' - ' UA THE CAUCASIAN. E. M. PETERSON, Local Editor. CLINTON, N. C, SEPT. 22, 1892. GENERAL DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. S. Bizzoll, t 'lerk Superior Court. J.M. Spell, Sheriff and Treasurer. O. F. Herring, Register of Deeds. TOWN OFFICERS. It. C. Ilaiues, Mayor. A. V. Royal, Policeman. r. It. 11. Holiiclay, Treasurer. It. M. Partrick. Clerk. R. C. Holmes, R. 11. Holiiday, M, Par! rick, J. C. Slocumb, R. I). J. V illiams, Commissioners. POST OFFICE. Clifton Ward, P. M., opens 6:00 A. 31., f lo-f: 9:00 P. M. Mails close at A. M. and 2:50 P. M. PRINTING OFFICE. Caucasian Job Office, on iayette ville Street, wxt Alliance Store. Rill Head ;, Letter Heads uud Kn velojK'M, Posters and Pi grammes, Mortgages. Ac. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS. Train loaves for Warsaw at 8:20 A. M. Train from Warsaw arrives at 11: 00 A.M. Loaves for Warsaw inA?. M. at 3:10. Arrives Clinton in P. M. at 7:00. WHERE TO WORSHIP. Baptist, O. P. Meeks pastor; ser vice 1st ami ftrd Sunday. Prayer ineetuiii Wednesday night. Sunday School Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Episcopal, rector. Sunday School Sunday evening at 4:30. Methodist, J. M. Ashby pastor; servicen 1st Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday night. Sunday School Ht!A.M. Presbyterian, pastor, Praver meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School at 9 A. M. LODGES. Clinton No. 124,1.0.0. F., meets every Tuesday night at 8 P. M. W. (i. Rackley, N G., D. M. Partrick, Vice Grand, J. A. Reaman, Sect'y. Sa npson Encampment No. 18, I. O. O. b, meets 2nd and 4th Thurs day nights in Odd Fellows Hall. S. C. Johnson, C. P., D. M. Partrick, Scribe. Clinton No. 3409 K. of II.. meets in Masonic Hall on the 1st and 3rd Thursday night. M.llaiistein, Dicta tor; J. A. P.e.uman, Reporter. Hiram No, 98, A. F. & A. M., meets in Masonic Hall the 3rd Fri day in each month. Everett Peter son, W. M., li. Matthews, Sect'y. III! NESS LOCALS. I'i?" "Wunle" :uil IUisinests Notices can be iiTis-,l in tliix eoUiriin at ten centsa line. A neat line of Dry Goods, Yo tiotn, &c, just receivd T. M. FEBBEiiii'a. Seed Rye $1.10 ; Flour, good, $4.70 per barrel, at B. F. PoWKLLi'S. Another lot of thoso cheap Shoos just receive 1 at T. M. Fkrrelt.'s. Vino Linen Shirts f0c, fine Linen Shirts $1.00, at , B. F. PoWELli'S. ou can now get anything you want in the Tobacco line, at T. M. FerrolPs, from tho lowest to the best that is made . Give him a call. Celebrated Black Draugh at Hoi Drug Store. New Mullets It. F. Powell's. Rice just received at T. M. Febbell's. A large lot cf Glassware, just re ceived, toiisaie cheap, at M. II. DUNCAN'S. npie Oliver ruuea r a pooiM ior saie at B. F. Powell's. A GOOD TRAGI? OF LAND FOR A LITTLE MONEY. Any person desiring a bargain in a valuable tract of land will do wel to see, or address E. M. Peterson, Clinton, N. C. . r ' FOR SALE ! Gin House, Gin and Press, One Mowing Machine and Rake, Buggy and Harness. Side Saddle. Apply liday's to J. S. Bizzell or W. F. Murphy. aug. 25 4t. AFIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. I have opened a stand, near the Old Alliance Store, where I intend to conduct a Restaurant in first-olass 7 style, and in a manner that will be ' ' acceptable to everybody. It is the only saloon in Clinton"!" Meals serv ed at all hours during the day. Fresh Fish and Oysters always on hand. Come and be convinced. Give me your patronage. Respectfully, B. A. BEST, Clinton, JN. C. fTTAi. TTFHTTTNS vast majority of men die poor. , . . Two only out of one hundred sue ceed in business. Are you certain that you are go ing to be one of the