualing that infamous national and exchange of all that which is pro- curst;. '1 he minority, mostly Alii- duced and manufactured. A business ancemen, are opposed to giving it a man may belong to any one or all of charter lor twenty-nve years longer, these classes, and not one Is independ Oa?? V- r rfizi itq tf in1 y4 f Kn I m j.s - ' v c i s w iiiu jiiai n ft oiauu j a GDI OX XTlj OT.IlGr. Alliance, the cnure.ie? ot thebtate When the prince imperial of France win snowineir nanus ana lena ineir aid to crush this monster. Two tit'k'jti have been nominated, and a very - eiciilii,, mid important cam paign is looked for. fell on the Zulu battleueld because the strap fastening the stirrup to the saddle broko as he clunqr to it, his energy put forth for the world could be put forth for God! Oh, if a thousand men in theso great cities who have achieved a fortune could see it their duty to do all business for Christ and the alleviation of the world's suffering. ROW I'ATIKXCK IS CULTIVATED. Again, I remark that biujiuivw life is a school of patience. In your everyday life how many things to annoy and to disquiet! Ilargains will rub. Com mercial men will sometimes fail to meet their engagements. Cash bok ami money drawer will sometimes quarrel. Goods ordered for a special emergency will come too late or bo damaged in the transportation. People intending no harm will go shopping without any intention of purchase, overturning great stocks of goods and insisting that you break the dozen. Moro lwid debts on the ledger. More counterfeit bills in the drawer. 3Iom debts to tay for A Little Girl's Experience in a Lizht- allowing her son to co forth into that - s- C w honse. battlefield, and others blamed the Eng- Mr. and Mrs. Loren Tiescott are ijs! government for accepting the sacri- keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at .in(j others blamed the Zulus for oina ieacn, ALicnigan.anaare oiess- their barbarism. The one most comrades all escaping, but he falling . other people. Moro meannesses on tho under the lances of the savages, a great many people blamed tho empress for U. AI.I.KN. W. T. UOKTL-II. & POItTCII, ATTO RN EY S-AT-L AW, Goldsboro, N. (J. Will practice in Sampson county. IV i27 -tf A M. LEE, M. D. Southern Democratic papers have endorsed the resolution and are help ing the farmers to urge upon Con gress the passage of such a law ? Are there papers so full of prejudice that they will desert their own doctrine just to oppose the Alliance? Sush action is contemptibly little. Here is one means of relief . The wellare of the country is at stake, and we should all be able to rise above pre- ALLIANCE THANKSGIVING DAY. To the N. C. Farmers' Alliance: At the last State meeting of the N. C." Farmers' Alliance held at Morehead, the following resolution made by the parties most interested It is an inquity without a parallel that cotton, the most important or all articles ot export In this country, shoald be discriminated ag?.inst by a high tariff, and nothing could indi cate more plainly the decadence of sectionalism than the fact that tha ; Northern farmer joins with his South ern brother to demand justiee for him. But there is aaother signicance in the adoption of this report of the cotton committee. A political situation or great im portance is developed. Low tariff ed with a daughter, four years old Lat April she was taken down with Measles, followed with a dreadful Cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors at home and at Dotroit treat ed her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere "hand ful of bons." Then she tried Dr King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr was passed: Whereas, We acknowledge in our f d mUs Cris M a tul. Constitution :the existence of Su- L ' Carli'sle oth must prexuu