i I i . r re . .J i THE CAUCASIAN tTiNTON, C, April "28, 1892. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. How to Advertise. We do not wish large advertisements, but . ... U i. 9 tiTvt'kll finux fni n vm f .-. 1 A 1UII11 Ja "live aa j vait ifr IS IJUj Index to Xetr Aarertlseme nl. Tho Risson W it II. Uanste-in. OnTHuriacf Gttlr a. P .Tnfcnci.-... &c " v- sizk but TiMa that -.ve prefer. HATES. ADVERTISING : lin. blwrek, 7r ,4 ce l. ( in.) 1 wk, S 3.50 1 I '6 -JudO next week. Wirjs'.oa hoi's court here 1 iuo., 4 1 yr., S 10.00 4 " I wk., if 2.00 4 " 1 mo., 4.00J " i i vr.. 20.00 " li-ol. 1 week, J.OO , 1 mo., fcl.j.OO l yr, i-20.)0 New cross ties aro beiaz put on the l mo., $ 7.00 Clinton Branch road. i yr.. ?:.oo -Dr. Lee u treating his drug store to a new coat of palatini. 100 2iew Subscribers! DUPLIN COUNTY DOES T1IE J FAIR ACT,, 1 wk., i j.o 1 mo., i yr., so-j.oo An extra charge is made for position. SUBSCRIPTION: One year, - :-l fti) Six mouth, 7.5 Four months, ... - 5t, Want. Uusiness Lonals. Heading Notice.. rani, etc., will he innerted at ten cents per liin- (six words) for lirst insertion and attre i ( lit it line for eaeh subntinient insert'on. olii'uuiries piihlbihed free il not more than h a Uin . (sixty word.); live eentn for each uil.litioiial line (tix words eueh). ThW cbarsce i- made, an you will wee, simply a. chcrk it length. ( oiuiaiinicutions dUcus.nin? the bomcof lii' day, if to the point and br icily exprenxed v, ill he imhlished in column heaued "A t'o- i iim oi I'uidic Opinion." Comiiiuuications containing aliietlr News Item will always he welcomed awl publUti- cd with pleasure. Uy e.iding such news linn . frequently oil will help both your rfiniiiumty and t te paper. When you wi-:i yoar address c hanged, give TuE Caucasus from now till the elec uhl as well a. jc orace. Address ul oommuuicutions and luinea letters to TiliO CAUCASIAN, Clinton, N C. Matters of a private nature should he uuuked "Personal" and addressed to M Alt I UN 11U 11. Kit. Clinton. N. C Town Election Monday. We bear two tickets will be in the field. The Clinton Library Association will meet at I r. A. M. Let' Fridav night. -Prof. W. It Skinner has organized a fiuging clus3 here. Over th'.rty are in attendance. Urn. A. 12. Marpby Ls fi'st of the aetaoa for bjrta blossom.-". S'ie h.wl then: last Tuesday, If is only twenty-one d-ij'k t .11 tbc Kate Convention at Raleigh, which mctU 4? ay 18th. Ik-ad our campaign off;r. We give Shown Its Appreciation. We bate received from tha DapHa County Afiiacsq one hundred tabseiibera to Ts Caccasiak. Lei tbgoci work go on. Duplin can always do the ae act aad alvajs kaoira ho to do it nicely at thAt. Now let oar friends over there eead us thecewd. TbU is important. LeteTery man who reada Ta t Caucasus consider hiicfclf s special correfipondnt and drop m ptli tcllin anytHiigof ia-ten Vr tbank oar frieudsfortbbieviJence of their appreciatioa and shill derota onr ftergies for their good. m , ,., Pcrsoaalti. IJUMNESS LOCALS. jy-"Wants" and Business Notices oau ht Inserted in this column ai ten ce,iii imc lU'intmber that T. M. Ferrell is headfiuarters for Cheap iOiToe. When you come to court next week call at the Kacket Store lor ycur ladies hats, dres oods, glove, bhoe?, hlipper.s panvaolrf, and any ""other goods that you intend buying. Very respectfully, jIaky E. Pi;ti:i.sox & Co. Whitteio ore's best No. 10 Cotton Cards at j T. M. Ferrell's.1 I have a lare stock of good.-, now for sale. Clocks, Watchc.3, Jewelry, Spectacles, Dcess (Joods, Notions, Oents' Furnishing Goods, Glass, Tin und Crockery. Come to see tlieui . ltespectfully, 15. F. Powell. Another tub o that nice Butter, just received at T. M. Ferrell's, Big lot of Flour for eale cheap. Alsonewcrop (-uba Molasses, and Bailroad Snuff at 35 cents per pound at C. P. Johnson's. "7,000 yards of those beautiful Tlaids that T. M. Ferrell's crstoui ers have been waiting for, just re ceived. Q. for fifty cents. Those wanting to know a aife way to clear rats out of a house should call on ilr It. J. Williams. We are very sorry to chronicle the death e: Mrs Carson, which occurred last Thursday morula?. Don't fail to attend the primaries and fcpeak to your neighbor about the necessity tf attending. Thooe who have goods t bay will i-id a bir-'ain at Clinton. It will pay you to coaie and ex iurni