two ? , Life insurance offers opportunities over-coming the disadvantages h insufficient estate. e your family with a rea- e amount ui - mo iiuuiauuci , g x? . : 1 re trie storms oi uiu uuauuim 6rld cannot touch them. Do your duty and injure imme- iutely. Jivery desirable form of policy, d by the best companies, can 11 byvapplying to JB. M. PETEE80N, Clinton, N. C. ynt of new crop oi j all kinds for sale at V C. P. Johnson's. NEW YORK RACKET STORE.! We have fast returns rmm tks Northern markets and will soon be prepared to show our Fall Stock. We are very busy unpacking and marking goods and cannot give any prices this week. It will pay you to reserve your orders until we get our goods opened, for we are head quarters for low prices. Very respectfully, Mahv E. Peterson A Co. Our Millinery Goods are coming in. We are never behind the times. Everything new, stylish and pretty. We shall give you something worth reading in a few days. Mary E. Peterson A Co. We have taken special pains in selecting our fail and winter shoes. It will pay yon to look at ours be fore buying. Mary E. Peterson A Co. Our men's and boys hats are the best and cheapest that have ever been brought to Clinton. Now Is the time to use good Judgment In buying, for times are hard and mon ey is scarce. Mary E. Peterson A Co. A dollar saved Is a dollar made, and the Racket Store is the place - w I that will save them . for you. Give us a trial. Mary E. Peterson A Co. It is to your Interest to buy your goods at the cheapest place. We cannot be undersold, so come right on we will save you some money every time. Mary E. Peterson & Co. Both Granulated and Brown Sugar at T. M. Ferrell's. NEW ARRIVAL. I am just back from the Northern markets, and am receiving daily the largest and best selected Stock of Dry Goods. Cloaks. Shoes. No tions, Hats and Caps eyer before carried in Clinton. MY FRIENDS In buying each and every piece of goods. I had a full consciousness of the hard times and therefore looked the market well over before purchasing. Come in and give me a look, and I'll gua rantee to save you some money. Yours for hard times with cash prices, W. S. PARTRICK. Elf you want a cheap Trunk, give T. M. Ferrell a call. He has just received a nice line of them. .NOTICE! TO CREDITORS OF CLINTON LOAN AS SOCIATION. it is important that all persons who hold claims against this Assoc! ation, and who have not presented them to me should do so at once, or they may be deprived of some val uable right. W. A Dunn, Receiver. "Pride of the Kitchen" Soap for scouring and polishing, "Sopine" and Borax Soap at T. M. Ferrell's. For Insurance In the best compa nies Life, Fire and Accidental Hp- ply to E. M. Peterson, jy 21 tf Clinton, N. C Sheet Rubber Cloth at T. M. Ferrell's. If you are too poor to insure your fe, you are too poor to die and leave your family penniless. Talmage. jy 21-tf You can get anything you want in the Spectacle line at T. M. Febrell'b. During my absence the slaughte sale will continue and my assistant will be glad to have my customers and friends call and buy what they need in my line. M. Hanstein, King Clothier and Hatter Different grades of Tobaccos, froms 20 cents per pound and up, at Wm. H. Duncan's. aug. 25 tf. Index to New Advertisem eats Just Back W. G. Rackley. Look Here A. H. Herring. We Huve Returned M. Hanstein IjOOAIi XTIEXJVISi Cotton 6 cants. Bring your job work to Thk Cauca sian office. Mr. M. Hanstein's store will be closed to-day on account of Jewish new year. Subscribe to The Caucasian. Only $1.00 per year. Saturday October 1st being day of attonement Mr. M. Hanstein's store will be closed. Anypereon