CC--e-''Xr CASIAN VOL. XI. GOLDSBOltO, N. C, THURSDAY, MAECH 9, 1893. NO. 20. THF csS Baa w - .1 at ad CAU s-E i ' inl 1: the: Llo of t. -rt-rt too. iinri'oirs CHAIR. t, nrlVMiN OHHK KIUTOU ON TIIK ' sl'KSH' TIIK DAY. ih.. h-t Moiiies Ix-dger (Dem) ,: "Iti-snot important what a : h:n -lone or how long he has a a Di-riKXTat.'' Cleveland h ev !i?!v full twiu the same doctrine. (I. ii. I a'v Wallace, the author of M Hur, a life of Christ that is re charming than any mm-1, huvij appointment of (in-sham is "like .tting liv- coals and boiling oil on bald head "f the Democratic trtv. vrral persons returning from ,. V-w Berne fair and others who rupp- il in since all express 1u-h as uengnteu wun uieir Th-v say thev have never seen eijiial to the novel and jv tun exposition. 77k' 7.raw Snn, published by . K. M. l'eterson at Burgaw, N. .am! the Onslow Blade by Mr. II. Kinvf Permit, N. C, are the 1 , latest cui lions lo ine reiorin fr.-a of the State. We welcome Lm both and hope to see fifty more eh papers started during the year, The reform press by its bold i'l manly fight has saved the coun- V frc ii two bad pieces of legisla- m since Januarv 1st 1893. The Id and vigorous fight made pre- iited the present silver law from ing repealed and has just defeated Sherman government bond ne liieme. Smething wise from the Pen and Iow: "If there was ever a time for e Anu-rican people to watch their : vers it is now. Sheltered by the liieral rejoicing at the election of Cleveland, there is being out- i i: il.. .1 i 111. en a policy covertly anu Hieauu- 1-nt resolutely which means ab ate ruin to the business world, the most earnest spirit we im- i ore our niercnants-', our iarmers, fir laborers to stuuy tne situation. The Sherman bond scheme has en defeated in Congress. The form Press Association expo3sed d denounced the scheme just in no to save the people from another geous piece of legislation. Did .c Democratic press expose it? No. d the Republicans? No. They ve no opinions till the bosses at. The fact is Cleveland fa red the bond scheme, but was doing s work quietly, and the little par- an papers didn't know which side take. The reform press has opin- is and speaks them boldly and irlesslv. The Daily Messenger comes to us longer. We don't know why, mless it is because of the fact that iiE Caucasian has been exposing id ventilating the position of the per. We charged that paper with ling the organ of the W & W rail- ad and quoted Representative rmele of Wilmington to substaut te what we have charged before, t the railroad owned the paper, ides we have been dissecting and wering some inconsistent edito- la in that paper. We suppose the tor could not stand this any long He can't answer what we said and f truth makes him sick. Last week Henry Clews of New prksentusa letter for nublica- x There is a lot of taffy in it n. (out the "newspapers being the fmlders s 01 public onmion ivc. ir r then goes on to discuss the fi eial situation and asks us to pub it, saying that it will be of great erest to the country. It is a reg- ir ETOld buo- letter. TTo rlnima l - O -.V it it the present silver law could repealed that our "foreign securi s would be safe." W hat does that an.-1 That government bonds on o ttn the people are taxed to pay in- -'st would go to a still higher pre- n Tin 4i lno win t tins is t.HcinP' devour farm products and your u will be going down still lower price. The Iowa Tribune com muting 0n the same letter which fieilt to it ton fc.ivs- "Tn tha me of humanity have the Ameri- n people a greater interest in main- foreign securities at a premium r the benefit r.f t -t? i- i v vi a j.ew -cuKiisn ar- .uv.iata i.uai lney have in nrnvi.l. ior tueir own tamilies and the 11.:. . .. ijmenta of their debts? Let us Ill . All' M 1 n 4- 1 if possible, a decline in our own no ( infra nnrl thai: nf V odw of labor, and refused to be wwinkedbv a broker who has aced these foreign fecurities with ve3ters at a bio- mmmiinr. is. of fni,.n ;a x.j? wmjc, lUMjresieam main miag the value of securities that continue to share in the oy wav of collecting and lttlS the interest" re- Some'of our 2x4 exchanges who have been trying to make excuses for Cleveland being against free coin age have been referring to the fact that Gladstone is opposed to free coinage. Yes they announce with a great deal of satisfaction that the "grand old man" and wise states man is to silver. In this con nection we make the following clip ping from the Loudon Standard; "Cheap silver" has given us cheap tooa aim raw material, anu has en abled England to hold her own in the work! far more easily than h?r rivals. Nothing would be so dis astrous to our foreign trade as a sud den rise in silver." Of course Eng land is opposed to free coinage a3 long a3 she can bleed the United States, What fools or knaves our statesmen (?) are? A prominent citizen of the State writing us a few days since said. "I am taking rive papers and money is so scarce I had decided to stop one or two of them. But I can't stop The Caucasian. Enclosed find $1.00 to renew my subscription. The four issues you have gotten out at Goldsboro outstrips anything in North Carolina journalism. I would not have missed