xeing mm iiw uccu v i nQW Q now go on recora on this aemana. To refuse to endorse it is equivolen! rnvsiclAN,SuucEO:i and Dentist, judice and advowte what is for the that He is a hearer and answerer oi to kdmitting that, despite all their Office in Lee's Drug Store, je 7-lyr eneral good lek it eminate from lllr ihrht low-tariff talk, they only want low T. twto properly, thererore oen enough tariff to enable them to elect l-J E- FAIbON , any eonrce. IWved, a President with New England man- ii Attorney and Counsell- olina Farmers; Alliance, at its annu nfaiturers'a votes, and that they - . 1 3 A. A.MA.4V Tho following is an extract from a f DC""" .Tu r dare not offend the machine. ' " ...,.,-.u V r ina? tir is a cause that must enlist the Th;S sym- or at Law. umce on . iain out, ,.on, o(i;oril that annparfid in the It ' oI" arr In nni. rajtie inat musl e,ull "1B m: will practice in courts ofSampsonand "SLr; " th pathy of every cotton producer and " t . . . -. I X' : I rvi I r tr I mi star I na a. thovr mV llAPITI nPSt. On tUB I r " - . . ... mues. Also in oupreme 'iu"uhiu" i , - " 7... every cotton eonsumer m America. "The producer of the raw material y "JS- Thsseiving simply gets paid for the cost and la- J tntBk821v,nj? bor of prodGction, and not always and pray er to God. that. Thousands of millions of dol- The above resolution explains lt- l lira ha vr been made out of the cot- self. WThile we are by no means a lioininir counties. Also in buprem Cvurt. All business intrusteu to nis caro will receive prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr to blame was the harness maker who fashioned that strap of the stirrup out of shoddy and imperfect material, as it fonnd to have been afterward. If the strap had held, the prince imperial would probably have been alive today. But the strap broke. No prince inde pendent of a harness maker! High, low, wise, ignorant, you m one ocennation. I in another, all bound to- Vpw Diseovprv U wnrth its eether. So that tliere must ue one con- wetehtin eold. vet vou raav set a tinuous line of sympatny witu eacu trial Imttlo froo at tho nrnrctnro cLrfher's work. But whatever your vo- Dr. It. II. Hoilidav. Clinton : and cation, if you have a multiplicity of en- JOHN It. SMITH, Druggist, Mount gagemeuts, if into your life there come Olive, N. C. losses and annoyances and perturba- firms as well as nercentaces and divi- 52ND CONGRESS. j dends, if yoa are pursued from Monday mnminor until Saturday nierht, and So far, nothing of importance has rom Jann:vry to January by inexora ble obligation ana duty, tnen you are a business man or you are a business woman, and my subject is appropriate to vour case. . - . i , i : We are under the mipnssion inai uie moil and tug of business life are a prison into which a man is thrust or that it is an unequal strife where unarmed a man forth to contend. I shall show part of partners in business. Annoy ance after annoyance, vexaJon after vexation, and loss after loss. All that process will either break you down or brighten you up. It is aschool of patience. You have known men un der the process to become j.-tulant and choleric and angry and pugna cious and cross and sour and queer, and they lost their customers and their namo became a detestation. Other men have been brightened up under the process. They were toughened by the exposure. They were like rocks, all the more valuable for lx'ing blasted. At first they had to choke down their wrath; at first they had to bite their lips; at first they thought of some Ringing re tort they would like to make; but they conquered their impatience. They have kind words now for sarcastic llings They have gentle behavior now for un mannerly customers. They are patient now with unfortunate debtors. They liave Christian reflections now for