them. Did any one remark concerning the we ilher. If they did we did not boat it We don't talk weather here now. DtPLis conn. Mr. George Uritt, of W. A V. K H., was here last week, shaking hands with his many friends. Dr. C. V. Herring, of Concord, a ormer resident of this place, was on our ctreeU last Satnrday. We were vcy glad to see that Mr. Jere Peareall was able to be out on the streets last week, and to know that the fracture is rapidly- healing. Mrs. A. F. Williams, of Kenans- ville, spent a fe days with Mr. It. J. Williams last week. Mr. W. A. Dunn is at home this week. Dr. J. M. Faison spent Thursday night in town. Mr. T. M. Lee was on a profes sional visit in Duplin last week. We were very glad to see Mr. Frank Holmes here last week, and that he was looking so well. Mr. W. T. Williamson went up to Goldsboro Friday. Mr. W. S. IIolme3, who has been speddir.g a few days at home, left Every citizen 21 years of age bas ri"ht to ijo into the primaries and vote, if he goes with a good purposs. Seud in your names for our "Gam paiii Oli'e 50c. will get you the Monday for Richmond. Caucasian from now 'till Not. 15th.. T7e were veiy sorry to hear ol the dath of llr. George Pope, one ot our very hard working and industrious citi zens. Mr. A. F. Johnston has jaat received a full !ic of nice, new Spring gocda. S33 his l' idd " ia acoth. r p'ace calling attention to his bargains. Come to Clinton for cheap goods. Yu know our merchants ate selling at . . ' -w- 1 1 reck bottom prices, v, e oniy hsk jou Mrs Capt R G Holmes to try them, tee notice elsewhere. The Weather Bureau is proving a very convenient arrangement for us. Forecast are received by Mr. W. S. Parti ick each day at 12 M. for the next twenty-four hours. We are very glad to announce that Mr. C. L. Laudie has accepted a posi tion on Ths Caucasian. Mr. Laudie is Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Carleton, of Warsaw, were in town this week. Judge Boykin is at home this' week. Mr. W. Pw. K. SIo"uiab speut a day or two here this week. Mr. Matt J. Pearsall was in Ke nausville and Faison last week for a few" days. Miss Kale Hill has been visiting MAGNOLIA XOTES. 'Socetblfg ttt r nz-Ut tas mss, Nw e;o' For sirkH-r acta cf Viztzca. bare t-p'.jie-, E'er eiuce tue vo rid t-ecatf. ilirried, on ths SO a itist, by Rt. Ccleu Sharr, tt the ruidecca ct itt trido'a father H Llarcol n, Mr. Jariaa C Hvfce wid U ;M B Fl jreHMi aestfc. A few days tear to Virgtii boa RgaiQ. Good lat k attead tbeta The toira is aaJerroiBff some other chaajrej &I Ur. Jro. P. Crocm ba parchai tLe old Co'.Ieg 9 bvl Jin? i a w making soca cecdei repairs cm aatae. Ia coccecttoa w;tb tll$ U h ratoored that we are to have a "High School" in in tbe fall. Mai Alsdiia b3 right ilis tiai There was Kma good praicbiog at the Baptiet Church SMarday 11 a. sa- and Tnnday uighu Rt. Mr Meks preach- v - . - i i ruc't I Ibiw nave neara iieiT iaaa iceoss ojb ; Tliat it ain't tv ao day night by Uvt. J I) jNewtau, cl tee Tbomaeyra Orpnsna?e. The cosrea here has oeea without a pastor for sev eral tnoDtha and bow it does nedlbow the coaimaDity dots ceed sosie wide awake, energetic. eons?crate4 miaisttr of ths Go pel to take bold. Rev. K C. Pee!, lat? of Wilmington, ii expected to preach her, Wednesday after 1-t 6aaday, ia tie aioraiag acd at night. Dr. fcwindeil ia adv;rti?d to. the M tbodist Church next Haaiay night. Both cf car Sunday Schools are in a more prosperous crnditioa tbaa for Boce time. We trait there ia a gay! work bring done Tfce recent cold wave didn't forget m, on ths coiitr&ry it made such an iade!s bie imprctaioa oa the trackers that Iboy may cot bs able to get over it for the seas m. Uians were kulea oatrignt, pO' tatoes and frait it j ired. However there were tome strawberries for na1 oa our streets last: vttk. Eow h that f the late sea-sat? ir: asdilra Nawbcrry were off l.vt seek oa a trm to Go'dsocro and ltica niond. Dr. Mcililltac is cv.t again end loots noce tha worso from his eivtrc illness of two weeks. Mrs. Glisson acd daughter. iTiss An nie, spent last week with relatives iu Leuoir ::ai Jor.es. Mrs. J. A. liol-iagsworih, of Texa, who has been tpenJicg the winter with relatives here, boa iSi-urued home. She was accompanied by her sister, Aliss Ja nie Murphy, of feeder. Miss Elizabeth Woith, of Xesv Jersey, is soendiria a while in town, the gutst of iLiss Lizzio McMiilian. A ple&iaat souii jam to her Us es Jam;s aad Cow?.n, of Maple j iii.l, N. O , are visi'iL; kiss nckatt. 