CAUCASIAN. Vol-. XI. GOLDSBOEO, X. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1803. NO. 27. of up 1 h are f,r ins ier j )IT( )ITS CHAIR. j i OF THE EDITOR ON THE OF THE DAY. .iliilK'Utl.S KIV th:tt, trusts :v jirivut'r affairs." Now Wiliuintoii Star :md says tat i it is "largely u kwul What does it im aii? I ;r i a'lv to aji!';.'i(' f'i' 1 e IP' should do I ii IT. hi a p .-.-ti! litli;il it I ! ! i.r ii'l nin lo Wliat a change 1 iiiof rat.-s don't a it ii t a'i issue, one 1 l oin l ht." Al- h I he i.iri.! : !." ti. v y will I- ; Im'M'o' ,ti-i.jilion I, ill liad la-f-fd .-null ja jiiT.-; ;n the News !..T ami tin' Messenger !. tilling von was that cotton hal ;:j i net- th'.'V haw: not got a 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 -i ,,1, they now -ii their old crv of "over We suppose the . i . mail'' a big crop of rot ' liii.-tnias. Tin: politicians ii!i.-an newspapers know i'.ut it si ti ns that thi-y arc !o lie thi'ir souls into pro i to hide the trutli from the ani to save their party. WH CH FROM T'OTHER. Charlotte Observer ami other p ile !ieet.J have Iieen telling . ;i Il l's I'm- several weeks that ,;:i:i I'.utler" ami the other ;,.i:tv e;nl"i-s had kicked Otho - with t lie utmost con- t!i -!.. Ail 1 anions mock trial at his was just as they .1 nil along. Last Thurs i,. . si 1 i'::-it the "third party" n'tojuake a martyr of ii ;i and are appealing for i :ni: this too was just as i predicted. Of course both - iiii!.-;. he true; matters not fiieiing tl.ev niav appear. i n!,Iv safe course for people l.:io,v hut little themselves and i . . . . i. .i ...iitiii.. i i.eiv 10 ciiarire uiaLiiiue io ami "hjcc;s, is to predict on both is the Observer has done. QUESTION AND THE CAROLINIAN'S ANSWER. North Carolinian referring to i . l . i 1 1 .. 1 : i. in- i. 'iMMaiuie .vim mai ii was fivv-ne conservative. we 41 up n that paper to explain i; meant. We were afraid that .!!;'mteutionalIy reflecting on . rii-an ai.d unwise body. And that paper's answer and ex- e;-y wise man is "progressively ative" that is he desires to u a id without doing more in Iiau he does good." v let us see what this means. first place the Carolinian d to say that the Legislature i.-e," but feeling the untruth- of that, explains by saying !: -v did no more "injury" than ." That is the good and the balanced. If that is so as a "progressively conserva- ti'ui'-atitv. i' '. ;i Id have been better for M'' : i i Ins were th e case. Pity . i.e.- they did much that . fair and bad; they did ;'i'n,r that was good. We i. i r and have opened our . '1 invited anv member of . ; ;v r any citizen in the ii. o matter to tell our rcad : hat thev did. We are 'li-f i r the truth and all ler ! a, e hearing through "- 'r TARIFF REFORM J ;! -' (ciit interview at New. " ' William 11, Morrison i'tli much explieituess that form under existing circum- a ill not permit of tariff re . The horizontal plan that d some years ago, he says reliable and would be un ' this time, whatever it may 5t i '.'i', lh.iv nnr r.iri there be sin v i'-'i.'euon on anv iiues so ti ' vernment has to de customs revenues for ll t&'.'. i J nl irt iri1 .'ll'lllJUli 1113V JHCUlllO "f some sort will be re- 1 .i sugar. In other words, ;r'- under which the people '-' u irr ".in in? so lonp-and from r tliv 1 " inoorfl f ir nnrtw hua rf : W'i cntinin lilaflrr r r. - , .-0- - . .4 cji. in. ill nil 'r ill II "-III. f. not onivnave to Dei iiu indefinite period yet, hk'-lihood will have to he. nasmngton rose April c ue nave a perfectly honest lent of the tariff nositimi nf enioeratic party. 3Ir. Morri- father of the "Horizontal ill and the Post as - au iu- paper has no interest in willle the position of the f'Cratie iw Iu i. . -othing W1n be done to re- people from the burden of p that is crushing them to a destruction. retorm" wa3 put in the National Democratic platform for campaign purposes,. Jt was put thereto deceive the j-ople. The cry went outalout the "robber tariff law" to divest the thoughts of the jH-ople from the real danger that iijeiianced th"ir political and indus trial freedom. It was a blind. It his had its day. It has been put a-ide for future use. Who that kne.v anything of the situation doubts that Mr. Morrison is tellinsr the whole truth about it? "Tjir. J'KF.hK.ST TA HI VV WILL not DN'I.V II U KTO UK JSOKNK Fun AN IXDKI INITKTIMK, JILT IX AM. I.IKK-l-IJIo.)!. Wll.l. HAVi: To UK IX CilKAM l." I " the.