T , .... . f I Mi CAUCASIAN. C M DCTrDPrtu r- f. f '.rutnoW Local tiaitor. CLINTON, N. O., SEPT. 2), 1SS2. - GENERAL DIRECTORY. -COUNTY OFF Li JEltS. J. IJizzell, Clerk Superior Court. J.M.bpelJ, hherifif ami Treasurer. O. F. Herring, Register of Ikoxl. TOWN OFFICERS.' H. C. Home-!, Mayor. A. V. Koy.il, Policeman. lr. K. II. lf;Mi(Jiy, TruaitunT. J. M. i'artrirk, Clerk. It. C. llbltm, It. II. IlolSkJay, I). -M. Pari rick, J. C. fclocumb, It. J. Y iliiaiii.", Comm teuoner. TOSTO.'FICE. Milton Ward, P. M., ojwns 6:00 A. M., vUw.A 0:00 P. M. Mail- clone 1 H A. M. and 2:50 P. M. PRINTING OFITCK. . ' Cauciuiian Job Ouifb, on ta t-tU ville Street, next Alliamu Si ore. Hill Head-?, Letter Head iud En vflornw, Posters and Pi uramiucH, Mortgagee. Ac. AlUtI VAL OF TRAINS. Train leaves for Warsaw at 8:20 A. M. Train from Warsaw arrive at 11: 55 A. M. Leave for Warsaw in P. iM. at 3:10. Arrive Clinton in P. M. at 7:00. WHERE TO WORSHIP. Hist, O. P. M neks pastor; or- kvs 1st and 3rd Sunday. Prayer; meeting Wednesday niht. Sunday School Sunu'ay morning at 9 o'clock. Ejiiht'0jal, Mr. John A. Dlbbl , rector. 4th Sunday in tach month. Sunday School Sunday evening nt 4:30 p. n. Mctludiht, J. M. Ashby pastor; services 1st Sur day. Prayer nnct ing Thursday ii iyht . Sunday School ut 1 A. M. Presbyterian, pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School sit 0 A.M. LOOUES. Clinton No. 124, 1. 0. O. F.( meets every Tuesday l-Ijrht at 8P.M. W. (. Knckh y, N, D. -VI. Parlrb k, Vice Gnua!, J. . Boaman, Sect'y. Sa upson Encampment No. IS, I. O. O. F., meet 2nd and 4th 'lurs day liihta in Odd Fellow Hall. S. C. Johnwon, C. P., 1). M. Partrick, Scribe. Clinton N(. 3 209 K. of II.. meet? in Masonic Hall on the 1st and -3rd Thursday night. M.Haitstein, Dicta tor; J. A. Ueainan, Reporter. Hiram No. Wt A. F. & A. M., meets in Masonic Hall the 3rd Fri day in each month. Everett Peter son, W. M., B. Matthews, Sect'y. IU SINLSS LOCALS. t JT "Wants" an.l Business Notices cau be in-oitod in th '.lolimui :it ten cent s a line. Mr. Ilnnstein has . the largest and beat selected stock of Shoes in Clin ton. FOR SALE. Two thoroughbred Jersey Cows. For terms and pedigrco apply to T. II. McKoy, Jn., Clinton, N. O Granulated Sugar at T. M. Febeeu.'s. lino hf T)rv ftodd-t. neaijust receive! tions, A-C..H.10 ; Flour, good, $4.70 Seed Ryu Ier barrel, B. F. Powell's. f B. F. J lot of f . ?e cheap Shoos Another lot just received at Fine Linen Shirts Shirts $1.00, at flue Linen o WELL'S. . B. F; Powell's New Mullets at B. nre, just re. A large lot of Olassw'. cived, for sale cheap, ale ;ncax'8 Wm. II. L. Aug. 25-tf. r Plated The best Trinlo SilJ Spoons for sale at IELL7S. Po'r ..-for A CJOOD TRAC i' Ofe-ANV A LITTl.E:IONFA .Vj A a j' terson Je to see, or aojw-.fS jE.M. Petkrson, :' Clinton, N. C. FOIi SALE ! i Hot&e,' Gin and Press, One np, Machiiie and Rake, Euggy loss, Sulo Saddle. Apply J. S. BizzeJaL or W. F. MUivFirv. 4t. LASS RESTAURANT. cntd a stand, near the co Store, where I intend a Restaurant in first-class in a manner that will be nly saloon in Clinton. Meal3 serv i " w l at all hours during the day. 