4 . jf7. ' , P A TT CASIAN vv j v VOL. XI. GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBItU Alt Y 23, 1S93. NO. 18. EDITOR'S CHAIR. Iwt ol'INION OK THE KIITOK ON THE ...... ft 1 The leading editorial of the Wil- Lintoii Messenger, last Tuesday, ar- la iiinsj that the Wilmington & Wei- I,,.. Kailroad should not pay Taxes tin; thinest piece of demagogy t have heard of in many a day. We ' . It 1 At... 1 . A . " .... I t Si ! l 1 - ike it mat me euitor is an mi"- . l: ............ v'i .-- mail. will. His iir"iiun in v ' i :..-.ii;f4..i' ooeii IB ilOUeSLV r " iiim-h'S'-..- jueetion. Mr. Parnrl-, representative from If - - . i . . . n vi tKa T .flflTlulil 1 II VC few day since to a question of per ,11?.! privilege, and in his remarks ,rrorat4i what The Caucasian often charged, that the Wilmmg & WeMori Kailroad ownetl the In ji U. r. Hen tuc jwu4V on OW UK i but littl'' damage. Dr. fni-iury reiers ... i f to Judge and as a osditeat the gate oi we uemocrai jiartv, an J expresses surprise that great, good and wise Cleveland i .-.1. i.: j.. ,.e oillu appoint niui oeuie-aiy ux ... . . . tate. liut then it must be remem- fered that the Doctor has never Wen lottd ror his political sense, lie lad better confine himself to the Wilmington & Weldon Kailroad. There is no need for discourage- jhent. 1 he reform movement is glo- uusly marching on. The princi- es are still dear to the millions of e American peopie anu uc-epiut-runorary defeat will yet triumph. . i- i .i. utcracy will be dethroned and stiee and equal rights will be guar- iteed to all men. It behooves every formcr toputou the armor for the ht! Remain true to yourself iadfa.st and l'tyal to your cause, ad we will yet erain a glorious vie- rv. The tariff issue, which was con- dered paramount in the last cam- , jain has dropped into "innocuous esuetude," and there art Jiat an extra session of congress will e called only to repeal the Sherman liver law, in which event the coun ty would be put ou a gold basis. the tariff was the great evil be- re the election it must oe now. ; is singular how painfully si- nt the Democratic leaders are now ut the tariff. Probably some Eng- h sharper like Seyd has slipped er here and stolen it We have watched with interest ie Homestead bill now before the epislature. One thing in the dis ission has beau noticeable. Nearly a ery speaker has said that the pas- ge of the amendments would not urt the party, because the whole atter was to be submitted to a ote of the people. This kind of wardice is shown by the body on ii all -w-r-aa!riia Tf swnN f Vifif flipv lon't realize that it is the duty of a gislaturejto do what it thinks right d best for the material welfare the people. But it seems that ey think they are there to look ter the party machinery. During the campaign last Fall any of the Democratic speakers Intended that the financial plank I the platform meant that the Irty would give free coinage of sil r in the event that it came into fwer. We showed oa many occa fM the fallacy of such arguments, BU the recent art.inn nf tnanv of e Democratic members of Cou- esa in making strenuous efforts to -peal the Sherman silver law, there- establishing a gold basis, only nhes the nnsitinn wo than fywlr it the plank in the platform of e party was oulv subtifue to catch . rm " . . Anese speakers knew that any who were, at hearts, reform- a, would never be held in line an sa they made a plausible argument lowing that a free coinage law onld be passed. The plutocratic-gold-standard el- cnt in U r i Luc icuiocrauc party are ,lng all in their power now to pre- in Passage of a free silver Hill. K v . " "cew i ork Herald assert that. cianu mn withhold patronage 1 ... - - rom those HW vw LI A I Aft JLM oney question. Ask the Demo- rauc speakers who told vou that Cleveland favored free silver what ney nave to say now? A 10,000 Fight. ot. taul. Miifir.. Feb. 14 Ja J. Corbett wrote his personal check tor tlO,000 here last evening for JgWth either Mitchell or Jack " UlaKAJ TT 111 JMLt 1 1- AVFI With ihia ViAlr tv.flAV h n rl make an effort to get on a fight with JiitcheJi in December. : If heBhould Itan m th I eter Jackson for a faVht for $1 0.nnfl r"i000 to $50,000 on the bi'1 fT,t Fle whiD8 the P.nalliUan V, 1 C . W1 -A. PROTEST AGAINST THE HIGHHANDED AND UN. WARRAN ED ACTION OF THE LEGISLATURE, AtU-mutlaz to VLmptmi tbe ChrUf mt the Ktate AUtoM. KKAMINI WHr NI CH ACTIO! WOt'LD KKHIXT IN MICH 1AWH TO THE FAK HKKH AMI LABOKKRS OF THE HTATK. Kaleigh, N. C, Feb. 18. After the Houe had passed the bill to repeal the cbirterof theStaW Alliance in such indecent and un fair haste, the officers of the Alliance arrived in time to call a halt on the Senate. They demanded that the bill not be acted on by the Senate till tbey could have a hearing. This act of common justice was begrudg- ingly granted. The bill went before the Committee on Agriculture. The following memorial was submitteu: MEMORIAL OF WM. A. ORAHAM. TRUS TEE OF THE 8TATE BUSINESS AGEN CY FUND, W. H. WORTH, THE STATE BUSINESS AOENT AND W. S. BARNES, SECRETARY AND TREASURER OF THE FARMER'S STATU ALLIANCE OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO THE SENATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND ITS COM MITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. We, the undersigned, thanking your Honorable Body and its Com mittee on Agriculture for the courte sy of granting us, in the interest of those concerned, a hearing before proceeding with legislation affecting the private interest of so many, re spectfully submit the following me morial to be first considered by your said committee, and then presented through it to the Senate of North Carolina: 1. That great benefits have accrued to the farmers and many others of this State by the organization and conduct of the Farmer's State Alli ance of North Carolina and subordi nate Alliances, and especially by the Department of the btate Business Agency: (a) Great actual reduction of prices has been accomplished of all goods and merchandise commonly in use among: farmeis, both to the farmers themselves and to many oth citizens of our State, (b) The wide spread publication and advertise ment of the price list of the State Business Agency, has been the means of informing the farmers and the public generally of the prices of goods and the state of the market as to all goods most used, and has caus ea a general reduction or the price of such goods. (Subjoined hereto the Committee will find a copy of the price list.) This publication and ad vertisement has been so extensive and systematic, that now many thou sand farmers are well posted in the matter of prices, who before were almost at the mercy of those bettei informed- II. That the Business Agency De partment and the present method of securing ond giving credit to its op erations by means of the Business Agency Fund, was designed and put into operation by the Alliance, by and with the advice and consent of such distinguished Alliancemen and citizens as Hon. Elias Carr, S. B. Alexander and others, and that it is now engaged in doing a large and prosperous busmoss for the benefit of the Alliancemen and the farmers in general, that many thousand farmers are this year looking to it for supplies, and that the present business cannot be interferred with or in any way injured by legislative enactment without doing serious damaged to the thousands so inter ested and concerned. III. That the Business Agency Fund in the hands of William A. Graham, Trustee, is a necessary part of the basis of the said business, giving to the said Agency character, credit and standing in the commer cial world by means of which it is en abled to procure goods and merchan dise upon better terms for its custom ers, and that the effect of any legis lation which shall destroy, disturb, or in any way materially lessen this fund will be to also materially injure the conduct of the State Business Agency and the interests of those in terested and concerned; and that now just as the farmers have completed and are making arrangement to com plete their contracts for this year, legislation which will cripple the Business Agency will be a cruel blow to them and will create and foment a serious ann lasting dissat isfaction among them. IV. That they are ignorant of any charce or allegation that there has been any violation of their char ter by the officers of the Alliance, and no evidence has been adduced of the mismanagement of its business, but, on the other hand, they say ihat there has been no mismanagement. and they substantiate this allegation by the following statement, made February 10, 1893, and by the Execu tive Committee, and published in the newspaper: 'In regard to the Business Agency Ftrad, it remains intact and has not been perverted as has been charged by the enemies of the Order; not even has the State Business Agent been called upon to une any of it to pay overdrafts or deficiencies whicn it was thought might occur in the regular order of business wnen the Agency was established. In a meeting of the Executive Committee to day, npon examination of the books of the Secretary-Treasurer and easiness Agent, we find them all correct, and the charges that any of the funds of the Alliance had been used for political purpose are utterly false." whi"h was signed by S. B. Alexan der, J. S. Johnson and J. M. Mew borne, the State Executive Committee of the Alliance. . V. That they are advised by coun sel learned in the law that the pend ing bill is without precedent in the history of North Carolina legislation: that the general law of the State pro vides ana prescribes remedy sum went for all persons having lawful grounds of complaints against them u any such there be, and that the courta of law are the natural, usual r . r . l u resor tor any (tuiauuu 01 meir cuarterj if any vi olation is alleged by - nv one. that it is against the public policy of nuriu vnruiuioi nuu iuu spirit Of OUT institutions to single out any partic ular persons or organizations as sub jects for special legislation, especi ally when no one dared to come for as will command the respect or at tention of any eoort of justice. And we, the undersigned, in behalf of the Alliance and the thousands