i i y i r -r-zz . ; ; rrr ' I THE CAUCASIAN. PCBLIHEI EVEKT THCRSDAV. MAKIO IILTLER. Editor & I'ropr. Entered at the Post Office t OoWnboro', N. C, u aecond-clasi mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. OXE YEAR. II W SIX MONTHS. GO THE UNDEMOCRATIC DTMCCRCY. The legislature of North Carolina a few days ago, t-ngaged in the un democratic act of electing magis trates. A great list of about l.KX) Dames, prepared by the committee, was placed in nomination- In all, there are about 4,000 magistrate in the State, chosen in the ;tme way. An inpereepunie percentage of this army of offiee-holdertt m belong to some party other than th Democratic party; but substantially the whole mass are Democrat.-. Tbev are elected by those wl havf no personal knowledge of th men, or their character and qualifi cations. This would not perhaps be go important were not the magis trates chosen to transact home busi news. Their duties are importan and multifarious. They are close t the people, yet the people have notli inr ifi nv in their neiection. lhev ... j are appointed by members of tl General Assembly and by pohtica .AmmUfoi.tt. The legislature doe X, S au . r ' c ) no more than to ratify nomination made by irresponsible politicians Tho law which nc rmit these things is intolerant and undemocratic. Mr. Vance introduced a bill into the lower house to elect the magis trates and commissioners of Bun Minlin county, bv the people. He said the members of the Alliance favored its passage; but on a motion of a Mr. Lowell, the bill was table by a overwhelming majority. The wishes of Mr. Vance's constituents were contemptuously ignored and he was sat upon. Yet there was really no rearon why the people of Bun nonibo should bo favored any more than those of any other county- Before another general election takes nlaco the magistrates of Bun combe, and of every other county in North Carolina, will choose new county commissioners. Theso will all be Democrats. Tho commission ers will appoint registrars in every piecinct of the State, who will all be Democrats. The commissioners will also select judges of election for every polling place. The Demo crats will have control of every reg istration book, and of every election, board, in every precinct in ninety six counties. Under the operation of this unjust system, another General Assembly of Democrats will be elected or rath er counted in in 1894. That legisla ture, under the direction of local po liticians, will elect 13,000 more Dem ocratic magistrates. The new set of magistrates will help to elect a new set of Democratic county conimis sioners anuso on, anu so on. inus the Democrats hope and aim .to re tain possession of the State govern ment, and of the local governments of the counties. All of this is clear ly undemocratic. In spite of these infamous laws the People's party, in North Caro lina, polled 47.000 votes in the late election, that is, the canvassing boards permitted them to be counted, and it was so announced. It any votes were suppressed by the Demo eratic election officers, it is known in the various precincts. "With this one sided election machinery, in the hands of Democratic officials, it was possible to suppress votes; and it was done by the wholesale. But inspite of unjust laws, the People's party, if true to itself, will grow and wax exceeding strong, and will never give up the fight until Home Rule shall be established The time will come when bills like that introduced by Mr. Vance will not be tabled "by an overwhelming majority." There will be a free bal- lott and a fair count in every county, town, city and precinct in North Carolina. The people will do right. . The Democratic machine may take warning. AT iT ALREADY. VICTORY- COMING. inaugural. H0W3IANIOXD GROWS THE FRIENDS OF REFORM ARE PUSH S3 THE CAUCAS AN ,KTO EVERY NESCH. SCRHOOO !N NORTH CAROLINA. KKF.P IT II TILL VICTOKV I VOX. Hi Natl r 20.000 fculxx-titor To Can Hrlp (." tirt Thrai. Commenting on the bill paused by the Legislature amending the char ter of the State Alliance, the Ral eigh North Carolinian nays: "This bill wae&dored by Senators Atwater, Merritt, and Schoolfield, three Senators of the i party, and Senator Atwater advocated it in the committee before it was reported to the Senate. It in therefore a meas ure acceptable and endorsed by Al liancernen in all parties. We do not doubt that attempt will be made to work up prejudice against the Democratic. J-arty be cause of this measure and the cry will be heard "You are persecuting the Alliance." This will be the plea of those who would pose a martyisi before the people. But unhappily for huch demegogues, the wind ha i been taken out of their sails, w ben- j cause in Xorth Carolina ii party for this measure, they criticize I 1 Erety man who works for at hon est living wants to see reform in our government. You are one of the men. You are willing to flht and work to help to bring about thi re form. You must do it- The re U no hope ! without it. J The best way to push the rt-form I to eircu late The Caucasian-. As a statement of principled in ai vague and general war Cleveland's ' the Inaugural rnav be called; strong doc- jcmen.. 