'resh Fish aud Oysters always on nnd. Come and be Convinced. e me your patronage. Respectfully, B. A .'pEST, Clinton, N. C. VITAaiP103' vast,os0"ty Il,en die fly out of one hundred sue-' usiness. certain that you are go ne of the two? ' ranee offers opportunities Imng, the disadvantages cient estate. - pur family with a rea- .nt of life insurance, OC the financial eh them. and inure imme- le form of policy, sst companies, can Vto . X.Plteeson, nton, N. C. inew crop oi Is for sale a to .v t V 1 v t I )UtSON In f" RACKET STORE. i We are etill btnv mnrkinw goon, w e havo a lareo a ur new ajworted ftto-k an.i 1 well I v j'vv M low prices In a short tl110 our Marv E. P-ETKBiiOK BM. Hanstein will sell you toe, Hats and Clothing cheaper thAn ftOy' body else in Clinton. C new I jt of Violiu Strings, i gt the very best quality, just received at ; T. M. Fep.bell's. Good Flour at $i.o0 pr barrel, it. it. Sur, 35 cents per pound. C. P. JoJl.VSON. Ui IV Jill It I VJll. 1 am Ju.-t back from the Northern markets and am receiving daily the largest and best selected Stock of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Shoes, No won?, nuts and Cajn oyer before carried in Clinton. M I.RIEXI'8 In boyins each and every ph ce of goods, I had a lull consciousness of the hard times and therefore looked the market well over before purchasing. Come in and give me a look, and I'll gua rantee to savo you some money. Yours for hard times with cash prices, W. S. PARTRICK. If you want to save money in buy ing FlOUr Civ T. Af. Pfrwll a .oil ' - - w " 'VA V Villi For Insurance in the best compa nie3 Life, Firaand Accidental np ply to e. M. Petehsox, jy 21 tf Clinton, N. C. If you are too poor to insure your fe, you are too poor to die and leave your family penniless. Talmage. jy 21 tf CJ'J Different grades of Tobaccos, from 20 cints per pound and up, at , Wm. II. Duncan's. aug. 2u tf. T. M. Ferrell is now receiving a nice line of Fall and. Winter Goods. Give him a call. rsoiiuE! I have been as indulgent to the debtors of the Clinton Loan Associ ation as possible. Every one in debted must make settlement now or I will be compelled to enforce collections. Persons who have executed new mortgages will bear in mind that they must settle on November lt. Tersons against whom judgments have been render ed will bear in mind that executions can be issued after November 1st. IMPORTANT. All persons who have claims of any kind against the Association must present them to me, duly ver ified, or they will be excluded from sharing in the assets. W. A Dunn, sept20 4t Receiver. Index to New Advertisements Washington's. For Sale. T. II. McKoy. LOCAIj X'jCEXVXJS: Cotton 7 cents. Bring your job work to The Cauca sian office. ?! M. Ilansteiu's store will be clos ed next Saturday, October 1st, ou account of Holiday Day of Attone ment. Any person writing to the editor of this piper, who dosen't want it opened nf ..PRnn riie .rr f "Pi,nrtl ' We call tho attention of ou r reisders to a notice from Mr. W. A . Dana, Receiver for Clinton Loan Association. The Caucasian should be in the hand of every voter. See that your neighbor takes it. $1.00 a year, 3 months for 25 cents. Owing to the continued sickness of Mr . Wedding several communi cations ar.? ruled cut. We hope no one will feel slighted. Do you take Tiie Caucasian? If not don't miss another issue. Send us 25 cents and get it for three months, till after tho campaign. : Clinton has two cotton ( buyers from different points, viz: Wil mington and Goldsboro. Our farm ers can get the highest maiket price here for their cotton. Mr. I). L. Herring was iu town a few days sir.ee and requested us to state that Lisbon township wasDem cratic. We hope all who think dif ferently will not ask us to publish their views, as it would take up so much space. Any oca having seat in a nowy ar ticle for publication iu Tits UAi CAsr and don't pee it in print, may know tlat it came too lute, or else we didn't have tpce. Communication?