V 1 TIECAUCASIAN.!,,EB LINTON. V.iV-aOU. 18, GENERAL DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICEUS. J. s. Hi... II, 'i-rk SniM'tinr Oiurt. J. .M. N II, .Sltorifr ari l Tn iiri r. O. K. Herring, lli'gister of lJ.nl. TOWN OFFICIALS. K. v Homes Mayor. A. v. I loyal, llicc:iii;iti. Jr. It. H. lIolIiUdy, Treasurer. J). M. Partrick, Clerk. It. i. Holmes It. II. HoWiday, IJ.i M l:tririck. J. C. Slocumb, K. J. illiams, CoimiiMsiunerK. POST OFFICE. ( Till on Wanl, P. M., opens G:00 M., closes 9:00 I. M. Mails dose ai's A. M. and 2:50 P. M. 1'IUNTINO OFFICK. ratuMsiaii Job Ottice, on Fayette ville Sticet, next Alliance Htore. Kill Head-, letter Heads and Eu v I.k s, Posters and Pr. grammes, MortaeH, Ac. AltKIVALOF TRAINS.' Train leaves for Warsaw at 8:20 A. M. Train from Warjaw arrives ac 11: 5i A. M. Ia'H ves for Warsaw in P. M. at 3:10, Arrives Clinton in P. M. at 7:00. WHEItE TO WORSHIP. llaptist, O. r. Meeks pastor; ser vices 1st and 3rd Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Episcopal, rector. Sunday School Sunday evening at 4:30. -Methodist, J. M. Ashby pastor; servicea 1st Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday night. Sunday School nt 'J A. M. Prewbyterian, pastor. Pravcr meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School at 9 A. M. LODGES. Clinton No. 121.I.O.O. F .meets every Tuesday night at 8 P. M. W. (J. Rack ley, N, G., D. M. Partrick, Vice Grand, J. A. Beaman, Sect'y. Sa upson Encampment No. 18, I. O. o. b, meets 2nd and 4th Thurs day nights in Odd Fellows Hall. S. C. Johnson, J. P., D. M. Partrick, Scribe. Clinton No. 3i09 K. of II.. meets in Masonic Hall on the 1st and 3rd Thursday night. M.llanstein, Dicta- tor; J. A. IJeaman, Reporter. Hiram No. 98, A. F. & A. M., meets in Masonic Hall the 3rd Fri day in each month. Everett Peter son, W. M., li. Matthews, Sect'y. EYES ENTIRELY RELIEVED. 3Iajor Win. A. Johnson, of Clin ton, states "that his little daughter IJcttie who, for the past two ynrt ha suffered heverely "Ith her eyes, has been entirely relieved of all pain by the use of a pair of glasses made expressly for her by Dr. D. 8. Harmon, of Wilmington, N. C. Maj. Johnson cheerfully stated I he above facts to a reporter of The Caucasian-, and further expressed his gratitude to Dr. Harmon for the wonderful improvement In his daughter' eyes, after having used glasses and remedies of other Optl. cians with little or no effect. During my absence the slaughtcr nale will continue and my assistants will be glad to have my customers and friends call and buy what they need in my line. M. Hanstein. King Clothier and Hatter. FOR SALE At 11. F. Powell's P. P. P., B. U. B. and the Dr. J. H. McLean Medicines. Also a new lot of Dry Goods and Notions. IjOOAXi xiraiutjss A Siapw. CiitrBy it Ge ugl. Tb - Carney t"!, O , Tribaa, in pub lish peo i tn' 4 biding profer ion.l men u Sf rt Geo H, hte tbe lolli. i cne pliro ly no. of JJ. W. 1. HotU, & tUo.ju -ny boy, wbo left tb'i settkn several jears ago nd ha made Georgia hi boat. Smi- sonlans ar a way sscetstfol war-vir they go: -The uaue and fat rf co! V l Uobbs the elegant and court J j joorg Gainesville lawyer are qnite familiar iu the So pre me and Supeii r court r-xin of Gdcrgia. Col. liobbs in aa homrtd Ue cndact of a fine o!d Virg nU fa -nil v. He stalled law both at toe Uaivtrsity of Virginia acd the University of Georgia and Uooe rf the Terr young lawyers cf Georgt who i we- ring laureU that would rest gracefully on the brow of older men. Notwithstanding hit already eminent eueceea. Col. Hobos' finest work as uwer and orator is ahead of him. Pertoials. 8EC05D AXX11L COSTOT lof k Vbdt (tkPiUt tfaiiUla. BUSINESS LOCALS. I if "Want" and business Notice can be iis i tuil in thin column at ten cents a line. SPECIE L NOTICE. (Ireat reductions in Gingharusf Calicoes and Summer Goods of all descriptions now to make room for Fall Goods. Will leave for Northern Market about September first. W. S.. PARTRICK. aug 18-tf. VITAL QUESTIONS. The vast majority of men die poor. Two only out of one hundred suc- ch1 in business. - --.Are you certain that you are go-. ing to be one of the two ? Life insurance offers opportunities of over-coming the disadvantages of an insufficient estate. Protect your family with a rea sonable amount of life insurance, where the 9torm3 of the financial world cannot touch them. Do your duty and inure imme diately. Every desirable form of policy, issued by the best companies, can be had by applying to E. M. PliTEESOX, Clinton, N. C. A fine Milch Cow, with a young calf, for sale. Apply to T. M. Fekbeli,. 