2s. B. The Democratic voters of thi towa&bip are rqaeated to niscfc here Sat- yfY n V ' Saxjia Cecsty Expciltcrts. AmoauU. ordrd call br li? Capiat y CntanLtiaii.rii at 8S2, are &k foll-srs: MARCH. E. Peterson, k .?.!:,' eoaaty jail, l ti Sl.oritfOrant, for 1 uioathex- pen a f S wi i t?a , 9.57 W. T. Wi'.IU ja, work in - Curt H.m. o.Ot) Sbea-waiin'tip. y'Wt y! Cra"t fool tae i asaw mean ttmroer nt a- '.!, th' wind d.-nt H.i! Lu't tell me a thins about it learnt it all long rime asro : Mumuer'i com in ! iiyear that wotter ruirel-irngjrle under- n-th tu' oltfctone w&ll! Hyearthem robing ia th' orchard purtf lufrir w utiea can : Iiyear them lo' fear's fliea a-buzzln' In th tun : I'Miiaw : ttut am t all : Summer' com in' 1 Way down ysnder In th' luedder, 'Wbee- (l Ie-wherUie," eome th err : uiuit over in in' orem-mie wrens is nop in slick and ulr : Johnny Cotton geU a sorter lazy move as he neooiii uy : Jf ammer's comin'! Pn.eU them freh-rlit locus' postse ! Se itiar lenar atfrprin noies ; Feelth' way th' sun's a-shinin on these lad vdjellar noils I Sea th' mare ia th' modder Golly ! Wate ner, how sb rolls ! hummar's comin'! Iiyear them limpy ducka-quawVm round in puaaies mucky brim I Seethat tut-ty crow a-roos-tin' on th tippy toTtmofct limb I neean tay a word v him: Suiumerxs cominx ! dcuhu: column ADvr.nT?EnCT& 01IF 8 spring i' -L ' ? rfl n 5 vc-v. LXat triiviiU If Don't yv smell thet sof, eweet smell thet's warm an' cool an' dump an' fresh ? Doi.'t v gnifft th' sassvfras a-growin in th' underbresh ! Don-t j see, er air y' dcef, er Oh, good landy 1 Wisht you hesh ! bummer's cotaia'! Jack BennetL urday, Jaay J.i:, tor parpo&o ci eit'jtirjg throf delegates to go to the c'iq- FAIS0X LETTER. Affairs of the Chnrch Truck Alliaace luioaPersonal Mention. NOTICE ! TO CREDITORS OF CLINTON LOAN AS SOCIATION. It is important that all persons who hold claims against this Associ ation, and who have not presented them to mo should do so at once, or they may be deprived ot some val uable right. vm3, Receiver. My Spring and Summer stock of Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions and Shoes has never been equaled in Clinton. Come one and all now to Full Slail Ccrrespondc-r.ce. As ever, we found Faison as live as a cricket, iluch interest and industry was displayed in church, truck, and a very experienced printer and will bo a politics. great addition to the paper, lie W33 p. jj, Mclntyre conducted ser- ccnaceted with this paper waen owned vjce8 Rt tue Presbyterian church last bv Messrs. Nicholson & Cooper. He comes here from Kutberfordton, N. C. We call attention elsewhere to an advertisement ot one of our most enter prising and progressive merchants, Mr, r- rTnntMn FT lias on hnnd a verr 1 membership 120; new members largo and complete stock of dry goods, ceived into the church 17 ; averag Sunday. A large congregation atten lively listened to a strikingly original and interesting sermon. He made report of the last year's work, showing $1,160 raised for church purposes ; total re-at- V. S. PaIITIUCK'S. Cream Cheese at T. M. Ferrell's. clothing &c. He nas bought them at a tenuance as cunuay scnoois oa. ine borsain, and takes this method of call- Sacrament ot the Lord's supper will be Those owing us will please make immediato payment as we need the money. Very respectfully, Watson & Peterson. Oct. 1, 1S91. V. T. Williamson has sold out to Tt. C. Holmes and ask all owing him to make immeditta payment. - . MOVED. have moved my stock' of Gener al Merchandise and Notions from my old stand to the Ferrell Stoie, formerly occupied by T. if. Par trick, where I shall be glad to show my friends some very cheap goods, such as Crockery. Tinware, Cloth ing, Tobacco, and Notions administered on the 2d Sunday iu May two weeks earlier than the regular time, when Rev. Mr. MoTutvre and Mr. lsham Faison will be in attendance at the General Assembly at Hot Springs Ark., as Commissioners from thia Pres bytery. The condition of truck up here is very For Our Townsman and Those InteresJ- encouraging. The cold weather did not ing the attention of the public to this, j'ee his large and attractive ad. on the 4th rage, "and when you come to town be sure to call on