Pure Democracy and White Supremacy. Vol. XI. CLINTON, N. ;C. No. 12. . r 4 i EDITOR'S CHAIR. Don't forget the next meet ing of your Alliance lodge. Be "sure to attend. ! VThe steady and rapid 'growth of the Caucasian's cir culation in every quarter of the State is very gratifying to us. It is proof positive that the people need and appreciate just such a paper. Every mail brings us new subscribers. Let every one who reads this paper get us up a club The Caucasian must go to every neighborhood in North Carolina, f The last few issues of The Caucasian have been specially Complimented. We have re ceived letters from subscribers in .very quarter of the State and ther States congratulating us tnd speaking words of high jraise for the paper. Among his number is a letter from Bro. Loucks of South Dokota, the National President of the Alli ance. 2 f. . A larger number of our subscribers have d aid a vear in advance than ever before. In fact the cah in advance system is the only safe, basis on which to run the paper. To bring The Caucasian to that system was One of the reasons we reduced ,he subscription price to one dol lar a year. We must now urge all to come forward and settle up and pay us a year in advance. We must buy a press, type and cutfit for the paper during the next month, and we must raise the money to do it. If very subscriber will at once ay a year in advance we can lo it. Senator Palmer, of Illinois, liscussing the anti-option bill in Congress last week said : 'Congress had no right to invade the States and forbid the sale of Options." 1 That is the same as to say'that he law has "no right to invade" ie States in the interest of just . If Congress has no right or -wer to prevent speculators from imbling on the labor of the :asses,then the people had better dispense with Congress as an ex pensive luxury. When it comes legistating in the interest of Orporations Congress always Inds that it has "the right" and the power. We receive many letters from friends expressing their fish that they were able to con fute a goodly amount to help build The Caucasian office, fow there is a way that every ie can help. You can get us a? subscriber. It i s true we want rnd need money but we want kders just as bad. We wuld , ther have you send us ten cash bscribers than to send us ten liars as a gift. Because then I could give value received cl feel that we were doing good the 3ame time. Yes help "us sending new subscribers. iat is the kind of help we pre f and it is the kind that will I double the good. - f Only Disturbed by Buzzards. The motto, with the-partisan ess of this State, seems to be laffy the rank and file of the lance and abuse its leaders,- if ;re oe any. l hey grab at straws do this. The press of the State afraid "of Butler, and that - is W" it is always picking at him, he and his party be dead whv ther them. The dead is only Uurbed by buzzardsi--Hick- j Mercury. Reaping What They Sow. Wasn't that a sight the way the Reform Club sat down on Speaker Crisp? We greatly sym- pathize with Mr. Crisp, .because he is a Southern man. But if we Southern people want to betrea- ted with respect we should first set the example, and not encourage the throwing of rotten eggs and other ; things more disgusting, simply because menwise and good as we, happen to differ with us politically. We pity the seo- tion, state, county or town that will thus act. for what we sow we shall also reap. Character In Thumbs. The size of the thumb is an almost certain index to the character of the man. A big thumb is a sure indication of a strong character of some kind,1 wnetner good or bad depends uu uiruumsiances. ine nan joint of the thumb indicates the will power; the second j6int intellectual ability. A man wr aoniiA t his thumb is certain to have mnrV lnrrni r.. iW rr marked logical power; the man who has a long and broad, nail joint is sure to possess an iron will. The sign is infallible, and any man who examines the hands of his acquaintances with a view to comparing the ,W V V LXJL LJtAjk. lilt. IMV t 1 M 11 T-V ' 1 hand with the known character who. while nominally a Demo will be convinced that it never "at has b fni"a Listen! do You Hear the Bugle Calling? appointment ana never did de It is calling for five thousand hjmself t0.the satisfaction of new subscribers to The Cau- hls Democratic neighbors until CAsian. We propose to ex- the campaign was far spent. And pend our time and energies for there will be a candidate for an the next year to build up this office under the next