them for twice the subscription price of the paper for a whole year. May God give yon strength to conduce to make such a bold and manly stand for truth. From now on I shall use my influ ence to increase your circulation and in doing so I will feel that I am do ins mv btate a service, lnere is so much todyism suppressing the truth and stifling of honest opinions that it is refreshing and elevating to read a paper like yours." The Caucasian is not owned by any clique.or monopoly. It will follow the motto "truth and justice" as its cruidinsr star. We do not desire to attack or speak unpleasantly of any one, but when justice and the inter ests of the people demand ic we will not be the greatest nor the smartest. A WONDEROUS WISE UTTERANCE- The Wilmington Star is responsi ble tor the iollowing ennefc ot wis dom. At the close of a long and la bored editorial it says: "Approached in the right way, and with the right spirit, the silver problem is not so' difficult of ad justment as it might seem to be." - Now read it again. Do you catch on, is it too deep for you? It is for us. "Approached in the right way and with the right spirit." Will the Star explain this ? We can't see how it can be approached in the right way and the right spirit till another election. The people cer tainly approached it in the wrong way and in the wrong spirit, by electing a gold bug for President The Star says it is not so difficult to settle as it would seem. It seems to us to be pretty difficult to settle, with the people demanding free sil ver and the administration trying to strike silver down. The Star must be wool gathering." REMARKABLE SUDDEN CONVERSION. What can be the matter with John Sherman, the ablest servitor of the national banks? "When the devil was sicK, the devil a monk would be; When the devil got well, the devil a monk was he, John must "want to b an angel" of a certain description. John must be almost in articulo mortis. An alleged "interview, with no credit to any paper, appears in Mon day's Bulletin, of which the follow ing is the conclusion: "Senator," I said, "you have said our present system of banking is the best the world ever had. Now, after 1907, when we have paid our bonded debt, what is to be the cir culating currency? Upon what basis are we to do banking?" Said he: "Why, not have the Government of the United States is sue its own money? It is the rich est nation on the face of the earth We reduced in thirty years a war debt of $2,500,000,000 to now about $500,000,000, and to the amazement of all nations. Our credit is re nowned. We now do a national banking business on the faith of the bonds of the Government. Why not do a business on the faith of the Government? The same confidence given to a bond of the nation ought to be given to the note it might is sue. The Government should issue ita own money." This view has been held by all ; those emancipated from metal wor ship for the last trnty years or more. It is equally certain that no one man has done as nearly as much to prevent such a consummation as John Sherman. Bonds are not, and never were, necessary as basis for for currency, or as a means of ef fecting public improvements. The Government of the United States not only can "issue ita own money," but could have done eo at any time. If the utterances attributed to him are genuine, they indicate that he Eeea the end to be near and that this government "will issue iU own mon ey, thereby emancipating the peo ple from the superstition that in order for two persons to exchange the products of their labor, a third must go down into the ground to get a costly substance wherewith to make the exchange. Sanfraucisco Star. RICIIAKD OLNEY, Attorney-G eneral. W were not able to get a picture of Mr. Olney for the cabinet group last week. He had never had a pic ture taken. But - an enterprising photographer has kodaked him and here is his picture. SKETCH- Richard Olney Mr- Cleveland's At torney General, educated from Brown University in 1S5G and two years later from Harvard Law School. In a few years he became on of the best known lawyers in his State and now he is considered the leading cor poration lawyer. The income from his practice is believed to be fully L $60. 000 a year. He has always re fused public office; twice he has de clined a Massachusetts Judgship. He has a summer residence near Gay Grables, on Buzzard Bay, where where he has been the friend and companion of Mr. Cleveland. Mil. GLADSTONE'S INCONSISTENCIES. VViso Men Often Change, Fools Nver. (New York World ) The Tories of England can accom plish little by attacking Mr. Glad stone for changing in maturer years the opinions of his youth. The charge is an old one, and has been more tnan once aamittea. "l am accused," eaid he on a memorable occasion, "of want of conformity in my opinions. I have not pretended to it- I have been all my life a learner, and am so stilb" On an other occasion, in 1878, he gave a more elaborate explanation of his course, which furnishes the key to his career: I trace in the education of Oxford one great defect. Perhaps it was my own fault; but I must admit that I did not learn, when at Oxford, that which I have learned since viz., to