3T Cash paid for old Confederate Stamps on envelopes. A. M. Griggs, Clinton, Js. U. 11 tf The subscription to Tuc Caucasian has been reduced to $1.00 per year. Mre. W. C. B'cb, of Florence, 8. C, formerly of th's place, died last week acd wm buried at Faison. Pesters, Letter and Note Heads and envelopes printed at The Caucasian office. "The Sampson Democrat" makes itsdelut upon the political arena this week. It will fiad a welcome among the exchanges of The Caucasian. We read both side''. Tub Caucasian is the best adver tising medium in this section. Why? Because it has the largest circnlatfon and among the very best classes of oar peo ple. An open boll of ne cotton, from the fiefd of Mr. Marshal Owens, of Hon eycutt's township, was placed on our ta ble last Tuesday, the 16tb. This is the first reported. Who can beat it ? We bear that a petition is being cir culated to allow hogs to run again on the streets. We are rather favorable to the petition, especially daring this season. as tbey era a preat aid in clearing the streets of garbage. Thoae wishing to pay their snb Bcriptions may do so in corn and meat at the market prices. We make this offer to help those who wish to pay for their paper, and to give them no excuse for not paying. The "Old Veterans" left Tuesday morning for Wrightaville, where they will stay in camp several days with thoir old wJr comrades from every section of the Ktate. They carry with them oar sincere wishes for a happy re -union and a very pleasant stay. Rev. C. A. Jenkin, of Oxford, N, C, will begin a protracted meeting with the Pastor at the Baptist chnrch in Clin ton next Sunday, the 21st. The public cordially invited, and all christian work ers in the community are specially invi ted to come and participate in these meetings O. P. Meeks, Paster. A bevy of pretty girls, fonnd the entrance to the inner court of our sanc tum this week, and graced us with a call. It was a most pleasant surprise, and at once transformed us from the perplexities of the political world to thoughts of things more pleasant and elevating that of the social and domes tic world. I will not give the names of my charming visitore, lest my argent request for another call should be inde finitely prolonged. r Mr. W. It. Allen, of Ooldaboro was on onr streets last Friday. Misj Maiy Anderson left Friday for ber heme in Alabama. Mr. Ransom Royal, who hat been spending several days in town vith his son', Mr. J. IL and J. E. Royal, left on Friday for his heme in Harnett county Mrs. It. J. Williams returned Irom Wi'mington Monday. Mrs. O. Partrick has returned from Carolina Bach. where the has been spending the summer. Miss Lucy Peareall. wbo has be- u spending seveial dajs in Dnplin, re turned home last week. Mrs. R. H. Hollidjy his accompanied Dr. Ilolliday to WrigLUville, where she will stay during tbe encampment Mrs. Edward Love and daughter are visiting Capt. Partrick's. Mrs. Susan Hubbard taj returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Smith at Concord. Miss Eva Mattbis has returned from Clifton forge, Via., where for tbe past year she has been teaching. Kiss Pattie Foote, who has been visit ing in the county, has returned to Goldsboro. Mr. D. T. Wilson, of Beaufrt, S. 0 , aa in town last week. Mr. Thos. Barksdale, wbo has been at school in Savannah, Ga., is now at home. Mrs. Tbos. O. Walker and Miss Sadie Reagan, of Atlanta, Ga , aie Tuiting at Mr. J. R. Beaman's, Jr. " x Miss Emma Faison is spending a few days in town. Mr. Warren Johnson, Jr., left Monday to visit friends in Wilmington. Mr. Matt J. Pebrall epact Sundaj in town. Mr. Jno. Robinson and family, of Winston, are here on a visit to friends and relatives. Misses Agnes Partrick and Loula Seaman have returned from a visit to friends at Catherine Lake. Mrs. Walter E. Faison, of Washing ton, D. 0., is spending a few days with friends in town. Mr. O. J.. Peterson left Monday for Burgaw, where he is to begin teaching, Congressman B. F. Grady was on onr streets yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. a. McJioy ar rived Tuesday evening from Wilming ton. Dr. Cass Herring was in town yestci day. Miss Sudie Faison arrived Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Stewart returned Tuesday evening from a visit to her sister's, Mrs. Battle, at Petersburg, Va. Miss Francenia acd Miss Mary Fcrrell lefif tbt morning for a visit of a lew days with relatives at Huntley. h Of tbe Staptift Coaity SsaJay Srkee! AstoelAtles U We HeU ia ik Melkt UM Clare ia CliaUa, rniay a ii J Satarisy, Srteb. r StkaU lOib, im. Ex"TC?e Jo beia prump li at ten oVock A U.wrt !ay. Bdo ii th Friwn'.Sept yta Morui zki .'i I. - g by tue tuair. 2 Frarer fcv Rev O. P. Meekt. 3. 0'jt of th ocvt'iui i et! i'- ed b t' I lajl. Prekl?a'. 4 ODg. 5 Topics fhwu'd all ChrWti r a be in- tr(fd in Fuodav SchxH, byD. U. Siclw 1 aad J. D.'Exzl. C. Song. . 7. Beatdictiou by Rev. B. J. Duncan. AFTK&XOON SESSION. 1. Song. S. Prayer by Rev. J M Afhby. 8. The Duties of thv oQkcra of the Asocitko. 4. Song. , 5 To(.ic ?u ih y fcclico! yarfcfetrrt by R E. Whit, D JiLam, N. C. 6 Closing Prr by Rcy. Mr. Meeks. 7. Doxoloay. 8. Benedkiion. by Rev. Saturday, Si-pt loth Morning bet.ion. 1. Opening tons. 2. Pryer by Rev. ; 3. Opening rf Question Box. 4. Topic "Teachers i nd Teaching, ' opened by Rvs. J. M. Ashby aud A. 4 Parker. 