J?" .... ....... ... m . , ji :if Pure Democracy and White Supremacy. Vol. XI. CLINTON, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUABT 26, 1893. No. 15. EDITOR'S CHAIR. -The time to assert rights is when tli-v are denied ; the men t a-M-rt them are those to whom iu.v arc denied. The communi v which dares not protest its hum! Jest and most hated mem k r in the free utterance of his opinions, no matter how false or hateful those opinions may .seem, i onlv a gang of slaves.'" Wen !ej Philiips, in his lecture on Mobs and Education.'" A Most Welcome Visitor. A subscriber at Bland, N. C, writes: "Inclosed find one dollar, for rwiiich please continue the paper. Iff ,unrii v nn I T T-. 1 1 A I T f ' A R I A X IS tiv most welcome visitor that ! l. i omrs 10 our nuuie. We receive dozens of such let ters every week, and only regret that we haven't space to publish (more of them. Ei. I The following, taken from a f German paper, proves that hard times has come to that nation also: I It is often suspected that the (complaints of shopkeepers con cerning the bad condition of 'trade are not genuine, but this year such complaints are known to be sadly true. The outlook l'or improvement in any branch )f trade is exceedingly gloomy. Commercial and financial cir cles alike take a pessimistic view of the situation, and "croakers' ' who at one time would have received scant atten tion are now listened to as if the' were oracles. Operators 6n the .Bourse have lost their usual daring and now enter in fo speculations with a' timidity that is foreign to their natures. A subscriber in a private bus iness letter asks: " Who furnish- s you with the facts given in our Raleigh letter? I was in Ral- 1 ! 1 .. - T .-.-. ;ijm a lew nays since, saw ic loiters there for the daily pa- iers, but I saw no one there rep- 'i sentmg The Caucasian, yet every issue you give the pub lic facts about the doings of the )dy not published in the daily papers.'' Our friend is right, we do give Ue facts, and they are facts not ; -fiblished by the daily press. We have a reporter there but you do apt see him. He may be in the galleries behind the curtains, in if die lobby or possibly 4 Hinder the ble." At any rate he will be lore than apt to find out about very good bill that is tabled or yery bad one that is passed. te was either under the table or 1 hearing distance when the louse voted to table that bill re iiirinix the commissioners "to . Ipoint none but competent and intelligent men as judges of the action." We propose to turn J the light, we will tell the peo e the truth and it makes no Jference so it is the truth how twhere we get it. We challenge I opposition press to contro- anything we publish. jSt'in'IJKsSIXG TIIK NEWS. lhe cable dispatches from Ku e published in the daily news-. ers is each day loaded with while scarcely a word is giv about the great German mi- strike. A great number of Jflicts have taken place, thou ds are in a starving condition, still the strikers hold out ; pe 25,000 are involved. It is Important a matter that but for I Purposeful suppression the ps would be filled with coi ns of news. The Tennessee erswar waS suppressed, for f in tne same way. The Twins Combining. We clip the following para graph from Congressman Wat son's "Washington Letter" in his paper. Let honest, fair minded men only read: r TALK QF OLD PAIH V FUSION. In Nebraska, an arrangement between Democrats and Popu lists would result in a control of the Legislature and of the elec tion of a Senator. The Democrats, however, are openly advised by the Party Bosses to vote for a Republican rather than a Populist. In oth er words, they will fu&e with the Republicans and select a Republican Senator rather than to elect a member of the Peo ple's party. In Kansas a fusion between Republicans and Populists would control. The Republican Bosses ad vise their men to fuse with the Democrats, and to elect a Dem ocratic Senator rather than a member of the People's party. This action of the two old par ties is most significant. Each knows that the other is neces sary to its own existance. Each knows that when one of them goes down, the other is bound to follow. The frauds, hum bugs, class interests, and cam paign boodle contributed by Protected Industries, which are necessary to one of these old parties, are necessary to. the other. Hence each prefers that the other shall have the Senator ship rather than for Populists to get it. These two old parties are on ly enemies in a professional sense. They understand each other well and are drawing more closely together every day. ACTUAL FUSION IN NEBRASKA IN THE SENATE. The Democrats in the Sen ate of Nebraska have fused with the Republicans, and have or ganized the Senate on that ba sis. The Democratic Farmer in Georgia, who ran away from us last