of other citizens affected by these extraordi nary proceedings, wih to enter our solemn protest against any special legislation which so . singles out the Alliance, or any department of it for an attack which, it is not seriomrfy pretended, can be sustained is any court of justice, and which, if it could be there sustained, ought not to be considered elsewhere and in this the Alliance claims for itself no more than is right and lawful for all other citizens. . vi. That the effect of suspending the operation of the Business Agency until the first day of July. 1893, a bill to rechartertue Alliance and to go into effect July 1st. 33. has been introduced in the House. The Al!i ance did not ask for this charter and was not consulted about it Ed. and during that time, putting the busi ness in the hands of a receiver to be wound up. will be to permanently destroy the business of the Alliance, because, in any attempt to reorgan ize it, future possible contributors would conclude that the oower which now declares vacant the charter for the purpose of winding up the busi ness of the concern in this xtraor dinary manner would again do so for reasons which could not be fore seen. Wherefore, the undersigned pray that the pending bill to repeal the charter of the Alliance be defeated by your honorable body, and that persons having cause of complaint, if such there be, be legulated to the courts; and that it will apply equally A Al All 11 .1 j iu me Alliance and an oiner citi zens without discrimination. Respectfully submitted, W, A. Graham. Trustee Business Agency Fund N. C. F. S. Alliance. W. H. Worth, State Business Agent N. C. F. S. Al liance. W. S. Barnes, Secretary-Treasarer N. C. F. S. Al liance. Approved by Marion Butler, President N. C. F- S. Alliance. ine ioiiowmg attorneys ap- peared for the Alliance before the committee: W. A. Montgomery, W. W. Fuller, W.J. Peels. CASH-CASH'S REFORMATION. Old (Jash-Cash, the well known Umatilla Indian, is becoming great ly interested in what will become of his soul when he di'js. Of late Cash- Cash has been a regular attendant at divine worship, and being possessed of more intelligence than the general run of Indiana has listened verj in eentiy to tne teachings that are expounded by the ministers. He is now endeavoring to lead a better life by paying his debts and by re fusing to gamble or drink firewater. Several weeks ago T. D. Page placed a bill against Cash-Cash in a bank at Pendleton for collection. Cash-Cash was notified, and he promptly responded and settled. After paving the money he demand ed a piece of paper or receipt to show that the claim had been fully satis fied. He was informed that a receipt was not necessary, as the books in the bank would show that it had been settled. Cash-Cash persisted, when the receipt was made out. When the paper was handed him. Cash-Cash was satisfied, and when he started to leave the bank he said in broken English: "Me heap good in inn. Me want go heaven. When me die and old Pete meet me at gate and asc me been good Injun, me say yes. He will ask me it 1 pay lom rage ana me have no paper from you, he send me hell." Walla Walla Union Journal, TOM WATSON ON CHURCHES GUNS. AND We are now constructing the most expensive churches that the world has known since the pagan religion was superceded by the "meek and Lowly Jesus." lhey are building one in New Yoik which is to cost $10,000,000. Suppose Christ should come again and should wear what he wore before, a linen gown, a pair of wooden sandels on his feet, no socks, and no hat do you suppose the minister in that ten million dollar chuich would be glad to see Jesus come mf He would be just as happy as the money changers were in tne i j temple. The finer our churces are the bigger Mr. Krupp makes his cannon. This may seem queer but it is so- He now constructs them so large that it requires several tons of powder to load them. The ball is al most as heavy as a park of artillery used to be. Wherever it hits there is trouble. We are strange folks. We constantly build raoie churches and school houses and we constantly want more guns. The moie we em brace the doctrine that we must love our neighbors as ourselves, the more thoroughly we prepare to bore a hole throuerh him with a Winchester ine more we theorize on returning good for evil, the more we practice trying to sret the drop on the other fellow. Gldenlte Laughing-. Politicians are already chuckling over their campaign frauds. In a group of them one of them was heard to say: "We - beat out the brains of the Farmers' Alliance with that stuffed club of a force bill. Oh, we Enow em.