mid den reverses. Where did they get that patience? By hearing a minister preach concerning it on the Sabbath? Oh, no. They got it just where you will get it if yoa ever get it at all wiling hats, discounting notes, turning banisters, regularly organized cotton thieve (J0 hllrt inc: HO negrH) have Unit dlM-..t near Saliobury. A revenue official yttcnUy proaed hU belief that Uu re nrt ai leat thirty illicit dUUihri In Wake county. M()rt Brother, dealer In general merchnndl and turpentine tn J..h; aton eoun'y, have aftltn-xl, with f.'i.OOO llabllttk. itev. J. T. AU-rn.dhy ha written two letters to the M- roTta! Ing (tome ful? repfr' uIkiui !d trouble wit Mr. (Jliuns'.ey. William Tate wan arretted tit Shelby for jiaSng counterfeit uum ey and r-jutnnl to jjlvo I Ikki bond for his appcarnnco at trial. On Monday, Dec. U.J. P. If audi ton, a well known grocer of .Vhvlllo, N. C., wa.i willed while hunting by tho accidental (lichare of hi gun. Mr. and Mm. Clevthind nro t( pay a visit to Wilmington, aud will b theguottof Air. Priiibrod4joncs w ho la ono of tho leaders cf social life there. It in estimated that 100,000 h. pie visitni th' M-calIed Inter-Slat KxK.KithMi at Jtalflxh. PstrkkN swindle win profit ublc Taibn.o Southerner. There is great sali.faction anion? North Carolina tobacco groarnr.t at the indictment of President Janu s 11. Duke, of tho American tobacco company, a hated "truiit." The grand jury of Cumberland county has found a true bill for falfo retense again it K. 1. Moore, pfenl- deutofthe wrccketl People's Na tional bank at Fayettcvilie. MeDougald hai been Interviewed. IIoayhe will probably jku1 a few weeks at his old home, Liurin burg, and would th n in till j roha bility ih.'k plaets now and pastures green in another dime. THE COTTON RESOLUTION. 1,1 W. KERU, XJ Attorney and Counsellor ton grown in the south, but not by prosperous- as a class, yet we should ... A1.'A:- . lhemeny"w"- V.1 be thankful that we have the man- The Columbus Time3 says: We knew that the Hon. Marion Butler would distinguish himself as Presi dent of ihe North Carolina Farmers' W;iice oil iiuoiuxi. UOU.UW.wu tt men ii is cauiuoicu iuo - . . v.ifi1 i. "cut, ui .. -u Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, cotton crops of the South have sold bood and are spared the health to Alliance, and therefore we were not for since the war but very little nas ngm against, wrum uu isurpriseu w huh vainu tuui t. remained in the hands of the plant- an(j for truth and equal justice, be-J active part in ine auonaiwH.i Ponder, llarvett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal business, je 7-lyr XTUtANK BOYETTE, D.D.S. JU Dentistry ers who rais-a mem. ax au vne . nhor hUssiners for which money iuui na uccu umuo u i , , , iiianua rt r.v. Southern cotton had been made by we should return thanks to our Cre- the South, she would ne to-aay xne ator. oiuxx. tht face of the Office on Main Street. Offers hi services to the people of Uinton and vicinity. Everything n the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Csy-My terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule richest country on earth." The above Is the exact truth, and it is one of the causes for the organ izing the Allianee. It is one of the reasons that farmers are for the de mands of the Alliance. Then how MARION BUTLER, President N. C. F. S. A. tion a short time ago. The cotton resolution introduced by him at this convention fail to interest every reader who has a desire to see the price of cotton raised, and of coarse that Includes them all. taken place in Congress. They have been busily engaged in organizing, so to be able to get towork after the the holidays. A large number of bills have been introduced in the Senate. Speaker Crisp of the House is at work on his committee. lr. Springer will be the leader in the Houe. by virtue ot his appointment nh.irman nf ihp YVV And' Mpanq I gOeS eommittee. Much comment has y - j Iuark again that business life is a been causea Dy ine reiusai oi w . . , . , .i10i t,r useful knowledge. Mills to serve , sec :ona on - - donot read many book, and do not very important uouimiiict;. vou- - rr, u Vio rirt-vt- Qilinirnorl till d rtpr I crime of the wrmkles of care t'41.CK3 im-i .'