i r THIi CAUCASIAN. IF YOU WOULD LIKE l-CllMJ'Kn EVERY THURSDAY, j;y M.lttlOX BUTLEK, ivliior and Proprietor. SUBSCRIBE 1 Sho .v this Taper to your neigh bor and advise liiin to subscribe. H To cGtnrauskat with about in thoiLai5il of the lxt countrj peopl in thli faction of North Carolina then do it throtih th columns ot The Cavcai x. other patv-r la the Third Cu jrrfsjlonal District hi at lrg a circulation. Iuro Domoorncy raixcl Vvlxito SitpromaoT-. CLINTON, N. C.9 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1892. iibseription t'rice $1 .50 Per Year, in Ydvance. VOL. X. No. 25, CAU C ASIAN Alliance Directory. ;X, I N-U. VA'.'.MKUS INi'l'S I' III A I !c.t!t--L ALLIANCE AN"I UNION. L. P.,!k, North Care :Ut D S-.reef. N. W, EDITOR'S CHAIR. HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUU STAND TOINT. V .-'ih';! -t'V.l. I). C '.-.--l,r: -;lt.-nt li. If. Clover, Cam- -v . ii i iry and Treasurer J. ll.Turn , r. t: .ivia. Ad-lrc.Ms. North Capi tol Mivi-i, N. W., Washington, D. C. !.. (: r.ri-r I. II. Willc.ts, Km-as. V.XIJ Vi IVIi HOARD. c. W. .SU'.cuitti, vVii-iMii-'on, 11. C. Alon.o Witnlall, Hur n, n.ih D-'-.kon. .1. T. Ti.hnua, Pa'.nietl'j, Tennessee. JUDICIARY. II. C. Dcmmin, Chairman. ln;uic Mccracken, O.oiie, Arkansas A. i:. .:o!f, F-nvlemlle, Michigan. NATIONAL I,E(iI3LATIVK COUNCIL' TIkj lYcbh'.eiit.s of all the Stat'. oigari- "-.iio!)3 with L. L. Polk ex-ollkio ChaU- IUall. XOHTH CAROLINA FARMERS .STATE ALLIANCE. President Marion North Carolina. The ODinion of The Editor and the Opinion of Others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. THEY MAY RIDICULE YOU. Bvitler, Clinton, Vke-i'r. vil e, N. C. S-.;cre'.ary-Tr idt.nt T. B. Lous, Aihe- asurer W. S. .Hamas, Bale L h. N. C -t N. luivr-r.anl- aplain- i,N -, X. C. Chalk -.. . Bt:ll,l?s-asstov -C. C. Wriirut, tllas; (jl.apl.nn ru-v. Jaskinc lop Lt-vuh X. JJ'HM'-Kcl'O' ettvville, N. C. A-t-islant J)'r-Ietpjr II. J Peanut. N. C. S.-rg.-ant-at-Anns J. S. Holt, Chalk Lewd, N. C. Statu Business Agent V li d-i-h, -N . C. Trustee. JJs'musH Agency A. Graham, Machpe'ah, N. ex i:.:L"nv k com m : ttee NORTH CAROLINA STATE ALIJANCE. S. IJ. Alexander, Chai l".lLo, X t -i. rrin in . J il. Rlewborue, Kin N.C.-, .J. S. Johnson, Kuilin, N. C. SlATi: ALLIANCK JUD.CIARV COM MITTKI-:. lviar, ;..rr, A. Leazcr, X. M. Culbreth M. u. (iivorv, Wm. C. C.'ini.d!. STATU ALLIANCK LEGISLATIVE CO MM ITT EE i. J. Towed!, Ktihd: Kn-'lish, Tiinily (;.ih Tulentu : -W. ILTomlinson, Fay- King, . II. Worth, Fund W. C. OV THE , c. 5ton, II. A h. N. C; X. C. ;e ; .!. J . Youn I'oitk'V. Ne vlon , N.C. XMRTI.I (U.)LIA RKF)UM PRESS ASSOCIATION. OiVu-ors r. L. Uamsev Fresideiit M:irii,!i Untlri Yutcvrrcsi 1l:llt : W. S. IJarncs, Secretary. PAPERS. The Caucasian, Clinton; Fro .fm.ivM KuniHT. Haleisxh; It u nil I lome, V ilsou ; Fwrinyr's Advocate Tarhoro; Salisbury Vatcdinnn, Sal isburv: Alliance Sentinel, Gokls b,.ro: Hickory .Mercury, Hickory Tr.fi ltattler. Whitaker.--: Country Trinitv Colleire; Mountain I r.miH Journal. Asheville; Agricul imil life. Goldsl)oro: ColumV.us i.s. Whitevillo. ; . C: The Bui Acent. Italei 'h. N. C. c;iiit A. S. Teace. editor of Alii anee. Department, Oxford, N. C. Each of the above-named papers ar r.-mi.sn,l to keen the lit standini: 01 il... lirsr. lia ',: nnd add oth' r., provide I.,.. '.r. lnlv i-lirlp(L Anv Hal).'!- tail ir. 'l.) advocate the Uea!a platform wi l)e dropped from the list promptly. Our peoph; can now sue .what papers are pub lished In their inierest. rriendsofroforoi you have been and will still be hooted at as "ca lamity howlers," "hayseeders," fools and iwseV but Jo not flinch Such epithet are thrown in your facfi as vour disirraco. but receive them patiently and with joy. Con mi cr il Jin nonor. it in viuy scheme to break your united effort for honiist. consistent reform. Re ceive such schemes with united and renewed strength. It is only an at tempt to laush you down, or ridi cule yu into silence. True, it may e. that ridicule and scorn are pow erful weapons, but not where logic and reason have their eternal foot iold, for their keen aud cutting edge blunted and gaped when they strike against hard, cold facts. There is no argument in calling names in sneer and ridicule. The Great West truly says: Thra, methods of warfare are as o-uns loaded with wet powder, or hrr.i-on wnnls in the hands ot x.or soldiers. They have been tried many times m ine insiui ui umi.i with but sicklv success.- The men who call the reformers of to . . . . l il div "mml diners nay seen-. . . . i t. 1 11 "coiehers" and "anarchists" anu other on!) robrious titles are in many - r a 1 ,-. ... I. , inntnnrfiH (lescenaants 01 tamers wio ihh-tv vears aero were targets for the u.lma L'inil OI 111111. DUl LHO vr justice rolled on regardless of their siiRprs. talsenoods anu riuicuic, . Hir. reform train of 92 will as et fectually crush out the vital sparK of tlie "calamity makers." The calamity maker is the cause, tne ca- lamitv howler is tne eneci, cause and eifect are inseparable. A BRUTAL FACT 1 ATKEMKXDOU8 TKUST. Five men own the Associate Press control all the news, all the sources of intelligence, nd modifying every public expression to suit the view of the Money Power, l'.