legislature paper. It must go to every a man who was busy two years neighborhood in North Caro- a3' Poking Alliance "demands'; lina. It shall be a power in under the noses of - Democrats, fight for reform. It will turn and who was understood from on the light, it will fight every his conversation to be a Third wron and attack every enemy .Partv mari long before Marion of the people. Butler and Otho Wilson were. The paper will be a terror to He whipped back into the Dem- demagognes and politicians, ocratic party during the-recent; and the people shall have'eause campaign; and now he.wants an to call it their friend. It asks e1'1 , mi. no quarter and will give none. Gal1 ? Thatis no name for it.". The more people you get to The politicians didn't talk that read The Caucasian in your way to you 'during the campaign. section the stronger the reform , u m, - six months, 50 cents; one year, $1.00. Don't let your neigh bors miss another copy. ALLIANCE AID FUND. Since the Alliance ' was first organized it has been a custom when a needy member of a lodge suffered any considerable loss to issue an appeal to" the other lodges to contribute to the relief t)f the distressed brother. This method did not prove satisfactory inasmuch as one brother would often receive "more than his loss, while another would fall far short of it. At the last meeting of the State Alliance the State ' Presi- dent in his annual message to the Alliance recommended that some plan for systematic relief ' be njr.oi a 0t0f adopted. A competent com- . , ; j - j r mittee was appointed to draft a plan, and their report, with sev- eral amendments, was adopted j and is embodied in the State Constitution foiviSai: -See Art; XII, page 30.V The State Presi- dent will sign no more appeals, but each lodge that . adopts - this plan win De a Denenciary unaer it. The plan is already in ope- ration. A naaP onrl a TTftlo- fhftr!ri. The Wilmington Messenger simply differed in judgment as to the best way to get these re sas:. : : : forms in the late contest The "The last legislature was such next years will show wlieth a supreme failure that but ten pf er tney we're right as to neither the Solons are re-elected. Men or whether we were right'wheri to be efficient, useful and judi- this is demonstrated in the light cious as legislators must have 0f experience then all true Alli experience, must have training." ancemen will vote together, we If the last legislature was a wiH all be Democrats or all Pop failure," pray tell us ' which "ones ' ulists. wcu a success: we SUp, pose that legislature that grant- e large corporations or else sat sixty days ami did nothing for the people were a huge success : r , , , !n the 'es e old.and emat- 1C 2cntlem-an who looks through railroad glasses. In his eyes such legislators are made up of "trained and judicious men," men so judidous that th faA f 4 , - - J feared to take a stand for the people and so well trained by lobbyites that the latter had no trouble to manage the body The last legislature was broad, pro gressive and just, and we ' defy Dr. Kingsbury ' to show that it was not. Give the facts or have the decency to withdraw your charge. vnw Am vf i?nw. .. - , " AUwncemen, those of you who pect any thing from the Dem- ocrats, read the following from th ClofLte s. Youcan vote with them, but that's all : "A man sees some very strange things when he hasn't got his gun. For instance, there is men tioned now, in connection with one of the most important Feder al offices in the State, a nerson uuuuiiui une, anu wno m tne late campaign nnea a l nird party They begged you to come forth and help save the grand old par- ty ana said 11 you did so you; would not only be "respected"' by the machine, but that you would deserve more honor than any one else. Those who have the courage of their convictions are not only loved by friends, but they force their enemies to respect them, though they will not admit it. Where True Alliancemtn Stand in the Next Campaign;' A few days since a man said; to us on the cars, "I believe in the Alliance demands and think' that the reforms will have to come through the Peoples party, but I had to be a Democrat 'this time from necessity.4 This was a humiliating confession. The man was either in the clutches of some tyranical creditor, or , , J , . , else he was so weak that he could not face the ridicule and abuse of the dominating town rings. Now we wish to be un- derstood. There is another class of men who believe in theAJh- Democratic ticket; but who' be- Heved