-e crushing, damaging worus does I 'resident Cleavehuid a iii-ap-st friend give the lie to Demo cratic promises and pledgets. It was upon these ph-dges that thousands of honest people in this state voted for Mr. Cleveland in the last elect on. Th i: v havi: i:i:i:x im:ci:ivk d. REDEEM THE PLEDGES. ! in- Ix iiKM i aU .Al iih! In-'I riiv to (he I'i-o-1 I r Sillier llm 'iiH-iueiiCfH. Danville lUgister Den.. The Democrat ic party in nation al convention assembled made a platform and in the campaign made pledges to meet every demand of the tax burdened peiTpIp, and 0 rover Cleveland, and every speaker who canvassed for his election, said to the dissatisfied people: THi: DKMOCKATIC PLEDGES. "All the ills from which you suf fer are the results of the corrupt leg islation of the .Republican party, (iive us entire control of the govern ment, give us the Senate, the"lIouse and the executive department and we will undo the corrupt legislation of the Iffpublicans and all your de mands shall be met on the terms laid down in the Chicago platform." The people by their votes said: "Very well, what you promise is all right, Ave will give you a chance," and Grover Cleveland .went into of fice and the House and the Senate became safely Democratic. Hut the Demagogue who would ride into power on the diiscoutent of the people is not dead. He is alive, waitiug anxiously for his opportun ity and now if the Democratic party fails to redeem the pledges made to the people, it will be an easy matter for apparently earnest men, having oily tongues, to go among the peo ple in many States, especially Vir ginia, and rally a tremendous fol lowing, by simply raising the old cry that neither of the old parties are for the people, and that the trend of federal legislation under Demo cratic rule, as it was under Repub lican rule, is toward the reduction of the farmers and workiugmen to a state of peonage and so on. The populist demagogue is smart enough to take advantage of an op portunity if presented to him, and the only way to down him is to re deem the pledges made to the xeo ple." The Register would have done it self credit if it had stopped without writing the last two paragraphs above. It is true that the Demo crats promised to right every evil of which the people complain, and the people for once more took them at their word and decided to give them a chance. But is it true that the Democrats were not in earnest and did not intend to give the people re lief, but are now forced to do it, simply because the "demagogue" and People's parfy is not dead? That is the plain inference to be drawn on the concluding paragraphs of the above clipping. The Register says that if the "Democrats don't keep their pledges and give the people re lief, that it will be an easy matter for the demagogue to stir up the people by simply raising the old cry" &c. Now we would like to know if the man is a demagogue who tells the people the tiuthand calls their atttention to pledges and promises that have not been kept. Is he not a patriot and the friend of the peo pie and of good government? And again if a "demagogue" can stir up the people and get a "tremendous following" by simply "raising an old cry" then certainly there must be a world of truth in that "old cry." In the last paragraph the Register says that the only way to down the "Pop uhst demagogue" is to redeem the pledges and give the people relief. Then are we to understand that if the Democratic party gives the peo ple relief, that they do not do it out of love for the people or because it is right, but beeause they : are forced to do it to down the "demagogue' If thi3 is true then the people should thank the "demagosruV more than they do the party even if they should get relief. Further on in the same article the Register says: "The speedy action of the new ad ministration in redeeming these pieages win leave tne Third party people witnoui a grievance. That is true because the "Third party is fighting for the cause of the people, and when the people have no grieyance then the "Third party" will have no grievance. MACHINE NEWSPAPERS. A BIT OF HI5T0RY--AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEEDED. How the !'oli arc Iec-Ied jr the King Organ. (CorreiKn'l'iic; to The t'aneayan Kaleiuh, April The attempted consolidation of the News & Observer andthe State Chronicle nufrg-cstsa brief history of newspaper consolidation and Ring combinations at the State Capitol. Not to fro further, the consolidation of the News and Observer was there suit of a shameful political combina tion. Vance was (iovernor and was a candidate for the United States Senate against Senator Merrimon. The Raleigh News was State Printer and was Vance's organ. He dictated its policy and wrote many of its editorials ridiculing Merri mon as a Senator and denouncing him as a tool of Swepson. Hale & Sanders, two experienced newspaper men and politicians, started the Ob server as a Merrimon man paper. They were poor and had no means. Vance wrote and said that Swepson furnished the money, but people in Fayetteville and Wilmington know that he did not furnish the entire capital. A leading feature of the paper was its extensive correspond ency from every nook and corner of the State showing formidable oppo sition to Vance's candidacy. At this he became alarmed, and however clear it was to everybody else that these letters from "the dear people" were manufactured in the law offices of Merrimon, Fuller and Ashe, Vance would not believe it. So a deal was made. Vance repudiated his organ and the Observer got the public printing. 