set a due value on the imperishable and inestimable principles of human liberty. The temper, which I think prevailed too much in academic cir clcs, was that liberty was regarded with jealousy, and fear could not be wholy dispensed with. There is no doubt that Mr- Glad stone was a sincere student when Macaulay referred to him as "the rising hope of the stern and unbend ing Tories." But there is quite as little doubt that the changes wrought in his convictions were the result of laborious and conscientious study, and not or a desire to tollow tne ca prices of public sentiment and reap the rewards of office. He more than once preferred to follow his convic tions rather than acquire power or place- He scorned alike the re straints of academic training and the slavery to usage. He was a pro tectionist; he became a free-trader. He opposed modification of the Irish land laws and the disestablishment of the Irish Church; he accomplished both, and said they were achieve , ments of which he was proud. He defended slavery and then became an abolitionist. But it will be observed that all the changes were in the direction of broader conceptions or commerce and of human treedom. ihey were all on the lines of a larger states manship. There were no instance of reaction towards the narrower views he had formerly maintained In the higher and more comprehen sive sense, therefore, every change was consistent and in perfect har mony with the expansion of his in telligence. Besides, if change of cenviction is matter for reproach the most illus trious names of history must suffer from it. It has proved the sublime infirmity of the greatest intellects in this country as well as of every other Both Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Webster changed their views on the tariff. They strove against each other, and, like Hamlet and Laertes, changed rapiers and strove again. Mr. Mad ison changed his opinions on the United States Bank. Mr. Clay was not less inconsistent, It is aftei all the wise men who change their minds the fools never. But when Mr. Chamberlain and Lord Randolph . Churchill charge inconsistency on Mr. Gladstone the everchanging waves of the sea must laugh. Between the Devil and the People. The Legislature is afraid to take any action on any important meas ure. They see the bosses on one side and the people on the other and thev don't know which way to move. They will draw their pay about the 4th of March and eo home, ine most laudable act of this Legisla tare will be its final adjournment. Our Home. SILi ER A COnON. A PAPER READ BY MARiON BUTLER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE N. F. A AND I- U , EEFRE THE 3RD ANNUAL CON VENTiON OF THE AMERICAN ' BY- METALIC LEAGUE. The Ixmm Sntalnrl by the Cotton-Plant-r en Account of the IeiuotM-tla.tloB of hllTr Since 1873." TIIK KOUTII AMI WIST Mt'ST JOIN HASIW ANI STKIKB A UKCI8IVK BU)W I'OK IMHTUIAL FKEK IMM. Mk. President and Gintlemen of the Bi metalic Leaqce: I am asked to address you on the topic "The loss sustained by cotton plank ers on account of the demonetization of silver since 1873." Since receiv ing your highly esteemed invitation (for which honor I wish now to thank jou) I have been so preseed with public asd private duties that I have not been able, from the data at hand, to make the neceg?ary cal culations to insure such accuracy aa woulu warrant laying before you and the public the approximate figures that would indicate the total loea for hese twenty years, enormous as it is. But permit me to say that the free coinage ot silver is and has been a burning question with us of the Southern section of this country. 'roducing, as w do, three-fourths of the cotton crop of the world. which is largely sold and manufac tured abroad, we were the first to eel the baneful effects of the de monetization of silver. The market price for our cotton during the year intervening between 1806 and 1880 ell from thirty-two cents to eleven cents per pound, and we believe that this blighting result is due to the contraction of the currency and the degradation of silver more than to and all other causes combined. Since that time, chiefly through the same cause, the price has fallen so ow that the great bulk of the crop is now made at a positive loss. The reason for thi3 was first attributed to the inevitable conditions which ob tain in reaching a specie basis after a violent inflation of the currency. But subsequently eients disclosed the fact hat after nearly fifteen years oi pecie resumption, prices continued to decline and harder times come to our people. Thig long-continued distress, this ever-increasing contest with want and nnremunerative labor, has forced an examination into the real causes which conspire to bring about such abnormal and apparently inconsistent results. When a peo ple first begin to feel any oppression they are prone to blame the man in sight. So in this case, at first the actors and middlemen were charged with the offense, then the railroads and speculators became the subjects of condemnation and then the man ufacturers and the tariff were accused of being responsible for low prices and the resultant hard times. But, while some, if