- Line them op every time, gentlemen, on something like that" And the rest smiled audibly. Get your gun Johnnie. -National Watchman. i Constancy." The constant drop of water ; Wears away the hardest stone; The constant gnaw of Towser Masticates the toughest bone; The constant cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid; And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade. t Wahoo Wasp. , Subscribe to The per year. CanAsian $1.00 - i Origin of the Holiday all True Americans Observe. In these days of telegraph, tele phone and lightning express traina it ims strange to read that ex -Presi dent George Washington was dead four days at Mount Vernon before congress, which was m session at Philadelphia, and before President John Adams knew that such a mo mentous event had occurred. Today the news of an ex-president's demise would be known not only in Phila delphia, but in San Francisco and London in something less than four minutes, and the American news- papers would nave extras on the streets announcing the event in a few more. Washington was born Feb. 22, 1732, pear the banks of the Potomac, and was consequently nearly G8 years of age when death ended his great career Dec 14, 1799. He had fought with Braddock, he had led the American coloaies to victory against the tyranny of King George III, he had founded a new republic and had been its chief magistrate for two terms. He had also possessed the hardihood to refuse a third term, and for all his patriotic achieve ments his grateful countrymen have every year since his aeatn nonoreu his memory by making the anniver sary of his birth a national holiday. On Dec. 30, 1799, congress re solved "that it be recommended to Singing Helps a Consumptive. The time will soon come when singing will be regarded as one of the great helps to physicians in lung diseases, more es pecially in their incipient state. Almost every branch of gymnastics is employed In one way or another by the doctors, but the simple and natural function of singing has not yet received its full meed of attention. In Italy some years ago statistics were taken which proved that the vocal artists were especially long lived and healthy under normal circum stances, while of the brass instrumen talists it was discovered that consump tion never claimed a victim among them. Those who have a tendency toward consumption should take easy vocal ex ercises, no matter how thin and weak their voices may seem to be. They will find a result at times far surpassing any relief afforded by medicine. Vocal prac tice in moderation is the best system of general gymnastics that can be imag ined, many muscles being brought into play that would scarcely be suspected of action In connection with so simple a matter as tone production. Therefore, apart from all art considerations, merely as a matter of health, one can earnestly say to the healthy, "Sing, that you may remain so," and to the weakly, "Sing, that you may become strong." New York World. Burials In Churches. An application was made at the con sistory court of London for a faculty to authorize the removal of a large quan tity of human remains from underneath the Church of St. Mary Woolchurch Haw, Lombard street, which were caus ing unwholesome effluvia. Two thou sand one hundred and five bodies were moved to have been buried under the church and churchyard, part of which had been taken in 1830 for the formauo of King William street, and the rector stated that on many Sundays during divine service the congregation had been startled by hearing leaden coffins crash through wooden coffins which had given way through corruption and decay. The church was u so pestilential a state that it was intolerable to enter it in warm weather, and the effluvia were so foul as to account for the deaths of several nf the church officials, the rector MTTim1f having suffered from an affec tion of the throat attributable to the de composition of the bodies. London Tit- Bits. - KTerr Seven Tears. Of course everybody knows that seven years of bad lack may - be ex pec ted by the unfortunate person who happens to break a mirror. There it a general belief with most people that the human body under goes a complete and mysterious change every ; seven years. A ew York News. A sure sign of a healthy mind is rest of heart and pleasure found at home. : ' - - the people of the United States to assemble on the 22nd of February next, in such numbers and manner as may be convenient, publicly to tes tify their grief for the death of Geueral George Washington by suita ble eulogies, orations and discourses, or by public prayers." This resolution was made the sub ject of a proclamation by President Adams, and for the first time Wash ington's birthday was celebrated on Feb. 22, 1800. Ninety-three years ago General Henry Lee of Virginia, Washington's friend and eulogist at the funeral, declared in impassioned tones: "His fame survives, bounded only by the limits of the earth and by the extent of the human mind! He sur vives in our hearts, in the affections of the good throughout the 11a 1 ' world. Ana when our monu ments shall be done away, when na tions now existing shall be no more, when even our young and far-spread ing empire shall have perished, still will our Washington's glory unfaded shine, and die not until love of vir ture cease on earth or earth itself sink into chaos." Nearly a century has passed, but Washington is still first in the hearts of his countrymen, and his "young and far-spreading empire" has reached a pinnacle of development even his great wisdom could not have forseen. Getting Along In