5. Song 6 Benediction. AFTZnKOCX SESSION. Song. Prayer by Rev. A. J. Parker. Klection or Officers 1. 2 3. 4 5. C. 7. The Work of the Convention. Collection. fcking. Closina Pravcr bv Rev. 8. Doxology and Benediction. All persona interested In Sunday School work are cordially inviteed to take cart in the Association. Come, and ... . . et us have a good time in a noDie tsute Bladen County Items. Special Correspondent. Pursuant to a call by tbe County Ex ecutive Committee ot the People's party for Bladen county, a large crowd assem bled at EJizabetitown, August 6tb, '92. Meetins whs called to order at 12 fit- by R. II. Lyt,. Chairman of the Cour.- ty Jixecuuv Kmmitiee. Peroaan,' ,t organization was enccieu by electing R. H. Lyon, Chairman, and A 1L Williams, secretary. The Chairman stated the meeting waj ready far businesa, whereupon a luu county ticket was nominated. - . . . . - l 1 if tr; . CI. x oritepreeeutaiive, o. jm. xvm, rn-i- itl Z. G. Thomson ; Uoroner, B. u. mc Gill ; Surveyor, D. T. McKeitban; Trea surer, E. J . Smith; Register cf Deed?, A. II. Williams. Delegates were appointed to the State Convention, which meets in lialeigh on Tuesday, August 16th, 1892. Also del egates to the senatorial uonvenuon, which meets at rarxcrsturg, oampeou county, August 25tb, 1892 On motion of Mr. 8. M. King the M lowing resolutions were unanimously endorsed. Resolved. That we. the mem eia of the People's party, in convention asaem bled at Elizabethtown, Bladen county, do hertbv endorse the action of the Bla den county delegation in the ThirJ Con gressional Convention, which met at ray etteville July 12tb, 1892. Resolved, That we endorse the nomi nation cf Frank D. Koonee for Congress, and A. II. Perry for Presidential Elector, the nominees c 1 ea'd Congressional Con vention. - Resolved, That we endorsejtha plat form of principles adopted by the Peo ple's party in National Convention at Omaha on the 4th day of July 1892, and will suDDort the nomiaess of said Con vention for President and Vice-President, and that we will use every honorable means to seaure their election. A. II. Williams, Secretary. Sob-Alliances, Stand by The Caucasian. uU Corrc posdaat It w- .? 'm h feibt of fol y to at. Usipt 10 1 xtH& all the r." is. J tf a p vt wh oft t trcalM is a H'ge Tmk CrctA. Ii2-Vkt ja bi d dKipuK or it Pilot Moen:al t by suns oter srrUer, or probably b ea at - 'jr ii'.cicTfcJ bj cue frota the a ol your energetic cdito', wit i sever at a t gucer mutb pron'-ab'e acd iiter- ctVt wat'trfor in colatetietT hts f per. Tr I w wiili lbs f allow is b-l xlru.tifUm tkn writer will hf ooi tw Ji-appy?tt d to learn that the a tc was i i3titreu g v aa iae ra'e m tnt raccASiAM, bu- therunet a hop' t lot en t a seal! mnoritv- 1 have urn t lived ia a tuoo&Uinous sectio-, bat frf tbe p ut terl months hive been te ll nrd at uafc UtUe, joa hu.b ib tt let is tMbte, bat wboe fraal appeju ance U gtystly dmsed by tin d stance of f )tf - Kf;y m le. Uki W'.cx l ri3:vHi toqu n.n a n r ; Mt desir j for moucUio fceiitrj by ' - j iog tbU mounui. and at lhaoBe ft t ; brtalc to Mue extent the luoooioaj u asve:al months a ichool, bicb n i sare to fall victim toj when uesrly bit hundred mi'u f- from home. Leavini btoksdale, my nearest ra"bod poll,, oa lAtha:ardy at 1.4C P. M., I riird at PiuuiMle S aiioa ia about one hoar asd a aalfs pliant rt n,h-ire I found goal hol sccommodAfionsai reasonab'e r:c I now commenced makicg alt ceeeiaaiy preparatious f-r an early start to tbe mountain trp ntxt morning, such as to secure a guiae wbo was well acquainted with the surrounding countiy, and to ob tain a good field glass, etc I was there joidod by two other visiter?, wbo afer pending a very pleasant night at tbe tpai..hoar hoa&e our small party, led by jur goiJe, atarud for the top early In tbe morning, and Lad we not betn well post ted as to the distance wa would have easily been deceived by cur eyes, aud led to believe that a fifteen or twenty min ute's walk would surely place va on top. We hoped to reach tbe p-ntacle in time to see the sun rise, but owing to ths di -tanea and steep grade, which we had to contend with, he had long since risen far i abave the eastern horison. and wrapped his genial rays over many of the western nills beyond. The Pilot Mountain is nearly midway, on the line cf the Piedmont and Mc ua tain division, situated in the eastern part of Surry county, and most easily reach td from fmnacle station, it being tue nearest point on the O. F. & Y. V. Rail road, it looms up to the westward with an altitude of 2.485 teet, whose tummit is surrounded by thti Pinnacle an irreg ular cylindrical or truncated cone thape mass cf solid rock which standi 300 feet higher than the mountain proper. It re sembles a hnge castle with leng goitre windows, and those lighted up with the setting snn presents an nnique and beautiful scene. Its surface area is about one balf ore The Pilot is divided into two parts (a strange freak cf ca. ture) cleft a3uuder doubtless by some convulsion of nature in past