not all, of these are still held guilty to a certain extent, the real underlying cause was found to be an iaadequate and a continual shrinking volume of currency a currency held firmly in the iron grasp of the gold trust of this country which in turn was and is absolutely dominated by the gold trust of Eu rope. And I declare her" and now that here is no help for the cotton -grower of the south,no certain remedy for the evils which surrounds us there, 6are that which would come through a reconstruction of the financial system of this country. This reconstruction should logically begin with the re storing of silver, and through the free and unlimited coinare at the constitutional ratio, putting it on equal terms with gold. I am proud to stand osf ore you as the representative of a great agricul tural organization, the National Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union, and still more so on account of the fact that its rrand motto of Equal rights to all aud special privileges to none is followed by declaration ot principles, among which has ever stood a demand for "the free and unlimited coinage of silver." And right here I am re minded that exactly one year ago to night, the combined Industrial and Labor Organization of the county assembled at St, Louis, (known as the St. Louis Conference) adopted unani mously this same demand. This de mand was among the first issued by our organization, and upon this de mand every true member of the Alli ance stands to-day. As an organiza tion, we recognize the demonetization of silver as an outrage upon the pro ducers of this natiou as a whole and as a crime against every man, woman and child who works for a living within its borders. As a technical question, I am frank to admit, I have never been able to give it that thorough investigation which it deserves, but as a geuera economic proposition, I several years ago established the opinion that free coinage of silver was not only right, but imperative. This feeling, I am sure, is well nigh universal among the cotton growers and wealth pro ducers of the South; and 1 am con strained to say that if the fight for free coinage should be abandoned by the people of the North, or even the silver producing btaws themselves, we of the Suth would continue the fight for it as a measure of prime ne cessitr for our Bection. Hint, we would fight for it tis one great step in the financial reform such as would make it possible for ns to pay our debts in a currency of the same per capita circulation as when contract ed; and next, to prevent the ruinous competition with the cotton planter of India, whereby they or tne mia dlemen have"an advantage, measured, as a rule, by the artificially produced difference between gold and silver. Tin? Sght for f rw coinage is not with u a matter of tw-ntltm-n t A real and cruel condition drive uj to it. If I should paint to you two pictures, one of our people when we received good prices for cotton; the other, the cow condition under ruinous priced, the contrast, would move asy man, even a Congressman, who had a heart less hard than stone, less cold than an iceberg, and less cruel than a ser pent The cotton crop with us is essen tially our money crop, and the price of cotton, probably more than any other product, is 'governed by the manipulation of the so called mone markets of the world. Because o"l this any change ii or disloc ation of the volume of currency, from additions or drpleiiovls most unerringlv rf-gi!-red eitbe. is in price paid for cotton. Am pr.xjf o this proposition I will quote the fol lowing facts, which were s t foru by Hon. John Abbott in an excel lent epeech delivered in Congress lav session : in the Home Markets. I 2 i G,2s- Fiacalyear . . ending June fl u 30- fS 5 i ss&J oc o Cts. Lift. r872 19.3 70 $1 47 tl 32 1873 18.8 62 1 31 I 29 174 15.4 72 1 43 1 27 1S75 15.0 85 1 12 1 24 1K76 12.9 67 1 24 1 15 1877 11.8 54 1 17 1 20 1878 11.1 56 1 34 1 15 1879 9.9 47 1 07 1 12 1880 : 11.5 54 1 25 1 14 1881 11.4 65 11 1 13 1882 11.4 67 1 19 1 13 1883 10.8 68 1 13 1 11 1884 10.S 61 1 07 1 11 1885 10.6 54 8j 1 06 1886 9.9 50 87 99 1887 9.5 48 89 97 1888 9.8 55 85 93 1889 9.9 47 90 93 1890 10.2 49 83 1 04 1891 close of 6.0 41 85 90 The coinine value of n ounce of Dure silver is tl.29. It will be noticed that as silver ad vanced, as it did immediately after the passage of the act of July, 1890, cotton advanced in price also; that as silver fell in price afterwards, cotton has closely followed. As further proof of the soundness of this pro position, allow me to call youratteu- a. ai r. t I - i - i . i m i a number of large cotton-buyers in wo of the great cotton markets of he world. New Orleans, Aug. II. Glen- way & Co.'s rnort savs: Hew York opened 3 to 4 points lower and clos ed 1 1 points lower. After the call, however, prices were further depres- ed. The decline m Liverpool is at- tributed to a decline of 3-8d in sil- vcr. Xew ORLEANS,Aug. 11. Atwood, Vidlite & Co.'s circular says: The decline is owimr to a serious loo in ueciine is owing io a serious loss in pfitfe of silver, which is 3-4 of 1 per cent, lower than yesterday. IW 1 ORK, Aug. 11. Hubbard, Price & Co.'s report says; The