1'ut it is not remarkable for what it &vs,b ut rather for what it does not say. He advbes the jneople to live more economical, but does nut tell them whether be is in favor of free silver and more money or cot. lie ehould know that the people have long ago been forml to be -couomi-cal from necessity, aud that the lon- Coutinced from First Var time making this Rtnurgle. and ger they work and fhe more they jnmke tle let-s they have to live on. j It is an insult to a jeople, already in debt and suffering, to till them' to be economical; while the pampered classed who are living off of the labor THE ALLIANCE CHARTER. Last week we promptly denounced the amendments which the Lesisla ture tacked on to the State Alliance Charter; we denounced them not on ly as grossly unjust, but as being prompted by a mean and cowardly spirit We offered two amendments as President of the Alliance, that covered every objection that has been made; thi3 forced the Legislature to show its hand. Their real object was to destroy the Alliance; so they cau cussed on the matter for a week, and then tacked on some other amend ments that are meaner than anything that has ever before disgraced the statute books of the State. The Al liancemen present certainly did not see the full meaning and purport of these amendments, or they would have fought them to the last; and as a last resort, if they were defeated, they "should have entered a protest on ihe journals of both houses; denoun cing the measure, and exposing the designs of the ' sneaks and cowards behind it . , "We regret that they did not do this. The men who have com mitted this wrong will hereafter try to claim that the amendments were satisfactory to all parties. We here and now in advance denounce such a claim as false. the leader of their own party who in the Senate were its strongest de- fendeis- We think the matter has been happilv ana justly gettled, and we congratulate the General Assembly upon its wise and conservative ac tion." We were not in Raleigh when the amendments were prepared and passed aud have not been there tsince, but from the conespondence before us, we brand the above sis untrue The paper that sets itself up to say who are demagogues and who are not, should first be capable of telling the truth, whether it suits its parti- san nurnose or not. lixe cume oi Anan'as is almost as bad as tne si of demagoguery. Senator Atwater a member of th committee was opposed to the amend ments but notice wa? served on him that if he refused to sign the report of the committee recommending th amendments to the Legislature, that they would recommend that the en tire charter bo renealeu. 1ms was a pretty piece of bull-dozing foi legislative body- under these cir cumstances Senator Atwater seeing that we were in the hands ot men who had no regard for justice thought it was better to take the amendments than to lose the char ter. But in this Senator Atwater was mistaken. Men who play th bully and stoop to mean underhanded acts are always cowards. Unless the legislature was made up of fools it would not have dared to repeal the barter after we had offered to do eve- ything that was fair or even asked The fact is the Legislature found out that it was in a hole and had come near butting its political brains out. They could not repeal the charter without committing politi cal suicide, and if they simply ac cepted the two amendmemts which wo offered in the present charter. they failed to accomplish their pur pose, which was to cripple and fi nally kill the Alliance. So they hatched up some more amenndments, and thought if they could get the endorsement of the Alliance mem bers that that would save them. So they commenced their bull-dozing to accomplish this purpose. Senator Atwater should have defied them and dared them to repeal the char ter. For what they did do was mean er than if they had repealed the charter outright. The Chronicle Al A 11 It 1 says max uie amendments are ac ceptable to Alliancemen in all par ties." We dare the Carolinian to name one Alliancemen who has not deseited the demands of the organ ization, that the amendments are acceptable to. Name one. The Carolinian further says that there are some who will try to pose as martyrs and work up prejudice against the Democratic party. If there were any who would be dis posed to play this role, it will not be necessary, for a simple statement of the facts is enough to damn the ae- nuu uj. me ijegisiatiare m the eyes of all honest and fair-minded people As to the remainder of the above clipping vre will comment later There is no other paper in the State that is turning on more light, or biting harder licks and light ing stronger for the people. If The Caucasian can reach enough j)eople, the cause is won. You know it and we know it. .Then there is no way you cau help the cause mora than by helping to spread The Caucasian. Have you sent in a club ? The friends of TnE Caucasian, in every quarter of the State, are pushing its circulation. Some hav sent large clubs, hundreds have sent small clubs and promised to send large ones soon. if all oi our mends will now join hands we will soon have over 20,000 subscribers. We must have at least that mini ber. If you have not sent us a club will you not do so at once, and not let your neighbors miss another copy. through the yearn he has had this eternal battle between the vpirit and fieah, and progTcuB bft been the inevitable rult, becanse the rpirit