him and examine his goods. . . STRIKING STATEMENT. vtatioa at itileigu. C Demounts attead your ra.etiags or loss yaar coan- try. J- Are you willing for some one che to write your platform and nominate your candidates, atd voa have nothing to say afcout i ? If not then go to the prim tries. Resolutions of Respect. The above cut was made with aa ordi nary pecket knife by Morman Jenniug, a 16 year old boy ia town. He has made pome remarkably fioe cuts. This one 'as cat oat of common cherry wood, aad th j htighth of oar type, so we mikt rcom for it. ALL THROUGH SAMPSON. (Continued fron Fourth Pago ) ed in Clinton's Future. In a Speech a few days ago, Col. James L. Orr, president of the Pied mont Cottonon Mill, made several statements. One was that a bale of cotton that is made into cloth in the State brings 70 a bale instead of $35, crjust double money. Another was that the mill company of which he is president alone pays to the laborers of the Piedmont section of the State over million dollars an nually. Still another wa3 that the company is "giving 1600 children ten m- nths" education every year with no exuense to them." These statements are full of suggestion for i the future of the cotton States. Bu.y Whip t such low prices jAv..ondtothewise.sSnfficient from 10c. up Be ure to see these goods, and enquire their prices. Good Kerosene Oil at 15c. per gallon. W. H. Duncan. You ca.i get the best 'Stacking Tobacco in town at T. M. Ferrell's. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. I have opened a stand, near the Old Alliance Store, where I intend to conduct a Restaurant in first-class "style, and in a manner that will be acceptable to everybody. It is the only saloon in Clinton. Meals served ot oil Hour ilnriner the day. Fresh Fish and Oysters always on hand Come and be convinced. Give me yoar patronage. Respectfully, B. A. BEST, Clinton, N. C. SPECIAL NOTICE! Oar entire stock of Goods is now offered at New York cost for cash Our books are closed aad all accounts are due and must be paid. Wo mean just what we say. oc 22-tf WM. ,A. JOHNSON. Jurors For Spring Term. Irvin McCullen, J. R. McPhail, W. J. Watson. J. T. Gresrorv, J. M. Corbett, Marshall Tronblefieid, Lew is D. Herrinsr. W. J. Craddock, E. A. Tew, C. L. Honeycutt, C. C Corbett. L. C. Kin-, G. R. Wil liams, B. L, Jones, L. R. High- smith, II. M. Barefoot, J. M. Lack- any, P. G. A. Tart, Octavius Wil liams, J. M. Fowler, John b. Lewis, D. E. Alderman, II. Jfc:. Peterson, D. A. King, T. J. Herring, R. S. Underwood, R prove so damaging here as in other lo calities. We Can not fail to mention in this connection an extraordinarily fine field of strawberries of Mr. Isham Fai son. It resembled a field of clover, so white was it with bloom. We did not have the pleasure of vi?iting other fields, but they are reported to be far above the average. The Keener Alliance Union will hold its meeting with the sub Alliances the 2d Saturday in May. Let all be pres ent, this is important. It will meet at Goshen. A Sunday School Teachers' Union has been organized to equip the members more thoroughly for their work. It will meet Wednesday nights. iilr. Marshal Williams, of Basic City, Va , has been in town far a few day3. He and Mrs. Williams will leave for their home next weei. ' " Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Pierce spent Sun day in the city. r Among those here ast wees were Vess. T. M. Lee, W. U Hill. Dolph Mosely and Sam ifuore. M. P. The Enzaliaa Socisty of Wake Forest College, ia regular eetsion, April l6:h, 1892, upon the aanouocaaieni, oi ine death of Rev, Dr. B F. M arable, of Clin ton, N. O, appointed a committee to fb-aft; t!ia fo.lawini? rsaolaiious of r- spec': . . , WfiEREi?, ir. uas pieascu .tuaii&uijr God, ia his infiaita wisdom, to take from earth to heaven Sev. B. F. Marable, D. D., one of tha most abla ministers et the Gospel ia North Carolina, and one whose usefulaesa has been great, aad iafl.:ance ever ennobhag; and whereas, Dr. Mara ble was ta aliuninus of this institution aad aa honored member of our Sceiety, having beea its representative ia the first joist anniversary exercises of it and tee Philoffi&thesiaa Society. B j it there fore resolved, 1st. Tnat not only has the b'ato c. "V.