mar- ket opened at a decline of 3 points and during the day continued to de cline, and the closmg was easy at about 14 points decline from last night's figures, because silver was so weak. Such plain indisputable facts should convince the most skeptical tnat tne western saver miners are not the only class that would be ben efitted by making silver one of the money metals of the country. As it stands at present, the miners of the West are digging silver, and the planters of the South are making cotton all laboring with might and main to produce two great commod- ities. And when we have toiled and produced them both in abundance, r s , , - , . , , , , Denoiu, in steps tne alien, Dy wnose manipulations they are used as weap- ons of destruction to both industries, This is only possible while we stay apart This f raticidal and suicidal course has already closed down half of the silver mines of the West and . .i.0- r.t au put a mortgage on over half of the plantations of the South. Is it not time that such folly was ended? Is it not time to call a halt and decide upon some action for the common good? Shall the alien continue to be the beneficiary of our labors, or shall we take a stand for our joint , , J interests and the .producers of the country.-' I for one believe that the i.: i t x. ume uas Buumc i oeneve mat tne gupreme today may be a stinking mem hour has struck when the people of ory within a decade. The new admlnls- the great and growing West should unite with the people of mv own awakening Southland, and standing together upon one common platform strike the decisive blow for indus- trial freedom. M1SSPLACED FAITH. Free and unlimited coinage of sil ver and free trade with the world will lead us on to a free government and a free and prosperous neonle. Let the I Democratic administration set us at iiuerty. n aaesooro ave. to be the only rational explana The Wave seems to know what we tion of the method God used in making should have in order to make ns mMa- I eannot see how it wsa possible .. .. '. . prosperous, but bless its confiding soul it will never get it from a Dem- ocratic administration.-Iowa Trib- No Broth t, 2t 'em all Speak at Once. im o cotton . nas Deen raised since Christmas. " Will some over-production fellow bob up and tell us what has caused the decline in the price of that staple? One 'at a time, if you please: don't all speak at onee. Our Home. Jmerson was once tola bv some of his frisnds who were frightened because oi. an nnussal "disturbance of the elements that the world was coming to an end. He replied by savm&. "Well, it won t matter: we I can get along as well without it HOW MANKIND GROWS REV. THOMAS DIXON ON THE UmON OF HUMANITY. EVO- A FMtib M tbt Coatic KUm1 Adml totrmU - Et1U IfMwflj tkm XH wtmm Method-M Wrk Imm-O Xrr Ki4li ttrmnlm Knm UW1 JSxw roEX, Feb. 2. The sermon of the day in Association hall wa preceded this morning by a review of the new ad ministration about to be inaugurated at Washington. Mr. Dixon said: ' We stand again npon the threshold of a change of administration In our na tional government. These courts are the landmarks found at regular intervals making our national history. We have no such thing as a governmental crisis. Our government is astronomical. It is wound up to ran four years. It runs four years. The formalities of an adzoinistr&tlon change impress the eye with dramatio importance. In reality they are unim portant. The ral change occurred some time before in the minds of the sovereign people. The ofUceholdsr in America is merely a servant carrying out his roas ter's orders. .There Is only one king among ns the citizen king. The office holder is always and only a servant, from the street sweeper to tbe chief of police, and from the justice of the peace to the president of the republic With our president the people have lodged large powers. And they are sorely abused. The presidential chair h&s sometimes transformed a second rate politician into a dignified and patri otic statesman for the time. Many of our presidents have turned from tne petty demands of party cliques and factions and the noblest independ ent action in a conscientious effort to represent the whole people, whose will they personify. President Harrison in the close of his vigorous administration has given us a striking example of this broader, nobler view tn appointing as supreme court judge a man opposed to his own party in politics. General Harrison in that act showed himself to be president of the tJnited States of America, representing 60,000,000 of people not merely the fig urehead of a political machine. The machine has howled most vociferously. Let it howL Henest and patriotic citi zenship rejoices and writes Harrison's name a line higher on the roll of true fame. In making np his cabinet for the new administration Mr. Cleveland has treated ns to a gennine sensation in politics. The a tional officer be it said to his honor. Th little machine tinkers can never pre- diet even what he will do next Mr. Tilden said of him that he was the bold est politician he had ever known. He certainly is a unique force in modern American politics. He thirks for him self. He carries out the will