summer on account of Democratic accusations that the Republicans were going to fuse with us, will please put ashes on the chunk, invite the house dog out at the door, wind up the clock and go to bed. May he sleep the sleep of the just man who has been profoundly humbugged and yet wants more. If he is an "Ocala Dem ocrat" he will probably talk in his sleep. T. E. W. Senators Klected. The Connecticut Legislature has re-elected Joseph R. Haw ley, Republican, to be U. S. Sen ator. ' The Legislature of Missouri in joint session re-elected F. M. Cockrell, Democrat, United States Senator. The Legislature of New York in joint session, declared the election of Edward Murphy, Jr., Democrat, as United States Sen ator to succeed Hiscock. The Pennsylvania Legisla ture met in joint session and formally ratified the election of Senator Quay, Republican, to succeed himself, from March 4th next. The Indiana Legislature in joint session re-elected David Turpie, Democrat, to be U. S. Senator. Stephen M. White, Democrat, of Los Angeles, has been elec ted United States Senator to succeed Charles N. Felton. Delaware re-elects Senator George Gray, Dem. Massachusetts elects Henry C. Lodge, Republican, for U. S, Senator. - Ex-Gov. Wm Bate, Demo crat, is re elected Senator from Tennessee. Senator Hale. Republican, is re-elected Senator from Maine. fiigjWlNE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. At The Nation's Capital, THINGS NO I TOLD UYTIIK OOLD nUO'" PAPKRS. From our Washington Correspondent, Editor Caucasian: - Hfe have been in the capital of the great American Republic for thirty days, with an active reportorial nose. We have searched its great area, its pub lic buildings, its poor quarters and its palatial section for the designs ot the founders of the Republic. It was not dis coveredthe chaste beauty of its marble plinths and splendid architraves were speechless. It is lost. It is lost amid overgrowths of flnnkeyism. Man's image is liveried into apery, and delights itself." Washington is a wonder ful mausoleum, with win ted sepulc ire of an Pternal winter, cevering the dead spirit of Col onial Simplicity. Washington is a city, is a vast and beautiful overgrown village, like theCushan palaces of Persia, builded by patient slaves who expect to "level 11 p the race'' with a party v odoo worship. They sustain a breed of aristocrats with the money that ought to semd the children of twenty millions of.our pop ulatk n to school levelling up the sewer-scraper's ragamuffin to be the peer of a goose-down darling; patient slaves who, in mine and forge and field, warm the dunghills of the dead patri otism of '76, and mistake the livid resurrection ot ghastly poverty and feverish greed for the cross of a new Christ for humanity glorified! This is Washington. It is beautiful. Like St. Augustine, the dream city of Florida, it is beautiful. One was glassed, and marbled, and orientalized by the serfs of the Standard Oil infamy the other by the hip-hurrahs of par tisan worship. The very air in mid-winter is hot and luminous with parched and parboiled pride with nei ther age nor heroic deed to sanc tify the painted cheek. The palace of the President is not good enough for him now ! And thus gulfed to unknown depths the mighty chasm be tween the snob aristocracy, and the toil, tailed to support it, grows apace. The imperian liu compoops flaunt their purpel and fine linen and the ragged Caesrrs of future crime can scarcely write their names. Think of this: A lady whose two daughters righteously enough have to work for a liv ing for.all, told us this story: "The ladies of the cabinet cannot of course return the calls to all who leave cards at the receptions. A vife of one of the Secretaries did not un derstand this, and drove around to return all the calls. And what do you think? At one place she drove up in her phaeton and horrors! just think of it! She found the 'lady' a woman out in front of the house ..washing the windows! What a place for a Secretary's wife to call; the receptions should not be so open!" This was no time to be silent, ancTwe replied : "Madame, think of the great disgrace of that Sercetary's wife receiving her granduer from taxes drawn from the window washers!" Oh, -but but" "But what? Was the Repub lic constructed for the slobber ation of snobs or the elevation of window washers to the Queenship of honest' women?" "But in refinement " "Madame, if in one hundred years" a republic does not edu cate the toiler's offspring to the level of the purple spawn, when will it? That woinan ate hon est bread and the society dar ling did ndt. Cultivated ? Alas, tha Republic cultivates thetsilk gartered children of the "pal- ace - The windows of God should be; opened in the suburbs of hell. Washington is everything that the capital of Humanity's