ages, while the lesser mountains merges gradually into the bills beyond. The Indians used this mountain to guide them homeward, thus its name, "Pilot Mountain, it stands as an oat- post or fortresp, guard iog the spproath to the wu less aim moBt rominuo scene ry east of the Rocky mountains. Tbe tract of land covered by the Pilot was granted to Martin Armftrocg, of Phila delphia, in 1795, from which granted the title has Bucoessivel passed through James Stewart, of Philadelphia, Wi' liam Lewis, of Virginia, and Anlrew Mathieu to Mr McD. B 1yd. Aboat one fourth of a mile from the pinicle, just a little to the right of -th rugged patb, is found a fine cool spring, which affords a constant flow of the mountaid sweet and marks tbe resting place of hundreds of. visitors. From hre to the base of the pinnacle it is very steep, and though not more than a quar ter of a mile, yet it requires mncn time to go ud. as the ascent, owing to the nature of the mountain, whose patb necessarian v makes a continued wiud sbout to shun tbe many large recks and nnaccessible places, making the distance much further. One can ride horse back to the spring, but from there are compelled to resort to a very tedious cimb. The-ascent to the to the pinna Ue is marie by ladders aud stone steps, although straight up in many puces, Tat it red aires no more nerve than that Polk Memorial and Relief. Fund- JLDVEimsatEHTS. Ili t 4lnwii; t.ui?s,it8v k,vr rerrlkd : . Cubatrust'a. f. AUiaoc, 5 00 Aaio Jhaw, Wrav 23 gmhhCnwk Adiacre, 5tt9, 5 eo B!e t " ,'No. 72, 3 00 All eootrthstiwtt a-at to t oGk will t njb'i!ird itl the ! t, ncw pel far. AVL?. THU CirCASlAV, Sstke. The iVmocrVis County C nviicn wiU v ett ia CUetan. S. C. on VJn dar, Autst 2tth, 13. for tbe purpcM of nomicatisg ccutsfy ofScer and mm- KEW ADVEHT1SEMEXT3L OICJS ENJOYS Both the method and result vbta Syrup of Flz U taken: It la tJeaaaai b--r f tbe IvfrUlatore, and also t e'eci and refreshing to the taste, and art; delegates to tte Senatorial Coaveatioa ctntly jet prompt oa the Kidney, of the Htb litatrict. , Uxtt JMi IUweb, clnse the sjs- tcra cfTectie Mwp! colds, head aches and i tod caret babUaal constipaUon. Brrup cf Fig is the only remedy or it kind ever pro duced, pleaiiug to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prornpt in its action and truly bcnehcial la its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substance, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and hare made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottle by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggtst who may Dot have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any on who wishes to try it. Do not aacept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG mUP CO. touts tiut. n. Mtw hmk. r. By order ot Ktttive ComaiitUe. Ukn'by a. Falsa, CbairmAO. I Clititor. APgu-lOJ), 12. IS MCBOKIAM.- F1t tn linen free, S cent (half ef stiver ttsltij; rsltni) lareach tTbjuent 1att count ing a wortl to t!ie Un, KEUTA fOOl'ER Little brta, dsuthtar of I)U B. kill Kratas Cocp.T, oa tha S2ad of Ja'j , 12, dial; utd uints months and tventy days. She wj$ a mother's joy and a father' d'lht--aa aact a a lily n1 as pure 4 drif'iag snow. Too sweet and pure for earth we know, or the travbur would not have taken her from as to heaven o soon. IKar little Ber'a. from us thou are goae No more on earth will return. Tbe bly low in earth ia hid Bone. h tin silent coffij lid. Parent", in thy Saviour's arms forever undet'led, amid the infants' cherub band, i- thy beloved child. I). TU HamraJKn will be n nas ally Interesting this yAr. Kvery on must and will rjtd aUmtlL The lUtrwux will tell yw ail about It from now till tbe elec tion for FIFTY CKNTSL Cm are taJke down tour mom tor a OaoipaJgn Subacrlburt aojll ty JVLUCKLT8 CLINTON. (Iteiort(i by A. F. Johnjjon'.) Corn, . . reas, Bucon, . . . Chickens, .... hpgs, . . . Reeawar .... Butter, . 8 to 15 to Lard. Fodder. Flour, Hides, 70 80 11 85 10 IS to 22 20 to rs 10 85 50 to 6 00 . 05 to 06 For Rent. The HoUl at AatryviHe, IS Itoau. WiU gire p9aesek btat el A'Jjaat. A Heudl4 oppsrittoUr t) d-a'e yessr ehildrcn Apply to Ttbojiasooopeu, aug ll--gt Aetrrrttla, . a Noti ce Land Sale. BT VIRTUE OF A DEC11ES Of the SapeKrr Coert of Mampeoci ccunty, made at the last tcrat In thcase wherein J. L Stewart is plaintiff and II. H. Barkailale U defvodaat, the nudtr- sigeed, comoitatloLer appointed by saUl deer, will eH at tbe Courthouse do r in Clmtou, en ThorsdaT Ui Mb tbiyaa Bentember. 189f. at 12 o'clock if . for MISS MARY LOU BROWN'S leash, to the fcbrtiest Udder, tbe folbw. leg lands, tl wit: One tract koovn at Bherod Uarkedal Hell place, one tract knows as the She rod lUraada! Bryant place, ond tract koovna ilut Bhtrod Barkadal WUhaius place, aud lb exceei of the homestead of the aald Tl .Vs. 4 I a Im flv. Im ClftntAM k.H. on was tbe homestead of tb aaid Sber rdarksdala, W. It. 8TEWAUT, Commiaslbesr. TliU Ang 8, 18tt.