-ac- lically, one max controls it all all thrt telegraphs of th s United States, Can ida and Mexico and tne majority of the st'jck in the Associ ate Press. He is master of this gov ernment a .d political thought in the public press. He owns three of the seven powerful dailies of New York City, and is purchasing tne stock of the fourth. He controls the cable across the Atlanti?. He works with the legislative commit tee of the American Banking Asso-. ciation, 274 Broadway, X. Y. Truly the people are in danger when tne daily press is advising a stronger government and even the New York Tribune stated that sentiment in New York City was rapidly turn ing towards a king and h monarchy. The Great West. My God, where will it end! Free men, in a free country, having the news of Its greatness and its disgrace fed out to you by moneyed kings and Wall Street brokers. Even the channels of your thoughts and the news of your daily life doctored and warped by such men. The greatest educator of sixty millions of free people controled and virtually own ed by one man ! The next Democratic National Convention will be composed of 80(J delegates. By the two-thirds rule, whir h governs this Convention, GOO is necessary,' for a nomination. Ac cording to the New York Herald the first ballot will stand, Hill 285, Cleveland 268, a "'Western man 350. According to same report North Carolina is put down for a Western man. We suppose that settles it. Xews fiwn Wasliinirton. PIUSSIDEXT MUTLER GREAT PROSPERITY. Issues a Call for a Conference of Prominent North. Carolina Alliancemen. "I desire to have conference with i i ! t rrt one true representative uiwulc man, or more, from each county in the State. At your next meeting elect one man to be in Raleigh May 17th, to meet in conference with me. TClect vour best and truest member, act upon ins Strong fArgunu'iit for tiovern ineiit Ownership of Railroads. The recent rail -o id combination between the Reading road and sev eral others, forms one of the most complete monopolies of the oulpu ot antthraci'e coals ever effected. It will control at least 70 ercent. of the product of that kind of coal, which virtually fixes the price of all the balance. This combination i made in absolute deil tnce of both State and Xationa' law, and depend- upon its power over im-na.a money to maintain its position. Several large railroads have bought up the coal mines and now they form a gi gantic trust to bleed the people. l'his is enough to make city peoph throv their influence and strength with the Alliance. fbere is a vigorous protest against such action going up from all quar ters, which indicates the tread of public opinion. The New York World, in a recent isue, makes the following comment: The coal combination is a conspir acy of capit.il against industry It is meant t. make every poor man use less coal, and pay more for it. It is meant to levy a tax upon every industry that uses coal, and the .ax will be taken in the end out of the earnings of the men employe.!. The people need more and cheaper coal. This conspiracy i- intended to give them less and dearer coal. Protec tion has already baen curtailed in order that the price may be main tained. The price will inevitably he advanced in order that the con spirators may the more rapidly ab sorb to themselves the earnings of other men. Under condition of healthy competition, surplus pro duction woiLit be reduced, not by stopping the work and waes of miners, but by a reduction of price sufficient to iuduce the people to use more coal. The conspiracy is intend ed to destroy healthy conditions, ex clude competition and decrease pro duction, while increasing the profits of the monopoly in control. It is a conspiracy against good morals and against the public welfare. It vio- ates the spirit of the law. It sets at naught every principal of equity. It threatens the people in their homes and their workshops, it is unju t, iniquitous ana very ciuei. It iiiu-4 be brokn unit there be law enough in this free land to piotect a free people. Ex. NOTES AND IT II MS FROM CON GRESS AND WHAT 1 f IS DOING.. Some Rills Introduced al Mention. leron- Aa Interview with the Chinese minister on the subject of Chinese immigration is rinted. lie pys the treatment ot the Chinese by the United States is -'inconsistent with the constitution and the principles laid down by George Wasiili.gto." OUR CHRISTIAN AGE. CKUACHES GAINING FASTER IN SPIRIT UAL POWER THAN EVER DEFORE. The politicians, partisan papers and the mouthpieces of plutocracy an(i empower him to have agreitdealto say about the best judgment tor you in are preseu , I? , -x , v!jf ino- in thfl tative capacity on any matter that ...on.iurr.ii nrffcsnenf'.v existing lntnoi J .. United States, Some classes pros per as the following shows: There are .30,000 millionaires in the United States. There are 1,000 millionaires in New York. Seventy parsons in the United States are worth $2,700,000,000. may come up for the good of the or- ganiadlaOU nuu uictauac u. ''ui Marion Butler. . WHO PAYS THE TAXES? ilO V ESS LON A L CO LUMN . T. LEE, ATTO ux ey-a -l w, Clinton, N. ( Odica over Shoh'.