Empire should not be nothing that it should be. When the masses realize the mighty chan- if Or- Of the Ifmt t.liirtv vn;ir4 tliv fn 4 - " r 1 ijj i?e ii.xeeuin e committee will find the fibrous roots of i of the N. F. A. & I. V. adjourn this great National Cancer Ud on Saturday evening 14th). sketched abroad to the perL Thc nndm-s 'were hrld at the phery f;-om prideful Washing- Hillman Huu.e, abuitdinc erect UV; , F- I d by Gen. Geo. Washington Have Ireasury officials been ) in 192. The newly elected sev redeemmg counterfeit money ? j retarv, Tavlor, at Tennessee, Such is the natural premimp- was not installed, owin to dc tion after reading a special re. ikiencies on the bond mattcr. port submitted by Treasurer ! That and other important mat Nebeker to Secretary Foster ; ters deferred to a postponed this week. This report shows 1 meeting on Feb. 14, prox. Pres. uiin. uie aiiiouuipamout oy uie ent, H. L,. Eoucks, PrtVt , Treasurer in redemption of Huron, S. IX; II. C. Doming, 8500 notes, series of 1874, er Harrisburg, Pa.; Mann Pae, ceedsby 954,000 the total aiu't ; Brandon. Va. : I. E. Dean. Hon- issued of that series, whereas it is usually the case that the ain't Mt. Leonard, Mo. Our inter paid out for the redemption of; viewer" pronounces it the most any series of notes is always ; business-like and harmonious less than the total amount is-j body he ever met. sued of that series, for the very; Telegram from Jtrrv Simpson natural reason that many notes ' announces that the" populists are burned up or lost where'! "hold the fort" at Topeka. Just they are never found. j got a decision from Supreme Ex-Speaker Reed has been j Court in their favor. House or keeping quiet this session,, but 1 ganized by the populists against ne made a little speech in the House this week in which he stated a truth that ought to be carefully studied by the Demo cratic leaders of the present as well as the next House. He said-.Tt the House wants to do business, it can always find plenty of time to do it in; if it does not wish to do business, it can find eternity not to do it in. Mr. Reed has said few things during his Congressional career! that your correspondent couldjj endorse, but this statement'! must be endorsed by every un-y . ,i : ji 1 . . c it. ii lutjjuuiueu ooserver 01 me worn of Congress. The Situation Last Week. In Congress as seen by an Allianceman. We cull the following from a letter just received from a prominent Allianceman who is now in Washington: There is now an intense but silent and good-natured war fare going on between the two old parties in regard to legisla tion. The result is, nothing important is done. The Re publicans will shirk every thing, and laugh about it. The j Democrats are cowardly pro crastinating. This is really the truth. The tariff issue is dead in congress! Actually dead, and kpt dead by the Democrats. ! You can t galvanize the corpse. You don't hear any complaints from the dems on "high tariff." There is not a solitary word heard. You can't draw them out on the question. Wall Street is a unit against relief. There is no high tariff lobby here. Somehow, there seems tobea distinct understanding j that the next Congress will not j take up the matter. It is the most singular thing I have ever known this absolute death of the issue. In regard to jobs: a job most joo most j actively worked now, under Republican development is the lake-cruiser job, under the plea that Great Britain is building war vessels on the lakes. - There are no private advices., as to policies developed this , early in the work, unless it is to head off this everlasting ap propriation business for war preparation and spot that hor rible Nicaragua steal. The N. P. Ry will soon have to have a settlement. The feeling throughout the country, as to our cause, is splendid very much better than expected. riqeilfiilfckiifialii iiqtun . The Km tie lmmltte?--Mif- Ir?y Citrillr The Uorl strU upprr'ntrNn 1n Miwrfyln (lot Wairr. Washs;ton. IX C. fan r . 0-, " . 1 eyoie Falls. -N. Y.: L. Leonard. republicans and democrats and it. is recognized by the senate and governor. This shows the rascally falsehoods of tin asso ciated press up to date. Now for a populist senator. (The Associated Press has since "given down' a few of the above facts, but mingled with misrepresentation.) Congressman McLaurin (6th dist. b. Car. re-elected) says he was sant as a democrat, but that he is an Allianceman, and when the democrats don't stand on the Ocala demands they will miss him! Reformers in congress are not crushed with a grin to-day. We sat beside a laboring man in the gallery this week and made a remark to that effect. He re plied, 'That's right Glory halle lujah!" It was Tom Watson's little foot that smashed the more-bond-issuing bilL The old Florida claims bill came