1 his was done too in the face of a proposition from the News to do the work 25 per cent cheaper than the old contract price. The Observer got the job at the old con tract price, swallowed the News at one gulp, and thus the consolidation was effected. It was iust worth a bonus of $5,000 to Hale & Saunders and cost the people several times that amount. The Chronicle was started bv Dan iels to work the Alliance. He de ceived Polk by his smooth talk and got what he went into to get the Mate printing. He was scored and lated by Democrats all over the State, who believed that he had formed co-partnership with Polk to destroy the Democratic party. He hobnobed with Polk on all occasions and went with him to Atlanta when he cap tured Hoke Smith, who was playing the same game with the Alliance in Georgia. Not very long ago did all this happen, so that when Smith was made Secretary of the Interior as soon as the telegraph flashed the news to Raleigh Daniels was on his way to Atlanta. Smith was wil ing but wanted some Democratic en- lorsement. To secure that was one of the hard things of his precarious career. Vance positively refused to endorse him, but importunity and promises finally caused him to yield, and Daniels is now the appointment clerk of the Interior Department. V ell, Daniels got his bonus out of the State printing. The News-Observer offered to take the printing at a greatly reduced -price, but it would not work. Believing that the next legislature would cut the price, Daniels sold the Chronicle to Tom Holt & Co. who formerly owned the News before its consolidation with the Observer. Holt wanted to be Governor and wanted an organ with exactly the start that Daniels had given the Chronicle. He paid a good round price for it $8,000. About $1,500 of this amount remains unpaid, and is not due for a year hence. The paper sunk money stead- llv up to the btate convention, when the failure to nominate Holt meant its certain collapse. With Holt de feated its mission was ended. - It was then that its editor Mr. Jernigan, put some of his own means in the concern and kept it afloat until its re cent suspension. It has not consolida ted with the Observer for the reason that consolidation is inhibited under the contract with Daniels. It must be sold and unless purchased by the Observers stockholders it will be suspended indefinitely or will be print ed,mdependently of the News-Observer. The News-Observer is supposed to represent the Bourbon element in the State and belongs to Jule Carr, Rufus Tucker and two or three other monied men. It will be apt to show its hand in the coming Senatorial contest m this State between Jarvis, Carr, Pruden and Ransom. It is the common talk here that this com bination will defeat Ransom, as the caucus nominee of the Democratic party. When the facts are known to the eople they will know how little re iance to place upon the Raleigh or gans. They make or destroy as suits the selnshness, bigotry, person al aggrandisement and political as pirations of their owners and ma nipulators. If somebody -with brains and courage would start an inde pendent newspaper here which would tell the truth and not suppress it, it would sweep the decks, and supply a long-felt want. Will tell you about my talk that I am going to have with Clevland in my next let ter. One op The People. "HONEST MEN" READ. Honest men who have good pur poses should sever all connection with the Third party and its deluded leaders. Ji fews & Observer. Well, well, it takes a lot of cheek for a paper that is the mouthpiece, apol ogist and defender of monopoly to presume to tell "honest men with good purposes" what to do. What, a paper that upholds and approves of the frauds, and stealing of the late count sometimes called an election, daring to tell plain, honest men' to go follow its crowd. Isn't it cheeky? And then the poor "deluded xead kes" deluded hy -whom? Where is the News & Observer at anyway? ft. WAITS VIEWS. (Continued from"fast isue.) TKA3 IMPORTATION. "On the question of transportation we radically differ from the Demo cratic party. The Democratic party being largely dominated by the pres idents of these great transportation companies, naturally evades and avoids the question until the last mo ment. We say that the only possible Holution is that the government should recognize that a railroad is a great public channel of intercourse, like a river or a dirt road, and should not allow it to be held under the con trol of private individuals. When we sprung this issue the country was not prepared for it. We have had to endeavor to educate the people up to it, but the capitalist are doing more to propagate that idea than we could possibly do. The United States Government to-day is running a ma jority of the railroads in Georgia, as well as some of the great corporations of the Northwest. And the capital ists, in getting Judge Ricks to decide that the government would put out i A 1 . . us strong arm and compel the engi neer to stand with his hand on the throttle whether he wanted to or not, mve made a step in our direction that may not be clearly realized now. but will be seen hereafter. If the government has any power on earth to say that the striker, the laborer, shall not vex or harass the railroad comprny or the community when he wants to enforce what he deems his rights, the logic of that decision i? plain. It is that if the government is to regulate the labor it will have to also regulate the employer. 