writing to the editor of this paper, who doseu't want it opened at the office, must mark it "Personal." We are sorry to hear that Mr. M. M. Killett, of South Clinton, had a severe stroke of paralysis Tuesday. Mr. Charlie Crumpler, who is connected with the carpenters crowd on the W. & W. R. R., was iu town this week. ZZZ Tok Caucasian shou Id be in the ha nd of every voter. See that your npiffhbor takes it. SI. 00 ft year, 8 months for 25 cents. Do you take The Caucasian t If not don't miss another issue. Bend ns cents and eet it for three months, till after the campaign. Mr. W. H. Darden has accepted a nositian with a r ir... x " M . iU. 1 IIMI1 IT B Mr. Darden will begin his work next Monday. -Mr. Jno. R. Wedding, of Tux Caucasian office, has been sick for several days. This causes much im portant reading matter to be ruled out. A protracted meeninz will t gin at Rowan Church next Monday, September 26th, 1892, conducted by Jev. o. p. Meeks, assisted by Mr L. R. Carroll. Mr. M. Hanstoin's new ad. ap pears in this Issue. He tells you about his excellent and cheap goods. wnen you are In need, call and get bis prices before buying. Miss Willie Draughon has ac cepted a position In the Racket HtOie Of M. E. PAferonn A Hn wbww -m Wf) where she will be glad to serve her many friends and acquaintances. Mr. W. G. Rackley prides him self on having a stock of goods that win suit his customers in qualitv. style and price. See Mr. Rackley 's handsome ad. In another column. Those wishing to pay their sub- scriptions may do so in corn and meat at the market prices. We make this offer to help those who wish to pay for their paper, and to give them no excuse lor not paying. Hon. B. F. Grady and Mr. H. G.Shaw spoke on the Courthouse square jast Saturday evening t a small crowd. If the People's party men had all withdrawn from the square the crowd would have been very small indeed. Any one haying sent in a newsy ar ticle for publication in Thi Caucasian, and don't see it in print, miy know that t came too late, or else we didn't htve space. Communications, to insure pub- ication, most reach us Tuesday morn ing. Merchants who advertise can afford to sell goods cheaper than the merchant who does not advertise. Their sales are so much heavier, that they can sell at a greatly re duced profit. Peruse the columns of this paper and see who want your trade, and who are willing, to sell at prices to suit the times. We have been asked by several, when told that Dr. Exum hadn't withdrawn from the canvass, and had not given up his candidacy, why it was that the alleged Demo cratic papers published such false hoods? Their true motive is un known to me, but they must know that a lie will out travel the truth. especially if it has three days the start. Every such report oul y weak ens the "Straightouts" cause when found to be false. Why should every man In Sampson eounty take The Caucasian ? Because it is the only paper is the State that publishes the news in every section by townships; the only paper that pub lishes your news : the only paper that publishes what you are most interested in Why should every man in this sec tion of the State take it f Beeause it not only publishes the news, but keeps you posted on the great reform fight between the classes and the masses. Thk Caucasian will make the campaign lively. Mr. Shaw stated while speaking Saturday that the "Third party was too small a thing for the Democratic party to fight." If that be true, why is it that such prominent men as Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Shaw take up so much of their time fighting the party and abusing its candidates? Perhaps