-srth Carolina lost an honored ad aso- i.a.1 nr.ri nsafalcif-zja aad the PrcJ.by- tcrlm denomiai'ioa an abio aad eto qaeat minister, bat the 4l:uard hxlj of this institution h is los' o -e of i's mo-ii learned ;momb2rs, ar.d Euzilia cce of h?r ma-it briliiaat sons. ; 2nrl. That we. as Euzeliaii3 'while ham- blv bowing ti the Divine will, regret the loss of oa3 who hp.3 retljotca ho jor np a bis Alm-i Mater aaa upoa oar iastnr mfithpr. Enzelia. 3rp. That we extend oar heattfjlt sympathies to the bereaved family ia their irreparable less. 4!.h. Tnat copies of these resolu'ioas ba ssut ta the North Ciroliaa Presbyte rim aad Clinton Caccasum with a re- qast to p j'oiisa; tbit a copy oa -sent to tna bereavwi family, and that thsy snreai uooa the record book of the ii niJt I3VIN HaBDESTY, O J. Psterso:, Cm, J. D. Robsrtson, Miroo. Cotton pUn':"5 seeaa to be qui vh':ia the hail storms dosj over. V. e had one the 22o J iznt. M!ss Amelia Herriag's tchcrd U en a boom. Miss Herriag w qnica a gco teic'rr, I'm to'd. Mr.;. Saaa p.isasd away from life to de:.ta oa the 13ih ias';. at 2 o'clock p m. iirs. Les was 58 yea-s old. She W23 a sco'lcl lady aad leaves many near and dear relatives and friendi to mourn after the drpir'.ed one. fcnCElBEB. 41 12.60 3.C0 l.2J 3). I'D 4.00 6.&0 2.W 3.00 2.75 3.25 5.00 73.S7 .ry.7o 3.00 2.10 o.ov j 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 2.40 6.00 S.0C 3.00 1.20 3.0C Don't fail to attend the primaries Thi ia noi only jour privilege, but your duty. LISBON. Jdr. Dal!a Herring caught the.krges? trout of the season lust wmk. it weiga p.1 11 nnTinJs. H,v cmcht it with hook - - aad liae. newtC?oCove. Mr. J. H. Hollinsworth and Mis3 Minnie Smith were married ca the 20ih inst., J. A. WarricV, J. P. ofSjioting Oar best wishes for them. "usak to vour neiglibor about his duty to attead the primaries. Au Appeal To The Humane. " It Should Be in Every House. J. B. Wilson. 371 Clay st., Sharps- burg, Pa., says he will uot be with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,that it cured his wife wha was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of "La Grippe," when vaiious . other remediws and several physicians had doae her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksnort, Pa., claims Dr. King's Vfiw Discovery has done him more eood than anything he ever used for LunP Trouble. Nothing like it. J.ry it. Free Trial Bottles at Dr. R. H tlollidav's drugstore, Clinton, N C, John R. Smith's drugstore, Mount Olive, N. C. Large bottles 50 cents and 51.C0. Salem Items. The Nsrth Carolina sccloty for the fraveatioa cf craeltv ta aniaia'.3 appeals to all humane peopla ia t'ia Stale for their snrp ;rt ar.d a.-.sistaacc. This society was ors'auizs'd two years aso under a ioU'aHvA charter, fith authority io estab'.fsh ard locate branches as any p'ace or place? within the boundaries cf the State." At the tine of irs organ iz.tioa it received a dena-'ioa of fife hundred collars from ?, non-revde-nt of the State, who has recently, ansciiclte?. ar-nt another dcaav.oa of ufty Cc.Uu, with an expras;o3 cf gratifiaaron at :ha saccesafal work of the fcc'vnj t,-cs f r. This work Laa bec-n hitherto Ernest wholly confined to Abbeville and i:s vicinity, tat the S.:-c:cry bas fro-a the beginning iocKSd lorvara i.o tua nie when it could exLeud its work thro- uuuw T MAKICETS. CLINTON. (Reported by A. F. Jouxsox & X) CirrM . pons 3ucon, . . . . . Chicken, . E'gs, 8 to 15 to Beeswax iiutter, ! L ird, F.Tj.icr, iTiour, Hides, The pntltc debate at Salem, the 8th iast , was a sntcs?. On the day tcuof lowicg the Alliance of Koaeyoatt's town ship held its Unioa at Salem, with R. 5'.r. l. ij -vr -n..ti TTxi.tnr l a. uramDicT as Jrrssiaens. s.r. a. rr. Owen made the first spee3o. It was fall ton. J. W. Westbrook, W. H. Col- well, Wm. Hill, B. L. Calbreth Frank McCullen, J. M. Parker. Salem Items. Thinss in general are progressing smoothlv and quietly arouad talem. Rev. A. A. Butler preacneu at oaiem int Saturday and funday, lbta ana - aiiii inns uuiucuiBLiu zu .iiui a iau nthinsts. We listened to the brother . . eh.,D and know it more etdumbie. of eood poiats. sound iadgaient aad common sense. The subj-ct: "Mow ana when shall we eet there? ' wa3 diseussea One advocated taking care of Betsy and the childrea. and the rest woaid get there some time, bat as to the tims he coald not tell. Another sabiact: "Oaght the farmers to bay commercial iertili Z3rs? - There