1 akmg hold of the man who runs the car, you are compelled to take hold of the car itself. As far back as the address I made in Atlanta in August, 1891, I took the position that government ownership would abso- utely do away with all motives for strikes with their -consequent evils. and that was, therefore, the best rea son for such ownership." TRANSPORTATION VS. TARIFF. "Why do you consider this ques tion inseperable fiom your other principles of reform!" "To lealize the importance of the transportation question we have only to remember that the watered stocks of these transportation companies annually pull from the pockets of the people a greater sum of money than the entire tariif schedules of that monstrosity of class legislation, called the McKinley bill. In other words, Democratic statesmen take the hustings and very justly denounce the system which, in order to raise $200,000,000 to pay government ex penses operates as a favor to the manufacturer and a discrimination against the man who buys from him; but they say nothing whatever against a system which takes fully as much money from the same unpro tected people and nuts it into the pockets of syndicates, trusts, com bines and speculators as a dividend from property which does not exist, as an income from a value which was never earned by labor, or in any oth er way recognized by business prin ciples." WHERE HE WILL STAND. "How do you propose to act with reference to your future relation to these issues?" "It is plain, from what I have said, that there are three vital differences between our Populist platform and that of the Democratic party differ ences as to finance,- taxation and transportation. So far as I am con cerned, I propose to stand by the party, no matter how long it may be in the minority, which honestly de clares its purpose to settle any one of these three questions in the man ner which we all agree is right. The ture of the country depends upon the proper settlement of each one of these questions. There can be no healthy business system without sound nnan ces. There can be no system of iust taxation, so long as we tax the back, the stomach and necessary working tools of the poorer classes of people and leave the great fortunes of the country paying no taxes or tribute to the government which produced and protects them. Nor can there be any safety to our future, as long as corporatins are allowed to con trol this government for their pri interest. As General Toombs said in his last days, when he had ho mo tive except to speak his disappointed sentiments, 'The railroads will either own this government, or the govern ment must own the railroads.' There fore, I am bound to say, that if every- plank in the Democratic platform were enacted into law, I would still think it necessary to the safety of our government and the perpetuation of civil liberty that these three pria ciples should be continually agitated and pressed through to a righteous settlement." "Then you still adhere to the Peo ple's party as an . organized necessi- tyr' . ... . "My fortunes are cast witn the party and I am just as firmly attach ed to its principles as I was when I left the Democratic party because I had become firmly convinced that the Democratic party would never again recognize the principles on which Jefferson ani Jackson found ed it." PURE DEMOCRACY. "AirffVhat were those essential principles, as you viewed them?" "As The Constitution has pointed out, Mr. Jefferson' himself favored an income tax, the free coinage of silver, bitterly opposed the farming out by the government of the power to make money and - control its vol ume, and strongly- opposed the spe cial fostering: of special interests. Jaekson was as famous for his fight against National Banks as for his fight against Wellington's veterans at New Orleans. He gained as great a victory over the one as he did over the other. Yet, strange to say, the Democratic party goes out and jubi lates over those men, while tramping under foot the principles which car ried them to the highest gifts that the "people could bestow!" "You hold, then, that your line is that of true Democracy!'