rrr T I 1 L.I Pure Democracy and White Supremacy. u H ... , mmm " mmi 'vol. ,,fJI Vr.ncl rvoort XIs the Roitrum. The Alliance Independent, Lincoln, Neb.), of the 5th inst., 1 ays: I The commander-in-chief of c Industrial Legion, lately or ganized at Memphis, is regis tered at the Lindell. Paul Van jcrvocrt is a natural organizer, Jnd great things are to be ex- wm . ,1 f Him nv T.nnse wnii laced him at the head of this Vparently soon-to be gigantic Ionization. Whether or not Legion shall be the medium fat shall weld into one solid lialanx the serried hosts of la ir, whose ballot can strike the liters from 50,000,000 mdus v slaves, remains to be seen. IrUiin it is that thousands he lve it and hundreds in this ate are ou the tip-toe tf ex station ready to challenge fate fder its banners. Mr. V ander jort, you have the rostrum. ess the button." Free Passes. 1 fWill our legislators have the fcency to refuse free passes com the railroads? ' The late f lection meant reform in various lirections, and there is nothing bout which the farmer is more nsitive than the receiving of 4se passes by our Congressional ad State representatives. 1 iiese Isses are regarded as a bribe, Id they are. The representa le who accepts a free pass is Vned by the railroad giving it. 4 he is an honorable man he ill pay f jr his pass, when he has the opportunity, and if he dees he will vote against the in terest of the masses, for rail is iSs have been crowding down e masses nearly ever since they fve had an existence. The Jople would like to see every tate Legislature pass a law iking it a peal offence for a iblic official to accept a free iss. Farmer's Voice. This applies to North Caro Jia and every State in the nion. Ed. Popular Vote for President. The Brooklyn Eagle publishes toilowing instructive uiuie uu I subject : I'For Grover Cleveland the iiocrats in 1892 cast a yote of 67,242. The increase was 882. Benj. Harrison's vote in z was 5,282,086. In 1888 it I 5,440,708. His loss was ! ,622. The nominee of the oulists, James B. Weaver, re zed in 1892 a total of 996,998. . 4 Greenback Labor candidate i83S had 303,578. The gain i 68S,4i6. Bidwell, the Pro itionist candidate in 1892, led 280,894. Four years earlier I Prohibition vote was 246, . The gain was 34,068. On I total vote for President the irage quadrennial increase i been about 1,150,000. The ivance in i892 was only 783,- i. Here is the aggregate q and the percentage of m- ise since the second election Mr. Lincoln : Per Ct. ir. 4 8 Total Vote. 4,024,762 5,724,762 8,420,273 9,219,947 10,057,610 n,383,97 12,167,102 table shows Increase. 18 12 3i 9 9 13 7 that the 6 P 4 8 I 'his locrats did not conduct the i campaign with the visror h distinguished their previ fforts. The reason assigned at as soon as Mr. Cleveland nominated a large number e up their minds at once how I would vote, and energy Lagged under the settled action that the Democratic Hdate would be elected. And as quite evident that the Re leans were paralized at the 2t. Wow They Will Drop it. And now you will hear no more of the "tariff question." It has played its part It served as a bone to quarrel over dur ing the election. Its usefulness is ended. Farmers who carried torches and 'rahed for the old party . will go to husking their corn, standincr off the storekeeper, humping to get their' interest money for old Shylock and wondering when the good times are coming which the political stump speakers promised them. The workingmen will continue to ri-je at six, go to work at seven, "cuss"their low wages,threaten to strike and spend their noon hour telling how many "two fer" cigars and how many glasses of free beer they got parading in an old party pro cession. But the "tariff" will not be in it. That question is settled till the next campaign. Chicago Sentinel. You will see much in the papers about what Congress is going to do and they may even swear that tfiey have done something for the peo ple, but before the next elec tion you feel in your pocket and see for pourself how mueh they have done. Ed. Government Ownership will Come. The growth of opinion in this country is in favor of govern ment ownership of the railways, the telegraph and telephone sys tems, and in favor of municipal ownership ot all municipal mo nopolies, is simply remarkable. That the complete ownership and operatiou of all our great public and national monopolies will soon become a fact, there seems to be no reasonable doubt. The time was, in this country, when it was thought to be impossible for the government to be unable to man age the postal service. That day has gone by. To-day many good meaning people think the government could not manage the railroads, the telegraph and the telephones. The day will soon come when this possibility will