n CAUCASIAN. VOL. XI. GOLDSBOKO, N. C, THUKSDAY, 3IAKCII 2, 1893. NO. ID. EDITOR'S CHAIR. WMliTQX LETTER. orlM y THE K1HTOU ON THE ssi.' EH OF Til V. IAY. 1 o3R PRESIDENTS- Vr will give you this week a hund- ngraving of President Cleve- I ;iiid vice-President Stevenson, muled by jiictures of all the vling Presidents fro'ii Washing- ij:.wij. r our years I ruin ui-uay will pnblidh the picture of the identrf again with the j.icttne of next President in the renter. At time we hojc that the sentiment niliciesof the la.it President will icarer that of the lirnt and third riden ts we hope to be able to ilish the picture of a man who t;nil against monojioly for 1 1 4 tMilonPv aim iuwci uuira money ;d to the demand and issued di- V to the people, and a syatem of ,t'wn that will make the rich and the corporations pay their ,rtoiute share. And we shall that pleasure if the people w tfi facta. The majority will the manhood to vote for justice their interests, and the majority I rule. HOW THE PEOPLE ARE FOOLED. We were in Uashincton all last ' i . . it i k wirirf we Haw unu neara a at deal about the true mward- t of the present political situa- i. We got back Sunday night. spent Monday looking over our hanges for the past week. It been rather startling to see what 7 have had to sav about what has ii transpiring at "Washington, convinces uj more and more of fact that the State and county lors, and through them the peo 4 are systematically fooled and 4ed by the monopoly syndicate 1 sends out the telegrams, called is dupatches, to the papers. true inwardness of what is g on, and even what is openly ed by some congressmen is not rted, but instead a lot of stuff lind the facts. The people could I be held in industrial slavery, if y were not first put in intelligent dage. No one knows this better u the money power and that ig y they have taken charge of the nue3 of intelligence. The peo- who work have already been ,de so poor in this rich country, e eo by labor, that they cannot protect themselves. The Na- al Iieform Press Association has striving to establish a strong ependent telegraphic news asso- ion to furnish the people with inews and the truth, but the edi jS in the association (like the re nder of the people for whose mon cause we are fighting) are ?poor that they have not yet been e to succeed. The fight for lib- and justice was commenced too Ic. but we will not ?ive ud aslontf .there is hope. We will make an- ler effort to establish the associa INOTHER BASE CRIME ATTEMPTED. n last Saturday the Wilmington ST Dnhli.rini-t mViof if nloi'mod - )a lapter in the history of the Iie- hcau party. It recited all the ked financial legislation that had sed the country and laid it to the ubhean party. Then it came m to the present bill before con- ss to issue more bonds and charged t also up to the Republican party. ale we agree with the Star in ch that it says, but in reference to ! bond business, it ia either dis s test with its readers or else it IS Iking a fool of itself. It is true It Joh n Shprmjin offered the hend -Jemebut who is backing and sup- ptmg him ? The sold bus ele- nt of the Democratic partv, and is an open secret in Washington t Cleveland i3 in favor of the fasure and his New York backers now in Washington lobving to P Sherman out. Everr free silver Jl alliancoand reform congressman o is standing true to his constitu te is figkting this measure. As n as Cleveland's pet scheme to e tlle present silver law repealed Js defeated, he sot Sherman, the CJ 7 r" tackster and conspirator, to r tnis bond scheme and make a ch pleading for it in the interest economy and the dear rjeonle. iere is a clause in this bill reviving : ice ieacures of the infamous Re caption act of 1875, which was pealed by the Bland bill of 1878. is a crime no less base than that 1873, yet the incoming Democratic ) admin i;fMuing tx) withhold patronage jow any congressman that does Dot fpportit. Watch eyery congress- t ... - -jer is tne christian's telegraph, aose wires end where Jesus sits !Za 6T.t nana OI Wod. Christian eraW, Kenansville, N. C. l 'm l I-Vi SIX , Died W.S,,go. D C. Apr" l4. iS X JT MfMW ' uS.i AP"" '4'- T" rSce. I SjF? V fjp (LE " Id&&l - . "X' H-"r" 1 -A R IMk 'X fJttlltl tf Hit Dt,Mr,7lt farn itt-PMSlDt!t Of tHt W & ' e'T-.w. -S"--, , -( MM it Bern iri New Jersty. Xlirch i8. i9jt r . ltHMI hi rt Drmxntit P.irtt. jt- Ml'llX k rtl'S'S&ttsfliicvei. lfltJtJltd,(iftner. March 4.. 