! "as i saia on tne stump and in the House of Representatives, a bet , ter Democrat than I does not breathe, but I mm for Democracy as the fath er taught it as Jefferson and Jack son taught it which is that verr man should have his share of the country's prospeiity and protection ana mat no man or set of men should be allowed to monopolize either the money or the privileges of the peo ple." LOOKING FOB A BREAK. "Do you expect any serious divi sion between the Democratic leaders on the currency issue!" "I think Mr. Cleveland is going to precipitate a conflict between his views and those of the Southern and Western Democrats on that subject. He is in favor of a bonded debt. Na tional banks, gold standard and all that Wall street schedule of finance, but the Southern and Western Sena tors and Representatives have come directly from and are, in the main, in touch with their people. They dare not go batk on their pledges, when it will be a question with them of obeying Cleveland or the people. The presumption is that they will exercLie their judgments rather than subordinate their views by catering to those of Mr. Cleveland. Such meu as Bland and those of his class, will be compelled to fight Mr. Cleveland as strongly as we have fought him." IF FREE COINAGE SHOULD COME. "Suppose the Democrats should enact free coinage of silver, what then!" "If free coinage is adopted , we ought not have any jealousy as to who does it. The right thing ought to be done by whoever has the power. If free coinage should come and the National banks have their monopo listic privileges taken away, and the volume of the currency is made to meet the demands of the country, that question would be taken out of the range of party politics to a very large extent, if not entirely." A SATISFACTORY TARIFF REFORM. "What is the extent of tariff reform that would be acceptible to you and to your friends, should the Democrat ic party endeavor to meet their de mands in good reason?" "While I am a free trader and ex pect to adhere to that view, yet I think if we had an income tax which really taxes, and put a reasonably large assessment on large incomes and grew with the income, and the tariff should be so adjusted that the duties fell largely on articles of lux ury and left the necessaries of life on the free list, the great bulk of the people would be satisfied with such a system. Yet I do not believe the whole people will ever be satisfied un til articles of necessity are untaxed for, until this is done, the taxes will touch a large number of people, and they will protest against them, and ought to protest." THE RAILROAD QUESTION. Mr. Watson dwelt with earnestness upon the tremendous powers held by the railroad corporations, and ill us trated their exactions and oppies sions with many aptly put instances. I think," he said, "that, to a very great extent, the Southern and West ern members of Congress are in favor of stringent control of the railroads. The difficulty is in getting a law that will control. Every time a law is proposed that promises it even in the Georgia Legislature it is defeat ed. The Georgia Legislature, I re peat, has been unable to enact such a law, though it has made repeated attempts to do so. As to. Congress, I have no idea that either of the old parties will deal with that question from the standpoint of what is best for the whole people, because the councils of the parties are largely dominated by men who are conti oil ed by those corporations. Suppose a satisfactory bill should pass the House, how is it to get through the Senate! Each party in the Senate is controlled by men who as closely watch the interests of these corpora tions as an attorney ever watched the interests of his client. The elec tion of Senators by the people would be only initial step toward any practi cal legislation along that line. Re organize the Senate and make it a popular body, rather than a club of millionaires, or Senators on the pick et line to watch the interests of some enormous corporation,and the reform of this railroad evil is but a question of time. I think the rank and file of the Democratic party, at least South and West, are in favor of such re form." CLEAVAGE AND CO-OPERATION. "If the cleavage in the Democratic party that you anticipate should oc cur, what are tne probabilities of a co-operation between the anti-Cleve land element and the Fopuhsts! " if a cleavage should come on those questions as indicated between the Southern and Western Democrats on the one hand and the Eastern Democrats led by Cleveland on the other hand, I think the probability of harmony between the People's par ty men and the Southern and West ern Democrats would be very great. My intercouse in Congress with men like Dockery and Bland, of Missouri, Bryan, of Nebraska, Bailey, of Texas, McLaurin. of South Carolina, Lewis, Mississippi, and various others . who are loyal followers of the Demcratie party, assure me that those men re ally agree with us in everything ex cept tne sub-treasury and govern ment ownship of the railroads. have heard a great many Southern and Western Democrats say they were astonished to see how little dif ference there was between a North ern and Eastern Demoe&rt and an orthordox Republican. I think it will be only a question of time when the great majority of Southern and Western Democrats will see that the Populists are substantially right. and as against these Northern and Eastern gold-bugs they will find way in which we and they can act together. It is most unfortunate that as yet we have not been able to get together, for the only combination that will enable the South to act as she should on these great' questions is a union of the great masses of the oouth and W est upon common purposes and solid