were good pojats proaac- ed on both sides. Oar opiaion is that it is a drawback to the asrrieuitarai class, and that home-made manure can be Tlie Skill and Knowledge Esseclial to the productica of the most perfect aad popular laxative rem edy known, have enabsd tha California Fig Syrup Co, to achieve a great eucss s la the rtpatatian of its remedy, Syrap of Yz as it is coECadcd to ba . tho ativU hxxtive. For ssla by all drngiita. ' with pleasure. His discocrse was ex oilvto th noint. and very impressive. Bo is an earnest speaker. May God bless the brother to faithfully discharge the duties that rest upou him, ia his vocation. Frof. Butler gave us a lec ture on astronomy last inday nigu it vfrv instructive, and highly ap tod lr nil that heard him. We pitVfcv J i,. t hunr hiin nwiin- ht. A. J. Cooper bas lost some of his cattle, by their ea ing C hina beme. 65 8 11 25 10 IS to 22 20 to 25 1 5 5 50 to G 00 . 05 to 03 m m a jvkI blank, 8.1 In 1 at county farm, 24.53 A. Gils, 3 month supplia, 4.21 JaniuH Le.v l, ofilriai tvrvice, 8.00 Sylvester Carter, serving no tiers. V. H. Duncan, u ea-h&ndisi f cotinty farm, Abram tiraham, burying ptu- ler. Davis Hall, 3 months aupp'ica Martha Hail 8 ' Frank Llfel 3 lUcam Sp'il, Kervlng notic J. E. Roy.d, ititT-hi di no- count county farm. J. E. Royal, merchandi-e ac count jail. D. M. Part rick, merchandise ticenunt ctmntv fauu. Ilm Hargrove, 3 months sup plies Marv A. Owch, 3 monthssup- plies, W. R. Peterson, gaaiding prisoner, J. F. Hudson and others guarding prisoner, Ac, D. J. News, keeping pauper, J. O. Culbreth, material and work on bridge, V. K. Anders, material and work on bridge, Seiiie Williams, 3 months sup plies Wm. Dardeu, serving notice?, E. Turner, work for county iiirm, Watio McGee, 3 months sup- Plias Rachel Crumpler, 3 tuonths supplies, Mil s Cashwtll, burying pau per, Jas. Simmon, 3 months sup plies W. S. Partrick, merchandise for county farm. Creuy Pope, 1 month supplies I.'jO Jtih Jacsson, ' " O. Ingram, 3 Julia A. Rich. 3 " N. C. Faison, serving notices, Saruh A. Uradshaw, 3 jtonths riipplies. Andrew Lee, 3 months supplies COO "Vm. A. Johnson, merchandise for county, 5.65 O. L. and 1. James material ar.d work on bridge', 22.00 Robert Tew, 3 mouUs supplies 2.00 Jf.s. Daruen,- ox lor county farm. W. E. Herring, part payment lor material and work on C ear Run Bridge, J. M. Spell, sheriff, summon ing jurors and other work at February Term, 18D2, J. E. Royal, rations 1 ;r pau pers, J. M. Marshburn. 1 day as ct;.n'r ai d expenses at bridge 24.00 C. Hobbs. services as com'r nntl other exnenses. 11.80 O. F. Herring, services as rlnrk- and othor expenses. 14. 1 5 APRIL. Nancy Hall, 3 months supplies 3.00 w. S. Partrick, merchandise fur count v furm, 8.19 Henry Knight, buryicg pauper 3.00 Lofton Herring, 3 months sup plies, Daniel Faircloth, S month.' supplies. E. Rackley, 3 mouths supplies C. P. John-on, ban for coun ty farm. Mrs. Drew Smith, 3 months supplies. D. M. Partrick, merchandise for county farm, Hands at county farm, J. E. Royal, mercnandi-e for cour.ty farm, Mary Jackson, 5 months sup plies. Zidie Wet, 3 months supplies Silas Bradsh iy, 3 .ios. sup. Barney Faircloth, 3 mos. sup. Nellie Moore, 3 mos. sup. Candes Talum, 3 mos. sup. Tard Hope, 3 mos. sup. ' Frances Dudley, 3 mos. sup. John Johnson, carrying pau per to county farm, S.uart & Hints, lumber for bridge, Martha Weeks, 3 mos sup. Louisa Holmes 3 ,Q0S- SUP Crea-y Pope, 3 mos. sup. Mrs. Joshua Bass 3 mos. sup. Jas. lliggs aad wile, 3 mos. sup Jenne tt Hall, 3 mos. sup. Stephen Royal and wite, J mos. sup. ShorifTGraat for Sam WUso-.rs expense5'. Bascum Spell, material ana work on bridge, W. E. Herring, material ana work ou Clear Run Bridge, llo0 D. J. Beach, work on Clear Arc taw here r4jr fcr lajpeU-rm, &;' va1 n' t fciy ll:al!f. a-ourx-i ri-t n4 :!,; r 1 We are trUllus t &rA Va test vt h t.i t ri?:i Oar eood are not all wo claha for itsrt.t. 4hn d t b V maka no fal ptatexntnts Cur jjciaUi a d nna.iil vain?, cm alvray b found a lvrtl.cil. The follotrini: dprtirifnU ar cvajdei, a-' a HiUl yoa will fi id many Ihlns to intr vu: jry li.!, S ,UfMt Jewelry, Hat, Six--, CirrU, Trunks t'H"kry, Il-.lwa; Tln ware, Groceries, Paint?, O !s and Va 4; Sike Our SiK'cialiif.s ir u Xcxt Thirty l,is: 2,(KX) yards of IVcv tl nt c i;ts "C Inch, ALL wool., L ds at treats 1J it4-li, au. wtvi., l)rvi (ivuis at erai.s Jdie' l.tcnl L?ithr Tip, Oxford a" 1 IU. ParatMils at Jit) t ents aud l.tKK Hainmurk at ' cetit. Wire Coat ar.d Hat Hms at 10 cents ter d zan. Uespoctfally, A. F, JOHNSON. if. Ilemetabtr that we hive a fall lin of Dry-Goods and Motions ? a Wa rill Ax ta have vou rotrtd iu aaa" exiLthij our fliotc boiore buyinir. Wo have in ftocli a liti? tf Pai.ts we will f ll rTui;. If you have a cut. 1.u"m or oi.