-n-4t SCHOOL will opeo In the Ma sonic 1111 on THURSDAY, th first day of September, 1892. Tkrms Same as last yet j. jy 23 lm W1LMIXOTOX. Turpentine, (hard . . . 1 00 " ( irKin and Yiliow l'tp) l . Spirits Turpentine. . . . 2C per gallon Rosin, (strained) ... - 8.5 per barrel " (good (drained) . 90 per barrel Tar, ........ tl 35 per barrel Crude Turpentine, (Hard) . . f 1 05 " (Virgin) . 1 05 Yellow Dip, . . . . 1 65 Timber, per in., - - - a 00 to 15 00 (Special Correspondent.) At ths feop.e's parry convention tbe .. i , -I TV. monopolistic oieyeiaca uiocra s r assessed bv fair woman, bat hw tha? r-irt 1 1 J I na tt I a " Sampson County Sunday -School ventlon. Con- Ltro ,iount of new crop of turnip seeds of all kinds for sale at C. P. Johnson's. The Sampson County Sunday-School i Convention will be held in Clinton at tbe Methodist church on Friday and Satur day, September 9th and 10th, 1892. This convention is a union of Sunday- School workers of all di nominations; hence all who favor Sunday Schools are WANTED A COTTON PRESS. I wish to buy a second-hand Southern cotlon press. I would pre fer to buy the irons alone. Any one having such a press and desiring to sell will please address T. B. Landov, . Clinton, N. C. RACKET STORE. We are still giving rare bargains in Shoes, Hats and Dress Goods. Now is the time lor you to save your money and get twice the worth ' of it. Don't fail to come. Maky E. Peterson & Co.J NOTICEI TO CREDITORS OF CLINTON LOAN AS SOCIATION. It is important that all persons who hold claims against this Associ ation, and who have not presented them to me should do so at once, or they may be deprived ot some val- lable right. . W. A Dunn, Receiver. For Insurance in the best compa niesLife, Firaand Accidental ap ply to E.M.Peterson, jy 21 tf Clinton, N. C . x We shall begin to take stock nex . .'veek. Lois of Goods in our house j -which we will rather sell .less than cost than to take them ap in stock. They must go. All other goods at : ost in order to make room for our j ' Fall and Winter Goods. I shall leave for . the .Northern Markets about August 5th.; We need money to buy with, hence thii great slaugh ter sale. Yours foi Bargains, ' ' M. IIanstein, " - - ; King Clothier and Batter. Why should every man in Sampson t t.VaTD, r 1 TTr 1QT1 V 9 TtARAnnA itistneonlr paper in the State that expected to be interested. puoiiama, - j "r""""' gently rr quested to me all ddigenceto townships; the only paper that pub- . . . nr. , . h ava lishes your news ; the only paper that .1. - mmmm a M W o fnfllWiatAH I at the latest fey the last week in August. J lirU Afraw tnAfl in f Vila COrti m TV LI V - DUUUIU v v va J uihu vmw ti I mt a.M.A!M ntittamla nA n a 1 Aura take it? Because it r 7" trmej urove xvev. jl. m. ouiiwu. tionof the State not only publishes the news, but keens you posted on the great reform fight between the classes and tbe masser. Tin Caucasian will make the campaign lively. mm i m Please Come. Please come in and pay what yon owe Thb Caucasian. We need it. What each individual subscriber owes is small in itself, but the aggregate is very large j tons. The Caucasian will be lively this campaign. Yon should keep up with it. seemed mad as Durham ifellow of ''conscript fame" while the con tention was m ression would grit bis teetb, blow tbe venom and emit foam irom his mouth like a wild boar, anl ut ter curses in a smothered hoarse whisper. It was really amusing te a silent Rpec a tor to Bee so many funny capers cut.aud so much radical extremism ' manifest. They had doubtless taken doses of Na 16 instead of No. 6 that doctors od min istered to their patients in the good ol J en time. A fellow from this section goes down weesiy io get uis auaes to broadcast his venom to try to bulldoze those whose privilege it ia to differ with him, his influence is weak , as "cidered' water and will hardly run aown graae It ii a free county and the time is here for farmers and their coadjutors to bold ly assert their rights in the new party aa it is the only read to justice to all pre fesslons. Let stalwarts, who are work ing in the interests of railroad monopc cm accomplish this feat in one or more places h a mystery to the write", how ever, after a long wearisome c!imb onr party were all sate on t p, and the read er mad imagine that we were not slow to seat ourselves on one of the many larga rocks for that long-.ooked for rest, and indeed we felt that we had accotnplis'iad bat little, when we could look almost d NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- axsiooaHa nv a mc tsTiutiw r oO H0inn03H Q13IJ0VH8 vrctuouinsaj AjrvmtOA pus uontuiiqjui aiqcnicA 2uiun? -uoo 33 J psireui sushxow oj 5joofl -pi!D PUB WVi i 'if! 0jw2uEa saqsiuiuiia'uiedsuassai 'joqei suavoq'sil ,30WaNV jo; pauircp j us OQ T11AV .S3HX0IaI UAouun oy sqjiq wuubui r uj pauiq , -tU03 3JBSU3!p3i9u!Wql 'C01SS3J -old jE3ip3ui aqi Xq asn jurjsuos u put anjEA paziu8oD3J jo juaip -3j3ui Xj9A 'juaiuiun psrtdwd Az -jyaiiai? ! aHHin j (sshhjlow IASV3 aavw - Bea?er Dam M ScM SAMPSON COUNTY. K. C Full Term of tlilaScliool will lle- gln Julyaata, iir. a o kd"sc sool roa BOTS axd umu This 8cbool ia situated la tbe northern part of Samnaon countv, two miles eonth of Newton Grove and in one of thi beat nnmmnnitifta in the Stlte. Good Board, including room, wahlng and lights, can be obtained in tbe haei families at from 15 00 to$7 00 per mouth Tuition $1 00 to $3 00 par mmtta. Instrumental Ma'to $2 50 per m ntb. For further particulars addre, jyl4--3m Newton Grove. N. C. CLINTON NOTICE. BY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER Of CU't, I ml l,on Monday, the 5th day of 8plembr, 1892, at the tur". hoof e door in Clinton, xpwe to peblie ale a 1 of th' lands of Iraao W. Jioy kin, dieaar d, situated in Lisbon town hip, Kacnson connty, and near Tred weirbrldV It la to a good sUU cf cultivation, with dwellings and other oat-bail lini's thereon. Tbs laud Is sol t ti make nvNti to pay debts. " IxKMt of fiaLK 10 icrtrnt. rai, tUu remtindtr six months credit, with n-'e aid approved security. Title re ter.d ul'U tHirchaee monev l raid. J. C W BIGOT, Aun'r. This July 25ih, 1892 acglMt Notice. BY . VIRTUS CF AN ORDER OF n-mrf I will nn Mftn1v. tlie Mil air'i'x T-4-4 Oourt, I wm on Momay, ma &m Mllltar V lTlStltUte. day of Sptemiwr. 1892, at toe Coort ' I k J-.- I. rV, I.I.., A nnlJU PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES ftaaty Tint nl Aivsyi. CLINTON, N- C. All teacbes have bad co!lreite trio- iog, pr- pared rpp"cUHy f-r tenchlng. freparatory --onre a nwiiu. A snrcial c-ursa In Bock-Uet ring, Commercial Lhw, Comm-rcil Arithme tic, Penmanship. T'cgr.iphy, stenogra phy and Typewriting. YOCAL MUSIC m CALISTHENICS FEEE No additional tost for I Isvio. lioard. Washine, Ugl.U,Tuitiou, etc , $75 00 per firs months. Uniforms will cost $10 00, tll.Za, $12 75 and $14 50. Tuition for Day Pupils will be $1.50, $2.00, $3 00 and $4 0'J per month For further particulars i -rr Pr'ncipal, W. R. SKINS Ell. jy28-tf ' Climon, N. Carolina Colle alc about four turdred acres of tbe land of Haywood ltykln, deceased. Tbe bnds v-iU be sold to small lots: K nr., two houdie i acres; tbrn one hun dred acrea, and so on until enough is oi l to py tbe d ba. TbU land Ls ituatd lu .Ubon toeo abip, 8a on p ton eoon y acd Bear tbe Yadkin Vadev railroad. A store aoca rato discretion will be gives on dyof Terms or Sale -10 p3r cent, cub, the emain Ur ale months credit with note u4tp,rvet a-cirity. Title reserved until purchtse money is paid. J. U WRIGHT, Adm'r. This Ju'y 23th, U92-anglMt C. F, & Y, V. Railway Co, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect June 2th, T. M. FERRELL, General Merchant. ha. p-xolasiva tala of theae cerebral el rectlvnnder u? and plainly see our guides Qigaes io Clinton U. C. Kellan & OF house where he had joined u?, then near lv tffo hours since, while on the other hand W9 fft that we bad accomplihei a eoorJ deal, for none of us were by ar.y means slow to recognize the fact that we then witnessed a grand soane, with the advantage of our glass which was sxn brcnght to the right focu?, we were en abled to seo, and comparatively dra nflir manv little sta'ions alon the Cap Fear road, alBO many la'ge farms, tobac co 'ields. barn?, houses, etc., wbieli were virtually many miles away, thusrende -inz many an oHect visible, which was Moore, the only manufacturing Oplii iaus in the i?onih. . Atlanta, Ga. my 5 tf AGRICULTURE AND Mepliaiiical "Arts, A Dead Child Found. A sensation was created on onr streets pist Thurslay by a dog bringing into town the leg of a mulatto child recently born. The child ha I baen concealed in tbe woods in the suburbs of town, where it was barn. Investigations were made and two negro women were arrested. Dr. Moorei the County Crroner called together a jury of inquest. - The women arrested were released and the verdict left open.' Further investigation will be made. ' . . Barbceae at Dana Postponed. Mingo, N. 0. , Aug. 15, 1893. . : Mr. M. Butler Dear Sir: Please state in your paper tnas tne People's farty Barbecue and Mass Meeting in Dunn has been postponed until September. Time not named. -. Truly, II. H. Drauohon. Newton Grove Isaac Williams Mingo O. D. Strickland. Westbrook Ransom "West Dismal D. M. Williams.. ittle Coharie J. D. O. Cdbreth. McDaniel's Jndson Hobbs. Lisbon D. L Herring. Taylor'a Bridge Jas. Sf. Powell. Franklin Frank Lewis Turkey - C. E. Daniel. Hall's J. H. Packer. -Honeycntt's Love Jackson. North Clintcn -W. B. Stewart. South Clinton---J. R. Williams. Brethren, please take this matter in hand at once and organize 'your town ship. Refer to circular sent you for in struction. Anything yon may not un derstand let us know and we will help you. Very truly, T. L. Puqh, County President. lists, say wbac tney win aoout negro su- , " rceDt;ble to the natural eye. premacy ana social equality, is oniy ,t.h pi, t can 1)e Diainiy Beeri from their "dirty shirt flaunted in the farm ers' faces to try to drive them