he thinks they are such an insignificant part of the Democratic party that they can continue to fight the People's party, and then not be going back on his statement. Is that it Mr. Shaw? Mr. Editor Please answer thia question: When an eye sore, a nuisance, and an indecent thing is brought to the attention of the Po lice and Mayor of our town, and no attention is paid to it, what is the next thing to be done? A ClTIZkN. This is a hard question for us to answer. It should be answered, however, not by us, but by the citi zens of the town; and if indecency is allowed by the present town offi cers, they should be removed and men put in their places who have the interest of the citizens at heart. Mr. Cooper stated in the first issue of the Sampson Democrat, that Mr. J. E. Fowler knew no more aboiit finances than a crazy Kansas grasshopper did about the lace cur tains that are to hang in the bay windows of the New Jerusalem. It may be humiliating to Mr. Coop er now to learn that this same Mr. Fowler knows enough ' about 8tate banks to tell when Mr. Cooper is misrepresenting the thing, and wo are told that Mr. Cooper and his friends are now saying that he didn't mean what he said. Ah, Mr. Coop er, you may learn yet that the mod ern Solomon of Sampson does not possess all the wisdom. j-ggSBSSy- T BB Netiee. Annual members, of the The Llf Sampson C ty Agricultural Society 'iterested in having a ad all persons County Fair, sre eat: iy requested to meet at the Courthouse. 3tt C.llnttm rm Saturday, September 24th, 893, at 10 O'CIOCK A. 4K. W. K. PIGF0RD, Presid t'. JOHN A. Oatks, Secretaiy. For Old Sorer, Skin Eruptione, Plm- ?les, Ulcer andJSyphilis, use only P. p. and get well and enjoy the blessing only to be derived from the use of P. P. P. iPrickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassi um). - r '- i XarrieJU Yesterday at the residence cf the bride's mother, Mr. Margaret But ler, yj Rev. K. McDonald, of Ivan hoe, Mr. Redden Batter and Mia Mattle Botier. Tax Caucasian extends its congratulations. Mease Csae. PUase come la and pat what tob ewe Tm Caucasian. We need it. What ach ladiTldaal subscriber owes Is small in itself, hot the aggregate W very Urge to us. Thi Caucasian will be lively wis campaign. You s&oold kesD up with it. AKagic Listers EikiUtisi Will be given at Mt. Qilead Bap tist church In the evening of the 28th of September, showing the manners and customs of Chlnem life. This entertainment is a free gift by the Woman's Missionary Society. mt. xj. it. uarrou is expected to be present and address the crowd on the subject of missions. Let everybody come who can. Mrs. G. W. MOSLEY, Pres. Mias Estella Alderman, Sec. Ceneerilsg Caeiera li New Tsrk. Special to Thk Caucasian. New Yobk, Sept. 17, 1892. C rt .iin vR a uc asian : Many sensa tional reports are afloat, causin? friends of visitors here much alarm. To those who are not acquaited with the facts in the case, relying on mag nlfied and exaee rated rpnorta. i will say that there is no cause for alarm. There is no danger to tern per ate, eieanly persons. The Ger- man physicians at Hamburg say the epedemfe is found among the an cleanly. Yours Truly, Jno. H. Nkwton. Persoials. Mr. M. Hanstein and family re turned from the North lat Thurs day night. Miss Katie Hill, of Warsaw, is visiting Mrs. R. G. Holmes. Bishop Watson and wife came to Clinton Friday night and were the guests of Dr. A. Holmes. Bishop Watson preached in the Episcopal church Sunday and Sun- day night. Mr. J. T. Murphy, of Washington City, is in town to spend his vaca tion, which will last for thirty days. Mr. Thomas McKoy is iu town. Mr. Romie