must at last conquer that which is its inferior. MORAL rOKCES CBOWIXO STBOSQEK. We see from history that brutal strife is eliminated as man makes progress. We used to go to war because we want ed to fij;hL We picked a quarrel, and when there was no excuse we found one for the fun of.it. We did it because of the brutal powers that were unsubdued, uncultured, untaught. We do just as mean and bad things today, but we do them more scientifically. We have made progress in methods. We do not sharpen our swords now: we have a 1a w against it. We ehoot a man to pieces with a galling gun. We do not use poisoned daggers, but dynamite bombs, and save the trouble of burying him. But in all these things there is something to be rax von crow a wtcsXAW. A man that gets drunk goet right down with doc. X can prove that. Some men were talking one day on the pUxx of a country tavern about fierce dog. and one fellow said, "I am not afraid of any dog." Another man said: I hare a dog out there under that shed sleeping Suppose you go out there and sit down. The other man said be would. So they all gathered around and went out to watch him. But the owner of the dog said, "I warn yon not to go; yon will get hurt." So they all wvnt out to see th fnn. This man started out toward th wmtTK and he kind of loosened out without eriJence fliATsnch. piscine con-1 l)Yvr sailing in along its wr.e i he Mediterranean rigut length from Joppain . - - t 14 1. palestiw to Trbisn in opam, anu is in this vcrr a that even at the present day a huge fish, the white shark, is found; and not only this, but the bone of a much larger species now extinct. The word used in the Bible la m gen eral term for a large fish, and it includes in various writers shark, tunnies. wVW doh.hins and seal. This white shark attains such a size that it has been Vnovn to weich 41 tons. One that was exhibited last century over Enrol fi. 12Z rJTuZr v cw ny t ton. a - HOW THE SENATE STANDS ON SILVER The New York World has made a poll of the United States Senate on the silver question. It says that 39 Senators are opposed to the present silver law, 27 are for it and 1G non commital. This, however, throws but little light on the question. Eve ry man who is with the people would be opposed to the present silver law if he could tret a better one, on the other hand every honest man would rather have the present law than nothing. When the question first came up in the Senate we understand that Hansom and Vance voted against repealing the law. That was right and we made a note of it and gave them full credit But the World now reports Kansom as being in fa vor of repeal. Wre hope this is not so. it seems to us tnat a man who; would vote to repeal the present sil ver law, which puts $4,500,000 in circulation each month, is either a bol or a knave. We can understand iow a New York bondholder or bank can be in favor of stopping: the in rease of the currency, but how i man who is elected by such people who live in North Carolina can fa vor or vote for such a measure is be yond our comprehension. Monev was never so scarce since we can remem ber as it is now in this State. Busi ness is stagnated. Don't repeal the present silver law, but amend it so as to put more money in circulation and give it full legal tender f unc tions. That is what the people want and they will vote that way two years rom now. of the people are rolling in 'luxury. Scarcity of mouey has beeu one of the foanJ taUfHi "al progress. You cannot , .. . , , , ... get up a war as easily now; there must great causes that has produced this a uloral cause for it we look condition, yet Mr. Cleveland does not back we see that the drift of the ages has say that he is in favor of increasing the circulation; Iu fact we know that he is in favor of contracing it- He does not say whether we are to have an extra session of Congress or not. lie savs "me and my party must not go back on what we have said, but we must be mighty cautios about that tariff buisiiess. We publish the address in full so all can See it for themselves. been toward peace and life and civiliza tion. The eyes of literature today are on the underworld, the weaker man in the battle of life, and toward the solu tions of his problems the heart and brain of the human race are now being concen trated. Then we have made progress in the development of true religion. We used to burn people at the stake. Now we have our heresy trials, but we have taken the literal fire away, although we ex pect to burn them in hell forever. Bnt even in this we recognize remarkable progress. We have gone beyond the old days, when men were tortured and racked with pain and cast out and sawed psriTiflpr nnrl Knffpred hnrn'hlft TTVfiirji1 Having at last perceived that the tortures. While I rejoice in this and Legislature acted unwlselv as well am far removed from a pessimist, yet it as unjustly in trying to repeal the aru 7 m - J J i -0, Sometunes we think the millennium State Alliance charter, the partisan ia already here, and that the world is papers are now trying to excuse the gd enough now. sso, my friend; there is mucn yei 10 qo. aud sing drunken songs. He fell against the wagon and sang and made two or three loud, idiotic remarks stumDleu over the hind wheel into the wagon and fell over on the seat where the dog