action. On most questions the views of the Western man are identical with ours. They think as we do, talk as we do, fee. as we do and their pocketbook inter ests are the same as our own. "Northern and Eastern Democrats do not talk as we do, and their inter ests are diametrically opposed to our interests. It U utterly tsnpoib!e for the two wings of th Democratic party to unite on tb"s limof legis lation of which 1 have posn When Southern and Western Demo crat will fight for these reform, the Northern and Kastern Democrats will fight agairnd them. Every Southern Democrat will tell you so. The great question, then, is will the Southern arid Western Democrats allow themselves to be dominated by the minority element in their paity", who have no sympathy with their opinions and no regard for their in terest! I do not think they wi'.J, and, when Mr. Cleveland forces the ifttme, he will grt the worot of it. I think he will draw oft into his. party all those men up there in the North and East, while the libetal and truly Democratic elements in the South i and West will gravitate together with the Populists." j THERE MUST HE A PARTY OF THE PEOPLE. "What is your view of the future! of the parties in this country!" "I consider the Republican party is done for, and its element must seek new affiliations. By the ap pointment of Greshani to the Cabinet, j Mr-Cleveland has opened the dr to the least radical of them to come to his view of politics. But there must be a party between where the Democratic party now stands and the mass of the people. The Demo cratic party has come so near to the vested inteiestn of the country as to win their support, and by so far as they have done this they have ousted the Republican party from standing ground and vacated its own ancient vantage place as the people's party. So it is that the old line Republicans must either act with the Democratic party or close up their shop. Yet, there must always be two great par ties in a country like this, one rep resenting in the main the vested in terests, corporations, etc., and the other representing the great body of the people. The poor, the misera ble, the debtor class, the unprotected people will always bo large enough to demand one. The Democrats, as now controlled, represent the vested interests, and a new party is neces sary to represent the people the debtor class, the dissatisfied, the re formers. That is the ground the Populist occupy, and they are just as sure to receive accessions as we exist; and this great popular wing of the Democratic party, represented in the South and West by such men as those I have mentioned, will gravitate toward us, or come to some ground on which we can mutually act. just as sure as they remain true to their present conviction of co-operation and harmony in the people's interest." WATSON'S PERSONAL PROGRAMME. "How do you feel personally with regard to your past experience and present position!" 'I would like to say, personally. that I came home with no bitterness toward anybody. I have nothing ahead of me but an earnest desire to advocate the views I think to be cor rect with moderation and in that spirit which concedes to my antago nist, a conviction just as honest as that which I hold for myself. I de plore the mixturmg of personal bit terness or private rancor in the dis cussion of these very important questions. So far as I am concerned there shall be none- While ljregret the tone that the press and some of the Democratic leaders have adopted toward me, I have no disposition to retaliate, and I trust the time will come when we can debate these issues without the intrusion of any such disagreeable elements. I need rest and time to give attention to my own personal affairs, which for two years have been neglected. NO SPEECHES UNTIL SUMMER. "I will make no speeches at all until summer. I will give attention to my paper, which now has eleven thousand subscribers, and is growing in circulation daily, and when July comes l will go out to canvass every section of the State, asking simply a rair neanng on the merits of the questions at stake and that courte ous treatment to which I think I am entitled and -which I have alwavs given to my opponents. But as to lea vmg the People's party, no sueh thought ever entered my mind. mi , - xnese principles are Jhe same as when 1 embraced them and the peo ple are the same. And the rank and file of the People's party have been so splendidly faithful to me and stood oy me wirn suen loyalty in every crisis that 1 would be lost to all sense of shame or honor if I deserted them or. their cause. I would rather have, just as I now have, the confidence and esteem of the plain, common people of Georgia, those who first gave me position, who first bestowed honors upon me, than without this esteem and confidence, have the highest office which any party on earth could give me. I am willing patiently to abide the time when our principles will do that which I am confident is in store for them win the support of the overwhelming ma jority of the people of this country ALLIAXCK SPEAKING. Bro. J. T. B. Hoover will address the brethren at the following places on the days named' in behalf of the Business Agency of the State AHi ance : . CHATHAM COUNTY. Harper's X Roads, Egypt, Pittsboro, Moncure, Bells, Belle voir, Cheek's Shop, Siler City, : April 28 " 29 May . Speaking at 10 o'clock a. m. No appointment for Harnett has been received from the County Secretary.