-, to insure peb licaticn, mast reach na Tnesda morn ing. Married, yestetday, at 7 o'clock P. M., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. M. C Peterson, Mr. Will lie L. Lewis, of Pender, and Miss Carrie Petersou, Rev. S.D. Swaim, of Wilmington officiating. The Caucasian extends its congratula tions. . "Why should every man in Samp30u county take The C ucasian ? Eecause it is tie only paper in the Stata that publishes tlie ners in every section bj towpship?; tbs only ppor that-publishes jcu- news ; tho only paper that publishes what yen wre most hi teres ed in. -Why flhonld every man m this sec lion of the State take it ? Because it not only publishes the news,-but keeps you pooled ; oil the gref t reform fight between the classes and the masses. Tns Caucasian will tcake the cacip&ign li?ely. - , , - Please Cent?. LKcm.! coo ia ud jy wL joa owe T CAficASiAsr We ueed i. Wht eatli iDdiTtiaa! bucnUr vci n toivil ia iteif, but tie rg2t U vtrj Urgt to xx The CAircAtuM wtff be iirdy lu" amptugu. You boaid with it. t.eep np SpeeUl JTfttUe. Iiifi6 memberH of Sampsun Light .?f?DLJ5re ordered to appear for insicfirTm 80 2. 1 Fvery member mast be here oy o'clock A. 31. By order of tho Captain command ing. A S&4 Death. On Sunday morning, a little afkr u-ciwk, ijeon Ukidens, the I? year old son of Mr. Henry GiddS sank to his eternal rest. Fi onie time he had been tick wi typhoid fever and had bego to improve, when be was sudt'i" taken with a relate and Jeered but a short while. Tv Caucasian cn tends iu earnest sympathy to the bereaved ones. Notice te S. 8. Vice-Presidents. Tlie following were elected to act Ir their respective townships at the last Annual Convention held in Clinton Sept . 9th and 10th : Piuey Grove Wm. I. Lane. Newton Grove J. M. Britt. North Clinton - J. E. Britt. Dismal Robt. Howard. Mingo R. C. Jackson. Turkey L. D. Rodgcrs. McDaniel's F. J. Parker. There are seven townships that are not organized. T. L. Pugji, Co. Pres. - Personals. Mr. W. A. Dunn is in town. '"i Mr. W.-S. Partrick went dowa to Wilmington yesterday. Mr. Acey Alderman, of Florida. is visiting his sister, Mrs. James B. j Merrilt, of this place. Miss ;Dollic King, who has been Yisitingin Duplin, Returned Satur day. Miss Martha Johnson was on a visit to Cumberland la3t week. Mrs. V. B. Bodendamer and little Susie left yesterday for a visit in Anson county, where they will spend several weeks. Mr. J". B. Bodenhamer was on a visit to Richmond, Va., last week. He speaks in the highest terms of the "Old Dominion's" hospitality vj Miss Hattie King and Mrs. II. M. Spivey are on a visit to Bladen this week. We are gHd to hear that Mr. M. M. Killett is improving from his attack of paralysis. A Card. Mr. Editob: Allow mo, throrigh your columns, to thank two of the school boys, Ottie Hobbs and J. D. Keer, whey promptly complied with Mr3. Ferrell's request to please be quiet. Mrs. Ferrell was too unwell that day to leave home, as nsual, to get out of the noise, so she