up and it w as John Davis, of Kan sas who broke its neck! Silver is looming up as the mightiest issue of this age. It has become the very vestibule of a financial issue which will shake he world iand may summon armies. It may yet be a conflict between Wall Street and the civilized world. In the folds of the silver issue stnd. the fiat money question. The Sherman law may be repealed. Silver men regard it as an infamy any- , finncial battIe on a square is sue. The case before the Su- preme Court as to the consitu tionalitv of demonetization has been advanced on the calendar. Wall St. princes are almost stag gered at the devilish work of their own bill, and some of them have broken Irom British con trol. This is the case with Phila- del hias old time banker-prince, wh wrhes: ,.It seem9 incon ceiveable when the world is in creasing so rapidly in popula- j rural regions, that the business r ..fifi Kv o more arbitrarv decree should be reduced to a condition Gf reliance upon gold onjy as a raeasure of values. NVeJhave not Tet btun to fed the fun weight of this foolisll and absurd atternpt.and this . f Tav Cocke j Norvin Greerl als ,f tlle great teleg magnate, is drifting awaj from the banker's fecca. A crisis is coming. ABSURD AND FALSE. The malignity of the partisan press is shown in the publication throMghout the country of - the positive statement as a declara tion from them, that Senators Pcffcr atid Kyle had agrcixi to unite with the democrat to or gn'ue she Senate, and as nav were to receive an assistant Scr- gennt at Arm. And that thr very man wan selected an old stalwart democrat etc , etc. The whole thing is a fabrication and a lie. This congress t now talking itelf to deathat least smi far a the Senate h concerned it it doing to stave off the anti-option bill. It wi'uld pas on a vote. Stewart ?:dd, in Ins speech of Jan. 4th imt. : "The financial structure of the civilized world in tottering on it base, and every financial institu tion in Europe and America is making desperate efforts to cur tail credit, increase tu reserves and maintain solvency!" Congress is afraid to do any thing, and it does not -xecpt to spend eight million dollars for the Cherokee strip of land. The Rep blicans will leave every problem for the Democrats and the Democra t are frightened nearly to death you can ce it. Xot one of them can be hired to talk tariff low or high. 'Wait, says the 4Give-us-a-chancet democracy! "Wait, and let our changes be so gradual that you wont now of any changes!" All this time the two parties are jolly with good fellowship to each other. They bargain be forehand whether thy will let a bill pass or wont and then act accordingly. No hope for 'measures of re lief to the people this session. Rut a mighty undertow is mov ing in the hearts of men. The Xicaraugua Canal bond Credit Mobiler Steal is forging ahead quietly. Rut it will scarcely get through this ses sion. The Democrats are in hot water on the tariff and silver issues. We tried to interview three Democratic Congressman on the McKinley bill. Their mouths were shut at once. They are now betwixt twi millstones -constituents and Wall street. There will be two months more of a Republican President and Senate and a Democratic House, after whieh the Democrats will have full power for the first time in thirty-two years. In that time they have had at the same time the House and Senate; also the President and the House; but at no time in that period have they had President, Senate and House at tbe same time. We ask ail our Democratic friends who are with us in principle, but who had faith in their party and wan ted to give it a chance, to watch lor the passage of a free silver bill, for a bill abolishing the loan in: of monevlto national banks by the government at. one per cent; for the passage of a bill taxi g incomes; for the adoption of a law increasing the greenback currency until the money volume reaches $50 per capita. In any state where the Repub licans cannot elect a Senator, they should help to beat a popu list by co-operating with the Dem ocrats. Globe-Democrat, Dec. 18, 1892. The Globe-Democrat, the lea ding Republican .paper, of St. Louis, Mo., has the above ad vice to give to Republicans through the land, showing that the poprdists are the thorn in the side of the g. o. p. Anything to kill the reform movement is their motto. The plutocrat and gold bug, whether f n the Democratic or Republican camp, , will un sheathe the sword to down the common enemy, reform for the masses. Great West. An American girl was shown some cannou at Woolwich arse 1 anal, the sergeant in charge re ' marked, "You know we took ; them from you at Bunker Hill "Yes," she replied, I see you have the cannon, but I guess we have got the hill."

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