8SS. Term effiffij Ca5inl1'y. Octotwr 3J .Sjj. QuJ!ea Cu.lt, l'.,vl.i M t.i VI jkll V -c- JerV lnauSurated.1etond1etm.Mjrch4.l83t. March 4,j3jj. t....ftr J.J, IfJllfl yMM Porn m V.rn,.. November ,4, 74- - 1 lIMA SS-V jfffH e. Vrh. M4r.il . s g D.d in Nej H.mpsh.,e. October S. .16, MJs , jS-WlS I""IH- I ' i tV., 4 , ' T,.i JTit InaM.rch ' ' ... M - II - - .11 WE ARE ENCOURAGED. Every day we are- more and more encouraged that the people will win in this gigantic struggle against com bined monopoly and plutocracy. With nearly two thousand reform papers stattered all oven the country ever on the alert to watch and ex pose the schemes of the cunning hypocrites and demagogues who spec ulate in reform to fool the people We are more encouraged this week than ever. Over a hundred reform papers come to our office. We have read them all eagerly and carefully this week to see how they viewed and interpreted Cleveland's appointment of Judge Gresham. Nearly every one has hit the key note and pierced the tlrck veil over the deep laid plot Nearly every one has written an editorial on the same line as the one we wrote last week headed "He Stoops to Conquer." One of the best of these editorials was written by the Virginia Sun unde the head, 'The Plot Unfolds." We first began to make extracts from it, but it is all so good that we publish it in full. Be sure to read it every word and think over. HOW MANY? Dear friends, how many subscrib ers do we deserve and ' how many copies of The Caucasiax does the cause need? . Every reformer in North Carolina should take The Caucasian or ome other good reform paper; and should also see to it that every one of his neighbors has the paper on his table every week. For less than two cents a number The Caucasian will call on a voter once every seven days and present to his calm, sober judgment the facts and figures. It will turn on the light and make the politician howL WThy, then, should not The Cau casian be a regular visitor to the fireside of every farmer and labor ing man in North Carolina? Reformers, do not delay! If you are not fc subscriber, or if you know of a neighbor who is not, do not let a week pais before sending it; a club. We are fighting one of the mightiest battles for equal rights and human freedom since the world began. Yon should help. You most keep up with the procession. UHD h S PCS TiC CN 5 IVES CUS CRATCRS$ THE ArritnACHINO UATION. 1NAIT.U- nit k ittBM riiA. it u 11.W.U AMrilt.lt n HIUH AH 14 a r mt M Is til) t tW-l I vriUT wu.t. Tilt NEW rAKTI CAXXCD ! li'roru Our ,julrl 'rTvfmiWtl WaH1M.TuN 1. V., YrK, 'Z, tJX Th 'rty t l'ff..ib'nt-rlwt t'W-. Iah.1 I. ft f V tl .Mbl for Ylh- UKlvt thi roorutnir. Among h iartv will h -vrrl of th new binrt. IVtitioh tuna Avfmip,iloB which hv rreidrntialirci-n will ... . . . . t- . 11 ... t. t!,t CapiK-l, i Wine Wcuitr4 with 1. unlit;' nisdilaiT. Kwt trn $ Win; covert! with lcvtisi trmjH mrv M at to reult U ! lul " - .... a iit M'vt'rftl iilr Mt. t.vrry window ami V-alcotiv on In avenue s rt utt-d ir for rent. What fool thew n:ortn'.ii W to trvrl huuurtu or niilt-s mid l'-nd tltt-ir inoiny and ime to look nt th iomt' f ini- oux.viiin nho in n republic like thi. Wt lS, on the inauguration day I'rea- U nt Cleveland and rrewUi,t Har rison will both ndo down to tWCap- tol in the hainc carriajr. Haruon will ride on th ritfht -ide t'oiitfr and u the left cumin 1; back. Thin cus tom wmi inaugurated by 1 rt-Muent Arthur, liefwr,' that time the out jjuictf. President did not attend th nauKuration eeietnom and Ih tn- frotni rr'iu iit louml Hip V Into louse empty. Thi.t time H rmon will entertain Cleveland till tho cer- ruoiiici