sent Floy out to ask them to "please be quiet, mama is sick.". But the oth er boys, at least some of them, ex ercised their lungs still more to an noy Mrs. Ferrell, as some of them were honest enough to acknowledge Respectfullj, T. M. Febbeil. In handing in this Card Mr. Fer rell remarked, that, in justice to humanity the authorities should not allow such a racket so neai a sick lady's door. County Canvass. Tho caudidat9S of the PeopVs party will address the pe( pie ef Samppon ceun ty at the following times and p'aces: At Li bni, Tfcursc'ay, Octer 6th, 1892. At Fracklin, Friday, October 7th, 1892. At Taylor's Bridge, Faurdy, Oclc brSth, 1S92. At Tuikoy, IT onlay, Ostobor 24h 18S2. . At Pmey 3rcv, Tuesday, October 25th, 1892. At Halk, Wednesday, October 2ih, 1892. At Newton Grove, Thursday, Octo ber 27th, 1802. At Weslbrcok?, Friday, October 2ih, 1892. At Mingo, Saturday, OoU-ber 29th, 1S92 At Elone'ycutts. Tuesday, Noveatbcr 1st, 1893 At Disn al, Wedoesdsy, Novcxber id, 1S92. At Little C'jlnric, Tliursday, Novem- borSrd, 1S92. At McDacicl?, Friday, Novtmbar 4th, 1892 At Cii:.toi Saturday, Novembor 5di, 1892. Sheriff Spell wdl be at the apove ap p ointmenU and give all an opportnni'y to pay their taxes for ths year 1892. M. M. Killett, Chairman Ex. Com. September 5-h, 1892. The True Laxative Principle Of the p'ants used in mannfictcring the pleasant remedy, Syrap of Fig, has a perm am nUy bentficial effect on the tu man system, while the cheap vegetable extracts ard mineral solutions, nsnally sol i as mcd y.nes, are irtnanently ioju- rioua. Being well-mformed, you will use the true remedy only. Hanufactar ed by thv California Fig Syrep Compary. -Posters, Letter and Note Heads and envelopes panted at The " Caucasian office. . r." . i For Old Sore?, 8kin Eruptions, Hm- plefLi leers and Syphilis, use only P. P. P., and gereir and enjoy the blessing only to be derived froib ihe u?e of P. P. P. iPnckiy Atnroke li(T and Pota, am). ,- , .4J Polk Memorial and Relief! Fund. Ths I "wioj contribution I vt b es Jece!vel : Th CutaLiaa, f 10 CO CWrUrrus tx t. Alluuc. 9 00 - Amos JoboiMm, Wfcrsa w, 25 NnnhCr4c Alli.iee, No S&9 8 0 5??.. . 2'o. 872, 2 00 traukfia Allbnc-, No. 743, 5 00 All con triba lion tst to tai oSke win o iuia-ni ia tui above Lt recep:ed far . Afcw.. - - , t .Clrntca. N C. Pi:ortirS PAKTT ff PKAK INO Ib. M&rion . -sutler, Elector at Large, will sr at the following times aui1&ccs : Bur'rt Wednesday, Oct. 5, li '"Wilmington. Wednesday. Vt. 5. -1 - 1 . ... jrayeitevillo. Thursday, Oct. 6, ii a. uj. SanflTd, Friday, Oct. 7, II a. ui. Leui-burg, Saturday, (Jet. 8, II a. iii. HtDdrfci., Monday, Oct. 10, 1 p. m. Wrrenion, Tuesday, Oct. 11; 3 p. m. f Halifax C. H., Wednesday, Oct. !2, 10 a. in. larbsro, Thursday, Oct.. 13, II a. m. Wilhamston, Friday, Oct. 14, 11 a.m. Washington, Saturday, Oct. 15, 11 a. m. Plymouth, Monday, Oct. 17, 11 a. m. Windsor, Tuesday, Oct. 18, 11 a.m. , Edenton, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 11 a. m. Elizabeth City, Thursday, Oct. 20, 11a. iu. Oatesviile, Friday, Oct. 21, 11 a. m. Winton, Saturday, Oct. 22, 11 a. m. We ask that ti.e citizens turn out and give the speakers a respectful hearing. Other appointments will follow for these and other speakers. S. Otho Wir.f?ST' Chm'n State People's Party Ex.Cora. The eubscriptioa to The Caucasian has been reduoed to $1.00 per year. MARKETS CLINTON. (Reported by A. F. Jouxsos.) Colton. middling, . . . 