-. I ' " . .. t . A .-, ( hristmas. vour Drow ana unsLru frfrtii vnnr tjack. 1 am nor The Wilmington, Chadbourn and talkine to an abstraction. Though frinwar railroad has oassed into the I n.Af i.-tAr l(n in business life. 1 hands of the Atlautic Coast Liine know all about business men. and henceforward will be under that jn my parish at Bellville, New management, ihe transaction was Twow miles from rsew jork, a It In said in Ilah igh that J I III, of New York, will get the Nartli Caro lina delegation to the national Dt lu- omratlc convention. It Is predicted th'ire tkat tho preldeutial tUkct will be Hill and Boies. It is an Interesting incident that Judge O. tl. Brown, Jr., who wb born in this town, IsthlsweeK presi ding in the court house built by his grandfather, Thomas Brown, lwj., unny year? ngo. All the projK rty, real and jxt on.nl, of II. M. Bow den, cashier ot the de funct Fii ft National Bank ot Wil mington, was attached by the sheriff on Saturday. Bowden's vhtr" abeuts is still unknown. Mr. W. B. Vomble, an alderman of Baieih, ?lVo ilieil ten days ago, left his property to a young Hdy of Ba'eigh, ti w hom he had for yeais been engagel. The property Is valued at I2G.OO0. J. C. Ramsey, who has teen run ning one of the swelled confe -tion-arr stores in (ireenslwiro, made an plowing corn, tinning roolx, plealing aspignmeni io oi. jus. j.. jioyu, oi nv. o.nt nmi.l tlm tnnnoil and this Mace. iat haturuay ana tno 1 . . . . ... . anxiety and exasperation of everyday entire fclocK win t0 aoiu out. life vnn tnii?ht hear the voice oi ol saymg: "In patience poxysss your aonl. Intended of Bet paUence liave her perfect work. I . At .1 1 1 T f 1 Merclianta completed a few days ago by the rtion Df Iny audience was m.-vle eile to the Atlantic Coast Line of Kew York merchants. Then I thestocKOi Messrs. dames xi.v,nau- - Svrai.nS(, . Dlace of intense NO FRBE PASSES ANl PRO HIBITION. Deafness Can't Be Cured by 1 -il application, as they cannot . tVio ri;spa;pi1 oortion of the TheLeeislature of S. C. have been - 'rv,or oniv one wav to cure hard at work and are creating great n , n(1 that ?s constitution- a paper can publish such an editorial sensation by some measures they are I rcmedies. Deafness is caused by and at the same time fight the de- passing. The House of Represen- inflamed condition of the mucus mands of the Alliance and its mea- Sf,ives" P881. SnSlSiIihTlUllI, th ,c c TTndrd, of na. bill, which was previously passed Uby When thi3 tube gets iaflamed you REMOVAL ! .IT- OHKODUY lias removeu us publish such editorials as the fro'm obtaimr free tosses. A bill ll",, 3 when it isentirely clos SanUnX to the bove and they will all sta.d by the prohibiting the sale and manufac- faess is the result, and unless M. E. Church. The great and orignal leader m lowprices for men's clothes. Econ omy in cloth and money will force you to give him a call. tarLatest Fashion plates always on hand. June 7th. lyr. the Senate prohibiting public officers have fl ambling sound or imperfect truth in the abstract, but when the ture of liquor in the State has pass- the inflammation can be taken out PirmPN monnP sanpeifle measure of in nou&e, auix win vuxk tfcis tube restorea xo lis uoi. farmers propose sapecinc measure or the genale wedk condition, hearing will be destroyed fiXGHan P. 11 AND 13 COMMERCE ST., NOBFOLK, VA. The whiskey men