the World. "No man with the least bit of enter prise need go broke long in this country. said Alonzo Gentry, a member of the Reminiscence club, which was holding a ) seance at the LindeU. "In 1886 I was j out with a comedy company in western j Iowa. Business was bad, the ghost re fused to peregrinate, and finally a stony hearted boniface attached our baggage and props. There were twelve of us, and not the price of a round in the party. I paired off with the heavy villain, and we walked to Atlantic, a town of 4,000 or 5,000 inhabitants. " There I pawned a ring for two dollars,' and with this cash capital we started to work our way back to the Rialto. We invested fifty cents in cocktails, ten cents in tobacco and ten cents in wire. The heavy villain took the latter up to our room for we put up at the best hotel and cut it into short pieces, which we twisted into fantastic shapes. "Then he started out and made a house to house canvass, selling his great inven tion for lightening labor. He actually made the women believe that one of those wires hung on the wheel of a sewing machine would increase the speed and lighten the labor of treading. He sold them at fifty cents apiece, and as he was a good talker he fairly corned money. We left Atlantic two days later with a receipted hotel bill and tickets to Chi cago among onr assets. Perhaps it wasn't exactly in conformity with the most ap proved code of ethics, but when I thought of the tie counting it saved me I hadn't the heart to quarrel with him." St Louis Globe-Democrat. - The Toy of Alaska Children. - "The natires of Alaska may not suffer from a surfeit of civilization," said James H. WardeU of Fort WrangelL Alaska, at the Lmdell, "but there are some things in which they excel, notably in the way of children s toys. Every baby in Fort Wrangell has a plaything that would be the envy and admiration of any child in America. It is an odd and curious contrivance rather a mixture of a jumping jack and a rattle. It is made of a niece of ivory or walrus tooth. It is about 6 inches long and about 1 inch in diameter.' A hole is bored in it from one end only. In this there is a rod with a crown shared top. surmounted by ' a small rubber balL 1" "At the bottom of the rod is a stout though small leather string, which passes through a hole in the side of the hollow walrus tooth. " When the child pulls the string, the rod, crown and ball jump nearly out of. the tooth. The length ' of the string prevents Its leaving the piece entirely,. Then, when the string is loos ened, they clatter down with a rattling sound and strike the bottom with a chug that fills the heart of the budding Es kimo with glee. ' It is a very funny de sign for a rattler, and there is nothing like it" in r America It is simple, but popular, and the man who first struck the idea is "getting' rich, although hia scheme is not patented." Exchange. GOD IN GOVERNMENT. WITH A PRELUDE ON THE MISSION OF THE PAPAL DELEGATE. CW Werfca Vy Hmml Leaving Tjt m Free Agewt. & Eva the Ware HeJais Are His Ceeaawlen I est t a ale Omr Geverstsaeat aa Qntlaaaea. New Yosx, Feb. 11 Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., preached the sermon of the morning at Association hall today by a revisw cf current events devoted to the appointment cf Archbishop Satolii. a prominent apostolic flfclwiU for the Catholic church in America. He saidt The situation within the Catholic church In America has been growing more and more critical for the past 10 years. Upon the surface there was uni ty. Beneath the surface there has bees waging an inexpressible conflict between two determined factions. One of these contending parties represents the liberal and progressive spirit in theology, and is imbued with patriotic devotion to America and American institutions. The other has represented the reactionists, traditionalists and foreign ideals. The liberal party has sought to adjust the ecclesiastical workings of the church to a harmonious life with American thought and ideals. The traditionalists have sought to array the church against the new world ideals. This faction, led and animated by men hostile in tradition and training to everything American, have sought by every possible means to destroy the free school system, on which the very foundations of the republic rest They have sought to suppress ag gressive thought with the priarthood. They silenced Lambert, excommuni cated McGlynn and drove Burtsell into the country. And they were preparing to precipi tate the Catholic church into a bitter war of a politico-religious character over the school question, which could have ended only in overwhelming disaster for their church, for the free school of America is intrenched behind the con science, the reason, the heart and the muscle of the nation. Linked with this was the attempt to force foreign languages, customs, ideals and foreign pnests upon American fields. Upon this scene of confusion and im pending, disaster, with dramatic empha sis, the voice of the pope himself Is sud aenly heard, and it is heard to some purpose. Lieo a ill has shown himself in many nets