- try 4Xeval A !Un5 Oil " vh!cb s the best healer w have Ver cn. We Lave just received a tiro lino . f Coafeclloanrles. Mens' Hats lato t Mylo ami coot! : t'l.y. J"a rtJved. rjat CoITe in town tt a low fLMir-j. Try our Flour, "KiiawootV' hraud," yv.i t. ill b : fur t like It lies j "artfully, W. S. KING & CO. XEV ADVEUTlSEMKXTS. I XUW U)'i:i: riiJKXIBNTS. 21.00: 1.50 2S.25 7.50 3.00 9.00 3 00 4.00 3.00 1 12.C5 3.00 3 0. 4.59 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 5.00 2.00 2.95 4.50 3 00 1.50 3.00 . 6.00 3.00 3.00 10.31 35.50 Beta llie mctliod ana rcpv.Its'rrhci Syrap of Figs i.3 taken; it b pleasant j pjiu rttrcsuing to me uvmc, v 1 gently yet promptly oa 'he Kidney Liver aad IJowc js, cuan?f ite sy tem efTectnally, dipei cc!i!s lirai aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs Ls the only remedy ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prwnpt its action and truly beneficial m ita effects, prepared only from the rnoJt healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tho most nonnlar remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for sa!c in 50c and 61 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on har.l will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any Eubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CU LOUISVILLE. KT. HEW YOflK, ft.T. W WILL Gill A SHOUT WIND, SKIUES J, S4.00 Watch, Like the abovr1, to tlio person will pet ui up a Club of 1 1 Xett Cash Si r.scKiJJKiv. for ore year each. Thi.i in the same Watcu that Mr. G. T. Rawls', th'!' Jew eler, has for ealo iu Clinton. Who will bring tho Crat Club? ' Tlie Watch ia ready for you. Tin: CAUCASIAN, ap" tf Clinton, N. C. W3h p fey All I, SKIM DISEASES CAN BE MADE BY AOESTd Ml Ll.IXO THE Farmers' Alliance History AND iAGRICULTUHAL DIGEST By N. A. Duxxino. Author of "The Philoop"iy of Price." "llislo-y of tlio U. S. Dol- lar," ana Associate iuior 01 ine ist, official orgn armors' Alliance Run Bridge, 55.00 Physiciana endoraa T.P. P. aaa eplendid ; Xatlonal Economist comhiaation. and prescnixi it gxea 0f lno stional t a satisfaction for tb curw ef all iorms ana . d Jn ju,. fi u ijniou. tagesof Primary, Bceondary and Aeruary u wjU "contain W)0 pflgen, H ele- IJi?' ''JiJLW1Tr.J.-.M uar.t photo engiavingn. It will bo "Sl the krreatest book of the irlM. ill 'i?1--?ri th iCif-- Pric: Cb.th, I2..VJJ Half Italian, W'.U-il I ! 3.50. Send for terms and circulars 4 50 wn.nnT.TO'. Tiinu.n1'llA. fh-rf!1 . . . 1 10 t fVirwir. and Yi;ow Pin) 2 2.3 a,;n. (stmiued) .... 1 13 P f Tar, Pr L , , R. J. Williams, ratioas lor titiuners. J. E. Royal, rations for paupf-rs 13.50 J. C. Hobbs 1 day as ch. B. C. C. and 23 miles travel, d.4J J. M. Marshburn, 1 day as Corn. a;ii visits to b.Mge, 1-J.VJ O. F. Herring, one aay as clik and other wri, 1- ou The a'iove is a correct stateaient. O. F. HEBIilXG, Cierk of B ard County Com'rs. ErpLnis, Syptnitio Eheaallsm, ScT0i.a lona Ulcers and Sorca, Glandnlarhwellmc EhennifttiBin, Jlaltna, eld Chmaia V lcerg tLit hava reeic'.ed ail treatmoct. Cfctanfc. Umimk Offer! Mr. A . A Bn:ler filled the pulpit here on the 18:h and lta. Tag people seem to Kk hia style aad manner very tench. We are sorry to inform voa that most of the frait around here are killed. The school will be closed on the 20ta of May. Coma one oome all. CIMEu. provisions ex us iJiivi. (Vir,'in) Is balieves taa: a sjs.ema-w i n. . 