from their demands. Farmers, stick to them like leaches, and roll up the largest majority for- the reform movement tnat nas ever been given in old Sampson. The fever is contagious and tne entire cvateisaii aflame with it Keep your studying caps properly adjusted, and never give up tbe old ship, aud if it sinks go down with mmv Doints along the R. R , and mt be known to a stranger even at a far distance, having the appearance ol a lare black and furious cloud I must not forgtet to say tnat we waited all around the base of the pinnae ic, and manv times found ourselves, completely hidden from the 6kies above by large and ruzeed projecting , rock, many which presented a mystery to know . ULCERS. CANCERS, lSi SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, A RHEUMATISM, BLOOD. POISON. these and every kindred disease aristae from Impure blood successfully treated by that never-falling and best of all to nice and medicines. SmSSSS Lr Wlliningtoa Ar Fayettevllls Lv rsyettevUle Lv SMford Ar (reenatoro Lv ireenloro J Wiir begin its fourth asrin. 8 dtember Lv Walnut Oovt 4, 1892. Connty rupminrnuenis o Education will examine oppUcants for admission. Total cost $100 per y. ar. . 1LEXA0M8 0. HOLLauAT, jy21 If Prrri-nni. KatefgfcrN. U y OUT 11 BOUXD. No. S. I ho. 4. Dally exldallyea Bunuy.;suM(Uy Ar Mt. Airy Lt ltnnettvllle Lv Maxtou ' . Ar VayeUevtlle Lv lUmneur ArOrenbm-' Ar MadUon Ke. 1ft. IhOlyea Suoda ft 00am S Ot p Di 8S7 pm tn p la li li p m it 23 p m 3 .13 p m 4 p in ElP P. P. P Saves Life. : SAYS WILL LIVJS FOREVER. A prominent Bavannahian, iormerly superintendent of a railroad, ays: "I was criDDled in my feet and arms bo that I could not walk without crunches, nor eat wi hout having a servant to feed me. I tried nhvaiciana everywhere, but to no nnrsose. and finally went to New York where ny doctors, at one time, decided to amputate my arm, course impracticable, on wound I had received during th- war. I returned to Savannah a complete wreck, and my case seemingly hopeless. As a forlorn hone I began to take P. P. P., and am reioieed to say that af er using three botties, my limbs began to s tiaigh- it like patriots tried ana true. - Ma 7 what power at the top had the advan- Ths Caucasian and let every sub-Ill t 0Ter the law of gravitation, surely ance support it at all hazards. Let each o( tQeae tBat weigbed many secretary everything meeting have under tonii and apparently weakly supp rted. the h ad of new Donnas: juoes any at 8ome time come to the roQa , member desire to subscribe tor iheoau- U,Qt 0nr guide was under the impression casian?" It is your mouth-piece and we tnaUaeh had never occurred, finder, mus; nam it up uuu mmuv.. m ao0ve yon can only gather a finnAon'Inn rt f Via rwnn 1 inr frpsira in nature, and grand soenery presented by the Pilot. To hear is to balieve, to see is to know, visit the mountains yon will never regret it. To cu it any other than a very grand mountain would be to revolutionise my conception of nanre's grandeur. I have traveled over the better portion of several of onr Southern States, visited many placi bearing historic record, but with -all these na'cre has never presented nersell in a grander style than that of The Pilot. Vcy truly yours, ; 7. ' . Yf, B. Bell. Books on Blood and Skin Diseases free. Printed testtmonlals sent on application. Address ft Swift Specific Co., ATLANTA. C A. J SAMPSON fJOUMT, N. C. I Pall Term Bcirltis Aus. 8th, '02. Tbe School m loeoted seen miles weat of Clinton, iu b-r.tiiui ana idoiii community The rftol-building bas been newly pitt ed at.d other lmprove- menta re cor-- inj-inwa. B td -Aii ' T Slo: m as Jo at a ut oiLei St l w l f similar g-aae W)UT1I BOUND. (Daily .: 8 4AuuI 6 .10p v 802tta -' aw 1 ..j. ' 713W IS 03 mm 10S5aw 1 00 W lis t nn. ti'ul Mu. (J .r.patp'w- is ' vork a o v;ur ur pu- i s O OO O.OOO OOO jj7 J J c i 5 ) r m nth i bo-.fct, faitbful be roo onr ENDBEN. Prin Vegs.H.C! Lv Jit. Airy Lv Walnut (Tove Ar (r.Mmltoro Lv Orboro Lv Ban ford Ar Fayettevllle Lv KayettevSUe Ar Wilmlngion Lv Fayettevllle Lv Max ton Ar Kennrttavllle Lv Madison Ar Ureenslwro Lv (ireenabore Ar&aniaear 8idiy o. I. 13 w tn 330 m 3 45 am Sfiopm l24Apm 7 30 jiii 1 6A iHii It 10 piu lallyes Sunday. No. S taiitrx HuMday 7Mpin 21 1 m 11 20p an J0 P 3S lm 43 lta Pare and Wholesome Quality Commecds to pablie approval the Cali fornia liquid laxative remedy, fcyrup of Figs. It is pleasant to the taste and by cling gently on the kidreys, liver and bowels to cleanse the system effectuany, It promotes the health and comfort of all who use it, and with millions it is ine best and only remedy. Rosebora Notep. (Special Correspondent.) All remember the Democratic Conven- Hftn a la held here August 3 1st. Come iw iiuir. ucuucu i ; . .. t w rJ,A t... r.ne. came alL and let ns have a jwy 1 aeconnt ot a I time. 4.nens w in w ouuio Suuu.F- ers here, x ne town win prepare i foi holding the oonvenuon. ... ; AUJ. 15, 92. BWIKBUBN t-U v IIBU I IJlaJI bj warn w jy - - 'To