in recent years to be the greatest pope of modern times. He has swung the great Roman Catholic power from its position as friend to kings and em perors back to the Christlike ideal of the friend of the common people. Upon the great social issues of the age he has spoken with the voice of a true prophet In nothing has he more signally dis played his profound wisdom and the broad sympathies of a really Catholic soul than in his handling of this Ameri can crisis. Though he had excommunicated Dr. McGlynn, and the doctor had been i most grievous sinner against "author ity" for years, the pope reverses a hun dred precedents, goes out of his way and leads' back with his own hand the wan dering priest into the fold. He proceeds further to outline a policy on the school question that must result In bringing the Catholic church into per feet harmony with the spirit of our in stitutions. He has saved us from a long and bitter controversy fraught with cer tain disaster to the Catholio church and peril for the nation. He has pointed the way to a loyal American Catholic church. He has shown that Gibbons and Ireland are the men who embody his conceptions of true progress in our nation in short, he has pronounced emphatically in favor of "America for the Americans" in the government of the church. Upon the establishment of Satolii In Washington upon such a platform our people are to be congratulated. The American Cath olics may well rejoice in the dawn of a brighter day, and intelligent Protes tantism will join in that rejoicing. May God hasten the day when all religious hatreds and wars shall end in a fraternal rivalry to outdo each other in doing good, in the Christlike worship of God the service of man. NATIONAL HISTORY A DIVINE REVELA TION And he made of one every nation of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, having de termined their appointed seasons and toe bounds of their habitation. Acts xril, 26. The recent death of so many of the his toric figures of this nation brings into sharp emphasis the fact that God is open ing a new chapter in the history of a na tion. TheHe historic figures have stood through their generation for a period of development and of transition and o: national life whose story will be written by the future historian. . The removal of these men from the scene of action em phasizes with even a stronger distinct ness the fact that new men in a new era with a new life must henceforth make the history of our nation. General Sherman was right When a friend spoke to him of the falling gener als, one by one, and expressed wonder what they would do if a crisis should arise, he replied: "My friend, if a crisis should arise, I would not lead the armies of the nation. Younger men, with newer life, would rise with the new generation and lead and direct" God. has brongb our nation through this epoch in a most marvelous manner and for some marvel ous end. The old regime is passing, and a new life is dawning for the nation. " sr. pacl's message. Paul, an embassador of the kingdom of God, stands on this occasion before nation., They took him to the Acropolis to the center of the life of Athens and the representatives of the Greek people said, "Tell ns your message." And Paul spoke to the nation, and through that nation to all nations, a divine message. What irai AruT message to ihs no- The message is clearly this: First That God reveals himself in the history of nations. God reveals himself in my soul by that inner light through his spirit and through . nature. , Paul said to those Athenians, "In him you live and move and have your being.' God also manifests himself through the history of nations, whose boundaries he has marked out whose seasons he has appointed. EverjrTttation's history is revelation of God unto men. i" He has revealed himself in the past This Bible is the history of Israel the history of a nation for 1,600 years, with all their sins and wickedness and short comings and rebellion ; ' the history their great men of their . saints, their heroes, their martyrs and prophets; the history of men who were renegades and belied their trust and were cast out It is the impartial record of God's dealing with a nation, Israel was a chosen na tion, atl God lhAml ft aatk as a aatkm. We have ear IU W an tafalllU Bible brcaoaa tkal chus aad inspired and Kl a aatkm, and t of thai aatk broujftt tbs Sua of Maa. There it do ncfc thing aa arontiaj for the history of Israel, save that the God of brira and earth chom that na tion. It cornea as a stream Ihnmjrh all histry, with a history all its own. fiw ing down through npir that tower! tn sublimity around it ana yet un touched by then: flowin by the vrnr base of the Assyrian thrutte and yet co ward and onward, through 1.80& yar, until at last Jesus, the &n of Mas, nTKtJ from that stream of Maiary. and the racw was scattered. TUX CXtXXOSWKALItl Of tSKACL God chose a Batko aa the -lkl of a Divine revelation, and he chus the na tions aruond to bear a part in it !! chose the Assyrian nation as bis ut and ax and name, through which to fmi his own chosen ptxiple. and when the