Williamson, who has been in New York, has put in his appearance in Clinton. Netles to S. S. Vice-Presidsiti. The following were elected to act in their respective townships at the last Annual Convention held in Clinton Sept. 9th and 10th : Piney Grove Wm. I. Laue. Newton Grove J. M. Britt. North Clinton -3. E. Britt. Dismal Rob t. Howard. Mingo R. C. Jackson. Turkey L. D. Rodgers. McDaniel's F. J. Parker. There are seven townships that are not organized. T. L. Pug ii, Co. Pres. An interesting and instructive article from Mr. Pugh, appealing to all christian people to assist in get ting the four hundred thousand boys and girls of our State who are not under S. S. influences, to attend Sunday schools, is with many other communications unavoidably left out on account of the sickness of Mr. Wedding. Csinty Caavasi. The candidates of the People's party will address the people ef Sampson ceun tr at the following times and places: At Lisbon, Thursday, October 6tb 1892. At Franklin. Fridiy. October 7th, 1892. At TaylorV-Bridge, Saturday, Octo ber 8tb, 1892. At Tarkev, Monday. October 24th 1892. At Piney Grove, Tuesday, October 25th, 1892. At Halls, Wednesday, October 26tb 1892. At Newton Grove, Thursday, Octo ber 27tb, 1892. At Westbrookr, Friday, OctoberSSth, 1893. At Mingo, Saturday, October 29th, 1892. At Honeyootts, Tuesday, November 1st, 1892. At Dismal, Wednesday, November 2nd, 1892. At Little Ooharif , Thursday, Novem ber 3rd, 1892. At McDaniels, Friday, November 4tb, 1892 V At Clinton, Saturday, November 5th, 1892. Sheriff Spell will be at the above ap pointments and give all an opportunity. to pavuieirtacv u uiv jwi - .,. 7 a. M aw 1 OAO ML. ML. .rklliUfc'JL Xrjy - Chairman Ex. Com. September 5th, 1892. Gaaraateed Care. We aathorire our advertised Drug is ta to aell yon Dr. King's New Dis covory for Consumption, Coughajand colds, upon this condition. If yon are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy according to direc tions giving it a lair trial, ana expe rience no benefit, yon may return the bottle and have your money re funded. We make this offer, be cause of the wonderful success Dr. Kinz'a New Discovery during last season's epidemic. Have heard of no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial bottles free at Dr. R. H. Holli Clinton. N. C and John R. druggist, Mt. live, N. U. n, Letter and Note Heads and at The Caucasia 3 euvelo! tinted oflos. A V Polk Memorial and Relief! Fund. The f wiog coainbutkx hare been recetred : The Caucuiia, 10 00 Carbarrus Co. I. Alliance, 8 00 Amos Johasoe. Warsaw. 2S Brail Creek ALUaaee, So. S59, 00 Bland So. 872, 3 CO rrankha Alliance. So. 748. 5 00 All eootribations seat to tuis office ill be published la the above hat, aad receipted for. Addree. TELE CAUUA&IAjt, Clinton, X. C. THEIR TICKET A GOOD ONE. Cex.ro Gordo, N. C, Sept. 15th. 1892. Mr. Editor -Will you be so kind to allow a voice from Colombo county to speak through your' tele phone that carries the messenger of troth and Justice to the many work era in the great reform movement ? As we have no paper published in Columbus in the interest of the peo ple, we hare adopted Tux Cauca- si an for our standard bearer through this campaign, and so long as it ad vocates truth and justice and equal rights to all and special privileges to none. Let every one in favor of reform subscribe for The Cauca sian, and help hold op the banner or the People's party, and on the 8th of November victory will crown our efforts. The People's party convention of the tenth Senatorial District met at Hub, this county, to-day (the 15th) and -completed our county ticket by nominating C. C. Porter, of