of the peo- rf- accordinc to hi. own conception of that will not according tha dictate of a faction. He has appointed Judge Gresham, an independent Republican, secretary of AO Ba' M oreaia . th in nt m..)liT.MrAnill tuaw jwh , part of a retiring president and an tn- comintr one of the opposite party are in- dicationa of the dawn of a new day in American politics. The day of party worsnip is passing away. aaj oi men and principles is once more return ing. The party fetich has been the power that daring the past generation has well nigh throttled true statesmanship. Mr. Cleveland begins his work welL fie has little to bind him to partisan pig politics. The better element of our citizenship look with hope and faith to his adminis tration. The next four years will be eventful in the history of our nation. In these four years will be formed the lines of real battle along which the hosts of freemen are to fight in the next generation. Tra ditions, memories and ghosts must go to the rear. New men and -new measures toT a new generation and a new world! The coming 20th century holds its own Problems. The children of the tary j uruEii dcl tie tuciu. r iui mil ilo uu Aamm .mwmW tsj again the new People's party has sounded the battlecry for the next gen- eration. Let the old parties shut their eyes to the fact if they wilL It is among the PDUMes ; that this party of the masses. aa against ine classes, win eiecc w next dejlt Tb, of tins party during rne fonr Tear. to the noil of a mil- (ion T0te8 was a miracle in American politics. If the old parties do not heed some of its demands, their death lrnell will be sounded within the life of the in- comnig wmnmsuon. no young ? mTr7 ZSZtI the passing moment The power that naeHodaf may be thrurt totoobUvIon The TmmmjuiT that rules i . . . . . tration may fall at the end of four years never to rise again. Truth and right alone endure foreverl THE BRUTE INHERITANCE. We ourselves croan within ourselrss, waiting for our adoption to wit, the redemption of oar body. Romans rill. Z3. It is a fact we axe still waiting, still groaning over the problem. Progress in civilization is simply the mark of our at tainment in our effort to throw off the brute inheritance. I believe that, as clearly as a scientific hypothesis can be established, the theory of evolution is Tn-avtioalir blisheL ft seems to me bannenize more clearly with the Eible I for (jrod to cut stan out oi whole ciotn, u a tailor would cut-a coat out of apiece of goods. It is not God's waj of doing conceive that It is l um way ne maas we worui irom us oo- Real progress today 'S developed m proportion to our elimination of tha brutal in life and society. Are we mak ing progress? Yes, we are. I believe that the world is better today than it was yesterday, and that there is a con tinuous progress through the centuries. 1m I study history I eee man slowly emerging frem a more brutal Into less brutal condition. The apostle cries in anguish of Heart, "WM snaU de liver me from the body of this death, frem this Jpower inherent chained to me. which drags me down. ' and with which I must forever wrestle?" Strug gle and conflict are the very requisites of I progress, and there can be no real strug- I ele without real nrosresa. Man is all Continued on Second Page. MY LAbi TONUUE. BT AtttULJK (UVEA. Arreoa or -Ts OtKiM ras l Avtsx V - U boss Laasu" tfTV., STC IcvfvvM. r. r. cviifcr. rfcw Vcl Urrmfmnt wk t HA) CHAPTER L nrraoM-ces Jrrrm. People used Vo y It wm auaoet tfaty for Uuloael Henry Uemmrtmibpr Pt v nry a iwmkI um A motherkws boy migWt do wU enough, but wImmj U came to a inrt rrowlcirup aitogvthrr amoef drkry and mea. It wu absolutely 1 -Ml-ourdlmf Tbe poor child wm really dr-d tn a sum oertfiatwaa almmt iadwrbv, and It he erenboea aaid (here tbe taformaat cx erally put an unprrire ban a tn ae-bv tod ual-thm4 glove upwi Hi area of w peron to be enHjrtt4nd) that H actually usl bed Uu g-u . u fact, awure, aa n beard her father do. It was perfectly true that be rarely put in an appearance at church, and when b did participai in the bebdomin: drnxluu of Drownavillo parish, b was wt to clatter up tbe central aisle in a short and ratberless babtt, which was trly shocking to tbe taste of tbe eua greg atoa. She wore buots, moreover, and It was rumored a spur on occasions. Uer rtvatrat offense, probably, was her mode of drraa to g her hair, or rather of leaving It to d ra itself. She bad a small, shapely bead ulasptxl closely from brow to taroat by beary red brown curls. Colonel Page's pew was tbe most con spicuous In tbe pretty sandstone church; and tbe nape of bis daughter's handsome neck, exposed In all Its chtg-nonWs effronv ery of a Babbath, was a aerer-eudtatf source of displeasure to tbe outraged Brownsvilliana. II ad not 8U Paul ei pressed himself clearly, not to say strongly, on this very subject! Was not a womsn's piety almost as surely to be measured by tbe length of her hair as the age of a horse told by tbe length of bis nippers! Could a young lady fly in the face not only of tradition, but of the Scripture, in this fashion, and yet be all that is required of young ladies by a country parish! Not so. The rector's wife went alone In