come. There is no other way to settle the railroad ques tion. Minneapolis Progressive Age. Land-Loans in England. Our so called great financiers delight to imitate the financial legislation of Great Britain, and one of the most important measures that has passed the commons of the great parlia ment was a land-loan scheme a scheme for the government to aid the Irish tenant to pur chase his home. It passed the commons on June 15th, by a majortty 129 out of a total vote of 321. The measure yjrovides that the British government shall advance the money to buy out the landed estates, and allows the tenants to purchase their holding by paying annual installments. To this end 105,000,000 is to be appro priated. The purchasing ten ants will be required to pay such installments as will com plete their payments in forty nine years. As fast as the in stallments are paid the money is to be used in other pur chases. In payment for the land the government -is to issue to the owners stocks or bonds at 2 3-4 per ient and payable in not less than 30 years,. - This is to all intents and pur-; poses a government loan on rear estate, and if Great Britain can make such loans to free the Irish tenantry from land lordism, might not the United States government make simi lar loans to free the American farmer from, Shylock? Pro gressive Farmer. CLINTON, N. C. THURSDAY, JANTJART19, 1893. IIht Im Druaklc. "f The Republican party has elected its last president. The Democratic party will never elect another candidate. The people are aroused. The Populist cause is in the saddle and will be the next great party. The cause of the masses must have a defender if we hope to perpetuate the republic. The Democratic leaders are chained to plutocracy, and there is nothing to hope for from that party. The same is true of the Re publican party. The rank and file of both old parties are honest and well meaning, and sympathize with the people. Ignorance, prejudice and party favoritism have kept them in darkness. The light is breaking. An other four years of education and the common people will begin to understand that they are the power and that they are the people in . shape to direct government, and not the few who request the money power. Denver Road. Some AUlanc Thoughts. Independent Watchman, (Mo.): No man should be se lected as an Alliance man who cannot take a solemn oath to divorce his party prejudice from his Alliance teachings, no matter what the party. Fail ing in this he should resign. We do not believe in comprom ising with the devil. The Alli ance must be maintained non partisan. Independent Watchman, (Mo.): We must educate to principle, not party. For hea ven's sake let us be decent in our censure. We must purge the Alliance of partizan bigots and fools, or it is lost. We cannot kick Peter and kiss Paul. A dose of strict disci pline to the tune of the "rogues march out of Alliance office" would be highly proper and strengthening to the order. Hon. H. L. Louck's address : I hope the Alliance will never become a partizan organiza tion, that is, the tool of any political party. So long as oth er classes remain organized we must perpetuate our organiza tion or remain at the mercy of organized classes. It is not enough that a political party has adopted our demands we are yet only on the threshold in this movement. We must con tinue the work of education on the economic principles incor porated in our demands and this can be done much better inside our organization than through a political party. People's Cause, (Tex.): The Alliance is an industrial or ganization composed of men of every political faith known in America. The Pe pVs party is composed of men who be lieve in a certain line of poli tical action. The Alliance is a non-partizan organization, while the People's party is a strictly partizan organization. The Alliance and the three parties now in existence are alike in only one particular, viz.: they place no religious test on a candidate for member ship. Those persons m and out of the Alliance wno nave been claiming that the Alliance was a political machine are just that much mistaken. The Alliance promulgated a plat form, the People's party adop ted it; in this particular only j have they ever been akin. Ruralist, (S. Dak.) : Throw your whole soul into Alliance work this fall and winter. Build up your own organiza tion. Encourage your neighbor to become active and vigilant in this great cause that means so much to the fanners of the whole country. It is easy to see that capital, through all manner or corporations and associations, is thoroughly organized, vigilant, active and unscrupulous. It will bring to bear every influence possi ble to. break down farm organ izations, for they realize that the Alliance is an educator