lay, singing all the time. The dog looked at him, setuied to take in the situation, then got out of his way, and finally jumped off the neat. No dog will bite a drunken man, because the dog knows the man is on his own level, and he docs not want to eat dog. Yet how many men in this world would believe they had in them the elements of a dog. In the grat ification of appetite, pure and simple, man thus shows his kinship to the brute. Second Scratch society beneath its veneer, and you will discover the brute element. That is the reason why we have saloons. The state says, "Men are killed, but we need taxes." And the state goes into partnership with the devil and runs them, -because the state is willing thus to come down to the level of the in dividual who is determined to make his bread out of his neighbor's blood. We have these tenement evils in our city be cause the landlords who own them do not care about those who live in them. They want dividends, and they will never tear those shanties down or improve them until the state takes the landlord by the throat and makes him do it They used to hang witches in the olden times because they threw over people a spell. But here is a dime novel that threw a spell over your boy and sent him to jail. Here Is your modern news pa- ! re-enacted the part ox jonans nsn. A Britih v. ar vessel was sailing in the rliterriiedin when a man fell over board. A huge shark instantly arose, and the nrlncky seaman disappeared within its mouth. The captain fired gun at it from the deck, and as tie shot struck npou it back it cast the man out aeain. and he was rescued by ms com panions. They forthwith harpooned the fish, dried him and presented him to his intended victim. Cincinnati Commer cial Gazette. mean and cowardly act. mey say that it was not intended as a thrust at the Alliance, but a thrust at the "Comorauts who were living off the organization, such as Marion But ler." This is rediculous. In the first place, if we had been looking for political capital we would have sat still in our office and allowed the Legislature to pass the bill repealing the charter. Thev were anxious to butt their brains out, and it would have been charitable to have let such wind partisans succeed. I5ut we owedadutv to the rank and file of the organization who are greatly ben efited by the Business Asrency. It was on their account we made the fight The spirit of man still groans beneath an awful burden of brutal inheritance. It is true of both the individual and society. THE KB IS A SAVAGE UXDEBXKATH. First Scratch a man today beneath his clothes, and you will find a savage. Yon need not go deeper than the cut of his coat, the mere outer makeup of the man. in our present civuizauon, after all, we depend apparently more upon mere clothes than upon the principles that should animate and eovern real life. I am alarmed whsn I think how much our civilization depends upon our tailors. I went out the other day to Carlisle, Pa.. and studied those Indians. It alarmed me they are so much like our own folks, cut off the same piece of material. Why, I saw in that school magnificent young men, who came there four years ago dressed as their ancestors were 400 years ago. I saw three young men who came to that institution in the primitive blanket of the savage dressed in magnif icent uniform, and they were hand somer, brainier looking men than doz ens of dudes I have seen on Fifth ave nue. Yet those men on Fifth avenue CorioMI A boat th Pop. Eighty cf the popes aro honored saiutA, SI as martyrs and 43 as confess ors. St. A gat ho was the only pope that lived to be a centenarian. Ho is also the onlv one after St Peter who may be honored with the title miracle worker. St Agatho died at the age o' 107, in the year 882, after having reignod 8 years 6 months and 15 days. Gregory IX died at the age of 9S years; Oeleetine HI and Gregory XII at the age of 92; John XXII at the age of 90; Clement XII at the age of 88, and Clement X and Pius IX at the age of 86. Catholics enumerate but 260 popes, while some Protestant authorities give the number as 298, which includes 24 anti popes. Of the whole number 26 were deposed, 19 were compelled to give np the tiara and leave Rome, 64 died violent deaths, 8 were poisoned, 1 was shut up in a cage, 1 was strangled, 1 smothered to death. 1 died bv havine nails driven per that throws its spell over the life of into his temples, and 1 was hanged, or, as tne account says, "oiea or a noose The Rocky Mountain News (Colo.) says: "In North Carolina the Democrat ic Legislature has passed a bill re- are the favored heirs of centuries of civ- vokmg the charter of the Farmers Alliance and ordering the prosecu tion of Alliance officials for belonsr- him who reads its daily tale of crime and murder and villainy until the children from your.home one by one are snatched from your heart and We and murdered, and they do not hang anybody for it NO MERCY IN TRADE. Today, in our society, scratch be neath the surface deep down some times, shallow sometimes and you will find there those elements of the brute that still survive. We have it illustrated in our commercial world. Men cut each other's throats in commerce without mercy. In martial war they show some mercy. They do not fire on hospitals or women. But in the world of com merce men wreck and kill and destroy and crush lives without mercy. It is the strongest man who wins. Years ago you had hundreds of shoe dealers. Where are they today? Great commercial establishments said, "We can hire men cheap to sell shoes, and we have space." So they strangled these shoe dialers to death, and they are now out of work. In our great dry goods stores these magnificent men of brute power open their grocery estab lishments, and your little corner grocery is perishing. It is the great power that around his neck." St Louis Republic They TVntd m CluMir, In the old days along the Missouri river when a steamboat was sighted peo ple took np the cry In the streets very much as they would at the breaking out of a fire. 