- Sample of Shoes, clothes, etc. will be shown, and the benefits to be deriv ed by the purchase of supplies, es pecially guanos, through the agency will be fully explained.' Only four appointments in each county. Let those near the places of srfeaking at tend. Speaking at 10 o'clock a. m. pther appointments will follow . Fraternally W. H. Worth, S. B. A 3lav Ulk ftboat oman'i riicrt At tboujrh it ht a limtt. Tl wr not a plmcm to rtnb or Kcrn. Tbrw'i m tk to imanktn4 fit, Tber's not t-knjr or a woe. There's not Lint ye or n Tber' ikI a hfe. a oeaUt or hlrlk. That hat a frailer weight of worth. Without a vomtn to It." MOMlCAL MtTt. Mta twfal liU la Krvatl-A rrrtly U riirr. Don't han up, or wrap tip, or tuck away nhings." (live the gown ou think of discarding, a god in epoctiou. If it is really worn out you are really ready to gtve it up en tirely, and if is of uiakrial and kind to be of service to pome one else, have it put in order and give it away. It is hard enough for poor folks to keep tidy, without flopping to sew up reuU, and put buttons on gowns given to them, and it i a poor retki lion on your own tidiucss to give a Own that is out of tk-ams, etc. If the dress is in good condi tion so far as ttyk and material goes, consider the advisability tf having it cleansed or dyed jast a it is. If out of style, but of good matt-rial, rip it nd hove it cleaned When it comes hack wrap the stuff HOUSE WRAPPER. up and label clearly, the number of yards, the color, the material, the condition. Then never- buy or plan a new dress without consulting the trunk or closet where dyed and cleansed things are. Soft, all sill goods cleanses till it falls to pieces. So, if you will consider the wear you get out of the material, you will" be more economical to buy fine silk than common oualitv. Li?ht col ors clean better than dark. All wool goods may be renovated to the last thread. Good silk will dve almost ike new. Silk crepe both cleanses and dyes not the mourning goods, but chiffon crepes, crepe de chine, etc. Accordion pleatinir leaves creases n silk, but not in crepe. Lace will cleanse, but it is always a little stiff or a while after. Silk ribbon mar be cleansed and dyed. The really wise woman seldom buys "black, for that is what all her goods come to m the long run. Thus a woman should always have a black costume that is the prettiest in the world. How would you like a wrapper of pale blue flannel, trimmed with yel- ow lace and pale blue ribbons, and made upas indicated by the illustra tion? In this model "wrapper the back has but one seam in the centre. It is very bias below the waist as the skirt has but few pleats. The fronts are very full and fasten with a full rucningof flannel, sewed to the skirt on both sides. The arrangement of lace is alike back and front, and there is a bow of ribbon behind similar to that in front, but with shorter ends and loops. The sleeves are quite full and have ruch- mg like that on the skirt, around the elbow. The outer seam is left open about one and half inches. Estelle. Kegnald de Koteo'a nrw walls, which dm hears played on so mauy piauo3 now adays, has proved so popular with voung women that a second edition of the April Ladies' Home Journal, containing the music, has been found necessary, the first edition of the magazine consisting of 700,000 cop ies. Following Mr. HowelU lead apparently. both Frank R Stockton and Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett have gone over to The Ladies' Home Journal, and the most important works bv these authors by which tnev are now engaged, will shortly see publication in tnis magazmo. Ignorance a a Fad. One curious point about our younz people of the upper circle nowadays is their intense pride of ignorance. To know anything or to have read anything is, with them, to be a fooL lne boys who fail to get into the army are not laughed at as asses, but are condoled with as victims to a hideous system. The idea of sitting through a serious play is scout ted with ignominy, and even to know the current news of the day, to have read Mr. Gladstone's speech", or to have an opinion on the Uganda question, ("Where on earth is Uganda?" would be the chorus) is to render yourself suspect A wretched youth at a conn try honse full of voung people incau tiously gave an opinion on bimetal ism. Dire was his panishment. For the rest of his visit he was treated as one afflicted with leprosy. Bnr, after all, the affectation of ignorance may cure itself, it is the general employment of indelicacy and the casting aside of maiden modesty in the pursuit of young men which makes one almost despair of onr girls. London Times. 