that is responsible for the present political revolution that is breaking the power to lead men through partizanship. The Alliance has set men to think ing and reasoning. It has loosened the bonds that bound them together. Various Tie Tbn. Bind. I apprehend there are some people now in the Republican party who would be in the Peo ple's party i there were more broadcloth and silk hats in the latter. Mo3t of us have too much de ference for wealth independent of other considerations. Busi ness considerations iflnuence many more than does conric tion. I know some men of whom one would expect better things; who find more satisfaction in having the president of a bank or some prominent lawyer pol itician give them a patronizing hand shake or pat them on the shoulder than they would in standing by manly conviction when such a manly stand de prives them of the patroniziug hypocritical, obsequious atten tion of the rich and influential. Vanity and excessive love of approbation are the predomi nating influences with such men They feed 011 flattery and adu lation, and strange to say, are often unconscious of their weak nes?. Heaven pity such men ! Whether preachers, physicians, lawyers, business men, or labor ers; verily they get their re ward. Courageous devotion to con viction always wins respect. Social ties hold many men in party lines. Selfish ties hold le gions. Aluiust infinite are the mo tives and forces which prompt men to affiliate. Intelligence, motives and purpose determines strength and duration of affiliation. In society, as in nature, no organization is fixed and un changeable. Unchangeable fix ation would be everlasting deadness. Organization is a primary law in nature. The universe and the planates were involved from chaos by systematic, monadic organization, and concentration of practices individual units coaginented. This law prevails in the animal and vegetable kingdom, and is prominently and beautifully illustrated in the formation of minerals. Iti natural to organize. Individual isolation is decay, and eventu ally dissolution. Existence, vi tal strength and potent action depend upon sagacious organi zation. It is right to organize. It is strength. Organize! But all organizath ns are in evitably and invariably subject to aggregation, disintergration, and eventually to disorganiza tion. Political organizations are not exceptions to the rule. Don't contend against the in evitable changes demanded as a sequence to perpetual evolution and ad vaucing civilization. New things are only new in formation.- Topeka Advocate and Tribune. V Growing in TenncMCC. The Alliance in Tennessee is rrrowing. Hundreds of new members are being initiated and many old ones coming back in. The Work of organization should be pushed in every State of the Union. Without organization, farmers cannot succesifully meet the evils perpetrated upon them. The Toiler. Prattes Latent ca t& PrcJCcstUl C&tcttncapM. To' tub Mbhbb or tub N. P. a A. I. U.: It was not my intention to tay anything special about our M em phis session , but there seems to be some misunderstanding about it, even among our referm pa pers, to Tf arrant a few words at this time. First, then, there was no per sonal antagonism that I know of between Dr. Macune and my self. Previous to the 'Memphis session he had no warmer friend or admirer than mysdf . When ever attacked I defended him, since I first met him at St. Louis three years ago. Second, there was no differ ence m policy of Alliance work up to date of that session that I am aware of. When we lost our president, he wired mc to come to Washington at once. I had work planned out for a few weeks, so wrote him of my plan, and showed my confidence in him by authorizing him to act for me until my arrival. He cor dially approved of my plans During my stay in Washington I consulted with him freely and confidentially; indeed, author ized him as chairman of the ex ecutive committee to make my appointments for me, giring preference to the Southern States, where he was much better ac quainted than I was. We both agreed in the opinion that the Alliance should be a non parti san organization. We also agreed that it was our duty to support the political party that adopted our demands. So that so far as I know there was no difierence in policy or methods between us. I asked no one to support me. There was no fight made on me that I knv of. The brother who nominated Dr. Macune stated that if he were elected president I would be elect ed vice-president by acclamation; When the doctor's friends be-1 came very earnest in their can-; vass for him, and when he stated it was a case of life or death for him, I requested that my name be withdrawn. My mends would not consent. They took the po sition that Dr. Macune, from