'Steamboat P some one would yell. Then others vfrrold join in the shout until 10 minutes later half the populace would be on the levee waiting for tho boat to land. "Why were you so anxiotisr a young man asked an old timer recently. "I suppose you were looking for news from the east." "Newsr blurted the gray haired man, who was young back in the forties. "No, we didn't go after no news in them days. We plunged down the levee and over the rail recklessllke to be the first to git a change of whisky. That St. Joe licker we had got mighty tiresome between boats." Detroit Free Press. fContinueJ f .jh,. rr lie cro tMiWNl. 'H, Uutb..y, who h4 p.,.. "S J mKbt, and with a. f , tf tad- Her Ubtt. whH, f-Uooo and rther. J ''H for iuUc.of r: raet-letber halt thwr lenr-h v.- ... bUir-ock bet wm' t J brrn n rre.t, fcnJ . W Hour Men a hi but m , .. her. 11., Wl ttt hT. white Ircvk. and b uT.' whi n her hir ha.t V-ti and tvue cf her fnt u--.k He hovrawvl R,otnr, , ". up and ak.M it U . ' tkeo in thit.Witjp t ene which Usl t,iu ( h nodded aad nuU that w w'Vi iuv ucr nore wu down, asked if h r,., i ' be could not ; and manner Dare ing to secret political organizations. lne movement will result beneficial- y. The farmers of the State will now get together and retaliate.'' No they did not do exactly that. says, "1 have got the musole, the iLzabon and those children of the for- do not like it, then you can shut up your ests, of the plains, came down with their Lhnn n-nA annivtA r Primitive blankets wrapped around their will give yon $5 a week." In the world halfnakedformshutafewyearsago. One of commerce.and trade we have thus to- of those boys had a picture of an aunt and day the brutal developed higher than It a cousin far out in the Indian Territory- was 100 rears aeo. Advertise a barrafat HEAVY LICKS FROM PUT. A READER ASKS SOME HARD QUESTIONS AND WRITES SOME PUNGENT PARA. GRAPHS. (Special to Thk Caucasian) The Wilmington Messenger refers! ,he made the attempt, butbtre ... 1. V I . : . L : . .1 Inclination, naid udj,.R; 'Are you reallj goir.t c is your name ? "Boughton," bo had Thtlip Houghton." Ti en it waa that th ventional young womm m prtMn which ainuc.-,! bou.tt, until he fnuou out LV "Oad r cric-d she, ",,.. H replied, wuh a bnw, ; Phil auto rojoitvd in the ur ' ton, their identity niut k. J. uuj aanie uuio inquiring tur Why, I'm Judnh reaching nut both hand to k wy uriuio-rcin ypi over K.. I T...l;.v. !... .. ... . " f w uunu i p(;ri vjwusin I nil. T, a bit a you uncd to.' ZsoV aul Cou&in P!)iL deal, perhaps not uiitvimrvu some Hiutacho clipv.t t ion, acroAA hi fine uii r lin oral uuprewaivt'neta of ,p. tio had lacked when thpy W, & "ISO, no- not a bit," nudj. alittlo away from him, wh; , a iru noiy gnomon his Wi , hiui f run the crown of h:i hat .;hero were Anlon dfcya, but they were the n iue ruiej io me loca or bit boots. uv.t v: it i . . . "Why, in what way , Tou're you're well, dandy," replied candid JuJa can you wiggle your un e, Gadl it makes mine ache tciu This made twice that ihm somewhat extraordinary font aion. Besides, Philip did totuJ being called a eland v. 'You hare changed, too," bt yl Mo! s Judith. "Of l Howr "Well, for one thlcK," slowly, Myou er didn't iweu . saw you." It is impossible to imairlM ih 4 her placid reception of WiutcuJ: had upon him. 'Didn't If" she aaid, bwd:h; ing his hands. "I must biv young. Yea, I waa I rctwmt it now. You used to make me radishes, and cut turnip. iuv , me. un, yea, and you taurwi with a crooked pin." "You have become a fisher : now, I suppose," said HouKhHe.t tempt at wit, which, however,?, as unrufiled as ever. "Oh. dear, no," slio assured b fish for me! And mostly wither., I must admit I" she added, mt ''How tall and straight you an, I do believe I could walk under i Let's try." Philip held out his arm oWd but it was what they want&d to do, sl mnrnQi evtsi itvi n'u- i:xai i . w , . - . - . ""t a J" , ?, , 111 8tore and Bee hovr women fight each to the faithful as "ind go-blue" and poose was as handsome as my own child other to get to the counter. Evtrv W "sW.hW n.rr,.of,S A new administration has filled all the A STATEMENT, AMENDMENTS TO ELECTION LAW. A bill was introduced in the House on Feb. 24, by representative Parker of Perquimans, and iu the Senate by Senator Atwater to amend the elec tion law of Xorth Carolina. This oni simply amended those parts cf the law that were used as a cover for fraud in the late election. The Sen ate committee reported "unfavora ble" on the bill and it was on mo tion tabled by the Senate. The bill met the same fate in the House, ti v:n -i. -ii , j. nc um was not allowed to romp up for discussion, but was tabled to prevent discussion. We have a copy of the amendments before us. It is more Democratic than the present law, unless the word Democratic has degenerated with the party till it means dishonesty. This bill amend ed the sections under which the cheating of the last election or rath er count was done. TVe challenge any honest man to show that the amendments are not fair, iust and needed if you are to have a free bal lot and an honest count, The peo ple shall know why these amend ments were not passed. We will publish the bill next week and com ment on it by sections. Before we let up on this election business we propose to turn on some light that will make the corrupt scoundrels who did the stealing at the late elec tion, howl and hide their heads in shame, unless they are shameless. Mr. Cleveland made his address at the Inauguration before he took the oath of office; so it is not the address of a President but of a private citi zen; Mr. Cleveland. r or tne last two weeks we have daily gotten further behind with our correspondence. We were called to Raleigh to look after the interests of the Alliance when the Legislature was trying to repeal our charter. We were absent all the next week at Washington, D. C. When we re turned we found over one hundred letters unanswered. Many subscri bers whose names were sent m two weeks ago have just been entered on our books. We regret this delav but it could not be avoided, but we prom lse you it shall not occur in the fu ture. We have employed a steno grapher and additional clerical force so that we can now keep up with each day's work. Every letter will now be answered promptly, and every new subscriber will get a paper by return mail. We trust that those who have been sending us clubs will continue to work for the paper and send in many more clubs. Let every reader try to send us several new subscribers within the next ten days. Very truly. Mabiox Butler. A certain minister, not five hund red miles from Goldsboro, said in his pulpit last Sunday, that if he was as sure that his religious views were rig-ht as that the Democratic party was right that he would have no fears of the future. When he had delivered, bimself of this remark able utterance, we are informed, that many persons, and among them some members of the church, walked out This was a deserved rebuke. Every person in the church should have walked out Bland's eyes have been opened to the tariff issue fake. He now real izes the real, situation, for, &s Mr. Cleveland says, "silver is the over shadowing paramount question." The Populist smile as they cheerfully repeat, "We told you bo." Eocky Mountain News. A. 1 a . aome, ana as i looted in tnat Indian gain thrown on the counters of a world's mothers face I saw hues as delicate the commerce means broken hearts and Etamn Or lion A imasra n-ni-. do xlooi, r a T i , , . !.-it wSr aflA T w w i, 7-r?Yr:r . ?omeB WMrea Bome one toiled .v nwvuniuui a ui uicau uuu j uoo dccu iv ixi Liioustuius oi mowers mey are cowaras. xney strucK tne trrt X. aUXW oeurers oi me. Heart, and the sheriff came and sold Alliance in the back by passing some S'.ZSSSa g!3 U'-'""i " contemptible and cowardly amend- those babes behind their backs as they Scratch beneath the law. and you will ments. Honest, fair-minded men retreated before the awful fire of those find the brute there still. Take woman's bullets of civilized people. I tell you, rignts in any position. She is undeS dubt ' .n CIlan? 8 fallibility J will not endorse such action. offices the terms will apply very ap propriately io tnose who got left f HE &ome of the Democrats refer to the appointment of Judare Gresham as "a great mistake." Durinsr the . . . ' I" vvvi HI'S IV ' campaign tne ropullSt Who dared to over her teeth, and on tbstbw blinded against his coat ir. "I know ever so muck i better my arm than that," said Bum. ly possessed of a devil, heir drop to ber shoulders, beld he kissed her. . Bhe did not burst into tean,aTf riding whip, and give LimirJ across the hps, or rail at his i shrew he believed her to bt saw what waa about to nappes.? drew in her pretty lips to ibw uiy inHnus. inn mattfir nr t.hn mit. nf mm. ntinrf Ad ivht? Kuandm.. wuucuiucu uy lueau sneeis an . :;. . ... clothes how much of your boasted civ- muscle, because man has tha trmnrmUi- fool or knave. Ia it possible that the duct. Rhn fwt nuifllr 1mt:. his address by saying " my party." ulzai;iot' Te& resM tnereI u yn ako power, thejbrufe power for that Is what Sreat autocrat capable of blunder- "quarely in the eyes, and drswinf t , - - ,. - , j iaiIul iub Boap,iaonoi uiuKieis. xxear tnose rag judges talk ingr it so tne American reonl uri,ut5r uer Raunue JJoes ne mean the factions of the know where we would b. fVmtr.wt.tw thon n-ost. tmvi. itL M L,v.n 1 V it-l Er von hav miti.kpn toe nally. KCilCi- I rlinrr I ... -j . 