-i, opposite The Cauc.sia Oflke. iachlT tf w K. ALLEN. W. T. DORTCH. LLEN & DOHTCH, ATTO KX EYS-AT-LAW, Ooldsboro, N. C Will practice in Sampson county fel27 tf A The Alliance, Tallahassee, Fla., ojve. Tid vou know that all the tftires. which are now running over a million dollars a day, are paid by . . ii nonia nwn tnr-neoDle who produce the mate- ininyone iuuu r- - - - r tiou? anddid over one-half the weaitn y0U know that the small class who country. . own and control the money oi uie One hundred persons in the Unit- COuntry do not pay one dollar of the S3.000.000.000 or taxes? and did you Know uiai youi V I I I 'J 1L..L U nUn!d envernment nas saiu nmi it wwum ed States own wealth. Looking at that picture of peace and prosperity, reader, and wnen you have fully realized its import, j look at this: There are 1,000,000 out of work in the United States. There are over 500,000 tramps. Ten thousand children die annu ally in the Urn ted States from insuf ficient food or clothing. There were 5T,C00 homeless child ren in the United States in 1890. be so? Yp. our national Congress has made this the law of the land. It has said that labor should tear the burden of government whiles capital should go free and revel in luxury. Go back to June 3d, 1864, and you will find ou the nationa statue book the following law: "All stock, bonds, treasury notes and other obligations of the Unitep State, shall be exempt from taxat ion bv or under state or inumcipa or local authority" M. LEE, M. D. Is II YSICtANVSt! UOLO.V AN' I) DENTIST, OHice in Lee's Drugstore, je 7-1. vr E. FAISON, Attorney and Counsell or at LW. Oince on Main Street, will 'practice in courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful attention. je7-lyr W. KERR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, lender, Harnett anu uupim v,uuu ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal ousiness. t i-iyi OF THE THIRD Out of 2.000.000 who inhabit New (i York Citv only 18,000 own homes. cONOBKSSius ai rxvic luIit ViiJ J I ,,,,i4r(o rrf' I,1 VlniT'l'I VrK' , ,.i. cc chmva O (KH).UUIJ I JJiiJiovA"y m., - . , tne xaie ccuoua w.. mortgages in the United States, or one to every seventh inhabitant. In New York 49,000 working wo men are so poorly-paid that they must accept charity, sell their bodies or starve. In an argument whicn aceotnp inles a lengthy petition prvsented in the United States Senate yester-j day, Hon. B. G. Harris, of St. Mary's county, urges payment tor the Maryland slaves taken by the general govtrnment or emancipated by a State convention at the instance of the general government. ' The President has laid before - the Senate in executive session Lord Salisbury's List note on the Bering sea question, as well as a copy of his reply to Lord Salisbury. The tone from the latter is said to be evasive and unsatisfactory. The interest in tha silver debate in the House was unabated, and there is considerable speculation on the result of the vote, the passage of the bill being generally conceded. The United States Senate yester day passed bills appropriating 518, 750,000 for the lmprovment of the Mississippi river, $1,745,810 for the cascades of the Columbia river and $2,800,350 for a bolt railway at The Dalles and Olilo Falls and Ten -Mile Kapids on Columbia river. The House took up the free coinage of silver bill, and speeches were made by Messrs. Bland, Williams, Hunt- :r, ltaynerand others. WHAT THE ElHTOR WOULD LIKE TO SEE. "Comi.ig" to The money that us arrive. Our sweethearts "get up in arms" against us. Jack r rost call around and settle the mosquito's bills. The young man who dances with our girl get religion and quit danc ing. The boys and girls who earn their living by honest toil, crowned kings and queens of society. Less attention paid to tne heath ens at home. Every boy and girl who receives a copy ot this paper senci in tneir subscription and at least another one with it. The time come in this country when rates for lahor will be paid on the basis of what it earns, when vir tue will be rewarded according to the true standard of merit, andplen- tv. peace and happiness will reign everywhere. . B- FAR FROM SATISFACTORY. A fire in the folding-room of the House of representative destroyed a large number of public document. Secretary Blaine is gradully re gaining his strength, and is now able to take a short walk in the open air whenever the weather is favor able. The President has approved of tha action of the court-martial which found Major Giles B. Over man guilty of conduct to the preju dice of military discipline and sen- tedced him to be repiimanded. In the House there was a prolong ed and exciting contest over the wilver bill. The debate closed at 5 P.m., and at one a motion was made to lay the bill on the table. 