Hub, and Anguish Shaw; of Maxton, to represent the people of Columbus and Robeson in the next Senate. Both were nominated by acclama tion. There never was a more har monious convention held in Colum bus county. There was about five hundred persons present. Only three Democrats could be found on the place. Both Columbus and Robe son counties were fully represented. There was the best of testimony from all parts of the counties to the character and ability of the two gentlemen. Old soldiers tb at fought with them all through the late war testified to their ability and honesty. We are now ready to compare our county ticket with any party in this county, or any in the State. Noth ing can hinder us from getting there when we have grand men to advo cate our grand principles. The most prominent Republicans in this coun ty say they will canvass the county against the Republican ticket in favor of the People's party if neces sary. We all hnow that ticket is a Republican child, but its father is a Democrat that is trying to dodge truth and justice. , , G. B. C. The Trae L.axative Principle Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has a permanently beneficial effect on the hu man system, while the cheap vegetable extracts ard mineral solutions, usually sold as medicine?, are permanently iniu rious. Being well-informed, you will use the true remedy only. Manufactur ed by the California Fig Syrap Company. MARKETS CLINTON. (Reported by A. F. Johnson.) Cotton, middling, . 6X Corn, . . . 70 80 real, . . . Bacon, .... 12 Chickens, .... IS to 20 10 &g Beeswax .... Butter, .... Lard. . . . . . Fodder, .... Flour, . . . 18 to 32 20 to 25 12 60 60 to 6 0 . 05 to 06 Hides, . . . . WILMINGTON. Cotton, .... 6 Turpentine, (bard) . . . 1 00 iv iririn ana i tiiow uivi x oa Spirits Turpentine. . . . 2& per gallon nosin. (strained) ... sa per oarre " (good strained) . 90 per barrel Tar. II 3d per barre Crude Turpentine, (Hard) . . 9 1 00 (virgin) . i ou Yellow Dip, . . . . 1 60 Timber, per m., - - S 00 to 15 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Advicz to Wokzv If you would protect yourself srv t a? V - irom ramrui, rroruse, .amy, Suppressed or Irregulal Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Cinmnuj, April M, 1888. This will oartlir tt two members of car lnunvdUt family, after hiring suffered for reaca from IRanatrna.1 Irros-alarltr, Was treated without benefit by phraiclana. were at length completely cored by oi f Brmaflald'a Parnate) Rajrala effect Is truly wonderful. J. W. bti curvu bt uu, wiua ilator. its SnAjraa. Book to " WOKAW " nudtod TKXK, which eeatalae TftlaabLa Information oa all aalo alua. am ad n eld regulator co.. ATLANTA, A. TOM MJLHK MT JOS, DMVOeiMIm. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TUH MM feisnst suitors- T. U. FERRELL, Oeneral Merchant itsexolasive tale of these celebrated lassea in Clinton' N. C. Kellam sV Koobc, the only manufacturing Optlo- ians in the South. Atlanta, Ga. my5 tf Beaver Dam M ScHooL SAVIPSON COUNTY, K. C. Fall Term of this School will Be gin July 25th, 1802. A GOOD SCHOOL TO BOYS ABD GIRLS. oft Thia fiahool is situated in the northern nart ftf KamosOB OOUStT. tWOmileS SOUth of Newton Orove and in one of the best onmmnnltiea In tna Dtats. i Good Board, including room, washisf and lights, can be obtained in the best tamilids atnromAwioi.wpBJuku Tniiinn 11.60 to ta.00 per moath. Itrumental Marie 12.50 per month. Jyl4--3a it-Jo Jtntsa OnmiX.c ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST BACK! Call, See and Be CONVINCED ! I have )odt returned from the Northern Mirkets, where I bought, in person, largdly