have been mak- Ur- nine cases out often are The farmers say we can't stand this ing a bitter fight. Much interest I vnged DV Catarrh, which is uothing . . I ivUHML . l hoi rAn 1 T. . , i Plkn w.tt- mucn longer, ine papers say we iuuguum io wuuuj J but an iniiamea conuiLiuii know that; the farmers say that we mannesua m xnese meur. cus 8urfaces. . . i.' 1 . We will eive One Hundred Dot musi i.uvBu1uiBiu,i,.w, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. lars for any case of Deafness (caused Ac. the papers say yes you most tvi h.t Raivft in the world tor Cuts. k ratnrrh that we can not cure by hnv th t: the farmers wait a year r nm Snn. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fe- Ui.!n TTaiPa rtarrh Cure. Send ' . l -"- .? . W a- I aud another year and get .nothing! I rer sores, euer, unappea nanus, yun- for circulars, tree. I,.,- rrnnno A lnn for , ffettlnt? T&-1 V" " 1 , l I and Ownetl and controled by Alliance lief and then everybody lumps on required. It is guaranteed to give ner-UTKO. P. KICHAKlSO DlAi Price 25 cents nr box. For sale by Jno. P. Richardson, of Eat var- rh R TT TTftT.i.TnA-r. f!lintnn. and J.I mil Poriah. Ta.. the largest indlVia tt. Surra, Druggist, Mount Olive, N. J ni cotton planter in 'the world, died men for handling farm produce. them and tell them they are cranxa. COTTOX AND PBAATJTSh:'u,hTbc?'J?5 Will not oe inueu yyiiuiuuui iuuw. SPECIALTIES. Don't sell before writing for par ticulars. J. J. ROGERS, Manager. P. 0. BOX 212.8 sept21-tf Mrs. John R. Windham. Stone Pickens county. Ala., writes: 'i have used Bradycrotiue for heaoacne with always good results." Neuralgic Tron . Aadtbaaa troubled with aerroam MBltia tana cua or overwork wiU be relieved bruiting " Brotcn'' Iron Bitter. Oeootae iMkaxoaakaodGnaasdKdUDeaoaawsva on dais plantation in East Carroll, on tn 12th. He owned fifteen plantations in Missifsippi rna ajoui U11U Clguii - .tablishnients in the same &taxes. m-w-w -W 1 .1 T bourn, wm. ii. cnaaoourn anu jus. I. Chadbourn, Jr., who owned the controlling stock m the W liming- ton Chadbourn and Conway railroad. .National. The legislature re-elected John W. Daniel as United States B nalor without opposition. Hon. P. It. Pumb. IT. K. Senator. out of staay lexicons. uc-? u . '""Nliep.) irom jvafuis roppi cjeau of the profounds of learning, and yet nearly at Washington, D. C, last Tuesday all througii tucir occupations wme w niorniag oi apopiexy nn1Kt.iii1 nnl innil rtl tl fUUiW1 &Jll 1 UiUUSUMIM ...... - . - , ... aA ..rrr,!.v and fnruDru- A rh t occurrcl on a rai iroad tram i m,: i!.,;nMi'ii a iu.vere ar Birmingham, Ala., in . it- :i.w?h one man was killed and another she strikes them over the Lead and the fatally wounded. heart with severe losses, lou put l The Democrftic State Convention into an enterprise. It is all 0f iKsuisiana adopU-l a pbtfonn and mV tWTTI a. - A J . J I 1 gone, xou say, niai i a ub.w iwi. Ob, no. oa are paying the school ing. That was only tuition I told yoa it was a school mistress but it wa worth iL Ton learned tumgs unaer Streigth and Health. Tf vou are not feelinsr strong and lealthv. try Electric B iters commercial activity, and then I wunt to PhiladelphLa and lived long among the merchants of that city, than whom ji WfA m art t oartll TLf:(l mere are u . . . i for more than twenty-two years I have uuiipn,., . - - stood in this presence, Sabbath by Sab m an uuier I . .. . 5- ! I lKUltlblllKrdiii If bath, preacmng xo auuienc .... , barv,U: tratkra M r o in fruit come to know aometf ling about the prospects of tropical production; manufacturers of American goods come to understand the tariff on imported articles; publishers of book must come to understand the new law of copy- nominated a State ticket with Gov. McEnery at the head. 