'I he result was a tie, with the vote of Speaker Crisp against the motions Then followed dilatory motions tor adjournment, etc., in quick succes sion by the opponents of the bill, and much time was consumed in calling the year and nays. At 12;J5 this morning the House adjourned oil the motion of Mr. Bland, who abandoned all hope of passing th free coinage bill at present. Tha bill now takes its place on the calendar. Iu giving a report ville meeting to of the States- the Charlotte COMMITTEE- Dr. Cyrus P. Thompson, chair man, authorizes the announcement that a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Third Congres sional Disrict will be held at the nsnii TTmise in the citv of Wilm- n .mi- I . . . fPI 1 . , - rfil 19f h Ye-s the country is rapiuiy ington, on xnueauaj, in, richer, but those who make th. 1892, t I o'c to p , u to - products that make the country, rich It is earnestly desired that every couuiy in the district be represented. THE ED OF THE WORLD. be or . , r. cr nivirnr. are tnemseives r WhP.t is the matter? This great wrong must stop or there will imnhin There must be reform there will bo a revolution THESTATE CHRONICLE SOLD. tw TorV..,a Tlanipls hfW Sold the " i.ATr t n Tprriiiran late final round-up of things earth Chronicle to Mr. 1. R. Jernigan, iaiu ... -. in ino Associate Editor of the News and Observer. Observer, among o'her things, the reporter say: "Major Bobbins asked him (Col onel Skinner) several pointed ques tions in rega.cl to the stab-Treasury. Mr. Skinner's replies were foil of generalities and far from satisfac tory." Yes. so "iieneral" as to floor the Magor every time. This was very, ery "far from satisfactory' to Mr Robbing and his friends. Those who think that Col. Skinner did not answer him plainly, let thim ask the other liwyers of Statesville, or go and hear them for themselves on the 9th of April next. Hickory Mercury. .r. m 15UTLER WILL IS E THERE. F RANK BOYETTE, D.E.S. Dentistry Office on Main street, Offers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Denustry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. fiST My terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. REMOVAL. ! .1. rF GIM'XrHY "Has removed his Tailoring Estab lishment from his old stand to his office on Sampson Street, neit to the M. E. Church. - . Tho great and orignal leader in .low trices for men's clothes, Ecoa- -omy in cloth and money will force von to irive him a call. -Latest Fashion plates always nn hand. June7tn. iyr. For Sale ! Two Lot' one containing a Store H: nse tho nhr a Dwellmtr. located at Tomahawk. rn the C &. Y. V. New and in good condition. Apply to .... n.ifPT Our population in I860 waa 35,- 819,282, and our circulation $1,803, 409,210, being -1. per capita of $52. In 1890, our population was 65,000,- 000, our circulation being $306,999, 982, a per capita circulation of $4.72. March 19. Lieut. C. A. L. Tot Un, professor of military science in Yale Colleere. is again making bib- nai fvjinnlntinns to Drove that tho ana ourthlv will take place in 1999. He says seven lines of calculations lead down to the year. ) u the year 2000 the millennium will begin, he says by the ascension to heaven of 144, 000 christians. July 4th of the pre sentvear Totten will go dowa to Atlanta, Ga., to join his regiment, his three years' teaching term ex piring at that time, tie says people reeard him as a crank, but they djn't know him. The reference in the last Edito- rial Letter from Washington to a Congressman elected by the Alli ance votes was not intended for any of our North Carolina delegation. ARE YOU POOR Remember the present financial nolicv of the nation will make you imnrPT. That THilicv can only be changed through an educate! ballot, o Kantintr svstem that is to educate tne voie snau u mo .,"i:cu, Z Ty,a " hfltit is sionoftheCaucaian. -not based on the theory that it Is The fight between Rev.Dr.Park lawful to take advantage oi a man i hurst and Tammauv Hall is on necessities. - again. Dr. Parkhuist laid before his congregation Sunday affidavits hir a . vote I Rhowinsr violations or excise ana i if" lrAUO ijc&iat((vuj-w wj - cs - I cram hlino- loura in 9fti different case 88 to 8, ii structed tne uongressmeu & from that State to vote for a free sil ver bill, Eternity iscryingout to sou loud er and louder es you near its brinK The man who favors men and ? a . . nnt flt for measures opposed to financial reform anri give up wishing for it; learn i,. tn himself and a traitor what you can do, and do it with the IS uu. j I - T7 T l,.l,orr3nn energy oi mau. x- muuvh" The correspondence between Sir Julian Pauncefore and Assistant Secretary of State Wharton on the Berinsr sea question is made public fheauestion was discussed by the Senate committee on foreign rela tions and it was decided to recom mend the ratification of the treaty The Senate