1 . ...c. lican -Muffwumn nartv that he. ia von have cfc hi, h.W mA . u TVirZ:.,r:u T..". Bhe still looked qu.ctly at tt - 1 x j P - , uu .Uu80 w ,uo crautti venUBS OI UOQ g 1W. ..... ... I t.ltrxr hA tnWm mil nnllinff C 1 :n t ir I fRAft nnl nnt rr Yiim n :i .1 T 1 i. .1 ... "I I ha rpnnrt that fr fl J 11 I . "8 sum uuiiu up arounu nim.r inT. If SO the Amftripan rwnnla uldbe. Contrast that I those exeat old fellow th.. inn lcVir.,,1.1 t,o, .:u r il "Er you have mis present demoralized Democratic par- S!1 Bg0Ta? cedents In the past, in power stands ready to do hiAS. n!?r"ili fi, tv: or dnPH h mn ihe TWo-PK- ?, i"-"""'. .w UTUIX- Aa onga n snouid bind tHis gener- Ar " :."rr. vr 1 ine inoian with bis blanket, and after atkjn! .uarrison signed tne uniiorm car coupler bill. The slaughter and maiming of trainmen is to continue ding. uiu. yui, ou mm a aecenc suit oil i-ooK today into our penalties fixed. A AwivjwxniiaiJiir. vieveiana will billy-cock hat woumjb, ne is iar superior to tne "bum." man was burned to death in Texas lateiV. ""w most good Kepublican officials "Er-you have behaved hkef After all, our individual refinements Nichtmare of civiliaHnn ara oott TV. I to retain t.hpir nlonoa Via noniul arofto V a -m it - , . . .,. .. r . " X"r " """ wiw " "UCOBO 01 me Drute. eoui 01 civilization stands aehast at th Spread con stem af inn a o 1 I . 1 -a mmvu c jaiMC And yet class of Southern Democrats. Those " v. uro ui uie, suiu jl vivuizauon sxanos agn They are often the accentuations of our horrible scene, and words fail. for five years more, or longer, at the w 1-?? ro "f es a mob mng a man to death you should have behaved like f . . . . a . . wnoie course o; "is uie. As for Judith well, I really how to write concerning Jud1 mind. It may perhaps be m expressed by saying that, hatl selfish, personal tastes. We curse the while that is true, what is the differenoe CT "f'mi. x nose man who w nnm ini . 18 6 cmiei!eno0 who abandoned their cherished id ' w sv swuvva. nj vf ui. uivrris him 1 1 Mb i unLwi-vrii n iniiii rmmm r r mi. j a. 1 - V - MUiUUi8 a UUUX W Q.6A1LQ I fT rrAirAInMAii mm J 3 1 . I OVnitfiaanil l.aa t.. discretion of the Interstate Commerce this -rs .4 demn all thev had rWn-r" the ot her Jewish Commission. Two vfirS wm,M .Ja CTeat m.anv H;.! Z iSiT Z.,r? Crat would Bhnnlf1 ,a mZT. -n - the aandal. of twt - ivu&va usawvji j- ' r viinvn vca a oimcuirui ui. 1 aiwu 1 1 il i i i i iimuit nr 1-1 fA- & H i t 1 wu v m v uu wi niiuir: ifWMr'fli 1 cir Tnmsai ij v v a w m . , , - . 1 rv c. , . . : 1 . . uo gw n ueieuBor . , . v Avr4 mcu Huuiu irnve sfcurea dis im" anorued ample time for introducing r"D "' D8 certain line and po do it. And just when the man was interested exertions In the last feeling of satisfaction. uniform car couplings. ; " "ivui luo wunu, wm to snoot mm ixui it easy. un. yes. we are veloped in brutality along another line. 1 uvoLUJii 111 1 1 iai nrwi riT- 1 at . - a n.a,na a. 1 some polite hkathe. nr t it. v . -. . . ' v uj papers as tne " Wor d" that UBUCU . vuy We turn up our nose at the heathen. I thb tsxas trv Judith had now been fc 1 had a charm in snd roicuue if a poor farmer had appealed to the Legislature to compromise on taxes by letting him pay one turns up his nose at the rest of the world, about to shoot him with a rifle he said campaign, but if you scratch him Ktmoath Ma tr hi-m n u r " clothes you wdl most likely find him de- refined and dehcate and mlt!,rli t L- I n i. tbe man who married fct W vtAnrA ,,i; i - rr "winjiuueucate and cultured. I know I Dunne" the camnai cm tA inniv mftn tn iru. hr his heard it t i t , . . - v" uuiiug luc campaifiTl we were toldfoniyma I THBTtiASTEioiDT. pne stiver question waa not an issue ve. , this pretty ideal broken the charm, yes, polluted UUa Part . a " AiaAjuj a. nji ir.iiy a TT1 1 ni nr a -rrr ffrwn TA4n V I a 1 I in tha ri -m tn 1 "X'" il trr 1 111 I ... - . 4 fifth, do von Snnnnco tot w ia " ITT ' ' T I . .. me- to burn a man to I . ow me "worm mm vioienoe, her so loot & , j .uurn ouativBBm0Bin tne streets, death by electricity i nrtW is urginsr a SDecial rpss on nf vno-rpa she replied, almost hoiro a nr.. -. J 1J1: Tiil I 'Inn mnih f , rTf . . . I . UUU Ml V - v v , - have accommodated him? But there is a big difference between a poor farmer and a rich Railroad. , - a , ? T. wuikiutm uuiu mm to aeatn by ordinary fire. One SLMTSL 5 the is a little quicker; iiTSrS: . t . momucs Kuuan. una rtrps. Mvaowa ii - only lady there went ouand Ibout ttL taTwS i4Sr toSSSf she had hardly gone before three or four and I eot a lerS?' rT8-l "Had he done the same There is now only a shadow be- ereat bnrlv M rTr rS.i 5ot .eCTe. r?om Ionian in 1 J " " icb ui, nrifi I wiiic-n mnm mmi r-t 1- r , . I wvi. ... ...... nmn An1 tha turaMl aiiuw I dirPition and walked off ' in I hnvan lie had no one but hinielf,t all this, but that did not id v to repeal the silver law. What the meaning of "issue" as used something politics? tweenthetwoold parties. There is began to fog the air, and I had to hunt a to my cMdTbarn3 to ZSSSi ? thaJ men who hollowed the iZ SSij Jxt but one real political line todav. On w"EL?25 IthoT1ht the thing for Uml ' That for Cleveland and abused the young woman, u not caicui. one side is the money power and all totSnto.Sttot SS uPt V f my F are the SSi SlSST other monopolies, on the other is the hold them back, and Ais dK T U Snaf SwA'0' fcrambling the 23$ St oneT' r ' ofl? thev iio nnt Ar.7z, a . " 18 or, unadulterated liveliest for the nost offin.? Tt i0 cousin, who was one to kiwi rxr-r Irt I w -w vuia. w A.ML ou v uuia-r iiiun sm nrnrAi r att- I 11 . I't" rlr.M tviz.t t v . 