6J Corn, . . 70 reas, . . . . -80 Bacon. 12i Chickens, . . . . 15 to 25 K.i,'g3, ...... 10 Beeswax . . . . IS to 22 Butter, 20 to 25 Lard, 12 Fodder, 60 Flour, . . . 6 60 to 6 00 Hides, 05 to 06 WILMINGTON. Cotton, .... CJ Turpentine, (hard . . . 1 00 " (V u-gln ana it llow Din) l 6o Spirits Turpentine. . . . 2.5$ per prahon liosin. (strained) ... 85 per barre " (good strained) . 90 per barrel Tar, f 1 5 per barre Crude Turpentine, (Hard) . . 1 00 " (Virgin) . 1 60 Yellow Dip, . . . . 1 60 Timber, per ra., - - - 3 00 to 15 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: CHILD BIRTH - MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally, prepared Liniment, every ingre dient cf recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for HAND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to 'Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable ir.formau'on and voluntary testimonials. Sct by express o- tr- r-ij .-.f pi ice ft.SO per bottle ERADFIELD KtGl'l A7C CO., AiUnU.Ga. SOLD EV ALL 1H;COIST9l PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES met MAmn. Ctiliiy first nA llvzjt. T. M. FERRELL, General Merchant, has exclasivo s-a!e cf thff.s celebrated Glasses ia Clintca' C. Keixas Jc oore, the only monulacturicg Optic ians in th Son tli. Atlanta, Ga. mj5 tl Beayer Dai III Sclool. SAMPSON COUNTY, N. C. Fall Term of this School will Be gin July 25th, 1802. A GOOD SC300L FOS BOTS AKD GIRLS. This School is sitaated in the northern part of Sampson county, two miles sonth of Newton Grove and in one of th best communities in the State. Good Board, including room, washinz and lights, can be obtained in the best families at from $o .00 to$. 00 per month. Tuition fl.00 to $3.00 per month: Instrumental Mnnc f 2 50 per month. For further particulars address, JNO K. FOWLER, Prin. iy!4 3ea Newton Grove. N. C. Csfeats, and Trade-Varlu oMafeed. and all Pat ent hujinfM condncted for Moderefe Fees. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we em tern re patent ia less time ttua tboee remote from Washington. - Send model, drawing er photo-, with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of Charpe. Oht foe not Sue till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How fo OWain Patents," with names ofactaal ciHnts in four State, ciat j, or town, seat free. A'UresS, c.A.sr,,pw&co. rpos Patent Offlce,WathiBtoa.wrC. FOB. DTSPEPSIA Itm Bltteew. eammMid It . ' an per battle GeanlM wduaesoowwwsa Tvt " tit jimng taxa in Kew urder t4 hi wife wjw cuurkad by o xohMt featare. Jiastjtt dti&il of Uw erkiaooe a4 horrible for may ia tb prirToi CS Ycl crowocd with trtx&ea and education. to T?7 itVeccssiite ni exxetum fa Um m."4 itn1v rffii to wvjk to reed. cities very bad iftistota. which has long been foitow5jLn EnUud sad France for weeoen .f this chus to fre qneixt court w honour seoatio&jU criminal trial b gofa oa, no matter hor tr&gio or qnetiutt4bl tlw drccm staocos revealed may bo. So rrtxaar a moveimsit ia aucialltfe) demands som iavctigatioD. We do ttoi beliere that it is canned by any immoral tendencies la them women. Ucetitfcms booka do not cimibite among educated American women, and they certainly have betrayed no murderous procliTi ti There is no cocntry in tiie world in vl kh aiTectioD, iztodarty and