ar all ov-r. The vehicle n which the two rrciddcnU -ill ride s the tineht ever Keen in Waidiincton. t will be drawn by four jet black iorM'R. i he IiarncKK w ill le wlnte and each horM w ill bo attended by a loot man drcHM-d in w hite livery. President Harrion and Air. McKeojjavo nn informal reception to the National Society tf the Daughters of the American Itevolu- tion mi Thursday. Mr. Ilarruon wan tlm president ot thia oruanira tion at the tirnw of her death. It ia Mitniixid that it wan the Harrison-Cleveland iiou-partinan idea that prompted the North Da- ota Republicans to hend a l ino- erat Jo the I. lilted IMalea henatu. Elegant apartments have been prepared lot tiie i reitiuenuai pauy at the ArliiiKton llut l. The l'reni- lential board bill will W $175 per Jay. this not including the charpo for tho extra pei vice which he hat, the demand for aeeommodationa in the l'r'jHidut'n hotel ih o ifreat that lr. KoeHfle. the proprietor, wy ho is daily obliged to refuxe application for roo in a from peraona wjio loffer from $50 a day to whatever huiii he is plenHed 'to fix for any thing he may be able to j;ive them. Secretary J. V . rotter retired from the portfolio of the Secretary of the State on February for the purpone of BKMuminc the active management of the cane of the United Statea before the Interna- tioual tribunal, which ansenibled in Paris, I ranee, Friday, February 24, to arbitrate tho Hehrmir Sea dis pute between the United Statei and (Jrcat Britain. He nailed Saturday on the New American Line Steamer New York, accompanied by his w ife, Senator Morgan, also one of the ar- oitrators. and several other promi nent persons. Tho beautita of the cxitiiif code of roles of the Iloune of Iep resentetivea were aain exemplified rueMiay and Tuesday niffht at the m . I w expense or more than a hundred memberx of that body, who aat from 11 o'clock of that morninir till 0:30 a cIock tho loljowinir morninir, vain ly tryiiiff to obtain action upon a bill w hich i favored by at least four fil'thn of the Houne. The measure in hand wan the Car Coupler bill. 1'efore the Houhm adjourned an uu dertfmding was reached, airreea ble to which the Speaker on Mon day will recoirnize a motion to u pend the rules and concur in the Senate amendments to the Car Coup ler bill. After March 4, an interesting question will come up in the Senate, the solution which uiay.be the loss to Wyoming of a seat in the Senate. The dispatches say that Ciov. Os borne has appointed A. C. Ceck with to the vacancy, caused by the failure of the legislature at the re cent session to elect a Senator- This appointment will probably cause a most interesting contest over the right of the gentlemen holding the credentials from the Governor to seat under them. The question at issue will be the right of the Gov ernor to appoint a Senator when the vacancy is at the beginning of a reg ular term and when the legislature with power to elect has been in ses sion and has adjourned without electing a Senator. Many Democrats in Congress are indignant over Chairman Hariity issuing a letter for the purpose of ascertaining the attitude of mem bers of the new Congress on the sil ver question. Many claim that it is an attempt of Cleveland and Na tional Committee to compel the party to repeal the Sherman Aft; while others consider it a simple desire to know how the member stand on the question. It might be observed that the most of the latter are Cleveland men, belong to the East and have no peculiar love for silver. There is open rebellion in the Democratic ranks. ' Senator Blackburn, of Kentucky, will wear at the inauguration a suit of real Mississipi jeans, made espec ially for him and this occasion by a firm in Mississipi. The attitude of Mr. Cleveland as anything but favorable to the peo ple. He has shown it in the forma tion of his Cabinet and in his silver views. Mr. Olney, the Attorney General-elect, is a corporation at torney and identified with cor Continued on Second l'g J j

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