discussed the treaty in executive session. The .President was supported in hi s position by Senators of both parties. It is stat ed fio n L indon that three BritMi war vessels nave been ordered to Bering sea. The London papers re srard President Harrison's attitude as taken for campaign, effect. PRESIDENT BUTLER "The Foolish Prophecy Craitr-d to Col onel Iintroll-Ilitr tirr Wm K 3Iavb t'eiao tuid Artitity Atnoo(ChrW tiiuil Now Sine th Apotllc A, Detroit, March 27. V-v. Thomas Dixon, Jr., prrachl in th.. city tonight !q Plymouth churtli tooue vt rhe Ur,-xt audience ever ft-s- mb'tsl her'. Ho lec tured on Satunlay uight in the Star conrs to an audience of 4,0oo px.pl and then consented to remain in the city over Sunday and preach. Plymouth church, where the service was held, in the jrreat people's tabernacle of Detroit, boing the largest church in the Hate. The pastor. Rev. L. Morgan Wood, preaches to the largest regular congre gation in the city and one of the largest in the entire west. The audience packed the great tabernacle this evening to overflowing and several hundred were unable to gain an entrance. Promptly at 7:30 Mr. Wood ordered the doors closed and then tho great throng, led simply by a cornetifrt and precentor, joined in singing our routing national hymn "America." After tho opening exercises Rev. Mr. Dixon delivered a most powerful and eloquent sermon on "Christianity Triumphant." He eaid, ppeaking from tho text, "But ye cannot discern the fcign of tho times'' (Matt, xvi, 3): A few years ngo Colonel Ingwrsoll is reported to have uttered the prophecy that within ten years from the time he ppoke there would lie two theaters erect ed where ono church would bo built. It is remarkable that a man of the intelli gence of the distil) guii-htd infidel could work himself up to such a pitch of prej udice and blind incapacity that he could utter eo remarkably stupid a prediction. It only shows tho height and depth of the pit of blind folly into which preju dice can lead a bo called freethinker, Any man who labors beneath a moun tain of prejudice such as incapacitates liia judgment can in no sense claim ti be a freethinker. He is a slave of elaves. Tin: old neci:o. We cannot imagine how tho colonel could have the check to face tho world today after sv.ch a prophecy, except that he had su'ihme conhdence m tho igno rance of the great public to whom he ut tered his proi hecy. I suppose he relied upon the same power which an old col ored man of whom I heard in the south did, when indicted in a court of justice. The judge asked him if he had any lawyer. He replied, "Iso, Ban. Tho judge asked him if he desired ono to bo appointed to defend him He replied, "ro, sah." The judge asked him what he pro posed to do then The old man renlied. "I les tot I a leabe my case to de ign'ance ob do co'tf Colonel Ingersoll must have had I boundless faith in the fathomless depth of the ignorance of the public he ad dressed, or else his own ignorance waa unfathomable; We are all liable to draw conclusions wide of the fact, if we base our estimate of the world upon our own limited circle of acquaintances. Sometimes when we know or,e or two people who differ with us in religion, or indeed any subject of vital importance, we are too apt to feel if wo are out numbered in our acquaintances, that we are outnumbered in the world. .Many of us feel, when we are surrounded in our daily work by scoffers and un believers, that all the world has deserted the truth and that there is no hope for the future. So the colonel knows a lew fud this rt marVatsSy tupld prly. niftACt-r vr wtHfaoxs. Soad Within this very prvl tho dvflopmnt of raMoro toj.uwwi Lai rtched point ef which or father nevrr drrarac!. Th sdvuic hM lxrn imjJy ur reloua. Every nation of rth U ikw open to the prt jan. of CLrunan doctrine, and every uatk n c f rth h it C"uritian luissKrnary prtx-Uuuunj; that giptL Wilhia this pmt.1 we have had such remarkable' develoj nimu u that of Dr. llotij-h at Onjule UapUi5 ten thousand native in Mrsl year, and the remarkable development the great inUud minion in China, where hundred of missionaru are tup.rtd yearly by the voluntary giving ef the Christian world hacked by no ornuA-tiwi- To take au illuMratioa at our own doors, within oar own city uf New York, there in single church, with no rich men in its memU-ndiip, that ends out thia year into the nation field 1U0 missionaries. Thia organization, which w only h few 3 cars old, ha e.tiblihed thirty-three mnwionane In India, the Congo Free State, China, Japan and Hayti, and within the past six inontha lis, 500 has been contributed toward furthering the Guspel in heathen lands. refer to the remarkable work conduct ed by tho Rev. A. B. Simpson. CHR1STUX rsiTT, Third The growth of unity in the Christian world within this ier.td of agnostic phophecy has been uiont remarkable. Twenty-five years ago the Protestant churches were busy fighting ono an other. Now they are bny seeking to co-operate with each other in