tnstnal rei;t are found more dominant ia tho home lifo than here. How can we account, then, for this morbid, nnclean tate in matrons and yotiE girls vhofaeown lives are inno cent? A t-hrewd obntrver of humae Latere says, "The shorteet rood for a woman to vioo is by a monotonoos or en idle life," This aphorism explains as well why foreign princes take to gamblir for pastime, and why thuae titlod ladivs of Great Britain who seek only a diversion flock to the high court of joutico, as it exjilains why American women are lw ginnirg to do the same thing. ontli's Oomnnniuu Xtw Tork's Fleeting Society. The real risk is that some day the would bo biographer of tho fashion able world of Gotham may find the metropolis depopulated of its gildod contingent It begins to look a if there were no time of tho yo to no-,. counted on for seeing tbecyen bloc." People of thoweaJtMer ciassos, choos ing wisely to Ji-ger among the il luminated haunts of nature until the afterglow of autumn has faded, re turn to town to go out of it again for Christmas. Early in January logins tho southward movement : February and March are intolerable in town for these who can afford to migrate. And then with the first break of spring ia the air are heard discus sions of a journey to Alaska and the Yellowstone, to be followed up by the annual glimpse of London, Paris, Vienna, the German and Swiss baths, Norway, Russia and the east. If all the summer is not given to travel the rest is spent - in luxurious country homes, to be forsaken in due season for a house hired at Bar Har bor, Lenox or Tuxedo. And so the pendulum swings on and ever. Tho stately dwellings of Fifth avenue, with their storied furnishings, are left for the greater portion of the year under an eclipse of brown hol land and green shades. But patience 1 Stranger things have happened than that New York may one day again become the fashion. Just now she is out of vogue. Mrs. Burton Harrison in Ladies' Home Journal. NEW. D VEUrfSEMIiS-rs FOR SALE! One of the most attractive Bemdknck Lots in Clinton thirty feet front and three hundred feet deep. Running from street to street. For particulars apply to T. II. MCKOY, Jn Washington's a watch-wcrd such as nrer rhiil n wble there's an echo left to air. Byroa. THE WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ' ' OP NEW YORK, WITH ASSETS OF OVER Mill (inn Is a Gigantic Monnment To MraM Willi rirv r, Its bond ard raortgags Inve-tieuts amount. to more than 83 per cent, of tLe total assfits. These nioitgigcs f re first l'eus on real csafe valued at $17,500,603. Bat the strength of tbe Washington is in its conscrfatiye roanageincn In 'im s of depreciation no concern ii ft-1 by the holders of it policies. SAMUEL L-ADAMS, SPECIAIj district agent. DURHAM, 1ST. O. Should you die to-day would tha in come from your estate support your fanrJv? . Dce- not life insurance offer the best opportunity of overcomii-g the disad vantages of an insufficient estate ? sept29 If HEY BARBER SHOP Wheu yon wish an easy shave, As gcod as barber ever gave, just call on as at oar saioon At n.orninsr, eve or toon; We cut and dress the hair with grace. To suit the contour of the face. Oar room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, imlsiTAKrfhlnfftrA tiiinTr von'll find. t cn?t tho fp and nteftfte the mind. ' ----. VUll ail Our mi nuva dmu v-au vtw, It yon