3 rh-it n.l f,nsht ECS- to 02 Eace. u Drnterlncrm.. ... iOOUU w make the effirteaccassialitisarjsoiaieiif that every friead" of the cause should Seat the Soeietj a be'piag hand; Srst by fiaancial support, at least to the extent of the cost of aa annual membership. which is at present oal one Gcuar, ata second, by active assistansaia executing the p'an of extension adopted by the Board of Maaagers Ail desired inform atioa about the plan will be faraiihed nn nT!irttir7r ta tha Secretary aad Treasurer, Waller 8. Cashman, cf AeheffiM. ilsmbershiu fees shoa.a also be sent ta him aad will be Caly tc tro-s!edired. By order of tha-Bcard of Managers. a M. Kallabd. Presideat. Walter S. Ccshmax, Sec'y and Tres r. Asheilfe, N. O., April 1S.1S93. Randall Pope, tbe retired druggist of Uadisoa, Fia., eaja P. P. P. ia the best -n.tniaiT T.. Irvin. of I homo-1 Alterative in tha marter, and ne aas sviile Ga. saya ha was afflioted with siandiod and sold all tha ssKapar'dlas -' . . .vii nra a nn I anA Mnn1 fA'tnlnAA that wara Siiver- n.rrvHiR &s lur icu twa ou - - - enred when P P. PSS 0380,1 Itied. The Camraign will be unusu ly iuteresting this year. Everj one must and will read about it AsctLfr Cere Ur PJieamatism. Lakz City, Fua. P M.i"? Co . Ha fl-iiad, Ga. U-u'm.-: I il it-asaim tor yrtix j ears ar.d i.it M.y wi Vaken dova ai-d cor.fias-i ti rSy ed. My legs n-i l-t wrre btdly eft-olion and the r.- "f a it tppie, ;nd 1 wni u feizfel coadi i"a. I h--'J of. P. P. P. (Pricfc'.y Ash, Pcke K jot and Polaisi atx), Ld af er eertrg ha.i t?-s isgroibnte stT th-3 far mail m z-i the bottle I cirx- x'.ed to try if. an t ater USiag thr.'e a na'i lo:t'ts xm iibl t to go down 5.G l EUi. ?. 3!r!a Iils's:-?. Zcz-nz, Cbrnaia TeraaU Co-.-4 Irises llc-rccrial IVoa IMXJ, P. T. P. :.: & ..crfcl tnc, aaa ea ex-err---' - -r-ry.za;-.r- i - - "-- , 1 v ' t l;;;.-- uydh to ALLIANCE PUBLISH ING CO., 23JN. Capitol St., Wasliingtor., D.C. -V-OP.Tn CAROLINA, 8 AMPiO1 CO. 4. I;; the Mi'fi ioi 0ccr. aim'r cfJ cac'J , 1 1 z coxmeac- . . -. AT ally iuteresting this year. - read about it ooW Jar.-.g szs to-lay I as The believe ll.a. 1 a: tooa fca as tasa ?n n nnn nil Ur r.--.T. aixtvoaa t?H '- aw caa UALVATIAJ . rf- 1 - , A LASG. Piles! Piles': ! Itching Piles 1 1 1 Symptoms Moisture ; intense itcn ing and stiagimj; most at mgnt; worse by scratching. II allowea to continue tumors form, which olien bleed and ulcerate, , becoming very sore. Swayxe's Oixtmxxt stops the itchinsr and bleeding, heals ulcer- ration, and ia most eases removes the tumors. At druggists, or ty mail, for 50 cents. ... ; -Db. Swayxk & Soy, oe 8 tf ; . Philadelphia. about it from now. till the eiec- Mr; Dr L jjoarft tioa for FIFTY CENTS. Caa &R nitna T fr v I mm m " T ce'kat nrpt'is:?, ballwDg cp the ayataai tirnV-J. . . . Lfklk-i vhora tystsccs ar pcisoaed ei Those bloo l ii in ca. impure eonditioa da r T v '.v..i W. J. IawtO".! V . heirs at law of 7. J. Nw-1 to;-, det' l. - j ToF. P. Ne?' N-Orw Sng: This ia r. : d bv D. B. N i a :uit ttra or of J. Nswicn. d.c -. lor the raqoao of eoi-GVojain,; ! of V. J. hew too aud to crca'e ":. -' to pay hi- debt, ia which said procee !i-g the petlticn i liar ed. At-l yoa'irj hertby Basauiitd to appear a, my cL m C. to, K. L., on ire 2'J.h dyc? AprU S'Ji. ct 12 o'ekek M, acd auaer or Jex ar to fcaid pstitioa. 4 As. S. IilZLLL, U.S. U. mctl-Ct m ffft m r PPP CURES Malaria w Campaign Subscriber? legal munatt uiU J ! CVS.Z Ppenoatwrfcea, , Cse it cxi pay tss.lci, nu i i C m oa aad t to .b-: old taad oi PARX?-I'JId a.d iceocr na iir.eof Spnae mmm ii mm A pretty fcco nf Frece'v i'attcrn HB j;4cej ai Sv&li :o suit alL ' Rp-c;fui!- , MOORS & &TASF0RD mch24 tf : to iaenstraa! lrregalaritiea are pcnliarly benefited by the wonderful tcnic and blood cleaning profrti of P. P. P., Prickly ijfch,PakBi;ootasd Poiassiaai. UPPSAS BROS, D.-1'csIsS, Profelarg, Ifefsaa's Bkck, SAVaflXAH na Tsma iiinsi ininti 2Vit J 1 13 1,, m ,im,iiiiiiih B1 f" "II tvii:zu'i3 "iflfa is Sisax eisuvj Mm tat i nuug t rm m VT i a V Js iimtnm'-mmAg ft FREE! Anv ore fctdin.T n$ a noatal cvd with Ohme and addraas will receive ty mail . asaffplepiciiar of out Blood Pariaer. Washicgtoa, D. C, ?e?L 25, 1S3L CAPiTix, Chixicai. O mpaby, Gentlemen: Lat priag I bed twen ty -evea bo'.ls. I wa unfit for v ork. I . . had a tevera Lttdstae. 1 eecara one p?xkage t f the Caaiud Blood Pariaer acd Lad i: reduced to liquid for.4, aad after the ae of time lor two woJcj no ... mors boUa appeared. I prcaoaoce it the bctii blood znsdiciae I fiare eTt-r axed. ' v Yoara eincereij', Pretsiaaa Ka!i-d Ecoaociat. Alirew, CAPITAL CBEiHCAL CO , rochlT-U V Mr story O. O Or yon are ttli wora ot, riiy root to aothlnf . ilWrnenil -flKT. Try , r- ntOtftTS IKO.Y HITT&BS.'! ' a wQX cure yam. aad eiv a fooc atpte ra . iV'lm n nu-.tU-.ua. T V

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