'La Grippe" has lert yoa wean ana noniy ot - 1 i t- . i rri.:. k..n;n-e a-nman It is not an aostrae- I . use tiiecinc xmers. iuu uuuc . ipts irwi v on i.iver. on- uuu iaj iiiii -1"- i weary. mnoh and Kidneys, gently aiding with which I am well acquainted. innco nro-an to nerforui their tunc- thb ctjltivatios of ix. tions. If you ar. afflicted with Sick in the first place, I remark that busi Ed. Dillare, colored, barred the countyjiil in Ijelland, Mit.. lat fhud.iy night attempting to es cape, lie was ateo ournea. There was a tfhort s-seion of the A . - . fl . fl ii ouse oi jveprewiiiaLi es y wtieruay ; h concurrent resolution wiuj agreed to providing for a holiday reckfs from IXC- 23rd to Jan. 5th. The coroner report that the brain of the man who threw the bomb at Russell Sage i that of a luaaUc. J 1 ' m Headache, you wm uuu apeeujr ness me was nucu : owners of chips most come to 11 . . 7 . . 7" trmanent relief by talcing JMCCtnc Urov. God gives us a cerxain hdduih -o . . , . r . - me orain weigutu iu nv man ui Bitters. One trial will convince you of material out of which Oar we are to faculties are that this i3 the remedy you need.! hw onr character Large bottles only 50 Cents at ur. to be reset, rounded and sharpened up. H. Holliday's drugstore, Clinton, N. n vr,nnrr folks having graduated " . . - -. . c i j v o r ... C, and J. R- Smith's drugstore, .ui. i school or cohege neel a higher Uiive, x. vj. I education, that wrucQ me rasping auu life -aione collision of everyday can The annrooriation fdr the paym ent effect. Energy is wrought out only in . rvn,-i I . a mi V. n a 1irn in fill VI- of pensions for the hseal year lew- a hre, Alter a man , r-ni .- io-r ce TQ5 cq nd ihp artivitv ten. twenty, thirty years. .mAnnt. Axopnded S118.530.619.25. his enenrv is not to be measured by -vr -w 1 I ' cj . rrrx i ijju. j vv - leaving an unexpended surplus ot weights cr plummets or laaaers. inere iOTmzxian and use it for Jesus Christ. know winds and shoals and navigation ; and every bale of cotton, and every raisin cask, and every tea box, and every cluster of bananas is so xunch lit erature for a business man. iNow, my brother, what are you going to do with the intelligence? Do yoa suppose Ood put you in this school of information merely that you might be sharper in a trade, that you might be more success- nl n worldhnrr? Oh. no: it was tuat vnn tnlnUt taxe xnai nsexui ave.aze torted. but was abnormHy dis- Forelgn. A revolution has broken out in Gautemala. ' Among the 3.000 fctudents enrolled f at f.e Berlin University this term. 800 are Americans. Everything aeema to be qciet in China, thouzh there b much talk of have been dealing war In Europe unlets China will do TV. O. W. Earle. Pickens. S. C - --V I" writes : I recommenaea u. i. i- q i k- 1 1 1 ei Prf"si dpnt Harrison. I s v.-rSt it earmot scale, ana tnere i I " , I ViUl 1 m - .nma(l,In is no depth it cannot lainom, anu wth fi lands and never naxi ine ! no obstacle it cannot thrash. innm ml At. wishinz the salvation I rrTanr.eoiilcwi ndition r,f lcYiH- Now. mv brother, why did God put , . . neonig Can it be that yon in Konthern Brazil eon- to a man who had suffered lor years u -m that school of energy f was u iaTe g acq-oainted with all the I tinuef ; in Pernambuco a popula up- with a malignant ulcer on ms leg, merely that you might be a yarosucs io ontrjtgea inflicted in business life and j rising took place against theutver seemed to resist all other treatment. measare cioth or a steelyard to weigh neTer to bring to Bor; in a conflict that followed, sixty Aiicr using wui. ". I nourf nasa iucrey j t I hear thai Irospei wiucij ia w ciur peraous vwc u v.-.. .-, nicer uegan io iivoj. 1 be better ma''M to enaaer "s ;; l uovernor nas since :wutu, now sound and well." . - 1 gie? No. God placed you in that ' lUcmtinuea on secona rage.