just call, we'll do for you. Shop on Uevane Btreet, opposite Court House, over the old Alliance Headquarters. PAUL HllJLAltlJ, The Clinton Barber KING COfTOW Buy or eu jo III Bay or $eD. jfoir4,Cotoi' f-UCOlTTiO ,SVr CHEAPEST! f BEST. litres ot sir A recent York for Jy)14 eow6n CXlDVEUrJSEMtKTS. JUST BACK.' a:- Call, See and Be CONVINCED ! I Lave innt retnrncil f rotn the Northern Markets where I bought, its person, largsly of ti e four lint h of Gmxlrf I tanli. Clothing for Men and Itoys. M-n'a Suits from S4.0 np; lk'd Suits from $1.25 up. I have on hand, anl tu arrive, tho cheapest at.d test eelecte.l tock o! CLOTHING ever brought to C linton. I tlmi't charge $10,00 for a $-5.00 eult, but sell you i.lothin for )mt what they are worth. We havo in stock a nioo linoof CADII)' DUES tiUUi, DKY-GOODS of all kintfertiri NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, AND SHOES. We do buf.intrtf with as little expenso as and house In the State, according to the amount of business done, and can Fell as close as any house to be found Call and get our prices before buyim:. Respectfully, W. G. RAGKLEY. sept22 tf. a:la:tttc coast line. Vilmington and vVeldon Railroad AND BRANCHES. Condenaod Solxodulo TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated No. 23 No. 27. March 28, 1892. Daily. Daiiy. Lv. Weldon 12 30 p. m. 5 4; p. m. Ar. Rocky Mt. 1 40 " t p. m. Ar. Tarboro 2 t p. in. Lv. Tarboro 12 53 p. m. G 00 p. ra. Ar. Wilson a 18; p. m. 7 00 p. ia. Lv. Wils n 2 3d p. m Ar. Seiina 3 30 p. m. Ar. Fsjetttville 5 30 pm. Lv. Goldtsboro 3 15 p. m. 7 40 p.m. Lv. Warsaw 4 14 p. in. pn Lv. Magnolia 4 27 p. n 8 40 p. .m Ar.'Wdmin&ton C 00 p. m. 9 55 TRAINS GOING N ORTH. Ko. 14, No. M. DiU. Daily. Lv. Vilraircron 2 10 a. m v 15 a. ra. Lv. Magnolia 3 '7 a ra 10 .'7 . xs. Lv. Warsaw !1 11 . -a. Ar. Gol Isboro 4 S3 a. m. 12 d5 i a. I At. Sluj i 11 ,S a ra. A.r. Wiir.a "i 10 p. m. Lv. WUvon 5 14 a. 12 p. ra. Ar. ltoeky Mt. 5 37 a. iu. 1 '40 p. ri. Ar. Tarbovo G 30 a. m. 2 13 p. ra. Lv. Tarbcro 12 Si p. m. Ar. VTel-Ion 6 3 a. m. 2 55 t. m. Daiiy except Sunrtay. Trains on Scotl&nd S'wlt Branch Moad leave Weldon 4 p. m.. Halifax 4 22 p. m., arrive tscotland Neck 5 15 p. m., Greenville 6 52 p. m. Retorninr, oavvt Kioston 7 10 a. m.. Greecvill 8 25 ,t. m., arriving Halifax 11 00 a. m., Wcidoc, 11 25 a. ni , daily except Sm;d.tr. Loc! flight train leaves WeMon V "n iay, Wednesday ad Friday at 10 1 r. m.. arnvin? ticotlicd Nfk 1 0:i p. a., Greenville 5 30 p. rn.,Kiton 7 40 p. m. Retarding, iravsa Kinston Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 20 a. m.. Greenvilie 9 55 a. m., Scotland1 Neck, 2 20 p. ra ., Weldon 5 15 p. m., daily except Sunday. Train leaves larboro, C, via. A -bemarle and Raleigh E R , da:lv except banday 4 40 p. m.; Sunday 3 00 p. m., arr:ve wiuumaton, n. -u, 7 18 -p. av and 4 20 p. m., Plymouth 8 30 p m. and 5 20 p. m. Iktarnicg, leave Ply mouth, N. C, daily exoept 8noday, 6 00 a. m., Sunday 9 00 a. m., WiUiam'toc 7 30 a. m , 9 5S a. ra., arrive Tarb-iro, N. C, 10 40 a m. and 11 20 a. m Train on Midland N. C Branch 1 ;avep Guldsboro. N. O.. daily extent tnr dav. 6 00 a. m., arri Te Smith field, N Q., 7 30 Is m. Returning, leave SmitUeld, N , 8 00 a. m., arrive Gcldstoro. il C.I 1 9 30 a. HL ' 1 Trains nn NashviHo Branch l.WWs Rocty Mount at 5 15 p. ra., arriv- at Nashville 5 55 p. m , Spring Dope G Saj p. m. Betnrnipg, icave fcprarg HopeV 8 W a. m., iNasnviiie 35 a. C, arrive Rocky Mount 5 15 a. Sanday. - ly except Trin3 on Cuntcn Branch leaves ?ar saw for Clinton daily, except Sanfi 6 Ofrp. ra. and 11 leave Clinton m,t connect 40,23 " KEl DOUBLE COlTOS We mw WIT CLOTHING! SHOES, L DRY OOQDS, Our .