lighting evil. Co-operation in aggressive church work is one of the orders of the day. The teinjier of the Protectant world in most accurately expresntd by the lnt Professor Austin Phelps, of Andover. Ho says: "I was once a blue Presby terian; I thought Episcopacy a t-iu and Itomanism of the devil. I now find a great deal of piety everywhere where Christ is owned as the living head. 1 work Congregationally because I mut work somewhere, and am ueither wise nor 6trong enough to work alone, and am not such a fool as to throw away nine-tenths of my power for good by trying to work in ecclesiastical solitude. But I cjuld work just as well in half a dozen other organic forms of church life. There is an Episcopal teinixTa ment and a Methodist temperament and a Calvinistic temperament, from which sects grow by natural evolution. At the core of character they mean little mere than red hair or a birthmark. The m;is ter will know his own only by tho name in the forehead." There has come likewise to be a lietter understanding between the Catholic and Protestant world. Today, if any move ment is started in our great cities look ing toward the destruction of evil and the uplifting of society as a whole, you may count with certainty on tho supjiort of a largo and influential element in the Catholic priesthood. They will le found by your side on tho platform aud co operating with you in every way to fur ther the common cause. Within this period we have witnessed the remarkable reconciliation of science and revealed religion. Twenty-live year ago the church militant shivered at tho mention of science and men timidly thought that tho remarkable' develop ments of modern science threatened tho foundations of the church. Today sck nee is the servant of Christian truth. Today science is the handmaiden of religion. Today tho preacher's library contains ns many books of science as liooks of phil osophy and theology. NEW LINES OF BATTLE. Fourth The display of the power of THE WORLDS XEWSL I 1 SINCK I. XSTTIiriLsPAV.CAltr Pl'LLY ASSOKTl'.l ANU CONBKNSKD FOU Ill's Y Pl-OPLi:. stt. Tho Morgniitnn ll. rM .!vo-nu S. U. Ahx.tt.ter fort to vt nur. Th i.ew Zlttjetidorf h del t Win-ton Un iVnti'y. The ptuuihlti rlcm r;i $3,.vm. Mr. P. It. Kpjmt of s..nu t the flr-t telun! t. mviy iio,tf to prtclhv Pharmacy In tht Mite. Ju.lgo Walter Clark of tho Sy. prenif Com t, will deliver the uddr at the celebration at t'e tliitir.ird Courth..u initio groui.d July 4!h. The negro i x ! in from KnUtn Ctiunty hM greatly rodiicvd tho lathering lorn', and thti ii tho onlg county in the Mnt thun aiTectry thin year. , . . , 1, ... -oriii .iron 11.1 gel, yi -i.ncn an. nually ai in r leini ,i u.e rvrtsl t'lll t.y cimuitto of ll.ui, of It jK'M'iitatlvi ft r Mil ti.ry I r prbtiuti. p- asrnostics and infidels, and basing Ins prophecy on his own limited observa-j adjustment to new conditions, khown by tion he predicted the downfall of the church within this period, has given Christianity. Let us lift our vision a little beyond this narrow view. In the new century Viat ts daxnnng, what is the status of CJiristianityf We see in clear outline a new world whose heart is nearer the Jieart of Jesus Christ than that of any age before seen in human history. cncEcn growth. -First We are led to this conclusion because of the remarkable progress m organic church life within the period of 0 ... -, .ri years covered by this remarKaoiy siupiu prophecy of Colonel Ingersr jj. VV umn tnis precise period tne uevei- evidence of its immortal power and its immortal deetiny Within this period the great social problem has become the problem of the V i - Al A. age, ana tne cnurcn uas mown mat within its heart there was the principle of salvation not only for the individual, but for society. The pope of Rome has swung the great ecclesiastical machine of the aires mto lino of iattle. lie champions today the c.iu.se of the masses. lie lays his hand on the church in t ranee and savs to the clew. "The cause of the republic i.i the cause of the rieople, And whereas once tho ecclesiastical ma- Will Speak at Kcnansville Mon day, April 4th. opment of church life in America has chine stood, for monarchy and centrali- There was no joint discussion at Statesville yesterday, and the Obervpr has its serious doufts about there being one there on the 9th of opportunity, April. Not, however, that Maj. Bobbins will backcutby nomeans. Charlotte Observer. You only hope Butler will bacu down; but your hopes will, be blast ed He will be there unless provi dentially prevented. So,' you can prepare fora room" pie. iiick- orymercury. WARSw, N. C. Mr. Editor: The people or our county weie much dinappoitted at not having President Butler to speak in the county wfce 1 Mr. Wilcox, District Lecturer was here. He has agreed to speak at Kenansville next Monday, April 4th. The time is short, but there will bealargecrowd of our representative people out to hear him. We all have been anx ious to hear him and this is our first X. been