of tte four lines of Goods I handle. Clothing! for Men and Boys. Men's Suits from 4.00 np; Bo 'a Suits from $1.25 up. I have on hand, and to arrive, the cheapest and best selected etock of CLOTHING ever brought to Clinton. I don't charge $10,00 for a $5.00 suit, but sell you Clothing fdr just what they are worth. We have in stock a nice line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRY-GOODS of all kinds, and NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES. We do business with as little J At. expense as ana uouse in iuu State, according to the amount of business done, and can sell as close as any house to be found Call and get our prices before buying. Respectfully, W. G. RACKLEY. sept22 tf. AILA2JT7C COAST LINE. V'.lmington and Veldon Railroad AND BBAJICH ' 8. Ooi Lclezieied Solieclule TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Datzd No. 23. No. 27. March 28, 1893. Dally. Dally. Lv. Weldon 12 30 p. m. & 4t p. m. Ar. Bocky Mt. 1 40 " i p. m. J Ar. Tarboro "i 1 p. m. Lv. Tarboro 12 58 p. m. 6 00 p. m. Ar. Wilson 2 18 p m. 7 00 p. m. Lv. Wilson 2 30 p. m Ar. Selma 3 30 p. m Ar. Fcyetteville 5 80 p m. Lv. Ooldsboro 3 15 p. m. 7 40 p.m. Lv. Warsaw 4 14 p. m. p m Lv. Magnolia 4 27 p. m. 8 40 p. .m Ar. Wilminttop 6 00 p. m. 9 55 TRAINS GOING NORTIL No. 14, No. 97. Daily. Daily. Lv. Wilmington 2 10 a. m 9 15 a. m. Lv. Magnolia 3 7 a. m. 10 67 a. m. Lv. Warsaw 11 11 a. m. Ar. Goldsboro 4 33 a. m. 12 05 p m. T.t. Fayetteville 9 10 a. m. Ar. Selma 11 08 a. m. Ar. Wilson 12 10 p.m. Lv. WP'on 5 14 a m. 12 58 p. m. Ar. Bocky Mt 5 37 a. m. 1 80 p. m. Ar. Tarboro 6 30 a. m. 2 18 p. m. Lr. Tarboro 12 58 p. m. Ar. Weldon 6 35 a. m. 2 55 o. m. p m- Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 4 p. m., Halifax 4 22 p. arrive ocotiana -Feci a id p. m., Greenville 6 52 p. m. Returning, learc Kinston 7 10a.m.. Greenvill 8 25 a. tn., arriving Halifax 11 00 a. m., Weldon, 11 25 a. m , daily except Sunday. Local feeight train leaves Weldon Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 10 15 p. m., arriving Scotland Neck 1 00 p. m., Oreenville 5 30 p. m , Kin ton 7 40 p. m. Beturning, leaves Kinston Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 20 a. m., Oreenville 9 55 a. m., Scotland Neck, 2 20 p. m., Weldon 5 15 p. m., daily except Sunday. Train leaves iartoro, a. u., via. Al bemarle and Baleigh B R., daily exoett banday 4 40 p. m.; Sunday 3 00 p. m., arrive wiuiamwon, n. u., i p. m. and 4 30 p.m., Plymouth 8 30 p. m. areat Southern Music House of Lud aad 5"20 p. m. Eetorning, leave Ply in A Bates, of Savannah .Ga.. for the mouth, N. C, daily except Sunday, 6 00 a. m., Sunday 9 00 a. m Williamston 7 80 a. m., 9 68 a. m., arrive larooro, N. Cm 10 40 a. m. and 11 20 a. m. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro, N. O., daily except Sunday. I ling, Mason A Hamlin and Chick 6 00 a. m., arrive Smithfield, N. C 7 30 ering. m. Beturning, leave bmithfield, N.I O- 8 00 a. m., arrive Goldsboro, N. O., 9 SO a. m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Bocky Mount at 5 15 p. m., arrives at Nashville b up. &pnng nope o su . e a . . p. m. iteturnug, leaves epring nope 8 00 a m - Nashville 8 35 a. m., arrive Bocky Md it 9 15 a. m daily except Sunday. Trains on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clint t daily, except Sunday, at 6 00 p. m. and 11 15 a. m. Returning, leave Clinton at 8 20 a. m. and 3 10 p. m., connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, AO. 22 aai 78. Southbound train on Wilaon and Fay terine Branch is Na 5L Northbound is No. 60. Daily except Sunday. . j TTinxr. "A Jma. t. Divert, . Oenl