kinx of Assyria made his proud boast before the prophet of God the rrtthft said: You have laid the city vuto, but you are nothing. Ytm are the Instruimut of God's hand, and Uod is going to con sume his own iopl0 and urns you M the flame with which to do it But after the scourge a munant will remain, ami that remnant will be his people, through whom be will work out his design and purpose, uut tn the proewss you nu t ground to powder." So Assyria playc! her part in the role of nations, in that grand drama God huA planned for the race. The history of e?ery empire's rise al fall is a divine chapter of the book of Revelation. Go back and stand before Tyre and Sidon, as in their pride and glory they mastered the commerce of world, and hear the prophet as be speaks of them and their future. Go now and hear the sad waves washing on the shores of that sea, silent, deserted. even the ruins covered by the sands cf centuries, inhabited not even by bats and owls a wild stretch of desolation. In the history of Tyre and Bidon you will find written the eternal law of the tri umph of righteousness in the history of mankind. Stand before Babylon in her pride and glory, with her matchless army and her monarch, master of the civilization or the age, and hear the revelry within. and then hear the shrieks of women and children and men as their blood flows like water and the city is swept with the bassoon of destruction, and Babylonian civilisation falls never to rise again. Hear the howl of the wild beasts among her palaces now, where kings and nobles once reveled, and you will find that the plumb line of God's righteousness fell over those walls, and they were found wanting. Read the story of Greece, of her rise and progress and fall, of her brilliant era of civilization, of her artists and men of letters, and read the story of her slavery and decline and the wrath of God that abides on unrighteousness. Read again the history of the seven hilled city, in all her glory and pride, long ages spent In her development, until it was mistress of the world, and then con trast the introduction of the follies and extravagances and sins and dispensation of the age of slavery, and of gold, and of power, and read again of Goth and Vandal, who, from a foreign north. swept down and obliterated ancient Rome. In every rise and fall of empire, read the edict of the Most High God, re vealing himself unto man. GOD WORKS BY UUK3. Come down to modern history, and it is the same. God in nations? Tea. Read the history of the Arab in Africa and find there even God following the track of a slave trader over that wild African continent The language of the Arab slave trader is the only universal lan guage there, and now they have trans lated the Bible into it the only lan guage that can penetrate the darkness of the continent So God has chosen them as instruments through which H might save a continent So through the history of the English and American nations. England in her greed and rapacity seizes empire after empire. But we look now on the shift ing scenes, and out from it all there seems to come God's plan of a language universal, of an empire universal, on whose soil his sun will never set, and whose men and women, reared in happy homes, taught in reverence of the Most High God, shall carry the cross of Christ to the utmost limits of the earth, until his civilization and home and altar and God shall be the inspiration of a world. So God has led in the past in the develop ment of that nation. So he has led your own nation in America so be is guiding and develop ing today. The history of America is history of a series of providences. If it had not been for the almighty inter ference of God, this nation would have been no nation at alL If ever God formed and fashioned a nation, he did this one, and laid its foundations, and watched over its people in their long struggle with the mother country, that at last they should build unto him some thing higher and nobler and better and teach all the earth. God has revealed himself in the history of nations, sayt Paul to these Athenians. National his tory is a method of divine revelation. He would tell those people: Second -That nationality is a Divine ordinance; that God has appointed their bounds and their seasons. It is not an ac cident but that it is a chosen instru ment ia the hand of an eternal God for working oat the salvation of the world. A Divina ordinance because nation ality is an ordinance of life. God has caused in the past the development of in dividuality that the human race might attain in its breadth and scope the broad est possibilities. CSBXSTlsJTITY IS PATRIOTIC. I believe that patriotism is a religious sentiment; that the man who does not love his country does not love God- is . not a true Christian. The highest sweep of patriotism is of the very spirit of the livieg God. He who truly loves his country loves it as a part of God's great world not as against all the world because it is part of his inheritance from the Great Father. Race and national .hatreds are thus virtues overaccentuated. They only need to be toned