the most remarkable in many re spects in our history. Within this past twenty-five years tne number 01 commu nicants in Christian churches in Amer ica has increased nearly 100 ier cent, faster than the increase of population. The increase of our population within ration, it has, today, adjusted itself on the platform of triumphant democracy that is to lx The church of Christ has developed a liberality in giving within this enod ucb as" the leaders of church life and mission work did not dream of twenty A portion .f Mtrti. H:'nHMi.V Smith S irltino Cbiiuicd work t;iar Wilmington, wr' dedrnyd by fire on Saturday nmrnli g. I,o- J 1,000, paitly injured. But lor the timely mid prompt net ion of tho liif department, tho whole of the McAdoo Houm In (trtviehoio would have burned lust Friday night. The flro o.iginsU-d in a dett dive flue. (Jov rnor Holt has appointed Ir. It. H. lit wis a delegate to r. rcM tit North Carolina at tho third annual convention of tho 'National Hairy and food Con:niiK. loner's, Aocla tion," ut Washington. I. C The Board of Hi rectors of tho eiiiti -Hilary has reeelvel reports of he total number of convict) In tho State, which how that thero le l,u'Jl a Hiualler nuinlKr Until t any time In iiltecn years past. Tit State Agricultural Society ias elected Hal, V. Ayer uv-l4.int t coireiMuiding secretary, and ho takes rhurue April 1st. Mr. Aver was formerly secretary to L. L. Polk. reMdent ol the National Al ance. Nine trunks of trees, each twenty. live feet King, have bee 11 shlrnd form Abbeville to Chicago to form olurnn in the North Carolina forestry building in the Columbia vxpoHtic n. They Hre the gift of George Vanderbilt, and are from iU cM ate near AshcvHlc. (ieneral Alger having declared that Southtrri Republicans calhl upon him for nmney to inrther hU andidacy for tho I'roldency, tho Stato organ of that party demands that ho givi the names of any North Carolinians who thus offer to nerve him for his money. Mr. Cora Morris, a eouln of tho do Gov. Scales, whose trial at Bidi!!i in 100 ntuktul su.h a sensation, has married nirrln. Hhn was tried for poiM.nmg her husband. and there was a great demonstration when hhe was acquitted. She Is a strikingly handsome woman. Her new husband in a telegraph or,Hrator m tho lino of the Richmond J Danville Railway. In Edge,mbe county two younir children were burned to death.' York S! ration, their father, and hi uil" went to piaycr-ineeting, and left four chi Id ied t-hut 1151 in tho iou-e. It caught flro, and was in flames when it wrs discovered. A man burst i t tho door nd seized two of the children, but when ho attempted to go lu for the others the names leat him back. In tho presence, of tho crowd tho others were burned, (kvpite ull t-fforU to rescue I hem. that period has been one of the miracles gve years ago. Last year we gave about in the development of nations. The progress in organic church life in the development of the numbers 01 cnurcnes has been equally remarkable. Think ot a prophecy that within ten years tnere would be two theaters constructed iot $40,000,000 to home missions and -T),000; 000 to foreign missions, All along the line of the Christian world within this past decade there has been a forward movement. There has been a remarkably forward movement in IT lS BAD LUCK. Happy Hoosicrs. WTm. Timmous, Postmasterof Idi J villn. Tnd.. writes: "LiectricUitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, tor thnt baa feeling arising from Kidney and Liv n trrmhlA. " John Leslie, farmer j.svm - nnd stockman, ot same place, says: 'Find Electric Bitters to be tne best Kidney me feel every church! The period of this proph- education. Within our own denomination ecv has expired. There are about twen- jn the past two years there has been given ty-five theaters in New York city with a over $5,000,009 to tho cause of higher population of 1,800,000. There are over education. There has been established 500 churches. There were more cnureneh the trreat U niversity 01 (nicago, wuicn built in New York city last year than has iid Hnder tribute the scholarship of " National. Hon. It. Q. Mills has been elected United S.ate Senator by the Tex a Legislature. Over 2t'0 people In various ecc t'.ons of thi- country died or grew hopelessly insane during the past year a- a conepuenco of (igaretto smoking. Most oi the victim) were young men under 10. Congress ha tftn a-ked to prohibit the rnaiiu i dure and sale ofcigaettes. tha higher education of the whole world. THE AGE O THE MASSES. Within this period we have had a re markable development of evangelism finch as the world never saw liefore. To ??et hanared on Friday; To catch the small-pox on Frid To get jilted on Friday; To go to prison on Friday; To lose vour money on Friday; To have an eye put out on Friday; To get a leg broken cn h riaaj ; To get drovvne 1 on Friday; tv hav-A vnnr house burned on Fridav: , To have the toothache ou j?riuty-, To hft found dead in a sewer on Friday. TOWN VS. COUNTRY. there are theaters in the whole city. The the world and will be a contribution to Methodist denomination alone built latt vear in America over 4,000 churches. 