ilanOr. Genlflup't. T. M. Exxxsox. ialle iLsnaSsr. ; A NEW DOUBLE COLUMN We Have WITH LOTS OW CLOTHIIG! UIIUUU, .. v, h ii. i t.Lt in 4. i'f ' . - - OilV GOODS, Our store is tilled to th brim. make a selection in everything you. you Goods for ml m I J ill 7 "'"t. " Vii'i -i -.'r: x. m a "ii CASH! For less than any other house thin shlo of Now York. Call on us if you want to save your hard earned money. M. HANSTEIN, sopl22 tf QMDK I will Public Auction! At the ALLIANCE HEADQUAR TERS, in Clinton, N. C, on SEPT. 29th, 30th AH Goods on hand NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! SdEBCI AFT) Aft FuU Commer'!! Ctr- Practical Course inTelegrraphy. 1 , In Musleaiid Art. ComotlliinrL Location famous for Beauty and Health. For thosa net prepared for Collwga CIum r- there Is a k Complete Preparatory Dcpartotont. Resident Burgeons. Preparatory aTdical Department. Ho charge for medical atten lion. Ixw rates. Kor particulars, addreM DAVIS SCHOOL, Winston. N. C. DOOOOOOOOO fTbm sastsJUtt Pill fa ihm Worldly U THE SECRET U OS? recruiting health la dlseorerea tn I TUTT'S o Tiny Liver Pills0 fj In "T" ffet,OM. fceadacho. dr- Q ZSSJSFX tnmblea of the bowela, their earatlTe a effects are marreloua. They are a corw O recti re aa well aa a sntie cathartic, m Very small and eaay to tahe. I-riee, J tee. Office, 80 1 1'ark YIat. K. V. OOOOOOOQOO Notice. In addition to ray Regular Stock of WATCHES AND CLOCKS. And my Repairing Btislneas and j and agency for sewing Machines, I i have accepted the agency for the aaiA ar . T. . vr. . I vi.urtiio I sell the following well-known I and reliable aiaKes: Matnusnek, eter- a sample Sterling Piaro and a j sterling Organ can be seen on exhi- bttion at my place of business lo Clinton. Call in and get our terms. Yours truly, iv9-tf H. B. (1UDENS. alkt eaefl'J"'-( a.Va Tib ye. Ml 1M Hi I (hI .1 IU. mmU W ! . I 1 tm to wjiM mm jrmt a.wwaUaiUllstkan n. i . r. nret rnactii nunL uttut iu X.A Kaadinx a tonic. Or rn that want bonding 1 Uk N Malaria, Indiacs- BlTTBHa. ADVEHTISEMENTSL Eetmraedl 31 t HATS, k I, -' NOTIONS. It will bo e;y want in our line, for you to WVll ell r King Hatter and Olothier. m sell at and OCT. 1st, 1892 v A belonging to the Alliance Store. A. H. PIER RING, Agent. SV.W ADVERTISEMENTS. .V Kii'Mt-GliiMM HAHIiEK SHOP. If jo t wih a fir class Shave, Flair Or, Mivuiw.u or MuB'Hcbe Dye, call at my ph e cf but-ueiuon Walitreet, three 'oors fr .iu I be corner of M. (lani-tela's, '.'nrc jt'M will find me at all heart.. R0 I S.SlIil;!', aJIEUS kKK.t I . jcu Kr.at call or Tic d'C 10 -if goO(i fob lou't fi', to J. ti. SIMMONS. IUrber. St. James hotel 1-4 now on American and European plan Meal served at all hour. You arc re. ttpectfu'lv Invited to stop with us while in or puling through the city. We hve a tirst-clafts cook, and are furniah ing the best meals ever offered to the traveling public at thin point. You have only to give ua a trial to be ronyinced that tie above Etalcmeitt is true. patrons of the house. J tw" Iaac, the porter, will meet you at the train. Iipectfully, , KDWAUDS A G BIFFIN, Late of the Albamhra Ileatauraot, j21 tf Goldsboro, N. C REMOVAL ! .1. T vrllEfirORY Has removed his Tailoring Estab lishment from his old stand to his office on Sampson Street, next to the M. E. Church. The great and orignal leader in low prices for men's clothes. Econ omy in cloth and monoy will force you to give bhn a call. XavrLatest esmon plates always on hand. June 7th. lyr. tfiabits I at boma wi(J out pain. Hook of pa tienlafaa-nt FEFSk I U U SlaSTcsmTaJl - II. WOOLLKYJf. Dl AUaatqjwMtKinaieBaUaV aagU ly J I:

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