the South, had held the office for three vears. followed bv brother j , - . -j Jones for one year, then brother Polk three years, all from the South ; that it was now only just and in the interest of the order that the honor should go to the North, particularly as the claim had been made in the North that the N. F. & I. U. was a South ern Alliance. The contest was not made on sectional lines, for although the vote was by ballot, I feel sure I am correct in saying that the delegates from the fol lowing Southern States oted for me, viz: Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina and Missouri, while the following Northern States would have supported Dr. Macune : Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa and California. There is no reason for saying that our political affiliations made any difference, for we were both avowed People's party men, and whilst I think it is true that all the Democratic delegates were supporters of the doctor, it is also true that such stalwart Peo ple's party men as brothers West, Jamison, McDowell, Gardner, Tracy, Robinson and Cole were also. It is ridiculous to say that Gideon's Band" had anything to do with my election, as it is irenerally understood that the doctor is a prominent member of the Band, while I am not, and never had any connection with it, directly or indirectly, and know nothing of it except from here say. I think it is unfair to claim that the executive committee of the People's party met there for the purpose of interfering in our business. No one would have resented such interference more quickly than I would. I saw no euch iffdications. They were No. 14 there as at Indianapolis and St. Louts, because they could meet so many of ihdr co-workers at less firwn tVin 1 o Vwilt wav. To chantf thai th enemies of the Alliance, or plot ting for its downfall, is ridicu lous, as time will prove. At every session of thrAni ance we must cspect that 'dele gates will have their favorites for office. In the past inur order it has invariably been true that the candidate for office has biea defeated. I hope in the lutur that it will always prove true, then the office will seek' the man. ana mere win Dc no heart-burnings through disappointment. We cannot permit o grand an order, with such noble objects in view, to be used to aid any indi vidual in his personal ambitions. Where the attempt . is made it is our duty to prevent it by all hon orable means. If the time should ever come when the mijority of our delegate at anu. trir should consider the election: Jf any particular person to office, a necessity for our order, then we will have reached our xenith. Men are nothing in this move ment. Success for our princi ples, everything. Two -much space has already been consumed for or against individuals. Push our demands to the front. Train your guns on the opposition, and do not permit yourself to be side tracked on minor issues or per sonalities. Yours fraternally, H. L. Louckp. Th Vice or AbnenUeli m. The Democrats have a major ity of 150 in the House of Repre sentatives, but they forfeited con gressional control again by'nb. eenteeism. This is inexcusable neglect of duty. It is also very bad politics. How can the Dem ocrats renew their indictment of the Republicans .for selfish in difference to public concerns if the Democrats fail of enough in terestin public affairs even to oc cupy their seats in Congress? Brooklyn Eagle. Wbr (he Votes Cam Frxtm. The pooroldjndianapolis Joir nalis laboring hard to explain the immense significance of over one million votes for Weaver by providing that in every instance it came by defections of one or the other of the old parties,. Wonderful, isn't it? Does tht Journal think the People's party was to get its strength in any other way than by taking recruits from the Democrats and Repub licans ? Nonconformist. How to Confine Them. , If some of those fellows who charge that farmers arc extrava gant as a class would make their lodging place for a few months at an average farmer's house, they would become thoroughly convinced that the farmers are the most economical class in this country that they work harder, live harder and receive less for their labor than any other class of peopleOur Home. Thak God! The gospel of truth has at last been preached in Diana's temple. Senator John PJones declared to the gold worshfp- pers at Brussels that m6ney-is not a material thjng,but a func tion conferred by law." Hie money changers have spent .mil lions to keep the world in igno rance of this truth. A knowl edge of this by our people alarms the financial freebooters more than would 100 iron ,clacl war ships thundering at their gates. Plow and Hammer, Tiffin, Ohio. . r .2 V

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