1 "'"..uuaunuoBiea ueyu. i "iuuijas were is mj l me power that says ' a: ?T'." JK8WBflwi some tarda, wnenuodhassaid ."V-nooi .r ' I uiwuMiun uurmg i uxe to shoot birds. I was on my way We have no rteht to v v v 111 vou PIeae merely a political ,d? to Chesapeake bay to shoosoS is JlSJfc ing to aid a distine . i uirua cnic insert the follow niahed crentl past and will fail fa the future, and W , .went through the last campaign It is I nearly a coinoidomv x wiu revenue . ttt . I o-f miu JW, Luiuu ui Hnmr MTnA Mwla 1 whan IIaH 1 13 v ' was the tariff the last campaiei iu beautiful song birds. hfni n t . - . luvure, ana . . c .v muiuaiKu silver was used t smash the Eepub-the rh.T uuans in tne w est i quail the love sonr of th mw! tv- ummi "1", .1 reai I ." . " "V win nevertneless orvrjo. r , ... . - " -"J uii;u uuuorues tHe enfonva- miss a tnroi cm Tr,,o0;. c" Bome nuiade he call to ment of ,r i " I 6" ""'uu i z . a i - j vui " i um 1 HW I Last Saturday was a bad dav Knf In ar.r?M.the-meftlow. The first Every life is a battlAit t . NOTICE. it will be a colder day' than that for loved call of aqhlveS 0' I J??, minister Cleveland, the mno-wnmno anA a wood and field rinr as with H, ZZ TJ. 06 ftttaJ?ed oshand. secona-tana advice to the legislature Cleveland, the mugwumps and rold- fiel4 - with a chorusli: cannot " T' nce. to thi legislature , " - nnfi. riTiir with j . I . . . ... " v ivu oniT a icasuoa r nnna i r.r. i . . o wuuuenui song oi attain it bv tw trT,n.i--J4.v a.-' i - , "wuj wuo love-and yet I tike qua on toast. One element ."V" . . uaTe. anJ lavors to ask Bouehton was actually than be remembered to bsv Hi mustache haJ ttrhrA ber whether one turns one's lips ' teeth or nnt 1r;. i. . isl be quits with bim. J Judith's face wra AfiAedlffi made this last aunounwuicnt 1 TO BE CONTI.VT NEW ADVERTISES bugs on March 4th 1897. The Legislature of 1893 has :oiut "p"1"" " uat uas ii uone m the ' """ i iacx, we are de- thus conquer WT ovi j interest of the people! If some one SSSSiSSi wiK tell use, we will publish it- 71 gether, and the litUe child anallW lines along which the " --wnen all the world shall bow be- Cleveland annonno. . m? What volcanoes of rnr, I -ZLZT' a Yesa shall rule Qli I 1 , . .. . -..uuoum DueilKIM, WTiri ATT llhnll trrTrrr. .... 1 nublicans hnMJn,, t"roeneatn tailor cut clothes! What . W6UDnaa81 be allowed to serve their four years n?Ti a fine suit of clothes, but beneath tha outer garb there slumber wild passions SILVER CIIAMF1( ROCKY MOUNTAIN THE DAILY BY Jti Subscription price reduced5 out. It is more interest-bearing bonds ? asn and hate If yon dared to the money power wants, not a nlenti- wCT Jla nt f? a very f ul supply of good money. 1 of this body ere mairinnr th ty as man shall fa 1 tt?gen Auaress Patriotic Statesman, Feb. 3rd. - C The Democratic nartv ia art trnnA nanH rt A 11: . . . . a In . . Jonah's -msj. 12 i: , ttUi:tIIien inat it wants I vueyearlnaaTance' '' TJ. i. : . woreaKnptne Allian Yt- :i The News is the onlv const' - Kumeai Tana nnon a. I : - ... -"'c i. i B;iw iT, .i,. w l - j.hmtf Prernise of inherent rmpossfbffit. It mC 01 1M Members, In this eryhomein Ihe WcC One year (Dy mail). Six monies (by mail) Three months (by mail) One month (by mail) THE WEEKLY BY mi.:.. . xuiH nas iruiy Deen a winter of discontent its not over yet. Proiity Press For ttsed to be concluded beyond Question j 9?on we recall the case of the .tSl that there were no black 4an. tZ." " kind parent who alwava OQ;, a your subscnP-Si hrT J n.ZrT" "Ufc r18 very it fa imnossible to rnVJlT srnt hi. nWA "TiL Aaareaa THE nkh uaucu cuiu unaa and nvm mil i -r. . - . iwu i .f "iuo Bitrui?i 10 Knm appetite and power that say I will have d conscious blaci the little darlings from becoming what I like slumber in every aI I antipodes put an the in-1 sndf nrf . becoming let tnem slumber. , - 1 7 j 6"uua wunKers to rout. Hume argued I wnxigs-we, tne elect, the chosen nation I r:,rr premise must include all I ""-ua une oi tne leadincr a . -i... ri r, Proc in Uhina a woman an -i 1 iiuie cases. This he thono-it I speaKers in tho laat . I " fc , Z.Jl t - xjkalw fail inn w i.na - a " ia - i w il a mii v iviui a i a rm i ,-w Enamored Yuth ,tth. . - v-i i- i wu ---. r-v vauuu., uiAfflBnea, m jnbw -vi.. TW wwrx)- ia mie annona that. "a. rroat I v : -AArns j uuiugnergooa-oyforahalf-jKrar) our refinement-and cnl-rn. v" honor" should be conferred niw IS TjaiS B I0? Oh. darhncr. now .an n - Ai J I ture amono- tha a . I It Is harder to hflWa tT x. I. , w "icrrea upon inu l JAMJia J J DeetiVoiorrfZ .HaW appointment s the . Tarbor I - 1 V M-mLml IA(U 111 I with fire sarcasm"! Shall j -. , uown ana show von hoar man? . v w m-r imuo m. rs. .ii r. nvmA kam kII - - w on buiiiinvi nnn v m am -aa i waa utaivi iiitj iiii iiii r uviiiiu aav aw mhmhii j . . TJrnaw . . kauOTi wrefld . iwT -n -f I This is no humbug. Auircw .' T omS ence md development, ccrcS than that a ravenoulh- .T' 8ulddoubt- 1 come tn. k u uux Yerycui- j i,.--, , less be a ereat boom fA fh Kfnt v.r.t i vvaaw au iuu aain i i iimhhq r-w siai i a -a " un liium v n a a. i ti w . vuv avvuiav uu . 77. . IJ Tin CW" i young desires. Passion and amtTT I meager brain than a rfentdfniTi; I ought Uow Major Bobbins to muifuU term-to I oto clothes! Yes. Cut bythebesttailorl , toVB wallowBd and than dla- fcBch a saenfice for our rxple. ?.ro, centf' run VSIU"..tJL"Qf,f we gre not 1 Homestead, N. C.