that that was the best way to get the reform with these i.v. huuiiv-' for them Avehave the highest re- 1 . w 1 i- rrwT ova TrfT" rna c? n m principles arid results that The I UAUCASIAN adVOCateS, DUl we How It Is axtd WIU Be. - This js the season-of the year when it is customary to greet every one with Ha . merry Christmas r and a happy New Year.? While this ? expresses the .wish that Tub Caucasian has for every, one of its read ers,!y e t we are sadly reminded that it has for the majority of the people but little reality as! far .as the good things of this world are necessary to produce ! it. "With a year's .labor just ended, and but , little, if in deed anything,- to show for it, and many even poorer than when the year began, it is hard to see how a man would man age to be very '.'merry;" and in the light of the t experience of the past, -the "happy New Year" does not loom up very auspicuonsly. But' let our condition finan cially be ever so bad, yet we always have much to be thank f ul ; for to our Creator. And besides, every reforriier has more to "be thankful for now than at last Chrisfmas. The people are more aroused and determined to-day than then. Since the world began there has probably never been a time when the masses of the people were so much interested in and so well informed about the affairs of government. They realize their duties and rights as cilizens, and at the same time the' nature and functions of government. . This being so, this is the most hopeful day ever seen for free govern ment.' We are to-day nearer the divine' plan of "equal rights to all and special privil eges to none" than ever before. It is' true the people have not yet gotten relief, but ' we have now gotten things in such shape that it must soon come. The issues are ' clearly defined. Those in power must . so legis late as to1 give to every man a free and equal opportunity to work-out his own prosperity, and to enjoy f the 'fruits of his own labor. This is all the peo ple demand," arid knowing their rights -will take " nothing less. Yes, those in -power must do this, or the places that know them now will know them no more. Let every -patriot" take fresh courage and press on through the year 1893 with re newed energy, ' for victory is near at ' hand. If " relief does not come from-this administra tian, it will come vwhen Ithe people get one more chance - to speak and exercise their powers at the polls. - , - ' -v ' m " '.. ... Editors Not in it. ' . Down in Mississippi they have introduced, hugging societies to swell the church treasury, and a Missouri paper gives the follow ing scale of prices : Girls under 16, 15 cents for a hug of two min utes, or 10 cents for a short squeeze ; from 1 6 to 20, 50 cents ; from 20 to:2A, 75 cents ; school marms, 4o cents ; another man's wife, $ 1 ; widows, according to looks, Jrom ; 10 fcents to $3 ; old maids; 3 cents or two for a'riickle, and not any time limited Preach ers are not" charged. Editors pay in advertising; butf are not allowed to partixapate until everybodyelse is through; and even -then are riot permitted to 1 squeeze anybody butoldmaids' and school marms. -Ex." ' . 1 " -; :- J - "' -' There Was O ver-Prodoetioii. There was an over-production of independent voters on the 'Oth of Novenjberi Ex. v v In a magnificent free coinage speech delivered in Denver, Colorado, on the 8tth inst. Sen ator Stewart spoke as follows of the great victorv of the Populists at the late election: 'Then through the misrepre sentation of a powerful press and the liberal Use of money the gold ring succeeded in inducing the masses of the voters to sell their birthright. But by the grace of God, there were some, who were riot blinded, Applause. Mark my words, that when the count is made public in every state it will be found that the vote for the. candidates of the People's party will cause the wildest alarm and dismay among the little horde of conspirators who would further rob the poor to more en rich the' rich. The vote was un precedented. It makes the gojd tyrants tremble. Applause. It was a mightier uprising than that which came in behalf of the abolition of slavery after fifty years agitation in behalf of the right of all men in this land to be free. Applause. THE CAUSE OF LIBERTY. "And the cause is righteous." It is the cause, again, of human liberty. I say human liberty, be cause without money we must become slaves. With the gold standard we. must be deprived of money and we must become slaves. "But take courage all friends of free silver: The united pro test of Colorado and her sister states has encouraged the friends of freedom everywhere. You have sent the glad tidings from sea to sea. The mountains have buried the enemies of silver ap plause and they dare not show theirs heads. From Nevada to Utah we planted them too deep for resurrection. Laughter and applause. We would not trust a county office to an enemy of silver. "Our battle is against the wrong and against wrong doers. The assassination of silver by the. most cowardly and stealthy of means in 1873 'was the great est crime of the century, and every . man who "does not array himself on the side of' the army demanding the full and complete renouncement of that crime's re sults and the restitution of silver to its lawful plaee, is an acces sory after the fact and an enemy to his country'. Great applause. "When I went from Washing ton back to : Nevada I ' talked to my people. I told them I did not want the-vote of any. man who. would attempt to apologize for -that crime. I told them I wanted only the votes of men who had sufficient honor and manhood to stand for their rights and the honor of their country. "Stand shoulder to. shoulder. You have, the vantage ground. Your are under the banner of truth and justice. The enemy is entrenched behind a false bul wark of theft and fraud, and the people will sweep him into the ocean, and drown him. The Rothchilds have secured .its pre- petuation. Now ..the United States is sending a commission over to be intrusted to the tender mercies of the perpetrators of the outrage They are. going over to Europe to Jet the Rothchilds tell them how to further rob the people of the United States." - Ptt! PUe! Itching PUet. SYUTOMg-i-MToIsinre; Intense Itch ing and stinging ; most it night ; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form,-which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases remoTes the tumors. - At druggists, or by mail, for due- Dr. Swayne & Son Philadelphia., World's flevs in Brief. Dr. Deems has suffered a strok of paralysis. Hon. Jerry Simpson will be a candidate for Senator from Kan sas There is now on the United States Pension ?oll nearly a mil Hon names and the list continues to swell. George Gould has been elec ted President of the Western Union Telegraph Company to succeed his father, the late Jay Gould. Hon. James G. Blaine is suff ering from bright's disease. His condition is critical. His ' physi cians dont think it possible for him to survive many weeks. The bill introduced in the South Carolina legislature to prohibit the sale of whiskey hat become a law The railroad com mission bill giving the commiss ion power to fix rates is also past ed. STATE. A national bank is to be or ganized at Mt. Airy. The North Carolina legisla ture met yesterday. It is reported that Williams will contest his election m the House over Settle, who received certificate from the canvasring board. FORRION. Mrs. Lillie Langtry, .the ac tress, is seriously ill. It is not thought she will recover. Mrs. Langtry is forty years of age. HARRISON'S DIAGNOSIS. A letter written by Harrison, October the28tb, 1889, contains the following paragraph: "I wish to call your attention to the fact that no political par ty holding the administration of the government has ever been defeated while the people were prosperous; and no party can, or ought to stay in power, which does not administer the government in such a manner as to protect and guarantee the success, prosperity and happi ness of the governed." Did some one ask, why the defeat oi the Republican party? Benjamin forestalled the ques tion and answered it three years ago. P. P. COXGRESSMEX." The following are the Peo ples' party Congressmen elected Nov. 8 th: Nevada--New lands; Nebras ka, McKeigan and Kem; Penn sylvania Sibley; Colorado Pence and Bell; Kansas Har ris, Simpson, Davis, Baker, Had son and Moore; California-Can-non; Minnesota, H.-E. Boen; and gallant. Tom Watson from the tenth district of Georgia. He was elected, but by fraud and political corruption waa counted out. However, he will make a righteous and determ ined contest for the seat pxo Tided funds enough can be rais ed by subscription .to defray expenses, or help to bear the burden of it. Great West. There were more counted out than Tom Watson; we belieyo that Strcwd in the B&leigh dis trict and many others were elec ted. The fraud and corruption of the last campaign would .bo simply appalling if all the facta were known.

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