1 do not believe that there are 4,000 thea ters in America. THE STEW CHCBCH POWEES. Within this Drecise period of agnostic Men believe, sometimes, when they read T ivpr Medicine made prophecy tho church has developed with- the past, that the age of Whitfield was y and Llvff m"lc VJ ? ' V5 itseif powers hitherto unknown in the the age of power in the evangelization of il like a new man. j. v . , , iV 1A wi ,ia rrwi t, .- ..nrt t.,. I . , 1 n.Al,ont onmli I BiSlOry l vi". I I uian. . " - 1 tiarancr, naru w a.c DVt the magnificent organization known as ty-five years has been the age of remark iday; town, says: Llectnc mtters is jut kw8 Daughters has been born." It Vie development in the evangelization the thinff for a man who is all run dawn and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and lelt just line ne nau a new lease on me. umywwuwn bottle, at R. II. HoLLJDAY's Drug store, Clinton, N. C, and John R. Smith, drugrist, ALi.uuve, . uumbera now hundreds of thousands of consecrated women, who.with their hand of charity and love, touch human pociery at almost every possible point of contact. Within this period has been oorn tne Youns Peoples Society of Christian l-n- 4eavor, numbering over a million active members. Such an enlistment oi tne forces of young manhood and woman Wood in active organic church life is a development in the evangelization ...f mrsses of people. There is a man now ut work, whose name many or you do not know, whose meetings are far more remarkable in results than any oi the meetings of Whitfield or Wesley. Rev. B-Xay Mills recently held a meet ing in the city of Elizabeth, N. J. There were over 2.000 professions of faith in those two weeks. All business in the citv was suspended. Stores were closed. The Mecklenburg Times remarks with genuine wit that the only two aayeiopment of power of which the I -niirty-five saloonkeeper quit Uieir bma things!) t"al Falu CAcua JU nrih numlina, last vear were tne .A. a a. a v penitentiary and the evangelists. "How te Core all Skin Diseases.!' It is worthy of note, that the Inli Ho a hppn On rit for Simolv apply "Swayne's Oint hotu-oan thA llenrs- MEST." ISO lUieiuai uieuiuuo three davs. is entatives of rural constitue.icfes, nn the one hand, and of city on fnnstifiipncifis the other. The ad option of a free silver law would trmteriallv enhance the value of every agricultural, product. State Chronicle. auired. Cures tetiei, cezema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, ncse, lAAVfi the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healiug and cur ative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask yoar druggist for SwAYNi's Ointment. . S ehurch never dreamed twenty-rive years I nega an(j mae confessicu of religion. ago. I Mr. Mills has just closed meeting in wuv.iT tia vei-:i.d has been born the rsnrmnati with results equauy a re- Young Men's Christian association, that raarkable. The night that he left 10,009 ti fii-ilizad world with its TenTle filed before lam, taking him by thousands of buildings and thousands of the hand, thanking him for the work he organizations and thousands of doors had done, for the blessing he had brought -iT,ir,o. wi.in r.TwTi in all the centers cf tr their lives. There are scores of men lifi. Into those doors pass tdn-r in the field in -active evangelistic ""l"""' " ' t I . - , ' . -i ,1, A. and repass millions of young mem i wort, reaching nunureus anu iluuu. mention only these three among the of people whose work is as large as the scores of such organizations that have work of the frreat evangelists of tisstcen- been developed along lines of endeavor that are new to church work and were unknow forces in that past which pre- Continued on Second Page. Foreign. The Englirh House of Commons approjiriates $.j0,(RH to havo Oreat Britian represented at the Chicago Fair. France aud Denmark will uh no lake pa it. Another Bank at Parishassusfend ed, liabilities 24,000,000 francs, axeets 5,000,000. Two of the distort have abscodod, one has teen arrested, one committed taicide. The American Steamer Indiana, laden with flour, gifts of penerotas' Aniericin8 to the etarving Russians, has arrived at her destined port. Af. t eho an4 mrmml a number of orthodox Greek clergy proceeded aboard of her and hsld thanksgiving services. Several balloons coming from the German frontier have recently been seen hovering over the Itasdan for tresses andcamps and are believed to constitute a special spy service. One at Kovno was fired at, but the occupants continued to vse their glasses undisturbed. The balloon set ui to bo under perfect control. It is said that at Dombrowice a bal loon was seen sailing again t a Iresh breeze, stopped when It plead ed and rjiauouvered as if fitted with a perfect 6t3e: ing and proDelllD2 uppareto! 4 I I V mchl7 3t Clear Itao. N. O. to lrsrfamijy.