down to the plane of rational, fraternal rivalry, for man to attain the noblest things. - ; X believe in a vigorous nationalism be cause I believe nationality is a Divine ordinance. I like to see a German who believes in the fatherland, in hia country and neonle. in his nation. I believe in a Frenchman who believes in France,' and am afraid of a Frenchman who does sot believe m France. I believe in an Eng lishman who believes m Inland. I be- Kov-a in a Briton who believes in the great empire, and as his individuality is accentuated he has attained the very WOBLB'S NEWS IN BRIEF. Th St-natrivimiuUUw railaart have didcd tmsninHilr to rrport farablT the bill rwjutrir rj?tc ear for hih and Mar I a, but a ill not rrport amil ow. or tt railway ofUcials are heard n the subjrcL The bill U abolish the frrtbmaa onr at th I'nitrrntr aithin one year, and to drop the humor rlaM two trari after aids and Ui abnlbh the junior cUw id it r, has tiw ar-TraiiT. f cutting 1 the Uil of the jailer do jnt bchiod rara Kt. A youtt" white MOman. unid llai SarlrC, and Wr iufaut child dird tn a wllar at lutbanu Th wotun m from Oranp xuuUan4 IK turf h r death lim.io aja f Is I xrw ore a tn.ritt.;. makui! rai tmrj.is aatiut a uninUr ut tin 4.i;i". Suture. llw World Fair tll ojwni on May l.t Milium tuim rtui.k.v about If... IKKJ JHJU Suuipu-r, S. V., i Ut lir a Ouo city ball. 1 ho Treason' tinmt for r Utilities is $K,O0,tKi, The profits of thf Whisk r Trnt amount U $(0UO,uv0 a tttuuth. Two Chicacu firms recently clear ed l,5(HMKt by !h rie in lard. The uiiiiinc; trouble in IVntieamv iave tut the .SuUi titer SI.INmUkml Ilokc Smith is to Im Nrrt tary of he Interior in .Mr. t1e eland's Cab inet. (lov. lloies, of Iowa, deeliucs tlw position of S-eretanr of Agriculture in Mr. Cleveland's ('abineL A bill has been intrtxlucetl in tltc Miunefota Jjculaturc to prohibit the manufacture and Nile of ho- BKiris. ? . Chicago cspitttlbt a ill imta5,0O0,- 000 in a bridge, half a wile long, across the Misiwuppi river at New Orleans. A volcano in New Mexico tliat had been extinct for more than 70 years, recently burst forth with great violence. A meeting of cotton planters luu been called in Memphia on the 22ud Hint., to uiKeu the Ueticu of dim inution cf acrcugts. The .State Kxchange in South Da kota did a business of $.150,102 laal year and saved the tucruljcr of the Alliance over $100,ikK). The United States lias an nssesmd valuation of $17,475,000,000, an av- age for each htate of more than $1,000,000,000. Governor Fish hack. of. Arkaneoa. has imicd a circular letter to the Governors of all the Southern States, asking a meeting at Richmond April 2nd, to promote Southern industrial development. A building mty-one glories high. to cost $550fO00, is to be erocLed ou liroadvvay, Sew iork. by the Man hattan Life Insurance Cotntiauv Kemember the fate of the Tower oX Jiahai. Kx. The President has executed a trea ty to annex the Sandwich Island to the United States. All treaties are subject to the ratification of the Heu ate, and this action is therefore to be considered by that body. More than half of all (lovernsncut employees are in the Postal Service, the number aggregating about 105,- 000 iHTbon. Twenty-three thous and oue hundred and forty 'four lcr sons are e-t tilovcd in the executiu department and other Government ollices in Washington. Ofthc17, 02') are malts and 6'105 femaiea. Kx. A Window Glass Trust has been formed, including manufacturers of Chicago, Milwaukee,Pittburg,Clefe land and other western cities. It now controls 93 per cent of the number of man u fact ares and job bers of the country, and its capit&l representation exceed $50,000,000. New York and eastern manufactur ers say they w ill be com x l led to join the tn!?t. Withing four days fifty person have died at Marseilles of a choleraic disease. Recent Investigations by eminent statistician give the number of pounds of tobacco consumed yearly by ench one hundred inhabitant of the European countries, as follow: Spain 110 pounds; Italy 127; Great Britain, 138; Iiuaiia,182; Denmark, 224; Norway, 229, and Austria, 273. The Iram. Tax of 1SS4. , The heaviest income tax ever levid by a civilized government was that imposed npon the people of the Uni ted States in 1864, when, for the Sret time in human his'ory, patriot ism was so strong a paesion that men really paid a tax which they might have evaded. A. T. Stewart g income tax iu one year was $312,000, being. 15 per cent, of his income. One millionaire of this city who alarmed at the long continuance of th war, so disposed of his wealth abroad that for one fiscal year it yielded no in come, gave a true account of his attair to the collector, and in accor dance with the tatter's advice paid in full a tax estimated on his income of the year before,- New York Sun. It is said that Congress was in ses sion just 40 hours during the month of December. If that be true they ought to strike for shorter hours. A man who only gets $10 per day should positively refuse to work one hour and a quarter each day, Ex. r . i7 ward with such complant or evidence (Continued on Beoond Paged