her state carry-all to remon strate with Miss Page upon this very sub ject. 8he waited for some f arty minutes, and when at last her hostess entered, it was not in a neat m amenta-colored paduasoy, neither a black or salt and pepper bnrejre, trimmed' with braid and pearl buttons, as was then deemed the thing, but-shade of that godly woman, 'Mrs. Colonel" Henry Merri wont her Page-in a blue flannel waist, an old homespun skirt did nod tip about boy ishly straight Lips, and muddy bout that left apjmrent impressions on the red velvet carnet of the drs wing-room. When Mrs. Kelson, after much dextrous maneuvering, had finally led the conversa tion, by what she considered a master stroke, up to tbe moot question. Miss Page had replied merely by running a slight brown band through the offensive locks and saying: Why do I wear it this way! Oh! I like it, and dad likes it, and Dick," then, wtih a Ru'.den oblique glance of her bright red brown eyes: "I shall always wear It so, even when I am married." "You seem to have no doubt on that score," the rector's wife bad replied, in a voice which was dryer than the smile ihat accompanied it. Mrs. Nelson bad what might be termed a well-irrigated mouth. "Pray, is it to be soon!' Miss Page hod laughed at this, flinging one blue flannelod arm over. the chair in winch she sat sideways, and Mrs. Kelson nud shuddered both at the laugh and gest ure, which she found unpleasantly in keep ing with their owner's cropped locks. "Dear me, no! Goodness, no! I shoul think not!'1 the delinquent bad replied. " OLD MAIDS AM ACCIDSXTS." heartily. " I haven't even an ideal ; but, o course, he'll turn up they always do. Old maids are accidents." "Accidents!" the rector's wife had ex claimed, in a tone which I am unable to de scribe. She held np the gray cotton gloves, or namented with wrist-tassels, these last sharing in the good lady's agitation. Their frisky bobbin developed a kittenish de sire in Miss Page to seize and secure them. How delightful it would have been to ob serve tbe face of their wearer bad she done so. Miss Page did not always control herself so well as on this occasion, however. Bhe yielded to ber inclinations without stint not infrequently. One of these events took place not long after the virit of the rector's wife, and that was when the rector's son proposed to ber. This gentleman was a pretty little per- onage, witn tne pDysique oi a toteraoiy we::-sculptured snow-man. His orange- coiored hair surmounted bis crange-eol- ored ears with a pirnou-like success, which uggested the idea of a pair cf Mercury- .ike beel-wings having sprouted in tbe vrrng place. Be bad oran-oolored eye- orows, above little dark blue eyes, like raisins set into bis pudding face, and bis orange-colored beard grew one way on one side of his face, and another way on tbe other, as though it owner were standing in .i perpetual draught. But neit her a rasa's personal appearance. nor tbe fact of bis being a rector's son, can have any appreciable effect npon his love affairs (so far as bo himself is concerned). l'hus it chauof-d that Timotbeua Nelson be came enamored of tbe hoydenisn Miss Page, and proposed to her. It was bad enough until be got down on bis knees. Judith could not stand that, and so down she went on ber knees also. Just opposite him, and aid, aa well as she could fur laughing : 'Please get op." You may be sure he did so with alacrity, He did more be got op metaphorically aa well, end remained Irom that time la standing pmttion. Be admitted that very night what he could never be persuaded to even so much as listen to before: namely, that for young women to apply scissors to their hair is as unseemly as alike application is meritorious a young men. He confided to bis mother ;hat he had once met Miss Page riding along npon the highway, and that she was whistling. He went so far as to state that with ber month in that unfeminine position be considered ber positively plain, and con cluded by stating that fiaxen baur worn in demure bands on either s de of a flaxen countenance was a sight at once refreshing and ennobling, after having looked for any IcEsrth cf time upon crisp brown curia, ana a face that changed aa often aa aa autumn sunset. -,'-' - " ' Mr. Thnotheos Kelson had a cousin Lacy, who answered exactly to the flaxen ideal. and he soon after made ber Mrs. Titno theus Kelson. Be took a certain prido in ru-Mutntiair her to Miss Page, and la listen ing afterward to ber shocked exclamations in regard to the much-diacuased curls. It was about this time that, by something of ft coincidence, a cousin of Judith aUo I wonunued on becond Page, j MM -rserrrrr: HIE LMGBEUL ADDRESS. y ICtEVELAKD S OUTIW Of Tw POLICY OF HJS ASMXlSTKATlCti nx nct-iARKs im rAvoa or rtJt Tit BE MO K ftt KCOXOaf ICAL. H toys w Msm aw Cars!) sVavss. Ia ta TartK. Waskixotox, March 4.