-.tore is filled t the Lrim. It will ho e.vy f,r you bi raako a ."oloctIiii in fverythintf you want In ourjini. Wo'II H yn i Goods f . r For Jo:? than any oilier houe this hid Nev York. Call (n tin if yo!i want to save your hardarned money. M. HAIuTEIW, King Hatter ancTOIal HOpt22-tf At the ALLIANCE HEADQUAR TERS, in Clinton, N. C, on SEPT. 29th, 30th and OCT.Ist, 1892. All Goods on hand belonging to the Alliance Store. A. H. HERRING, Agent. SEW ADVERTISEMENT :&6?,7 civn. EffGarrfnr.. tan womiacr . rnctlcalCourlnTeleyrphy. 1 In Music and Art. Cornet Baud. Ijocntlon famous for Beauty and li.lJx. For UiOke not prrparcd for College CWaC. there 1 Complete Preparatory Dcrartessi. Resident Sargwna Preparatory Mil-,4 UepartmsnU No char go for medicl at u-ij-tion. Ixw rste4. For irUculars, n!.lrt DAVIS SCHOOL, Winston, N. C. u THE SECRET of reruliinsc health is diaooTereA tn O -JLIUiAO O Tm Mm? Pills0 Q la Uver afffectlmas, a'ek lid9hs dy- C prpwio, firvtaU nco, hrartlmra, biiiou, Oealic, emptiona of tbo akin, and fell troablea nf the bowels, their eers-tlT J cfTerta are xnnrveloua. Theyaiwaeor OrcctiTa tm well e a ;rDtI catijr.Ttlo. Xerf small and rmy to take. Price, V? 5a. OKlcxs, 1,'J &i 4.1 rrk Virm, ii. , OOOOOOOOGO Notice. In addition to my Regular Stock of WATCHES AND CLOCKS. And my Ropainrs Business and and agency for sewing Machine, I have acct'ptctl. the agency for the Great Southern Music House of Lud In & Bates, of Savannah,Ga., for the sale ef : PIANOS AND ORGANS- , I sell the following well-known and reliable makes: Mathushek, Ster ling, Mason A Hamlin and Chick ering. A sample Sterling Piapo and a Sterling Organ can be seen on exhi bition at my place of business in Clinton. Call in and cet our terras. Youre truly, iv9-tf H. B. 11)DEH8 IAS: .(.- 4ADVf.RTISUC5TB LOTS OS1 HAT5T NOTIONS. I will sell at ic Auction! vpw imrrnTiopxtt-viM TV. Kirwt-OlllN- BARBER SHOP. T n'i wib a flrat claas v. Hair Cu upb ' r Muarth Iii-, tail at Jnij 1 t 1 1 rnj-n e-jjoti 'rir, t, itroo t u : if o. the tor... r of hi IliU -uiuV, tli Vf M. i wbl And me ar ull ! j3u. RA ZO l:H Mil hi", kllEHS KELX I v-! 'oJ a gtxJ jh tU.u't, 1.H, to ca f-r, J. H. W-aMONH, dvc 20 tf Barb?r. is tow on Amenoti and Earoao plaa HeaLj aorvcnl at all hours. You are ra. pcc uilv invitei to atop with n while iu fr paimicif Ihrcub tbe city. Wo hvi a fcrsr clan c-Xk, and aro furninu ing the bst m-a'a ever otTjre:! I fhe travcljnj; pul!k at th! point. You have ou'y to g;ve u a trbl to 1 ronvinced tht b t?xve f ttement troe. V. rj. Iarge 8arsiie-Iiooni free to patjonof tbe buu.e. tfajr Haac, th portrr, will meet you at tae train. R-ncitfully, KDWARDS & GRIFF1K, Lite cf the Albac.br ReaUurant, j21 tf GoldborJ, N. C REMOVAL ! .l.TGREGDRY lias removed his Tailoring. Efctab- l Lsh men t from his old stand to his ra . . a-. . a a. a a a . omce en oampson oireei, neai to ma M. 10. Church. The great -and orlgnal leader I low prices for men's clothes. .Econ omy in cloth ana money will for" you to give him a call. ttfirJLatest Fashion plate- jut on hand. k. X: A Jwk