can ,52--- Tntta Tiny r OXAvwr PUla r prepared with pecai OTbey mrm mild and mmatatn thar-fj tm Wtt they met oa the ltwnr, rmrtlM Impart power to tha bow-LJ ala io remara nnhealiny woiudiu f ZiV hm taane of tlMM 1 4vm. sa Pule Placet. J rift ft ft O OOO OO L. J. MKU Hi .MAN, 232 Wa-inUi:toii st.ect, x CX)M M COX C ERCHA NT In Vt'g'-'anl'a, l'ltfnvcvcroita, Heirt No Travelicr Agents employed. BhipTjenta licited. mcb!7 t and dlcaatioBi a mm Utt piUa. J ranacevM.Y. Notice. Notice! All persons are warned sot to ant The Senatorial Convensim fr this, au person. ro 7r;" i'nA the Fourteenth District, -rill be held at M T Th. Taw 'r- r . - - . , . . n ha atnMi finrorcea mxaiuBi au Backlen's Arnica Salve. Parkersburc. in Sampson county on the 25th of Angust,(Thuisday. Dilegatee of trampsen county take-notice and govern yourselves acooraingiy. . M. M. KlLLtTT, Chairman Ex. Co. People's Party 11-26 ; Smpan Connty. . " ' mmt a- . ' . Walter-Bribes, Athens, Tennessee If you are too poor to insure your li fe, you are too poor to die and leave your family penniless. .Talmage jy xi-u ' -y Capt: J. D. Johnstoa. - To all whom it may concern : I take ten out, my appetite and health soon re- great pleasure m testifying to the effica- tnraed, ana l-PPWieat- uae e new man; cious u. . . vg-- j ,Por 8ii years I h ad been -ffli reaiiv.asu i nau neer. maae over acain. erupuonovi mow, B.uvnuM-... ..., ... - - a ai.r. HH..1 A O-. . 3 -...! I ' . - .. . . " I ne.ianilh . IK (D W1LQ IUUDIUI WIH, , UV Ml WUt i ue wbi, owyb m me wunu wr vuw. nd as l conid live rorever so lonst as 1 1 snnercu iuireu ,Wo nu..uu- -- , . , T a T7lara SoHKhonm VJ, iT t. i - i -jKfi mnA jRjurrppahlft amntioTi on'mv I mem oi tne BOIie IU iuj ni 11a. I ,1 WTMJ. 1 lu. i I I - . . . a .a 1 a 1aS ananMial MmAilfiB r t sn 1 BlcrilUlillt A. U1MU V n ivtaw ""J r verouren, xctixr, yuapea uauua, vim- Tnl8 gentleman Will not give U1S name iaoe, auu wrai - --- - - t, t mood Balm blains, Corns, and all Skat Eruptions; for publication, but authorizes na to re- move it ; none of which i mphahed .SiJ; aS and positively cures Piles, or no pa- fer anybody to him for verification of the objeet until this valuable rlani required, it is guaranteed to give psr- these facs, who will ann v to ns. - . " was resor tea Alter casing tnree not- tect satist'acticn, or money refunded. I - Yen tralT. it Cities In aeccwaaee wuh directions j: am Price 25 cents .per box. . rot sale by I Lppman Bros. InowenUr.iy cureou- v.L. OHSTQX,oi Dr. B. H. uojaaDAY, Clinton, and J. wholesale Druggists, ; Proprietors of P. 1 the n Tn of Johnsicn R jJcugiaas, will be strictly violators on our properly. . - A. B and J. a. uawvr.o, Sampson Co , N-C augl 2t - - - SsuTH, Druggist, Mount Olive, K, C. ,van- iix bottles the sores healed, and 1 am now in better health than 1 bve ever hewn. - I send this testimonial unsolicit ed, because I want others to be benefit ed." W Vat WHrrTalt YlTTWh STOP Dtehare E"a KESTOTIZ Vatt. VUcvr. i'iir if tatujuv, a MOHL. CO.. sr.- W v,i .,UIWiMWiWIiMiai tl tlx tW.. t T-.rmt ymt a turn i m U ir. U mtmm U i Ma a laflana fftr- MT1251TS TKPATE0 BT IU!t- CWrCCTTUU - FOU. Villi KJ.f5tU, . ' . Weakness. Malaria, Indigestion ana WHS& - moHinTTEas. It enrea qulcltly- For Oe by all dealer to msdiuae- Get Uie tenuioa. tt.ii. r.smiL rcsxrs ntsa. Kitu - r - LAOllte Needinsr a toule, or children wuj waul cuKd , .. tor op, abonld Uii. BROWS'slBOSi BITTJCRS. It is pleasant to Uka. raw Malaria, Infllr fwao fiiUousnesi an4 Uycr Pcsytsisa. Trat No. 2 ocn sects at 840 ford wit Seabotri Air Line for Bligh, Nortol an1 a't points North, and Kst. acd Walmt Core with tbe Xrrfolk aod rTi te n II R. for Winatoa a'em, lianoke n J a'l poiita Nort'i and West of li not. T ain No. 1 connects at Valntt Core with Aorfolk a3d West ra It. 1L for l .ston-Saleav Etoanoke and all p iuU North and Vast of Ro.nok , and v. 8au for with Seaboard Air Lina for Mxame, CLaMitte, Athens, A lauU and all points 8ont'i and Southwest. Pullman Palace SLeplag Oar on Air L ioe trains North and 8nth from 8an I ord and oa Norfolk and Western trains Korth and West from Boaaoke, Paeagers from Wilmington, FayetU Villa, Maxtoo, BennettavilU, and all point aau.hof Siaford will arrive at Blib at 11:15 A M., an1 have 5 boors in uaiettn ana reacn bom4 aaoM day. ' Ampl time U firen pias3scrs for breakfast and so?por at FasettevlHe. and dinner at Walnut Cvve. W.E.KYLE. Oen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. Fby, Gen'l Manager. TJISriVERSIT Y OF NORTH CAROLINA InttrccUos U offers 1 fax four fnteral eoorses or atniy mix onit oonrsea. I Urge number of spceial eoniaes, and ia I Law, Kedieine ana junsinernng. The . Faculty idol odes twenty teachers. Hchoarsnlps ana loan muds are avaii. . able for needy yoanf men of taleai and The aer Ce afca begins September ut Jjt Oata.0 ae with fall inform atiou adlrejs, . PfiESIDEaTfTISSTON. ' " - C-l H. O. . ' 7 '-.- I A - Y. j; i te af a. -

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