-Presides t Cleveland's inaugural address tu as followst My Fellow CiUieas ! obedient to the mandate of my eoBBtrymee, lam about to dedicate myself to their service under the sanction of a tol. emn oath. IWply moved by the ei preasion of confident and pwni attachment which baa calk f to this service, X am sure my g. .uUd can make oo better return than the pledge I nowgiva before Qod aal these witnesses of unreserved eompUte devotion to the teroe and welfare of thoee who have ored me. I detm it fitting on this oeeasioa, while indicating the opinions I hold concerning public questions of proo ent importance, to also briefly refer to the existence of certain conditions and tendencies among onr people which seem to menace the integrity and usefulness of our Government. While every American eitisena must contemplate with the utmost pride and enthusiasm the growth and ex pansion of our country, the sofleien cy of our institutions to stand egtdajt the rudest shocks of violenee, the wonderfal thrift and enterprise ot our people, and the demonstrated periority of onr free government, it behooves us to constantly watch for every symptom of insiduooslnnrmity that threatens our National vigor. The strong men who, in th eonfl dence of sturdy health, eourts the sternest activities ef life and rejoice in the hardihood of constant labor may ntill have larking near hie vital the unhoeded disease that dooms him to sudden collapse. It eannot b doubted that our stupendous achiev ments as a poeple and our country's robust health have given rise to a heedlessness of those laws governing our National health, which we eaa no more evade than human life can escape the laws of God and natnre. Manifestly nothing is mor' vital to our supremacy as a nation and to the beneflcient purposes of onr gov ernment than a sound and stable cur rency. Its exposure to degradation should at once arouse to activity the most enlightened statesmen and the danger of depreciation in the pur chasing power of tbe wage paid t toil should furnish th strongest in centive to prompt and conservative precaution. In dealing with our pre sent embarrassing situation as relat ed to this subject, we will be wis if we temper our confidence and faith in our National strength and resour ces with the frank concession that even these will not pesmit us to defy with impunity tbe inexorable Laws of finance and trade. At the same time, in our efforts to adjust difference ef opinion we should be free from in tolerance and passion, and onr judg ments should be unmoved bv ellnnar. phrases and unvexed by selfish inter ests! I am confident that such an pproach to the subject will result in prudent and effective remedial legis lation. In the mean time, so far as the executive branch of the Govern ment can intervene, none of tbe pow ers with which it is invested wiu be withheld when their exercise is deem ed necessary to maintain oar Nation al credit or avert financial disaster. Closely related to the exaggerated confidence in our country's great ness wbieh tends to a disregard of the rules of National safety, another danger confronts ns not leas sorioas. X refer to the prevalence ef a peps- lar disposition to expect from the op eration of the Government ospoeial and direct individual advastara. Tbe verdict of onr voters, whieh condemned tbe tnjnstiee of main taining Protection for Protection's sake, enjoines upon the peopl' servants doty of exposing and de stroying' the brood of kindred vil which are tbe unwholesome progeny of paternalism. This is the bane of republican institutions and the con stant peril of onr government by the people, it degrades to the purpose ef wily craft the plan of rule onr fathars established and bequeathed to ns aa object of our love and veneration. t perverts the patriotic sentiment of our countrymen, and tempts thm to a pitiful calculation of th sordid gain to be derived from their Govern ment s maintenance. ' It undermine the self-reliance of onr peopl. and substitutes in its plae dependence npon Governmental favoritism. 2t stifles the spirit of true American? ism, and stupefies every ennobling trait of American citizenship. Th lessons of paternalism ought to b earned, and th better lesson taaght that, while the people should patri otically and cheerf ally support their Government, its functions do not include the support f th peopl. OBJECTION'S TO BOCSTTIM A1TO SXTMIXK The acceptance ef this principle leads to a refusal of boantie and subsidies whieh burden th labor and thrift of a portion of our citi zens, to aid ill-advised or languish ing enterprises in which they hav no concern- It leads also to a chal lenge of wild and reckless pension expenditures, whieh overleaps the bounds or graterui recognition oi pa triotic service and prostitutes to vi cious uses the people's prompt and generous impulse to aid thoo . dis abled in their country's defene. Every thoughtful American mast re alize the import&ne of cheeking at its beginning any tendency im pub lic or private station to regard fru gality and economy a virtu which we may safely outgrow. Th toler ation of this idea results la th waste of the peopl' money by their chosen servant, and encour ages prodigality and extravagance Lm the horn life of onr conn try mn. Under our scheme of Gvrnmnt the waste of puelie money is a erim against th citizen; and the con tempt ef onr. people for econeary and frugality in their personal af fairs deplorably sap th : strength Oontinaod on Third Page. it. 1 I.

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