6s - WAST JL TEACHEK. - The people at Boomer, Wilkes Co., want a School Teacher. Address, . Johx S. FtrKGKBSOX, - ' ' Boomer, N, C ron iron IHAUhl' 1 IV KJliV BY THE VARIOUS AUiANCCS WHM R. FCREXCE TO THE ALUsKCF. CHJLITf R Aad 4Mb Matter fcj Ik lfUI. twre. Utthrfie4 Cvwatjr. Lotus Store, X.C.. April 1 4th. lKiJ Mr, Marion IUtlku. ltxu Sir am H;toTMicK:--l,h4 find in i'ImmhI resolutions adopted by V It id go Alliance whir It you Ulp!a publish. At a rrgulr nwtiojr f IVa RUlf Alliance No. 012 brld on April th Mh, 1MJ3. the following rr!utto& wcrv unanimouly adopted; Resolved, That we condemn in the inoitt d 'iiltxl maimer tho action of the Lgilaturo of North Carolina in putting its unholy hands on our l$uinf Agrney Fund. 2nd, That a copy vt this rt dution W sent to the Prgrriv Farmer and Caitamax for publication. U, R. Far.KMAK, Pre'. ' W. O. Baker, Soe'y. Hertford Canty. Kt-solutions adopted by Hertford imty Alliance iu county nice ting April 13th. lSIW: Whekkax, au attempt a made by the last Legi-dnttiro of N. C'.t to diorganie tht organization known as the Farmer' Alliance bv repeal ing the charter in tho 1(oum Am! Hnitlly by amendments of both liouwa to break up the Uusine Apcnry through which tHmr our rduf finan cially. Therefore Rksolvei, That Hartford county Alliance condemn such legislation as undemocratic, unrepublican, vi eiou and cowardly. '2nd, That we will hold the mem bers so voting responsible and w ill not forget them in the future. '.ird. That if any of the fund of said Rusinetitt Agency by any mem ber of our vounty be withdrawn we pledge ourrtelves to replace the same. K. T. Snipes, l Jt' i.ian Ukowx, Com. on Ren. Jas.T. Griffith, ) TIIK101.U)W.0 ItKHtlM'TIOXM WKKK ADOITKI) 11V WAYNKCOl'MTY AIXL AM'K. Whereas, Wayne county Alliance has seen with regret tho action of the last Legislature iu its attempt to single out from among the eopora tions and organizations of the state the Farmers Alliance to seek'to de stroy its usefulness. Therefore bo it Resolved, That wo condemn in no uncertain terms the action of said body in thus seeking to destroy our beloved order. 2nd. That we regard the action of that body in refusing to pass tho amendments to the charter offned bp the officer! of the order to cover any complaint or excuse for com plaint that might bo ranted against the order, and in passing the amend ments that wero parsed as showing even a deeper scheme of tieeking to destroy tho usefulness of our beloved order. Resolved 3rd, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon tho minutes of Wayne county Alliance and that a copy of the same be sent for publication in the county papers and Progressive Farmer, with tho request that all papers in the Stato friendly to our order copy K. T. Crawford, ) J. II. Caldwell, Com. T. 15. Parker. ) A true copy verbatum. J. A. Stevens, Co., Sec'y. KESOU TIONS or W HITE OAK ALU' ANCK NO. 33.1. Sampson County", N. C Mr. Edi tor. Dear Sir and Brother, Seeing several articles in The Cau casian and Piogressive Farmer ex- f laining to us the action of the last legislature in attemptiug to repeal the charter of the State Alliance and distroy the Agency fund, and be lieving that it was uncalled for; comtemptible, cowardly and inex cusable, therefore be it Resolved, 1st. That we do solemnly enter our protest against such Legis lation and brand tho members of the house that voted to repeal the charter as unfair and unjust. 2nd That we pronounce the Senate as more unjust than the House for amending the charter as they did, believing as we do that they bad the same power and right to amend in the same way all Railroai charters and failed to do so Jrd W e further charge: tbeoi with unfairness in that they claimed to be very much interested as to the safety of the Agency fund, and at the same time wosting the peoples money of the State iu appropriating large am mounts to several uncharitable pur poses. 4th e have an ever abiding con fidence in all true Allianeemeo, we do not believe that any but our ene mies will draw from the agency fund their contributions, but if a member in good standing of White Oak Alli ance does draw out his mite, we brand him as unttue and ask per mission to replace the same. 5th That we will stand by the prin ciples of our noble order and farther its usefulness in benefiting the labor er when in our power to do so for we see now very clearly that the money power and our law makers arc m oined against us, and that failure on the part of the eommittea appointed to investigate an report on the num ber of employees and salaries of offi cers to the last legislature is an eye opener. ' Adopted by tne w nite uas union Alliance composed of the following sab-Alliances: White Oak, Salem, Ryes Bridge, Anders Chapel, Honey eutt, Eureka, Oak Ridge. F. M. White, F. L. Owen, R. C. Fann', H. J. Cooper, J. H, Fisher, W. R. Owen. Jordan Sessoms, 8. A. Howard, committee.' A. T, Herrixq Pres. E. L. Crumples, Sec'y of Union. 6th That The Caucasian and Progressive Farmer are hereby re-, quested to publish the same. IC. 'I K. L. csumplxb, E. D. Ukdkbwood, Com. T.LOwis.. This April 8th 1853, r- - I 4